

09.00 People of the Parish

10.30 Thanksgiving (Sharon Wrightman)

12.00 Larry Lally [RIP 3rd A]

18.30 Well being of Tony Phokeerdoss

Monday 10th July 09.30 PC Keith Palmer, Family & Colleagues

Feria. 18.30 Rossa [RIP]

Tuesday 11th July 09.30 Remembrance of Ivy Wrightman [RIP]

St. Benedict 18.30 George Ceasar

Wednesday 12th July 09.30 Thanksgiving The Dickinson Family

Feria 18.30 Maureen Maguire (birthday)

Thursday 13th July 09.30 Mario Rantac [RIP] St. Mildred 19.30 Florence “Olive” Prendergast Friday 14th July 09.30 Shaun O’Byrne [RIP A] St. Camillus de Lellis 18.30 Diego Pinto [RIP]

Saturday 15th July 9.30 Foundation Mass: Vivian O’Callaghan St. Bonaventure 18.30 Donna Rose


09.00 Marjery O’Callaghan

10.30 Joseph Cyril Phokeerdoss [RIP]

12.00 James Claxton

18.30 Repose of the Soul of Mrs Murphy

8th & 9th JULY 15th & 16th July

LITURGICAL READERS (please collect a copy of the rota) Sat18.30 Finnuala Lynch, Doris Cubero Agnela Cabral, Matchel Bibat

09.00 Mary Donoghue, Pat Connors Robin Thomas, Rexon Rebidelmo

10.30 Christi Anoop, Mary Sagoe Kieran Kelly, Josie McCarthy 12.00 Charmaine Fernandes,

Mary Ann Kuriakose Mary Hardy, Tess Vallo

18.30 Padraig Cronin, Angel Babu Sally Canizo, Emie Roberts

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS (please collect a copy of the rota) Sat

18.30 Matchel Bibat, Doris Cubero, Juliana De Souza

Manuel Cabral, Ethna Power, Michael Soupraya

09.00 Mary Donoghue, Erica Summers, Pat Willis

Kuriakose Antony, Pat Connors, Mary Donoghue

10.30 Carina Jualo, Isabella Mitchell, Kasia Zuzewicz

Ann Lusena, Srikanth Lusena, Therese Onyebalu

12.00 Tharma Kandiah, David Lobo, Angelo Annugalan

Rosemary Kanagaratnam, Bernadine & Denis Fernandes

18.30 Daisy Jhugroo, Reya Mathai, Sharon Wrightman

Daisy Jhugroo, Reya Mathai, Isabella Mitchell

Church Cleaning: Team 1: Mon 3rd July @10am Team 2: Mon 10th July @ 10am

Coffee Morning: Genet Andemariam, Shanique Blake, Tigist Deneke

Kirsty Austin, Sarah Flood, Fiona Rice

ST BONIFACE PARISH, TOOTING 185 Mitcham Road, London SW17 9PG

Tel. 020 8672 2345 Tweet at: @BonifaceTooting E-mail: [email protected]


Priests: Fr Shaju Varkey & Fr Wilfred Obina

For Parish Hall Bookings, please contact the secretary on 020 8672 2345 PARISH OFFICE HOURS 10.00—13.00: Mon, Tue, Thu & Fri.

St George’s Hospital Chaplaincy Fr Jonathon Routh

020 8725 3069 (Office) 020 8672 1255 (Switchboard)

St Boniface R.C. School Undine Street, Tooting, SW17 8PP

Head teacher: Mrs S. Kerins Ph: 020 8672 5874


Jesus is not devaluing laws and rituals but putting them in their place. He offers an invitation that everyone can hear; and at many times of life we really need to hear it. These may be times of illness, bereavement, anxiety, depression and/or worry. It is an invitation to come into his presence, which is a loving presence. It’s not just an invitation to enjoy a restful time, but to rest in the presence of love.

Any notion we have of Jesus that is harsh is false: he is ‘gentle and humble in heart’. This is the atmosphere he asks us all to

spread. ‘Once you have received the refreshment and comfort of Christ, we are called in turn to become refreshment and comfort for our brothers and sisters, with a meek and humble attitude, in imitation of the Master’ (Pope Francis, July 2014).

The church is a place of rest for the weary; the place where we find encouragement in the ordinary situations in our lives, where we are called to respond to those who suffer through pov­erty, homelessness and many other unjust social situations that are part of our world, near and far.

Adoration & Morning Prayer

Monday - Saturday: 8.45am & First Friday at 5.15pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sat: 11.30am-12.30pm

Monday 10th July

NO Bible Study Group until

further notice.

Tuesday 11th July

Parent & Toddler Group (9.30-11.00 Function Suite last

meeting before Summer closing)

Charismatic Prayer Group (19.00 Church)

Wednesday 12th July

Rosary Prayer Group (19.00 Presbytery Meeting Room)

Thursday 13th July

NO Bible Study Group until

further notice.

Knit & Natter Group (15.00 Presbytery Meeting Room)

Legion of Mary (19.15 Presbytery Meeting Room)

Tamil Mass (19.30 Church)

Friday 14th July

50+ Club (14.00 Function Suite)

Parish Open House (18.00-19.30 in the Presbytery)

Novena to St Anthony

Tuesday 10am Divine Mercy Chaplet

Friday 10am

GIFT AID SCHEME The Parish encourages you to please join the scheme. If you are a tax payer, all that is required is that you use an envelope for the money you put in the collection and that you sign a form to confirm you are a taxpayer and wish the tax paid on the money you put in the collection to be paid to the parish. You do not have to commit to any particular amount of contribution but if you join the scheme every pound you put in your envelopes will be worth £1.25 to the Church. Tony Finnegan will help with you any queries on telephone no: 020 8767 5293 or email to [email protected] Thank you to the existing members for your past contributions. Any existing members who have not yet collected their GA envelopes’ boxes please collect them from the Church porch. Many thanks.

SPANISH LESSONS All the children and parents/guardians of the present batch of children who completed their course on Tuesday 4th July are invited to the distribution of the certificates and a party in the Hall this Sunday 9th July after 10.30am Mass

PILGRIMAGE TO FATIMA As the Parish prepares for the next Centennial Pilgrimage, please keep all those who are travelling on 12th July in your prayers. The coach to airport will leave St Boniface at 5am on 12th. If anyone has not yet received their tickets and/or travel pack, please speak to Fr Shaju. Fr Shaju is very happy to take your prayers / petitions to Fatima and place them on the Altars during Masses on the pilgrimage. Please drop your intentions in the box in the Church porch.

SCHOOL SUPPLEMENTARY FORMS Please collect a Mass attendance card from one of the priests, fill in the card and drop in the box in the Church porch.

NEW ALTAR SERVERS Those who have received their first holy communion this year are eligible to become altar servers. If interested, please fill the form which is available from the Church porch and hand it over to a priest or put through the Presbytery letterbox.


We have ten new MCs and all those who are chosen are requested to come for a training session on Saturday 15th July at 4pm in the Church. Many thanks

CONFIRMATIONS 2018 Application for Confirmation next year has started. If anyone wishes to join the programme please collect a form from the Church porch, fill in and give to a priest or drop though the Presbytery letterbox. Full programme details are attached with the form. Those who will be starting year 8 & above in September 2017 are eligible to apply. The last date to apply is Sunday 23rd July 2017.


This will now take place on the last Monday of every month at 7.30pm in the Presbytery and a prerequisite for any christening. The next programme will be (Bank Holiday) Monday 28th August.

PARISH OPEN HOUSE If you need to see a priest, please come to the Parish Open House, no appointment needed. The next Open House is on Friday 14th July 6pm - 7.30pm.


The next informal gathering will be on Saturdays: 15th and 29th July and 19th August at 3pm in the Presbytery. If anyone is going through bereavement, any kind of loss, separation, difficulty in relationships, depression, addiction, etc. and wishes to get one to one support, please do contact Fr Shaju. We are happy to provide counselling.

THANKSGIVING MASS The 10.30am Mass on Sunday 23rd July will be a thanksgiving mass to celebrate the anniversary of Fr Shaju (12th July) and Fr Wilfred (25th July) ordination.

TOMASZ MARGOL Thank you very much for your generosity. The collection amounted to £1,235.38 and will be sent to Tomasz.

YOUTH CLUB A big thanks to all the volunteers & youth

leaders for their hard work through out the year and especially for the BBQ last Friday.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS Congratulations to all the eighty boys & girls who have now received their First Holy Communion and please pray for their continued spiritual journey. The Parish takes this opportunity to thank all the catechists.

EXAMINATIONS We offer our prayers to all young and mature people who have sat, or are preparing to sit their exams this month.

ALTAR SERVERS SUMMER BREAK From Tuesday 8th—Friday 11th August in Woldingham. This is an excellent few days for boy & girl servers aged 10-15years. For more details, see notice board or contact Fr Stephen Boyle at 01322 220075.


The Parish is organising a trip to the sea side on Thursday 24th August. If anyone wishes to join, please write your name on the sheet in the Church porch. The coach will leave St Boniface at 9.30am and will be back at St Boniface at approx. 6pm.

EARLY REMINDER: PARISH DAY We are celebrating our Parish Day & 110th Anniversary of the dedication of our Church on SUNDAY 10th SEPTEMBER. The celebrations will take place after the 12.00pm Mass with a BBQ, entertainment and games for the children. It will be a day for all the Parish family to celebrate together the life of the Parish.

HOSPITAL VISITS If you or a family member are admitted to St George’s Hospital and would like to see a priest, please contact Fr Jonathon Routh, the hospital chaplain at 020 8725 3069. In an emergency, please ask the ward staff to contact the Catholic priest on call.

KONKANI MASS This is at St Peter & Paul Church, Mitcham this Sunday 9th July at 3pm.

CAKE SALE FOR SVP There will be a cake sale on Sunday 16th July after the 10.30am Mass in the Parish hall in aid of the SVP.

PARISH SOCIAL EVENTS There will be a quiz night with supper on Friday 21st July. Details to follow.


The collection last weekend was £2,213.67 [Loose plate 54%; Gift Aid 46%]. Thank you for your generosity


This collection is for the Apostleship of the Sea, a Catholic charity supporting seafarers worldwide.

To anyone celebrating their birthday or wedding anniversary this week, the

Parish wishes you every blessing and thank God for you, a special gift to the


PARISH PRAYER LIST Please remember in your prayers all those on our parish prayer list.

The sick: Allan Willis, Teresa & Maria Jedrzejczak, Rose Mullins, Giuseppe Piccinini, Aires Fernandes, Sherifa Joseph, Veronica Antao, Christina Grogan, Ian Addison, Matilda Addison, Maria Da Silva, Betty Joyce, Tony Hardy, Esther Daley, Clifford Tetteh, Norman Mendonca, Irene Mendonca, Idan Vijay, Thomas McDermott, Eula Britto, Geoffrey Blwyddin, Albert Folivi, Kevin Hider, Carys Bradshaw, Yacintha Subramaniam, Julianna Hayfron, Winston Devonish, Norah Bolger.

Recently Deceased: Charles Atiko, J J Hogan, Evelina Pacitti, David Pugh, Bruce Barton, Cynthia Robertson, John Alvares, Reg Ebdy and Baby Donncha O’Donovan

Anniversaries: Coowarduth Rajcoomar, Anne Ramphul, Irmgard Berger, James Mongey, Thomas O’Sullivan, Edwin Simmons, Fred Herzfeld, Stephen Corbett, Renee Matty, Patrick McGing. May they rest in peace – Amen.

Please visit our website and facebook page for more information about parish events,

photographs and information.
