Download pdf - Parish News May 2011

Page 1: Parish News May 2011

St. Oswald’s


Parish News May 2011


St. John’s


Page 2: Parish News May 2011


Rector :

Canon Ian Davenport

The Rectory, Church Street

Malpas. SY14 8PP

Telephone: 01948 860 922

Email: [email protected]

Reader Emeritus:

Brian Kimmitt 01948 860 309

Church Wardens:

Nick Toosey 01948 860 578

Bill Witter 01948 770 277


Bob Carter 01948 861 017

PCC Secretary:

Peter J E Howell 01948 770 303

PCC Treasurer:

Margaret Bennion 01948 861 109

Tower Captain:

Stan Lloyd 01948 860 637

Gift Aid Secretary:

Brian Fletcher 01948 861 152

Mothers Union:

Pauline Plumb 01948 861 345

Flower Rota:

Noreen Hodkinson 01948 860 371

Friends of St. Oswald’s:

David Brooks 01948 860 287

Church Watch:

Elma Ebben 01948 820 656

Director Of Music

Stuart Smith c/o 01948 860 922

Assistant Organist:

John Latham 01948 860 544

Gill Edwards 01948 770 694

Jill Lewis 01948 770 240


Sheila Whyte 01948 820 113

Malpas Joint Burial Committee

Who to contact at St. Oswald’s

Who to contact at St. John’s

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From The Rector As I write this, the nation and wider world community are looking towards the

wedding of HRH Prince William and Kate Middleton. My prayer as they make

final preparations for the day is that they will simply focus on the love and happi-

ness they share and as they make their vows and celebrate the love they have for

each other, they will be strengthened for the future that lies ahead of them. May

God bless them both very richly.

May is the month of the Malpas Festival (Malfest) and I know that a lot of

hard work has gone into making that happen. There is something for everyone

from concerts in Church to Street Theatre and to Pub nights with live music.

There is drama and poetry and exhibitions. This is one opportunity to celebrate in

our community and celebrate we should.

I will often speak of community during my time with you and in so doing

remind myself and all of us that community is about belonging and sharing and

caring and celebrating diversity and about everyone's contribution and valuing

that. It is about a desire to learn from each other as well. It is about being open to

new ideas. Above all it is about respect and showing that to each other that none

feel hurt by another and pushed to the margins of our community. Successful

community sees the need for new beginnings and a discarding of old wounds and

hurts and a moving on.

Community as we all know is far, far wider than our village and surround-

ing area, it means, does it not, that we are members of a global village and we

are all in some measure dependant on each other. We can opt out of the responsi-

bilities that carries of course, but if we do, then others may suffer as a result and I

believe we lose out as well. At the heart of the Christian message is the belief

that all matter and are special and that God loves each of us as equals in His

sight. May that translate in all our striving after community here and throughout

our global village.

With all good wishes,

Your friend and Rector


Visit us at:

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Services at St. Oswald’s Malpas and St. John’s Threapwood

Morning Prayer is said at 8.30am Monday to Thursday

Holy Communion is celebrated at 10am every Wednesday

Sunday 1st May

8am Holy Communion

9.30am Holy Communion at St John's

11am Parish Communion

6.30pm Evening Prayer (said)

Sunday 8th May

8am Holy Communion

11am Mattins

6.30pm Choral Evensong -

Sung by a section of The Abbey Gate College Choir.

Preacher Canon Tony Boyd. Former Rural Dean of Malpas.

Sunday 15th May

8am Holy Communion

9.30am Holy Communion at St. John's

11am Parish Communion and Baptism

6.30pm Evening Prayer (said)

Sunday 22nd May Malpas Festival Weekend.

8am Holy Communion

11am Festival Ecumenical Service of Celebration.

6.30pm Evening Prayer (said).

Sunday 29th May Rogation Sunday

8am Holy Communion

11am Parish Communion with Baptism

6.30pm Evensong.

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From the Registers

Baptism Welcome into the Lord’s Family

17th March Oliver James Coomber

Marriage Joined in Holy Matrimony

16th March Andrew Robert Joyce and Abigail Chipo Chisangowerota

St. Oswald’s Brass Cleaning Rota

May / June Charlotte and Sally Ridgway

Ann Welby 01948 861 475

Diary of Events at St. Oswald's Malpas and

St. John’s Threapwood for the first half of 2011

02.06.11 Ascension Day

12.06.11 Whit Sunday

19.06.11 Trinity Sunday

Church Bell Ringers

To reserve your place on the next training session for bell ringers

please contact the Tower Captain, Stan Lloyd

01948 860 637

Bereavement Monica Metcalfe

Died 24th April 2011 aged 69 at home with daughters Louise and Sarah and

sister Pauline. Beloved wife of the late Selwyn Metcalfe.

A much loved Grandma to Wes and Oliver.

Sarah Noyce 07785978327

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We invite you to meet and worship with us on Sunday mornings at 10.45am.

On most Sundays, the Junior Church members leave part way through the

service for their own time together. Tea/coffee is served after the service.

At the end of the Malpas Festival on Sunday 22nd May, we will be joining

with St Oswald’s for a morning service all together at St Oswald’s Church.

Coffee Stop!

Come for a drink and a chat on the first Thursday of the month

from 10am – 11.30am

The Rev’d Ian Ralph Matheson Latto

It was very special to have so many people join with us for a service

of thanksgiving for the life of Rev. Ian Latto.

Ian was well known in Malpas having lived here since 1979 and joined in,

not only Church life, but also village life to the full, despite his advancing

years. He lived out his Christian faith and was an inspiration to us all.

For details of services and other events, please see the church notice board.

If you wish to contact a minister, please phone:

Rev. Nick Cutts 01829 782242

►► Cheeky Monkeys ◄◄

Toddler Group High Street Church, Malpas

0 – 4 years Come for a drink and chat while the little ones play

Large play area, craft fun, a snack & sing-a-long time all together

Weekly on Wednesdays during term time 9.30 – 11.00am. Cost £1

Visit us at:

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The purpose of the Julian Meeting is to spend half an hour in contemplative

prayer with a group of other people wishing to listen for God; opening them-

selves to God; waiting silently upon God.

The format for each meeting is a brief introduction followed by 30 minutes of

silence; the silence being introduced and ended by a piece of music. A short

period of intercessory prayer concludes the meeting.

Contemplative prayer has been a part of Christianity from the beginning.

Jesus spent whole nights alone in prayer. The Desert Fathers and our own

Celtic hermits sought places to be alone with God. But for some centuries

the Christian churches neglected this most basic form of prayer; it became

usual only in monastic communities.

In the 1960’s and 1970’s, with the great interest in eastern forms of mysticism

and meditation, many people realised that the Church had not taught people

about its own tradition of contemplative prayer. Today there are over 400 Jul-

ian Meetings in the UK and a growing number worldwide.

The movement was named after Mother Julian of Norwich, a 14th century

mystic who believed that the highest form of prayer consisted in simply wait-

ing on God.


The contemplative prayer group meets at the Rectory

at 7.30pm on the first Tuesday of the month.

Meetings start on the 3rd May. All welcome.

For further details, contact Brian Fletcher on 861152

Visit us at:

THE BEECHES PRE-SCHOOL Edge Village Hall, Edge, Malpas, Nr Malpas

We are a community-based, OFSTED registered, pre-school providing care

and education for children aged 2 – 5 years in a safe and secure

environment in a rural location.

Open 5 days 9.00 – 1.00 (3.00 0n Wednesday & Thursday).

For further information please contact Sue Anderson on 07960 748473

Or feel free to call in for a visit any time.

Inspect our “Good” OFSTED report at

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From Charles Higgie (amended by Janet, Ian’s daughter)

I was very sad to hear about the passing of The Rev’d Ian Ralph Matheson

Latto, who died peacefully aged 98 in Hinckley Hospital on March 16.

Ian, as a young minister was a missionary in China. He then had various pas-

torates in England. We arrived in Malpas in the early 1960s. Ian took part-

time oversight in 1979 of the Malpas United Reformed Church (URC) which

had been the Congregational Chapel. Ian and Joyce lived in the Manse by the

Chapel. My mother was the resident doctor next door at Prospect House. The

church merged with the Methodists to become the High Street Church in the

mid 1980s and a decade later the old chapel had to be knocked down and the

new church built, opening in 1995. In 1989, Ian retired and moved to his own

house; the Manse was bought and extended by Peter Howell, who owns the

Prospect House Nursing Home. He still preached occasionally into his 90s! I

don’t go to Church very often, but last time I attended a service at the High

Street Church a few months ago, Ian was there in the congregation. Ian was

involved in all sorts of community activities, including the Wednesday After-

noon Fellowship and he was a leading light of the local Scottish Society. He

kept himself fit. He was a member of Malpas Badminton Club. I am told how

one day Ian decided to go out for a walk and he kept walking a bit further and

eventually ended up in Chester and he took the bus home! Charles

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Deborah Wilkinson &



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We re-open after Easter on Wed 4th May.

Future events for Wednesdays:

15th June Music Jam Session

22nd June Quiz the Rector, Ian Davenport

Management Committee Meeting on Tuesday 17th May at 7.30pm

Fridays are becoming very popular and we need plenty of volunteers to help. May we remind parents of those attending that they should volun-

teer for at least one session per term.

Mondays (Year 6-11) 3.30-5.30pm Wednesdays (Year 8-11) 7.00-9.00pm Fridays (Year 4-7) 6.00-8.00pm

If you would like to talk to someone, contact Penny Davies

on 07759 553259.

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MALPAS FLOWER CLUB Musical flower demonstrations are in vogue this year. On 21st March Cyn-

thia Preston-Jones, from Presteigne, chose "It's Written in the Stars" as the

subject of her demonstration. Her first design was arranged in white and

blue flowers delicately draped in silver thread, as she sang "Singing in the

Rain". Cynthia sang a song from "Starlight Express" as she arranged choco-

late flowers, orange berries and flowers with copper sprayed leaves

amongst green foliage. Van Gogh's "Stars in the Sky" was depicted in blue,

green and yellow flowers as she sang Don Maclean's "Starry, Starry Night".

Africa and the "Lion King" were the inspiration for the fourth arrangement.

The colours in this design were beige, terra cotta, yellow, orangey/red and

dark red. Her final arrangement used "Chicago" as its theme, and singing

"Seeing Stars" Cynthia used pink and white flowers and added silver accesso-

ries to provide the sparkle.

Jennifer Adams and Judith Booth helped Cynthia for the afternoon. The

Vote of Thanks was given by Margaret Lloyd Williams. The Tea Hostesses

were Julie Appleby and Wendy Cornes.

We have a rare chance to see Michael Bower, one of NAFAS's senior de-

monstrators, when he visits Malpas on 16th May. Michael, from Salisbury, will

give his demonstration "April Showers Bring Forth May Flowers" at 2pm in

the Jubilee Hall. Visitors are very welcome to pay on the door.

Our final demonstration for this season is on 20th June. David Fawcett-Roper,

from Rossendale, will demonstrate "Conquest of Paradise".

Gail Craddock 01948 860 630

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We know of 23 Malpas men who fought in the Napoleonic Wars between

1805 and 1815. One of them, Hugh Parbutt, was part of „that astonishing in-

fantry‟ (General Napier’s description) which helped to defeat the French army

at the Battle of Albuhera (Spain) in 1811. For his part in the battle Hugh was

awarded the Military General Service Medal. His headstone in Malpas

churchyard, where he was buried in 1861 at the age of 77, records that he was

a sergeant in the 59th Regiment of Foot. His wife Ellen died the following


When he retired from the army, Hugh was made a Chelsea Pensioner. He mar-

ried Ellen and set up in business as a shoemaker, with his workshop on the

corner of Church Street and what, by 1848, had become known as ‘Parbett’

Lane, today spelt ‘Parbutts’ Lane (the name is found with various spellings,

including Parbert, Parbett, Parbot, Parbott and Parbutt). It may be that Hugh

had inherited a family business - there was a shoemaker named Humphrey

Parbott who died in Malpas in 1743.

James Parbutt, probably Hugh’s brother, was one of three Malpas men who

fought under the command of the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Water-

loo, which brought the Napoleonic Wars to an end in 1815. For his part in that

battle James received the Waterloo Medal.

The other two Malpas men were William Leach and Joseph Speed, both of

whom probably died during or shortly after the battle. Another James Parbutt,

probably the father of Hugh and James, did not live to hear the news of the

victory at Waterloo.

His headstone in Malpas churchyard shows that he died in 1814 at the age of

61, in the same grave as his wife Mary who died at the age of 94, and another

son, Thomas, who died aged 46 in 1838,

David Hayns

Jewellery Classes

High Street Church09, Malpas Tuesdays 6 to 8 pm

Design & create jewellery for all occasions

Contact Rachel on 07527331353 or just come along to the class

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A Williams

Painter and Decorator

Interior and Exterior Work

Estimates Free

Tel: 01948 860 444

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Josie Mc Lachlan 01948 820 848

Visit us at:

Have some fun cooking in May with our recipe and colouring ideas.

Why don’t you colour a picture of a cake and bring it to one of our

Sunday services?

Cupcake Recipe Ingredients

100g butter or margarine, 100g caster sugar, 100g self-raising

flour - sifted, 2 eggs, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder (optional),

1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence (optional)

How to make the cakes:

Ask an adult helper to preheat the oven to 180°C

(Electric oven | Electric fan oven 160°C | Gas Mark 4)

and you can place 12 paper cases into a muffin tin.

Using an electric whisk, food processor or wooden spoon, beat

the butter and sugar until very light and fluffy.

Add the eggs one at a time, beating each one in well before add-

ing the next. Add the vanilla essence if using.

Carefully mix in the flour (and baking powder if using).

Bake in the oven for 10 - 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, ask your

adult helper check to see if the cupcakes are ready. If they’re

not ready, then back in the oven for a few minutes more. When

they are cooked lift the cupcakes out of the muffin tin and leave

to cool on a wire rack.

For a simple icing topping, add a little water to some icing

sugar until you have a smooth paste. When the cakes are

cool, drizzle some icing mixture over the top. These cup-

cakes are best eaten on the day they are made.

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Bishop Heber Sixth Former supports African Charities

I am looking for jobs to raise money to go to Africa to volunteer in a Wildlife Sanctuary and also support the Zane charity (Zimbabwe a national emergency). I would like to find paid work in the Malpas area Monday to Saturday.

I am willing to do odd jobs including gardening, babysitting, dog walk-ing, car washing and house cleaning. I am in my final year of school at Bishop Heber High School, complet-ing my A levels and hope to study Zoology at university. At the end of July, I have been given the opportunity to volunteer at the African Dawn Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa. The sanctuary has over 250 species of birds and receives many abandoned, abused, in-jured or orphaned animals that are nurtured back to health before be-ing released into the wild. The reserve relies strongly on volunteer support to feed, clean out, collect data and hand rear orphaned wild-life and many other tasks to facilitate preservation of these very spe-cial creatures. Supporting Zane One of Zane’s key objectives is to provide nutrition clinics and food relief to the most vulnerable households and people living with AIDS. Please contact Lucy Witter on 07521734716 or [email protected]. References available if required.


Organic Vegetable Plot approx 20m x 8m

at Oldcastle - ½ mile from Malpas available to keen gardener free of charge

in return for some produce.

Contact: Gillian Bell 01948 860 436

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ITION *****

Final Year Foreign Language

Undergraduate offers tuition in:

Preparation for:

GCSEs, A-Levels, University

Spanish and German for busi-

ness and holiday purposes…

Lessons tailored to suit your abil-

ities and individual needs.

Competitive rates.


Sherrie Roberts 01948 860 824

To advertise in the Parish News, contact:

Marion Randles

Telephone: 01948 860 598 E-mail: mari-

[email protected]

Page 21: Parish News May 2011


Chorlton and Cuddington W.I.

At our monthly meeting on April 6th, Celia Rimmer and her friend showed slides and told us about their work at Ellesmere boat museum, where they are two of many volunteers who have worked very hard for the last few years in renovating the buildings and boats at this historic site. The museum is open to the public and they have special events during the year including one at Easter. Children are especially welcome and there is plenty to see and explore.

We have some interesting events in the pipeline, including a meal at the Egerton Arms; joining the sponsored walk at Erddig, in support of the Maelor hospital, in May, and the Cheshire Show and a visit to Prince Charles garden at Highgrove in June. For the Highgrove visit on Friday June 3rd the cost will be £16.50 for the ticket plus the coach fare. We may have some vacancies, so if anyone is interested please ring Dilys on 770225, or Eileen on 770405.

On May 4th Chris Smith will show videos and the competition will be for getting the most items in a matchbox, beginning with the letter p. This meet-ing is at 7.15pm at our hall in Chorlton and visitors are always welcome.

Dilys Stewart 01948 770 225


Threapwood Community Committee

A very successful silent auction took place on Friday the 1st of April.

A profit of £1200 was raised for the fund.

Many thanks to all who donated items for auction and to those who attended.

Visit us at:

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Visit us at:

...High Street will be closed to through traffic on

this joyous occasion

Our Street production of Larkton to Cuddington will take

place outside the Jubilee hall on Saturday and Sunday at


The High Street will be closed to through traffic from

11.30 to 1.00pm but cars will be able to pass down Church Street and turn

right at The Cross.

The public car park will be accessible and there will be extra parking in a

field at the bottom of the village.

We would ask that cars avoid parking in the High Street while the

entertainment is taking place.

Buskers, Entertainers and Handicraft stalls will be on the street from 10.00 am

and The Farmers Market will be held in the Jubilee Hall Car Park, as the Art

Exhibition is on view inside.

The cast, a group of talented dancers, singers, actors and musicians, all

from our community, are waiting to present to you, a fun and action packed

romp through village life in times gone by.

Our thanks to the retailers and residents of High Street for their Support

and co-operation, especially to Martin at The Dry Cleaning Company for run-

ning the box office.

Great excitement is building up in Malpas as final

preparations are being made for the journey from

‘Larkton to Cuddington’...

Malpas High Street will be alive with bunting and street decor to

create a carnival ambience. On Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd

May, a local cast will present a Promenading Street Theatre

‘Larkton to Cuddington’ (very loosely based on TV's Larkrise to

Candleford!) accompanied by craft stalls and entertainers, thus gen-

erating a true festival atmosphere!

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Visit us at:

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Dog Portraits

By Julie Horner

Paintings in


Prices from £80

Tel: 01829 250 939

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Visit us at:

Jewellery boutique

Clothing- accessories – gifts - home furnishing

Spring collections now in store - lovelinks, lovely jewellery from Lola

Rose and introducing our new range of silver and gold jewellery.

Beautiful gifts to for any occasion or simply just to spoil yourself

Fashion and Lifestyle Emporium 4a High Street Malpas SY14 8NR

01948 860 625

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Our thanks go to Mrs. Molesworth for her interesting talk at our March meeting.

It gave us lots to think about when planting Herbaceous Perennials in our gar-

dens. There will be no meeting in May, as we are holding our annual Spring Plant

Sale. Do join us at The Jubilee Hall on Saturday the 14th of May from 10am until

12 noon, admission is 50 pence which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. Come along

to support our club, meet our members and get some tips on where to plant all of

the lovely plants available to you.

Tip of the month

Do not be tempted to plant out anything tender until all chances of frost have

passed. Also, plant a bowl of cut-and-come-again lettuce seeds so that you can

enjoy them during the summer months.

Alan Bourne

Tel. 01948 770 522.

“The opinions expressed in the Parish News are not necessarily the views of

the Parochial Church Council (PCC)”

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MALPAS FIELD CLUB The speaker at the next meeting of the Field Club, on

Wednesday May 11th (7.30 p.m.) at Malpas High Street

Church, will be Roger Nutter of the RSPB. The subject of

his illustrated talk will be „Gardening for Wildlife’. This

meeting will also include the Field Club AGM. The follow-

ing meeting, on Wednesday June 22nd, will be the annual outdoor excursion

when members will visit the Prees Heath Common Reserve to see the emer-

gence of the silver studded blue butterflies. For more information, please

contact David Hayns (secretary) on (01948) 860486 [email protected]


Malpas Ladies’ Choir will be presenting its annual concert ‘Music for a Summer’s Evening’ at St. Mary’s Church, Tilston, on Tuesday 10th May (7.00 pm). The programme will include show songs, jazz num-bers and religious pieces, as well as opportunities for audience partici-pation. The guest spots will be items by the Tilston Church Choir, directed by Marjorie Lingard, and duets by local sopranos Clare Clewes and Christine Wilson. Tickets are £5.00 each, including refreshments, with no charge for anyone aged 16 or under. They are available from Tilston rectory (01829 250628) and Ladies’ Choir Members. Any profit made will be divided between church and choir funds. Further information from the choir’s secretary,

Christine Clegg 01948 860793

Tushingham and Nomansheath W.I.

On Wednesday May 11th we are meeting for a springtime evening walk on

Bickerton Hill followed by a meal at:

The Sandstone public house and restaurant.

Our next meeting at the High Street Church will be at 7.15pm on May 18th

when our speaker will be Mary Linden, who will give her talk entitled "Born

in the Workhouse". If you would like to join us, you will be most welcome.

For more information, please ring

Brenda Taylor on 01948 665 992

Visit us at:

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The Volunteer Organist by William B. Gray

The preacher in the village church one Sunday morning said:

"Our organist is ill today, will someone play instead?"

An anxious look crept o'er the face of ev'ry person there

As eagerly they watched to see who'd fill the vacant chair.

A man then staggered down the aisle, whose clothes were old and torn

How strange a drunkard seem'd to me in church on Sunday morn,

But fit he touched the organ keys, without a single word

The melody that followed was the sweetest ever heard.

Each eye shed tears within that church, the strongest men grew pale,

The organist in melody had told his own life's tale,

The sermon of the preacher was no lesson to compare

With that of life's example, who sat in the organ chair.

And when the service ended, not a soul had left a seat,

Except the poor old organist who started toward the street

Along the aisle and out the door he slowly walked away,

The preacher rose and softly said: "Good brethren, let us pray."

The scene was one I'll ne'er forget as long as I may live,

And just to see it o'er again all earthly wealth I'd give.

The congregation all amazed, the preacher old and grey,

The organ and the organist who

volunteered to play.

This page is dedicated to the memory of EILEEN TURNER

(7 May 1941-16 August 2010)

Theosophical Text...

And think what it means if God to you is no longer a name but a Life.

That is the glory of the mystic, that is the joy of the one who knows. Wherever you go you see Him shining. You look at the wonder of Nature spreading out before you, and in the whole of that manifested beauty, as in the tiniest fragment, you see it all irradiated by the Per-fect Beauty that is God, You see Him in the blue of the sky or ocean; you hear Him singing in every bird; you see Him smiling in every flow-er; and most of all, you see Him in the Heart, and in the intellect, and in the love of men. You see Him in the righteousness of the most holy, and you see Him hiding in the heart of the basest, illuminating it now and then with some touch of human love, which is the nearest of all things to God, whose very nature is Love and Bliss, ...Annie Besant

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Page 34: Parish News May 2011


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Individuals, organisations and businesses can benefit from the scheme.

Page 35: Parish News May 2011


Visit us at:

Page 36: Parish News May 2011


Malpas Farmers Market To be held at Malpas Jubilee Hall


21st May


9am to 1pm.

For all advertising please contact:

Marion Randles

Telephone: 01948 860 598

E-mail: [email protected]

⅛ Page £4 per month

¼ Page £8 per month

⅓ Page £10per month

½ Page £15per month

Full page £28per month

Flyers £40 per edition

Parish News Advertising Rates

Over 1000 copies delivered to homes in the Parish every month

(except January and August)

Page 37: Parish News May 2011


Visit us at:

From the editor

The Parish News is packed full of information these days. We owe our

thanks, of course, to the many loyal companies and organisations that support

us financially through advertising to enable the Parish News to be published

electronically in this new A5 format.

Information Technology is integral to the production of the magazine and the

latest development is the launch of a new ‘Web Site’ and, thanks to Tim

McLachlan, who designed the site, anyone can now visit our web page at:

Tim is still working on the enhancement of the site and all copies of the

Parish News, in the new format, are available for all to see. This means that

family and friends, no matter where they are, can keep in touch and up to

date with what’s happening in the Parish.

Give it a try, log on to: and follow the links for the

Parish News - let me know what you think ! Kindest regards Ken

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Malpas Parish Council Chair’s report April/May 2011

Dear Resident,

This is my last Chair’s report as I did not stand for re-election. This was for

personal reasons. I did not want to commit myself to a 4 year term of office.

However, I am only too happy and willing to continue to be involved and help

voluntarily in the projects on which I have been working. It was disappointing

that only 5 people put their names forward as nominees for the new Council.

The new Council will need to decide whether to co-opt other people to fill the

other 6 vacancies.

Annual General Meeting and Parish Meeting 9 May 2011

I will be summarising the achievements of the Parish Council in my Annual

Report to the Parish Meeting on 9th May. This is an open meeting and anyone

can attend. The new Councillors come into office on 9th May and will be

electing a new Chair and Vice Chair. This is also the occasion when groups

which have received financial support from the Council in the previous year

provide a summary of how they have used the funds. Groups are also invited

to make a presentation to the Council and if they want to apply for funding,

this is the opportunity for them to do so. Please notify the Clerk on 01948

861353 if you want to give a presentation or to apply for a grant.

Welcome Pack

Some of us have been developing a Welcome Pack primarily for distribution

to new residents. This includes information such as telephone numbers/email

addresses for services and facilities, clubs and groups. The Parish Council is

proposing to distribute this to all households in the parish as it contains a lot of

useful information. The front and back covers have been designed by children

at the Alport School.

The Day Centre

A new organisation Rural Community Services will be taking over the Day

Centre probably from the beginning of June. This organisation has been

formed by Parish Councillors and volunteers from the 5 rural parishes which

currently host day centres. At a recent meeting there were a number of new

people offering to become volunteers, but there is still a need for more, partic-

ularly drivers, so that older people who cannot make their own way to the Ju-

bilee hall will be able to attend. If this group is going to be successful in sus-

taining and developing the day centre in the future there needs to be more sup-

port from the village.

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Community Links

We had a fantastic turn out of clubs and groups at the Organisation Fair on

26th March. Over 25 organisations were displaying what they offer from the

Tae Kwon Do Club to the Needlework Group, the History Society and the

Field Club; Brownies; Guides and the Bridge Club, to name but a few. There

was something for every one of all ages and interests. This demonstrated just

how much effort people in Malpas put into making this a community worth

living in. We are considering holding another fair in autumn so that groups,

who were unable to come along this time, can show what they have on offer

alongside any of the groups who want to do it again. This is an opportunity

not to be missed where we can find out just what Malpas can offer.

Jubilee Year

Next year is the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year. This gives us a great chance

to come together as a community and celebrate. The Parish Council has set

up a working group to co-ordinate activities and work on ideas for a village

festival which will include making an application for a grant from the Jubilee

Celebrations Lottery Committee for funding.


Don’t forget the first Malfest (Malpas Festival of Arts and Literature) is being

held this month from 19 to 22 May. Pick up a copy of the Malfest Programme

of all the exciting events which is available in The Dry Cleaning Company

and throughout the village. Events which include an art exhibition, live mu-

sic, theatre performances and much more!


And finally I would like to thank my fellow Parish councillors for all the hard

work and effort they have put into making 2010/11 a very successful year for

the Parish Council. In particular, my sincere thanks to Councillor Chris

Whitehurst who has worked on many of the projects that are now achieving

success. I wish the new Council every success and best wishes in the future.

Cathy Reynolds Chair Malpas Parish Council

If you would like to contact the Parish Council, please do so via the Clerk on

01948 861353 or at [email protected]

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OPEN FORUM Cllr Reynolds congratulated the four councillors who have

stood for re-election. She advised the meeting that she had decided not to

stand for re-election due to personal reasons but was happy to serve as a vol-

unteer on working groups. She thanked all the Councillors for their support

and help during her year as chair. Special thanks were made to Cllr White-

hurst for all his hard work and to Cllr Ebben for his many years’ service to the

Council. Cllr Ebben congratulated Councillors on their hard work which has

helped raise the profile of the Parish Council.

DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Councillors declared personal interests.

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Item number 164 was changed from ‘Item

176’ to ‘item 175’. The minutes were approved

182 FINANCIAL REPORT The Council proposed and seconded to accept a

procedure for organisations to apply for grants from the Council. The Clerk is

to prepare the information in an application form. The new procedure will be

announced at the AGM in May.

The Council approved the appointment of Mr Richard Salmon as Internal Au-


Payments—The Council accepted the accounts as circulated.


from the Community Links Organisation are to be invited to speak at the Par-

ish Meeting on 9th May. The new Grant Application form is to be launched at

the Parish Meeting. A poster for the Parish Meeting is to be displayed on the

notice board. Election of officers will be considered at the June meeting.


11/00362/NMA – Amendment to planning permission 09/12040/FUL for sin-

gle storey side extension to include 2 small roof lights in kitchen roof and a

flue pipe outlet at High Barns, Preston Hall Farm, Mastiff Lane, Malpas. No


COMMUNITY PRIDE COMPETITION The results for 2010 Community

Pride Competition are on display in the Council notice board. The Clerk is to

contact the Parish News regarding the cost of publishing last years’ results.

Cllr Roberts agreed to organise a clean-up of the village. The Clerk is to con-

tact, Streetscene, to request a deep cleanse in the village prior to the weekend

of Malfest 19- 22 May.

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ing is on Friday 15th April (now postponed) The specification and contract

details have yet to be finalised before quotes can be obtained.

WELCOME PACK A proof of the Welcome Pack was circulated. Council-

lors discussed funding options to cover the printing costs of the Welcome

Pack. Suggestions included approaching businesses named in the Pack. It

was agreed to obtain costs for the pack be distributed to all households in the

first instance and to recommend this to the new Council.

BUS SHELTER REPAIRS The Clerk is to contact Simon Lammond, from

Streetscene, to request that the bus shelter be cleaned.

MALPAS DAY CENTRE Age Concern has agreed to continue running the

Day Centre until the new organisation is in a position to take over. Probably

the beginning of June, there is a meeting on 14th April where it is hoped to

progress matters further

PARISH PLAN A copy of actions completed to date on the Parish Plan has

been distributed to Councillors. It was agreed to recommend to the new

Council that a copy be distributed to all households

ROAD SAFETY AT EBNAL BANK Cllr Waddelove has contacted the

Area Engineer from Highways to arrange a site meeting.

COMMUNITY LINKS The Organisational Fair took place on 26th March at

the Victoria Jubilee Hall, Malpas. The event was a great success with a good

turnout. £100 was raised from the sales of refreshments and was donated to

the National Disaster Fund. It is hoped to hold another Organisational Fair in

6 / 12 months’ time.


A list of items received can be obtained from the Clerk

A full copy of the minutes can be obtained from the Clerk on 01948 861353

Or from [email protected]

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Ken Gibbons

Cholmondeley Terrace.

Church St.

Malpas SY14 8PD.

Tel:-01948 860 830


[email protected]

Deputy Editor:

Sherrie Roberts:- 01948 860 824

Editing Assistant:

Ella Gibbons


Marion Randles:- 01948 860 598

Mandy Smith:- 01948 860 844


Helen Ravenhill:- 01948 861 166


The Reprographics Department

Bishop Heber High School

Malpas SY14 8JD

Tel:-01948 862 027

Copy Deadline for :

June 2011 Edition


Friday 20th May 2011

The Parish News has been produced

under the control of The Parochial

Church Council and will remain under

its control at all times.

Parish News Production Team

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Page 48: Parish News May 2011