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    Letter from the director:PHELAN FLETCHER


    This week campers were transported to a World of Mystery riddled with magic and merriment. The theme A World of Mystery borrows concepts from one of the most popular books of all time, J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter. This much-loved series consisting of seven books has inspired eight blockbuster movies and even a full theme park.

    To start the week off campers were sorted into one of four houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff. Just like in the books, each camper was brought to the front of the room where they had the sorting hat placed on their heads. After a few moments their house was announced and they proceeded to find the correct counselor, or housemaster. Once everyone was sorted the groups they formed became their teams for the week. Every wizard needs a wand, so it was only natural that the first activity was wand making. Campers were provided wooden dowels to decorate with paint, beads

    and any other craft supplies they could get their hands on. The end products were unique pieces of art that embodied each campers individual spirit. With their new wands in hand they were ready to go out and explore the World of Mystery.

    After acclimating to their new magical ways, campers got to go outside and try their hand at the favorite pastime of wizards, quidditch. Quidditch is a complex game played in the books and movies that wizards play high in the sky while zooming around on brooms. Sadly, we left all of our flyable brooms back in Diagon Alley, so we opted for a ground-based version with pool noodles.

    Quidditch consists of a goal, one for each team, made up of three hoops of varying heights. Each team has one keeper (essentially the goalie), two beaters (they guard the goal and tag other players), the seeker (their job is to find the golden snitch) and chasers (the remaining team members whose goal is to throw a ball threw one of the opposite teams hoops). As the beaters and chasers stormed the field trying

    Aug. 5th - 9th, 2013

    to score, the seekers went off to find the golden snitch, played by one of our energetic counselors.

    To end the week the other campers went off to defeat dragons while our LITs went to the Lap Pool to learn basic kayaking skills in preparation for next weeks trip down the Cuyahoga. Our Crooked River Adventures staff taught the LITs both water safety and how to properly maneuver the kayaks so that theyll be able to take straight to the water come next week.

    I hope that campers had a magical time this week and learned that with a little imagination, anything can be possible.

    Phelan Fletcher

    Dear Parents,

    KIDS QUOTESWhy cant I just be a Ravenpoof ? Thunder is just the olympians

    burping. No manners at all.The Gryffindors endorse people.

    Hermione Granger shouldve been the chosen one.

    Here you can see the campers getting ready to face off against each other in a friendly game of quiddtich.
