Page 1: Part 2: Heart Handmade Holiday Zine

Part II. Pg. 1

>>Part II

Page 2: Part 2: Heart Handmade Holiday Zine

Part II. Pg. 2

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift that i have ever received - hmm, i suppose it has got to be my engagement ring! :P For my recent birthday, the surprise gift of a birthday cake and celebration was really great!

The best gift i gave - i hope my handmade albums bring a lot of joy to the recipients! I also love making scrapbook mini albums of my daughters to relatives. I think they quite enjoy them!Favorite holiday song?amazing graceWhat's your New Year's resolution?be more focused about family time, me time and work time

my wish...all the creative goodness and warm fuzzy feeling of thankfulness and love to everybody!

1. a little girl dress by littlegirlPearl, 2. a screenprint by sugarloop, 3. a felted necklace / jewellery by tijusai, 4. a wallet / bag by bonspielcreation, 5. any gocco supplies from printaddictjapan

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever gave was a pair of customized Nikes for my dad. I was able

to pick out the colors and have "Big Bob" printed on the sides. He still wears them to this day. The best gift I ever got is the iMac I'm writing this on. My

parents got it for me and it's absolutely the best gift--something I never would have justified buying for myself.

Favorite holiday song?My favorite carol is The Christmas Song--but only when Nat King Cole sings

it. :) My favorite modern holiday song is Just Like Christmas by Low

Favorite holiday movie? Again, for movies I have to go with a tie between classic -- White Christmas-- and modern -- A Christmas

Story ("You'll shoot your eye out!"). Interestingly, we lived next door to Melinda Dillon (who plays the mom in A Christmas Story) when I was a baby!

What's your New Year's resolution?My New Year's Resolution is something I have Susan from ParkerSewn and her last "Making it" post to thank

for: I'm going to sit down and finally make a real, live spreadsheet for my business finances. I usually don't crunch the numbers until I go to do my taxes every year--and that's just ridiculous! It's time to take charge of

the numbers, no matter how much I hate that part of my handmade business.Favorite holiday family tradition?

When I was young and my grandparents were still living, we used to spend Christmas Eve at my dad's dad's in Wilmington, DE, and Christmas Day at my mom's parents' in Philly. Late on xmas eve we'd drive from Wilmington to Philly and I loved that drive, all full of the holiday spirit, seeing all the houses of suburbia

decorated in lights and listening to the carols on the radio. I miss that!

my wish...I wish for peace on earth in 2009 and in all the years to come.



1. Dotted Cups by Bailey Doesn't Bark: I love most everything from Bailey Doesn't Bark, but these cups are just so appealing and lovely. 2. Grey Wolf Cowl by Windowsill: I've been coveting this cowl forever. It just looks soooo soft and cuddle-y! 3. Aquamarine vintage glass earrings by beyondtherockz: *le sigh* These are so big and girly and dreamy! 4. Decorative circles planter by jjceramics: The hard part would be deciding which of my (waaaay too) many orchids to pot in this beautiful planter. 5. 2009 Calendar by ilee: Last year I gave a few of these away as gifts. This year I want one for me!

Dear Santa,

{Who?} Jacqueline Yeo of For the Record

Dear Santa,

{Who?} Cassie of Clementine

Favorite holiday movie? all time favorite has got to be 'love actually'

Favorite holiday family tradition? we try to go for an annual holiday at the end of the year.

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Part II. Pg. 3

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? We don't put a lot of importance during the holidays to the material gifts we give and receive. The most important gift to us is our Faith and our devotion to each other and our children. However, (wink) several years ago, my sweet husband came up with the "theme" of "My Blue Christmas." Everything he gave me was within that theme and so thoughtful. A music cd, a beautiful blue soft and cozy sweater, some blue "unmentionables" and a beautiful blue topaz and diamond ring. The thought he put behind the gifts was the sweetest part and still makes me smile. The best holiday gift I've given? Last year was especially fun as I only shopped handmade for many of my family members. I loved giving fun oilcloth lunchbags, handmade baseballs and warm and soft crocheted beanies. I loved supporting these indie businesses and appreciated the loving care each of them put into their product.

my wish...My wish is as always health and happiness for my family.

1. These Colours Bangles by the Etsy Seller Paintemetal have been on my mind a lot! 2. I woud love to have custom silhouettes of my three children as a beautiful print for my entire family! 3. This sweet pincushion is just right for my studio! 4. Anything from this entire shop would be absolutely amazing. I love, love these beads and fun baubles., 5. My little Annie-girl would love to cuddle this pretty Waldorf-style baby.

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? best gift received: a big pink gift box from a cute Greek boy,

with some necklace & earrings, with shower gel & foam bath, although i don't wear earring or use foam bath (maybe i

should) it's so cute from a little boy.

Favorite holiday song?I don't celebrate Christmas but if i did: Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You (it's so cheeky that it's actually


Favorite holiday movie? Amelie - not exactly a holiday movie but it's good for any time! (it's green and red too)

What's your New Year's resolution?same as last year, i should be able to look back the year and say, "geez, a lot happened this year!"

(and i achieved it this year!)Favorite holiday family tradition?

I was born in shanghai, China. when i was a kid, older relatives would give me red envelopes (with money inside) during Chinese new year. It's absolutely the favorite tradition for every kid.

my wish...I wish for peace on earth in 2009 and in all the years to come.



Favorite holiday family tradition? It's cliche but true...I love to decorate the tree with my family. Plugging it in for the first time is always a small moment of magic...

What's your New Year's resolution?I haven't made one yet! I'm doing my best to focus on today and not to "future-trip" as we so often do....

Favorite holiday song?Oh that's a really hard one for me...I love the classics we sing in our Christmas Eve church service: Silent Night, Joy to the World. I'm a huge fan of Antonio Vivaldi's Winter from his The Four Seasons. Willy Nelson's Pretty Paper is a beautiful song. U2's Christmas (Baby Won't you Please Come Home?) is at the top of my Ipod "Holiday" playlist.Favorite holiday movie? I love the Barbara Stanwyck (1945) Christmas in Connecticut

1. Nurse - Handpainted earthenware mug, 2. Little Boy Kissing the Little Girl, 3. Dutch Themed Birthday Calendar, 4. White birds necklace, 5. Vintage Style French Chic MANNEQUIN

{Who?} Bethany of Annie & Olive

Dear Santa,

{Who?} Yiyi Wang of Red mush & Mee gallery

Dear Santa,

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Part II. Pg. 4

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? I got a "snowracer" when I was 10. That was cool. I tried the brakes inside on the parquet flooring I was so excited. My mum wasn’t very pleased. I had a year out and just worked after uni, and saved up to a really expensive watch to my then boyfriend for christmas. Since then its only been handmade/found/old things as christmas gifts....

my wish...I want to get some really big jobs in 2009 so I can save a lot of money to have a really great wedding, may 2010.

Pillow with Letters. I would like my whole name!Teatowel print by Luke Best

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? I received a copy of 'The Little Prince' from my

husband--- something I treasured from when I was a child that he had remembered. It was such a sweet sentiment

and we read it together over and over before bedtime. :)

I don't know if my family would agree, but my favorite gift to give was a short memoir that I wrote and printed for

Christmas last year. Everyone received soft-bound copies and we spent the evening reading through it, "fact-

checking" and laughing at the craziness.What's your New Year's resolution?

I generally don't make New Year's resolutions, but I think I may try resolve to wake up earlier next year. I've been sleeping in until a ridiculous hour and would like to see

more daylight once in awhile. ;)

{Who?} Erin of Design for Mankind


Dear Santa,

{Who?} Hanna Melin


Camilla Engman Calendar: $28, Lines & Shapes, Volume 5: $21I've Never Met You Zine: $10, Misfits Postcard Book: $12Da Da Jacket: $95

Favorite holiday song?Oooh. Tough one. I sort of love them all. I like 'Little

Drummer Boy' and 'O Come, All Ye Faithful.' Oh! And 'Do You Hear What I Hear?' And 'O Holy

Night.' Eek. I just love this time of year!!!Favorite holiday movie?

Christmas Story--- I grew up watching that movie on Thanksgiving night with my whole family, and it's still

one of my favorite memories.Favorite holiday family tradition?

I loooooove Thanksgiving. I'm a big fan of food, and Thanksgiving for me is like the kick-off to the holiday season. We eat, eat some more, and laugh a lot. And then when our bellies are full, we take naps and play

with the kids in our family until it's dark and everyone has to go home. I think it's amazing that

there is a holiday that forces us to sit back and relax and be grateful for what we have.

my wish...It's a bit cliche, but I do hope that 2009 brings our nation a bit of deliverance from our current economic situation. It pains me to see so many friends and family struggling.

Dear Santa,

Favorite holiday song?White christmas-Wham

Favorite holiday family tradition? Wrapping in the gifts with my sister in my old room back in Sweden listening to "Best of christmas" from 1989 the night before christmas eve.

Favorite holiday movie? Ivanhoe

What's your New Year's resolution?Keep believing in myself.

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Part II. Pg. 5

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was probably for my birthday in the

summer, my boyfriend took me hydro zorbing so basically we rolled down a hill in an inflatable ball with water in! It was awesome!

The best gift I ever gave... it seems like I'm blowing my own trumpet saying something I chose was that good! Erm, a few years ago for

christmas I got my best friend the lego version of the millenium falcon he was so excited he built it as soon as he opened it and text me a

picture! It was nice to get such an excited reaction!

my wish...I wish it would be a white christmas! cheesy I know but it would be beautiful! xo Claire

1. a tote from hi tree. 2. although I can't think of anywhere to put it, a resin deer head from ruby lounge, 3. a pink cuckoo clock from decoylab 4. a bicycle necklace because I<3cycling from paraphernalia, 5. and my absolute favourite... a knitted name necklace (you can chose the colour of the knitted name and the chain! wonderful!) from ladyluckrules ok

{Who?} Claire of xfreshbatteryx

Favorite holiday song?I have a bit of a soft spot for 'fairytale of New

York' by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl

What's your New Year's resolution?I actually made myself a list this year of 30 things

to do before I'm 30, so I have 7 years to do them, so I'm picking one for definite which is to hopefully complete a triathlon! So my resolution

is to train my ass off in preparation!

Favorite holiday movie? I think cause lotr (Lord of the Rings) was always

released near christmas I think of it as being a holiday movie, so I like to watch one or two or

maybe just all three around christmas!

Favorite holiday family tradition? Haha. This is quite silly, but, me and my dad like to

go to our family friends houses on christmas eve armed with wrapping paper, scissors and selotape (secretly of course!) then find random objects that belong to the family, wrap them up and hide them

under the tree! I think the funniest/best have involved toothbrushes, glasses and a mobile phone.

So watch out if you ever invite me to yours on christmas eve!

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? It is hard to remember a specific present I got that from all my Christmases, but last year my mom bought me a huge cat tree for my cats, Jane and Justin to have so that was pretty amazing.

Favorite holiday song?Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer

Favorite holiday movie? A Christmas Story

What's your New Year's resolution?Trust the Universe

Favorite holiday family tradition? Getting up early with the fam, eating a yummy breakfast and opening up presents.

1. Wildflower Calender by Claire Nereim, 2. Heartstring Series by Shannon Rankin,3. Baroque Bag by Backyard Design, 4. Dreamcatcher Shirt by No Star Shirts5. Tiny Explosions by Samantha Hahn

{Who?} Kelly Lynn Jones

xo Kelly

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

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Part II. Pg. 6

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I have ever received. Well, there have been many gifts that I have loved and treasured over the

last 28 years of my life, but the one that stands out the most was the one I received for my college graduation. My grandmother send me a silver cuff bracelet that said Remember on it. I

wore it every day for about a month before taking it off. One night, I took it off right before I went to bed. I had it resting on my night stand, and leaned over to turn my light off. Something on the bracelet caught

my eye. I picked it up and on the inside the words "I am always there for you" were stamped on the inside. My eyes welled up with tears and if it hadn't been for the three hour time difference I would have called her

that very second :)

I think the best gift I ever gave was a few years ago at Christmas. The year before my boyfriend and I went on a trip to Italy. We took tons of

pictures, of course. So that Christmas I hand made everyone in my family a photo album with all of the photos that were taken on our trip. It was a

lot of fun and they loved it!

{Who?} Michele Maule


1. I LOVE fingerless gloves, and I LOVE these fingerless gloves from scrapsoupcropcircles. 2. I am always on the lookout for really cute stationary and calendars. It's a bit of an obsession of mine... KrissColorStripes for sure makes my list of cute and beautiful calenders! 3. If you are at all familiar with my work you'll know that I love to paint, and draw, typewriters. It's kinda my thing I guess. I have one blue typewriter at home, but I would love to add to my tiny collection. This little guy, from whiteelephant would be perfect! 4. I love a good bag, or clutch, or pouch. Pretty much anything I can throw my life into and go. I really love buttonpom's shop. This one has to be one of my favorites. 5. Last, but certainly not least, is this beautiful necklace from twigsandheather. I am not a big jewelry person. I like simple, unique, pieces, and this necklace is both.

Favorite holiday song?It just would be Christmas without Christmas Time is Here by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. That

is my favorite Christmas song by far.

Favorite holiday movie? Along with that song of course comes A

Charlie Brown Christmas. I love that movie so much. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

is a solid second :)

What's your New Year's resolution?New Year's resolution! Eeeks! I think trying to not be

so hard on myself, and my work, would be a good one!Favorite holiday family tradition?

When I am visiting my mom's house for Christmas we were always allowed to open one present on

Christmas Eve. I love that. My boyfriend and I started this too when we had our first Christmas together.

my wish...I wish for a giant studio with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Willamette River (even though the Willamette is kinda gross). I'd settle for a New York skyline too :) Oh! and continued success and happiness for all of my friends and the fantastic people I have met over this past year.

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? Best Gift Received: My Leica Camera.Best Gift Given: Tickets to a Neil Young concert.

Favorite holiday song?Rudolph the red nosed reindeer!

Favorite holiday movie? Home Alone!!!!!!!!!!!!

What's your New Year's resolution? Finish my business plan...

Favorite holiday family tradition? Exchanging gifts?.... does that count?

{Who?} RJ of Bailey Doesn’t Bark

my wish... It's a secret

1. Comic Tray by ROMBUS, 2. Snowflake Wall Wear by Neawear, 3. Collective Names of Animals Raglan Pullover By Xenotees, 4. Vermont Snuggler in Charcoal by Yokoo, 5. Anything from savor, really!


Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

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And designed the best zine cover EVER!!! Thanks RJ!

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What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was a hand-painted, ceramic tea set when I was three. The best gift my husband and I gave ourselves was a January 1st trip from Berlin, Germany to Krakow, Poland. It was beautiful and snowy in wintertime, and a romantic way to start the new year with a train ride.

Favorite holiday song?Jingle Bells

Favorite holiday movie? It's a Wonderful Life

What's your New Year's resolution?To open an online art shop for children and to start a new blog combining my loves of food and art!

Favorite holiday family tradition? Singing songs on Christmas Eve, while eating Christmas cookies, and drinking spiced wine.

my wish...I wish that all the handmade, indie art shops worldwide will have the best year ever in 2009! 1. a cup from Diana Fayt, 2. a heart from

Heather Smith Jones, 3. a print from Betsy Walton, 4. a painting from Leah Giberson, 5. an apron from Heather Moore

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I've ever received was my daughter. She is my everything and brightens my life in

immeasurable ways. The best gift I've ever given was forgiveness. You cannot live a happy and fulfilled life if you are resentful or angry for the wrongs that have been done to you or those you love. So

while forgiveness is something you give... it's ultimately you who receives its benefits.

{Who?} Ez of Creature Comforts


xo Ez

Favorite holiday song?"White Christmas"

Favorite holiday movie? "It's a Wonderful Life", "Holiday Inn", and "White Christmas"

(sorry I couldn't narrow it down).

What's your New Year's resolution?To get back into shape. This year I will really do it!

I want to be healthy and happy for my daughter (and hopefully the grandchildren that

I might have someday in the far off future).

Favorite holiday family tradition?

The moment after decorating the house and stringing the

lights around the christmas tree! We always gather together, turn

off all the lights (except for the ones on the tree), and then we just sit and admire the glow and

magic of the tree and of being with one another.

Dear Santa,

my wish...I wish that this holiday season we will all join together in cherishing the things we have, and not just the things we get... and that we will take the time to make the world a better place for one another, even if it's something as small as sharing a smile with a stranger or holding the door open for someone who's arms are full.

Dear Santa,

1. Perfect Pocket Tote in Robin's Egg Blue by twomaisons. 2. Grey Wool Neckwarmer by Urbanknit, 3. Hors D'oeuvres Plate in Blue Champagne by StudioElan, 4. Rosace Sweatshirt by roselabiche, 5. Thank You Wood Stationery Set by Palomasnest

{Who?} Stephanie Levy

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Part II. Pg. 8

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? My healthy, happy little boy. No strings-attached monetary gifts to friends/family in need.

Favorite holiday song?O Holy Night

Favorite holiday movie? The Holiday

What's your New Year's resolution?1. To love God more each day. 2. To excel as a wife, mother, sister, designer/crafter and entrepreneur. 3. Keep up w/the working out, despite how much I abhor it. 4. Buy a house. 5. To keep these resolutions!

Favorite holiday family tradition? Making a huge Christmas brunch with from-scratch pancakes. Preferably pumpkin. And making new traditions! That's the fun of being a new family.

my wish...I wish character building/losing weight/making pie crusts wasn't so difficult.

What was the best gift you ever gave & received? The best gift I ever received was a kitten for my tenth birthday. The best gift I ever gave was a handmade book for Drew's 29th birthday. It was made from

photobooth pictures where I played two characters. A bit of it is online.

Favorite holiday song?The Dreidel song... but I like them all. They all create a cozy mood.

Favorite holiday movie? “A Christmas Story and” “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.

What's your New Year's resolution?Get in shape!

Favorite holiday family tradition? I think it's bickering and then making fun of each other -- but with love, of course.

{Who?} Ashley G



my wish...I wish my mom, sisters, and best friend could visit me for a good long time.

1. What Did You Buy Today Year Subscription by kateconsumption2. ivory and white cylinder vase by oneblackbird3. Bouquet Light Shade by nice4. Camilla Engman Calendar5. Rustic Hand Knit Afghan Blanket

{Who?} Angeline of Cake + Milk Paperie

Dear Santa,

1. PlanToys have introduced innovative methods to recycle paper and other products while creating toys that inspire children’s imagination as well as promote their physical and intellectual development., 2. Cake + Milk Paperie employs eco-friendly materials and methods. Every piece is made by hand by me in my LA studio. 3. The wool from Amy Plew's felted creations come from Swan Bay Farm, the NJ sheep farm she grew up on. Amy’s wool-felting starter kits are available at, 4. For every pair of TomsShoes purchased, designer/founder Blake Mycoskie will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. Styles available for men, women and children. 5. Solar panels charge gadgets held inside this messenger bag. Power your mobile phone, MP3 player, and laptop while you carry it.

Dear Santa,

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Page 9: Part 2: Heart Handmade Holiday Zine

Part II. Pg. 9

Make sure you download Part II.I

PART II.Heart Homecooked...

Chocolate truffles, Mulled Cider and other holiday favorites!

DIY... Greeting card templates, gift tags and other do-it-yourself holiday gift & ideas.

FREE! Holiday Gifts....Download & print-yourself art prints, gift tags, votive placeholders and holiday ornaments!

PART III.Holiday ’08 Giftguide...

Need more gift ideas? Ideas for the gals, guys, couples and little ones in your life.

