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Organizing Committee Structure and job roles ( PBOX )


This post is the most important part of the organizing committee. His /her duty is to make sure all the strategically decisions are taken with the help of the Executive Body. And he/she has to make sure all the targets are been achieved according to the timeline. In the absence of any of the positions below OCP has to take the responsibility to make sure everything is on the right track. He /she has to report to the LCVP X about the project progress. At times of adversity it is strongly recommended to gain help of the EB. He/she has to divide the workload among the members.

Main Responsibilities

Strategy outline and goal setting –evaluation

He/she will be responsible for drawing up the goals and the strategy of the project He/she will translate the goals into executable and manageable actions. He/she will communicate this to the team in an effective way He/she will be responsible for the complete follow up of the project He/she will adapt a strategy if goals are not realized





Exchange member


ER member


Logistics Member



Page 2: Pbox job roles and team structure

Organizing Committee Structure and job roles ( PBOX )

Team coach and motivation

He/she will prepare and chair all meetings with the team. He/she will make sure that everyone knows his/her responsibilities He will function as the main motivator for the team and make sure they do what they like to do .

Problem Solving

Deal with unforeseen circumstances Make sure that everything Is briefed to the team Make sure you are informed about every step of the project. Maintain a strong communication channel between the OC and the executive body .

Reporting to VP projects

Report the VP on a regular basis VP projects should be able to take over the project in case if the OCP are unable to execute the

responsibilities A sustainable flow of information should be guaranteed bottom-up

OCVP X/IS (Organizing Committee Vice President Exchange and Intern Reception )

The main duty of this position is to get all the raised TN forms matched. (A proper training on this will be given later). In this matching process OCVPX has o upload the forms in the system and get them matched with the respective TN id s ( This may sound weird , just think the intern is matched with an entity )He /She has to conduct EP interviews and after a tough screening process the best EP s should be selected. After selecting the EP s OCVPX has to obtain the relevant EP AN (Exchange Participant Acceptance Note) from the relevant EP manager. Then you need to prepare the TN AN (Traineeship Nominee Acceptance Note) and get it signed by the relevant person. Then OCVPX has to send this document to the respective EP manager. After that OCVPX has to send a mail to the LCVPX to match the forms in the system. Then OCVPX has to communicate the VISA process to the EP s and make sure they have got right type of VISA. After that OCVPX has to send the reception booklet( will let you know ) to the EP s.

After the arrival of the EP s the OCVPX changes into OCVPIS. This is a major role in obtaining the best intern experience and satisfaction. VPIS has to organize a welcome party for the interns. Trips and outings should be organized. Interns should be given awareness about the Sri Lankan culture and about the best places to be visited in Sri Lanka.


Page 3: Pbox job roles and team structure

Organizing Committee Structure and job roles ( PBOX )

OCVPER ( Organizing Committee Vice President External Relations )

The main duty of this position is to create, maintain and sustain relationships with project stakeholders. These stakeholders also include the project sponsors. Raising sponsorships for the project falls under this position. He/she has to maintain an online document about the companies approached and the progress. He/she has to report to LCVP BD about the ER progress and get necessary guidelines . Other than that he/she has to make sure that the project is a profitable one for the LC .

OCVPL (Organizing Committee Vice President Logistics )

This position has the basic duty of finding suitable and comfortable accommodation for the interns. He/she needs to sign a MoU with the party who rents the place including all the conditions. Airport pickups of the interns should also be managed by the OCVPL. Most importantly during the project interns’ transportation should be handled by him/her. He/she has to take the EP s to the VISA office for the VISA extension with the help of the OCVPX.

OCVPF ( Organizing Committee Vice President Finance )

The main duty of this position is to make sure the project financially sustainable. OCVPF should know about all the AIESEC costs and should keep an account of all the revenue and expenses. It is his duty to get the money passed at the right time especially for critical payments such as accommodation fee. He/she will directly contact with the LCVPF about the financial position about the project. He/she should support the OCVP ER in ER raising.

OCVP T&D ( Organizing Committee Vice President Training & Development)

In AIESEC members get the chance to develop their own projects and implement them with their strategic planning. Most of them are rookies in that so all the members should get proper training on certain important aspects that are critical in Project Management and also in AIESEC. The main duty of this position is to make sure all the members are getting the training they need. For this he/she has to directly contact with the LCVPTM. He/she has to support OCVPX in conducting EP interviews.

After the arrival of the interns he/she should make sure interns are getting the training about the Sri Lankan culture and the technical background about the project. He/she has to organize an induction day for the interns so that they can learn more about Sri Lanka and get to know all the AIESECers. And it’s his/her duty to make sure the interns are not idle.

OCVPCOM ( Organizing Committee Vice President for Communication)


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Organizing Committee Structure and job roles ( PBOX )

This is the marketing guy in the team .He/ she has to make a strong inter and intra network of communication with the team members and the other stakeholders. Apart from that he/she has to do promotions on social media about the project. This position requires some skills in designing since there will be lots of online posters to be designed. He/she has to help OCVPX by creating TN posters to make the matching process effective .This person has to directly communicate about the AIESEC branding issues with the LCVP IM &COMM.

Thank You !

Copyrights: Thushan Dharmawardana :P