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Real Results,

No Hype,No Hassle,

Real Quick

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The Peak Condition Nutrition Plan-Your guide to better health

Please read this first before starting this program!

Read the following statement carefully before you follow any of the advice contained in this nutritional program.

The nutritional advice given in the Peak Condition Program is for information purposes only and is intended to educate the reader and in no way is it a substitute for a consultation with a qualified medical practitioner, registered dietician or nutritionist.

Reference to any products or services, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation. They are for convenience only.

If you choose to follow the dietary recommendations contained in this program, it is presumed that you are choosing to do so at your own will. If at any time you are feeling negative side effects, you should consult a qualified medical practitioner immediately for advice.



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Hi All,

Welcome to a new beginning! You must be serious about shedding those unwant-ed pounds if you have taken the time to read my Peak Condition Nutritional Pro-gram. The program will show you the best way to lose weight quickly and safely. The path is simple. The key principle is eating fresh whole foods, simple as. Create a healthy body and fat loss is a side effect! This program is about changing your eating habits, your lifestyle and health for the better.

It’s different from other fad diets on the market; it is designed to give you a total body boost and is not just a quick fix! I have assessed many of the popular dietary programs at delivering the results that they are promising and most of them do work, well for a while that is...From calorie restriction to high fat high protein and ‘liquid only’ diets, each of the most popular diets were clearly intended only as a short term quick fix solution to problems that are chronic or long term in nature. I know how frustrating it is to try to lose weight and get fit, I have been though it myself.

Before we get started first let me tell you my story so you know where I’m coming from. My name is Angie Jenkins and I am the founder and managing director of Fit For Life. I’m originally from Canada and started my sports career as a competitive gymnast back in the late 70’s. Unfortunately after my career had ended I started to gain weight rapidly in my late teens and early twenties. In fact my family health history of diabetes, heart disease and obesity dictated that I had to take ACTION, otherwise I risked the threat of an uncertain future.

I decided that I deserved better and that it was time to finally change my life. I moved across the county initially and enrolled myself in various different anatomy, physiology, weight training and coaching courses and started back doing what I loved… gymnastics, this time I was coaching.

I did this until I immigrated to Ireland in 1995. There wasn’t much of a gymnastics program in Ireland back then so back I went to studying and qualified as a personal trainer in 1996.


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Although I had lost some weight through exercise and changing my eating habits, I was still not happy with my progress. You see I was taking the wrong approach, which many people still do. The early 90’s was all about ‘low fat’, ‘calorie cutting’ and getting into your ‘fat burning zone’ when exercising.

Although I initially lost a bit of weight (around 4kgs, which was inevitable if you saw what I was eating and drinking before) I found I hit a brick wall and nothing more was shifting and most importantly my body shape wasn’t changing at all.

I was now starting to realize what I had learned as fitness trainer was very basic and old school and I knew I had to start studying again. I now spend close to €10,000 a year to study with the best coaches in the world. My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible to get into Peak Condition by educating, motivating and passing on what I have learned over the years.

I do practice what I preach; I myself underwent a dramatic transformation and to-day in my forties I look and feel better than I ever did in my twenties! Don’t get me wrong I have faced the same challenges as you! I love my glass of red wine and chocolate but this program will allow you to enjoy your favourite things whilst still losing weight. It’s not going to be easy but studies show for a new behaviour to take hold in our psyche it takes just 21 days. That’s why it critical to stick with it and give 110% effort and commitment for the first 3 weeks. Once you have passed that marker you will have done the hardest part and you will already be well on your way to a new body!

I have been helping people lose weight for over 13 years now and I can help you too. I’ve worked with individuals and corporate clients and have shown many peo-ple the way to improve their fitness and health and live their life to the fullest. I invite you to follow the simple principles contained in this program to achieve your dream of getting into shape!

To your success & health


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Part 1My M.E.T.H.O.D for fat lossThe real key to fat loss is to speed up your metabolism. A pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories. Jogging burns about 100 calories per mile (depend-ing on your body weight) so you’d have to jog 35 miles just to burn one pound of fat! In the real world, it just isn’t going to happen. Endless cardio training just isn’t a realistic answer to the problem of fat loss. In fact research shows that too much continuous cardio work will actually be counterproductive for fat loss.

This brings us to the first part of The Peak Condition formula which involves:

METOBOLIC Metabolism is your body’s ability to burn calories at rest ENHANCEMENTFor every kilo of muscle you have you burn approximately 50 calories a day extra at rest. TRAINING We are not exercising aimlessly; we are training hard with a structured and progres-sive resistance and interval training program.


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With my Metabolic Enhancement Training workouts and intervals you’ll build mus-cular strength which not only gives you a firmer, toned figure; it also increases your metabolism and slows down the aging process. This is because muscle requires a lot of metabolic energy to sustain the breakdown and rebuilding process. With a faster metabolism, you don’t have to rely on hours of cardio, you’ll burn more calories even when you sleep, leading to a slimmer, fitter and healthier you.

In saying that, no amount of fitness training will get you into Peak Condition if your diet is rubbish. A key component of a healthy diet involves getting the vitamins, minerals, essential fats and the amino acids your body requires. Fat loss and opti-mum body composition are merely a side effect of being healthy.

Government agencies around the world set out recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for various vitamins and minerals. These guidelines were first introduced in the 1930s and focussed on establishing the minimum amounts of the key vitamins to prevent diseases such as scurvy, rickets and pellagra.

The RDAs were successful as far as their intended function, but today’s require-ments are markedly different than they were 80 years ago. Today we are living more stressful lives and dealing with the toxic effects of pollution, chemicals and growing our food on soil that is depleted of important trace elements.

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Therefore the second part of The Peak Condition Formula focuses on a:

The way you eat every day to look, feel and perform at your best!

HOLISTICThis is the concept that all food consumed be whole food, nothing is processed.

OPTIMUM Our food lacks the nutrients it use to 50 years ago and due to the demands we place on our bodies in the 21st century we are more than likely not getting the opti-mum nutrients we need to achieve our Peak Condition. The supplement strategies given in this program are designed to give you a total body boost without breaking the bank. By supplementing our diet with a few useful nutrients, we will be able to speed up our progress and improve our health dramatically.

That puts the old D-Word into a different light, don’t you think?It takes the concept of starting a diet from being negative, faddy and a potentially harmful one to one that’s positive and beneficial to health. So for this program I am going to ask to you to think of this diet as being:

I’ll give you a more realistic picture of vitamin requirements for optimum health in the 21st century.

So now you know where I’m coming from, this is not some faddy method of the moment but a programme that incorporates sound researched dietary and training principles that can be relied upon again and again and have stood the test of time.

DIETAlthough the word ‘Diet’ implies restriction, according to the word ‘Diet’ actually means:

• Food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effects on health• A particular selection of food, especially as designed or prescribed to improve a person’s physical condition or to prevent or treat a disease

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It may not be easy at the start but you can only grow if you are willing to feel awk-ward and uncomfortable when you try something new. Now let’s get on with..

Getting Started

One of my favourite quotes off all time is “Failing to plan is planning to fail.”

People who are serious about changing their fitness levels are committed to ac-complishing what they set out to do regardless of what needs to happen. They plant a stake in the ground and make certain things non-negotiable. They set goals, write them out, look at them each day and do whatever it takes to get the result they want.

You either want to get rid of your muffin top and your chunky thighs, or you want the bottles of wine, beer and the weekend takeaways. It is as simple as that. You shouldn’t beat yourself up if you resort to more comfort eating because you are not happy with how you look. Just admit that you love your refined carbs more than your abs. One of the best ways to raise your self-esteem is to make choices that lead to a change in your physical body and your mind. In exercise, you improve your self-esteem when you train hard, train consistently and stick to set training days.

Here is where I would like you to write down your goals and set your targets.Before embarking with me on your Peak Condition Program, I would like you to take time to think and dream about what you would like get out of this plan and your life.

Part 2

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My perfect weight is

My body will look like (describe your ideal shape, muscle tone, even a person you admire)

My energy levels are

My mind set is

Next write down everything you hope to get out of this program

If you would like to share these goals please do.

You should now feel excited and elated knowing you are going to achieve your dreams and you can turn the above points into reality!

Goal Setting Nuggets

• Create a set of clearly defined goals. This is the first major step to achieving your dreams, hopes and ambitions. Study after study shows that individuals who write down and picture how they want life to be, obtain the goals they so desire.

• Believe your goals! Act and think as if you have already attained and received them!• Be specific and clear about your goals!

• Adopt a positive mind set, brush negative thoughts and feelings away. Don’t dwell or focus on negative vibes, feelings or thoughts. You have the power to change your thinking!

• Be happy now! You have taken an amazing step forward – be excited! View this experience with me as an adventure not as a boring diet plan! You are going through this with hundreds of other people. You are going to feel energized, fo-cused and empowered!

Write these down on a separate piece of paper and look at them daily Be de-scriptive and clear:

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Get Organized

The nutrition plan requires total commitment to achieve amazing results, so put forth 100% effort. Prior to commencing the program, spend 2-3 days preparing yourself and your cupboards. Get rid of everything in your house from the ‘Miss’ list, and stock the cupboards and fridge full of foods from the ‘Hit’list. Simply ‘hid-ing’ banned foods rarely works.

The first 4-7 days will be the hardest. Your body is craving for all those addictions that it has been so used to. There will be temptations to eat badly. This is normal and is just your body craving much like a drug addict would. Within the first 2-4 days you may well have slightly decreased energy levels. It is very common and likely that you’ll get headaches and feel a little below par as your body is coming to terms with the big reduction in your daily intake of toxins and chemicals. I know it will be difficult but you’ll come out feeling 10 times better after that initial few days.

You will find that it is actually easier to learn the principles of the nutrition plan rather than to use a set diet plan. I will provide you with meal plans and sugges-tions to get you on the right track.

I know it’s difficult when you have to juggle family, work and other responsibilities especially when you are out of the home, at the office or out and about. Let’s face it, if you want it enough you can organize your time better to make it happen! No more excuses!

The place to start is by planning your meals for the week every Sunday. Make sure your family and friends know you are going to embark on a lifestyle change and make them commit to supporting you and even get them involved eating the same things as you.

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First thing to do is invest in a small soft material cooler bag therefore you can pack everything you need for your day ahead. You will also want to buy containers small enough to hold your food in that will fit into your cooler bag. Prepare enough on the Sunday for even a few days and each night before you go to bed, prepare your snacks and lunch, and pop it into your bag in the morning just before you leave the house.

How it works, the Core Purpose of the ProgramIn order to get the body functioning optimally we first need to:

Detoxify your system by REMOVING any and all foods that the human body treats as toxic, irritating or de-vitalizing in nature FOR A MINIMUM OF 2 WEEK, FOR BEST RESULT DO IT FOR 4 WEEKS.

The first two weeks of the diet serves to detoxify your body by expelling all un-wanted toxins and filling every cell within your body with all the nutrients necessary to achieve optimum health and vitality. To detoxify your body is simply to remove toxins or poisons which you have in-gested in one way or another. These toxins enter your body in a variety of ways, most commonly through the foods we eat and the air we breathe. Generally, the lymphatic system, liver, kidneys, bowels and skin enable the body to efficiently break down, neutralise and eliminate pollutants through sweat, urine, breath, and faeces. However, when the body is overloaded with toxins, it will store the excess in our fat cells. When you stop taking in these toxins, the ones which have previ-ously been stored will be processed and excreted by the body, (and that’s why you will feel horrible initially) along with the excess water and waste products that ac-company them.

In doing this you will not only lose a significant amount of fat mass over a relatively short period, but will also improve your vitality, health and general well-being dra-matically.

Ok so I have briefly touched on why we will be removing certain foods so let’s get to it. Here is your ‘Miss list’ for the next two to four weeks and why.

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1. Wheat & Gluten:

For many people, wheat and gluten leads to all kinds of intestinal and digestive problems that manifest themselves in many ways from weight gain to hormone disruption, to IBS and celiac disease.Gluten grains include: any wheat product, white, brown or wholemeal, oats, rye, spelt, bulgur, couscous and semo-lina. So no pasta, cereal, bread,biscuts etc

2. Pasteurized & Homogenized Dairy:

Milk is often thought of as nature’s perfect food and in many ways it probably is… when it’s given to the babies of any species by their own parents! It’s the most common food al-lergen and most people produce antibodies to it. In other words, it causes your immune system to react. It’s also mucus forming and when it goes through the processes of pas-teurization and homogenization, any real val-ue that milk or dairy may have from a

for a minimum of two weeks please. Now, it may well be that at the end of the two weeks you can reintroduce wheat and gluten products with no adverse reactions. If that’s the case, then well done, you’ll be one of the lucky one who gets to enjoy many of what are arguably the most delicious (yet reactive) foods we can currently buy at the supermarket.

nutritional perspective is all but gone, making it’s consumption both pointless and potentially stressful to human physiology. Pasteurization killing off bacteria, always sounds pretty good to most of us as we’ve been trained to think that all bacteria are bad, yet it also kills off those poor little lactic bacilli(the very same bacteria you pay extra for in your ‘probiotic yoghurt drinks) along with the lactase, galactase

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3. Caffeine. This might be the hardest part if you’re ad-dicted. But that’s the point. Caffeine is an ad-dictive toxin that makes your liver work hard to detoxify it. If too much caffeine is drunk it can be addictive and trigger headaches. In some people it causes nervousness, panic at-tacks and insomnia. Even if you don’t experi-ence these symptoms, caffeine can interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron – 2 important minerals. It also needs to be detoxified once in the body and this uses up valuable B vitamins and zinc. So all in all caffeine provides very little in the way of nutrition and uses up lots of nutrients as it’s being excreted. Try herbal teas instead.No tea, coffee, energy drinks, coke etc. No de-caffeinated ones either as these are packed full of even more additives! This includes fizzy drinks (including ‘Diet’ ones) that contain lots of chemicals.

and phosphatase enzymes responsible for aiding you in the digestion of the milk. Without enzymes present we have a hard time digesting and assimilating milk and nutritional perspective is all but gone, making it’s consumption both pointless and potentially stressful to human physiology. Pasteurization killing off bacteria, always sounds pretty good to most of us as we’ve been trained to think that all bacteria are bad, yet it also kills off those poor little lactic bacilli(the very same bacteria you pay extra for in your ‘probiotic yoghurt drinks) along with the lactase, galactase and phosphatase enzymes responsible for aiding you in the digestion of the milk. Without enzymes present we have a hard time digesting and assimilating milk and often react to it with allergies and intolerances including but not limited to: Skin conditions – rashes, hives, eczema, ‘swelling’

Gastro-intestinal disorders- cramps, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, IBS

Respiratory conditions- runny nose, itchy watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, and asthma like symptoms

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4. Alcohol. Alcohol of any kind is quite simply a toxin. Of course, this is your liver’s worst enemy. Nico-tine and alcohol negatively affects your energy levels, reduces your digestive capacity, up-sets mental function and disturbs your inter-nal equilibrium. It takes your body 3 days to work extremely hard to detoxify your system placing stress upon your liver, kidneys and ad-renal glands. Alcohol also causes insulin se-cretion, blood sugar imbalance and increased body fat storage. Alcohol is simple put, just liquid sugar!

5. Sugar & Processed Food

This has to be the most obvious thing to cut out from your diet. Over the last 300 years, sugar has gone from a ‘once in a while’ ad-dition to food to a MAJOR part of the daily food intake of most people in the developed nations. It goes without saying if you cut out chocolates, coke, and sugar from your tea and coffee, you will lose weight, however there arecountless hidden sugars that have found their way into our food chain. In other words we are talking about processed foods as being the main hiding place for the various forms of sugar which is the reason why anything in a package is on the ‘Miss list.’ This includes the fake sugars that contain chemicals which can raise your blood sugar and insulin levels just the same as sugar. This means avoiding foods containing added sugar or artificial sweeteners, such as dressings, maple syrup, molasses, honey or fruit juices of any kind. A general rule is if an ingredient ends in ‘ose’ it is a form of sugar.

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The Peak Condition Principles

Well you now have your ‘Miss list’ and what you need to remove for a minimum of two weeks. As I mentioned earlier in the pro-gram, you will find that it is actually easier to learn the principles than to use a set diet plan. Soon these will be incorporated into your daily routine and you won’t think about it anymore. Here are your most important prin-ciples to making this program work for you

Sugar and processed foods go hand in hand, sometimes when you think a pack-aged food may be healthy there turns out being sugar in it. So the best thing to do to make sure you aren’t getting any added sugar is to not eat any packaged, canned or ready-made food.

Part 3

• Eat 3 smaller meals and 1-2 snacks a day, eat every 2 ½ to 4 hours.

Eat every few hours so that your body doesn’t ever go into starvation mode and produce cortisol. If you’re not hungry then don’t eat but try not to leave it too long as you don’t want your blood sugar levels to plummet. This is when you become irritable and will more than like reach for anything in site.

• Always eat a good quality protein source at every meal and snack. We may use other strategies later in the program but it is important to meet your protein requirements. Women should aim for 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per kilogram body weight and men 3 to 4 grams per kilo body weight.

• Don’t skip breakfast and eat protein as part of the most important meal of the day. Always avoid a high carbohydrate breakfast.

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• Use organic meats, dairy, veggies as often as possible. Fresh is best, frozen as next best option, do not eat canned or preserved foods.

• NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS. NONE, NOT EVEN A LITTLE. YES, THIS MEANS READING ALL LOW-CARB AND FAT LABELS. YOU’LL GET USED TO IT.• Start with a liver flush on your first week. Here’s my one week liver flush recipe:• Squeeze the juice of 1 and a half lemons, this needs fill one cup so if you don’t get enough juice you can add water to it, however the mixture should still have a sour taste. The more sour the more cleansing.• Add one tablespoon of cold pressed extra virgin olive oil• 60 drops of A.Vogel milk thistle ( this can be bought at any health food shop)

• Shake the ingredients together in a glass jar and drink immediately followed by 2 cups of warm water with the juice of one lemon in it as well.

• Drink the flush for 7 days first thing in the morning• Do not eat any food for one hour afterwards

• Use the glycemic index as a rough guide to keep the insulin under control but recall that the quantity of food also affects the impact on the blood sugar. e.g.. carrots have a high glycemic index but are not usually eaten in large quantities so the impact on the blood sugar is low. Therefore, they are a good food choice for fibrous carbs. This concept is called the glycemic load. More on this later • Vary your protein sources at each meal so that allergies don’t result Eating the same foods over and over again can lead to food sensitivities, vitamin and mineral imbalances and hormone fluctuations will send your systems out of balance despite the fact that what you’re eating is healthy. Try to rotate your sources of meat, fish and poultry from meal to meal and day to day, try not to eat the same flesh foods more than twice a week if you can. Choose 2-3 sources of meat (beef, lamb, venison), 2-3 of poultry (turkey, duck, chicken) and 2-3 types of fish (salmon, hake, mackerel) and keep rotating them.

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• Proteins – try to use organic or free range as much as possible Eggs(chicken & duck), chicken, duck, pheasant, turkey beef, lamb, venison, quail, any fish such as salmon, mackerel, hake, monk, cod, halibut, trout, shrimp, prawns, scallop, crab

Part 4

WHAT TO EAT- THE ‘HIT LIST’:You have a long list of food items to select and eat - Lots and lots of vegetables, plants, fruit, seeds, nuts and meat.

Seeds & Nuts

Stock up and rotate nuts and seeds. Remember although they are nutrient dense they also contain a lot of calories so watch your portion size. 10 to 12 nuts or 30 grams a day is a basic portion, for the bigger nuts like brazil 5 or 6 will do. Stick to 1 – 2 tablespoons of seeds per day.

* These need to be ground to get the omega 3 properties from them; and even when you do you still do not convert flax seeds completely to omega 3. You can also soak them overnight in water and drink it down like a shot in the morning and the evening for fiber to help get the bowels moving regularly.

• Flax seeds • Sunflower seeds • Pumpkin seeds• Sesame seeds• Walnuts • Almonds

• Brazil nuts• Cashew• Hazel nuts • Macadamias• Pistachios• Pecan

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Natural nut butters

Essentials Organic, Meridian or Suma nut but-ters, Tahini (which is a sesame seed spread)

Beans and pulses – such as kidney beans, but-ter beans, chickpeas, lentils

• Vegetables Only fresh vegetables (not dried or canned, frozen is acceptable) Non Starchy - Cauliflower, Broccoli, Sprouts, Green beans, Peas, Courgettes, Leek, Spinach, Alfalfa ,Artichokes, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Celery, Chard, Peppers, Swede, Onion, Lettuce, Cucumber ,Kale, Collards, Aubergine, garlic, any salad greens (except iceberg as it has no nutritional value), bok choy, Mush rooms, Onions, Pea pods, Chili Starchy - Sweet potato, Carrots, Beetroot, Potato,Parsnips,

• Fruit Only fresh fruits (not dried or canned) Stick to low sugar fruits mostly such as: Strawberries, Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Avocado, Lemon, Lime, Apple, Pear, Olives Peach, Orange, Grapefruit, Kiwi, Nectarine, Passion fruit, eat high sugar fruits sparling, these include: Pineapple, Banana, mango, grapes, any dried fruit.

• Grains Millet, Quinoa, Amaranth, Brown rice, Red rice

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• Fats Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil (preferably raw), Coconut oil (organic, extra virgin), organic butter in moderation, Flax oil

These are all just suggestions, so there are plenty more things to eat so long as they’re not on the Miss list.

Hydration is important. When we deprive our bodies of water the body reacts by retaining all fluids we currently have available.The best place for the body to retain these fluids is around the waist. So if you are not drinking enough water you will find an increase in your waist. The body also preserves fat in order to protect a valuable food source. As a guideline you should be DRINK 3 litres of clean fil-tered water every day. This makes your body releases the extra water it has been storing. When you start drinking enough, you will experience a decrease in your waist.

• Herbs and Spices

Stalk your larder with a wide range of spices

Two simple facts to remember:Water is Life

Sea salt or Himalayan rock saltBlack pepper Cayenne pepperCumin seedCorianderGaram masala Turmeric Cardamom pods PaprikaFenugreek seeds Chilli pepper

OreganoThymeRosemaryBasilFennel seedCajun spiceBlack mustard seedsCinnamonNutmegCloves

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Coconut is the super-fast fat loss cooking oil

Coconut oil primarily consists of medium-chain fatty acids. This class of fatty acids can speed up the metabolism.They are easily digested and converted into energy not storedas fat. Long-chain fatty acids, like those in polyunsaturated oils and vegetable oil are more difficult for the body to break down and use for energy. In-stead, long chain fatty acids are usually stored as fat in the body. Coconut oil is also saturat-ed fat which is very stable when heated. Poor quality vegetable oils ‘It’s not just what you eat it’s how you eat

Having healthy eating habits is important to maintain a good health status. Follow them.1.Drink a glass of warm water with a slice of lemon every morning, it helps rehydrate the body and is also cleansing. Do the Liver Flush (above) when starting the program for 7 days.

2.Always eat when relaxed and not rushed. Never eat in front of the TV. This promotes mindless eating. You are more likely to eat more when sitting in front of the TV.

3.Chew your food thoroughly! It should be nearly liquid before you swallow. You’re stomach doesn’t have teeth. Try to chew at least 20 times per bite when eating and put your fork down every time you take a bite.

4.If you have gas, bloating, reflux or trouble digesting your food, you should con sider taking a food intolerance test and see if the aid of digestive enzymes im proves your symptoms.

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Vegetables & Fruits- Ratio of 4-1

Vegetables and fruits are important sources of vitamins and mineral, in particular vitamins A& C, as well as natural sugars, water and carbohydrates. Fruit is a good substitute for high sugar foods such as sweets, biscuits and cakes that contain very few nutrients. However even though the sugar in fruits is natural, it’s still sugar and most fruits have been bread over the years to actually be sweeter than they would naturally be in the wild so eating fruit all day that is unnaturally bread to be extra sweet and have more sugar is actually not a good thing no matter how many anti-oxidants it contains. Sugar is sugar. A simple solution is to eat a ratio of mainly non- starchy vegetables such as broc-coli, onions, asparagus (refer to list) in a 4-1 ratio with fruits. This means you will still get lots of nutritional benefits from having more vegetables and feel full enough. Vegetables also have a high fiber content. Don’t get me wrong fruit also contains fiber, but you should stick to low sugar fruits as listed above. Fiber doesn’t get digested in the body and helps with elimination by encouraging regular bowel movements.

How Carbohydrates work?Food is broken down by our bodies into 3 basic groups: Carbohydrates (commonly called carbs), proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are predominantly from plant and grain sources and their basic structure is a helix referred to as a sugar ring or glu-cose. The body then stores glucose as glycogen in the muscles, liver and spleen for when it is needed. Your body uses glucose (glycogen) as a food source for

5.Eat off smaller plates. Research at Cornell University shows that participants using a larger bowls and serving spoons ate just over 30% more than those who had smaller bowls and smaller serving spoons.

6.Drink a glass of water 15 minutes before every meal but not during. Drinking during a meal disrupts your digestive enzymes not allowing you to break down your food properly and possibly causing indigestion and wind.

7.Eat until you are 80% Full. You should be able to comfortably go for a walk after your dinner.

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activities and thinking. The following foods are predominantly carbohydrates: sug-ar, lollies, jams, bread, flour, pastas, pastries, rice, fruit, vegetables and alcohol. There are also carbohydrates in dairy and pulses as well. A small amount is always circulating in the blood stream and this is referred to as your “blood sugar level” or BSL. Keeping your blood sugar at a steady range are two hormones called insulin and glucagon.

Glucagon is a hormone released by the pancreas when the level of sugar in the blood drops too low. It causes the liver to convert stored glycogen into glucose and thereby increasing blood sugar levels. The action of glucagon is the opposite of insulin.

Insulin is released when carbohydrates are eaten and glucose starts to enter the blood stream from your gut. The role of insulin is to assist in shuttling the glucose from the blood stream into the cells of the liver, muscles and spleen. Insulin acts like a key to unlock GD4 receptor sites in the cell membrane, allowing absorption of glucose.

One reason why it’s better to have smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day is because it keeps the blood sugar levels relatively stabilized compared to the extreme ups and downs of having a few large meals per day.



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Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load

Glycemic Index (GI) rates carbohydrates based on how quickly or slowly they el-evate blood sugar levels. Avoiding quick-release carbs with a high GI is vital. GL is another measure that more accurately represents the blood sugar impact of car-bohydrates, because it takes into consideration serving sizes. For instance, carrots have a high glycemic index, as the carbohydrates in carrots are quickly digested. However carrots are not usually eaten in large quantities so the impact on the blood sugar is low. Therefore, they are a good food choice for fibrous carbs. Just watch the amount you eat. Glycemic load tells you how much carbohydrate is in a standard serving size of food. It ranks foods according to actual carb content. Basically Glycemic Load (GL) is the application of the Glycemic Index to a standard serving of food.

Improving your Diet for Energy- Eating low GL (Glycemic Load)

The foods to eat for high energy are the foods that can be most efficiently turned into energy in the body. In the primitive days of nutritional science it was thought that sugar - effectively pure body fuel - would be the best energy food. However, we now know that a high sugar diet lacks the micronutrients needed to turn it efficiently into energy and because it is so ‘high octane’, it disrupts blood sugar levels. Today the search is for discovering which foods allow the human body to function efficiently, with stable blood sugar control, and an ideal all-round supply of the many nutrients involved in maintaining a consistent energy. This has lead us right back to the very foods we evolved to eat - unrefined, organic, nutrient-rich whole foods with an emphasis on lots of vegetables, fruit, lean protein and essential fats. These foods have a low Glycemic Load (GL), which means that they release their sugar very slowly into the bloodstream for long lasting energy. Plus, because they are burned up as fuel, they won’t be stored as fat - unlike refined high sugar foods which release too much sugar too quickly into the bloodstream. The body reacts to high sugar foods by releasing insulin, a hormone which shifts any surplus sugar out of the blood and into cells. This process is hard work how-ever, so you end up feeling sluggish and lethargic as well as piling on abdominal fat.

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After the 15 Days- Food reintroduction phase: You have two options:

You can continue to avoid all the foods from the Miss list, the longer you go without them the better, as mentioned above if you can go for 30 days you will get even better results!

You may go for a systematic reintroduction plan. Add back just one of the banned foods over a 3 day period to see how it affects you. If you find that you react to it, you can skip it. For example have one small

piece of cheese in addition to your Peak Condition meals, monitor your body care-fully for any reaction. If you don’t notice any adverse effects, the next day have two pieces, increase the amount on the 3rd day and if you are still symptom free you can assume that you are not intolerant to cheese. Repeat the process for milk, bread, pasta and gluten grains. Observe the effects and only consider the perma-nent re-inclusion of non-reactive foods. It is obvious that you will not be reintro-ducing processed foods.As your body composition starts to change you can start to introduce a ‘treat meal’ meal once every 5 or 6 days. This is just a meal not a day!



Part 5

Basic Supplement Program

RDA’s or recommended daily amounts can be misleading. Governments have worked these out by looking at preventing vitamin deficiency diseases such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). More over RDA’s are only averages- where you live and how much exercise you get, your stress levels, your gender and your genes can easily alter your needs for various nutrients. Below is a basic supplement program that most everyone could benefit from. The following program is recommended. Please consult your GP if you are on any medications.

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Fish oils are proven to increase insulin sensitively, pro-mote muscle growth, inhibit fat storage, provide energy, prevent muscle breakdown, lower cholesterol, reduce inflammation Fish oils are proven to increase insulin sensitively, promote muscle growth, inhibit fat storage,

Start with soaking 1 tablespoon of flax seeds with water over night, the water should be filled about a centimeter above the flax seeds. It will have a jelly like consistency once soaked. Drink it down like a shot. Repeat this process in just before bed as well.

Magnesium is particularly useful if you have insulin sensitivities and prolonged exposure to cortisol. Cor-tisol stimulates abdominal fat synthesis by inhibiting growth hormone and testosterone. These hormones

Multi Intense CLICK HERE to read about this prod-uct – €30 for 180 tablets. Take 2 at each meal.

provide energy, prevent muscle breakdown, lower cholesterol, reduce inflamma-tion plement that everyone should be taking. Recommended dose is 1 gram per percentage body fat. The best type of fish oil to purchase is a high concentrate omega 3 EPH-DHA. I carry the Poliquin Range. CLICK HERE to read more about this product. The cost for this oil is €28.50. You will need to take approxi-mately 2 teaspoons per day with breakfast and dinner.

Supplement type

RDA’s or recommended daily amounts can be misleading. Governments have worked these out by looking at preventing vitamin deficiency diseases such as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency). More over RDA’s are only averages- where you live and how much exercise you get, your stress levels, your gender and your genes can easily alter your needs for various nutrients. Below is a basic supplement program that most everyone could benefit from. The following program is recommended. Please consult your GP if you are on any medications.

Fish Oil

Multi Nutrient Supplementation

Boost your Fiber Intake


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are essential for building muscle which increases your metabolism. New research shows that taking it increases testosterone levels and low magnesium levels will decrease your insulin sensitivity, making it harder for you to lose fat and get lean. It will also hamper the body’s storage of glycogen, meaning a longer recovery from workouts. Recommended product Ubermag €13 CLICK HERE to read more about this product. Take 2 at each meal.

Zinc deficiency is one of the most common and most serious of mineral deficiencies.Thousands of research articles confirm the essential nature of zinc and how signifi cant even a mild deficiency can be. One of

the most interesting symptoms of zinc deficiency is an altered sense of taste lead-ing to cravings of saltier, sweeter foods. Recommended Product Uberzinc €11 CLICK HERE to read more about this product. Take 2 at each meal

Zinc Supplement

Part 6

The Exercise Program

Regular exercise helps to keep blood sugar controlled so you’re less likely to crave sweets and get midday energy slumps. Not only that, weight training catapults your metabolism by increasing lean tis-sue so you burn more calories at rest. Whatever you do,don’t waste your time with hours of cardio, research shows that steady state cardio is not very effect for in-creasing metabolism and in fact too much of it causes your body to produce excess stress hormone cortisol which will break down your muscle tissue. Not what you’re looking for if you want to keep burning calories at rest! Instead you should do a good mix of weight training (get a structured program, trust me it’s worth it) along with an interval protocol. All this involves is varying your pace when you’re on the bike or treadmill or whatever machine you like to use.


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Invest in a good food processor, blender or hand blender and a set of good quality sharp knives.

Shopping List - Foods to buyBreads

I recommend cutting out all bread for full stop! If you must have bread after the 2 weeks you can choose from the list below. Most are found in health food shops or specialist shops. When eating bread only have one slice in a sitting.

• House of Westphalia rye bread

• Mestemacher linseed bread

• Biona rye & pumpernickel bread

• Delba whole grain rye bread

• The Stoneoven Spelt & Linseed bread or whole meal bread

• McCambrige brown bread

• Start with 5 to 7 minute gentle warm up pace (4/5 out of 10, if 10 is hard)

• Increase your pace for anywhere between 30 seconds and 1 minute (8/9 out of 10 so you should be working to the point where you are nearly out of breath)

• Take it back down to 4/5 out 10 for 2 minutes and repeat 4 to 8 times

• Finish with another 5 minutes to cool down

• This should take 20 to 25 minute. You should be out of breath at your intervals and you may take more than 2 minutes to recover if needs be.Remember to build this up; never go into a fitness plan full hog in the first few sessions if you haven’t been exercising regularly.

Part 7


Essentials for the Kitchen- Rules on Shopping

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Grains, Pastas & Noodles

I have recommended cutting out wheat and gluten grains for 2 to 4 weeks; these are grains you can introduce back in after the initial elimination period, watch por-tion size. 45 grams dry weight is a portion.

• Jumbo oats

• Quinoa

• Brown basmati rice

• Bunalun wholegrain Fusilli

• Clear Spring organic oriental Soba buckwheat noodles

• Sanchi Soba noodles

• Hildegard Health spelt tagiatelle or whole meal pasta

• Biona Spelt pasta


• Xylitol – This is a naturally occurring sugar found in plums and cherries that has very little affect on your blood sugar level.

• Coconut milk, coconut cream- excellent to make curries with

• Mae Ploy Curry Pastes- found in Asian shops, some directions are on the back of how to make a tasty curry. Load it with veg and use sweet potato rather than rice for starch.

• Marigold Swiss vegetable bouillon – organic – this can be used as a vegetable stock. You can also make a quick cup of soup with it.( only use after the initial 2 week detox)

• Natasha’s Living Foods – Indian spice or carrot and thyme flaxseed crackers (good for eating with dips) This brand also do a Crunchy Kale crisp good for a snack.

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• Kara Dairy free coconut milk – Reduced fat coconut milk that you can use in stead of dairy milk, this still has a small amount of sugar in it so use it sparingly after the initial elimination phase.


• Balsamic & Apple Cider Vinegar

• Tamari (wheat free soy sauce)

• Mustard


• Hummus

• Guacamole

• Baba Ganoush


• Pure filtered Water

• Coconut water

• Lemon/ lime juice (add to water)

• Fresh vegetable Juice

• Herbal & Green Tea

• Black Tea- no more than one cups a day after initial 2 week elimina tion

• Organic Coffee - no more than one cup a day and before 1pm after initial 2 week elimination

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Sample Meal Plans and Suggestions

Plan your meals for the week ahead. I have provided you with an example 7 days! You will find a few of favourite recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks as well.

Please remember these are just examples, you do not have to follow this exact plan. This is just to give you some ideas to get you started. Tweak it and change it ac-cordingly to your taste. The serving sizes are the minimum you should be eating. Remember that each person’s starting point is different and the servings can be adjusted based on your personal needs.

If you experience hunger at any time, increase the protein, vegetable or fruit serving in 1 or 2 meals buy 1 serving. Example, if lunch calls for 3 ounces of turkey then increase it to 4 ounces or even 5 if necessary. Eating one or two more ounces of healthy protein, fruit or vegetable will not affect your results. Eating foods that are the foods to avoid list (breads, pasta, sweets etc) will deter you from seeing the results you’re looking for.

If you are not hungry at snack times then don’t eat. Remember to use fresh and dried herbs and spices

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For best results, I would recom-mend eating the majority of your starchy carbs during the day and not in the evening.You are look-ing to eat good quality Low GL carbohydrates. If having rice or pasta choose brown basmati rice instead of white and be aware of your portion size.If having potato, small new potatoes or sweet po-tato are the best to choose. So there you have it, my M.E.T.H.O.D for fat loss. There is no doubt about it, diet is ultra-important if you want to see top-notch fat loss results. Stick with my sound researched principles and you will be looking at very different person in the mirror in just 4 short weeks!

I know it will be difficult to start but remember consistency gets results. I have been there myself, I have tried and tested every-thing from low fat to loads of cardio and through years of trial and error have come up with a system that is guaranteed to get you the body of your dreams!

Before Me in 1994, unfit, flabby taking the wrong the approach to diet & exercise

Me NowFit & Fab in my 40’s. If I can do it so can you!
