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Page 1: Pearl harbor

Pearl Harbor&

The U.S.S. Missouri

BY: Cameron and Emily

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The Role Of Pearl Harbor In World War II

Pearl Harbor was the hub of American naval power since King Kalakua gave the right to the U.S. to develop a coal station there in 1887.

The harbor had recently been designated as the American Pacific Fleet`s new home base because of concern over Japan`s increasing aggressiveness.

Early in 1941, the current president Franklin D. Roosevelt had moved the pacific fleet to Hawaii from the previous base in San Diego and ordered one of the military build up in the Philippines in hope of discouraging the Japanese assault in the far east

Most of America`s military commands of the Pacific Region had headquarters on the base.

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The Role Of Pearl Harbor In World War II

After the attack president Franklin D. Roosevelt asked congress to declare war on Japan.

Three days later, Japanese allies Germany and Italy also declared war on the United States.

More then two years into the conflict, America had finally joined World War II.

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The Role Of Pearl Harbor In World War II

When the Japanese fighter planes the American naval base the barrage lasted two hours.

After the barrage almost twenty American naval vessels, including eight enormous battleships, and almost two-hundred airplanes.

More then two-thousand Americans soldiers and sailors died in the attack and another one-thousand were wounded.

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The Role of Pearl Harbor In World War II

Before 8 a.m. on December 7, hundreds of Japanese fighter planes attached the American naval base at Pearl Harbor.

Barrage lasted 2 hours.Japanese destroyed almost 20 naval vessels.

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Details Of Attack

Because Japan was poor in resources oil was a threat to the nations survival. Japanese leaders were mad. This resulted in a war with the U.S.A.

At 6 a.m. on December 7, the six Japanese carriers launched a first wave of 181 planes that had, torpedo bombs, dive bombs, and horizontal bombs.

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Details On Attack

The USA stopped giving resources to Japan and that angered them and made the want war with the United States.

Some U.S forces on Oahu realized there was something different about the Sunday morning.

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Details On Attack

The attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise military strike conducted by the imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor Hawaii.

This attack was intended as a preventive action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet form interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United States.

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Details On Attack

The Japanese bombed the harbor in the morning of December 7, 1941, 3,500 Americans were killed or wounded.

After the bombing the Navy were either damaged or destroyed.

The Japanese destroyed almost 20 American naval vessels , eight enormous battleships and almost 200 airplanes.

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What Pearl Harbor Is Today

Pearl Harbor is a historical site and a memorial for many American service man.

Tourists can watch a documentary on the attack, speak to survivors view exhibits, walk the memorial grounds, buy literature on the war and explore Arizona memorial on a navy shuttle boat.

An estimated 1.5 million people visit Pearl Harbor every year to pay their respects to those perished on this day.

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What Pearl Harbor Is Today

Today, Pearl Harbor is one of the most venerated sites in the United States.

Pearl Harbor remains an active military base, headquarters of the pacific fleet, and a national historic landmark that’s home to four unique attractions.

On the island of Oahu, (the gathering place) halfway between Japan and the mainland United States , Pearl Harbor will always be a welcoming place where survivors of the attack can reflect on the events.

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What Is Pearl Harbor Today

On the island of Oahu, (the gathering place) halfway between Japan and the mainland United States , Pearl Harbor will always be a welcoming place where survivors of the attack can reflect on the events.

Within the grounds of Pearl Harbor are a number of exhibits, displays, memorials, and museums, honoring not only the 1,177 victims of the Japanese attacks, but all those who bravely served in the World War II.

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What Pearl Harbor is Today

Pearl Harbor is one of the most venerated sites in the United States.

Ordinary Americans, history buffs, foreign tourists and veterans alike make a regular pilgrimages to the USS Arizona Memorial every year, making it one of the top 3 most visited attractions in Hawaii.

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The U.S.S. Missouri

The USS Missouri is one of the most storied warships ever constructed.

The USS Missouri is 887 feet with a beam of 108 feet. The ship is perhaps best known for her participation in

the surrender ceremony of the empire of Japan at Tokyo Bay to conclude World War II.

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The U.S.S. Missouri

The U.S.S. Missouri's height is 28.9 feet. The belt was protected by 12 inches of armor. The superstructure was mostly contained at amidships,

nestled in between the three main gun turrets, and had twelve floors consisting of the important operational suites as well as the two funnels.

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The U.S.S. Missouri

In all, the battleship was intended from the beginning to be something of a floating island, away from land for months at this time.

The main deck held the main gun battery of the turret number 1, the captains cabin and gig, main battery turret number 3.

The superstructure consisted of five major levels of note.

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The U.S.S. Missouri

The Japanese attacked the U.S. Pacific fleet anchored at Pearl Harbor and numerous other Hawaiian military installations.

Fewer veterans of World War II survive with each passing year.

There was those who felt and still feel that the massive battleship overshadows the solemn memorial to those men who died on the Sunday morning so many years ago.

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Role of The U.S.S Missouri In World War II

Missouri departed Norfolk, Virginia on November 11, 1944, passed through the Panama Canal on the 18 of November and steamed to San Francisco for final fitting out as fleet flagship.

Missouri joined the fast battleships of TF 58 in bombarding the southeast coast of Okinawa on March 24, an action intended to draw enemy strength from the west coast beaches.

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The U.S.S Missouri would see action in the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa and also take part in shelling the Japanese home islands.

The ship would see additional war time service during the Korean war and after being decommissioned in 1955 would be brought back to service in 1984.

Role of The U.S.S Missouri In World War II

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Missouri was ordered in 1940 and commissioned in June 1944.

Missouri received a total of 11 battle stars for service in World War II, Korea, and the Persian Gulf, and was finally decommissioned on 31 March 1992.

Mighty Mo or Big Mo is a United States Navy Iowa class battleship and was the third ship of the U.S.

Role of The U.S.S Missouri In World War II