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PASS Social Studies – U.S. History & Constitution Test 2


1. In the first half of the 19th century, thousands of people migrated from the East to the Western parts of the country. Which of the following best describes a major motivation for the people making this move?

A They wanted to move to an urban area to search for work.

B They wanted the protection of a more established government.

C They wanted to lay claim to land and untapped resources. D They wanted to make the transition from agriculture to industry.


2. The map above shows the path of the Oregon Trail. Most of the people who traveled on the Trail in the 19th century believed in Manifest Destiny and held which of the following opinions?

A The Western part of the United States should break away and become its own country.

B The greatest opportunities are in the urban areas near Eastern cities.

C The United States has a divine right to extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.

D White settlers can live peacefully alongside the Native Americans in the West.

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3. The heavy Westward migrations in the early 19th century had what impact on the relationship between the United States and Mexico.

A Mexico gave Western lands to the United States in exchange for land in the East.

B Mexico and the United States joined together to establish a stable government in the West.

C Mexico encouraged Westward growth because it was a potential source of income. D The settlement of the West resulted in border disputes between Mexico and the U.S.


4. Prior to the mid-19th century, the vast majority of the population lived east of the Mississippi River. What characteristic of the western part of the country prompted huge migrations during the second half of the century?

A untapped supply of natural resources

B wide infrastructure to support commerce

C economic opportunities in industrial markets D established legal system to protect entrepreneurs

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5. During the 19th century, what is the most likely reason why a person would move from a rural area (Drawing B) to an urban area (Drawing A)?

A for job opportunities

B for investment potential

C for lower property costs D for a safer environment


6. From 1800 to 1840, there was little change in the percentages of urban population versus rural population. Which of the following explains the drastic increase in the percentage of urban population (and drop in rural population) that took place over the remainder of the century?

A strict laws restricting immigration

B improved yields on Southern farms

C increasing population in the West D more job opportunities in industrial markets

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7. Which of the following inspired the drawing of the political cartoon above?

A the decline of the textile industry in the South

B the rise of the textile industry in the South

C the rising number of marriages in the South D The rising population of women in the South


8. In the political cartoon above, the man sitting in the chair to the left is a symbolic representation of which of the following?

A Northern industry

B Southern agriculture

C Immigrant labor D the Western Frontier

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9. A house like the one pictured above would most likely be found in what area during the Antebellum Era?

A an industrialized urban center in the North

B a textile mill town in the South

C a relatively unsettled territory in the West D a rural agricultural community in the South

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10. Prior to the Civil War, abolitionist newspapers like the ones above would gain the most widespread circulation in what area?

A a rural agricultural community in the South

B an industrialized urban center in the North

C a relatively unsettled territory in the West D a textile mill town in the South


11. Published by abolitionist Frederick Douglass, the motto of the "North Star" was: "Right is of no Sex--Truth is of no Color--God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren"

This motto would suggest that Frederick Douglass also supported which of the following issues?

A state-sponsored religion

B women's suffrage

C restricted immigration D foreign isolationism

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12. The extravagant scene described in the above narrative is describing plantation life during what period of American history?

A Reconstruction Era

B Antebellum Era

C Progressive Movement D Colonial America


13. During the Antebellum Era, the majority of the labor performed at the above plantation was probably done by which of the following?

A African slaves

B Indentured servants

C Sharecroppers D Hired field hands

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14. Prior to the introduction of Popular Sovereignty in the 1850s, which of the following measures was taken to maintain the peace between the slave states and the free states?

A plantation owners in the slave states had to pay a special tax to the free states

B slavery was legal in all states, even in the free states where it was rarely seen

C states were admitted to the Union in pairs to keep an equal number of free and slave states

D slaves were only required to work for a certain number of years before being set free

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15. In what way did the area known as the Northwest Territory (shown above) increase tensions between the North and South in the decades prior to the Civil War?

A immigrants settling in the area led to an increase in population for the North and not the South

B economic growth in the area vastly increased the number of plantations using slave labor

C addition of new states in the area disrupted the balance of free states and slave states

D political tension in the area forced the newly added states to introduce the topic of secession

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16. Upon Lincoln's election, the people in the above diary react in a way that makes which of the following apparent?

A they do not support the Republican Party

B they do not support the Southern Democratic Party

C they do not support the movement towards secession D they do not support the spread of slavery

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17. What was Abraham Lincoln's strategic purpose for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation during the middle of the Civil War?

A to prevent the Confederacy from using African American soldiers

B to end the controversy over the issue of slavery

C to weaken the agricultural economy in the South D to define the war as a moral crusade against slavery


18. Which of the events on the above timeline is the best example of the Civil War being described as a "Total War"?

A Battle of Antietam

B Shots fired at Fort Sumter

C Sherman's "March to the Sea" D issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation

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19. The city of Richmond, VA, served as the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War. Which of the following best explains why the city was chosen as the capital?

A it was less than 120 miles from the Union capital of Washington, D.C.

B it was centrally located among the Confederate states

C it was an important industrial center of the South D it was the training grounds for the Confederate Army

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20. According to the chart, more Union soldiers were killed or wounded than Confederate soldiers. If this was the case, why did the casualties prove more devastating to the Confederacy than to the Union?

A The Confederate Army did not include African Americans, who made up most of the casualties for the Union.

B The Confederate Army refused to replace soldiers who had died or were wounded in battle.

C The Confederate soldiers who fought in battle were of higher rank than the Union soldiers.

D The Confederate Army was smaller than the Union, and had less soldiers to spare. SCUSH0302

21. Which of the following conclusions about the Civil War can accurately be drawn from the tables shown above?

A Most soldiers who entered the Army were either killed or wounded by the end of the war.

B The Civil War was so deadly because most soldiers grew up on farms and had little training.

C Disease proved to be a greater killer of soldiers than the opposing Army during the Civil War.

D Most soldiers taken as prisoners of war during the Civil War died before being set free.

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22. The "Sharecropping Equation" shows how a plantation owner and a sharecropper had to provide the correct elements (labor, housing, farm tools, and labor) in order to achieve the desired results

Which of the following explains why sharecroppers and plantation owners had to combine their forces during the Reconstruction Era in order to make ends meet?

A Southern plantation owners relocated to the North

B new laws forced Southern plantation owners to find a new means of labor

C new laws required Southern plantation owners to hire former slaves D Southern plantation owners refused to employ African Americans

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23. This headline appeared in the New York Times on December 19, 1865 after which of the following events occurred, officially ending slavery in the United States?

A the last of the Reconstruction Amendments was ratified

B both houses of Congress passed a bill to end slavery

C the necessary number of states agreed to revise the Constitution to outlaw slavery D the federal government accepted the surrender of the Confederate Army

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24. The notice above states that as freemen, the former slaves are "entitled to all the rights of citizenship."

However, African Americans were often denied due process of the law, as well as the right to vote, until which of the following took place?

A federal military forces withdrew from the Southern states

B the Freedman's Bureau was created

C all of the Reconstruction Amendments were ratified D the Plessy vs. Ferguson Supreme Court case was decided

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25. The political cartoon above shows a member of the "White League" and a member of the "Ku Klux Klan" shaking hands. Which of the following was the primary goal of these two terrorist groups during the Reconstruction Era?

A to completely rid the world of all people of African ethnicity

B to intimidate African Americans and prevent them from having political power

C to convince the federal government to reverse its policies against slavery D to force freed slaves to become American citizens

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26. The African American participation in congress during the Reconstruction Era (1875-1876) can be seen on the timeline above. This shows that the political power of African Americans did which of the following during that time?

A The political power of African Americans did not exist during Reconstruction.

B The political power of African Americans decreased in the South during Reconstruction.

C The political power of African Americans increased in the North, but not in the South, during Reconstruction.

D The political power of African Americans increased in the South during Reconstruction.

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27. The election of Wade Hampton (1876) represented which of the following trends that erased many of the gains that African Americans made during Reconstruction Era?

A A return of Democratic control in the North

B A return of Republican control in the South

C A return of Democratic control in the South D A return of Republican control in the North


28. The above cartoon symbolizes a lynching by the KKK. In most cases, African Americans were the victims of these mob attacks. The cartoon, however, shows that the victim is who?

A a Southern Democrat

B a carpetbagger

C a plantation owner D a scalawag

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29. The above notice is advertising a speaking tour by Booker T. Washington in the in the early 1900s. During the tour, he would most likely speak about which of the following topics?

A how the standard of living for African Americans can only be raised through a proper education

B how on-the-job training is more effective than an academic setting

C how the broad education of African Americans will eliminate racial tensions D how segregated schools place a "badge of inferiority" on African Americans


30. When making the above statement, W.E.B. DuBois was referring to which of the following issues of the late 19th century?

A The use of Yellow Journalism

B Increasing immigration

C Rising racial tensions D The exploitation of child labor

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31. Along with Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois was the most prominent civil rights leader of the late 19th and early 20th century. However, the two African American leaders disagreed on which of the following?

A the fact that blacks are often exposed to racism and bigotry

B the idea of what it means to be treated as an "equal"

C the ethnic and social groups that deserve to be granted full civil rights D the proper relationship between blacks and whites in order to gain civil rights for all


32. The above cartoon refers to politicians of the late 19th century trying to reform the McKinley Tariff Act, which was designed to reduce foreign trade. When foreign trade is eliminated, buyers must purchase products made within the United States. In what way can this development also force businesses to raise prices?

A buyers are willing to pay more because the products are made domestically

B businesses must charge more because there is a decrease in foreign buyers

C buyers are willing to pay more because they have more options D businesses must charge more because there is a decrease in domestic buyers

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33. Which of the following definitions best fits the economic term, "Tariff," which became common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

A Laws to improve working conditions of employees

B Monetary assistance provided by the government to help economic growth

C Taxes levied on products imported into a country

D The transformation of an agrarian society to one that relies on mechanization and technology


34. A key economic term in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was "labor reform." Which of the following was a motivating force behind the labor reform movement?

A Urban factories

B Trade unions

C Industrial barons D Federal taxes

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35. Shown above are drawings of the telephone and the incandescent light bulb in their earliest stages. These two inventions took years to develop, but quickly became common items.

The growing popularity of the telephone and light bulb in the late 19th century can be attributed to which of the following?

A a decrease in urbanization

B an increase in standard of living

C an increase in production costs D a decrease in distribution options

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36. By 1890, Standard Oil controlled nearly 90% of refined oil flows in the United States. Due to this large percentage, critics of Standard Oil started lobbying for the government to do what?

A stop it from withholding oil from the public

B stop it from receiving tax breaks from the U.S. government

C stop it from becoming a monopoly D stop it from hiring immigrants instead of American citizens


37. Printed above is copy of the certificate given to investors who bought shares of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil Trust. The first line of the certificate says:

" (person's name) is entitled to (number) shares in the equity of the property held by the Trustees of Standard Oil."

Which of the following gives the best definition of the word "equity"?

A division

B unionization

C distribution D ownership

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38. Despite the quote shown above, critics of Andrew Carnegie accused him of trying to eliminate competition in the steel industry by doing which of the following?

A increasing federal regulations on steel mills

B raising taxes on industrial barons

C limiting the amount of goods that could be purchased by consumers D creating a monopoly over the steel industry


39. Which of the following best explains why industrial barons like Andrew Carnegie felt that competition is good for everyone (as seen in his quote above)?

A because the government relies on taxes from profitable companies in order to operate

B because competition prevents less qualified individuals from making a profit

C because money and profit are the only honorable reasons produce anything D because a desire to make a profit forces companies to try to please consumers

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40. By becoming common in the late 19th century, the practice of crop rotation demonstrated what important mindset of American farmers at the time?

A human labor is more reliable than mechanized farming

B industrial techniques have no impact on agriculture

C organized and scientific farming is better than traditional methods D large plantations are more efficient than smaller farms

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41. Which of the following individuals would most likely become a factory worker like the one shown above?

A a foreign immigrant who has moved to an urban area

B a member of the Populist Party

C a person who is taking advantage of the Homestead Act D a person looking for a sharecropping arrangement rather than traditional wage


42. A 19th century factory worker (above) is frustrated by poor working conditions. Under what circumstances could he most effectively go on strike and force management to make changes for its employees?

A if he makes an above average wage

B if he unionizes with other workers

C if he agrees to become a "scab" during the strike D if he can prevent others from joining him in the strike

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43. Shown above is a headline for the Pullman Strike, the largest strike of the 19th century. Like similar strikes, the Pullman Strike can be attributed mainly to what?

A the frustrations of shareholders

B the frustrations of management

C the frustrations of employees D the frustrations of consumers

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44. The headline shows a skyscraper that "will be twenty stories high" is being proposed in New York City at the start of the 20th century.

What is the central reason why skyscrapers replaced low-lying buildings in large cities at that time?

A labor shortage

B expanding industry

C abundance of land area D high cost of land

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45. The word "your" is mentioned several times in "The New Colossus" poem, suggesting that it is being addressed to a specific individual or group.

To whom is the poem being addressed?

A American citizens getting ready to welcome new immigrants

B individual nations to where American citizens are moving

C individual nations who have citizens immigrating to America D immigrants preparing to arrive to America

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46. The table above shows that which of the following statements is true?

A Between 1830 and 1930, the arrival of new immigrants had a greater impact to population growth than the number of people born in the United States.

B The total population of the United States in 1830 was less than the number of foreign born people living in the United States in 1930.

C Between 1830 and 1930, the percentage of native born citizens living in the United States increased steadily.

D Between 1830 and 1930, the total population of the United States doubled approximately every 30 years.

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47. Based on her quote above, Jane Addams believed that the only way to raise the standard of living of the poor was through what?

A the equal efforts of the rich and poor

B the charity of the rich

C a socialist government D the forced redistribution of wealth


48. Taken in the early 1900s, the photograph to the left helped raise awareness about which of the following issues?

A The need for mechanization in industrial centers

B The lack of quality control in textile mills

C The low employment rate in the big cities D The exploitation of child labor in the factories

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49. In the early 1900s, photographs like the one prompted a strong reaction from the public and helped fuel which of the following movements?

A Agrarian Movement

B Populist Movement

C Progressive Movement D Conservative Movement


50. The table above was created to show the reasons why the United States might do which of the following?

A agree to a neutral stance in foreign diplomacy

B adopt a policy of interventionism and expansion

C adopt an isolationist policy D take a pacifist position in world conflicts


51. In his poem, "The White Man's Burden", what does Rudyard Kipling say about Western imperialists of the late 19th century?

A that they should not care about the well-being of the natives

B that they have a duty to help the inferior natives

C that they should remain isolationists D that they should not intervene with the natives

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52. "The White Man's Burden" shows that Kipling feels that a "white man" is far superior to a colonial native. His views are consistent with the views of which theory?

A Dollar Diplomacy

B Free Market Capitalism

C Social Darwinism D Socialism


53. The cartoon to the left shows a character similar to Uncle Sam eating a globe. The cartoon is referring to the United States in the early 20th century, and is saying that the foreign policy of the time was which of the following?

A pacifist and nonviolent

B interventionist and imperialistic

C isolationist and closed D random and uncalculated

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54. The above cartoon is making a statement about which of the following?

A the number of allies supporting the United States during the Spanish-American War

B the territories under United States control following the Spanish-American War

C the number of enemies opposing the United States during the Spanish-American War

D the power of the United States military during the Spanish-American War

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55. The headline says, "Destruction of the War Ship Maine Was the Work of an Enemy".

Who is the "Enemy" the newspaper is referring to?

A Cuban citizens rebelling against American interventionism

B imperialist Spanish occupiers in Cuba

C Spanish expatriates hiding in Cuba D Cuban citizens fighting the Spanish occupation

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56. The practice of Yellow Journalism was one of the leading reasons why the American public rallied behind which the following?

A the Reconstruction Era

B the Spanish-American War

C the Populist Movement D the Industrial Revolution


57. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the American public was often exposed to Yellow Journalism. What form of mass media was the most common outlet for this type of propaganda?

A magazines

B newspapers

C flyers / pamphlets D radio


58. The definition of "diplomacy" is given above. Considering the diplomatic styles of the early 20th century presidents (Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson), what can be concluded about the view of "diplomacy" in the United States during that time?

A the Presidents did not establish diplomatic policy; the military leaders did

B the Presidents treated all nations equally through an "Open Door Policy"

C the Presidents each set their own form of diplomatic policy D the Presidents were expected to be isolationists

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59. If President William Taft were asked to describe the secret to his diplomacy policy, he would probably say something along the lines of what?

A "It's always best to mind your own business."

B "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

C "Speak softly and carry a big stick." D "Don't underestimate the power of a dollar."


60. The above cartoon is a representation of which President's foreign policy?

A Theodore Roosevelt

B William McKinley

C Woodrow Wilson D William Taft


61. The above cartoon shows a popular form of foreign policy in the United States during the early 1900s known as "Big Stick Diplomacy."

In the cartoon, Uncle Sam represents the United States at the time. What does the "big stick" represent?

A the powerful military of the United States

B the imperial empire of the United States

C the isolationist policies of the United States D the capitalistic economy of the United States