Download pdf - Peace Notes October 2014




On September 7 over 4,000 ELCA congrega�ons par�cipated in “God’s

Work. Our Hands.” Sunday. Thank you to the Word of Peace congrega-

�on for making this day such a success! We enjoyed a wonderful day of

worshipping, dining and serving God together!

• Approximately 200 people served and/or made dona�ons

• 50 cards were made for shut-ins and military personnel

• Rogers park trails were cleared

• 100 hours of work was provided at CROSS

• Numerous prayers were prayed

• Over 200 breakfast bags were decorated and made for the Ronald McDonald House

• Approximately 150 storm drains were stenciled in St. Michael

“God’s Work. Our Hands” ELCA National Day of Service

Go forth today and every day to love and serve God, to love

and serve your neighbor, and to be God’s hands in the world.


Pastor Rick Skare, Senior Pastor

Pastor Krista Strum, Pastor

21705 129th Ave. N.

Rogers, MN 55374

Church Office


(press 3 to leave an emergency

message for the pastor)

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs 8am-4:30pm

Fri 8am-12:30pm

Our Vision Statement

Our vision is to be a community

where everyone knows Christ’s

Love and shares Christ’s Love with

all people.

Our Mission Statement

Christ works through us as we:

• Welcome all people to grow in

faith, love and devo�on,

• Share Christ through word

and deed,

• Care for others and the world

God made, and

• Work for jus�ce and peace.


Contact Jennie Priebe at

763-496-2401 or

[email protected].

November newsle er deadline:

October 10


& Readings

October 5 & 6

Pastor Rick Skare, “Habits of Happiness: Five Daily Habits”

In Philippians Chapter 3, Paul gives us five habits of happiness. We are invited

to build these habits into our lives and to grow in the Lord.

Scripture Readings: Philippians 3:4b-14; Psalm 19, Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20

October 12 & 13

Pastor Krista Strum, “Habits of Happiness: Don’t Stress Out!”

We have all heard and maybe even said the words, “Don’t Stress Out!” Paul’s

leEer to the people of Philipi reminds us that it is God’s peace through Christ

Jesus that will quiet your thoughts and give your heart rest.

Scripture Readings: Philippians 4:1-9; Psalm 23; Isaiah 25:1-9

October 19 & 20 — TBD

October 26 & 27

Pastor Rick Skare, “Abundant Joy, Overflowing

Generosity: Giving Our Day”

In loving God and giving ourselves “first to the

Lord,” we are able to love others and live generously.

Scripture Readings: Ma hew 22:34-46; 2 Corinthians 8:1-7; Psalm 1

Habits of Happiness Series

Con,nues in October

We con;nue to focus on the book of Philip-

pians, the “happiest” book in the Bible.

Paul wrote this amazing le er to the Philip-

pians while he was in prison in Rome, illus-

tra;ng for the people of Philippi and for us

that happiness isn’t based on your happen-

ings or circumstances.

October 26 & 27 is Family Worship

The children’s choirs will be singing, children will be reading, we will have a

special children’s message and a Sunday brunch. This is going to be a great

weekend for worship!


Aaron and Mabel’s Abundant Giving

Aaron and Mabel, somewhere in their eigh�es, live in a modest apartment over an office. Their building once

housed a business but later fell into disrepair. They bought the building for $37,500 and remodeled it back

into shape. Aaron and Mabel do not consider themselves to be wealthy, but they have a sense of gra�tude

for lifelong blessings from God.

Mabel was a good story teller. For example, she tells of one occasion when she said, “If God gave me a mil-

lion dollars, I’d give it all away.” She spoke too rashly! When her father died, she was surprised to receive a

financial legacy (“No, it wasn’t a million dollars.”). She was immediately convicted and conflicted: did her ear-

lier words mean anything? She ra�onalized that “this is different; it is an inheritance.” But her heart was not

at peace, so she talked with Aaron and then went to the bank, made a special account of all the money, and

then proceeded to give it away as she learned of church, agency, and personal needs.

Aaron is a methodical thinker and planner. Back in 1982 he discovered, when talking with his tax adviser, that

they had given 18 percent of earnings for charity that year. They both were pleased. But then the tax adviser

men�oned that the tax law allowed them to give up to 50 percent to charity, Aaron and Mabel decided to

give more. With effort, they raised the amount to 24 percent in 1983. “We tried harder; we squeezed our

cash flow.” Twenty-nine percent. “You don’t know how hard it was for us. But you can only experience the

real joy of giving when you make significant sacrifices.” By 1990 they finally arrived at 50 percent.

The couple developed a frugal life style and an orderly plan of giving. Mabel is the check writer and

bookkeeper. All earnings went into savings. Then savings sent money to checking as need arose. They devel-

oped the habit of giving to charity first, “even when we saw a stack of bills on the desk.”

Thank God for faithful seniors whose long�me commitments have benefited the work of the church.

“Sacrifice is not giving up things, but

giving to God with joy the best we have.”

– Oswald Chambers

Join us for the “Abundant Joy, Overwhelming Generosity” worship and adult study series

beginning October 26. Topics will include:

Giving God Our Day

Giving God Our Worship

Giving God Our Spiritual Gi's

Giving God Our Income


Pastor Krista Strum

Pastor of Congrega-

tional Care & Outreach


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As I walk with people on their faith journeys, especially

when they face challenging �mes, I oPen hear these

words: “I just want to be happy.” We think of happiness

as something that just happens, but it’s not an accident,

it’s a choice. Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Ministries

has Five Laws of Happiness to offer us:

• Don’t look for happiness; create it.

• Happiness is not a goal.

• My habits create my happiness.

• Happiness based on happenings is temporary. But

happiness built on habits is long las�ng.

• Happy habits are as addic�ng as bad habits but they

are a whole lot more rewarding.

This month we con�nue our Habits of Happiness series,

where we are discovering together what Paul’s leEer to

the Philippians says about happiness in all circumstances.

I encourage you to par�cipate in the Sunday Morning

Habits of Happiness class as well as a number of other

educa�onal opportuni�es that correspond with the se-

ries, which can provide you with ways of prac�cing some

of the “happy” habits that Paul writes about.

God’s Peace,





Lutheran College Fairs give students, parents,

educators and others a chance to meet with

staff and alumni from Lutheran colleges all over

the country. The program is informal and de-

signed to encourage ques�ons and conversa-

�ons. While students of all ages are welcome,



graders and their parents will find the

fairs especially useful. Upcoming fairs include:

• Luther Seminary in St. Paul—Sunday, October

5, 2014 at 5:00pm


• St. Andrew Lutheran Church in Eden Prairie—

Monday, October 6, 2014 at 6:45pm


Lutheran College Fairs and events are free and

open to the general public. More informa�on at

CPR Class: Thursday, October 9, 6:30-

8:30pm—Give yourself the peace of mind

knowing that, if something should happen to

one of your loved ones, you would know

what to do.

The class is led by WOPLC member Judi

Volkers, an EMT and cer�fied CPR instructor,

and will cover infant through adult CPR. Cost

is $31.00 and space is limited. Please arrive

around 6:15pm to sign in. This class is a

fundraiser for Kids of Peace Preschool. To

sign up, please give your name and phone

number to Julie PicconaEo at

jpiccona [email protected] or 763-496-2419.



OKTOBERFEST! Monday, October 20

7:30-9:00 pm at

Harvest Grill in Rogers

What beEer way to celebrate the age old tradi-

�ons of Lutheranism, Mar�n Luther and the

Reforma�on than to celebrate Oktoberfest!?

Join your Word of Peace family for an evening

of singing, food and the beverage of your

choice. You might even see some Lederhosen!


WHO SERVED: A Veteran’s Day Community Event

Sunday, November 9,

2:00 - 4:00pm

at Word of Peace


• Presenta�on of Colors by the Police

Honor Guard

• Invoca�on

• A Veteran’s Story

• Chief Beahen from the “Beyond the Yellow

Ribbon” Community CommiEee

• Recogni�on of Veterans and Families

• Prayers of Remembrance

• Card-Making Sta�on

• Refreshments and Fellowship



All Veterans,

Friends, Family

and Community

are Invited!


Who is The Marriage Course for?

The Marriage Course is perfect for any married couple, in-

cluding those who are:

• In the first five years of marriage

• Looking to enhance their marriage

• Struggling with issues

• At a challenging stage (i.e. new baby, career change, empty nest)

What Can You Expect?

During seven evenings spent together, couples talk about

important issues, such as:

• Recognizing each other's needs

• Rela�ng to parents and in-laws

• Learning how to communicate

• Healing past hurt

• How to make each other feel loved

• Resolving conflict

• Making �me for and having fun with each other

• Good sex

Each evening begins with a candlelit meal, a video presenta-

�on, followed by the chance to talk about the topic together

as a couple.

The seWng is welcoming, relaxed, and non-threatening. Priva-

cy as a couple is always respected. While based on Chris�an

principals, the course is helpful for any couple with or without

a Chris�an faith or background.

Registra�on forms for The Marriage Course are available at

the Informa�on Desk and at Childcare is

available upon request.

For more informa�on, please contact Pastor Rick Skare at

763-496-2400 or [email protected].

October 5 - November 23 6:00—8:30pm

The Gi's of Imperfec2on Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be

and Embrace Who You Are

October 5 - November 23

6:00pm Dinner (free-will offering)

6:30pm Study Begins

You Are Imperfect—You Are Enough—You are a Child of God!

In this study we will be guided by scripture, video clips and Brené Brown’s book, The GiKs of Imperfec;on. We will

spend �me together around prac�cal ways to live lives as imperfect but beloved Children of God.

• LeWng Go of What People Think

• LeWng Go of Perfec�onism

• Cul�va�ng Gra�tude and Joy

• LeWng Go of Comparison

• Cul�va�ng Play and Rest: LeWng Go of Exhaus�on

as a Status Symbol

• Cul�va�ng Meaningful Work

• LeWng Go of Self-Doubt and “Supposed To”

Registra�on forms are available

at the Informa�on Desk and;on



As reported last month, the first candidate the com-

miEee was preparing to recommend for the Associ-

ate Pastor of Life & Growth withdrew from consid-

era�on in late July. With the benefits of its first-

round work, the commiEee and synod were able to

move quickly with new candidates. They have con-

ducted first-round interviews and planned some

second-round discussions with pastoral candidates

for early October.

The Minneapolis Synod will con�nue to iden�fy

prospects for the Call CommiEee to consider un�l

Word of Peace calls a new pastor. Please con�nue

to pray for the Call CommiEee, the con�nued bur-

den on our current pastors, and for clear discern-

ment of God’s will granted by the Holy Spirit.


Congregational Life & Growth


CROSS is looking for a couple of volunteer musi-

cians for the Sip & Shop at The Woods in Maple

Grove on October 9. ShiPs take place from 5pm

to 6:30pm and from 6:30pm to 8pm. The venue

will be most suited to a single instrument, back-

ground music or small group, possibly outdoors

(weather permiWng). Please contact CROSS if

you are interested in volunteering for this fun


October Needs:

Toilet paper, salad dressing

For more informa2on about CROSS,

call 763-425-1050 or visit


Thank you to everyone at Word of Peace who donated canned

goods during the Minnesota FoodShare’s Food & Fund Drive in

March. Our congrega�on received recogni�on from Minnesota

FoodShare for being the 3rd largest donor congrega�on to the


Together we touched many lives in our community, reinforcing

how we really are the Hands & Feet of Jesus!!


If you ever miss a worship service or simply want to see it

again, now you can. Go to to

view current and archives of worship services. The cur-

rent weekend’s worship service will be available to view

online every Tuesday morning.


First Communion Classes Sunday, September 28, November 2, March 15 and April 26, 2-5pm

First Communion Classes will be offered for children fourth grade and older. Students and their parents are

invited to aEend the class together that teach young people the meaning of Holy Communion.

Registra�on forms and informa�on is available outside of the Children’s Ministry office. Contact: Megan

Moen at 763-496-2423/[email protected]

Fall Family Dance and Ac,vity Night: Friday, October 10 from 6:00-8:00pm

$10 a person (children 2 years and under are free)

Admission Includes:

Church School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmationChurch School & Con�rmation

Dates to Remember:

October 15 NO Confirma�on

October 19 & 20 MEA Weekend—NO Church School

October 26 & 27 Family Worship/NO Church School

October 26 & 27 Required Teacher Workshops Workshops will be held during all worship

hours (teachers, please choose any one of

the hours to a end)

• Family friendly dance—Complete with the limbo,

cupcake walk, chicken dance, hula hoop contest,

and more!

• Slice of pizza and a drink (second slices available for an

addi�onal cost)

• Race a friend in the inflatable bouncy maze.

• Decorate a pumpkin.

• Take wacky family photos in our photo area

• Get your face painted, a taEoo, and/or crazy hair

• Wear a costume if you wish!

Cold Stone Ice Cream sundae bar is available for an addi�onal cost.

Tickets available at the Children’s Ministry Office or at the door. This is a fundraiser to support ALL church school, confirma2on

and Kids of Peace Preschool scholarships.


Marcus Eads (Middle School) 763-496-2410/[email protected] | Kate Gantz (High School) at 763-496-2430/[email protected] |

Youth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth MinistryYouth Ministry

Thursday Senior Shop Rogers Bus—

Thursdays at 10am, $1.00 per rider.

Contact Judy at 763-428-7657.

Jammers Potluck & Music—Sunday,

10/5 from 1-5pm (eat at 4pm) at the

Rogers Community Room, 21201 Me-

morial Drive. Bring a dish to share. Con-

tact Dave at 763-428-4217.

Rogers Senior Dining—Tuesday

through Thursday every week at 12:00

noon at the Rogers Community Room.

Call at least two days in advance by

2pm for reserva�ons, 763-428-0976.

Cost: 55+ $4.00. Under 55 $5.00.

Trip to the MN Landscape Arboretum

in Chanhassen—Friday, October 3.

We’ll depart from the Rogers Commu-

nity Room at 9am and return at

2:30pm. Cost is $15.00 for bus and en-

try to the Arboretum. Tram rides for

$5.00 are available upon arrival. Bring a

bag lunch or dine at their restaurant.

Call Liz at 763-428-0939 by Sept. 26th

to sign up.


Fall CraE & Bake Sale—Saturday, Octo-

ber 4, 9am-2:30pm at the Rogers Com-

munity Room. Lunch served from 10:30-

2. This is a fundraiser for the Rogers

Seniors group.

Mys,c Lake Casino bus trip—October

13. We’ll depart from the Rogers Com-

munity Room at 8:30am and enjoy 5

hours of gaming. $5.00 holds your spot

and is handed back to you the day of

trip. Call Liz at 763-428-0939 to reserve

a spot by Oct. 6.

Watercolor Pain,ng Class—

Wednesday, October 29, 1pm. Jean

McFarlane will be teaching a beginning

technique class at the Rogers Communi-

ty Room. All supplies are included and

the cost is only $5.00. Reserva�ons

must be made by Oct. 26; call Liz at 428

-0939. Collect 7 leaves, press them, and

bring them to class. Join us at 12:30 for

wine tas�ng provided by Rogers Wine

and Spirits before the class.

The Word of Peace Kids-Care Bus takes

seniors shopping at Ridgedale every other

month. The next trip will be October 14.

Cost is $1.00 for the round trip. The bus

starts picking up at 9:30am and returns to

Rogers by 1:30pm. Call Judy to sign up at


Please contact Judy Hanson at 763-428-7657

for resource, community or general infor-

ma;on for seniors in the Rogers area.

To subscribe to the Rogers Senior Newsle er,

call 763-241-3520. Or, read it online at Sen-


Join us October 12 and 26 from 9:45-

10:45am in the Youth Room for food, de-

votions and games! Friends are always


MS: 5th


Grade Hayride & Bonfire

Meet us at Hayrides Inc. in Rogers for an

hour-long hayride through the woods and

fields, followed by a bonfire and s’mores!

Cost is $7.00 + a Word of Peace Health

Form. October 12 from 6-8pm. Sign up on

the youth bulletin board.

HS: Sever’s Corn Maze

On Sunday, October 12 from 12pm-5pm

we’ll drive down as a group to Sever’s

Corn Maze in Shakopee. Included in the

price of admission is the corn maze, ex-

treme corn pit, spider web, giant jumping

pillows, pig races, live

music, and more! Sign

up by October 5 for

$16 + WOPLC Registra-

�on Form. (APer Oct.

5, the cost is $20.)

HS: Cans 4 CROSS

Join us for a night of volunteering on Mon-

day, October 27 from 6:30-8pm! We’ll

meet at Word of Peace in the Youth Room

and then head out to different neighbor-

hoods going door-to-door asking for

canned goods or non-perishable items for

CROSS Food Shelf in Rogers. Then we’ll

come back to Word of Peace for snacks &


HS: Small Group Bible Studies

Bring your friends for our small group

studies! We’ll start with the Crea�on story

and work our way through the en�re Bi-

ble! Sunday, October 12 and 26 from

11am-12pm. Breakfast will be served.

HS: Youth Mondays

Youth Mondays are the high school night

at church! Join us from 6:30-8pm on Octo-

ber 6, 13, and 27 for worship, games,

snacks, and discussions

Upcoming Youth Events

MS = Middle School | HS = High School

Non-Profit Org. US Postage


Ch a n g e S e r v i c e R e q u e s t e d

Fall Schedule Begins Sept. 7Fall Schedule Begins Sept. 7Fall Schedule Begins Sept. 7Fall Schedule Begins Sept. 7 SundaysSundaysSundaysSundays 8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional8:30 a.m. Traditional 9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended9:45 a.m. Blended 11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary11:00 a.m. Contemporary MondaysMondaysMondaysMondays 6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary6:30 p.m. Contemporary

menmenmenmen’s retreats retreats retreats retreat menmenmenmen’s retreats retreats retreats retreat Saturday, Oct. 4 ���� 9:00 am-3:00 pm at Word of Peace Saturday, Oct. 4 ���� 9:00 am-3:00 pm at Word of Peace

HOW GREAT IS OUR GODHOW GREAT IS OUR GODHOW GREAT IS OUR GODHOW GREAT IS OUR GOD Video Presentation by Rev. Louie Giglio Speaker and Founder of “The Passion Movement”


• Registra�on and Breakfast

• Introduc�on and Get To Know Each Other

• View and Discuss Part 1 of “How Great

is Our God” video

• Lunch




• Fun Ac�vity

• View and Discuss Part 2 of “How Great

is Our God” video

• Worship with Holy Communion

COST: $20 - Sign Up at the Informa�on Desk or contact:

Carolyn Schuster @ 612.247.7638 / [email protected]