
Pattern writing workshop

YC Cheng, Taipei Tech

Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University

Patterns: Relate parts to make a whole


Where does it happen? What is already there?


What is the problem?


What is behind the problem?What is wanted but not yet there?What is causing misfits?


What to do to balance the forcesWhat to do to resolve the misfits

Resulting context

What is there after applying the solution?Wishes come trueSide effects?

Draw a picture for it

… and give it a Name!

All done.

Team working to write a pattern in two iterations

Plan: 5 min

Work: 30 min

Retro: 5 min

Demo: 5 min

Group selects a problem

• Laying out a work space for an agile team

• Working family preparing meals for the weekday

• Or, deciding on a problem group agrees to work on!

Laying out a work space for an agile team

• Context:一家小型軟體公司預計剛租用一個新的工作空間給它的敏捷軟體團隊。在現有的工作空間,團隊經常做daily standup、選擇性的pair programming、design and architecture review等活動;但是除daily standup外,目前空間的限制使成員間不太能在工作中知道彼此間的目前手邊的工作的狀況。所以在空間的設計上,一方面要讓這個團隊溝通良好,但另一方面又希望不至於過度互相干擾。

• Problem: 如何安排團隊的工作空間?

Working family preparing meals for the weekdays

• Context: 一個有孩子的上班家庭在上班日常態性的仰賴外食解決午、晚餐;周末則的在家裡開伙。此情形已持續一段時間,這家人漸漸覺得上班日家人午、晚餐的的質量控制不佳。雖然女主人有能力且有意願為全家準備食物、男主人也願意幫忙,而且孩子們也喜愛家裡烹煮的食物,但在下班後 – 特別是在忙碌工作一整天之後 –要從頭開始為全家煮一頓質量均佳的全餐需要花上許多時間。況且,在爸媽忙著準備晚餐的時間,孩子們很容易以零食充飢,常導致正餐時胃口不佳。

• Problem:這家人如何以合理的成本改善午晚餐的質量?

Pose your own problem

• Context:

• Problem:

Activities in an iteration

• Plan– Understand the context and the problem get

clarifications from PO

• Work– Team work, ScrumMaster keeps time and helps

• Retro– Review the pattern with PO

– Team reflect on what worked well? What can be improved?


13:30-13:50 Workshop tutorial

13:50-14:35 Iteration1

14:35-15:20 Iteration2

15:20-15:40 Break

15:40-16:10 Sharing

16:10-16:30 Closing


For each team:

• Large workbench for 6~7 persons

• Large posters

• Whiteboard and markers in many colors

• Pens and post-it (large, regular, and small) in many colors

• Scotch tape and scissors

• Etc.
