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  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    Ch. 12: Health Promotion of the Child and Family• cognitive development: sensorimotor and preoperational phase (piaget)

    • Growth and development dring the toddler years

    Ch. 1!: Health Promotion of the Preschooler and Family• "ocial development

    • coping with concerns related to normal growth and development

    Ch. 1#: Health Pro$lems of %oddlers and Preschoolers• Commnica$le diseases

    • selected poisonings in children

    • lead poisoning

    • physical a$se

    • &rsing care of the 'altreated child

    CH 2: Pediatric Cardio

    **** normal heart

    Cardiovasclar dysfnctionCongenital Heart +iseases* defects present at $irth

     ,c-ired Cardiac +isorders*disease processes or a$normalities occrring after $irth.H P e/am*

    0ids with Heart pro$lems may have the following:failre to thrive or they may $e sinny ids dt poor wt gaincyanosischest deformitiesvisi$le plsations of nec veinsrespiratory e/crsion (tachypnea3 dyspnea3 e/piratory grnt)cl$$ed fingers

    &rse may find the following pon palpation3 percssion and ascltation

    hepatomegaly andor splenomegalyirreglar heart rates3 rhythms or sonds

    +iagnostic eval (see p. 421 for complete list)'ost common are 5*6ay3 7lectrocardiogram3 7chocardiography3 Cardiac

    Catheteri8ation3 Cardiac '693 7/ercise stress test.7CG*non*invasive and painless7cho*sed fre-ently

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    non*invasive and painlesspossi$le to confirm d/ of heart malformation with echoid has to $e -iet otherwise errors or omissions may occr 

    Cardiac Catheteri8ation*srgical interventionmay $e otpatientdone prior to school*age

    &rsing care for Cardiac cath.Preop

    diaper rash*this may $e a reason to cancel the procedrenpo #*hr $efore procedreprepare $oth id and family*geared toward child;s developmental levelmar plses distal to insertion sitedocment $aseline leeding?*apply direct pressre 1 inch a$ove insertion site

    Cardiac changes at $irth• Fets* >a$y transitions in circlation and $reathing*

    clamping cord systemic >P lng e/pansion decreases plmonary vasclar resistance(and increases plmonary perfsion)

    • increase in

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


     ,cyanotic1) 9ncreased Plmonary >lood Flow

    $lood flows in a @*to*6 directione/: ,"+3 ="+3 Patent +cts ,rterioss3 ,trioventriclar canal2)

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    Congenital Cardiovasclar +ysfnction: 9ncreased Plmonary $lood flow* # types

    1. ,trial "eptal +efect (,"+)

    •  ,cyanotic disorder •  ,$normal opening $twn 6 and @ atria*

    o $lood moves from higher con;c (@) to lower con;c (6).

    o Plmonary H%&redced $lood volme in systemic circlation

    • ! types


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    o "rgery* patch closre for moderate to large holes se +acron or

    pericardial patcho &on*srgery* septal occlsion dring cardiac catheteri8ation

    o repair completed $efore school age

    o &o activity restrictions after repair 

    • 'edicationsprognosis

    o @ow dose ,", for months after repair

    2) =entriclar "eptal +efect (="+)•  ,cyanotic disorder 

    • 'ost Common ,$normal opening $twn @ and 6 ventricles* $lood moves from

    high pressre (@) to low pressre D side of heart• classified according to location on septm

    • vary in si8e* most small holes close win first year of life

    • fre-ently occr with other pro$lems

    o plmonary stenosis

    o transposition of great vessel

    o Patent +cts ,rteriosis

    o atrial defects

    o coarctation of aorta

    • ""

    o HF

    o @od mrmr heard on @ sternal $order 

    o  ,t ris for >7 (?) and Plmonary =asclar ypass machine sed in $oth cases

    Complication of s/:

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    condction isses

    residal ="+

    o 'edicationsPrognosis

    o good3 depending on locationsi8e of hole

    o mltiple holes are associated with higher riss

    !) ,trioventriclar Canal +efect•  ,cyanotic +isorder 

    • 9ncomplete fsion of endocardial cshions

    o low ,"+ w high ="+ creating a large central ,= valve

    o allows $lood to flow $twn all for cham$ers

    • direction of flow is determined $y

    o plmonarysystemic resistance

    o @6 vent. pressres

    o compliance (stretch) of each cham$er 

    • common defect seen in +own "yndrome ids

    • ""

    o moderate to severe HF

    o lod systolic mrmr 

    o mild cyanosis that increases with crying

    o high ris for plmonary vasclar o$strctive disease

    • %/

    o Complete repair 

    most commonly done in infancy

    patch closre of septal defect

    reconstrction of ,= valve tisses

    o Palliative plmonary artery $anding done in small infants with severe symptoms

    o Post op complications

    Heart $loc


    'itral regrgitation


    plmonary H%&

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    • 'edicationsPrognosis

    o good E may have mitral valve replacement later in life de to mitral regrgitation

    #) Patent +cts ,rterioss (P+,)•  ,cyanotic +isorder 

    • failre of closre of artery connecting high pressre ,orta to low pressre

    Plmonary ,rtery within first few wees of life• Contined patency of this vessel cases a @*6 shnt

    • ""

    o  ,symptomatic

    o sometimes HF is seen

    o characteristic machine lie mrmr heard

    o widened and $onding plse pressres

    o Bris for >7 (?) and Plmonary =asclar

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    1. Coarctation of the ,orta (CP

    $onding plses in arms

    weaa$sent plses in legs

    cool to toch legs

    signs of HF in infants

    critical coarctation in infants can deteriorate -icly when acidosis and

    hypotension occr mechanical ventilation and inotropic spport are needed $efore srgery

    older ids with coarctation may e/perience

    di88iness3 H,3 fainting3 epista/is (nose$leeds) form H%&

    B ris for H%&3 rptred aorta3 aortic anerysm3 and stroeo %5:

    &on*s/: infants and little ids get $alloon angioplasty

    adolescents get stents

    "/: want to do $efore mo of age

    indicated if stenosis is long or other comple/ anatomy are present

    repair is $y resection of coarcted porton w end*to*end

    anastomosis of the aorta with enlarged portion of constricted areavia se of graft of left s$clavian artery

    o 'edicationsprognosis

    to prevent post*op H%&:

    "odim &itroprsside

    7smolol 'irinone

    followed $y oral

    $eta $locers

    ace inhi$itors

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    2. =alvlar ,ortic "tenosiso  ,cyanotic

    o &arrowing or strictre of aortic valve casing

    resistance to $lood flow in left ventricle

    decreased cardiac otpt

    plmonary vasclar congestion

    @eft =entriclar Hypertrophy Primary manifestation

    eventally leads to increased 7nd +iastolic pressre reslting in

    Plmonary venosarterial H%& may also interfere w coronary artery $lood flow reslting in '9

    considered a serios defect $c

    o$strction is progressive

    sdden episodes of myocardial ischemia occr 

    srgical repair rarely reslts in a normal valve

    • ""

    9nfants present with

    decreased C<

    faint plses



    poor feeding

    ids present with

    e/ercise intolerance

    di88iness when standing

    chest pain

    may or may not have systolic mrmr 

    B ris for >7 (?)3 coronary insfficiency3 ventriclar dysfnction

    • %5:

    "/: $alloon dilation done in cath la$  ,ortic valve replacement***may temp. fi/ pro$lem

    srgical complications

    aortic insfficiency3 valvlar regrgitation3 tearing of valve leaflets3

    loss of plse in catheteri8ed lim$• 'edicationsPrognosis

    'eh* will $e recrrent and re-ire additional srgeries throghot life.

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    !) Plmonary =alve stenosis•  ,cyanotic

    • narrowing at entrance to Plmonary artery

    • cases D sided ventriclar hypertrophy and decreased artery $lood flow

    Plmonary atresia is rare and very seriosno plmonary valve* is completely closed and there is no $lood flow to lngs

    ""o  ,symptomatic

    o 'ild cyanosis or HF

    o progressive narrowing cases increased symptoms

    o lod systolic eAection mrmr heard at (@) sternal $order 

    o 9n severely ill ids3 mrmr may $e mffled de to decreased C< and shnting of 

    $loodo B ris for >7 (?)

    • %5:

    o &on*s/: >alloon angioplasty in Cardiac Cath la$*t/ of choice

    o s/: transventriclar (closed) valvotomy* rare procedre

    • 'edicationsPrognosis

    o Good $t have have valve incompetencies or valve restenosis

    Congenital Cardiovasclar +ysfnction: +efects with +ecreased Plmonary >lood Flow (2types)

    1. %etralogy of Fallot (%

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  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    o tricspid valve fails to develop

    o $lood has to flow throgh an ,"+ or to a patent foramen ovale to left side of

    heart and throgh a ="+ to the D ventricle and ot to lngs.o complete mi/ing of n*

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  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    o when o2 delivery occrs3 most liely ,"+ is present and is considered

    no$strctedI %,P=C• ""

    o cyanosis early in life

    o infant rapidly deteriorated wo immediate intervention

    o may $e asymptomatic

    vasclar resistance decreases in infancy casing increase in plmonary

    $lood flow reslting in "" of HFo cyanosis worsens when o$strction occrs (no asd present)

    • %5:

    o plmonary vein moved to $ac of @eft atrim and ,"+ closed

    o connecting vein removed

    o post*op complications: reo$strction3 $leeding3 dysrhythmias3 heart $loc3

    plmonary artery H%&3 persistent HF• 'edicationsPrognosis

    o 1LM mortality when intervention is swift

    !) %rncs ,rterioss• failre of normal separation of aorta and plmonary artery

    • development of single vessel

    • $lood mi/es and leads to desatration and hypo/emia

    • ! types

    o type 1* single plmonary trn**divides into @6 plm. art.


    type 2* @6 plmonary arteries arise separately $t from same locationo type !* plmonary arteries arise independently

    • ""

    o "evere HF

    o varia$le cyanosis

    o poor growth

    o activity intolerance

    o holosystolic mrmr B left sternal $order wdiastolic mrmr is trncal

    regrgitation is present

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    • %/:

    o 6epair performed win 1st month of life

    o close ="+

    o Ct plmonary artery from aorta and attach to D ventricle

    se of homograft when attaching Plm. ,rt to D =ent.

    homograft is cadaver material and is not livingwill not grow with childwill

    have to $e replaced• 'edicationsPrognosis

    o Good

    o Ftre "/ will $e necessary to replace cadaver condit.

    #) Hypoplastic @eft =entriclar "yndrome (H@=")• nderdeveloped left side of the heart

    • reslts in small si8ed left ventricle and aortic atresia

    • $lood is shnted to D atrim via Patent foramen ovale,trial septal defect

    • +escending aorta receives $lood via Patent +cts ,rterioss spplying systemic $lood

    flow• ""

    o "igns of HF ntil P+, closes**** then progressive deterioration occrs

    wcyanosis and decreased C

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    o neonate will need ventilator and cardiac spport ntil srgery

    o Prostaglandin 71 will $e continosly infsed to ensre ade-ate $lood flow

     ,c-ired Heart +iseases• >acterial 7ndocarditis

    o c$ $acteria entering $lood stream casing infection to inner lining of heart3

    generally involving valveso 9ncreased ris for ids with valvlar a$normalities3 prosthetic valves3 shnts3

    recent cardiac srgery3 rhematic heart disease w valve involvemento ""

    slow onset3 low intermittent fever3 anore/ia3 malaise3 wt. loss3 cardiac

    dysrhythmias3 new or change in mrmr3 e/tracardiac em$oli (splinterhemorrhages on nails3 osler nodes3 Aaneway lesions3 petechiae on oral

    mcos mem$ranes)3 vegetations seen on echo and may have HFo %5:

     ,>5 and Prevention in high ris ids

    *cillins and mycins prove effective a$/ t/

    in serios cases iv a$/ indicated

    &rse needs to edcate parents on "" of anore/ia3 wt. loss and malaise.

    • 6hematic Fever 

    o inflammatory disorder*self limiting involvement of Aoints3 sin3 $rain3 seros

    srfaces and heart heart most serios complication*mitral valves compromised

    o +iagnosis $ased on Nones criteria*sggest the presence of two maAor and one

    maAor and two minor symptoms w recent strep inf/n*high pro$. of 6Fo %5:

    0ill strep inf/n

    prevent permanent damage

    alleviate other s/s

    prevent recrrences of 6F w penicillin drgs andor salicylates for Aoint

    inflammationo &rsing care

    encorage medication compliance

    facilitate recovery

    provide emotional spport

    prevent disease


    Chorea is side effect and may develop wees to months after inf/n is sdden and ncontrolla$le movements

    can $e frstrating for child

    • 0awasai;s +isease

    o acte systemic vasclitis of nnown case

    o not spread from person to person

    o occrs in ! phases:

     ,cte: a$rpt onset w edema3 redness of palmssoles and high fever

    nrelieved $y a$/ or antipyretics.

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    "$acte: $egins when fever resides3 and lasts ntil all clinical signs have

    resolved. feet and hands often peel at this stage

    id is B high ris for developing cardiac complications ('93

    Coronary artery anerysms) at this stage Convalescent: all clinical signs are gone $t $lood vales are still

    a$normal. @ong term complications are aortic anerysms w potential for '9

    ss of aortic anerysm: a$d pain3 vomiting3 restlessness3

    inconsola$le crying3 pallor3 shoc and chest painpressre medications:

    High dose 9= Gamma Glo$lins and "alicylate therapy given in

    hospital @ow dose ,", given ot of hosp. esp. when cardiac involvement

    is sspected. &rsing care:

    nrses mst now irrita$ility is hallmar of 0+ and most

    challenging pro$lem 'aAority of nrsing care is directed on symptomatic relief 

    +ring acte s$acte phase* watch careflly id is at high ris

    for cardiac complications Patient edcation

    tell parents to prolong va/ 11 months de to crrent nnown

    immne compromise will need lifelong medical follow p depending on amont of

    cardiac involvement

    Chapter 26Anemia

    • descri$es a condition in which the nm$er of 6>Cs or hemoglo$in concentration

    is redced $elow normal vales for age. %hs diminishing the o/ygen carryingcapacity. 'ost common hematologic do in infancychildhood

    • Classification

    • 7tiology: manifested $y erythrocyte or Hg$ depletion

    • 'orphology: characteristic changes in 6>C si8e3 shape or color 

    • Classifications of anemia

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    • Conse-ences of ,nemia: $asic physiologic defect cased $y anemia is

    decrease in the o/ygen*carrying capacity of $lood and decreased amont ofo/ygen availa$le to tisses.

    • 7ffects of anemia on the circlatory system

    • Hemodiltion: decreased peripheral resistance3 greater -antity of $lood

    retrn to the heart

    • 9ncreased cardiac circlation and tr$lence: may have a mrmr3 may

    lead to cardiac failre

    • cyanosis is not typical

    • growth retardation: delayed se/al matration

    • +iagnostic 7valation:

    • History and physical e/amination: lac of energy3 easy fatiga$ility3 and


    • C>C: decreased 6>C3 decreased Hg$Hct. Hg$: less than 1L or 11gd@

    • other tests can $e done to determine the particlar type of anemia.

    • 'anagement of ,nemia:

    • %reat the nderlying case: transfsion after hemorrhage if neededO

    ntritional intervention for deficiency anemias

    • "pportive Care: 9= flids to replace intravasclar volme3 o/ygen3 $ed

    rest3 diet3 family edcation

    • &rsing Considerations: prepare the child and family for la$ tests3 decrease

    o/ygen demands3 prevent complications3 spport and edcate family.Iron Deficiency Anemia

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    • $ased on diet*inade-ate spply of dietary iron.

    • predicta$le development periods

    • Prematre infants: at ris $c redced fetal iron spply

    • infants: at ris as a reslt of primarily cow mil intae and not eating an

    ade-ate amont of iron*containing formlafood

    • adolescents: de to rapid growth weight com$ined with poor eating ha$its3menses3 o$esity or strenos activities

    • "ymptoms: pale sin3 irrita$ility3 tachycardia3 fatige3 glossitis (inflammation of

    the tonge)3 0oilonychia (concave or spoonI fingernails)

    • %herapetic management:

    • 9nfants: iron*fortified formla3 do not give fresh cow mil3

    • Children: addition of iron*rich foods3 oral iron spplements are prescri$ed

    and mst $e given with vit C $ecase it facilitates a$sorption of iron.

    • &rsing considerations: oral iron shold $e given as prescri$ed in two divided

    doses $twn meals3 always give with citrs Aice never mil3 trns stool tarry

    green3 se straw so iron doesn;t stain teeth3 &= may occr3 spplementation.• primary nrsing o$Aective is to prevent ntritional anemia throgh family

    edcationSickle Cell Anemia

    • is one grop of diseases collectively termed hemoglo$inopathies in which normal

    adlt Hg$ is partily or completely replaced $y a$normal sicle Hg$

    • Hereditary do whose clinical3 hematologic and pathologic featres are related to

    the presence of H$"

    • occrs primarily in ,,3 occasionally ppl of mediterranean descent3 soth

    american3 ara$ian and east indian descent

    • 7tiology:

    •  ,tosomal recessive do: one in 12 ,, is a carrier3 if $oth parents have

    trait each child with have a 1 in # lielihood of having d8

    • Patho: leads to tisse damage throghot $ody

    • +iagnostic 7valation

    • new$orn screening is mandatory in most of the " so infants can $e

    identified $efore symptoms occr. early diagnosis $efore !mo ena$lesinitiation of appropriate interventions to minimi8e c/

    • test cord $lood in new$orns3 genetic testing to identify carriers and

    children who have the d8

    • sicle tr$idity test: fingerstic3 yields accrate reslts in ! min in children

    over mo of age• hemoglo$in electrophoresis: fingerprintingI of the protein. accrate3 rapid

    and specific test for detecting the homo8ygos and hetero8ygos forms ofd8.

    • %herapetic 'anagement:

    • Goals: prevent sicling phenomena and t/ medical emergencies

    • analgesics for pain

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    • $ed rest with mild range of motion

    • hydration to thin $lood

    • minimi8e infections with anti$iotics

    • hydro/rea: disease modifying drg

    • $lood transfsion: replacement of sicle cells with normal 6>Cs3

    sccessfl3 rapid method of redcing the nm$er of circlating sicle cellsths slowing down the hypo/ia

    "9C0@7 C7@@ C69"9": acte e/acer$ations that vary in severity and fre-ency

    • Precipitating factors: anything that increases the $odys need for o/ygen or alters

    the transport of o/ygen3 trama3 feverinf/n3 physical and emotional stress3increased $lood viscosity de to dehydration3 hypo/ia (reslts from high altitde3poorly pressri8ed airplanes3 hypoventilation3 vasoconstriction de tohypothermia).

    • %ypes:

    o =aso*occlsive (=

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    o anemia reslts from defective synthesis of hemoglo$in3 strctrally

    impaired 6>Cs and a shortened life of 6>Cso Chronic hypo/ia: headache3 irrita$ility3 precordial and $one pain3 e/ercise

    intolerance3 anore/ia3 epista/is ($leeding from the nose)o +etected in infancy or toddlerhood: pallor3 failre to thrive3

    hepatosplenomegaly3 severe anemia*Hg$ less than gd@• 'edical management of thalassemia maAor 

    o $lood transfsion to maintain normal Hg$ levels

    o side effect hemosiderosis: e/cess iron from hemolysis of spplemental

    6>Cs in transfsions and from the rapid destrction of defective cells isstored in varios organs

    %/: iron*chelating drgs sch as defero/amine (+esferal)3 $inds

    e/cess iron for e/cretion $y the idneyAplastic Anemia

    • refers to $one marrow failre condition in which the formed elements of the $lood

    are simltaneosly depressed. Pancytopenia: all formed elements of the $loodare depressed

    • Can $e Congenital or ,c-ired: most are idiopathic

    • Common Cases: hman parvovirs inf/n3 hepatitis or overwhelming inf/n3

    irradiation3 immne disorders sch as eosinophilic fasciitis andhypoimmnoglo$linemia3 drgs (chemo agents3 anticonvlsants3 and a$/)3indstrial or hosehold chemicals3 infiltration and replacement of myeloidelements3 idiopathic.

    • 'anifestations: anemia3 leopenia3 decreased platelet cont

    • +/: C>C3 reticlocyte cont3 $one marrow aspiration

    • %/: restore fnction to marrow3 immnosppressive therapy or $one marrow


    • a grop of hereditary $leeding disorders that reslt from deficiencies of specific

    clotting factors. %ypically an 5*lined recessive pattern. ,ffects males only andFemales are carriers. Fi$rin clot cannot form

    • %ypes

    o Hemophilia ,: only males get $t transferred $y mothers. classic

    hemophilia (deficiency of clotting factor 4). ,cconts for 4LM of cases ofhemophilia.

    o Hemophilia >: christmas diseaseI deficiency in factor 95

    o von Qille$rand disease (vQ+): deficiency3 a$normality or a$sence o vQf

    and factor 4. affects $oth males females

    • 'anifestations: $leeding tendencies range from mild to severe

    o "": may not occr ntil mo of age3 history of $leeding3 nose$leeds and

    $rising. Prolonged $leeding3

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    o Hemarthrosis: $leeding into Aoint spaces of the nee3 anle or el$ow3 leads

    to impaired mo$ility and eventally $ony changes and disa$ility. ss:warmth3 pain3 $rising3 and decreased movement.

    o spontaneos hematria and hematoma

    • 'edical management:o replacement of missing clotting factors (factor 4 concentrates or synthetic

    form of vasopressin 1*deamino4*d*arginine vasopressin ++,=P) 9=3 increases factor 4 activity $y two or for times sed for mild

    hemophilia. can;t se for severe anemiao transfsions: prompt intervention to redce complications

    o medications: corticosteroids

    o e/ercise and physical therapy

    o 69C7 (6est3 9ce3 Compression3 7levate)


    • descri$es a $road grop of malignant diseases of the $one marrow and

    lymphatic system. 'ost common form of childhood cancer. nrestrictedproliferation of immatre Q>Cs in the $lood*forming tisses of the $ody $t la$levels are low. >one marrow sppression (myelosppression) occrs.

    • %wo forms are generally recogni8ed

    o  ,cte @ymphoid leemia (,@@): children with trisomy 21 have a 2L times

    greater ris for developing ,@@o  ,cte &onlymphoid ('yelogenos) @eemia (,'@):

    o liver and spleen are the most severely affected organs

    •  ,ssessment of @eemia: anemia (weanessfatige)3 netropenia (inf/n)3

    throm$ocytopenia ($leeding)3 spleen and liver enlarged and painfl3 C&"

    symptoms: &=3 lethargy3 irrita$ility3 convlsionso @ate signs: fractres3 $one pain3 increased 9CP

    o ! main conse-ences: anemia3 inf/n3 $leeding

    • +iagnosis:

    o sally sspected $ased on history and physical: fever3 ss of low $lood

    conts3 lymph node enlargement3 and enlarged liverspleeno peripheral $lood smear: immatre forms of leocytes3 fre-ently low

    $lood contso definitive diagnosis is $ased on $one marrow aspiration or $iopsy

    o lm$ar pnctre to evalate C&" involvement

    • 'anagement of @eemia: chemotherapetic agents and cranial irradiation

    o For Phases:

    9ndction therapy for #* wees3 achieves complete remission or

    less than M leemic cells in the $one marrow C&" prophylactic therapy (intrathecal chemo): prevents leemic

    cells from invading the C&" 9ntensification (consolidation): eradicates residal leemia cells

    'aintenance therapy: serves to maintain the remission phase.

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    • &rsing 'anagement:

    o Family*centered care3 pain relief3 'yelosppression (inf/n control3

    $leeding3 anemia)3 Chemotherapy3 and +rg to/icity3 provide emotionalspport


    • a grop of neoplastic diseases that arise from the lymphoid and hematopoieticsystems3 are divided into Hodgin lymphoma (H@)3 and non*Hodgin @ymphoma(&H@)

    • Hodgin;s disease

    o originates in the lymphoid system and primarily involves the lymph nodes.

    more prevalent in patients 1*1K years oldo metastasi8es to non*nodal or e/tralymphatic sites: spleen3 liver3 $one

    marrow3 and lngso classified $y lymphocytic predominance3 nodlar sclerosis3 mi/ed

    celllarity and lymphocytic depletion.o 6eed*stern$erg cells present3 centrali8ed in one*node or arond the nec

    o "": fever3 night*sweats3 weight*loss

    • &on*Hodgin disease:

    o more prevalent in children yonger than 1# years old

    o the disease is sally diffse rather than nodlar3 develops in peripheral

    lymph nodes or throghot $odyo the cell type is either ndifferentiated or poorly differentiated3

    dissemination occrs early3 more often and rapidly3 mediastinalinvolvement and invasion of meninges are common

    o symptoms related to pressre of enlarged lymph nodes

    o %5: radiation and chemotherapy

    IT" (Imm!ne Throm#ocytopenia$ I%iopathic throm#ocytopenic "!rp!ra)• ac-ired hemorrhagic disorder characteri8ed $y:

    o (1) throm$ocytopenia: e/cessive destrction of platelets

    o (2) a$sence or minimal signs of $leeding: easy $rising3 mcosal

    $leeding3 petechiaeo (!) normal $one marrow with normal or increased nm$er of immatre

    platelets (megaaryocytes) and eosinophils.

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     ,. opposite of respiratory infection (lower is $etter higher is worse)>. Pea $etween 2* yrs of ageC. Females are at a higher ris+. 7.Coli is the most common pathogen7. 6ecrrent may lead to transient vesicoreteral refl/ (=6)

    F. 'anifestations1. strong smelling rine3 a$normal stream3 fre-ent or infre-entvoiding3 persistent diaper rash

    2. classic symptoms greater than 2 years of age!. many are asymptomatic

    G. +iagnostic 7valation1. e/amination of the rine* reveals Q>C3 presence of the $acterim

    1. it is recommended to collect the rine via a $ag>. %herapetic 'anagement

    a. eliminate infections3 identify contri$ting factors3 prevent rosepsis3and preserve renal fnction

    $. a$/ if indicatedc. antipyreticsd. cltres,;s every month for ! months

    C. &rsing Care 'anagementa. 7dcation3 detect anatomic defects3 girls at higher ris3 edcation

    on appropriate se of ,>5+. Prevention

    a. most important goal$. promote health maintenance (safe se/ practices3 good hygiene)

    99. +efects of the Genitorinary %ract ,. didn;t have mch in the $oo3 review slides of hydrocele and inginal

    hernia and sch99. &ephrotic "yndrome* most common presentation of glomerlar inAry in children ,. %ypes

    a. 'inimal Change &ephrotic "yndrome1. 'anifestations* proteinria3 edema3 hypoal$minemia3 and

    hyperlipidemia2. most common type!. Pathophysiology* nephrons $ecome permea$le to proteins

    casing loss of al$min and then flid shifts into interstitialspaces casing edema and ascites

    #. +iagnosis* rinary analysis3 $lood test for protein levels3mostly $ased on symptoms and history

    . %reatment* C

  • 8/16/2019 Peds exam 3


    aggravating flids3 cltres following3 parent teaching a$othome care and diet

    $. "econdary &ephrotic "yndromec. Congenital &ephrotic "yndrome

    99. ,cte Glomerlonephritis

     ,. Common symptoms* oligria3 edema3 H%& and circlatory congestion3hematria3 and proteinria>. 'ost common case is strep infection3 can also $e cased $y "@73 sicle

    cell3 or $acterial endocarditisC. Primarily in school aged children3 *S years of age3 ncommon in children

    yonger than 2 years+. Pathophysiology

    a. minor enlargement3 glomerlar capillary loops very swollen$. retention of sodim3 which cases retention of flids

    7. Clinical Corse* edema sally persists for #*1L days to 2*! weesa. weight fl/ates3 rine remains smoy $rown3 high >P

    #' st sin of impro*ement is a small increase in !rinary o!tp!tan% %ecrease in #o%y +eihtF. 'ostly manage symptoms* low sodim and protein3 accrate 9;s P monitoringG. +iagnosis* serologic testing3 ,3 cltres for "trep3 "erm Complement

    @evel (C!) is the more important diagnostic criteria (decreases thenretrns to normal 4*1L wees after onset

    a. can do /*ray3 r in rare cases (atypical) renal $iopsyH. &rsing care* ntrition management3 flid monitoring3 can stay at home if

    no H%&99. Qilms %mor  

     ,. 'ore common in ,frican ,mericans and males3 diagnosed $y ! years>. 'alignant tmor3 most often on left idneyC. +iagnosis comes from family history of cancer3 history and physical3

    locali8ed a$dominal swelling+. %reatment is srgical removal3 chemotherapy3 and radiation7. 07R P