Page 1: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012

Vol. 7 No. 88 Tuesday, March 6, 2012 Rabiul Thani 13, 1433 AH N150



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Gunmen kill 2 guards atCPs residence

>>> PAGE 2

Death toll in Fulani, Tivclash rises

>>> PAGE 4

Supreme Court upholdsYuguda, Suntai’s elections

>>> PAGE 3

13 AIGs, 10 CPs,others to go

RMAFC to North’sgovs: You too canget 13% derivation

Contd on Page 2

Contd on Page 2

L-R: Chairman, Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission, Engineer Elias Mbam,in a handshake with Nasarawa state Governor, Alhaji Umar Tanko Al-Makura, during thegovernor's visit to the commission, yesterday in Abuja. Photo: Mahmud Isa

By Abdulwahab Isa

The Chairman, Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and FiscalCommission (RMAFC), Engineer Elias Mbam has assuredstates in the North that they too can begin to enjoy the benefits of

the 13 percent derivation principle currently being enjoyed by the 11oil producing states.

The RMAFC boss who gave the assurance while receiving GovernorUmaru Tanko Al-Makura of Nasarawa state, in his office, yesterday inAbuja, said the law has guaranteed the disbursement of 13 percentderivation to all solid minerals producing states, like their oil producing

By Lambert Tyem

Barring any last minutechanges, top echelon ofthe Nigeria Police Force,

especially 13 Assistant InspectorsGeneral of Police (AIGs) and over10 Commissioners of Police (CPs)will go on compulsory retirement.

Impeccable police sources saidthe sack, which will beannounced soonest, is sequel to thenew promotions which did notinclude some very senior officers,some of which were adjudged tobe incompetent.

Of note in the new promotions,was the elevation of some juniorofficers ahead of their seniorswhich by procedure wouldautomatically send thesuperseded seniors on compulsoryretirement to pave way for thenew bosses to work effectively.

Our reporter gathered thatsome of the officers still have up tothree to four years beforeretirement with many of themunwilling to retire.

Our sources also revealed that

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Injustice is the cause ofterrorism in Nigeria,says CPC chieftain,

Page 37



International 31-34Strange World 35Digest 36Politics 37-40Sports 41-47Columnist 48


13 AIGs, 10 CPs, others to goContd from Page 1

US to Nigeria: Develop North, beat Boko Haram

RMAFC to North’s govs: You too can get 13% derivationContd from Page 1

counterparts.Most of the solid minerals

producing states in the countryare in the North.

Section 162 of the Constitutionempowers the National Assemblyto determine the formula for thedistribution of funds in theFederation Account while sub-section (2) provides that “theprinciple of derivation shall beconstantly reflected in anyapproved formula as being not lessthan thirteen per cent of therevenue accruing to theFederation Account directly fromany natural resources.”

Although Engineer Mbam didnot expatiate on this, the ability ofthe solid minerals producing statesto benefit from 13% derivation issubject to their contributions to theFederation’s revenue pool throughthe natural resources that aboundin their areas.

Under the constitutionalarrangement as Mbam tried toexplain therefore, states likeNasarawa which are blessed withdeposits of several solid mineralswould be entitled to the 13 percentderivation from the proceedsrealised from such deposits, as theyare statutorily entitled to it underthe Constitution.

He further assured theGovernor Al-makura that the 13per cent derivation principle willbe applicable to solid mineralsproducing states as applicable to oilproducing states, once they startto extract such minerals and therevenue accrues into theFederation Account.

The 13 per cent derivation wasintroduced in 1999, as part ofmeasures aimed at redressinghistoric grievances of oil-producingstates of the Niger Delta.

Currently, the revenueallocation is based on a sharingformula which cedes 52.68 percent to the Federal Government;26.72 per cent to states and 20.6per cent to local governments.Thirteen percent is also given tothe oil-producing states asderivation.

To actualise the derivationprinciple cause for the solidminerals producing states, Mbamsaid the Office of the AccountantGeneral of the Federation (OAFG)has opened a special account withthe Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)for the purpose of receiving depositsof revenue accruals from solidminerals.

He tasked states on theimperatives of expanding theirinternal sources of revenue away

from the monthly allocations fromthe Federation Account, if theywere desirous of meeting the questsof their citizens for improvedservice delivery.

On the new revenue formula,Mbam promised that thecommission will be just,

fair, objective, but said theallocation will be proportional toresponsibility and cautionedagainst politicising the revenueformula as doing that “will not helpthe process but will over heat thepolity”.

Mbam advised Nasarawa stateto take the advantage of theopportunity provided by theecological funds to address thechallenges posed by erosion in thestate.

Earlier in a remark, GovernorAl-Makura painted a devastatingpicture of the impact of erosion inhis state.

He added that Nasarawa statewas vulnerable to erosion causingthe state huge losses both inproperties and lives and requestedthat the state be assisted withecological funds.

The governor equally drew theattention of the Commission to theoverstretching of itsinfrastructural facilities by themass of workers in Abuja, the

nation’s capital who, he said, residein parts of Nasarawa state due toits proximity to the city centre. Herequested for special considerationin the allocation of resources in thisregard.

He said while FCT enjoys 1 percent development funds from theFederation’s purse, Nasarawa statewhere he claimed over 50 per centof FCT workers reside is neglectedin terms of such special allocation.

He said the state was blessedwith large deposits of solid mineralsand solicited the support of thecommission to help it in its revenuediversification quest.

It would be recalled thatpenultimate week, the Chairmanof the Northern Governors Forumand Governor of Niger state, Dr.Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu called fora review of the revenue sharingformula by kicking against whatthey called uneven distribution ofthe nation’s wealth. At theinauguration of the AdvisoryCouncil of the Sir Ahmadu BelloMemorial Foundation, Aliyu, onbehalf of the 19 northern states,argued that this had made somestates to do better than others.They, therefore, demanded areview of the formula “to reflectcurrent realities”.

the purge was contingent ongovernment’s resolve toimplement the new Police ReformDocument which peggedpromotions in police onperformance, diligence,competence, integrity, amongstothers.

The Police Service Commission(PSC) had earlier announced thepromotion of seven Deputy InspectorsGeneral of Police (DIGs) and 14Assistant Inspectors General of Police(AIGs), where some very juniorCommissioners of Police (CPs) werepromoted to the ranks of DIGs andAIGs respectively.

The promotions generated a lot ofcontroversy among the senior officers

in the Force resulting in petitions filedagainst the promotions by some ofthem.

The aggrieved senior officers thatwere not promoted had expressedserious concern and dissatisfactionover the development.

PSC Chairman Parry Osayandehad replied the senior police officerswho complained about irregularpromotions during an interviewin a national daily, saying thatthe officers concerned did notmerit further promotion.

He said that the complainingofficers have not shown enoughcapacity to bring new innovationsthat would improve theperformance of the police.

When contacted yesterday on

the planned purge, the DeputyForce Public Relations Officer(DFPRO), Yemi Ajayi said thepolice have no clue yet on theofficers going on retirement butwould have clearer picture of thepurge by today.

Speaking in a telephone chatwith our reporter, he said “Really,we have no information yet onthose going on retirement but Ithink by tomorrow (today) we willget information and I will let youknow appropriately”.

Spokesman to the PoliceService Commission (PSC)Chairman, Fedinard U Ekpe couldnot be reached last night asseveral calls to his cell phones werenot answered.

United States Under-Secretary for PoliticalAffairs, Wendy Sherman

official yesterday tasked theNigerian government to initiateviable programmes that wouldbring development to the Norththereby creating jobs in the regionto tackle the seeming intractableBoko Haram insurgency.

Sherman also announcedthat her country was committedto helping Nigeria address itssecurity threats as it deals withscores of attacks mostly blamedon Boko Haram.

“I think the United Stateswants to support Nigeria inevery way that is appropriatefrom Nigeria’s point of view, todeal with any threat here in this

country,” Sherman toldnewsmen shortly after ameeting Nigeria’s Minister ofState for Foreign Affairs,Professor Viola Onwuliri.

The US Under-Secretary alsosaid that the US was looking toestablish a consulate in Kano, asapart of ways to help fight BokoHaram.

The top US official, who is ona visit to three African countries,spoke of a “holistic approach” toaddressing the securitychallenges in Nigeria, includingassisting in the areas ofdevelopmental projects and jobcreation.

“And together we will dowhatever we can, fromintelligence sharing to

assistance, to development, tosecurity training, as we havedone, given that Nigeria is oneof the leaders in peacekeepingforces throughout the world,”she said.

Sherman was in Nigeria fora 24-hour visit during which shewas also meeting civil societyorganisations and other topgovernment officials, includingPresident Goodluck Jonathan.

The United StatesAmbassador to Nigeria, MrTerrence McCauley had said latelast month that his country’sgovernment was committed toassisting Nigeria address itssecurity challenges, especially inthe North where Boko Haram hasterrorized the citizenry.

Gunmen kill 2guards in CP’sresidence in KanoFrom Edwin Olofu, Kano

Gunmen suspected to bemembers of Boko Haramyesterday attacked the

Kano residence of the Imo statePolice Commissioner, killing twopolicemen on guard.

Our correspondent gatheredthat the policemen who werekilled were on guard in thecommissioner’s residence whenthe gunmen who were on amotorbike struck.

Two of the police men on dutysustained injuries during the gunduel that ensued. The scenariocaused panic among residents.

Confirming the incident, Kanostate Police CommissionerIbrahim Idris said: “On Mondayat about 1325hours, a group ofarmed men on motor-cyclesattacked policemen on guard dutyat the residence of a senior policeofficer at Dorayi Quarters. Duringthe gun duel two policemen werekilled, two injured while thehoodlums escaped with bulletswounds after a hot chase bymembers of the public.”

Meanwhile, the state’sCommissioner of Police hasdebunked reports published in anational daily that Boko Haramleader, Abubakar Shekau escapedarrest in Kano while his wife wasarrested.

“The Kano state PoliceCommand observed with dismaya report carried by a nationaldaily of Monday 5th March, 2012and wishes to state that no suchoperation or raid was conductedby the command; and also wishesto state that the report was faultyas no such incident happened inthe state”, he stated.

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By Abdulrahman Abdulraheem

Governor Godswill Akpabioof Akwa Ibom state hasdenied reports in a national

daily that governors elected underthe platform of the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP) arescheming to ensure that PresidentGoodluck Jonathan’s preferredcandidates are embarrassed in theforthcoming PDP nationalconvention.

The governor insisted thatJonathan, being the nationalleader of the ruling party had theloyalty and support of all PDP

governors in whatever directionhe chose to take the party.

Speaking with State Housecorrespondents after yesterday’sNational Economic Council (NEC)meeting at the Presidential Villa,Akpabio said: “PDP is a democraticparty and as far as I am concerned,the President is the leader of theparty, so there is no way we thefollowers can gang up against ourleader. The President is our leaderand we will go with our leader.There is no issue because thePresident will like to see ademocratic process emerge and asfar as PDP is concerned, the PDP

recognises his leadership”.Asked to respond to criticisms

against the President for ‘overcelebrating’ Ojukwu’s death,Governor Akpabio noted thatPresident’s Jonathan’s activeinvolvement in the late Ikemba’sburial would serve as a unifyingfactor for Nigeria and help heal thewounds of the past.

“The celebration of Ojukwu’sdeath was a way of reminding usof the need for us never to toe thatpart again, that we must do thingsthat will bring justice to all sectionof the country so that never againshall we have to kill one another,

never again shall brothers riseagainst one another and as far as Iam concerned I am saying thatthere are more of Ojukwus withinthe population of Nigeria todaythan what we have in the 1960s .so it is important for those of uswho are leaders in the countrytoday to continue to do the rightthing and continue to ensure fairplay and transparency and todeliver on the dividends ofdemocracy to our people andabove all to ensure that we takeactions that will generate loveamongst Nigeria,” the governoropined.

We are not ganging up againstJonathan - Gov Akpabio

Annual subsidyrevenue dropsto N426bnBy Abdulrahman Abdulraheem

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo (middle), his wife, Mrs Bola Obasanjo (3rd left), former Imo state Governor, Chief Ikedi Ohakim(left), former Oyo state Governor, Otunba Adebayo Alao-Akala (2nd left), Delta state Governor, Chief Emmanuel Uduaghan (4th right),Chairman, Board of Trustees, Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library, Hon. Carl Masters (3rd right), and others assisting the formerPresident to cut his 75th birthday cake, yesterday in Abeokuta, Ogun state.

The Federal Government hasreiterated its plans to leaveout some aspects of its

original Subsidy Re-investmentand Empowerment (SURE)document due to the partialwithdrawal of fuel subsidy whichhas caused its expected annualsubsidy re-investment fund todrop from N1.134 trillion to N426billion.

From the new figure, FederalGovernment is now expected toearn about N180 billion as its shareof the revenue which according tothe Minister of state for Finance,Dr. Yerima Lawan Ngama, wouldforce it to prioritise maternal andchild health, public worksprogramme mass transit and thetechnical skill acquisition schemein the new SURE document.

It would be recalled thatPresident Goodluck Jonathan hadindicated at a recent meeting of theNational Executive Committee(NEC) of the Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP) that his administrationwould review the content of theSURE document following thefailure of government to achieve fullderegulation of the downstream ofthe petroleum sector as planned.

The Minister, who briefed StateHouse correspondents afteryesterday’s National EconomicCouncil (NEC) meeting said: "If youlook at SURE document, the estimateof the re-investable fund was N1.134trillion but with the partialderegulation, the computed total re-investable fund per annum came toN426 billion and that is what isavailable to the Federal Government,the states governments and the localgovernments.

The share of the FederalGovernment came down fromN478 billion to N180 billion. So,the document you have seen wasbased on an expectation of N478billion every year for four yearsbut now that we are getting N180billion every year for four years,we have to prioritise.”

The Supreme Court yesterday affirmedthe victory of governors Isa Yuguda ofBauchi state and Danbaba Suntai of

Taraba state at the April 2011 gubernatorialelection conducted by the IndependentNational Electoral Commission (INEC) inthe two states.

Delivering judgement in the appeal filedby the Congress for Progressive Change(CPC) and its governorship candidate inBauchi state, Yusuf Maitama Tugar and thatof Taraba state, challenging the victories ofYuguda and Suntai which was affirmed bytheir state’s election tribunals.

In a unanimous decision of the-five manpanel of justices of the apex court, led by theChief Justice of Nigeria, Justice DahiruMusdapher, the court agreed with Yuguda'scounsel, Prince Lateef Fagbemi that it lacksthe requisite jurisdiction to entertain theappeal since it is incompetent and invalid.

Fagbemi had submitted that since it iscommon ground between all parties that thejudgment of the Court of Appeal deliveredon January 7, 2011 is a, "nullity" havingbeen delivered without the reasoningadduced, no appeal can arise from an act or

judgement that is a nullity.But Tugar's counsel, Wole Akoni asked

the court to reject Fagbemi's submission andinvoke Section 22 of the Supreme Court'sRules to hear the appeal on its merit. Rulingon the preliminary objection, JusticeMusdapher agreed with Fagbemi that thecourt cannot do anything to remedy theblunder of the Court of Appeal as it lacks thejurisdiction to do so.

"The judgement of the Court of Appeal isa nullity and no appeal can arise from adecision which is a nullity. Therefore, thecourt lacks the jurisdiction to hear the appealand cannot invoke Section 22 of the SupremeCourt Rules to hear the matter", the courtheld.

"Accordingly, the appeal fails and ishereby struck out. The judgement of theBauchi state Governorship Election PetitionTribunal is further affirmed", he declaredand decried the hardship litigants go throughto pursue their case.

In a related development, the SupremeCourt also threw out the appeal, seeking tounseat Governor Suntai as the Taraba stategovernor, on the grounds that the appealagainst him was invalid since the judgmentof the Appeal Court is a nullity having notcontained the reasoning in line with Section285 of the 1999 Constitution as amended.

Supreme Court affirms Yuguda,Suntai’s electionsBy Sunday Ejike Benjamin

Governors of the 19 northern statesunder the aegis of the NorthernGovernors Forum (NGF), are billed

to meet in Kaduna on Thursday to discussissues bordering on the security challengesfacing the region.

In a press statement signed by the Secretaryto the Government of Niger state, Mr. DanielClifford Shashere, who is also the coordinatingchairman, forum of secretaries to thegovernments of Northern states, the forumdisclosed that the meeting would look intoissues relating to the development of the region.

Shashere also disclosed that thegovernors would discuss the communiquésissued by the Northern Traditional Counciland the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF).

He added that the governors would alsotouch on the gains of Sir Ahmadu BelloMemorial Foundation (SABMF) as well asthe progress made on the restructuring ofKaduna Textile Limited (KTL) and othermoribund textiles industries in the northernstates as well as discuss status ofimplementation of the national minimum

wage in the Northern states.Shashere added that the forum would

discuss the modalities for the emergence ofits new leadership; review the presentationsmade by the Christian Association of Nigeria(CAN) and organise a 2-day nationalcapacity building workshop for the 19northern states.

According to him, the NGF meeting willbe preceded by the meeting of the forum ofsecretaries on Tuesday 6th and Wednesday7th March, 2012 by 10:00 am, at Gen.Hassan Usman Katsina House, Kawo,Kaduna and a communiqué will be issued atthe end of the meeting.

The Chief Press Secretary to the Nigerstate governor, Mr. Danladi Ndayebo, whencontacted however added that the governorswould discuss the issue of the New NigerianNewspapers and review the progress of polioeradication in the states of the north.

But independent source close to theforum told our reporter that the governorswould examine the ongoing debate on thereview of nation’s revenue formula.

It was gathered that the forum had begunmoves to ensure that northern states withsolid minerals deposits are considered for the13% derivation fund as currently beingenjoyed by the oil producing states of the statesfrom the South-south region of the country.

Northern govs meet over security,derivationBy Lawrence Olaoye, Abuja and IliyaGarba, Minna

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the attack, maintaining that thewhereabout of most inhabitants ofTse-Ayande, Chille, Mma-Kpe, Tse-Gboku, Tse-Kpar and several otherareas affected is still unknown.

“They usually cross from theRiver with speed boats to carry outthis premeditated attack. We havebeen hospitable to the Fulanis butthey have continued to attack uson issues bothering on grazing

30 killed in renewedcommunal clash in Benue

From Uche Nnorom, Makurdi

Mark curses corrupt pension administratorselder citizens.

“I implore the committee tounravel all the issues pertainingto the mismanagement of pensionfunds in the country and bring theperpetrators to book. Let me assureyou that this committee has thefull backing of the Senate on this,”Mark said.

The Senate President addedthat the moral strength of a nationis determined by the way it treatsits elder citizens, saying no nationcan be great until it shows properappreciation to its pensioners forserving their nation faithfully.

“Government must be therefor those who need it the most; andusually, those who needgovernment the most are thosewho are retired and old,” he said.

The chairman of thecommittee, Senator Aloysius Etok(Akwa Ibom), said his committeewould discharge its dutiesdiligently, “to ensure thatcorruption, embezzlement andmisapplication/diversion ofpension funds are exposed, theperpetrators brought to book andall necessary legislative remediesprovided to bring to an end, theagonies and pains whichpensioners have been subjected to.”

Senator Kabiru Gaya (Kano),co-chairman of the committee,

assured that the committee will doa thorough job and come up withappropriate recommendations.

Other members of thecommittee include SenatorsGeorge Akume (Benue), IbrahimMusa (Niger) and Adegbenga Kaka(Ogun).

Speaking to Senatecorrespondents after the openingof the hearing, Director General ofthe National Pension Commission,Muhammad Kabir Ahmed, saidhis commission was glad that the

More than 30 persons havebeen murdered in arenewed invasion by

suspected Fulani marauders onGwer West local government areaof Benue state.

The president, Tyosin YouthAssociation, Engr. Joseph Momwhile briefing newsmen in Makurdiyesterday, said the invadersstormed the area early on Sundaymorning killing people and burningdown houses and other properties.

Engr. Mom added that theherdsmen came from areasbordering the local governmentwith the River Benue to carry out

L-R: Chairman,National Drug LawEnforcement Agency(NDLEA), AlhajiAhmadu Giade,Director General,National Agency forFood and DrugAdministration andControl (NAFDAC), Dr.Paul Orhii, DeputyCorps Marshal, Policy,Research and Statisticof Federal Road SafetyCorps (RFSC), Mr.Adeyemi Omideji, andNational President,Road TransportEmployers Associationof Nigeria, ChiefAbubakar Sadiq, at aone-day sensitisationcampaign on thedangers of drug abusefor road transportowners, employersworkers, motorcycleoperators and roadusers, yesterday inAbuja.Photo: Mahmud Isa

areas. They are usually heavilyarmed living us always on thedefensive. Maybe they felt whathappened last year was not enoughso they have come back to continuefrom where they stopped”, Momlamented.

He therefore called on theFederal Government to as a matterof urgency deploy a special securitytask force to protect and guarantee

the safety of the people who nowlive in grave panic and fear.

Meanwhile, the State PolicePublic Relations Officer, ASP EjikeAlaribe confirmed in a telephoneinterview with our correspondentthat only 16 persons were killed,intimating that securityoperatives have been deployed tothe area to forestall moredestruction.

INEC voter registercan’t guaranteecredible polls, saysREC

By Ali Alkali

Senate President David Markyesterday cursed the variousadministrators of pension

funds in the country for enrichingthemselves with the legitimateentitlements of retirees.

“These people, theadministrators stealing pensionfunds, can never live in peacebecause the prayers of these oldmen and women who havediligently served the country willhunt them and their children’schildren”, Senator Mark said whiledeclaring open a public hearing ofthe Senate Committee on PublicService and Establishment on theadministration of pension funds.

Mark said further that: “Youcan’t take away the money of thoseold people and think that it will notfollow you; it will follow even yourchildren’s children, because it isblood money.”

The Senate President, who wasrepresented by the Leader of theSenate, Senator Victor Ndoma-Egba (Cross River), said it wasevident that those saddled with theresponsibility of managing pensionfunds were among the richest inthe country; and called on thecommittee to fish out all culpritssucking the blood of the nation’s

Senate was investigating thepension administration andmanagement in the country.

“NPC is just a regulatory body;we don’t handle workers’ pensionremittance or payment. But,unfortunately, whenever anyfraud concerning pension ismentioned, people think of NPC.We hope this Senate investigationwill enlighten people about the waypension fund is beingadministered”, he said.

By Ikechukwu Okaforadi

The newly sworn-inResident ElectoralCommissioner (REC) for

Edo state, Austine Okojie, hasstated that the currentIndependent National ElectoralCommission (INEC) votersregister can never guaranteecredible election in the country,faulting the achievements ofthe commission on voter’seducation.

Okojie, who made thisobservation yesterday at theheadquarters of the INECduring the swearing-inceremony of five new RECs inAbuja, also argued that theprocess of updating the voters’register is not flexible enough,and that credible election startwith credible voters’ register.

The REC, who had served inRivers, Benue, Bayelsa, Imo,Enugu and Abia states alsosubmitted that the presentdemocracy is not only beingthreatened by voters’ apathy,but also invalid votes.

According to him, “Now as Ispeak with you I cannot reallyagree that the Nigerian votersregister is up to date. For avoter register to be up to date,you have to have what is calledregular inclusion of eligiblevoters and also regularexclusion of illegible voters.

“So, until we have a processof which we can remove orinclude those eligible voterscontinuously and to removethe illegible voters (those whohave died) our register cannotbe said to be up to date”.

While advising INECleadership to do more on voters’education and the process ofupdating the voters’ register,Okojie also advocated for astandardisation of the votersregister to the internationallevel, saying it is a measurecapable of changing theattitude of Nigerians towardselection results.

“The voters register has tobe comprehensive; it has to beinclusive; it has to be accurateand above all it has to be up todate”, he stated.

“The international level ofvoters register is that thevoters register has to becomprehensive; it has to beinclusive; it has to be accurateand above all it has to be up todate.” He stated.

Chairman of thecommission, Attahiru Jega,while swearing the new RECs,reminded them that theirappointment came at theappropriate time when INEC isdrawing a lot of praises fromthe Nigerian public and theinternational community overthe conduct of the 2011 generalelections.

Meanwhile, five new RECswere sworn in and they include:Prof. Jacob Jato, Nasarawa;Olusegun Agbaje, Ekiti; AustinOkojie, Edo; Nasir Ayiba, Kogi;and Baba Abba Yusuf, Borno.

JTF kills 3 Boko Haramarsonists in MaiduguriFrom Mustapha Isah Kwaru,Maiduguri

Three suspected members of theBoko Haram sect, whoattempted to set ablaze a

public primary school inMaiduguri, the Borno state capitalwere gunned down by operativesof the Joint Military Task Force(JTF).

Spokesman of the JTF, Lt- Col.Hassan Mohammed, who disclosedthis to newsmen yesterday, saidthe incident took place Sundaynight when five gunmen stormedLamisula Primary School withgallons of petrol and attempted toset it on fire.

According to Mohammed, two

other members of the group whosustained gunshots injuries wereapprehended at the scene of theincident, saying the suspects mettheir waterloo when they raidedthe school with gallons of petrol.

He said: “JTF has carried outanother successful operationSunday night when our operativesin secret vigilance over the schoolsighted a group of armed mendriving inside with gallons ofpetrol; unknown to them, someofficers were deployed to guard theschool”.

The corpses of the suspects, thespokesman said, were evacuatedfrom the schools and several armsand ammunition were recoveredfrom them.

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7 die in Jos auto accidentFrom Nankpah Bwakan, Jos

Seven people lost their livesin a ghastly motor accidentyesterday, which occurred

along Bukuru expressway ofJos south Local GovernmentArea (LGA) in Plateau statewhen a trailer truck crusheda commercia l s ta t ionwagon.

The accident occurred at about1:21 pm in front of the Jos Southlocal government council (LGC)secretariat in Bukuru, while a 406Peugeot which was coming outfrom the Jessy Royal was badlydamaged.

The diesel truck withregistration number XA 847 BLGrammed into the said 504 salooncar with registration number AH

762 KUJ and killed the sevenpassengers including the driver ofthe car.

Peoples Daily gathered that 5of the victims died instantly whileone died on the way to a nearbyhospital and the other gave up theghost while receiving treatmentat the Plateau Specialist hospitalin Jos.

Further investigation revealed

that the corpses of the sevenvictims had been deposited at thePlateau Specialist Hospitalmortuary.

The Plateau state Police PublicRelation Officer (PPRO), ASPSamuel Dabia confirmed theincident to newsmen, saying thatsome angry youths gathered thescene and burnt down the saidtrailer.

By Sunday Ejike Benjamin

Participants at the two-dayCapacity Building Workshopon the issue of plea bargain

have called on the Chief Justice ofNigeria, Justice DahiruMusdapher and the body ofAttorney-Generals to providejudicial policy guidelines on theadministration of plea bargain inthe country.

They also called for theabolition of interlocutory appealsto the Court of Appeal and theSupreme Court to ensure quickdispensation of justice.

While agreeing with the CJNthat the concept of plea bargainhad been abused in the past infavour of white collar criminals,Speakers at the workshopunanimously endorsed the conceptsaying its application would assistin ensuring quick disposal ofcriminal cases.

In his keynote address at theworkshop organised by theNational Association of JudicialCorrespondence (NAJUC) incollaboration with open SocietyJustice Initiative (OSJI) andSettlement House, Chairman of theNational Human RightsCommission (NHRC), Dr. ChindiAnselem Odinkalu who lamentedthe abnormalities in the criminaljustice sector with a position thatsome of them can be corrected by

proper application of the conceptof plea bargain.

Dr. Odinkalu submitted that:“We have a criminal justice sectorsystem that is unable to catch thosewho violate its rules; unable toensure accountability even for themost basic crimes; detains thosewhom it cannot convict often forlonger than it can hold them if itwere to convict them; and, withoutconsequences, kills many on whomit can’t even pin any charge ofcriminal conduct. In one sentence,our criminal justice system hasnormalized abnormality.”

The apostle of plea bargainidentified poverty, confusion andlack of co-ordination in theallocation of roles among the lawenforcement agencies; lack ofthorough investigation and theholding charge which allows thepolice to secure indefinite pre-trialdetention orders from Magistratescourts as factors responsible for thecrisis of injustice in the judicialsystem in the country.

Dr. Odinkalu’s position wasadopted by the Abuja branchChairman of the Nigerian BarAssociation (NBA), Maxi AfamOsigwe who called for theregulation of plea bargain and forthe accused persons to be made tohonestly declare his assets.

He further canvassed forshifting of the Prison DecongestionProgramme of the Federal

Ministry of Justice to the Legal AidCouncil.

The CJN, in his address at theworkshop, explained that hisearlier position on the issue of pleabargain was in respect to thesneaky motive behind theintroduction of the concept into ourlegal system.

It would be recalled that theCJN had described the pleabargain as a dubious origin andthat it should be abolished.

Speaking through the DeputyChief Registrar of the SupremeCourt, Ahmed Gambo Saleh,Justice Musdapher hit back atpoliticians whom he accused ofsubtle blackmail against Judges inpaid advertorials on the pages ofnewspapers whenever a judgmentof the court did not go their way.

He made particular referenceto the case of Imo state governorshipappeal wherein a newspaperadvertorial by unknown persons“purporting to offer Supreme CourtJudges a contrived sermon onjudicial righteousness in a languageladen with threat, blackmail andcontempt for the judiciary and thejudicial process. This is very sadindeed!”

Justice Musdapher thereforecalled on journalists to educate thepublic to know thatnotwithstanding any judicialimperfections, or system-default,citizens have a constitutional

obligation, ab intio, to respect thedecisions of the constitutionallyestablished courts of the land.

Justifying the application ofthe plea bargain, the Economic andFinancial Crimes Commission(EFCC) said the concept hasassisted it to successfully prosecutehigh profile cases including DSPAlamieyeseigha, Chief LuckyIgbinedion, and Cecelia Ibruamong others.

The EFCC Chairman, IbrahimLamorde who spoke through theDirector of Legal, Mrs. ElizabethAyodele said plea bargain permitsresolution of criminal proceedingswith all the benefits that the resultfrom final disposition and avoidsdelay and the uncertainties of trialsand appeals.

The Commission said it isempowered under section 14 [2] ofits Acts to “ compound any offencepunishable under the Act byaccepting such sum of money as itthinks fit not exceeding themaximum amount to which thatperson would have been liable if hehad been convicted of thatoffence.”

Earlier, Chairman of NAJUC,Mr. Joe Nwankwo explained thatthe workshop was to acquaintjournalists covering the judiciarywith the necessary skills to enablethem discharge their dutieseffectively through training andre-training process.

CJN, Attorneys-General tasked on plea bargain

The Jigawa state governmenthas entered into a partnershipwith a non-governmentalorganisation known as Working toImprove Nutrition in NorthernNigeria (WINNN) with the aim ofovercoming the nutritionalchallenges in the state.

The technical coordinator ofthe NGO, Mrs. Maureen Gallagherwho gave indication when theypaid an advocacy call on the stateMinistry of Health said they werein Jigawa in March 2011 for thepurpose of carrying out a 6-yearcommunity based managementof acute malnutrition in Birniwa,Guri and Gwiwa LocalGovernmentt Areas.

She said the program wasjointly sponsored by the stategovernment, local governmentand the communities with theobjective of reducing childmortality rate in the State.

The permanent secretarypledged to give the group allnecessary support that will enableit realise its goals.

Jigawapartners NGOon nutritionFrom Ahmed Abubakar, Dutse

The Oyo state chapter ofPeople of Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWH) yesterday

faulted the disbursement of WorldBank fund by the state agency forthe Control of HIV/AIDS (SACA)and called for transparency andaccountability.

The state network chairman ofPLWH, Mr. Ogunmade Matthewstated this during the officiallaunching of the second WorldBank assisted HIV/AIDS Project inOyo state.

He alleged that the World Bankfund has been politicized by SACAsaying this is not the first timegovernment announced thearrival of the money usuallydiverted to another project morepersonal to politicians.

Ogunmade explained thatover 30,000 certified people wereliving with the virus out of millionswho are yet to know their status inthe state, adding that nobody cantell the figure of people living withHIV.

In her response, the statechairperson of SACA who is theFirst Lady, Mrs Florence Ajimobiassured of transparency andaccountability in disbursing thefund.

According to her, “we will followWorld Bank's directive on the fund.We are going to be very transparentto experience appreciable impact onthe reduction of the epidemic in thestate.”

In his welcome address, theproject coordinator, Mr. M.AGaniyu also assured of attainingzero level of HIV/AIDS related deathsin Oyo state by the year 2015.

HIV victimsprotestdisbursement ofWorld Bank fundFrom Inumidun Ojelade, Ibadan

L-R: Yobe state Governor, Ibrahim Gaidam, Taraba state Deputy Governor, Alhaji Sani Abubakar Danladi, Sokoto state Deputy Governor,Alhaji Muktari Shagari, Plateau state Deputy Governor, Mr. Ignatius Longjan, and Oyo state Governor, Senator Abiola Ajimobi, duringthe National Economic Council (NEC) meeting at the State House, yesterday in Abuja. Photo: Joe Oroye

Page 6: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Drug lab: Reps commend NDLEA overdiscovery, promise adequate funding

The House of RepresentativesCommittee on Drugs,Narcotics and Financial

Crimes has commended theNational Drug Law EnforcementAgency (NDLEA), for the giantstrides recorded in the anti-narcotic crusade.

The committee chairman,Jagaba Adams Jagaba in a letterto the agency stated that the arrestof three Bolivians and discovery ofa secret laboratory for the

year's budget in order to help youtackle your challenges".

Reacting, chairman of theNDLEA, Alhaji Ahmadu Giadethanked the committee for thecommendation and assurance ofimproved funding describing it asinspiring. "We appreciate thecommendation by the House ofRepresentatives. It is inspiring andwill continue to encourage us to giveour best. Particularly, the promiseto ensure that the agency isadequately funded is important.This will enable us confront the

From Suleiman Idris, Lagos production of methamphetaminein Lagos is commendable.

According to Jagaba, "I, onbehalf of the committee, wish tocommend the chairman, officersand men of the agency for this rarefeat recorded in the fight againstillicit drugs in the country.

Meanwhile, I urge you tocontinue with your investigationin order to get to the root of the crimeand secure conviction. Thecommittee on its own part willcontinue to make sure that youragency is adequately funded in this

The National Agency forFood and DrugAdministration and

Control (NAFDAC); NationalDrug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA); and Federal RoadSafety Corps (FRSC), haveblamed multiple road accidentsin the country on the abuse ofprescribed and non-prescribeddrugs used by motorists.

This was made knownyesterday at the official flag-off

in the abuse of drugs in thecountry in respect to the alertreceived from the InternationalNarcotics Control Board (INCB).

He explained: "There is a highincidence of abuse of coughremedies containing codeineparticularly by okada/achabariders, sniffing of solutions incold patch used by vulcanizers,inhalation of petrol and nailpolish, sniffing of sand scoopedfrom filthy gutters and pitlatrines and mixingmonosodium glutamate (white

By A'isha Biola Raji of NAFDAC's sensitisationcampaign on dangers of drugabuse for road transportemployers and workers, an ideainitiated by Miss. Shifau Bello, acorps member serving withNAFDAC, which held at JabiPark, Abuja.

In a his address, the DirectorGeneral of NAFDAC Dr. PaulOrhii commended Shifau for herbrilliant idea, he said the agencyhas also identified the need towork with other relevantagencies in combating the rise

Agencies blame road accidents on abuse of drugs

By Auwal Ahmad, Gombe

enormous challenges of drugcontrol", Giade stated.

Three Bolivians and a Nigerianwere recently arrested inconnection with a secret laboratoryfor the illicit production ofmethamphetamine at SatelliteTown, Lagos. The laboratory wasdetected by operatives attached tothe Lagos state command.

Items recovered at theproduction area include 41.150kgof ephedrine, 4.8kg ofmethamphetamine, otherchemicals and sundry gadgets used

in the laboratory. Three vehicles, aHonda Accord Saloon car, a HondaCRV Jeep and a Toyota 4-runnerJeep were also impounded.

Apprehended in connectionwith the laboratory include threeBolivians Yerko ArtunduagaDorado, 19; Ruben Ticona Jorge, 21;and Hugo Chavez Moreno, 39. Thefourth suspect is a 23-year-oldNigerian, Uba Ubachukwu Collins.However, Solomon Azuka Uzokaand Basil Ikechukwu Uzoka arewanted for questioning by theNDLEA.

seasoning) with cola drinkswhich are all dangerous tohealth if misused". He said theuse of such products withoutproper prescription can lead todecline in economy as peoplesuffer its consequence.

In their various speeches, theChairman of NDLEA, AlhajiAhmadu Giade, representativeof Corps Marshal FRSC, andDeputy Corps Marshal, Planningand Statistics, Mr. AdeyemiOnigidan and representative ofthe DG, National Youth Service

Corps (NYSC), Mr. EmmanuelObi all pledged their support forthe need to sensitise commercialroad users on the dangersassociated with drug abuseespecially among motorists.

In his address, the presidentof Road Transport EmployersAssociation of Nigeria (RTEAN),said the menace of drug abuse isnot limited to road workers aloneas it cuts across all classes of lifeand should be dealt withobjectively to curb all the socialvices associated with it.

Gombe state governmenthas distributed 2500Unified Tertiary

Matriculation Examination(UTME) forms to qualified studentsin the state.

The Commissioner for HigherEducation, Dr. Isah MuhammadWade who disclosed this whileflagging off the distribution exercisein Gombe, stated that the gesturewas to encourage students desiringuniversity education.

He added that 1,000 of the forms

Gombe distributes2500 JAMB forms

The former president, ChiefOlusegun Obasanjoyesterday celebrated his 75

years birthday with kudos to hisadversaries for contributingimmensely to his success.

Our correspondent reports thatthe ceremony took place inside themulti-million naira conferencehall located inside the ObasanjoPresidential Library, along thePresidential Boulevard, Abeokuta,Ogun state capital.

Speaking at the occasion, thecelebrant acknowledged thenegative and positive effects of hisadversaries, pointing out that,their actions had remainedinstrumental to his success in allramifications. He noted furtherthat for anybody to be successful

in life, one of the criteria is to haveadversaries, stressing that theiractions eventually turn toblessings. Hence, there is need tohave them in one's life.

"I want to thank myadversaries for contributing tomy growth, and I want to tellyou, if one doesn't haveadversaries, one cannotsucceed", Obasanjo emphasised.

The celebrant in company ofhis wife, Bola, revealed he toldhis child not to condemn hisenemies, but rather toacknowledge their ownadversaries to be able to surviveand be successful in life.

The famous octogenarianmusician, Fatai Rolling Dollarsrounded off the ceremony byentertaining guests to a melody oftunes as they wined and dinedwith the celebrant.

Enemies are instrumental tomy success, says Obasanjo

A Fulani socio-culturalassociation, the MiyettiAllah Kautal Hore has

commended the upper chamberof the National Assembly forinitiating the National GrazingReserves Commission Bill, sayingthe bill if passed into law will fosterpeaceful co-existence between theFulani pastoralists and the farmersin some parts of the country.

Speaking to newsmen in Abujayesterday, the national chairman

By Miriam Humbe problem. We also want theleadership of the Senate to speedilypass the bill into law so that theFulani herdsmen would knowhow to carry on with theirtraditional trade withoutencroaching into thefarmlands of othercommunities", he said.

Bodejo urged all theSenators not to allow the bill diedown, as it is all about life andproperties, adding that MiyettiAllah would do all it could tosupport the move by the Senate.

National Grazing Reserves CommissionBill: Herdsmen hail NASS

L-R: Governors Peter Obi of Anambra state, Isa Yuguda of Bauchi state, and Ibrahim Dankwambo ofGombe state, exchanging pleasantries during the meeting of Nigeria Governors Forum (NGF) onpolio eradication and progress on implementation of State Peer Review Mechanism (SPRM), atRivers state Governor's Lodge, on Sunday in Abuja. Photo: Mahmud Isa

By Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji,Abeokuta

would be given free to the 500remedial arts students, 500 scienceremedial students of the Universityof Maiduguri, remedial students atGovernment Arabic College Gombe,and the ETF Education ResourceCentre Gombe, while the 1,500forms would be distributed to otherprospective students in the 11 localgovernment areas.

Dr. Wade urged the students tobe committed to their studies andread hard to get the requirement ofUTME scores that will help themgain admission into the universityof their choice.

of the association, Alhaji BelloAbdullahi Bodejo, described thesponsor of the bill, Senator ZaynabKure (PDP, Niger South) as amother of peace in the society.

He said the establishment of thebill has come at a right time whenthe association is campaigning fortown hall meetings with both theFulani and the farmers to engagein productive dialogue that willend crises.

"We commend Senator Kure forher initiative that will bring abouta lasting solution to our grazing

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Osun state governor, Mr. Rauf Aregbesola (middle), presenting an award to one of the best corpsmembers in the state, Mr. Adeleke Olatunji (right), during the visit of the National Youth Service Corps(NYSC) members to the governor in his office, recently in Osogbo. With them is the deputy governor,Mrs. Titi Laoye-Tomori (left).

The Taraba stategovernment says it willcontinue to create

awareness and intensitysensitisation on Lassa fever asmeasures to mitigate its spread.

The Commissioner forHealth in the state, MustaphaHamman Gabdo, stated this ata one-day advocacy workshop

Taraba intensifies awareness on Lassa feverFrom Yusha’u Alhassan, Jalingo on Lassa fever for health

workers in the state.Gabdo said the workshop

was imperative as it is aimedat acquainting health workerswith the best practices ofpreventing themselves frominfection in the process ofsaving lives.

He noted that the key to anycontrol of disease outbreak wasthe awareness of the disease

and preventive measures bythose in direct contact withinfected patients.

The commissioner called onparticipants to pay closeattention and be informed so asto reduce the spread of thedisease in the state.

The workshop which wasorganised by the stateMinistry of Health, FederalMinistry of Health and other

partners drew participantsfrom the Federal MedicalCentre and the SpecialistHospital.

The project director, CentreFor Disease Control, FederalMinistry of Health Abuja,Abdulsalami Nasidi who spokeon the title: “Upsurge of LassaFever in Nigeria”, said theoutbreak of the disease has beenrecorded in about 15 states of

the federation stressing thatthis was the first time therewas outbreak in 50 percent ofthe country.

He said the localgovernments in the state withthe outbreak included Ardo-kola, Jalingo, Wukari, Karim-Lamido, Sardauna and Gassoladding that there was a declinein the spread and urged peoplenot to exaggerate the situation.

The Northern GovernorsForum (NGF) has paidtribute to former

President Olusegun Obasanjowho attained 75 years of ageyesterday, saying the formerleader has lived a fulfilled lifeof service to Nigeria andhumanity .

Chairman of the Forum andgovernor of Niger state, Dr.Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu, saidat 75 former PresidentObasanjo has remained thereference point on goodgovernance, statesmanship,diplomacy, conflict resolutionand prudent management ofresources.

In a statement signed by hisChief Press Secretary, MalamDanladi Ndayebo, GovernorAliyu said the former leaderhad a distinguished carrier inthe military and went on topreside over Africa’s mostinfluential country, first ashead of state and later asdemocratically electedpresident, during which periodhe showed rare vision, courageand exemplary leadership.

“It is no longer news that in1976, destiny beckoned onGeneral Obasanjo to becomeNigeria’s Head of State; an erathat ushered in hugedevelopmental drive in ourjourney to nationhood and in

Northern governors eulogise Obasanjo at 75By Lawrence Olaoye the exercise of greatness, he

voluntarily relinquished powerand handed it over to a civilianadministration in 1979. Hereturned to the presidency in1999 from the verge of deathto the flourishing tree ofdemocracy he planted, thistime as the gardener and thenourisher,” the statement said.

Aliyu said Obasanjo has leftlegacies in all sectors of the

economy including nation-building, nationalreconciliation, the Niger Deltaissue, national security,pension reforms etc.

The Forum said it was proudto be associated with theachievements of the formerleader, especially hiscontributions to the deepeningof the nation’s fledglingdemocracy.

The member representingKaugama in the JigawaState House of Assembly,

Alhaji Shehu Liman, hasexpended about N500, 000 tosponsor the training 100 youthsin various skills.

The lawmaker said his aim isto complement the Sule Lamido-led administration in providingjob opportunities to the teamingyouth in the state.

Liman said this is in line withhis determination to improvethe economy of the peoplethrough empowermentprogrammes for youths to be self

Jigawa legislator trains 100 youthsFrom Ahmed Abubakar, Dutse reliant.

He added that the cardinal isto alleviate poverty among thepeople especially those in therural area.

The lawmaker explainedthat “this effort coincides withthe manifesto of the rulingPeoples Democratic Party (PDP),and our able leader Alhaji SuleLamido who established theministry of economicempowerment and to give thedividend of my election”.

He maintained that creationof job opportunities andempowerment for the people willalso contribute reducing ofpolitical thugger

The governor of Nigerstate, Dr. Mu’azuBabangida Aliyu has

advised the Institute of CharteredAccountants of Nigeria (ICAN),to help to fight corruption whichhas dragged the image of ourcountry to the mud.

He made this knownyesterday while receivingmembers of the institute who paidhim a courtesy visit inGovernment House Minna,saying they should createawareness of the sanctions ofcorruption so that people wouldknow when they have derailed.

Governor Aliyu advised themto always help government toreview every 10 years therevenue formula, adding that

this would help to correct certainthings in government.

He however allocated two plotsof land for the association to buildtheir office and have apermanent study centre for thestate so that according to him,‘sons and daughters of Nigerstate would have the chance tobe chattered accountants’.

The president of ICAN, Prof.Francis Ojaide in his address,applauded the governor on themilestones and developmentsrecorded in this state.

Prof. Ojaide said there is alsoa remarkable change ineducation and graduateemployment scheme, whichshows that the government isactually utilising the moneygiven for the development of thestate.

Niger gov urges ICAN tofight corruptionFrom Iliya Garba, Minna

The reinstated Chief Judgeof Kwara State, JusticeRaliat Elelu-Habeeb

resumed at her office yesterday,about three weeks after thejudiciary workers in the stateembarked on industrial; strike toprotest against the SupremeCourt which reinstated her asthe Chief Judge of the state.

Our correspondent who wentround the High Court complexnoticed that workers were busydusting their offices and those ofthe judges and the court roomsearly in the morning. The officeof the CJ was also being dustedas at about 2.45pm when ourreporter went round again.

Though the reinstated CJrefused to speaks withjournalists, a staff who spoke tojournalists under anonymity

Kwara CJ resumes workFrom Olanrewaju Lawal, Ilorin confirmed that she saw two

policemen at the waiting roomof the CJ’s Conference Roomwhere the CJ herself wassupposed to be sitting while thecleaning work in her office wason going.

Reacting to the development,the Nigerian Bar Association(NBA), welcomed theresumption of activities at thecourt and the resumption ofJustice Elelu-Habeeb as CJ andappealed to members of thejudiciary to continue to work forthe peace and progress of thejudiciary in the state.

The state chairman of theNBA, Ilorin, Mr. Rafiu Balogunin an interview with journalists,said his executive council wasscheduled to meet with the CJ todiscuss with her on how to movethe judiciary forward after thecrisis.

The Minister of Interior,Comrade Abba Moro hassaid that the Federal

Government hads commencedinvestigations into the recentdeportation of Nigerians fromthe Republic of South Africa toascertain the reasons behindthe move.

The minister told StateHouse correspondents afteryesterday’s National EconomicCouncil (NEC) meeting that hebelieved South Africa as afriendly country would not sendNigerians back if theirdocuments were genuine. Hehowever added that if theinvestigation reveals that thewhole exercise was carried out

‘FG will avenge South Africa’sdeportation of Nigerians if…’By Abdulrahman Abdulraheem in bad faith, Nigerian

government retaliateaccordingly.

“South Africa is a veryfriendly country and we hopethat they have done what theydid in good faith but like youknow about our relationshipwith other countries, we believein reciprocal diplomacy. If it isfound out that South Africa hasdeliberately frustratedNigerians who want to travel tothe country, certainly Nigeriawill reciprocateappropriately…”

The minister added: “I wantto assure you on one thing thatthe Federal Government has thecapacity to reciprocateappropriately if it is found outthat it is not done in good faith.”

Page 8: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


The United Statesgovernment yesterdayexpressed confidence in

the Nigeria oil and gasindustry under thestewardship of the Minister ofPetroleum Resources, Mrs.Diezani Alison-Madueke.

The Minister had in the lasttwo months establishedspecialised task forces/committees in the petroleumindustry, saddled with themandates of fast tracking on-going oil sector reforms andproviding value addition inFederal Government’s drive toensure that Nigeria reapsbountifully from the proceedsof God-given hydrocarbonresources.

Speaking at the end of abreakfast session with theMinister at the NNPC Towersin Abuja, the US Under-Secretary of State for PoliticalAffairs, Ambassador WendySherman, while describingAlison-Madueke as a visionaryleader stated that the UnitedStates will continue its

partnership with Nigeria in theoil sector as well as other areasof common interest.

“We had an excellentmeeting with the Minister; sheis a visionary who is lookingahead to a sector that will bringgreat benefit to the people ofNigeria and I know she isworking very closely with theNigerian President to ensure avery bright future for allNigerians,’’ AmbassadorSherman stated.

The US Under-Secretary,who was accompanied to themeeting by the Special Envoyfor International EnergyAffairs, Carlos Pascual and theUS Ambassador to Nigeria,Terence Mc Culley pledgedcontinuation of the US/Nigeriabilateral trade relationship .

“The United States looksforward to continuing with astrong partnership both here inNigeria, in the region andthroughout the world,’’ shesaid.

Welcoming the USdelegation, Mrs. Alison-Madueke described the US as aworthy partner in the oil and

gas industry noting that theFederal Government isdetermined to sustain therelationship.

Also yesterday, a two- dayNational Refineries workshopconvened at the instance of thePetroleum Minister to seekintegrated solution to thechallenges confronting thenation’s traditional refineriesgot underway in Abuja.

The Day-1 of the sessionwhich had in attendance all thedownstream stakeholderswithin the NNPC Group as wellas officials of the Ministry ofPetroleum Resources is seekingto galvanize all options in thedrive to increasing the nation’srefining capacity through therehabilitation and upgrade ofexisting refineries.

The workshop comes to aclose today, with participationexpected from all major interestgroups as well as trade unionsin the downstream sector of thepetroleum industry.

Also extra succor came theway of some communities inBayelsa state believed to havebeen impacted by the recent

US commends Minister’s leadership of oil and gas industryBy Aminu Imam

20,000 men die of prostatecancer in Nigeria, says DonFrom Olanrewaju Lawal, Ilorin

A Consultant Urologist withthe University of IlorinTeaching Hospital (UITH)

and Senior Lecturer in theDepartment of Surgery,University of Ilorin, Dr.Ademola A. Popoola, hasrevealed that not less than20,000 men die of prostatecancer every year in Nigeria.

Ademola who made this

revelation while speaking on“Prostate Cancer: Awareness,Prevention and Screening” aspart of the third edition of HealthEducation Seminar of theUniversity of Ilorin, organised bythe University Board of Healthin conjunction with the Facultyof Clinical Sciences, noted thatthe death rate has shown asteady decline all over theworld.

He noted that men of any age

could get prostate cancer but itwas often found in men over theage of 50 adding that more than80 percent of men with prostatecancer are over the age of 65.

To reduce the risk, theuniversity don suggested thatNigerians should be exercisingand eating a healthy diet,choosing a low-fat diet; eatingmore fat from plants than fromanimals and increasing theamount of fruits and vegetables

gas fire incident at the ChevronNigeria operated gas rig withthe arrival of additional reliefmaterial over the weekendcourtesy of the Minister.

The material, whichincludes about 4,000 cartoonsof table water arrived theYenagoa waterfront over theweekend for onwarddistribution to the affectedcommunities of - Koluama 1,Koluama 11, Ekeni, Foropa,Fishtown, Ezetu 1, Ezetu 11 andSanga, all in the Southern Ijawand Brass Local GovernmentAreas of Bayelsa state.

Before now the Minister,through the NNPC, haddespatched bags of rice, beans,antiseptic soaps, toiletries, clothsvegetable oil and dairy productsto the communities.

Christopher Tuodo,Chairman of the Keffes RuralDevelopment Foundation whoreceived the items on behalf ofthe eight communities underthe Keffes umbrella thanked theMinister for living up to anearlier promise during her visitto the communities few weeksago.

The chairman, Committee ofProvosts of Colleges ofEducation in Nigeria (COP),

Prof. Isa Ochepa has identifiedhigh level of illiteracy amongNigerians as the root cause ofmilitancy in the Niger Delta,prostitution, child trafficking aswell as the Boko Haraminsurgency in the North.

He said that having 50million Nigerians as illiterates,has to a large extent impactednegatively on all facets of nationaldevelopment efforts and goals.

Prof. Ochepa made theobservation while delivering hiswelcome address at the 2ndnational conference of COP,which began yesterday, at theCollege of Education Akwanga,Nasarawa state,titled:“Transformation of education;Enlarging access to qualitativetertiary education.”

The don lamented theinability of the country tostreamline variousdevelopmental plans put forwardin synchrony with reality, whilealso calling for a paradigm shiftfor a sustainable transformationby enlarging access to qualityeducation.with adequate spacefor higher education, and urgedthe government to increase thebudgetary allocation toeducation.

Don tracesmilitancy,social ills toilliteracyFrom Ali Abare Abubakar, Lafia

Twins in courtover unlawfulejection of tenant

A set of twins were yesterdaycharged before a YabaMagistrates’ Court over

alleged forceful evacuation oftheir tenant and damagingproperties valued N1.7 million.

The 38-year-old twins,Kehinde Ogunmola and TaiwoAdeyemi, are facing a two-count-charge of unlawful ejection andcausing breach of the peace.

The prosecutor, Insp. PhilipUgbodu, told the court that theaccused persons, who reside at 14Popo St. Surulere, were jointowners of a bungalow in thepremises and had let out tworooms to Mrs. OlubukolaAjetumobi, the complainant.

He said that Ajetumobiconverted the rooms for use as arestaurant, based on anagreement with the owners.

Ugbodu told the court that thecomplainant paid the sum ofN360, 000 for 18 months andstarted renovation of the roomsto suit her purpose.

He said that the renovation,however, took such a long periodthat the complainant could notfinish till the expiration of hertenancy, upon which theaccused persons requested her tovacate the premises.

Ugbodu said that thecomplainant requested for moretime since she had invested somuch in the house, but theaccused refused.

taken each day among others.Earlier, the Vice-Chancellor,

Prof. Is-haq O. Oloyede, who wasrepresented by the Dean ofClinical Sciences, Prof. Wahab B.Johnson, appealed to theparticipants not to allowthemselves to

manage what could beprevented.

He said that scientific studieshave shown that many cancerscould be cured if detected.

L-R: Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke welcoming US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Amb.Wendy Sherman to her office, yesterday in Abuja.

Page 9: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


From Blessing Tunoh, Yola

Adamawa, Taraba customsset to generate N120m

Zamfara people protestagainst Yariman BakuraLikeminds Association

A battle line has beendrawn between somecommunities and the

Yariman Bakura LikemindsAssociation, a nongovernmentalorganisation based in Gusau,Zamfara state.

The association which isheaded by Alhaji Kasimu Kaura,was on several occasions accusedof diverting funds and other itemsmeant for the people, particularlythe less privileged and women.

Checks by our reporter hadshown that several attempts weremade to destroy or burn thebuilding of the association, but forthe intervention of some elders.

Yariman Bakura Likeminds isan association, through whichany assistance coming to theelectorate from Senator AhmedSani, the former governor of thestate is disbursed to thebeneficiaries.

Recently, according to thechecks, some people includingwomen, protested against theleadership of Alhaji KasimuKaura, complaining that he is not

an honest follow.They called on the Senator

Ahmed Sani to hasten the removalof the said Kasimu and replace himwith honest person so that theycan move forward.

Some of them who spoke to ourreporter on condition ofanonymity, expressed theirsadness over the situation,describing it as total betrayalagainst the senator.

They also lamented thatshould Kasimu remains as thehead of the association, all thepolitical ambitions of the formergovernor would be dashed.

When contacted for acomment on the accusationleveled against him, AlhajiKasimu Kaura, told ourcorrespondent that all theaccusations are not true andbaseless.

Kaura said there was never atime he took a single kobobelonging to the organisation, “infact whatever we do here, I spendon it from my own pocket, so youleave them, to hell with themthere is nothing they can do tome”, he said.

From Salisu Zakari Maradun, Gusau

NUJ lifts suspension on six Kwara members

Six members of NigeriaUnion of Journalists(NUJ), Kwara state council

suspended by national secretariatof the union over anti-union andother offences have been pardonedwith a warning that they shouldavoid any action that couldjeopardise the integrity of the union.

The union in a statement issuedand co-signed by the statechairman, Elder Stephen Oni and

assistant secretary, Evang.Asonibare Albert, a copy of whichwas made available to ourcorrespondent in Ilorin, stated thatthe affected members had writtenapology letter to the nationalsecretariat.

The statement said that “theKwara council of the NUJ has beendirected by the national secretariatto lift the suspension order placedon six of its members in the statewith effect from Monday, 5thMarch, 2012”.

From Olanrewaju Lawal, Ilorin The affected members includeAbdullahi Olesin of the Leadershipnewspaper, Ali Mohammed Rabiuof New Nigerian, MustaphaAbubakar of Daily Trust, HammedShittu of ThisDay, DemolaAkinyemi of Vanguard andHakeem Olatidoye of The Heraldnewspaper.

The union added that theyhave shown remorse and formerlyregretted their actions, “thereforehave their suspension lifted withimmediate effect”.

R-L: President Goodluck Jonathan, with Sierra Leone President, Ernest Bai Koroma, during the latter'sstate visit to the President, at the State House, yesterday in Abuja. Photo: Joe Oroye

Commuters stranded aslong queues resurface atpetrol stations in Oyo

commercial vehicles andmotorcyclists popularly calledOkada queued up to one or twohours before buying fuel in petrolstations that opened for business.

While some filing stationswere closed for business withinand around the city, the fewpetrol stations selling witnessedunprecedented turnout ofmotorists.

Thousand of commuters inthe ancient city of Ibadan,the capital of Oyo state

were yesterday stranded andsubjected to long distancetrekking as fuel scarcity enteredits second day.

Fuel scarcity resurfaced inIbadan and its environs with

motorists queuing up for hoursbefore buying the commodityfrom the few petrol stationswilling to sell to the public.

The worrisome situationstarted on Sunday with longqueues of vehicles disruptingtraffic flow on the first workingday of the week in some fillingstations in and around the city.

Motorists including

From Inumidun Ojelade, Ibadan

Adamawa and Tarabastates command of theNigeria Customs Service

has said it will generate N120million in the ongoingnationwide custom dutyverification exercise onvehicles.

Speaking to journalists atthe command headquarters inYola, the Comptroller, Mr.Sambo Tom Ipreye said thetarget which is in line with thedirective issued from thenational headquarters of theorganisation would be animprovement over last year’sover N36 million generated.

Sambo however noted thatthe verification exercise hasbecome necessary to checkmatethe rising rate of car smugglingowing to the porous nature ofthe country’s borders addingthat it would go a long

way in tackling car theftand other related crimes.

“Any person that has paid

the customs duty in the pastshould come to our office andcrosscheck with us because ifyou’re caught you will be madeto pay with a penalty but if youcome willingly the duty will be

normal”, the comptrollerstated.

In the same vein, he advisedmembers of the publicintending to buy cars fromdealers to confirm the dutydocuments with the customsbefore making any transactionas according to him, “if you arecaught

with a car that doesn’t haveduty and you fail to pay thepenalty when due, it would beconverted to seizure whichcould lead to forfeiture if you losethe case in court.”

Our correspondent learntthat so far about 400 motoristshave showed up for the exercisejust as the men of the Adamawastate command today launchedcollection of duty at bordertowns in Toungo, Kojoli andother cattle routes in the state.

Dangote helps Benuecommunities with water supplyThe N50 million earth dam

constructed by the DangoteGroup in Gboko, Benue

state is timely as it is one of themajor sources of water supply tothe communities.

Speaking to newsmen inGboko, assistant generalmanager in charge of specialduties in Dangote CementCompany, Dr. Bem Melladu saidthe construction of the earth damwas necessitated by the collapseof the previous dam.

He described the constructionof the dam as a giant stride andpart of the corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) of theDangote Cement Company.

“Upon realising the need, wedecided to give back to thecommunity what we get from ourfactory. We take our socialresponsibility very serious. Wehave done a lot, and we are stilldoing more”, he said.

According to a statementfrom the Dangote Group, over1,000 direct jobs and about10,000 indirect jobs have beencreated in Gboko factory alone.

The statement said DangoteCement in Benue gives hostcommunities N10 million annualeducation scholarships.

It said 15 villages wereelectrified at the cost of N115million, adding that 14 blocks ofclassrooms have been constructedfor the community around thecompany at the cost of N84 billion.

The statement said 19boreholes were constructed for thecommunities.

“We have also donated N15million to the community’sdevelopment foundation, and weare helping through thecommunity empowermentscheme, while our 100 bedhospital has been approved forconstruction within the

community”, it said.It said that in addition to

N78million compensation paidduring the takeover of thecompany, additional N60million inconvenienceallowance has been paid tofamilies.

Page 10: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


From Iliya Garba, Minna

The Artillery Brigade inMinna, Niger state over theweekend denied beating a

14-year-old girl, UmaimaMohammed, to coma when shetried to go over barriers put inplace.

The Public Relations Officer, Lt.F.P. Daniel said soldiers onlydispossessed the girl of her bag in

the encounter, adding that ascuffle however ensued when sherefused to release the bag in the firstinstance.

According to him, “theyoung girl carrying a small bagwent over a security barricadewhich was manned by prisonstaff against repeated orders forher to go back. The barricadewhich is the first line of defencein the security arrangement of

the prison infrastructure, wasused to completely block theroad as visible depiction of no-thorough fare. She defiantlygot clear of the first defensivelayer and strolled into thesecond and final defensive areathereby presenting her as apotent threat to the prison andinmates”.

Lt. Daniel insisted that if notfor the intuition of the guard

Soldiers deny beating14-yr-old girl to coma

commander, the rule ofengagement handed over to thesoldiers permits them to respondto the threat by firing, but he onlyordered his men to dispossess thegirl of her bag.

“It is her refusal to release thebag in the first instance and thescuffle that ensued between herand the soldier that resulted in herfalling and feigning fainting”, hesaid.

Delta state government hasapproved the sum of N150million as its counterpart

fund for the take-off of theInternational DevelopmentAssociation (IDA) assisted StateEmployment and Expenditure forResults (SEEFOR) project.

The SEEFOR Projectcoordinator for Delta state, BensonOjoko disclosed this yesterday at ameeting of stakeholders whilecalling on the IDA to examine thereadiness of Edo and Delta stateson the SEERS but failed to say whatdelayed the funds from reachingIDA.

Ojoko at the meeting attendedby state project coordinators,members of the steeringcommittees, key project staff andheads of committees from Edo andDelta states said that thegovernment has also approvedoffice accommodation and hasappointed key project officers.

Leader of the IDA team, Dr.George Larbi explained that theessence of the meeting apart fromassessing the level of preparedness,was to streamline biddingdocuments to minimizebureaucratic bottlenecks.

He said the projects could onlybe executed under the scheme asfunds were approved adding thatthe signing of the financialagreement between the FederalGovernment and IDA wouldensure effective take-off.

Meanwhile, the Edo Statecommissioner for Budget andEconomic Planning, Mr. ChrisEbare also added that the SEEFORproject would boost youthempowerment through theprovision of skills and creation ofjob opportunities though he did notreveal when the state would payits counterpart funding.

The Commissioner of Police inEnugu state, Mr. DanazumiDoma has warned members

of the public, especially banksoperating in the state that the banon the use of siren is still in force.

The warning in a statementsigned by the Police Public RelationOfficer, Mr. Ebere Amarizu, wasmade available to newsmen inEnugu yesterday.

It stated that the commissionerhad directed all banks operatingin the state to educate their specialescort drivers on the development.

The statement explained thatthe security operatives of thecommand had been empowered toarrest escort drivers caughtviolating the order and impoundthe vehicles involved.

The statement called on thepublic to be law abiding, as this wasthe only way to maintain peace inthe society. (NAN)

Delta approvesN150m‘SEEFOR’counterpartfundFrom Osaigbovo Iguobaro, Benin

Ban on sirenstill in force,says CP

The Federal Governmentsaid that part of the subsidyre-investment fund will be

channeled to river basindevelopment projects across thecountry.

The Minister of State forFinance, Dr. Yarima Lawan, gavethis indication in an interviewwith the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) yesterday in Maiduguri.

“We have identified the lack offunds as one of the major problemsfacing agriculture. That is whygovernment has penciled downriver basin projects among thosekey areas to benefit from thesubsidy reinvestment fund.''

Lawan added that damprojects across the country wouldalso benefit from the funds.

“All dam projects, as well asabout 12 river basin projects willbenefit. The projects are located inBorno, Yobe and about seven otherstates”, he asserted.

He said that team, made up ofstate Directors of Finance, wouldvisit Indonesia this month on tourof agriculture projects which waspackaged by the IslamicDevelopment Bank to show-case

the various projects that hadsucceeded in changing people'slives in that country.

“We are trying to see how we canreplicate those projects in Nigeria.”

He added that a team of expertsfrom the bank would also visitNigeria on March 16, to explorethe possibility of assisting farmers.

The minister also made itknown that Nigerian farmers andother interested stakeholders hadbeen invited to come and see howthey could benefit from numerouspackages offered by the bank. Headded that officials of River BasinDevelopment Authorities wouldalso attend the meetings to see howthey could access additional fundsfor their projects.

According to the minister, theArab world is looking for places withfavourable climate such asNigeria, to grow wheat.

“They have already started thiskind of project in countries likeSenegal and Sudan. I believeNigeria needs this kind ofinvestment because it will generateemployment opportunities for ourteeming unemployed youths,” hesaid. (NAN)

River basin projects to benefitfrom subsidy funds, says minister

MDGs adviser highlights needfor graduate self-employment

From Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji,Abeokuta

Unemployed youths inNigeria and corpsmembers have been

advised to be creative and makeuse of their talents to createemployment rather than wait forwhite-collar jobs

The Special Adviser to Ogunstate governor on MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDGs), Mrs.Hafsat Abiola-Costello, gave thisadvice in her office in Abeokutaduring an exhibition on beadsmaking organised by a NationalYouth Service Corps member, MissOluba Fisayo.

Mrs. Abiola-Costello, whosponsored the exhibition, addedthat the present administration inOgun State would continue toalleviate sufferings of the peoplethrough the creation ofempowerment programmes inline with the MDGs.

The Special Adviser, who hadearlier sponsored a trainingworkshop for 25 indigenes of theState on entrepreneurship in arts

and craft, noted that it was theduty of every political office holderto put the interest of the people atheart.

While handing over variousbead-making instruments to thetrainees, she advised them toapply the skills acquired tomaximize their potentials andearn a reasonable living.

In her response, Miss Fisayo, agraduate of Computer Sciencefrom Adekunle Ajasin University,Akungba Akoko in Ondo State,expressed profound appreciation tothe Special Adviser for theopportunity given her to showcaseher talent.

She pledged to continuesharing her talent with other corpsmembers and youths with a viewto making them self reliant.

In another development,Ogun state Commissioner forEducation Science andTechnology, Barrister SegunOdubela has expressedgovernment’s readiness to pay thesecond term running cost to publicprimary schools and secondaryschools across the state.

First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan (middle), With Chief Physician to the President, Dr. Fortune Fiberesima (right), and Chief ConsultantSurgeon, State House Clinic, Dr. Dike Obalum (left), during the First Lady’s visit to accident victims who are staff of the State House,at Aso Clinic, on Sunday in Abuja. Photo: Joe Oroye

Page 11: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Some participants from Queen Amina College, Kaduna, during their registration as members of National Emergency ManagementAgency Disaster Risk Reduction Clubs, recently In Kaduna. Photo: NAN

NHRC calls for prison system reformBy Sunday Ejike Benjamin

The National Human RightsCommission (NHRC) hascalled for the reform of the

Nigerian Prison System to conformto the International MinimumStandard Rules for the treatmentof prisoners.

Executive Secretary of theCommission, Prof. Bem Angwe, inhis speech while flagging off the2012 Prison Audit programme inKuje Prison, Abuja stated thatprison institutions should be

designed and managed in amanner that upholds humandignity and internationallyacceptable standards.

A statement by the Director,Public Affairs & CommunicationsDepartment, Muhammad NasirLadan decried the high numberof awaiting trial inmates inprisons across the country whichhe described as a reflection of thechallenges still facing thecriminal justice system inNigeria.

NHRC boss said, the special

prison audit exercise is focusing onaccess to justice, which wasidentified as one of the greatest areasof need for detainees duringprevious exercises conducted bythe Commission.

The Minister of Interior,Comrade Abba Moro, in hisspeech called on the NationalAssembly to hasten action on thePrison Service Act(Amendment) which accordingto him has taken too long to bepassed into law.

The Minister who was

represented by the Director,Paramilitary Services of theMinistry, Mr. Fuso Oluruntola,said the Amendment Bill whenpassed into law will assist inreducing prison congestion acrossthe country.

The Controller General ofPrisons who commended the effortsof the National Human RightsCommission noted that the 2009Prison Audit Report presented bythe Commission has assistedtremendously in theimprovement of the Nigerian

Prisons.According to him, the report

facilitated the rehabilitation andexpansion of prison cells from40,000 capacities to 50,000.

Similarly, he disclosed thatpayment of fines of indigentconvicts by the Commission hascontributed immensely to prisondecongestion.

As part of the flag-off exercisesome inmates who could not paytheir prison fines had gainedfreedom through the assistance ofthe Commission.

A Lagos based non-govern-mental organisation, Socio-Economic Rights and

Accountability Project (SERAP),has filed a suit before the AfricanCourt on Human and Peoples’Rights in Arusha, Tanzania,asking the court to consider whatit termed the effects of corruptionon the poverty level in Nigeria,and whether rising and systemicpoverty violates specific humanrights under the African Charteron Human and Peoples’ Rights.

SERAP is among other thingsasking the court to assess the legaland human rights consequencesof poverty including whetherincreased poverty breaches theright to equality and non-discrimination, right of the peopleto socio-economic development,and their right to natural wealthand resources.

The request for advisoryopinion dated March 1, 2012 wassigned by SERAP’s executivedirector Adetokunbo Mumuni andsent to Dr. Robert Eno, actingregistrar of the court.

The request followed thedisclosure last month by theStatistician-General of theFederation and CEO of the NationalBureau of Statistics (NBS), YemiKale, that 112.519 millionNigerians (about 70 percent of thecountry’s estimated 163 millionpopulation), live in ‘relativepoverty conditions.’

Although the 26-page reportputs the 2010 poverty measure-ment rate at 60.9 percent, the NBSstated that the figure mightincrease to 71.5 percent when the2011 figure is computed.

The report also shows thatincome inequality had risen from0.429 in 2004 to 0.447 in 2010.

The request brought underarticle 4 of the Court Protocolasserts amongst others, that:

"The Court possesses jurisdictionto hear the request because SERAPas an African organisation withinthe meaning of Article 4 is dulyrecognised by a subsidiary of theAfrican Union, that is, the AfricanCommission on Human andPeoples’ Rights having beengranted an observer status by theCommission.”

SERAP wantsAfrican RightsCourt to considereffects ofcorruption onpoverty in NigeriaFrom Francis Iwuchukwu, Lagos

From Osaigbovo Iguobaro, Benin

The over three-weeks-oldstrike embarked upon byJudiciary Staff Union of

Nigeria (JUSUN), Edo state chapterover wage disagreement betweenthe union and the state governmentwas at the weekend suspended.

State chairman of JUSUN, Mr.Kayode Egbaragbon whoannounced the suspension, said,members of the union have begunuseful discussions with the stategovernment.

“We saw the need to adjust thebasic salary, transport and utility.But because the government has

Edo court workers suspend 27-day strikegiven us light on some of them, weare calling-off the strike.

The Commissioner ofInformation and Orientation,Louis Odion who confirmed thetruce, said: “We agree in principleto resolve the issue becausegovernment has the interest of thepeople at heart.”

From Godswill Uche, Damaturu

A five-day in-house workshopfor staff of YobeBroadcasting Corporation

was recently conducted to trainstudio managers, producers,newscasters and news reporters toimprove their productivity.

Organised by themanagement of the corporation incollaboration with the Departmentof Mass Communication,

University of Maiduguri, it wasaimed at building the capacity ofthe staff as well as keeping them intouch with modern trends in globaljournalism practice.

The general manager of thecorporation, Ibrahim Dachia,noted that one of the greatest assetsof any organisation is its humancapacity especially in the mediaoutfit which is dynamic.

He said such in-house trainingwould enable the participants to

acquire modern knowledge in theprofession especially consideringthat the digitalisation of the stationis in the pipeline according to thepromise of the state government.

Speaking during theworkshop, Alhaji MohammedBabe, Director InformationServices in the Ministry ofInformation, said the workshopcame at the right time asjournalism profession in currentlyundergoing changes.

In his remarks during theoccasion, the Special Adviser to thestate governor on Press Affairs andInformation, Malam AbdullahiBego, while stressing theimportance of training as well asthe challenges before mediapractitioners in the state and thecountry at large, restated thedetermination of GovernorIbrahim Gaidam to reposition thestate owned media to meet moderndigital broadcasting.

Yobe train state-owned media staff in modern broadcasting

From Ahmed Kaigama, Bauchi

The Bauchi State PoliceCommand has movedJama’are police division in

Jama’are local government areato the zonal area office headquartersin Azare because of lack of officeaccommodation.

The police commissioner incharge of the command, Mr.Ikechukwu Aduba, disclosed thisto news men in Bauchi, saying themovement of all policemen fromJama’are to Azare is due to lack ofoffice accommodation.

It could be recalled thatJama’are Divisional Police Station

was burnt during the post electionviolence which forced them tooperate in a temporaryaccommodation which was lastweek Monday also attacked bygunmen suspected to be BokoHaram members.

Commenting on thedevelopment, the chairman

Caretaker Committee of Jama’arelocal government, Alhaji AdamuAliyu, told newsmen that “thelocal government had providedthe police with a temporaryaccommodation at old Afribankbuilding after the post electionviolence, and we provided themwith another accommodation in aplace where we built veterinaryclinic but the policemen in the areatold us that they want us to repairand construct temporary offices intheir burnt divisional police stationbecause they have a cell in thatplace and it is more convenient forthem”.

“We are working outmodalities to see how we willovercome the situation so that thepolice can have befitting officeaccommodation”.

Jama’are police division moves due to accommodation shortage

Page 12: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Let’s be sure of SURE,Mr. President

Last week, President GoodluckJonathan told a stunned nationthat his administration was

reviewing the Subsidy Reinvestmentand Empowerment (SURE)programme which was conceived inthe wake of the removal of fuel subsidyearly this year. The FederalGovernment had said it expected thetotal sum of N1.134 trillion to accrue toit from the money saved from thesubsidy removal. Out of the amount,N478.48 billion was to go into thecoffers of the Federal Governmentwhile state and local governmentswould receive N411.03 billion andN203.23 billion respectively.

The President also went ahead toinaugurate the SURE committeeheaded by Nigeria's former HighCommissioner to the United Kingdom,Chief Christopher Kolade, on February13 to begin implementation of thepalliatives promised by the FederalGovernment after the subsidywithdrawal.

However, at the last NationalExecutive Committee meeting of thePeoples Democratic Party (PDP),President Jonathan declared that theSURE programme was no longerrealistic. According to him: "As I camein, I saw this SURE document beingdistributed, we are withdrawing it.This is the old one. We developed thiswith the expectation that we are goingto completely deregulate thedownstream sector of the oil industry.You know we could not achieve that

“Nigerians are tired ofPresident Jonathan's

flip flops and wetherefore urge him tobe more focused in

delivering the good lifehe promised them


though there was an increase in thepump price. I don't want this thingdistributed, it will give a wrongimpression".

It has been over two months nowsince the Federal Government removedfuel subsidy which led to an increase inthe price of the product from N65 perliter to between N140 and N200 acrossthe country. This action led to massprotests organized by Labour and civil

society organizations that led to a neartotal shut down of the country. Afternine days of the unrelenting protests,the Federal Government soft pedaled byreducing the pump price to N97 perlitre. Beside the launch of mass transitbuses in the Federal Capital Territory bythe President, a number of otherpalliatives aimed at cushioning theeffect of the subsidy removal were also

















“To be the marketplace of ideas and theleading player in the

industry by putting thepeople first, upholdingthe truth, maintaining

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“To be a reputable,profitable,

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promised. None of these otherpromises have so far been met.

Instead, the nation suddenly wokeup to fuel queues owing to theunavailability of the product at fillingstations around the country. Althoughthe situation has eased a little bit, fuelis still not sufficiently available. Asexpected, the scarcity brought untoldhardship on Nigerians some of whomwere compelled to buy the product atover N140 per litre. This led theNigeria Labour Congress (NLC) todeclare that the scarcity wasengineered by major and independentoil marketers in cahoots withgovernment agencies to blackmailNigerians into supporting the totalderegulation of the downstream sector.

We are appalled by the slow pace atwhich the Federal Government is goingabout the implementation of thepalliatives it promised Nigerians. Evenif the SURE document is to be reworkedas clarified by the presidency after itsinitial faux pas, we are at a loss as towhy it has taken this long for any sort ofrelief to come to Nigerians from themoney so far saved from the partialremoval of the subsidy.

It is ridiculous that the Presidentwent ahead to inaugurate the Koladecommittee when the government hasresolved to rework the existing SUREdocument. Nigerians are tired ofPresident Jonathan's flip flops and wetherefore urge him to be more focusedin delivering the good life he promisedthem.


Page 13: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Dankwambo and the task of making Gombe state viable

The need to stimulate thesocioeconomic growth anddevelopment of Gombe state

has been the cardinal objective ofGovernor Ibrahim HassanDankwambo right from the dayhe declared interest in thegovernorship of the state.Accordingly, all the projectsembarked upon since assumptionof office on May 29,2011 havebeen tailored in that direction.

Therefore, it will not be out ofplace to say the man of the peoplein him is by the nature of theseprojects brought to bare becauseeach one is conceptualized alongthe lines of job creation.Justifying this is the proposedInternational Conference Centre.This bankable project is designedto sit over 1,000 people in the mainhall, with an exhibition hall, threesyndicate rooms and several shopsfor lease. It would upon completionrank second to none in this part ofthe country, both in terms ofaesthetic value and economicviability.

The project according to theconsultant would also be finishedwith a 150 bed ultra modern hotelannexed to it. It would both serveas accommodation to guests to thecentre and general hospitalityneeds of visitors to the state. thetwo-in-one fold venture isearmarked to attract the sum ofN 3.2 billion out of which N 1billion has already been set aside.

Other closely knit projects arecomprehensive motor park and

petroleum tankers’ garage. Theplan is to bring under oneumbrella all the motor parksscattered about the state capitalincluding the state transportcorporation popularly referred toas Gombe Line to make for easyaccessibility to all potential users,especially the commuters.

Dubbed the best in blackAfrica, the motor park which is tobe completed with all thenecessary ancillaries would bemoney spinner for governmentand source of employment tomany. “And because there will beproper documentations of personsand movements, it will also takecare of security risks associatedwith proliferation of parks acrossthe metropolis in that the issue ofmissing persons and goods will notbe there”, said Governor IbrahimDankwambo at the occasion ofreceiving the design from theConsultants.

The 150 truck capacitytankers’ garage on the other handis mainly constructed forpetroleum tankers that patronizePetroleum Products MarketingCompany’s depot at the Gombemetropolis gateway. When itbecomes operational, all themenaces and rowdiness caused byheavy duty tankers parking on theroad sides would be history and thepeople would be better for it.

From the models and drawingspresented to the governor coupledwith the locations earmarked forthem, each of these project will nodoubt bring out the unknownaesthetic nature of the town. But

more importantly, the projects areaimed at employment creation forthe teeming population of the stateand revenue generation forgovernment whose ultimateaspiration is to create alternativeand lucrative source of income toaugment what accrues the statefrom the federation accounts.Needless to say the projects areequally self-sustaining – the typeany investor would put his moneyon and go to sleep because of theassurance of security and quickreturns on the investment.

Talking about theircontribution to beautifying andenhancing the socioeconomicfrontiers of Gombe state, the best ofthe beauty the conference centre,mega motor park and heavy dutytrucks garage can radiate wouldbe tantamount to wading eyes inthe dark in the absence of goodnetwork of roads. It was on the basisthis premise that a good numberof roads have been awarded foreither reconstruction or freshconstruction in the state capitaland beyond to further stimulatethe economy of the state.

These multibillion Naira mazeof roads cut across nearly 120kilometres representing a total of34 roads among the well over 40that the Dankwambo-ledadministration intends to deliverto the state by the end of this fiscalyear. Some of them have beencompleted and already put into usewhile others are in various stagesof completion, with works yet tocommence on a very negligiblefew. Interestingly, these roads

have been received as answer toprayers by members of thecommunities they pass through.This is because they were carefullyselected with due consideration forthe population density as well asthe business and agriculturalviability of the areas.

Considering the fact that it isa holistic development strategy,Gombe state government ispositive that leaving out theeducational sector would both besuicidal and counterproductive.To this end, efforts are being madeto overhaul the academic staff ofprimary and secondary schoolsas well as renovate andreconstruct deserving schoolsacross the state.

However, some schools havebeen selected for a complete turnaround – to have old structuresrenovated and new onesconstructed with the aim ofmaking model schools out of them.But on a general note, day schoolsunder the present administrationin Gombe state will no longerexceed students population of1,500 students while the capacityof their boarding counterpartshave been slashed down to 1,000students per school. And byimplication, some few moreentirely new schools will beconstructed.

As the saying goes, a healthysociety is a wealthy society. And asociety like Gombe state where thedearth of qualified manpower hasfrom time immemorial posed aburdensome impediment toproviding purposeful healthcare

Why discredit theachievements of NHIS?

Even as the nation isconfronted by newchallenges to its survival as

a united multi-ethnic and multi-religious country, older demonsstill lurk around like a second lineof offensive onslaught. One of suchis what is notoriously called the“Nigerian factor”, a deplorablecombination of negative attitudesand malicious actions of someNigerians aimed at promotingpetty primordial sentiments atthe expense of the much neededpatriotism and brotherhood forprogress and development of thecountry.

The NHIS, established byDecree 35 of 1999, becameoperational in 2005 but in 2006was already bogged down bymanagerial as well asinstitutional and statutoryproblems culminating in the boldintervention of PresidentObasanjo who summarily sweptaway the beleaguered head of theNHIS and decisively set the stagefor a new beginning, which todayhas proved fortuitous andcorrective.

From the 2006 scenario ofstalemated interaction withmajor partners like healthmaintenance organizations andhealth care facilities, disillusionedenrollees, unsatisfactory servicesas well as in-house crises, amongothers, the NHIS is today not onlybeing increasingly appreciated bymore Nigerians but is therecipient of favourableassessment reports from reputableinternational organizations such

By Godspower Douglas

as USAID, recognition as best inAfrica by the International SocialSecurity Association (ISSA) andeven a privileged place onPresident Goodluck Jonathan’sFacebook page listingachievements of hisadministration!

This remarkabletransformation of the NHIS frommoribund to marvelous took placeunder the supervision of a certainDr Waziri Dogo-Mohammed whowas the human element inPresident Obasanjo’s epochalintervention in 2006 as NationalCoordinator and in 2007 earningappointment as substantiveExecutive Secretary, a testimonyto his immense qualification andimpactful leadership of thescheme. But he has been thetarget of numerous NigerianFactor intrigues, including onethat took judicial intervention tostave off, as the hatchet job in TheNation edition of January 23where a writer sought to resurrectwhat he erroneously called “theforgotten Senate probe of NHIS”-himself forgetting that it was thelower chamber that was beingprodded to probe NHIS, not thesenate!

The writer saw nothing but“rot, ineptitude and stagnation”in the NHIS. His article was

wholly devoted to showingabsurdly that NHIS had its bestouting prior to Dr Dogo’sappointment as its ES which iscontrary to the facts in the historyof the NHIS. The same issues ofcoverage of federal workers, NHISefforts to widen the scope of itscoverage to the poor, the NHIS/MDG project and even the recentlaunching of the communityhealth insurance scheme inIsanlu, Kogi State were rehashedand laced with wild allegations ofmismanagement. ProfessorLambo as immediate past boardchairman himself knows theobjective criteria that precededselection of the Isanlu scheme.

The NHIS has in fact beenmaking steady progress inresolving challenges to thesuccessful adoption andimplementation of the healthinsurance‘ scheme for the firsttime in Nigeria. A cursory surveyof the published activities of theNHIS shows that the NHIS hastaken various initiatives,resulting in improvedstakeholder commitment,appropriate amendments to theNHIS Act for mandatoryparticipation of all Nigerians,increased partnership withrelevant local and foreigninstitutions and above all, higher

number of participants throughlaunching of new programmestargeting specific groups.

Its Formal Sector Programmelaunched in 2005 for federalemployees and their families nowhas almost five millionparticipants and this figurereflects the lukewarm response ofstate and local governments andprivate sector employers. Onlytwo states have joined afteradvocacy and diplomacy by NHISwhich has also netted 500,000private sector participants. TheNHIS programme targeting themass of students in tertiaryinstitutes is also making in-roadswith about 250,000 students sofar while arrangements withPENCOM will soon ensure NHIScoverage for our beleagueredretirees.

Progress is also reflected in therecent launching of theCommunity Based SocialInsurance Programme aimed atthe millions of unemployed andself-employed Nigerians residingmainly in smaller towns andcities and even villages wherecommunity health centres ratherthan public health facilities servethe people. Other innovativeprogrammes for voluntaryparticipants will further enlargethe scope of coverage and number

of participants in NHIS quest toultimately cover all Nigerians.

The NHIS has also beenaddressing the task of institutingand maintaining standards andbasic quality in the servicedelivery aspect and hasaccredited 61 HealthMaintenance Organizations,2711 primary health carefacilities and 7839 secondaryhealth care facilities with newguidelines on national, zonal andstate based health maintenanceorganizations. A series of internalinitiatives have also beenresolving manpower andstructural challenges in theoperations of NHIS on a gradualbasis in order to optimize efficiencyof management, administrationand logistics functions inaccordance with best practice. Tocrown it all NHIS has been activein collaborating and exchangingexperience with similar healthinsurance institutions andprogrammes across the world witha view to enriching its operationin Nigeria and earned acclaim.These are more deserving ofmention than the spuriousattacks on the NHIS managementjust to bring one man down.Godspower Douglas is ahealth worker in Calabar,Cross River state.

services to the people, is not inanyway close a healthy one. Butas a means towards ending thismalady, the Dankwamboadministration constituted acommittee to facilitate the fullaccreditation of the State School ofNursing and Midwifery and theSchool of Health Technology.

The long list of inadequaciesunraveled by the committeeculminated in Gombe stategovernment’s decision to relocateboth schools very close to theFederal Medical Centre (FMC) inthe state capital so that theadvantages of the all encompassinghealthcare facility can be fullyexploited in the training ofstudents, having obtained thenecessary permission from theFederal Ministry of Health. But forthe time being, engagement of therequired quantum and quality ofacademic manpower asrecommended by the NationalBoard of Technical Examinations(NBTE) will soon commence.

“The task of making the stateeconomically viable and investors’haven is not an easy one, but weare committed to it and this wewill demonstrate by beginningfrom somewhere” said GovernorDankwambo during a publicfunction. True to his words andfrom the steps taken so far, thesaying that ‘a blind man does notneed to be told that there iscelebration in the air’ sums it allup.M. L. Ismail writes fromBolari Quarters in Gombemetropolis.

By M. L. Ismail

Page 14: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Jos and the remaking of peaceover another group, conflict at thelocal and international level canstem from exploitation, poverty,corrupt governance, resourcesscarcity, and dehumanizing beliefamong other salient causativefactors identified by the varietyof experts she consulted whiledoing the research which wasbasically set out to provide possibleguide on howto achievetransparentpeace in Jos,Plateau stateand otherN o r t hEastern partsof Nigeria.

S h ed i s c o v e r e dthat onep o p u l a rtheory statesthat as longas the globalsystem relieson exploitive,o p p r e s s i v eand hierarchical relationships,there will likely exist conflict andpeace not possible to achieve.Another prevailing conflicttheory says that conflict isinherent and constant, but whenpositively managed it can be aproductive force.

My research assistant foundout that at a level, manygrassroots organizations work

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directly with their communitiesto counter conflict withpreventive strategies througheducational campaigns as well assupport services for thoserecovering from violence.Whether individually or as agroup, we as global citizens havea responsibility to promote aculture of peace, and resolve

differences without resorting toviolence. These measures arehereby recommended to thepolitical, religious and ethnicleaders in Nigeria so as to achievereal peace in most troubled spotsin Northern Nigeria and all acrossthe entire country. One waypeople addressed atrocities in thepast was through apologies andreparations, according to her

findings.Experts believe that an

apology in this case, is a statementof regret that publiclyacknowledges the occurrence andseverity of the act of injusticecommitted and reparations refersto a practical action that has beentaken, such as paying money tothe victims, to remedy the wrong

that has been done.She discoveredthat apologieshowever, can onlys y m b o l i c a l l yaddress wrongsthat have beencommitted, whilereparations aremore tangiblerepresentations ofthe offenderswillingness tobegin repairingthe relationshipbetween offendersand offended.

A number ofconflict theorist

and practitioners, including PaulLederach advocates the pursuit of“conflict transformation” asopposed to conflict management.According to him, “conflictresolution” implies that conflict isbad-hence something that shouldbe ended. It also assumes thatconflict is a short termphenomenon that can be ‘resolved’permanently through mediation

or other intervention processes.“Conflict management” correctlyassumes that conflict are longterm processes that often cannotbe quickly resolved, but the notionof “management” suggests thatpeople can be directed or controlledas though they were physicalobjects. In addition, the notion ofmanagement suggests that thegoal is the reduction or control ofvolatility more than dealing withthe real source of the problem.

Conflict transformation, asdescribed by Lededrach, does notsuggest that we simply eliminateor control conflict, but recognizeand work with its dialectic nature;by this he means that conflict isnaturally created by humanswho are involved in relationshipsyet once it occurs it changes (i.e.transforms) those event, people,and relationships that created theinitial conflict, thus it describes anatural occurrence.

According to Paul Lederach, hebelieves that peace makinginvolves systemictransformation. The process ofincreasing justice and equality inthe social system as a whole mayinvolve the elimination ofoppression, improved sharing ofresources, and the non-violentresolution of conflict betweengroups of people; each of theseactions reinforces the other.

Emmanuel Onwubiko is theCoordinating head at CDMIS.

Miss Nwamaka Asuzu isone of my staff whorecently graduated from

the Imo State University and hasa degree in political science. OnMonday I gave her an assignmentto do a research on the possibilityof achieving peace in a societytorn apart by conflicts and theoutcome of the extensive researchshe conducted from a variety ofonline sources wereunprecedented and weresubstantially in support of myfundamental belief that socialjustice and equity wereimperative if peace must beachieved in a society torn apartby tumultuous civil/religiousconflicts like Jos, the Plateau statecapital.

Nwamaka Asuzu found outfrom her research that thegreatest challenge that thehuman race has ever faced stillremains: to live in a world free ofthe threat of violence. Violence isnot restricted to times of war, itexists everywhere, in homes,schools and communities, wherethere is injustice there is conflict.

Some argue that much of theconflict in the world can beattributed to the existence of anoppressive social system of powerthat reinforces differencesbetween groups and allows onegroup to have power or privilege

By Emmanuel Onwubiko

Decay in Nigerian Universities: What is the way forward?

Universities around theglobe as centres ofintellectual development

are so important that anynation that desires to makeappreciable progress at theinternational community mustnot joke with them. This is sobecause universities aregenerators of ideas and theseideas contribute so much to thedevelopment and progress ofnations.

Nigerian universities arehaving very serious challengesin their bid to see themselves ascitadels of knowledge. One of thechallenges they face is that offrequent interruption of theacademic calendar throughstrikes. Such disruptions over theyears have reached the extentthat our universities now producehalf-baked graduates. Due to thefrequent interruption of schoolcalendar by strikes, a studentwho has four(4) yearsprogramme will end spendingmore than five(5) years in theschool. Because of that and thestress students are passingthrough in the school, some ofthem may engage inexamination malpractices just topass by all means or the popularsaying “let me get the certificatefirst and every other thing shallbe added unto it later”.

Some universities had beenaccused of rejecting some degreesawarded by some universitieswho seek to run post degreeprogrammes in theirinstitutions. It is worrisome that

none of the Nigerian universitiesfall among the best twenty(20)universities in the Africancontinent. Yet, Nigeria pridesherself as the “Giant of Africa”.

Another challenge that facesNigerian universities over theyears is the issue of funding. Andthis is one of the issues that theAcademic Staff Union ofUniversities (ASUU) has beenfighting for since 2009. Ouruniversities require adequatefunding not only for payment ofsalaries and allowances but alsofor the provision of modernstructures, adequate facilitiesand equipment.

Laboratories in most of ouruniversities suffer frominadequate equipment. Some ofthese citadels of learning alsostruggle with insufficientlecture halls and inadequatefurniture to accommodatestudents. And this has resultedin the students receivinglectures in over crowded halls,uncompleted buildings and evenunder tree sheds. Students alsograpple with the problem ofinsufficient hostel facilities andeven where they exist, they arenot good enough for humanhabitation. Many of our hostelsare over crowded as rooms madeto accommodate four (4) peopleare occupied by ten to twelvepeople.

Another issue that needs tobe addressed here is the issue ofour libraries. Most of thelibraries in our universities arestocked with outdated materials.There are no recent books forstudents and lecturers to

consult. And the end product ofthis is inadequate database tocarryout research in variousdisciplines. In the early 50s and60s, anybody that finishedstandard six can teach verywell. But today, some universitygraduates prefer to be starvedfor two days than to go andteach. To crown it all, some ofthem cannot speak good andsimple English. This is sad andsomething must be done aboutit.

It is an incontrovertible factthat knowledge which comesfrom education is a veritablesource of development for anynation. And this collaborateswith the words of a Britishphilosopher many years agowhen he said that “knowledge ispower”. The greatest thing anygovernment can do for her

youths is to give themqualitative and uninterruptededucation that will equip themfor the challenge of tomorrow’sleadership. The FederalGovernment however, deservessome commendations forreleasing some grants to someuniversities for the upgrading oftheir infrastructure. And it isexpected that other universitieswill be remembered in the nextdispensation.

However, it is a well knownfact that the government cannotfund the universities alone.Therefore there is the need forfederal and state governmentsto woo the multinationalcompanies, telecommunicationcompanies and privateenterprises to partake in fundingand equipping our universitiesas part of their corporate social

By Ubah Simplicius Chimezie responsibilities. Wealthyindividuals in the society shouldbe encouraged to contributemeaningfully to a physicaldevelopment of our universities.Federal government shouldpartake with the variousuniversity unions and otherstakeholders in the universitysystem to ensure that there isenduring peace, adequateinfrastructure and strike-freecalendar in the universitysystem.

Finally, all the stakeholdersmust therefore work assiduouslyto resolve the disagreement thatrecurs between the federalgovernment and the AcademicStaff Union of Universities(ASUU), so that the issue of “twomonths lecture and four monthsstrike” will be a history. Thefederal government andAcademic Staff Union ofUniversity (ASUU) shoulddialogue, understand and bearwith each other for the benefit ofthe student, lecturers and thecountry at large.

If these recommendations areadopted, there will be stabilityin our university system andNigerians will be proud of theiruniversities anywhere in theworld. Henceforth, Nigerianuniversities can produce vibrantand qualitative graduates andthere will be development andprogress in the country becauseknowledge is power.Ubah Simplicius Chimezie.A 300 Level Student MassCommunication DepartmentUniversity of Maiduguri,Borno state.

“Nigerian universities are havingvery serious challenges in their bidto see themselves as citadels of

knowledge. One of the challengesthey face is that of frequentinterruption of the academic

calendar through strikes

Page 15: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


The Bauchi PoliceCommand, on Sunday,February 26, 2012,

paraded seven Christian men italleged were in possession ofexplosive devices with whichthey intended to use todestructive effect at the Churchof Christ in Nigeria {COCIN}. ThePolice Commissioner, IkechukwuAyo Aduba, said the suspectswere picked up in Miya Barakataiin Toro Local Governmentadding: “They are rival groupswithin the church, they havetheir internal problems and theother rival group decided toattack them…When we got thereport, we sent our men, theyhave arrested about seven ofthem. They have something onthem that was certified as locallymade explosives that aremanually ignited”.

While the Bauchi Commandand indeed all Nigerians werecelebrating the success of theirmen in foiling what could haveended in another tragic bombingincident, men of the PlateauPolice Command and the JointTask Force deployed to the statetop help with securityenforcement had nothing tocelebrate as a bomb went off at aCOCIN branch where the stateGovernor, David Jang, worships.About six persons were reportedto have lost their lives in that sadincident.

Perhaps as a result of thedeaths and the fact that in adifferent circumstance, thegovernor himself might havebeen a target of the attack, manynewspapers in the country ledwith that story the following day

{Monday, February 27, 2012}and buried the Bauchi nearmishap in the inside pages. In factsome newspapers effectivelyignored it completely – eitherbecause they did not have it orthey did so for other reasons bestknown to them. One can adducehowever that those newspapersthat chose to tuck the Bauchistory inside may have done sobecause the Christian would bebombers did not resonate with thep r e d o m i n a n tChristian pressin the South.One can also saywithout fear ofe q u i v o c a t i o nthat had thesuspects beenMuslims, all then e w s p a p e r swould havebeen awash withthe story thus adding to thedeepening chasm betweenMuslims and Christians in thecountry.

Daily Sun, for example, did noteven deem the Bauchi storyworthy of a mention on its frontpage even though it led with theJos incident. It tucked the storyon page 12 of the paper withouthighlighting what in fact makesthe story significant: the suspectsbeing Christians. The Punch alsoled with the same Jos story butunlike Daily Sun, it merged theBauchi story with the lead butone has to be patient to read up tothe 27th paragraph on page 14 toget details of the Bauchi story.

The Nation also led with the Josstory but buried the Bauchi storyway down in the 35th paragraph

of the lead. Only Daily Trust gavethe Bauchi story someprominence by choosing it as itslead story while making the Josstory its second lead also on theFront page. Peoples Dailyhowever promoted the Bauchistory on its front page and hadthe Jos incident in the insidepage. Surprisingly, Leadership, anewspaper based here in theNorth with presumably anorthern target audience, did not

publish the Bauchi story even asit led with the Jos story.

The point of this little contentanalysis is essentially tohighlight the role of the mediain agenda setting. By thissingular function, the mediasometimes arrogates to itself thepower of determining the tone ofnational discourse and by sodoing gives the latitude forgovernment and its agencies todetermine the pace at whichcertain issues affecting societyare handled. It has been wellover a week since the Bauchisuspects were arrested forattempting to bomb the COCIN,but no follow up stories havebeen done especially by thesouthern press. As a result, thepolice themselves have not been

The Police and media cover upforthcoming withdevelopments in theirinvestigations of the matter. Ifhistory is anything to go by, onecan safely bet that that is theend of the matter. A Christianwas also arrested last year in Edostate dressed in a turban whileplanning to detonate anexplosive at a place of worship.Up until now, we still have notheard what has happened tothat suspect.

If this turns out tobe the case, it will havesome implications forour security situationin the country. Asthings are now, thePolice and othersecurity forces havebecome utterlyhelpless in curtailingthe deadly activities ofthe Boko Haram sect

in many parts of the Northernstates in spite of the supposedstate of emergency put in placeby the federal government.Almost on a daily basis we areregaled with reports of bombblasts or gun shots in the majornorthern cities of Kaduna, Kano,Maiduguri, Jos, Bauchi or Gombewith Boko Haram soonafterwards claimingresponsibility for the attacks.What this suggests is thatperhaps some of these attacksmay not have been carried outby the dreaded sect but by othermischief makers who have beencashing in on the notoriety of thesect for their own ends. Becausethe sect has come to realize theimportance of what mediavisibility can do for its misguided

cause, it is often quick to takecredit for what it might not havedone.

This much was evident afterthe attack on the Koton Karfeprison in Kogi state where someinmates allegedly members of thesect were freed. Although the sectclaimed responsibility, theComptroller of Prisons and theminister of Interior have said thatthere is no proof yet that BokoHaram did carry out the attack.Earlier in the year also, an attackin Mubi, Adamawa state wherean Igbo businessman was killedwas later discovered to be as aresult of a deal gone sour. Thiswas after everyone believed itwas carried out by Boko Haramand lavishly covered on the frontpages of many Nigeriannewspapers.

The arrest of the Christiansuspects in Bauchi should providean insight into the manydimensions of the securitychallenges facing the nation. Ifthey had succeeded in theirdastardly mission, chances arethat Boko Haram would havebeen blamed for it – and theygladly would have takenresponsibility, after all, it adds totheir profile as a notorious gangthat is winning its war againstthe Nigerian state.

No one in his right mind willattempt a defence of the atrocitiesof the sect and this is in no wayan effort at that. Rather, areminder for our securityagencies to step up their effortsbefore they are overwhelmed byforces, not only Boko Haram,determined to cause chaos in thecountry.


Abdulazeez [email protected]

0805 100 0558

Edo governorship and the gathering of tribes (I)

The stage is set for the July14 governorship election inEdo State with the

emergence of General CharlesAirhiavbere (retd.) as thecandidate of the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP). Theendorsement of Governor AdamsOshiomhole as the candidate of theAction Congress of Nigeria (ACN)in the election is a fait accompli.

In essence, the governorshipcontest, from all indications, is atwo-horse race. This is because theACN and the PDP are the onlyparties with solid structures inEdo. Both dominate the sphere ofpower. The PDP has five membersin the State House of Assembly byvirtue of which it has producedthe minority leader.

At the national level, the PDPhas Senator Odion Ugbesia(representing Edo CentralDistrict) and the two members ofthe House of Representatives-Friday Itulah and PatrickIkhariale- from the district. Thereis, indeed, something significantabout the PDP in Edo Central: thefive members of the party in theState Legislature are from there.

The party lost the sixthconstituency seat marginally tothe ACN candidate, Festus Ebea,who is today the Deputy Speaker

of the House of Assembly. Thecentral senatorial district holdsspecial attraction: it is the enclaveof the godfather of Edo politics andIyasele (prime minister) ofEsanland, Chief Tony Anenih. Ittook his sagacity and legerdemainto win the district for the PDP.

What that did was to put thelie to the claim that Oshiomholehas taken absolute control of Edopolitics. Indeed, the bottom-line ofthe last April general election inthe state is that contrary to thetheme song of his politicalpropaganda, that he owns theland, “Oshiomhole, indeed, doesnot own the land.” The landbelongs to Edo people.

Edo people are a complexdiversity made of different tribes(in both plain or literal meaningand figurative sense). There aremonolithic tribes of the Binis andEsans as well as the multifacetedAfenmai ethnic nationalitycomprising Etsako, Akoko-Edo andOwan people. This is plainmeaning perspective to the issueunder interrogation.

Figuratively, there is a tribeof students. There is a tribe of civilservants. There is a tribe ofmarket men and women. Thereis a tribe of other self-employedpeople who have been at thereceiving end of the harsh taxregime and other financially

draining policies of theOshiomhole government in Edo.There is, on the political terrain,a tribe of godfathers, whichOshiomhiole has tried, in vain, toeclipse.

These are the elements thatwill coalesce to define a trajectoryfor Edo State on July 14. Will theybring about a leadership changeor will they maintain the statusquo? There is no doubt that thecloud is gathering. The wind isbeginning to act gutsy while theprospects of a torrentiallydevastating rain are quiteevident. The tribes are gatheringas the governorship electionbeckons on Edo people.

For instance, will the tribe ofstudents, especially those inAmbrose Alli University,Ekpoma, who have been victimsof Oshiomhole’s harsh policy oftuition fee increase from N18, 000to N64, 000, invest their votes inthe perpetuation of the policy? Isthe tribe of students deceived bythe recent N15, 000 slash in thetuition occasioned by the FederalGovernment-directed policy ofpalliatives for fuel subsidyremoval?

Not a few see this as a Greekgift. Was the increase necessaryin the first instance? WhateverOshiomhole is giving back to theuniversity is from the much his

government had taken from thestudents through the hike intuition fee and not from the state’sshare of the savings that accruefrom the fuel subsidy removal.Oshionhole did not need to waitfor the savings from subsidyremoval to abolish fees in primaryand secondary schools.

He has capitalized on the so-called savings to turn his doubtfulpalliatives into a campaigngimmick in the governorshipelection year. But the deceptioncannot be sustained. The tribe ofstudents is seeing through thischicanery. What of the tribe ofteachers which has beenunappreciated and traumatizedby Oshiomhole’s administration?Have the teachers’ agitations forTeachers Salary Scale (TSS) andthe minimum wage received anequitable recompense?

Will the tribe of workers underthe platform of organized labourin the state, which joined insympathy strike with the teachersto press home their demands, butwas blackmailed and intimidatedby Oshiomhole who accused it oftaking a sub-contract from theopposition party in the state tobring down his government, votefor a devious man who has beenable to outsmart it in theengagements with government?

Will the market men and

By Sufuyan Ojeifo women, whose shops weredemolished on the reason ofquestionable road expansion andbeautification of Benin City,consequent upon which they wereimpoverished, happily step out inthe sun to vote for a man whoseadministration had meted tothem a raw deal? The self-employed and private businesseshave continued to buckle under adraconian tax regime. Will theyembrace an administration whosepolicies are bereft of human face?

I want to be convinced thatthose whose houses had beendemolished by the administrationwithout compensation will go tothe roof top to proclaim supportfor the self-professed messianicmission of Oshiomhole. Has thegovernment even thought itimperative to pay compensationto those whose houses wereillegally demolished?

Where, among the tribes orethic nationalities, have thepeople felt the implementation ofthe harsh policies of theOshiomhole administration themost? Is it in Edo South as typifiedby Benin City or in Edo Central(Esanland) or Edo North (Etsako,Akoko-Edo and Owan areas)?What of the so-called roadinfrastructure development?

Ojeifo sent this piece fromAbuja

Page 16: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Chelsea HotelsPlt 389, Cadastral Zone A CentralArea,P.M.B 487, Garki, Abuja.Tel: 09-2349080-98

FCT HOTELS GUIDEAbuja Sheraton Hotel & TowersLadi Kwali Way,P.M.N 143, AbujaTel: 09-5230225-224

Transcorp Hilton HotelMaitama District,P.O. Box 51, Abuja,

POLICE HOTLINES IN FCTMaitama - 08038485123Central Police Station - 08033568389Lugbe - 08077657371;

08037882321Wuse - 08053088102National Assembly - 08065777706;

08045317637Asokoro - 07028134449Nyanya - 08046115181Utako - 07055888119;


Karshi - 08023565354Wuye - 08023314440Karu - 08036249825Gwarimpa - 08059113555Karmo - 08033773129Garki - 08033560903Life Camp - 08058036613Kubwa - 08036134478Gwagwa - 08035537989Zuba - 08075804475Dutse Alhaji - 08053089999

Bwari - 08075804475Kuje - 07030800531Kwali - 080 33062496Ruboci - 08060568342Gwagwalada - 08057467369


FCT HOTLINE09 - 4603600-9

Police have arraigned oneSarah Atuah,25 andPatience Adams,31, both of

Kado village on suspicion that theybelong to a 419 syndicate beforean Abuja Chief Magistrate's court,on allegations of an attempt tocheat one Odey Dickson, alongJabi- Wuse axis.

The duo were charged alongwith two other suspects; AugustineIgwe and Stanley Chigozie, now atlarge, with criminal joint act ofattempted assault and cheatingcontrary to sections 79, 265 and322 of the Penal Code respectively.

Police Prosecutor, InspectorSani Yakubu, told the court thatDickson, of Gishiri Village, Abuja,on February 25 reported at WuyePolice station, of how he boarded ataxi driven by two of the accusedpersons now at large, from Jabiheading to Wuse, when the gangassaulted him, in an attempt todefraud him.

According to the Prosecutor, ongetting to Arab Contractors byBerger roundabout, the victimdecided to alight from the taxi,when he heard them discussingabout dollars, which they refusedto allow him, and in the processassaulted him.

"Both of you are members of a419 syndicate, who are specialisedin duping people their money", healledged.

Yakubu said it took the timelyintervention of good Samaritans,who upon realising what wasgoing on, came and rescued himfrom their hands.

Both accused denied thecharges brought against them,and were granted bail by ChiefMagistrate, Azubike Okeagu in thesum of N250,000 with one suretyeach in like sum, who must residewithin the court's jurisdiction, Thecase was adjourned to March 23,for hearing proper.

Police arraigntwo suspected419 for assault,cheating

Primus hospital not shut,says Health Secretaryanother hospital..

The Secretary, Health andHuman services Secretariat of theFCT, Dr. Demola Onakomaiya,who dismissed the rumour to theeffect that the hospital has beenshut down, however admittedreceiving the report of the woman,but declined further comments onthe issue as according to him, thematter was already in court.

The secretary further disclosedthat with the arrangement

Dear reader, Metrowelcomes humaninterest stories in yourneighbourhood. Pleasecall or send SMS to08065327178 or [email protected] to inform us abouthappenings in yourarea. Share yourexperiences or those ofyour friends andneighbours with fellowreaders.

Huge Refuse dumps, at second gate of Jabi Motor park, yesterday, in Abuja. Photo: Mahmud Isa

The Federal CapitalTerritory Administration(FCTA) yesterday, dispelled

rumours making the rounds thatthe administration has shut downthe Primus Super SpecialityHospital in Karu.

Rumours have beencirculating that following anincident in which the hospital wassaid to have booked a woman forfibroid surgery, but after collectingthe fees, refused to carry out theoperation.

Surgeons in the hospital werealleged to have deceived thewoman in question that theoperation was carried outsuccessfully, only for her todiscover the truth when she visited

By Stanley Onyekwere

The Galadimawa YouthForum in the FCT onMonday appealed to

President Goodluck Jonathan tohalt the ongoing arbitrarydemolition of houses in thecommunity.

It will be recalled that theDepartment of Development andControl of the Federal CapitalDevelopment Authority (FCDA),had embarked on demolition ofhouses in Galadimawa village, asuburb in the FCT.

Mr Timothy Enoch, leader ofthe group, made the appealedwhile addressing news men inAbuja.

``We are making this appealto Mr President to save us fromterrorisation of our lives anddestruction of our houses as well

as livelihood by land grabberswith the official collusion of FCDA.

``The latest is the recentrelease of two bulldozersaccompanied with armpolicemen, pouncing on ourcommunity without any notice,resulting to the pulling down ofover 25 houses, rendering theoccupants homeless.

``They alleged that oneMesser Messetto, a privatedeveloper, was allocated the landon which our houses are built andas such, will clear grounds for thedevelopment.''

Enoch decried the strategyimplored by the FCDA toevacuate residents wheneverthere was need for developmentrather than proper resettlementof the people as decreed by

government in 1976.He said that the strategy had

further retarded theimprovement on the livingenvironment of the residents wholive without basic amenities.

``We and our parents live inperpetual state of uncertainty,anxiety as well as fear.

``We have been unable to planfor a better future due togovernment policy of forcefuleviction of our people from ourhomes and farm lands wheneverdevelopment catches up with us.

The youth leader said that thecommunity was depending onthe president to intervene andaddress their plight, whilelamenting the inhumantreatment of the residents byprivate developers.

Demolition: Gbagyi community appealsto Jonathan on arbitrary demolition

...As FCTA rakes N40m per anum from hospital deal

By Josephine Ella

entered into with the Indianmedical institution, PrimusHealth Care Nigeria Limited,which is presently managing halfof the Karu hospital, the FCTAstands to benefit a whooping sumof N40m per annum from thehospital.

The deal which has a15-yearslife span and signed secretlyduring the administration ofSenator Mohammed AdamuAliero, will fetch the FCT N600m

during the period in question.Although, the secretary

disclosed that no collection has beenmade, he insisted that the firstpayment falls due April this year.

He explained that: "The leasingagreement with Primus HealthCare Nigeria Limited was necessaryin order to stem the migration ofNigerians requiring specialisedmedical care to India and alsoreduce capital flight from thecountry.

The illegal sale of premiummotor spirit (Petrol) istaking a toll on the sale of

the product in most of fillingstations in Abuja and leading toits scarcity hence the NigerianNational Petroleum Corporationhas banned the sale of theproduct in jerry cans at fill-instations across the country.

The Group managingDirector of the NigerianPetroleum Corporation (NNPC)Austen Oniwon said last week atthe Oil and gas Conference thatthe NNPC it has 32 days supplyof Petroleum Products and thatthe scarcity witnessed in theFCT was prompted by oiltankers in Ilorin who stoppedloading the products.

It is worthy to note thatjobless youth in Abuja use theopportunity to fill these jerrycans with petrol and sell themby the road at exorbitant prices.

Peoples Daily learnt thatyouth are getting moreinvolved in the business as aresult of unemployment in thecountry.

Speaking with Mr.TundeBalogoun at one of the fillingstations in wuse, he disclosed;"I am into selling petrol in theblack market because amunemployed and I havechildren to cater for. We needthe support of the governmentto assist with capital to start abusiness.

Black-market saleof petrolbooms inAbujaBy Muhammad Nasir and RukaiyaMuhammad

Page 17: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


The controversial Karu General Hospital, Abuja

Karu General Hospital: FCTAaccuses contractor of sabotageAfter several months of

controversies whichtrailed the Karu

General Hospital, the FederalCapital TerritoryAdministration (FCTA),yesterday admitted that thedelay in completion of theproject was as a result of thenon-challant attitude of thecontractor it engaged to buildthe hospital , H& S NigeriaLimited.

The Secretary, FCTHealth and Human ServicesSecretariat, Dr DemolaOnakomaiya admitted thisyesterday, while briefing thepress on issues related to thehospital.

The FCTA had during theerstwhile administration ofSenator Adamu Aliero,secretly privatised half of thehospital which was meant toprovide affordable andquality medical service toKaru residents to an Indianmedical institution, Primus

yesterday and I am notspeaking for the contractorbut based on what I saw, thework is progressing," he said.

Peoples Daily recalls thatafter the expiration of the el-Rufai 's administration,which awarded the hospitalproject in 2005, on severaloccasions, successiveadministration had reeledout false promises toresidents at intervals thatthe project would becommissioned at specif ieddates but, it never came to be.

An instance of this was in2009, during theadministration of SenatorMohammed Adamu Aliero,who kept on giving differentdates unti l he was f inallyremoved from office.

On August 6, 2009 hisannouncement of theplanned commissioning of thehospital in October of sameyear, made the headlines inmany national dailies.

Aliero, who disclosed thisat the official commissioningand handing over ceremonyof the FCT administration'sUtil ity Vehicles at the OldParade Ground, Area 10 inGarki, had at other instances,given other dates that werenever honoured on thecommissioning of thehospital.

Thereafter, precisely inJanuary, 2010 the formerFCT Minister directed thecontractor handling thehospital project to completethe job within four months orface revocation of thecontract .

The minister, who hadmade the threat whileinspecting the hospital ,declared that the inability ofthe contractor to completethe project has broughtuntold hardship to theresidents of the area and wastherefore not acceptable tothe government.

"We are not impressed bythe performance of thecontractor, especial ly thepace of work at the hospitalbecause the contract wasawarded in 2005," he had saidpoint blank.

Though his threats hadappeared serious then, i tnever made any difference asthe contractor continuedwith its' snail-speed progressin the execution of theproject.

Thus, the minister 'spromises of commissioningappeared a deception toresidents, who became sickand tired of the long wait forrelief and the empty promisesthat followed.

Unfortunately, this trend

has continued to re-occur, upto the administration of theFCT Minister, Senator BalaMohammed.

When he assumed office inApril 2011, he kept onannouncing different datesfor the commissioning of thehospital which never came topass until President GoodluckJonathan dissolved hiscabinet on May 30, 2011.

He equally adopted thethreat option, to get thecontractor to act fast, to paveway for the commissioning,but the 'all powerfulcontractor', which a source inthe FCT Health Secretariatsaid "does whatever it l ikesbecause they had a strongbacking from thegovernment", was apparentlynot moved by that.

Similarly, the former FCTHealth Secretary, Dr. PreciousGbenoel, on several occasions,when asked by journalists,gave dates for thecommissioning, which endedup being false.

An example was the one shegave in late January lastyear, when she told selectjournalists, that the projectwas billed for commissioningin March, which neverhappened until the FCTAadministration f inallyrevoked the contract.

The administration in theAbuja Municipal AreaCouncil (AMAC) yesterday

doled out scholarships worthN50million to FCT students inboth Secondary and TertiaryInstitutions.

The Supervisory Councilloron Education of the council whoalso doubles as the Chairman,Scholarship Scheme Committee,

AMAC disburses N50 million as scholarship to FCT studentsBy Adeola Tukuru

By Josephine Ella

Super Speciality Hospital.Eventually, the 15-years

agreement took effect lastApril under the presentadministration of SenatorBala Mohammed while theother half of the hospitalmeant to operate as a generalhospital was yet to becompleted.

Fielding questions fromjournalists on the state of thehospital, the director said: "Ican put it to you now, quoteme and unquote me, thereason why the other part ofthe hospital has not beenfunctional is due to the greedyand nonchalant attitude ofthe Nigerian contractor.

"A four weeks contract wasgiven to the contractor butshe didn't execute it unti lalmost a year. If there is anyform of sabotage there, it isthe contractor and if youdon't have the legal backingthere is nothing you can do".

He disclosed that thesecretariat had to call in thelegal arm to decide how bestto situate the contract, sayingafter following due process,the contract was f inallyrevoked, December last yearand awarded to anothercontractor two weeks ago.

"We have given them 18weeks to complete the projectand I was at the hospital

Hon Jafaru Gwagwa explainedthat both indigent students inthe Federal Capital Territory(FCT), out of which a totalnumber of 800 students arebeneficiaries of the 2011scholarships scheme.

Jafaru further disclosed thatit is the first time anyadministration in AMAC isgiving out scholarships tostudents in secondary schools.

According to him, the criteria

used in giving out thescholarship was for suchbeneficiaries to be students;verifiable by the provision oftheir receipt for payment ofschool fees and also their schoolIdentification Card.

In his words: "Thisscholarship is given out mainlyto the less privileged. Thecouncil cannot afford to giveeverybody but we try our bestto see that the less privileged are

A house-boy, Nufi Mamur,25, was on Mondayremanded in prison by an

Abuja Area Court for allegedlystealing household items worthN1,136,000.

The Area Court Judge, Mr AbdulMohammed, said the accused shouldremain in prison pending thecompletion of police investigations.

Mamur had been arraigned on aone-count charge of theft, which thePolice prosecutor, Insp. EgwuClement, said contravened Section289 of the Penal Code.

Clement told the court that oneSilva Opusunju, of House 8, 23Crescent, Efab Estate, Life Camp hadreported Mamur on Jan. 1, at theLife Camp Police Station.

Clement alleged that the accusedhad stolen from the house a Panasonicstereo system valued at N250, 000,a video cassette recorder worthN150,000 and a 42-inch plasmatelevision valued at N130,000.

Other items allegedly stolen aretwo standing fans; N78, 000, oneindustrial fan; N52, 000, kitchenpots; N68, 000, executive dishes;N170, 000, jugs; N68, 000 andN170, 000 cash.

Mamur, however, pleaded notguilty and the prosecutor prayed thecourt for an adjournment.

Clement also prayed the courtnot to grant the accused bail, statingthat the case was still under policeinvestigations.

He alleged that the items stolenby the accused were many, andneeded to be recovered.

The Judge granted theprosecutor's prayer and ordered thesuspect to be remanded in prison tillMarch 27, when the case wouldcome up for hearing. (NAN)

House-boyremandedfor stealingN1.1mhouseholditems

catered for."The scholarship is not given

only to the indigenes in Abuja,the majority are from the ruralareas, where we have the lessprivileged, so we make sure thatthe indigenes have almost 75%of the share and the nonindigenes have 25%.

"Those in tertiary institutionswill be given N20, 000 each,while secondary school studentswill be given N10, 000 each".

Page 18: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Often referred to as "zoning,"the arrangement wasintended to keep sectarian

identity out of presidential politicsand promote an elite consensus infavor of a single candidate. Hence,the southern Christian OlusegunObasanjo held the presidency from1999 to 2007. He was succeeded byUmaru Yar'Adua, a northernMuslim, who was expected to holdthe presidency until 2015.

Yar'Adua's death upset thisrotation by restoring a southernChristian to the presidency beforethe North had completed its turn.According to the Nigerian press, itwas widely understood thatJonathan would hold the presidencyonly until the 2011 elections ifYar'Adua were to die. Then he wouldstep aside for a northern Muslimcandidate to preserve zoning.Jonathan would then run for thepresidency in 2015, when it wouldagain be a southern Christian's turn.

Perhaps under pressure frommembers of his Ijaw ethnic groupand other southern groups hithertoexcluded from the upper reaches ofgovernment, Jonathan reversedhimself and ran for the presidencyin 2011. Employing the power ofincumbency, he defeated thenorthern Muslim Atiku Abubakarfor the PDP presidential nominationat the January 2011 partyconvention, which participantsdescribed as an "auction" fordelegate support. As a result ofJonathan's decision to end zoning,the presidential election became apolarizing contest between the

incumbent and northern MuslimMuhammadu Buhari.

To secure victory, Jonathan'spolitical allies spent large sums ofmoney to win the support ofincumbent governors who controlthe election process in many states.In the North, they also co-optedcertain traditional Muslim rulers,and the sultan of Sokoto openlysupported him.

It is difficult to know how muchpublic money was spent for politicalpurposes during this period. Thelack of transparency in officialexpenditures, such as from Nigeria'sExcess Crude Account, creates theappearance that state resourcescould easily be used on behalf ofincumbents. For example, theExcess Crude Account dropped fromabout $20 billion (in U.S. dollars)when Yar'Adua assumed thepresidency in 2007 to $3 billionwhen Jonathan became "actingpresident," then rose toapproximately $5 billion. There hasbeen little credible explanation forthe fluctuations. According to thecentral bank, foreign reserves fellfrom $34.6 billion in 2010 to $30.86billion in 2011. They have sincerecovered to $32.8 billion.(Throughout this period, oil priceshave been high.)

The April 2011 elections, despitebeing hailed by internationalelections observers as better than the2007 "election-like event," appear tohave been rigged strategically incertain places to ensure GoodluckJonathan's victory. To avoid a runoff,he needed a countrywide plurality oftotal ballots cast and at least 25percent of the vote in two-thirds of

the country's thirty-six states. In theChristian Southeast, Jonathan's votetotals were in the range of 97-99percent. This guaranteed that he metthe first requirement. Twenty-six ofthe thirty-six governors were fromthe ruling PDP, and governors weredeeply involved in the conduct of theelections. Two or three governors inthe North likely ensured that

Jonathan received more than 25percent of the vote in their states,thereby meeting the secondrequirement. The IndependentNational Electoral Commission(INEC), the ostensibly independentbody that conducts elections,reported Jonathan's share of the votein Sokoto-Buhari's home state-as 35percent; in Gombe, 38.5 percent;and in Jigawa, 38.7 percent. Thesenumbers seem high for the shariaheartland.

While the president appoints thechair of the INEC, his authority overthe state electoral commissioners islimited; they are often beholden tothe governors. Jonathan appointedAttahiru Jega, an American-educated academic known for hisintegrity, as INEC chair.

Under Jega's leadership, theregistration and voting processesimproved, though they remained farfrom perfect. In more places than inthe past, polling stations opened,ballots were available and security-service intimidation declined.However, in other areas it is widelybelieved that registration numberswere inflated, ballot boxes werestuffed and vote tabulation wasmanipulated sufficiently to ensureJonathan's victory without a runoff.If the mechanics at the polling places

in 2011 were an improvement, theoutcome of the elections remainedelite business as usual, albeit withmore sophisticated methods than inthe past.

Not surprisingly, in the southernhalf of the country people generallybelieved the election was credibleand accepted Jonathan's victory. Butin the predominantly Muslim North,Jonathan's national victory waswidely viewed as fraudulent. Theannouncement of his victory sparkedthree days of riots in northern citiesin which at least one thousandpeople were killed, making the 2011elections the bloodiest in Nigeria'shistory. The private houses of thesultan of Sokoto and the emirs ofKano and Zaria were destroyedbecause they had supportedJonathan. What started as protestsagainst the largely Muslim politicalestablishment, which was believed tohave sold out to Jonathan,degenerated into ethnic andreligious violence. Today, many inthe North continue to see theelections as lacking legitimacy.

The Abuja governmentappointed a panel to investigate thecauses of the violence, informallycalled the Lemu Panel after itschairman, Sheikh Ahmed Lemu, aprominent retired Islamic judge.The text of the report has not beenmade public, but Chairman Lemu'spublic comments on the reportamount to an indirect indictment ofNigeria's current political economy.He concludes that the postelectionviolence resulted from widespreadfrustration with Nigeria's poverty,corruption, insecurity andinequality, as well as with the

Nigeria’s battle for stability (II)By John Campbell inability of successive governments

to address these issues.Nigeria's vast oil reserves

underpin its economy and itsdysfunctional political culture.

Its oil comes from the NigerDelta and from offshore platformsin the Atlantic's Gulf of

Guinea. Though these oilreserves constitute the source ofmuch of Nigeria's wealth, the regionis remarkably underdeveloped.Fifty years of oil exploitation haveled to numerous environmentalaccidents, hindering the traditionalaquaculture of the indigenouspeople.

For example, someenvironmental NGOs estimate thatthe region suffers from oil spillsequivalent in magnitude to the 1989Exxon Valdez spill each year. Whilethere is a multitude of ethnicgroups, the most prominent are theItsekiri and the Ijaw, who in certainareas compete for turf and power.Governance in the region has beenparticularly corrupt, fueled by oilrevenue to state and localgovernments with little or noaccountability. The line betweenpolitics and thuggery is thin.

The result of this witches' brewhas been a low-level insurrectionthat has waxed and waned for years.At times, insurgents have been ableto shut down significant amounts ofpetroleum production, which hashad a serious impact oninternational markets. At othertimes, federal and stategovernments have bought offmilitants-but never for long becausethe fundamental grievances thatfuel the insurrection are neveraddressed.

As an Ijaw from Bayelsa state inthe Niger Delta, Jonathan waswidely expected to address Deltagrievances, building on PresidentYar'Adua's 2008 amnesty formilitants.

But the disarmament,education and reintegrationincluded in the amnesty havebeen incomplete. Instead, themost salient characteristic of theamnesty has been payoffs tomilitant leaders. While theinsurrection in the Delta has beenrelatively quiet, it will likelyescalate as new militant leadersrise to replace co-opted ones.Kidnappings and piracy areincreasing; oil-productionfacilities have been attacked; andnew militant leaders haveexpressed dissatisfaction with thegovernment's focus on insecurityin the North. In 2012, shadowyDelta groups are threatening theregion's small Islamiccommunity, ostensibly in revengefor Boko Haram attacks onChristians in the North.

The suicide bombing of theUN headquarters in Abujagalvanized internationalattention on Boko Haram, theviolent radical Muslim sectcentered in the Northeast thatclaimed responsibility.

John Campbell is theRalph Bunche Senior Fellowfor Africa Policy Studies at theCouncil

on Foreign Relations. Heserved as U.S. ambassador toNigeria from 2004 to 2007.

Niger Delta militants, before some of them embraced amnesty extended to them by late President Umar Musa Yar’Adua

Page 19: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Management Tip of the DayOvercome the awkward silence

moment before breaking thesilence and offering asuggestion. The group mayneed time to reflect on anidea.Name it. Call out what’shappening, and ask the groupabout it, “It seems we’ve gone

quiet. Does anyone want to talkabout what’s going on?”Take abreak. Sometimes a short breakgives people the chance torefocus.Source: Harvard BusinessReview


Flight schedule

LOS-ABJ: 07.15, 11.40, 14.00,16.30, 17.00, 17.20, 18.30.

ABJ-LOS: 07.00, 09.30, 10.30,11.15, 16.15, 19.15, 19.35

ABJ-KANO: 18.40

KANO-ABJ: 08.35

ABJ-SOK (MON): 09.35

SOK-ABJ (MON): 11.35

LOS-ABJ: 06.50, 13.30, 19.45

ABU-LOS: 07.30, 13.00, 14.00, 19.00

LOS-ABJ: 07.02, 08.10, 12.06,15.30, 17.10

ABJ-LOS: 07.20, 09.36, 13.05, 14.40

LOS-ABJ: 9.45, 11.45, 2.45IRS AIRLINES




ABJ-SOK (FRI): 10.10ABJ-SOK (WED/SUN): 11.20

SOK-ABJ (FRI): 12.00SOK-ABJ (WED/SUN): 13.20

LOS-ABJ (SUN): 12.30LOS-ABJ (SAT): 16.45

ABU-LOS (SUN): 10.30, 14.30, 19.30

ABU-LOS (SAT): 18.30

ABJ-LOS (SAT/SUN): 13.05, 18.00

LOS-KANO: 08.10KANO-LOS: 11.25KANO-ABUJA: 11.25ABUJA-KANO: 10.08

ABJ-LOS: 11.30, 3.45, 4.45


Discussions duringmeetings can be feast orfamine. Either you

can’t get a word in edgewise orno one speaks up. Next timeyour meeting falls silent, trythese tactics:Let it be. Wait a

BUYING SELLINGCFA 0.2938 0.3138• 205.9396 207.2691£ 243.4873 245.0592RIYAL 41.3023 41.5689$ 154.9 155.9


PARALLEL RATES BUYING SELLING• 210 212£ 250 252RIYAL 40 42$ 156 158

Nigeria to host5th African


- Pg 21

IPMAN commences kerosenesale at N50 in Kwara

The Independent PetroleumMarketer Association ofNigeria(IPMAN), Ilorin depot,

Kwara state has commenced theselling of kerosene to the generalpublic at the rate of N50 per litre, to reduce the burden on the consumers.

The Secretary of IPMAN, Ilorindepot, Alhaji Mustapha Muhydeen,

S/N BENEFICIARIES SUB-TOTAL (N bn)1 FG (52.68%) 1 7 3 , 4 4 72 States (26.72%) 8 7 . 9 7 43 L/govt Councils (20.72%) 67.8254 Derivation (13% of Mineral

revenue-oil/gas) 38.9405 Value Added Tax (VAT) 5 1 . 1 1 16 Augmentation for the month 187.0907 Refund by NNPC 7 , 6 1 7

8 Grand Total 614.604

FAAC allocation for the month of January 2012shared in February, 2012

L-R: Director-General National Pension Commission ( PENCOM), Alhaji Muhammad Ahmad,Commissioner, Technical of PENCOM, Princess Eyamba Henshaw, and Commissioner, Inspectorateof the commission, Dr. Musa Ibrahim, during the public hearing on comprehensive investigationof pension payment management and administration in Nigeria, at the National Assembly, yesterday inAbuja. Photo: Mahmud Isa

From Olanrewaju Lawal, Ilorin who confirmed this developmentwhile speaking on behalf of theChairman, Chief Agbolade Bolaji said the association organised thesale of N50 per litre of kerosene toconsumers in Ilorin metropolis aspart of the routine distribution of kerosene for all.

“The challenges are obviousand that is what the masses arecrying for. The marketers wehave a different opinion. We arenot being given that is why weare not selling. Each time we aregiving, we sell.

This one we are not compelledto sell it. It is just because we have

the facilities and we are giventhe product that is why we areselling it. If we are given at N50per litre, the marketers arewilling to sell”.

The association insisted thatit was possible to sell the productat the rate of N50 saying “It isvery possible. It is not difficult atall. It depends on the centraladministration”.

While speaking on the durationthe association would continue tosell the product at that rate, IPMANsaid explained that its member allover Kwara, Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Kogiand Niger state has startedreceiving the product and theywould also sell it at the rate.

“Everybody is eligible andcapable of selling as soon as it isgiven. So this time, we have givento some members of Ilorin depot.Another time, we get to otherareas. It is routine”, he said.

In his reaction, MD, AlyufatNigeria Limited, Alhaji YusufAbdulfatah said he was satisfiedwith the exercise and said everymember of IPMAN that received theproduct have started enjoy selling itat N50.

He appealed to the NigerianNational Petroleum Corporation(NNPC) to join hands together withIPMAN so that they could make itpossible to sell at the normal price ofN50 per litre fixed by FederalGovernment.

Naira gains on dollar salesThe Naira strengthenedmarginally against the U.Sdollar on the interbank

market yesterday, but weakenedat the official window as strongdemand for the greenback builtup at the bi-weekly foreignexchange auction, traders said.

The naira closed at 157.90 tothe dollar on the interbank,firmer than the 158.05 a dollarit closed at on Friday.

Traders said the naira wasdriven up by surplus dollarliquidity from the previous week,partly helped by about $10million sales by a unit of AddaxPetroleum, which is owned byChina’s Sinopec Group <0386.HK >.

At the bi-weekly forexauction, the central bank sold$150 million at 156.01 to the

dollar compared with $150million sold at 155.90 to thedollar last auction onWednesday.

Traders said dollar inflowsfrom oil companies are graduallythinning out, so the naira couldease above the 158 naira to thedollar mark in the coming days.

“There was a noticeable buildup in dollar demand at both theinterbank and central bank’swindow, and this could start

Email: [email protected] Mob: 08033644990


MFBs & PMIs are excluded from cash withdrawal limit, says CBNFrom Ngozi Onyeakusi, Lagos

The Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) has clarified thatdirect withdrawal/deposit

by Micro Finance Banks (MFBs)and Primary MortgageInstitutions (PMIs) are excludedfrom its N1 million unit policylimit for corporate bodies.

This is contained in a CBNcircular released over theweekend tagged need forclarification on cash withdrawallimit for MFBs and PMIs, whichwas signed by the ActingDirector Payments SystemD e p a r t m e n t C B N , G . 1Emokpae. This, according to theapex bank would enable themmeet the legitimate demands oftheir numerous customers.

The apex bank stated that theclarification notice becamenecessary as deposit moneybanks apply cash withdrawal /deposit limits for corporateorganizations to PMI and MFBs

”It is imperative to note thatthe aggregate withdrawals bythe depositors of the MFBs and

PMIs per day could exceed N1million, thus necessitating thoseinstitutions to withdraw over N1million from the correspondingbanks in order to service their

eroding the gains in the last threeweeks,” one dealer said.

However, traders also saidsome oil multinational companiesare expected to sell dollars soon,while offshore inflows to thetreasury bill auction later in theweek could provide some supportto the naira.

Another dealer expected thenaira to trend within the 157.60-158.20 band in the near term ifmore oil companies sell dollars.(Reuters)

customers,” it stated.PMIs and MFB s are specialised

banks as defined under the newbanking models, which have

customers that maintainsavings, demand and timedeposit account with them. Asdeposit taking institutions, they

are obliged to honour thewithdrawal request of theircustomers and other matureobligations.

Page 20: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


First Bank to hostdinner for bankCEOs

First Bank of Nigeria Plchas concluded plans tosponsor a special dinner

for chief executives of bankstomorrow.

Experts advocateclear investmentstrategy on SWF

Economists andresearchers from theAfrican Institute for

Applied Economic, Enugu,have asked the government todevelop clear investmentstrategy to drive the SovereignWealth Fund (SWF) and avoidlosses and fiscal consequences.

‘Nigeria, otheremerging marketsface growthchallenges’

Companies in the emergingmarkets, includingNigeria, will require new

approach and motivation to re-define their growth strategy tobe able to compete in the fastdeveloping global economy, astudy has said.

Ekiti raisesmonthly IGRto N617m

The Ekiti State governmenthas said that thedeployment of a robust

Information CommunicationTechnology infrastructure viathe electronic payment hashelped to increase its InternallyGenerated Revenue (IGR) froma meager of N109 million toN617 million.

NCAA seeksinvestors foraviation industry

The Nigerian CivilAviation Authority(NCAA), has called on

private sector operators toinvest in the nation’s aviationindustry, to promote thefortunes of the sector, currentlybeing assailed by assessed fundpaucity.

Rivers, SchneiderElectric seal N6bnenergymanagement deal

Schneider Electric- globalspecialist in energymanagement and the

Rivers State Government havesigned an energy managementcontract valued at •20 million(N6 billion).

COMPANYNEWS Mass housing scheme for

police underway- FMBN bossThe Nigerian police are to

enjoy mass affordablehousing under the

initiative of the FederalMortgage Bank of Nigeria(FMBN).

Under the plan, termed:“Police Social Housing Scheme”,FMBN, in collaboration withNigeria Police is building aminimum of 150 housing unitsin each state of the federationincluding the Federal CapitalTerritory.

A statement by FMBNspokesperson, Simon Agadaquoted the Managing Director ofthe FMBN, Mr. Gimba Ya’uKumo as saying over the weekendwhile on courtesy visit to theacting Inspector-General of Police(IGP), Mr. Mohammed DikkoAbubakar.

According to him, the bank

would execute the project incollaboration with a foreignpartner, who will provide 70 percent of the funding.

He said police officers willcontribute the balance of 30 percent as personal contributionswhile the FMBN will also assist inthe process by providing NHFloans at affordable interest ratesto enable police officers acquirethe houses to be delivered underthis arrangement.

Kumo remarked that beyondthe affordable houses for thepolice, the Police Social HousingScheme is expected to generategainful employment for over20,000 Nigerians nationwide.“This project is therefore key toactualising Mr. President’sTransformation Agenda for thecountry”, the FMBN managingdirector noted.

Kumo added that the pilotscheme of the project will start in

By Abdulwahab Isa Lagos, Kano and Port Harcourt.Kumo used the opportunity to

urge the IGP to enforcecompliance with the NationalHousing Fund (NHF) Act byemployers of labour and otherrelevant corporate organisationslike banks and insurancecompanies.

The NHF Act statutorilyrequires employers of labour todeduct 2.5 per cent of theiremployees’ basic salaries (thoseearning N3, 000.00 and above)and remit same to the NHF. It alsorequires banks to invest 10 percent of their loans and advancesat an interest rate of 1 per centabove the interest rate payable oncurrent accounts by banks.

Insurance companies aresupposed to invest a minimum of20 per cent of their non-life fundsand 40 per cent of their life fundsin real estate development ofwhich not less than 50 per cent

shall be paid into the NHF throughthe FMBN at an interest rate ofnot more than 4 per cent.

But the banks and theinsurance companies are yet tofully comply with thisrequirement.

He implored the IGP to directall police formations to adoptFMBN’s newly introduced e-collection platform for monthlyremittance of National HousingFund contributions.

Responding, the actingInspector General of Police,Abubakar, assured themanagement of FMBN that as alaw abiding organisation, theNigerian Police Force willcontinue to abide with the Actestablishing the NHF scheme andpursue the enforcement of the Act.

He requested the FMBN to setup a committee to look at thePolice housing needs and proffersolutions.

Food security: World Bank earmarks N150bn annually for Africa

The World Bank yesterdaysaid it has concludedarrangements for the annual

commitment of whooping sum ofUS$1 billion (about N160 billion)to assist Africa in food security andproduction as well as freedom fromhunger.

The Vice-President, World Bank(Africa), Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili madethe revelation while delivering alecture at the launch of ‘Feed Africa

Launch’, which was part ofprogramme to mark the 75 yearbirthday of former President,Olusegun Obasanjo held atConference Hall of the OlusegunObasanjo Presidential Library,Abeokuta.

‘At the World Bank, we have putour shoulder well and truly behindAfrica’s quest for food security andfreedom from hunger. This supporthas been in line with the overallframework of the African Union’sComprehensive AfricanAgriculture Development

Programme and the newpartnership for Africa’sDevelopment’

She further explained that,following the 2008 WorldDevelopment Report onAgriculture for Development, withits cardinal focus on agriculture asa catalyst for development andeconomic growth, the authoritieshave doubled assistance to Africanagriculture to approximately US$1billion of new commitmentannually.

The World Bank boss however,

noted that improving food securitygoes well beyond managingfluctuating costs of food imports,pointing out that significantbarriers to intra-regional trade bothphysically and policy-wise remainkey challenges.

Ezekwesili also informed thatother challenges include:inadequate investment inirrigation, increasing exposure toclimate change stresses andunavailability and unaffordabilityof social safety nets to assist the mostvulnerable.

From Dimeji Kayode-Adedeji,Abeokuta

L-R: Chairman MTN Board of Directors, Dr. Pascal Dozie, receiving a plaque from the Chairman, Petroleum Development Company Ltd, Mr.Joe Obiago, and wife of late Chief Godwin Aret Adams, Mrs Izarene Aret Adams, during the 9th annual memorial lecture for the former,NNPC Managing-Director, Aret Adams, recently in Lagos. Photo: NAN

Page 21: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Oil & Gas: Indigenous auditors shouldbring their expertise to bear – NEITIThe indigenous auditors in

charge of carrying out theaudit of the Oil and Gas and

Solid minerals contracts havebeen urged to bring theirexpertise to bear on theassignment, in order not tojeopardise the trust reposed onthem by the Nigerian public.

The Executive Secretary ofNigerian Extraction IndustriesIniative (NEITI), Mrs. ZainabAhmed gave the advice at thesigning ceremony which tookplace at the NEITI Secretariat inAbuja on Thursday at thesigning of the N363 millioncontract with two indigenousfirms for the 2009 to 2011oiland gas & 2007 to 2010 SolidMinerals audit.

According to Mrs. Ahmed,the oil and gas audit is to beconducted by the firm of Sada

Idris and company while thesecond audit, the first of its kindto be conducted by NEITI in thesolid minerals sector, will beundertaken by Haruna Yahayaand company. Both firms arewholly Nigerian and indigenous.

The signing ceremonysignals the commencement ofthe much awaited audits andbrings to four the number ofaudits by NEITI. The first twoaudits started from 1999, 2004and 2005 and have been in theoil and gas sector alone.

According to NEITI’sDirector, Technical, Mr. TariyeGeorge the contracts for the oiland gas and solid minerals auditsis to deliver the financial flows,establish cash calls, governmentcrude lifting’s and petroleumprofit tax validations amongother assignments while thesolid minerals audit aims atestablishing the tonnage and

mined quarried minerals bymajor players as well asactivities of entities in themanufacturing andconstruction sectors that derivetheir raw materials from miningand quarrying activities.

Ahmad further advised theauditors to abide strictly by the

By Muhammad Nasir terms and conditions of thecontract. The solid mineralsaudit is to cost the sum of N137million while the oil and gasaudit is to gulp N226 million.The audits are expected to becompleted within nine monthsand will bring NEITI audits upto date, she added.

In response, the two auditfirms promised to bring to beartheir wealth of experience in thedischarge of these importantnational assignments. Theypledged to carry themselveswith the utmost sense ofresponsibility, integrity andprofessionalism.

Unrest cuts Nigeria’s oil output by 1m bpd - NNPCNigeria’s oil production isdown by about 1 millionbarrels a day (bpd)

because of violence and theft inthe Niger River delta, accordingto the Nigerian NationalPetroleum Corporation (NNPC).

Bloomberg reported that totaloutput fell to as low as 1 millionbarrels a day when armed attackspeaked in July 2009. At the endof 2005 deep offshore contributedless than 10 percent of Nigeria'soil, compared with about a thirdcurrently.

Output is yet to be restored at40 onshore oil fields mostlyoperated by Hague-based Royal

Dutch Shell Plc, San Ramon,California-based Chevron Corp.and smaller producers more thantwo years after a governmentamnesty led to the disarming ofthousands of militants and adecline in attacks on oilcompanies, according to dataobtained from the NNPC.

"Security is still a majorconcern," Chief Executive Officerof Financial Derivatives Co., aLagos- based business advisory,Bismarck Rewane said in a

telephone interview. "Thesecurity situation in the NigerDelta has its political as well aseconomic dimensions, and it's notgoing away soon."

NNPC operates Joint Ventures(JU) with Shell, Chevron, TotalSA of France, Irving, Texas- basedExxon Mobil Corp. and Italy's EniSpA (ENI) that pump more than90 percent of Nigeria's oil.

Central government control ofoil revenue is resented bycommunities in the region and

this has spawned unrest includingarmed attacks on oil facilities andtheft from pipelines.

"We have been able to bringproduction back but it is still belowpre-militancy levels," Ian Craig,Shell's vice president forexploration and production insub-Saharan Africa, said Feb. 21at an oil conference in Abuja, thecapital. "The greatest challenge,however, is the massive organisedoil theft business and thecriminality and corruption which

it fosters."At least 150,000 barrels a day

of oil is lost to theft, resulting inincreased production costs,reduced revenue and "majorenvironmental impacts," Craigsaid. Shell on Feb.6 said risingcrude theft along its Nembe Creektrunkline threatens daily exportsof 140,000 barrels. The companyhas recorded over 250 incidentsof theft and sabotage in its onshoreoperations since January 2010.(Bloomberg)

A typical oil rig offshore

Kigbu during the stakeholdersmeeting on the review of theprocedure for issuance of thepermit in Abuja, at the weekend.

Kigbu maintained that themove became necessary after dueassessment of the currentprocedures in which the ministryobserved quite a number ofanomalies resulting in avoidabledelays through bureaucraticbottlenecks and willful abuse ofdue process.

Accordingly, he said theministry has resolved tocompletely overhaul the processin line with global best practices,

adding that government isconscious of the complexities of oilexports and was making efforts toensure that all obstacles wereremoved.

Kigbu however noted that thenew procedure was not intendedto frustrate the oil and gasexporters and their businesses,and urged the exporters to adherestrictly to the new guidelines, inorder to reposition and improveon the issuance process in Nigeria.

The issuance of the petroleumproducts export clearance permitwill be effective from the secondquarter of 2012.

By Muhammad Nasir

FG to fast-track issuance of export clearance permits

Fresh fuel import allocationsare expected to be awardedin March, trade sources said,

although a parliamentaryinvestigation into abuse of the fuelsubsidy regime is on-going.

Nigeria currently relies onexchanges of crude oil for fuel andother products as no new tendershave been allocated since thegovernment’s attempt to removethe fuel subsidy in January. Nowtraders’ hopes are rising that afresh allocation is imminent.

“We hear that the PetroleumProducts Pricing RegulatoryAgency (PPPRA), will awardsome import allocations in Marchwith the new funds madeavailable in the budget, but it willbe restricting the number ofcompanies, and there will be closermonitoring of how the volumesare allotted and filled,” a WestAfrican-focused fuel trader said.

“Maybe we will see somesecond-quarter allocations but thewhole subsidy wrangle won’t beresolved quickly. Certainlynothing is expected to be resolvedbefore April,” said a fuel broker.

The fuel market has beenawaiting clarity from Nigeria on

how the new regime will worksince it attempted to removepetrol import subsidies onJanuary 1.

There was more than a weekof mass protests against theensuing sharp rise in fuel costs andthe government then partiallyreinstated subsidies.

As a result of thereinstatement, Nigeria had torevise upwards its outlook for thebudget deficit this year, with thesubsidy expected to soak up 888billion naira ($5.61 billion) of the2012 budget.

The federal government willbe giving up 309 billion naira forthe subsidies, while the rest willbe taken out of spending for stateand local government.

“Some funds were found tocover the shortfall, which givessuppliers some security,” a tradersaid.

The Nigerian parliament iscurrently investigating abuse ofthe subsidy system, afteruncovering a $4 billiondiscrepancy between the subsidypaid to importers and the amountof fuel brought into the country.(Source: Reuters)

Fuel import tendersexpected in March - Traders

The Federal Government isto fast-track the newprocedures for the issuance

of petroleum products exportclearance permit and for a stay ofaction on the new procedures untilthe third quarter, to enable itsexecution the second quarter,which was already at hand.

This was made known by thePermanent Secretary, Ministryof Trade & Investment, Mr. Dauda

Page 22: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Nigeria to host 5th African Conference onfree, Open Source software - FoundationNigeria will host the

5th African Conferenceon Free and Open Source

Software (FOSS) later thismonth, Mr Dele Ajisomo, thePresident, Open SourceFoundation for Nigeria (OSFON),has said.

Ajisomo disclosed thisrecently in Abuja while briefingnewsmen on the conference,which will hold in Abuja fromMarch 19 to March 23.

He said that about 1,000participants from Asia, Europe,U.S., Canada, Latin America and

Africa are expected at theconference, which will bedeclared open by Mrs MobolaJohnson, the Minister ofCommunication Technology.

The theme of the conferenceis “Open Source Solutions forAchieving the MillenniumDevelopment Goals.’’

“This conference is thecontinent’s rallying point forcritical issues in theInformation andCommunication Technology(ICT) as they directly relate tothe development of its people,

governments and businessenterprises,’’ Ajisomo said.

He said the conference wouldalso be an avenue to enhance thecapacity building of Nigeriansin ICT, as there would betraining for all participants.

“International experts willbe coming to Nigeria; there willbe free training for people onhow to write code, protect awebsite, how to configure andmanage a website and createsourcing.’’

Also speaking, the DirectorGeneral, National Information

Technology DevelopmentAgency (NITDA), Prof. CleopasAngaye said the conferencewould be of great benefits to boththe people and the governmentof Nigeria.

He said the conference wouldboost participants’ knowledge inthe development and use ofsoftware through Open SourceSoftware programming.

“The beauty of the opensoftware programming is thatthere are lot of programmingavailable; you can search for thebasic programming short-code

that tells you about theprogramme techniques.’’

The Managing Director,Backbone Connectivity NetworkNigeria Ltd, Mr. Ibrahim Dikkosaid the company would rendernecessary partnership to bringNigeria to the global softwaremarket.

“For instance, we will providefree internet servicesthroughout the period of theconference, to train Nigerians inorder for them to developsolutions to our everydayproblems.’’ (NAN)

NCC boss vows to combat cybercrime in Nigeria

Chinese companies, whichalready sell telecoms equipmentin Africa, could move up thevalue chain by buyingoperators or licences.

In 2010, China Mobile lost abidding war to Bharti that sawthe Indian operator snap uptelecom units in 16 Africancountries for 10.7 billion dollars.

But making money in Africa,one of the last remaining

Africa offers promise, peril to telecom operatorsemerging telecoms markets notyet sown up has proven verydifficult, as some of the existingplayers have discovered.

The market is fragmented in56 countries, some of which havedozens of operators.

Meanwhile, consumers inAfrica tend to spend between oneto 10 dollars per month ontelecommunications, far lessthan in Europe or the U.S., but

Poor infrastructure,fragmented markets andstiff competition mean

Africa poses risks as well aspotential rewards for telecomoperators hunting for growth insome countries like post-revolution Libya and Tunisia,survey showed.

The fact that most people inAfrica will use mobile phones toaccess the Internet and do

business have encouragedmany operators to seekacquisition targets in thecontinent.

France Telecom andVodafone now present on thecontinent could expand, butthey’d have to compete withnew emerging market playerslike Russia’s Vimpelcom, SouthAfrica’s MTN or India’s BhartiAirtel.

still more than in India.Operators have also realised

that the cost of runningnetworks is high due to poorinfrastructure; executives toldmedia this week at the MobileWorld Congress in Barcelona.

Operators, including FranceTelecom, are now looking atways to share costs throughnetwork sharing deals.(Reuters/NAN)

The NigerianC o m m u n i c a t i o nCommission (NCC), has

vowed to combat the rate ofcybercrime in the society, whichhas risen dramatically in the pastfew years.

The vow was made by theExecutive Vice-Chairman of the(NCC), Dr. Eugene Juwahyesterday, during a conference on"Regulatory Imperatives forcybercrimes and cyber Security inNigeria, 2012", which held at the

International Conference Center inAbuja.

The NCC boss maintained thatcyber threats such as malware andattacks are becoming extremelysophisticated, especially with theincreased presence of organisedcriminal groups online.

"The Commission is not onlyconcentrating on the disseminationof inaccurate or misleadinginformation, but also on malicious

content, fraud, theft and forgerythat exist online just as they dooffline", he stated.

Dr Juwah said criminal areinvading homes and offices not bybreaking doors or windows but bybreaking into laptops, PCs andwireless devices through theInternet. As a result of that, millionsof naira is lost every year due tocybercrimes and system repairs asa result of cyber attacks.

Eugene said that the Internethas ceased to be the domain of thetechnically competent as user-friendly software and interfaceshave enabled all types of users,including children and novices, tointeract remotely.

He pointed out that organisedcrime has been on the rise becausethe Internet has proved a low risk,lucrative business arena to the factthat loopholes in national and

regional legislation still remain,making it difficult to effectivelytrack down criminals.

The NCC boss further said, inline with global trend in the fightagainst cybercrime, the Nigeriacommunication commission hascreated a new department called"New Media and informationSecurity" with the responsibility toissue information system Securityin modern Information society andcapacity building in Informationtechnology through ADAPTIprogram.

Apple iPadevent set forMarch 7

Apple is inviting reportersto an event nextWednesday in San

Francisco. An image on the inviteshowing part of an iPad screensuggests it’s to announce a newmodel.

The company has beenwidely expected to reveal thethird version of the iPad soon,close to the anniversary of thelaunch of the iPad 2.

The invitation is for the YerbaBuena Center for the ArtsTheater, where Apple holdslarger launch events.

Apple didn’t provide anydetails on the new device.Various unconfirmed reportsspeak of a sharper screen andfaster cellular broadbandoptions.

It’s not known when such anew device would be available forsale. Last year, sales of the iPad 2began in the U.S. nine days afterthe announcement. (AP)

L-R:Manager, Youth Segment, Etisalat Nigeria, Idiare Atimomo; Winner of Raffle draw, Ganiyu Kushino receiving a laptop while Dean ofStudent Affairs, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Mr. Dele Showole and Specialist, Youth Segment, Etisalat Nigeria, Bukky Balogun during thecliqfest campus tour at the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta.

By Muhammad Nasir

Page 23: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Looking after widows in NigeriaMrs. Margaret Toyyo,

51, is a clerk withthe Gombe State

judiciary. She became awidow about four years agoand has five children to caterfor.

Apart from the pains oflosing her husband, shecontends with the task ofcaring for all her childrenfrom her meagre salary.

Her in-laws furthercompounded her problem asthey have not been helpfulto her and the children inany form.

“My in-laws came soonafter my husband died andasked me to relocate to thevillage with my children forreasons I could notcomprehend. I refused butthey insisted for some timeand later got tired,” Toyyorecalls.

Another woman, MrsSheba Joshua, 52, has beena widow for the past 18 yearsand her experiences allthrough those years havebeen harrowing.

“Being a widow is a verytraumatic experience for awoman, especially when thelate husband’s relatives areselfish, greedy andmaterialistic,” she says.

Sheba recalls that ratherthan allow her to mourn herlate husband for a reasonableperiod, the relativesconfronted her anddemanded an account of thefinancial position and otherproperties of their deceasedrelative.

“Shortly after myhusband died, rather thanallow me mourn him, hisrelations came and asked meto tell them what their late

brother left behind.“I started crying and they

persisted but I refused. So,when they were tired, theyleft me alone and since then,I have been managing whathe left behind to educate ourfive children and pay othernecessary bills,” she says.

No doubt, widows inNigeria face enormouschallenges from differentfronts soon after the loss oftheir spouses.

In a recent report, a NewYork-based organization,Communication for Change(C4C), said that “in certainparts of Nigeria, themaltreatment of widows iscommon.

“In-laws and thecommunities subject widowsto physical and emotionalabuses such as being made tosit on bare floor for weeks tomourn their husbands;confinement from one monthto a year and the shaving oftheir hair with razors orbroken bottles.’’

In some cases, the reportadded, “women are notallowed to bathe; they areasked to routinely weep inpublic; while in extremecases, they are made to drinkthe water used for washingthe husband’s corpse, toprove their innocence overtheir spouses’ death.’’

No doubt, manyNigerians will attest to theprevalence of such obnoxiouspractices in differentcommunities in parts of thefederation.

While widows’ plight maynot be as the extreme case inGombe State, they,nonetheless, face challengesthat are less than dignifyingand with dire economicimplications.

Death, it is often said, is areality but how humanscontend with the fallouts ofthe unfortunate naturalphenomenon is another thingentirely.

Bereavement is always aperiod of grief, sorrow,psychological trauma andsometimes despair. Howrelatives and the society ingeneral react to it, especiallyin relation to widows andorphans, calls for concernsfrom all.

The Gombe State chapterof the National Association ofWidows (NAW), is one bodythat has continued to exploreways to minimise thehardships of widows andorphans in the state.

Recently, it organised athree-day conference, whereparticipants brainstormedon ways to assist the state’swidows and orphans.

No fewer than 2,000 out

of the 4,000 registeredwidows in the 11 localgovernment areas of thestate took part in the summitheld at the ChristianAssociation of Nigeria (CAN)Centre, Gombe.

Hajiya AdamaDankwambo, wife of the stategovernor, attributed theincreased number of widowsin the society to theunfortunate incidents ofreligious, political and tribalconflicts in Nigeria.

“You will agree with methat the increased number ofwidows we have in this stateand the country at large ismostly as a result of violencemotivated by religious,political and tribal conflicts,thereby raising the numberof orphans and vulnerablechildren without adequatecare given.

“I want to use this occasionto appeal to all and sundrythat we must avoid violenceand try to see ourselves as onefamily and be our brothers’keepers, irrespective ofreligion, tribe and politicalaffiliations’’.

Represented by herpersonal aide, Hajiya HauwaMusa, the governor’s wife

donated N500,000 to theassociation, while pledginggovernment’s continuedsupport for the widows andtheir children.

On his part, Mr HabuZarma, INEC’s ResidentElectoral Commissioner inPlateau, who was the specialguest of honour, expressedconcern over the plight ofwidows in the present times.

He urged Nigerians to doaway with all culturalpractices that weredetrimental to the welfare ofwidows and orphans in thecountry.

Zarma reminded thepeople that no one knewwhen he or she would die,hence the need to showsympathy to widows, insteadof adding to their sorrows.

“Now, these people did notpray to become widows butin the Almighty God’swisdom, he felt that theyshould be widows. There areso many things, especially inour culture and traditions,which do not mean well orhelp women that are widows.

“We have to do away withthem, especially now inNigeria where everybody isclaiming to be either a

devout Christian or Muslim.“These two religions

preach sympathy andsupport for widows and,therefore, we must do awaywith cultures and traditionsthat are not actually insupport of what the Holy booksare saying,” he said.

Zarma particularly calledon husbands, especially thoseof Christian faith to write andupdate their will periodicallysince no one knew when hewould die.

“This is imperative toforestall avoidable hardshipsfor the family left behind inthe event of death”.

In a paper entitled “TheWidowhood Life and SelfSustenance”, Mrs HalimaBello, the Principal, ECWAPrivate School, Tudun Wada,Jos, said death was inevitableand should be viewed as anact of God whenever itoccurred.

“Work hard to fend foryourselves and your children.If you have not been workingbefore your husband died, getsomething doing, even if it isa small business such aspoultry, fish farming,making of earrings andnecklaces, baking,hairdressing and tailoring,”she advised widows.

Bello urged those widowswho wished to re-marry tocarefully examine theirdesire and be sure that theirwould-be husbands were God-fearing and caring enough.

Mrs Lola Enoch, Presidentof NAW in Gombe State, saidthat the conference, first of itskind in the state, was out toaddress problems facing thewidows.

She called on Nigerians,especially those in the ruralsetting, to change theirnegative attitudes toward

A widow's head being shaved with broken bottle

Iliya Habila in this piece believes that whether re-married or single,widows and their children require care, support and sympathy fromthe society instead of harassments, cruelty and abandonment, usuallymeted out to them by their late husbands’ relatives.

Bianca Ojukwu (C), and her children arrive to attend the national inter-denominational funeral ritesat Michael Opkara Square, in Enugu on March 1 for her late husband, Dim Odumegwu-Ojukwu.

Renowned NollyWood actress, Stella Damasus-Aboderin herselfa widow in the film “Widow”

widows and refrain fromstigmatising them forwhatever reasons.

“The society shouldwelcome and embracewidows, while thegovernment should starteducating men to writetheir wills for their families.

“I think we are no longerin the Stone Age and so,maltreatment of widowsmust stop; widows should becounted among the belovedones created by God,” shesaid.

Enoch imploredgovernment to createspecial credit facilities toassist widows who wished toengage in one trade or theother to sustain themselvesand their children in theabsence of their husbands.

She stressed that the

association, on its part, hadrendered financial assistanceto members to enable them toembark on small-scalebusinesses, while trainingand skills acquisitionprogrammes were alsoorganised for them.

Some sociologists,however, are quick to pointout that under normalcircumstances; a widow inthe African context isentitled to two types ofprotection.

For instance, Fasorantiand Aruna, in their jointlypublished paper in theJournal of WorldAnthropology, examinedcross-cultural practicesrelating to widowhood andwidow-inheritance amongthe N’digbo and Yoruba inNigeria.

“A widow can beremarried to the nearestmale relative of her husband,in which case, she enjoys allthe protection and carenormally enjoyed by hiswives.

“If she is not remarried,she can be given collectiveprotection and care by therelatives of her deceasedhusband. In this case, help offinancial and labour natureis rendered to the widow bythe relatives of the deceasedhusband,” they said.

In contemporary times,however, many widows arequite hesitant to be

remarried to their latehusbands’ close relatives forfear of the unknown andinstead, choose to remainsingle, particularly thosewith grown-up children.

The younger widows, onthe other hand, often chooseto break off from the latehusbands’ families to re-marry elsewhere.

“It all depends on thechoice of the widowsthemselves. In some cases, itis like jumping from fry panto fire; you can hardly get thesame kind of love from yourlate husband from any of hisrelations,” said Madam MabelDanjuma, a septuagenarian.

Mr Peter Idachi, whodescribed himself as a

traditionalist, said thatpractices differ in differentcommunities, adding,however, that it was theprime responsibility of thedeceased’s family to cater forthe widow and children leftbehind.

He said that there hadbeen instances whererelations fought over theinheritance of their latebrothers without evenshowing any concern for thewelfare of the wives andchildren left behind.

“Some of these things wehear about ill-treatment ofwidows and their children arequite nauseating and theearlier men take measures tosafeguard the future of theirwives and children in theevent of their death, thebetter.

“No one prays for deathbut it should be prepared forin case of unforeseencircumstances,” he said.

All said and done, it isobvious that certaintraditional practices that areinimical to the circumstancesof widows ought to bejettisoned in the present age.

Whether re-married orsingle, widows and theirchildren require care,support and sympathy fromthe society instead ofharassments, cruelty andabandonment, usually metedout to them by their latehusbands’ relatives.

Analysts concur that it isthe joint responsibility of allcitizens to ensure thewellbeing of widows in thesociety since no one knowswhose turn will be next.

Source: NAN

“Women are not allowed to bathe;they are asked to routinely weepin public; while in extreme cases,they are made to drink the waterused for washing the husband’scorpse, to prove their innocence

over their spouses’ deathA widow and her three children bemoaning their fate

Page 24: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


‘Torture’ video shows ‘Gaddafi’s blackAfrican mercenaries locked in a zoo cageand force-fed flags by Libyan rebels’A shocking video that appears

to show Libyan rebelstorturing a group of sub-

Saharan African detainees hasappeared on YouTube.

The footage shows a dozen or somen - presumably capturedmercenaries suspected of fightingfor the toppled government ofMuammur Gaddafi last year - heldin what looks like a caged zooenclosure.

They each have their hands tiedbehind their back and are sat on thecage’s dirty floor.

More objectionably, each hasthe old Libyan flag stuffed into hismouth.

While a crowd of men gatherround the enclosure jeering, theirprisoners are made to hop on thespot.

The man filming the scene, whoremains off-camera, can be heardshouting: ‘Eat the flag, you dog.Patience you dog, patience. God isgreat.’

It is impossible to verify whetherthe video, which was leaked ontoYouTube, is genuine and where andwhen it was filmed.

Shocking: Video footage that appears to show Libyan rebels torturing a group of sub-SaharanAfrican detainees has appeared on YouTube

It has emerged as the UN lastweek said that the Libyanrevolutionary brigades accused oftorture still hold captive three-quarters of detainees from thecountry’s civil war.

A lack of judicial police hasprevented the government fromtaking control of more jails, the UNsaid last Wednesday.

Up to 6,000 detainees areestimated to remain in brigadefacilities, while the Ministry ofJustice has taken charge of eightdetention centres holding 2,382people.

The figures were revealed to theUN Security Council by Ian Martin,the UN special envoy for Libya.

Many of the detainees are sub-Saharan Africans whom theircaptors accuse of being Gaddafimercenaries, based in some casespurely on the fact that they havedarker skin.

The UN human rights agencyand aid groups have accused thebrigades of torturing detaineesduring Libya’s nine-month civilwar.

Mr. Martin has urged the

Ministry of Justice to accelerate theprocess of asserting governmentcontrol over detention centres.

But he said: ‘Progresscontinues to be complicated byinsufficient numbers of judicialpolice.’

He added: ‘We will continue towork closely with the authoritiesand to encourage them to ensurethat inspections of knownfacilities are undertaken, thatsecret locations are identified andbrought under governmentcontrol, and that abuses areinvestigated.’

Accusations of themistreatment and disappearancesof suspected Gaddafi loyalists areembarrassing for Libya’s rulingNational Transitional Council,which has vowed to make a break

with practices under Gaddafi andrespect human rights.

It is also awkward for the Westernpowers which backed the anti-Gaddafi rebellion and helped installLibya’s new leaders.

Gaddafi’s 42-year rule collapsedwhen his forces fled Tripoli in August,and the last of the fighting in Libyaended in October when he wascaptured and killed by rebels.

Libyan AmbassadorAbdurrahman Mohamed Shalghamtold the UN Security Council thatdetainees held by the government,including a number of formerGaddafi ministers and senior officers,were treated well.

Mr Shalgham said: ‘However, letme say that there are areas where thestate has not been able to control.There is not police or courts in those

areas.‘We cannot be responsible for all

excesses everywhere. We areagainst them, we object to them andwe hold the perpetrators of suchacts responsible.’

Mr Martin said that while thearmed brigades lacked clear lines ofcommand and coordination, theycontinued to perform importantsecurity functions often for longperiods without payment.

He said: ‘Contrary to theimpression given by some mediareports, although they seekguarantees that the transformationfor which they have fought issecurely on track, there is littleindication that they wish toperpetuate an existence outsidestate authority.’


Prisoners: The footage shows a dozen or so men held in what looks like a caged zoo enclosure,with their hands tied behind their backs and the former Libyan flag in their mouths

Jeered: The men are likely captured mercenaries suspected offighting for the toppled government of Muammur Gaddafi last year

Racism? Rebel fighters hold captive a sub-Saharan African mansuspected of working as a mercenary for the Gaddafi regime lastAugust

Page 25: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


While many people mightconsider a face coveredwith hair debilitating,

Danny Ramos Gomez - who hasbeen dubbed the ‘wolfman’ -would not have it any other way.

Gomez, who appeared onABC’s investigative series 20/20on Saturday, has a conditioncalled hypertrichosis, whichcauses his body to produce anabnormal amount of hair.

But while some people in hisnative Mexico tease him for hisunconventional appearance -laughing and howling at him - theladies love the extra hair.

He has a girlfriend namedHilda and a daughter from aprevious relationship.

Before he dated Hilda, he was

‘Wolfman’ with rare condition that causes hairto grow over his face says he would not changeit... and the ladies wouldn’t want him to either

with his ex-girlfriend Lucy for sixyears. She told ABC that she foundhis hair ‘quite sexy’ but that shehad particularly loved his eyes.

She added that it was hispersonality that won him over:‘He’s very noble. He’s veryaffectionate. He’s a very goodperson.’

But not everyone has been soaccepting of Gomez and hisbrother Larry, who were exhibitedin a circus side show as ‘wolfchildren’ when they were young.

Betty Tampa, one of Gomez’sclosest friends, told ABC thatpeople often insult him because ofthe way he looks.

‘They perceive him as a wolf —actually as a person from anotherworld — and they insult him,’ she

for more than 20 years.Figuera has collected blood

samples from Danny’s family tomap the hypertrichosis gene.

‘This kind of hypertrichosis asshown in this family is very rare,’Figuera told ABC. ‘As far as Iknow, there are two or threefamilies in the world [with it].

‘We believe that this is a genewhich was functioning a long timeago in the evolution of man whenprimates were becoming men.’

He believes that as humansevolved, certain genes that wereno longer required for survivalwere turned off.

But Figuera thinks that thegene for hypertrichosis wassomehow accidentally turnedback on in Gomez’s family - inwhich 20 people, both men andwomen are affected.

Aside from the odd trim,Gomez has not changed his hair,even though he could easily shaveit.

‘I don’t think I will ever changeit,’ Gomez told ABC. ‘That’s theway they love me. That’s how theywill always love me. Imagine if Ichanged my face — who wouldknow who I am?’


Content: Danny Ramos Gomez, who has been dubbed the 'wolfman', has a condition calledhypertrichosis, which causes his body to produce extra hair, especially on his hair and chest

Popular: Gomez, pictured with his girlfriend Hilda, says the condition has not put him off finding love

Attractive: Girlfriends, including Lucy, whom he dated for sixyears, and Hilda, say he is 'noble' and 'affectionate'

No change: Gomez said he has no interest in shaving or cuttinghis hair - bar the odd trim at the barbershop

Cruel: But Gomez and his friends have admitted he is regularlytaunted by strangers who howl at him

said. ‘They say things to him andthey howl at him.’

Of the teasing, Gomez said: ‘Idon’t take it seriously. I know whoI am inside.’

He insisted that he’s a normalguy. ‘I play football, I play videogames,’ he said. ‘I go to themovies. I am the same aseverybody, except what you see onmy face, that’s all.’

Gomez still works in the circus,performing daredevil feats on thetrapeze and trampoline.

Geneticist Dr. Luis Figuera, anexpert in hypertrichosis, hasstudied people with the condition

Page 26: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012



[email protected]


Attacks on JTF were not byMEND – security operatives

The Joint Security InformationManagers Committee whichcomprise information

managers of the military, police andSSS have come out to state thatrecent attacks on its personnel inthe Niger Delta region were not

carried out by the Movement for theEmancipation of the Niger Delta(MEND) but by pockets ofdisgruntled criminal groups actingindependently in the region.

This was disclosed at a pressbriefing yesterday where the

committee under its currentspokesman, Commodore KabiruAliyu who is the Director of NavalInformation also paraded amember of the group that allegedlykilled some Joint Task Forcemembers and policemen.

“It is instructive to note that thevarious attacks on JTF personnelwithin the last three months in theNigerian territorial waters wereactually carried out by a fewdifferent uncoordinated groupswithin the Niger Delta region.

“This has therefore exposed thelies and deceptions of the so-calledMEND which strive to seekrelevance by creating the falseimpression that the attacks havebeen carried out by loyal groups ofmilitants of which it is thecoordinating authority.

Parading one Apudu Gole, amember of the Shedrack Itokofuweiaka Mammy water that ambushedand killed JTF personnel last week,the Defence Headquarters warnedthat the fresh attempt by somemisguided persons to orchestrateanother round of violence andinsecurity in the Niger Delta regionwould be met with decisive force.

Meanwhile the suspect inresponse to questions fromjournalists claimed to be a craneoperator before he was recruited bythe late “mammy water” to hisgroup.

The Deputy Director of Mediaof the State Security ServiceMarylyn Ogar used the briefing todisclose that the group responsiblefor sending out text messageswarning of an impending MENDattack before the AGIP bombinghave all been arrested.

Military retirees deservebetter treatmentThe sordid plight our

military retirees gothrough year in year out

has gotten to a situation where acall for an emergency to bedeclared on the issue would notbe out of place.

It is most unfortunate thatthese men and women that puttheir lives on the line to defendtheir mother-land againstexternal aggressors are treatedas lepers after leaving service.

The peculiar nature ofsoldiering requires the state togive these men of honour adecent retirement packageseeing that they chose to fight todefend others.

In civilised climes, militarypersonnel go through a de-briefing process after service.These processes include bothexternal and internal re-examination of their psyche withan aim to re-orientating them soas to be useful to civil societyafter their service years.

The Nigerian military has asemblance of this re-orientatingprocess by the establishment ofthe Training and DoctrineCommand (TRADOC), located inOshodi, Lagos. At the centre,military personnel are trained indifferent vocations prior to theirretirement. The amount ofsuccess recorded at the centre sofar is a topic for another day.

What is of concern here is theway and manner militaryretirees are subjected to unduehardship before theirentitlements are paid. Only lastweek, it was reported that aretired army corporal YunisaAdemu from Ankpa LocalGovernment area of Kogi statedied while awaiting to bescreened in the on-goingverification exercise aimed todetermine the genuinepensioners from fakes.

According to the report, theretiree had complained ofexhaustion before leaving homebut had to embark on thejourney to the venue for theexercise because he had no otheroption.

In his reacting to theincidence, a colleague of thedeceased is of the opinion thatthe verification exercise was adetermined effort by the militaryauthority to punish people whoserved the nation.

He noted that there was noneed for the exercise since alldocuments were sent to thepensioners’ state of origin beforeretirement.

I am in tandem with thissubmission because when thenew military pension board,(MPB) building was opened

sometime in 2010 by PresidentGoodluck Jonathan; these retireeswere made to believe that theirproblems were over. According tothe then chairman of the MPB,Major General Bitrus Kwaji, thenew pension centre located inDutse-Alhaji in the FCT wouldcapture the bio-data of theseretirees which would in turneliminate all other issues having todo with verification exercises at thestate level. It is unfortunate that twoyears on, this process has not takenoff.

With close to N500millionspent in the building and upgradingof data at the centre, one is at a lossas to its usefulness considering thefact that the nation has to gothrough the agony of burying theseheroes each time they go forverification exercises.

A source at the pension boardconfided that it would be difficultto put an end to verificationexercises because that wouldautomatically put an end to thecorruption presently endrmic at theMPB.

It is most unfortunate that inthis era of computerisation, themilitary pension’s board has chosento remain analogous in handlingverification exercises.

The federal government mustdo something urgent to arrest thissituation as we cannot continue tolose men/women who shouldordinarily be celebrated as heroesfor been awake in defence of thecountry while others were sleepingin the cosy confines of theirbedrooms.

Military distances self from COCIN, Jos bombing

When the enemy begins to plot anattack against you, you first attack

them, this is easy, figure the directionof the enemy’s plans and deploy yourforces accordingly, attacking at the

outset of their intentions.—Master Sun, The Art of War

On the marble

Parade suspected bomber

petrol.Though the identity of the two

men and their intent were notknown, the military saidinvestigation has commenced.

The Information managersused the briefing to disclose thatthree suspected members of theBoko Haram sect were caught bytheir own devices when a bombthey were assembling exploded intheir faces and consumed them

Boko Haram: Two arrested in Maiduguri

The Joint Task Force inMaiduguri yesterdaymorning arrested two

persons for arson.Disclosing this yesterday in

Abuja at a joint briefing by securityoperatives information managers,the Director, Naval Information,Naval Commodore Kabiru Aliyu,said the men were caught settingablaze a primary school inMaiduguri, with two jerry cans of

Defence Minister, Bello HaliruMohammed

The suspect, Apudu Gole, paraded Monday by security operativesas one of those that killed JTF personnel in Bayelsa state

Page 27: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012

Plateau Fadama III disbursesN135m to 1, 215 farmers’ groupsThe Fadama III Office in

Plateau disbursed N135million as grants to 1,215

farmers between 2009 and 2011,according to the state Coordinator,Mr Gideon Dandan.

Dandan told the journalists atthe weekend in Jos that, theprogramme also funded 615 sub-projects worth several millions ofnaira during the period.

“Fadama III has disbursed atotal of N135, 421,950 million as atDecember 2011 to 1,215 FadamaUsers Group in the 17 LocalGovernment Areas of Plateau.

“The 1,215 Fadama UsersGroups are made up of 18,077farmers, who have benefitteddirectly from the programme,aside other householdbeneficiaries and generalisedcommunities that are usingFadama projects such as roads,culverts and water,” he said.

He said that the grant wasmeant to address three major areasof the programme’s objectives,including assisting farmers in inputsupport and advisory services,asset acquisition, and providingrural infrastructure.

According to him, the 615 sub-projects were executed in thoseareas of crop production, poultry,cow fattening, agro-processing,fishery, piggery, bee-keeping andevery aspect of agriculture that cangive farmers income.

The coordinator explained thatthe programme delivered morethan 24,000 bags of NPK and Ureafertilisers to farmers at half the costand other farm inputs to farmerswithin the period.

He said that the fertilisers weredelivered directly to farmers toensure availability and prevent thecontrol of middlemen.

“Fertiliser is a major input in


high yield. Apart from deliveringthe fertilisers directly to thefarmers, we ensure that they getthe commodity at a subsidisedprice of N2, 000 per bag as againstN4, 500 in the open market,” hestated.

“The middlemen usuallyhijack fertilisers from thesuppliers and transporters andsell to farmers at cut-throat prices,thereby making it difficult to getthe commodity at thegovernment-controlled price.”

The coordinator said that theprogramme also distributedimproved varieties of rice andmaize which led to bumper harvestfor farmers in the State,” he added.

The World Bank-assistedprogrammes has recorded highparticipation because of its“demand-driven intervention ininput support and assetsacquisition”, he said. (NAN)

A man milking his cow

The $56m grant will make alasting difference to localfarmers in Africa, says AGRA

Beyond the coremandates of theAGRA, as partners

willing to assist millions ofsmall-scale farmers in theAfrican continent out ofpoverty and hunger, whatother goals do you want toachieve?

AGRA’s three main goals by2020 are to: 1, double theincomes of 20 millionsmallholder families, 2, reducefood insecurity by 50 percent inat least 20 countries, andnumber three, to put at least 15counties on track for attainingand sustaining a uniquelyAfrican Green Revolution – onewhich supports smallholderfarmers, protects theenvironment and helps farmersadapt to climate change.

In the past, there areincidents where similarkinds of grants do not get tothe right or targetbeneficiaries for reasonsthat has to do withdiversion of the funds bysome individuals, whatmakes this particularsupport different and howdoes the grant gets to theordinary farmer?

AGRA is directed for and byAfricans to help small-scalefarmers and their families liftthemselves out of poverty andhunger. We work with localgrantees and farmersorganisations to ensureprogrammes are efficient andeffective. The recent $56 milliongrant to AGRA’s PASSprogramme will make a lastingdifference to local farmers andindustry and is driven bytransparent targets that ensurefarmers are the ones whobenefit.

By 2017, PASS will add 40new private, independent seedcompanies to the 60 alreadyestablished under the first phaseof the programme. Theprogramme will continue tosupport the education of localcrop scientists ensuring thatevery major crop in 13 countrieshas at least one fully-qualifiedcrop breeder. PASS will also fund

the training of an additional5,000 agro-dealers to set upindividually-owned andoperated seed and fertilizershops in remote areas. Thisgrant will provide newagricultural opportunities forfarmers in Nigeria and across thecontinent.

Most African farmersmay prefer to get support inareas such as the aqua-culture, skills acquisition,machanise farming etc.Why do think the seed morethan other areas ofagriculture require moreattention in the continent?

AGRA’s program worksacross the full agricultural valuechain – from seeds to harvest.Our integrated programmesaddress seeds, soils, marketaccess, policy and partnershipsand innovative finance to triggercomprehensive changes acrossthe agricultural system. AGRAprogrammes also strengthenagricultural education andextension, address the issue ofefficient water management, andstrive to involve and train youth.Good seeds lay the basis forfarmers to double or triple theiryields, but a comprehensive viewis essential to inspire new andlasting change for Africa’s foodfuture.

Five years ago, the Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa(AGRA), a dynamic firm working across the Africancontinent to help millions of small-scale farmers out ofpoverty and hunger, initiated its Programme for Africa’sSeed Systems (PASS)to produce disease resistant andhigher yielding seeds for important food crops available.The programme has already achieved significantsuccess with majority of farmers, who accessed the newseed reporting dramatic increases in their harvests.Recently, the AGRA received about $56 million fund fromthe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help moresmallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa increaseproductivity.In this interview with Mohammed Kandi, AGRA’sProgramme Director, Joe DeVries, while fieldingquestions via the internet, revealed some of theorganisation’s plans for agriculture in Africa. Excerpts:

AGRA’s Program Director, JoeDeVries

AFAN registers 30,000farmers in Enugu stateNo fewer than 30,000

farmers in Enugu Statehave been registered in

the on-going national census ofNigerian farmers, the statechapter of the All FarmersAssociation of Nigeria has said.

The Chairman of AFAN in thestate, Chief Alfred Eneh, told thejournalists recently in Enugu, theEnugu State capital that theextension of the registration fromDecember 2011 to February 2012enabled more farmers to be

registered.Eneh, who said farmers in the

state had cleared their farms inpreparation for this year’splanting season, however,expressed concern that with justone month to the end of theplanting season, farmers in thestate were yet to receive inputs likefertilisers promised by thegovernment.

He said the farmers had alsonot been able to access the N450billion agricultural loan promised

by the government.“For us in the South East, if

fertilisers and other farm inputsare not distributed to farmersbefore the end of March, it willaffect our yield during harvest,” hesaid.

The chairman expressed thehope that with the amount of rainso far recorded in the state thisyear, there was hope for a bumperharvest if farm inputs weredistributed on time to farmers.(NAN)

Some agricultural produce on display

Page 28: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012

FG, cocoa producing states todouble output by 500,000 tonnes

25 per cent of annual cocoaproduction and sound environmentaland social considerations inproduction activities.

According to the minister, underthe CTAP, over 390, 000 jobs wouldbe generated in the next four years,increase income for about 250, 000farm households as well as creating adiversified revenue base for farmersthrough associated agriculturalenterprises.

“Cocoa is the single largest non-oil foreign exchange earningcommodity for Nigeria and itcontributes some 35 per cent to theGross Domestic Product and employsthe largest share of the 22 millionpeople engaged in cash production,”Dr Adesina explained.

“Currently, cocoa production isactually made on a total land area of640, 000 hectares mostly in theSouth-west, South-south, South-eastern Nigeria. A few North-centraland North-eastern also producenegligible amount, although, morethan 800, 000 hectares land area,”he added.

The minister, therefore, called onall the cocoa producing states in thecountry to cat fast to restore the cropto enable Nigeria achieve one of theleading producers in the cocoa global

market again.Dr Adesina, who regrets that

Nigeria lost its position in the cocoa

global market to other African nationssuch as the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire,Ghana, Mali and Indonesia that


In a bid to revive cocoa productionin Nigeria, the Minister ofAgriculture and Rural

Development, Dr AkinwunmiAdesina has said via the CocoaTransformation Action Plan (CTAP),the Federal Government intends todouble the national output of the cropto at least, 500, 000 metric tonnes byyear 2015.

The minister, who stated thisduring his meeting with thecommissioners of the cocoaproducing states in the country, inAbuja at the weekend, noted that themain focus of the CTAP was to create“private sector-driven but public-sector enabling Cocoa Marketing andTrade Corporation”.

To achieve the goal of revitalizingthe cocoa production, Dr Adesinasaid, there will be increase farmproductivity, certification of at least

The Minister of Agricultureand Rural Development, DrAkinwunmi Adesina, has said

that the Federal Government wouldprivatise silos under constructionacross the country for properutilisation.

Dr Adesina, who disclosed thisat the weekend in Abuja, said thatthe privitisation would beimplemented under the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP)arrangement.

He said under the arrangement,the ministry would undertake theresponsibilities of planning,coordination, facilitation andmonitoring.

It would be recalled that contractfor the construction of seven new100,000-tonne silos in each of thesix geo-political zones of the countryand the FCT, was awarded in 2009at the cost of N47.2 billion

The silos project also involvedthe completion of the facilities atGaya in Kano State and Dutse-ma,in Katsina State.

The minister said that stategovernments that indicated interestto be part of the PPP arrangementwould be considered, and that a fewof the silos would be reserved for useas strategic grains reserves.

Adesina said the measure waspart of government’s efforts towardrevolutionising agriculture to makeit respond to emerging challenges.

He noted that the privatisationof the silos would help to stabiliseprices, provide alternativecommodity markets for farmers andensure national food security, addingthat the existing silos located atIbadan, Akure, Ilorin, Iruha, Minna,Lafiaji, Makurdi, Ogoja, Jahun, Josand Gombe were underutilised.

Dr Adesina said more than 80per cent of the silos underconstruction at various locationsacross the country had beencompleted and would be operationalbefore the middle of March. (NAN)

FG toprivatise silos,says minister

The International Fund forAgricultural Development(IFAD) has pleged to support

Nigeria to realise the 40 per centCassava Flour Inclusion in BreadInitiative.

The Minister of Agriculture andRural Development, Dr AkinwunmiAdesina, told the journalists inAbuja that he had held intensivediscussion on the importanceinitiative with the IFAD President,Kanayo Nwanze during the 35thsession of the IFAD GoverningCouncil in February in Rome .

Dr Adesina said that IFAD hadpromised to assist Nigeria to securea four-million-dollar grant for ajoint training programme of theInternational Institute for TropicalAgriculture (IITA) on the cassavainitiative.

He said that the grant hadbecome imperative to enable theIITA to provide vital support to theinitiative, especially in the areas offurther research, moderntechnology, training anddemonstration for bakers across thecountry.

The minister, who disclosedgovernment was also negotiatingwith other institutions to obtain therequired grant, said the FederalGovernment was exploring variousstrategies for the smooth

implementation of the initiative.To this end, he said, a technical

group comprising nutritionists,food scientists, researchers, masterbakers and flour millers had beenset up to standardise the recipe.

“The Ministry has just finaliseda plan with IITA for massivetraining of all the small bakers thatmake up more than 80 per cent ofthe bakers in the country,” he said.

According to him, master bakershave pledged to ensure that cassavabread reached the market on a largescale as soon as the required flourwas available.

Dr Adesina said that aninternational organisation had alsocompleted the audit of 137 small andmedium scale enterprises involvedin processing flour.He said the auditwas aimed at upgrading andempowering moribund enterprisesto return to business.

According to Adesina, somecountries have indicated interest tokey into the 40 per cent compositecassava flour initiative.

“After my presentation at theIFAD session, several Ministers ofAgriculture from a number ofcountries, including Ghana, Coted’ivoire, and Kenya, approached meto say they will go into the cassavaflour initiative in their variouscountries” he explained.

belong to the 1 million metric tonnesclub, vowed to register Nigeria in theclub very soon.

He noted that Nigeria was notonly focusing on the domesticmarket for the initiative, but wouldalso explore export.

Dr Adesina said that thegovernment had concluded anagreement with the Chinesegovernment for the acquisition of 18high quality cassava flourprocessing plants that wouldprocess 1.3 million tonnes of thecommodity.

He said government wouldencourage the acquisition of mills bythe private sector, by allowing themaccess low interest concessionaryfinancing, with a repayment periodof 10 years to 20 years and at 2.5 percent interest rate.

Dr Adesina added that underthe initiative, cassava productionwould be expanded from thepresent 34 million tonnes to 51million tonnes by 2015 by doublingthe yields from 12.5 tonnes perhectare to 25 tonnes per hectare.

“If well implemented, it willcreate jobs for over 1.3 millionNigerians annually as more than 1.7million tonnes of cassava will berequired to produce 400,000tonnes of 10 per cent compositecassava flour. The import bill of N63billion annually on wheat will beused on meaningful projects,” hesaid. (NAN)

IFAD pledges $4m for Nigeriacassava initiative, says minister

By Mohammed Kandi

A group of cocoa farmers formed a co-operative that would collect and sell its own cocoa for theirmember farmers own benefit at the Gagan Cocoa Plantations Ltd.

The Association of CashewGrowers and Buyers hascalled on the Oyo State

Government to partner the bodyin establishing processingfactories for the fruit.

The Chairman of theassociation, Alhaji Adebayo Sodiq,made the call recently in Ibadan,the Oyo State capital.

He said the association hadalready written the stategovernment on the need toestablish processing factories,adding that private investorsshould also be encouraged toembrace the initiative.

“If more processing centresare established by the privatesector, many stakeholders arebound to benefit,” he added.

Ahead of the cashew harvestseason, he said buyers in the statewere putting in place measures toensure maximum purchase fordomestic consumption and exportthis year.

Toward this end, he said,buyers would meet with growersin Shaki, Oyo State on March 1,adding that another meetingwould be held in Ilorin, Kwara onMarch 10.

On harvest expectation, hesaid the erratic pattern of rainfallat present made it difficult topredict an outcome.

Sodiq, however, said aftercomparing notes at the Shaki andIlorin meetings of growers andbuyers, the association would bein a safe position to predict thelikelihood of a bumper or leanharvest. (NAN)

Cashew: Groupseeks partnershipwith Oyo govt. onprocessing factories

Page 29: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Netanyahu, Iran and thefundamentals of policyANALYSIS

Obama must make clear the adverse consequences for US relations with Israel if the Jewish statewere to undertake uncoordinated military action against Iran [EPA]

The tall, polished Europeandiplomat spoke inimpeccable English and in

a soothing tone. Seatedcomfortably in the stately,hushed inner sanctums of theState Department’s seventhfloor, he attempted to conveyan empathetic understandingof his hosts’ concerns. “Ofcourse,” he said, “weunderstand fully the traumayou suffered during theIranian hostage crisis of 1979”.

His words could hardlyhave had a worse effect on hissenior American listeners.Having come that day in 1993to address the StateDepartment’s frequently andinsistently stated calls forcoordinated action to addressthen-current Iranianbehaviour, he seemed tosuggest that what was reallyat the heart of American policytowards Iran was some sort ofunresolved national psychosis.

In substance and tone, hismessage was taken as bothcondescending and insulting,however benevolently it mighthave been intended; the rest ofthe meeting, which did not lastlong, was palpably frosty.

I recall having seen - andhaving shared - a similarreaction to one of the manystatements made by then-French President JacquesChirac in early 2003, as the USwas preparing its invasion ofIraq. Both a noted admirer ofthe United States and a vocalopponent of the use of militaryforce against Saddam Hussein,the French head of statemanaged to strike aparticularly grating note ofGallic hauteur on this occasion,when he attempted to explainthe reason for his oft-statedadvice to theAmericans: When one sees anold friend about to make a greatmistake, he intoned, one isobliged to speak out to tell himso.

These two vignettes come tomind, as Washington preparesto receive Israeli Prime MinisterBinyamin Netanyahu thisweek. We have all seen thisplay before: Both Netanyahuand US President BarackObama are speaking before theannual conference of theAmerica Israel Public AffairsCommittee (AIPAC) - theleading pro-Israel lobbyingorganisation in the US - and thetwo leaders will hold a bilateralmeeting at the White House.The topic on all threeoccasions: Iran.

Shaping policyThe entire process is

shaping up as yet another

ordeal for Obama, as the Israeliprime minister, AIPAC, the USpresident’s prospectiveRepublican rivals and the USSenate (32 of whose membersare currently co-sponsoring anon-binding resolution calling,in effect, on the administrationto bring its Iranian policy fullyin line with Israel’s) work inconcert to exert as muchpressure as possible for theadministration to toughen itsapproach.

Indeed, much recentcommentary is focussed on theextent to which the currentdynamic, to include domesticpolitical considerations in allthree concerned capitals,appears to be driving the US,Israel and Iran inevitablytoward armed conflict. It is anunwelcome situation forObama, but one which heseems powerless to control.

If one tries to look beyond thetactical drivers of currentpolicy toward its morefundamental determinants,surely one of these is the Israeligovernment’s obsessive notionthat a nuclear-armed clericalregime in Tehran would posean imminent existentialthreat. It is hard to imagine

Obama escaping from thepolitical maelstrom in whichhe is trapped without somehowaddressing the touchstones ofcurrent Israeli policy.

It may be easy to suggest,as various commentators,including this one do, thatIran’s willfully ambiguous andbellicose (and in the case ofPresident Ahmadinejad’sHolocaust denial, offensive)statements are not meant tothreaten direct military actionby Iran against the Israelistate, which Iran would notundertake under anycircumstances, but are rathermeant as gloating descriptionsof a future in which currenttrends, including demographicones, will not work in Israel’sfavour.

Nonetheless, the words arethere, and they play, whentaken at their face, directlyupon the historical reasons forIsrael’s creation. It iscompletely unreasonable tosuppose that Israelis willdismiss them.

More fundamentally, giventhis history, Israel and its mostardent supporters are not aboutto trust the fate of the Zioniststate to comforting

prognostications regarding theintentions of theirenemies. When dealing withenemies, into which categoryIran must fall, Israelis will lookto those enemies’ capabilitiesonly.

This accounts for theyawning gap between theIsraeli government’s insistencethat Iran be precluded fromdeveloping even the capacity tobuild a nuclear weapon, andthe US administration’salternative focus upon specificIranian moves to develop one,irrespective of underlyingcapabilities.

Add to this, then, theindividual background andpsychology of Netanyahuhimself, who has been publiclywarning of the dire atomicthreat from Iran at least since1996. The son of an ardent andmilitant Zionist, who was for atime secretary to Ze’evJabotinsky, and the brother ofthe commander of the Israelicommando unit responsible forthe 1976 raid on Entebbe to freeIsraeli hostages (who was alsohimself killed in the operation),the Prime Minister has beensteeped in the view that onlyIsrael can be responsible for itsown security, and that onlythrough strength and boldaction can the tragedies of theJewish past be prevented fromrepetition.

Just last month, Netanyahuaddressed the Israeli Knesset onInternational HolocaustRemembrance Day to say,“Seventy years after theHolocaust, many in the world aresilent in the face of Iran’s pledgesto wipe Israel off the face of theEarth. This is a day in which theleaders of the world must commitnot to allow another genocide.”

Pressure from ObamaFrom my own experience

with well-meaning foreigners’attempts to reduce my country’spolicies to a form of irrationalpsychology, or to a colossalmisjudgment of its trueinterests, it is fair to say that anyattempt by Obama to directlyaddress the psychological andjudgmental drivers of Israelipolicy on Iran - in the unlikelyevent he attempted to do so -would be highly unlikely tosucceed. In fact, only Israelis cando this.

If Netanyahu is to avoid acolossal misjudgment, his graspof history cannot be onlybackward-looking, but capableof projection into the future - afuture well beyond the short-term unpleasantness whichwould predictably result froma strike on Iran. Theseconsequences, including shipattacks, skyrocketing oil pricesand terrorist reprisals will allpass.

What is more important forIsrael to consider is thatmilitary action will make Iranfar more and not lessdetermined to acquire nuclearweapons over the longer term,and will quite likely lead to ade facto regional collapse of theNon-Proliferation Treaty, inwhich other regional states,whose political future isuncertain, rush to nucleariseas well.

It will simultaneously makeboth more difficult and moreunavoidable a situation inwhich Israel will be forced todeclare its true status as anuclear weapons’ state andengage in regional de-nuclearisation talks.

Right now, Netanyahu,trapped as he is in a backward-looking perspective, sees onlythat strategic trends are notmoving in his direction, whichmakes a blind throw of the diceseem enticing. He could not bemore wrong.

No, outsiders’ attempts atempathy and reasonedpersuasion will not work withNetanyahu - not with so muchseemingly at stake for Israel.For Obama to change thecurrent political dynamic, hewould have to address Israel’sdemands head-on, forthrightlystate the reasons for hisadministration’s alternativeview, and make clear theadverse consequences for USrelations with Israel if theJewish state were to undertakeuncoordinated military actionagainst Persia. If this seems animprobable choice by the USpresident, it is only yet anothermeasure of the likelihood thatwar with Iran is approaching apoint of inevitability.

Source: Aljazeera

It will simultaneously make both moredifficult and more unavoidable a

situation in which Israel will be forced todeclare its true status as a nuclear

weapons’ state and engage in regionalde-nuclearisation talks

Page 30: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Malawi’s president lashesout at donors, critics

AU Chairman President Mutharika addresses the media after closingthe AU summit in Kampala

Malawi President Binguwa Mutharika hasaccused Western donors of

funding an opposition protestmovement that is challenging hisincreasingly tight grip over theimpoverished southern Africannation.

In a speech broadcast on stateradio late on Sunday, Mutharika alsourged his supporters to "step in anddefend their father rather than justsit back and watch him take crapfrom donors and rights groups".

"I want to tell you that this monthof March they are preparing, withsome money from donors, to stagedemonstrations and vigils," he saidat a ceremony to name a new roadin his honour.

Historically, foreign aid hasaccounted for 40 percent ofMalawi's budget. But muchassistance is suspended due to apolice crackdown on protesters inJuly that killed 20 people and a spatwith Britain over a leakeddiplomatic cable that calledMutharika "autocratic andintolerant of criticism".

Mutharika, a former World

South Africa's Reserve Bankis aware that inflationtargeting must be pursued

with economic growth in mindso there is no need for adiscussion of the central bank'smandate, a senior official fromthe ruling ANC party saidyesterday.

A local paper reported onSunday the ANC was mullingreforms to the constitutionwhich would include changingthe central bank's powers andits price stability mandate,with some party memberscalling for the inflationtargeting strategy to bescrapped.

The ANC's powerful labourunion allies have in the pastaccused the Reserve Bank ofpursuing its target of keepinginflation within a 3-6 percenttarget, without considering thenegative impact of relativelyhigh interest rates on economicgrowth and subsequentlyunemployment.

On Monday EnochGodongwana, a member of theANC's decision-making nationalexecutive committee and headof its economic transformationcommittee (ETC), said FinanceMinister Pravin Gordhan hadmade clear the Bank must takeinto account key issues likeunemployment.

"The reason why within theETC we have not pursued thatdiscussion (on inflationtargeting) is precisely becausethe Minister of Finance ... andthe Reserve Bank have dealtwith that matter to thesatisfaction of everybody else,"Godongwana told a mediabriefing.

"We have felt that there's noreason to pursue the discussionanymore, so it's not containedin any of our documents at themoment."

The ANC, which holds apolicy-setting conference inJune, is due to release draftpolicy discussion documents toits branches on Monday.Proposals in the discussionpapers would have to be adoptedat another conference inDecember to shape governmentpolicy.

The Reserve Bank slashedrates by 650 basis points in thetwo years to November 2010 tohelp the economy recover froma recession. Analysts see ratesremaining at three-decade lowsthis year to help growth, despiteinflation having pierced theupper end of its target band.

No need forS.Africainflation targetdebate: ANC

A law meant to breathe newlife into agriculture inDemocratic Republic of

Congo risks scaring off neededforeign investment due to aclause calling for farms to bemajority-owned by Congolese,according to investors and othersector players.

The Congolese Federation ofEnterprises has written a letterto the government calling thelaw, which is set to go into effectin June, "discriminatory" and a

Congo farm law seen hurting foreign investmentthe 1990s.

The Congo law, passed inDecember shortly after a chaoticpresidential poll, aims to use taxbreaks and other incentives toboost agricultural output in acountry with enough cultivableland to cover Germany twice.

Only 10 percent of the landis in use and the country hasbeen a net food importer sincethe 1960s due to decades ofneglect, conflict and corruption.

Farmers and activists alike

had been pushing for years forthe government to pass the firstever agricultural law to revivethe sector.

Since the law's passage,however, agribusinesscompanies have expressedconcern over an article thatsays farms must be owned by "aperson of Congolese nationalityor a Congolese legal entity whoseshares, if applicable, aremajority-owned by theCongolese state or by nationals".

"catastrophe" and appealing forit to be amended.

"Everyone says tothemselves, today they startwith semi-nationalisation, andthen one day we'll move to totalnationalisation," said PaulinMbandala, a Congolese lawyerspecialising in agriculture.

"Look at Zimbabwe, that'sthe problem," he said,referring to ZimbabwePresident Robert Mugabe'sseizure of white-owned farms in

African Unionexpressessympathywith Republicof Congo

The Chairperson of theCommission of theAfrican Union (AU),

Jean Ping, has learnt withsadness the news of theexplosions in Brazzaville,Republic of the

Congo, on 4 March 2012,following the fire that brokeout in an arms andammunition depot. He deploresthe significant number ofdeaths that were recorded, aswell as the hundreds of peopleinjured by the explosions.

The Chairperson of theCommission presents hisheartfelt condolence to thebereaved families, the peopleand the Government of theCongo. On this sad occasion, hecalls on the Member States andthe international communityas a whole to show solidaritywith and provide assistance tothe Congolese Government inthe face of this tragedy.

Bank economist who was firstelected in 2004, said if foreign aidsuppliers were not happy, theyshould simply pack their bags.

"If any donor wants to withdrawfrom this country, let them leaveand go. I know what they are doingand who is funding them," he said.

The aid freeze has brought ashuddering halt to more than five

years of pacey economic growth andsparked a dollar shortage that iscausing imports such as fuel andmedicine to run dry.

Malawi has one of the world'shighest HIV/AIDS burdens, and thegovernment has a $121 million holein its current budget due to thesuspension of an InternationalMonetary Fund loan programme.

The joint UN-Arab Leaguespecial envoy to Syria, KofiAnnan, will travel to

Damascus on March 10 for hisfirst visit since being appointedto the post, the organisation saidyesterday.

"Kofi Annan told me thatSyria will receive him on March10 and that he would arrive inCairo on March 7," Arab LeagueSecretary-General NabilElaraby told reporters at thegroup's Cairo headquarters.

Annan was appointed last

UN-Arab League envoy Annan to Syria on March 10month as joint special envoy onthe Syria crisis.

The United Nations saysmore than 7,500 people havebeen killed in an almost year-long crackdown ondemonstrators againstPresident Bashar al-Assad thatwas inspired by other 'ArabSpring' uprisings across theMiddle East and North Africa.

Nasser al-Kidwa, a

Palestinian diplomat, wasappointed yesterday as deputy toAnnan and is expected to travelwith him to Syria, Elaraby said.

Kidwa told reporters in Cairoon Monday that he is hopeful apolitical solution could bereached in Syria and describedhis new mission as "verydifficult", according to thePalestinian News AgencyWAFA.

Kidwa, a nephew of latePalestinian President YasserArafat, is a member of currentPresident Mahmoud Abbas'sFatah movement and haspreviously served as a foreignminister and an envoy to theUnited Nations.

Kidwa was appointed afterconsultations with Annan andU.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the League said.

Kofi Annan

Two British journalistsworking for Iran's PressTV who were detained

late last month in Libya aresuspected of being spies, thehead of the militia which isholding them said on Sunday.

Faraj al-Swehli,commander of the Swehlibrigade, said his men had foundamong the journalists'possessions official Libyandocuments, equipment used bythe Israeli military and footageof them firing weapons.

"We believe they are spies,"Swehli said in Tripoli. He said itwas too early to say whatcountry they were spying for,

but that this would be establishedby their investigation.

"After we have finished theinvestigation we are going totransfer them to the stateauthorities to pursue the legalprocess against them."

The two have been named asNicholas Davies and GarethMontgomery-Johnson. Theywere arrested on February 22 inMisrata, about 200 km (130miles) east of the capital. Theyare now being held in a Swehlibrigade base in central Tripoli.

The commander, speaking ata news conference where he wasflanked by subordinates incamouflage uniforms and sports

shoes, said the two did not haveLibyan entry visas in theirpassports.

He showed a grey plasticpacket containing a fielddressing with the words "Madein Israel," on it, which he said hadbeen found on the two journalists."These are used by the Israelimilitary," said Swehli.

He said the two had in theirpossession Libyan documentslisting members of a Tripolimilitia killed in a clash with arival group late last year, andlists of sub-Saharan Africanmercenaries who foughtalongside the forces of oustedleader Muammar Gaddafi.

Two British journalists accused of spying in Libya

Page 31: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Obama and Netanyahu set for Iran talks

Bomb blast nearTurkish PM’s officesA bomb has exploded near

the Turkish primeministry building in the

capital Ankara, lightly injuringone person, state-run TVreported.

The device, described as apercussion bomb, went off earlyyesterday, about 30 metres fromthe building in the centralKizilay district, about an hourbefore a cabinet meeting was dueto be headed by Recep TayyipErdogan, the Turkish primeminister.

Police blocked access to theblast zone in the entrance to theparking lot of the supreme courtof appeals, fearing a secondexplosion, the private NTVstation said.

A court employee was injuredin the explosion. Bomb experts,wearing protective gear, aresearching the area to make surethat no other bomb has beenplaced.

Percussion bombs usuallyproduce a loud bang, but do notcause major damage.

Kurdish separatists, al-Qaeda,as well as groups on the far leftand right have all carried outbomb attacks in Turkey in the

past, but there was no immediateclaim of responsibility forMonday's blast.

The blast followed a remote-controlled bomb attack inIstanbul last week near the partyheadquarters of Erdogan'sJustice and Development Party(AKP), which wounded 15 policeofficers and one civilian.

In September a powerfulbomb rocked the centre ofAnkara, killing three people andwounding at least 15 others.

A bomb blast in May last yearinjured eight people near a busstop in Etiler, an upscale districtin Istanbul.

A group connected to theseparatist Kurdistan WorkersParty (PKK) claimedresponsibility for a car bomb that

killed three people in Ankarain September and threatenedmore attacks on Turkish cities.

The Kurdistan FreedomHawks (TAK) said at the time thecapital was the "beginning of aseries of attacks" and said it

was behind a previous attackin Antalya, on theMediterranean coast, whereseveral tourists were woundedby a small explosion on a beach.

US president BarackObama and Israeli PrimeMinister Binyamin

Netanyahu will meet inWashington yesterday for adiscussion that could help tosubdue - or amplify - thegrowing calls for war with Iran.

The last meeting betweenthe two leaders, in September,focused largely on the prospectsfor new Middle Eastnegotiations between Israel andthe Palestinians, coming dayafter Obama promised to veto aPalestinian bid for fullrecognition at the UnitedNations.

But aides say Monday'smeeting will be dominated byIran, as Netanyahu pushes theUS government to take a moreaggressive stance on Tehran'snuclear programme. There hasbeen widespread speculation, inthe press and in publicstatements by Israeli officials,that Israel could attack Iran thissummer.

The Obama administrationhas not said whether it wouldsupport such a move, and in

recent weeks has said it sees noevidence that Iran is building anuclear weapon.

Their meeting comes againstthe backdrop of the annualconference of the AmericanIsrael Public Affairs Committee(AIPAC), the powerful pro-Israeli lobbying group whosemembers will fan out acrossCapitol Hill this week topressure legislators in theleadup to this year's elections.

In an address to the AIPACconference on Sunday night,Obama called for Israel to allowtime for sanctions against Iranto work, but promised to leave"all options on the table"regarding Iran's nuclearprogramme.

"Iran's leaders shouldunderstand that I do not havea policy of containment," hesaid. "I have a policy to preventIran from obtaining a nuclearweapon."

Netanyahu's government,and AIPAC's leadership,wanted Obama to go further.The Israeli prime ministerwants Obama to lay down "red

Kurdish rebels, fighting for autonomy in the southeast, as well as groups on the far left are active inTurkey

Obama and Netanyahu are due to meet for several hours for a discussion largely focused on Iran [EPA]

lines" - a clear statement ofwhen the United States wouldattack Iran over its nuclearprogramme. Netanyahu isscheduled to deliver his ownspeech to the AIPAC conferenceon Monday night.

AIPAC, meanwhile, iscirculating flyers whichdescribe an Iran with even thecapability to build nuclear

weapons as "unacceptable."Any country with a well-

developed peaceful nuclearprogramme has a degree of"breakout capacity," theability to quickly build anuclear device. AIPAC'sposition, which is shared bymany in Netanyahu's innercircle, would call for a strikeon Iran once its nuclear

programme reached a certainpoint, even if the Iranianleadership was not activelybuilding a nuclear weapon.

James Clapper, the USdirector of nationalintelligence, testified beforeCongress in January that hebelieved Iran had not yetdecided whether or not to builda bomb.

The president of the UnitedNations GeneralAssembly has criticised

the world body’s SecurityCouncil after its failure to agreeto a resolution on Syria, asviolence continues to escalate inthe country.

Nasser Abdul Aziz Al-Nassir,Qatar’s ambassador to the UNwho was elected as president ofthe assembly in 2011, told theUK-based Independent

newspaper that there was a needfor a “more active and effectiveUN” and that the ability of justfive countries to veto SecurityCouncil decisions was a systemthat could endangerinternational peace andsecurity.

The UN General Assemblylast month votedoverwhelmingly to condemn theSyrian government over itscrackdown, but action by the UN

Security Council has beenblocked by Russian and Chinesevetoes.

“The world has changed; theUN should also reform itself todeal with the issues of today,”the Independent reported himsaying yesterday.

“Because of disagreementfrom one or two members whohave the right to veto, this sentthe wrong message to thegovernment of Syria; that’s why

Top UN official slams inaction over Syriathey are not co-operating,” he toldthe newspaper.

“I am very upset (with Russiaand China) because it sent thewrong message and people havesuffered and we see it is gettingworse every day,” he was quotedas saying.

atar has consistently pushedfor tougher UN-backed actionagainst Syria and was a co-sponsor of the proposed SecurityCouncil resolution that was

blocked by Russia and China. Ithas also called for Syria’sopposition to be armed and forArab League troops to be deployedto the country.

Addressing a meeting of theUN Human Rights Council inGeneva, Switzerland lastweek, Nassir said he was “deeplyconcerned” by the situation inSyria and called for theinternational community “toincrease its mobilisation”.

Page 32: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


US voters get ready for Super TuesdayUS voters in 10 states will

go to the polls on "SuperTueday," as the battle to fill

the Republican Party'spresidential nominationcontinues.

Alaska, Georgia, Idaho,Massachusetts, North Dakota,Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee,

Vermont and Virginia will all hostprimary and caucus nominatingcontests in what is becoming aprotracted race to see who will takeon President Barack Obama inNovember.

The sheer number of states inplay Tuesday, with their diversedemographics and political

leanings, could break open acandidate's pathway to thenomination, or spell the end of afailing campaign.

Super Tuesday essentiallyended the Republicannomination battle in 2008, whenMitt Romney capitulated andSenator John McCain went on to

become the nominee.Four years later, Romney is

the front-runner and couldpossibly seal the nomination onTuesday. However, close behindis Rick Santorum who could pulloff a stunning upset. NewtGingrich and Ron Paul are alsostill in the race.

Another likely scenario isthat no clear winner will emerge.

"I'm not sure Tuesday meansthat much other than more ofthe same," said veteranstrategist Neil Oxman, co-founder of The Campaign Group.

"What's going to happen is,Santorum is going to do wellenough to continue," whileRomney will emerge from SuperTuesday as "the favourite, but notthe overwhelming favourite,"Oxman told AFP news agency.

With some 437 delegates toAugust's Republican NationalConvention up for grabs -- nearly40 per cent of the 1,144 neededto secure the nomination --

Romney and Santorum have beencriss-crossing the country to staketheir claim to the biggestsweepstakes of the 2012campaign.

Romney got a boost going intoSuper Tuesday with a win in theWashington state caucuses, butthat contest was non-binding. SoRomney, Santorum and formerHouse speaker Gingrich each spentthe day stumping in Ohio.

They realize all eyes will be onthe crucial battleground state,which for decades has served as abellwether for the general election.

One important factor isGingrich, who is hoping tocatapult himself back into the race.He is polling ahead in Georgia, thestate he served in Congress for 20years, and which has Tuesday'slargest haul of 76 delegates.

Gingrich has been vying withSantorum to be the conservativealternative to Romney, but after aJanuary win in South Carolina hiscampaign has faltered.

Observers slam Russian voteas Putin declares victory

International observersblasted Russia'sp r e s i d e n t i a l

electionyesterday, saying: "Thepoint of an election is that theoutcome should be uncertain.This was not the case in Russia."

Russian Prime MinisterVladimir Putin looked set to winSunday's vote and return to theoffice he held until he was forcedout by term limits four years ago.

But European monitorsexpressed disappointment andfrustration with the way he won.

They said they observedballot stuffing and otherirregularities in about a third ofpolling stations they monitored,and an uneven playing field inthe run-up to the election.

Sounding somewhatexasperated, the Council ofEurope's Tiny Kox urged Russia"to have a fair election," saying"it's not that difficult."

Ambassador Heidi Tagliaviniof the Organization for Securityand Cooperation in Europe wasparticularly critical ofirregularities in vote countingbecause "what matters in anelection is the counting," she said.

She declined to say whetherthe irregularities affected theoutcome of the vote -- a landslide

for Putin by internationalstandards, if not Russian ones.

And she praised incrementalimprovements such as web camerasin polling stations and transparentballot boxes, as well as the "massivemobilization of civil societydemanding fair elections."

Putin called for unity Sundaynight as he appeared headed for athird term as president, declaringhe had won an "open and honestfight."

But chess champion-turnedopposition activist Garry Kasparovaccused Putin's supporters of"massive fraud," saying earlyMonday they packed the polls withadditional voters.

With better than two-thirds ofthe vote reporting early Monday,Putin led his closest rival by a nearly4-to-1 ratio. His margin of victorywas smaller than in 2004, the lasttime he ran for president, butappears well above the 50% neededto avoid a runoff.

"We have won an open andhonest fight," Putin told thecheering and flag-wavingsupporters who had braved the coldin Manezhnaya Square for hours tohear his expected victory speech.The results show "that our peopleare ready for renewal, and haveonly one aim."

Putin wins election amid fraud claims

Candidates have been campaigning across the country in preparation for Super Tuesday.

Many Yemeni soldiers killed in fightingScores of government

soldiers and al-Qaeda-linked fighters have died in

clashes in southern Yemen,according to medical and militaryofficials.

Officials yesterday raised thecasualty count since fightingbegan on Sunday in Abyanprovince to at least 85 Yemenisoldiers and 25 al-Qaeda fighters.

According to the AP newsagency, 106 people are reporteddead on both sides, while 55 troopshave been taken prisoner.

A military official, speaking tothe AFP news agency, said dozensmore Yemeni soldiers had beeninjured in surprise attacks onarmy posts on the outskirts ofZinjibar, Abyan's provincial

capital, and described the clashesas a "massacre".

The official said the fighting wastaking place west of Zinjibar. AlQaeda-linked fighters seized controlof the town in May, takingadvantage of political turmoillinked to the uprising againstformer Yemeni president AliAbdullah Saleh.

The battle is the latest in a spateof attacks against security forcessince President Abd-Rabbu MansourHadi took over from Saleh onFebruary 25 under a GulfCooperation Council brokeredtransition accord.

On the day Hadi was sworn in,vowing to carry on Saleh's fightagainst al-Qaeda in the south, asuicide bomber blew up his vehicle

Scores of governmentsoldiers and al-Qaeda-linked fighters have died in

clashes in southern Yemen,according to medical and military

officials.Officials yesterday raised the

casualty count since fighting beganon Sunday in Abyan province to atleast 139. Sunday's violence has killed

107 soldiers and 32 fighters.The attack on army bases

outside the provincial capital ofZinjibar also led to the capture of55 soldiers by the fighters. Thecaptives were paraded on thestreets of Jaar, a nearby town thatlike Zinjibar, has been under al-Qaeda's control for about a year.

A military official, speaking tothe AFP news agency, said dozensmore Yemeni soldiers had beeninjured in surprise attacks on armyposts on the outskirts of Zinjibar,Abyan's provincial capital, anddescribed the clashes as a"massacre".

A health official in the militaryhospital in the southern port cityof Aden, speaking on condition ofanonymity, said "many soldiersdied from wounds sustained in theassault" on army posts in theZinjibar outskirts.

Heavy Yemeni troop losses reported in attack

Yemen troop on parade

outside a presidential palace inthe southeastern province ofHadramawt killing 26 soldiers.

Late on Saturday, hours aftera similar suicide attack killed asoldier in southwest Yemen,suspected al-Qaeda gunmen shotdead a police officer inHadramawt.

Separately on Sunday,Abdullah Idris, the head of Saleh'sGeneral People's Congress partybranch in Rada, a town southeastof Sanaa, was "seriously"wounded when his car exploded,a military official said.

His two companions werealso wounded in the blast in Rada,which al-Qaeda briefly capturedin mid-January, the same sourcesaid.

Page 33: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Why did you lie to me, Daddy? Boy, 8, devastatedto find his illness is terminal after going on GoogleSchoolboy discovered

progressive conditionDuchenne muscular

dystrophy would eventually kill him'Since then he's had several

nightmares about it and always callsus in for a cuddle', says father

An eight-year-old boy washorrified to discover his illness wasterminal after he searched for it onGoogle while his parents were away.

Dominic Stacey knew he hadDuchenne muscular dystrophy,which has largely confined him to awheelchair. But his parents hadalways been up beat about thecondition to try and protect him.

But he found out the disorderwould progress and eventually causehis death after searching on theinternet while his parents were on aweekend away.

Dominic Senior, 33, and wifeCaroline, 42, returned home to findtheir son demanding to know whythey had lied to him.

The schoolboy, affectionatelyknown as Lil Dom, has suffered fromfrightening nightmares ever sincethe terrible revelation and frankconversations about this mortality.

Duchenne's causes muscledegeneration, difficulty walking,breathing, and eventually death.

Mr Stacey, a youth worker, said:'We've always drip-fed himinformation about the conditionwhich he calls his 'tired legs'.What isduchenne's?

Duchenne muscular dystrophyis an inherited disorder that causesprogressive muscle weakness.

It usually only affects boys(around one in 3,500), although girlscan carry the defective gene.

Although not apparent at birthsymptoms appear in early childhood.

Boys with Duchenne's will have

'We explained everything': Dominic Stacey with his son DominicJunior, who found out his condition was terminal on the internet

Dominic with his sisters Kate and Georgia: He has a progressivecondition that wastes the muscles. Duchenne's is inherited butusually only affects boys

Dominic, known to his friendsas Lil Dom, said he had a hugeappetite and needed to eat tokeep his strength up

difficulty with walking, jumping andclimbing stairs.

The disorder is diagnosed via ablood test and muscle tissue sample.

Sufferers are likely to needincreasing help and treatments fromthe age of nine. Walking becomesdifficult and a wheelchair is usuallyneeded by the age of 12.

As patients go through theirteenage years they are more likelyto suffer from complications suchas chest infections.

Most most people withDuchennes survive well into their20s and sometimes longer. Theeventual cause of death is usuallya severe chest infection at the stagewhen lung function is already

poor.'He understands the effects of

the condition but it's very hard toexplain to someone so young.

'He has asked us in the past if itwould kill him and we've alwaystold him that no one knows whenthey're going to die.'

Dominic, of Holsworthy,Devon, said the aftermath of thediscovery has been heartbreakingfor the whole family.

He said: 'He came up to me andasked me why I had lied to him. Hehad looked up the disorder online andfound out that it will eventually killhim.

'We sat him down and explainedeverything. It was one of the hardest

conversations I've ever had. We wereall in bits.

'Since then he's had severalnightmares about it and always callsus in for a cuddle.

'He just wants to know we're herefor him. One night he asked me tofind a cure for his condition and thathit me like a sledgehammer. I wantedto say yes, but it was so hard.'

Dominic said his son very rarelytalks about his condition now and hasreceived a lot of help from his palliativecare nurse.

Lil Dom said he still leads a normallife for a young boy.

He said: 'I like history and mathsat school and at home I enjoy drawingand playing on my Xbox.

'I like playing with my friends butI can't do it for too long because mylegs start to hurt.

'Luckily my school let me have asleep in the afternoons if I'm tired. Ialso have to eat a lot to keep mystrength up. I'm an eating machine.

Discipline, mummy bear-style: Cub given roarof disapproval.... before finally getting a hug

Quite what the little chaphad done to incur hismother's wrath remains

a mystery.But the chances are that he

won't do it again.This astonishing series of

pictures illustrates how, in theworld of the brown bear, thereare no agonised disputes overcorporal punishment ofchildren.

First, the mother glaresangrily at her son as he standsa few feet away looking guiltyand sheepish.

Within seconds he is backedinto a corner with a terrifiedexpression as she roars her

Perhaps this will teach you a lesson: She picks him up by thescruff of the neck and swings him around A word in your ear: The crestfallen cub approaches his mother

disapproval. Shortly afterwards he finds

himself airborne after sheseizes him by the scruff of theneck and propels him from sideto side.

However, the fierceencounter at Simferopol Zoo inthe Ukraine comes to a peacefulconclusion when Mummy, whoweighs the best part of 550lb,gently hugs him to her chest toreassure him that all is forgiven.

Page 34: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Why did you lie to me, Daddy? Boy, 8, devastatedto find his illness is terminal after going on GoogleSchoolboy discovered

progressive conditionDuchenne muscular

dystrophy would eventually kill him'Since then he's had several

nightmares about it and always callsus in for a cuddle', says father

An eight-year-old boy washorrified to discover his illness wasterminal after he searched for it onGoogle while his parents were away.

Dominic Stacey knew he hadDuchenne muscular dystrophy,which has largely confined him to awheelchair. But his parents hadalways been up beat about thecondition to try and protect him.

But he found out the disorderwould progress and eventually causehis death after searching on theinternet while his parents were on aweekend away.

Dominic Senior, 33, and wifeCaroline, 42, returned home to findtheir son demanding to know whythey had lied to him.

The schoolboy, affectionatelyknown as Lil Dom, has suffered fromfrightening nightmares ever sincethe terrible revelation and frankconversations about this mortality.

Duchenne's causes muscledegeneration, difficulty walking,breathing, and eventually death.

Mr Stacey, a youth worker, said:'We've always drip-fed himinformation about the conditionwhich he calls his 'tired legs'.What isduchenne's?

Duchenne muscular dystrophyis an inherited disorder that causesprogressive muscle weakness.

It usually only affects boys(around one in 3,500), although girlscan carry the defective gene.

Although not apparent at birthsymptoms appear in early childhood.

Boys with Duchenne's will have

'We explained everything': Dominic Stacey with his son DominicJunior, who found out his condition was terminal on the internet

Dominic with his sisters Kate and Georgia: He has a progressivecondition that wastes the muscles. Duchenne's is inherited butusually only affects boys

Dominic, known to his friendsas Lil Dom, said he had a hugeappetite and needed to eat tokeep his strength up

difficulty with walking, jumping andclimbing stairs.

The disorder is diagnosed via ablood test and muscle tissue sample.

Sufferers are likely to needincreasing help and treatments fromthe age of nine. Walking becomesdifficult and a wheelchair is usuallyneeded by the age of 12.

As patients go through theirteenage years they are more likelyto suffer from complications suchas chest infections.

Most most people withDuchennes survive well into their20s and sometimes longer. Theeventual cause of death is usuallya severe chest infection at the stagewhen lung function is already

poor.'He understands the effects of

the condition but it's very hard toexplain to someone so young.

'He has asked us in the past if itwould kill him and we've alwaystold him that no one knows whenthey're going to die.'

Dominic, of Holsworthy,Devon, said the aftermath of thediscovery has been heartbreakingfor the whole family.

He said: 'He came up to me andasked me why I had lied to him. Hehad looked up the disorder online andfound out that it will eventually killhim.

'We sat him down and explainedeverything. It was one of the hardest

conversations I've ever had. We wereall in bits.

'Since then he's had severalnightmares about it and always callsus in for a cuddle.

'He just wants to know we're herefor him. One night he asked me tofind a cure for his condition and thathit me like a sledgehammer. I wantedto say yes, but it was so hard.'

Dominic said his son very rarelytalks about his condition now and hasreceived a lot of help from his palliativecare nurse.

Lil Dom said he still leads a normallife for a young boy.

He said: 'I like history and mathsat school and at home I enjoy drawingand playing on my Xbox.

'I like playing with my friends butI can't do it for too long because mylegs start to hurt.

'Luckily my school let me have asleep in the afternoons if I'm tired. Ialso have to eat a lot to keep mystrength up. I'm an eating machine.

Discipline, mummy bear-style: Cub given roarof disapproval.... before finally getting a hug

Quite what the little chaphad done to incur hismother's wrath remains

a mystery.But the chances are that he

won't do it again.This astonishing series of

pictures illustrates how, in theworld of the brown bear, thereare no agonised disputes overcorporal punishment ofchildren.

First, the mother glaresangrily at her son as he standsa few feet away looking guiltyand sheepish.

Within seconds he is backedinto a corner with a terrifiedexpression as she roars her

Perhaps this will teach you a lesson: She picks him up by thescruff of the neck and swings him around A word in your ear: The crestfallen cub approaches his mother

disapproval. Shortly afterwards he finds

himself airborne after sheseizes him by the scruff of theneck and propels him from sideto side.

However, the fierceencounter at Simferopol Zoo inthe Ukraine comes to a peacefulconclusion when Mummy, whoweighs the best part of 550lb,gently hugs him to her chest toreassure him that all is forgiven.

Page 35: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Taking a daily vitamin pill couldprevent skin cancer, scientists revealA daily vitamin pill could

help prevent skin cancer -particularly among

women, it has emerged.Scientists say taking food

supplements containingvitamin A can make people lesslikely to develop melanoma, thedeadliest form of the disease.

A study found that retinol - akey component of Vitamin A - could protect against the illness.

The strongest protectiveeffects were found in women andin sun exposed sites, suggestingretinol actually combats skincancer.

However, there was noassociation between dietaryintake of vitamin A, found inliver, eggs and milk, and areduction in risk.

There was also no reducedrisk seen by the intake ofcarotenoids, which areabundant in vegetablesincluding carrots and tomatoesand soak up compounds that candamage the skin.

Previous research with micehas shown retinol andcarotenoids can shrinkmelanoma tumours andimprove survival.

Retinol is also good for theimmune system and eyesight

So dermatologist DrMaryam Asgari and colleaguesanalysed the disease risk in69,635 men and women agedbetween 50 and 76 whoconsumed vitamin A througheither dietary or supplementarymethods.

Their findings, published inthe Journal of InvestigativeDermatology, found those whoused retinol regularly were 60per cent less likely to developskin cancer, rising to 74 per centamong participants on thehighest doses of more than 1,200mg a day.

Dr Asgari, of the KaiserPermanente NorthernCalifornia Division of Researchin Oakland, said: ‘Our datasuggest a possible interactionbetween supplemental retinoluse and the anatomic site ofmelanoma, with sun-exposedsites showing a stronger

protective effect than sun-protected sites.

‘It may be that retinol’seffects may be mediated bysunlight exposure. Thisintriguing possibility warrantsfurther exploration in futurestudies.’

Retinol belongs to a class ofcompounds called retinoids thathave been shown to stop cellsdividing and spreading.

Dr Asgari said: ‘Insummary, our data, which arebased on a large prospectivecohort, suggest retinol intakefrom individual supplements isassociated with a reduction inrisk for melanoma, especiallyamong women.

‘Our findings suggestvitamin A supplementationmay hold promise as achemopreventive agent formelanoma.’

Skin cancer is the mostcommon type of cancer amongwhite populations, in the UK andworldwide.

Most are easy to treat andpose only a small threat to life,but melanoma is difficult totreat unless detected early.

Over the past 25 years, rates

Dangerous: Skin cancer is the most common type of canceramong white populations, in the UK and worldwide. Sun is one ofthe major causes of the disease

Good news: The strongest protective effects were found in women and in sun exposed sites,suggesting retinol actually combats skin cancer

of melanoma in the UK haverisen faster than any othercommon cancer.

About 1,800 people die frommelanoma annually in the UK.Even so, nearly 80 per cent ofmen and over 90 per cent ofwomen are alive at five yearsfollowing treatment.

However, Dr Claire Knight,

senior health information officerat Cancer Research UK, said: ‘Wedon’t recommend people starttaking retinol supplementsbased on this study, particularlyas high doses can be toxic.

‘The result was based on avery small number of peoplewith melanoma, and theauthors didn’t account for other

important factors that influencethe risk of skin cancer, such asthe number of moles a personhas.

“And crucially, when theauthors looked at whether aparticular dose was linked torisk, the link between retinol andmelanoma disappeared.’


Teenagers who smoke, drinkalcohol and eat junk food aresignificantly more likely to

be unhappy than their clean-living counterparts, a study hasfound.

About 5,000 children werequestioned on their appearance,family, friends, school and life asa whole, and had their happinesslevels rated.

Researchers discovered thatthose who never drank alcoholwere between four and six timesmore likely to have higher levelsof happiness than those who did,while those who shunnedcigarettes were about five timesmore likely to have highhappiness scores than youngsmokers.

The authors of the study,based at the Institute for Socialand Economic Research at EssexUniversity, used data fromUnderstanding Society, a long-term study of 40,000 UKhouseholds, to analyse the homelife and health-related behaviourof about 5,000 ten to 15-year-olds.

Their results found thatunhealthy habits such assmoking, drinking alcohol andnot taking exercise were closelylinked to substantially lowerhappiness scores, even whenfactors such as family incomeand parents’ education weretaken into account.

Higher consumption of fruitand vegetables, and less eating ofcrisps, sweets and fizzy drinks,was associated with highhappiness levels. Also, the

children who played a lot of sportwere deemed happier.

Cara Booker, co-author of theresearch, said that children couldbe turning to damaging vices tocope with their unhappiness. Shesaid: ‘Another explanation couldbe that youths who smoke anddrink first fit themselves intocertain groups that tend to beunhappier, and then they findthemselves unhappy. It becomesa vicious cycle.

‘It’s probably a combinationof both. Some will take upsmoking because they want tofeel more adult, but then findthemselves hanging out withpeople who are less happy andthen they become less happy.

‘But if you’re participating insports and have a social group whoare also interested in the samethings, you’re happier versus not

doing much of anything.’The study found that between

the ages of 13 and 15, teenagers’food consumption becameunhealthier – only 11 per centreported eating five or moreportions of fruit and vegetablesevery day – and theirparticipation in exercise fell. Andthe figures for alcoholconsumption revealed 8 per centof ten to 12-year-olds admittedhaving had an alcoholic drinkwithin the last month, rising to41 per cent among 13 to 15-year-olds.

Dr Booker added: ‘Themessage [to teenagers] is that youneed to be as healthy as possible,and participating in more adultbehaviour such as smoking anddrinking is not necessarily goingto make you happier.’


Smoking, drinking teens are the unhappiest of all

Hope: A daily vitamin pill couldhelp prevent skin cancer -particularly among women,scientists have revealed

Unhealthy habits: Researchers at Essex University have foundthat teenagers who drink tend to be unhappier (file picture)

Page 36: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Where is the hope forsecurity in Nigeriawith the spate of all

the bomb blasts?Well let me start by saying

that security is intimatelylinked to justice. Every societythat lacks justice will faceinsecurity and I think inNigeria the situation is thatthere is no justice becausepeople can do things and getaway with them. The commonman is always at the receivingend as he can not get justiceanywhere. I think that is whatis causing most of the problems.There is insecurity because ofunderdevelopment in thiscountry; there is incompetenceon the part of the government.It is not the matter of thesecurity agencies alone but anoverall picture of the laxity ofGovernment towards thepopulace when there are nobasic infrastructures, yetpeople loot the treasury and getaway with it. Big men can stealbillions of Naira and end upspending some few months injail and they are set free withsome getting apologies later on.Yet a small man who stealssome intangible item will endup spending years, sometimesup to ten years. Where is thejustice that we should expectpeace? It is not possible andthat is the bottom line.

Why do you say there isinjustice?

There is something that wedo not want to discuss in thiscountry and we must comeback to it. You see, when OduaPeoples Congress (OPC) startedtheir terrorist activities theywere perceived as peoplefighting for their rights andtherefore they were appeasedand they got what theywanted. From terrorism theywere seen as activists. In thesame vein when the NigerDelta boys started theiragitation against what theyperceived as injustice in their

land, they were appeased andtill now they are seen asactivists; their new name isagitators. However months agoduring the time of latePresident Yaradua there wasthis Boko Haram crisis. It waswatched all over the world onAljazeera Network on how theleader of the Boko Haram wasarrested by the army and wasallegedly handed over to thepolice and he was extra-judicially killed while nothinghappened. We also saw on Al-jazeera how alleged members ofthe Boko Haram were shot deadin the very eyes of the worldbecause they were alleged tobelong of the Boko Haram.These things will haverepercussion naturally becausenobody wants injustice so thegovernment has to face thereality. People have insisted

Injustice is the cause of terrorismin Nigeria, says CPC chieftain

Barrister Hussaini Garungabas


“Without justice, there will be no peace. Itis often said that it is not the absence of

peace that is war but the absence ofjustice that is war. This country is at warbecause there is no justice in this countryso we must address the issue of justice.

Barrister Hussaini Garungabas is theNigerian Bar Association (NBA)Chairman, Jigawa State and theSenatorial candidate of the Congress forProgressive Change (CPC) for JigawaNorth-West in last April’s NationalAssembly election. In this interview withour Correspondent, Ahmed Abubakar inDutse, he insisted that injustice is thebane of Nigerian security anddevelopment.

that those that carried out thecrime must equally bepunished. Nothing has beendone to those who killed him(Muhammed Yusuf) extrajudicially without any remorse.

This was the beginning andNigerians must understandthat it is not a matter of thepolice incompetence but that ofgovernment. We have anincompetent President, withdue respect, who after theOctober 1st bomb blast, cameout to defend his people thatthey were not culpable in theincidence, but then a few dayslater the same people he triedto defend came out to own up to

the crime. Look at the scenario,it is a very serious issue andtoday this is the person we callour President. It is a matter ofpeople thinking that there is nojustice in the land and justicemust be brought back. Peoplemust be seen to be fairlytreated before they canrecognize the government ofthe day.

Now the important thing isyou must provide for thepeople before you expect themto do their civic responsibility.People have been into hardshipin this country, no water, nolight, no job, no security but itis life as usual with peoplelooting the treasury as theywant. We must address thesefirst, to be able to understandthe security implication,otherwise we would continueto have these problems. Wemust bring back to book thosewho did that dastardly act tothe Boko Haram people. TheBoko Haram people areNigerians no matter whattheir crimes are; they entitledto be heard, they are entitledto be arrested taken to courtand punished if they are foundguilty. They are not to be extrajudicially killed by theauthorities.

Are you now saying thelate President Umaru MusaYaradua was selective in hisamnesty and justice?

I am going back beyond theformer President, in thebeginning it was the IBBadministration that gave OPCand the Niger Delta militants

the right to strike and dowhatever they wanted and yetthey would be appeased. It wasa bad precedence; it is not amatter of Yaradua or Obasanjoalone neither is it a matter ofIBB alone; it is about thenation. If somebody from theYoruba clan can do things andgo away with it and somebodyfrom the Niger Delta canequally do anything and getaway with it, of course one daysomebody from the North willdo things and will think he canget away with them.

What are you advocatingfor the security situationnow based on all that have

happened?Like I said, we must get

justice. Without justice, therewill be no peace. It is often saidthat it is not the absence of peacethat is war but the absence ofjustice that is war. This countryis at war because there is nojustice in this country so wemust address the issue ofjustice. There is total lack ofconcern by the government forthe governed. Therefore we willcontinue drifting to this kind ofinsecurity and later anarchywhich I don't pray for so wemust address the issue. Peoplewant to be employed but thereare no jobs and yet they knowthat we have a lot of wealth thatis been looted by a few andnothing is being done to thosethat steal the money. Peoplewant to go to school; people aresick but the hospitals are mereconsulting rooms, they areempty. How then can you havepeace? How can you havesecurity in this kind ofsituation? That is my view.

You are limiting the issue toeither religion or ethnicity it isnot, rather it is having a widerperspective we have to look atall the nooks and crannies ofthis country and see, what ishappening in the north, whatis happening in the Niger Delta,what is happening in theSouthwest and the politicalareas. In the April election, wasthere an election? But most ofthe people feel there were noelections in this country even

though the people are made tobelieve that the elections werefree and fair.

What is your view of therecent strike and theattendant protests?

Well I do not think theFederal Government had acase. They could have had acase if they are a seriousGovernment; they could havea case if they have the interestof the people of this countryin mind. Take the issue of thefuel subsidy removal, thetiming, does it make sense toyou? Look at all the problemsthis country is facing whetherit was proper for PresidentGoodluck Jonathan to makethe increase at that time; andthe answer is no.

As a lawyer, it is very sadthat a President of a countrylike Nigeria can act illegallylike President Jonathan hasdone. You know the salaries ofpolitical office holders is aregulated salary, it is a lawhe cannot change. It is onlythe National Assembly thatcan impact on that law, thatis the fact; but he, in hisspeech, he spoke about cuttingsalaries of political officeholders by 25% and secondlyhow long will Nigerians waitto benefit from the so calledgoodies in his speech which, inany case, was empty. I tell youNigerians have never had anincompetent and an ineptleader as Jonathan.

Page 37: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


LG congress: Youths searchparty chieftain’s house in BenueYouth in Guma, in Markudi

local govt area of Benue onbroke into the house of Mr.

Tivlumun Nyitse, a senioradministration official in thestate.

Nyitse who is the PermanentSecretary in the Benue StateGovernment House, Makurdi isalso a top-notcher in the rulingparty.

L-R: Speaker, Gombe State House of Assembly, Hon. Inuwa Garba, Gombe State Surveyor General, Mr. Bakari Tella, and Chairman, GombeState House Committee on Commerce, Hon. Sagir Hamma, looking at the plan of the abandoned Gombe International Market when thecommittee visited the site, recently in Gombe. Photo: NAN

Jigawa lawmaker trains 100 youths

An eye witness said thatsome people were displacedwhile others sustained injuriesbut the police in the state saidthey had yet to be informed.

An eye witness, Mr SaondoTykohol, said more than 15youths suspected to be politicalthugs, came to the house atabout 5 p.m.

He said that they attacked

the security guard, subduedhim and went to the mainbuilding where they broke thewindows.

Tyokohol said the youthsalleged that electoral materialsmeant for Uvii ward in the areawere diverted to the house fora purpose.

Though nobody died in theincident, the Police Relations Kaduna state chapter of the

ruling Peoples DemocraticParty (PDP) has said its

last ward congresses were hitchfree across the twenty three localgovernment areas.

The state party PublicRelations Officer, Alhaji WusonoAliyu, in a statement in Kadunasaid the party had put solidstructure at the grassroots withthe impressive turnout of itsmembers for the exercise addingthat it would remain united.

According to Wusono, theward congresses did not hold onSaturday in three localgovernments Igabi, Kubau andGiwa due to Kaduna state Houseof Assembly bye elections slatedthe same day which later heldon Sunday without hindrance.

"The ward congresses did nottake place in three localgovernment areas namelyIgabi,Kubau and Giwa onSaturday because of the Kadunastate House of Assembly byeelections held on the same day.We shifted it to Sunday(yesterday) and the wholeexercise went on smoothly. Uptill this moment we are yet toreceive complaints from anymember. Our Ward CongressesCommittee will brief us laterbut based on the report we haveat hand no problem," he assured.

Alhaji Wusono further notedthat although aggrievedmembers had the rights toappeal, such may not arise inKaduna.


Governor Adams Oshiomholefor the developmental projectsin the state.

In the statement, Nowintasaid "at the end of an enlargedmeeting of the Committee ofConcerned Authors forOshiomhole (COCAO), it wasunanimously agreed that givenrecent insinuations in somequarters in Edo State, weearnestly urge the people of EdoSouth Senatorial district todiscard any form of tribal

sentiments for any othercandidates in the July 14thgovernorship election, andinstead pitch their tents withComrade Adams Oshiomhole,because he represents progressand light for the people of EdoState.

"As far as COCAO isconcerned, Comrade AdamsOshiomhole has earned hisrespect as the true leader of themasses of Edo State through theconsistency of his pragmatic

efforts in fostering the commongood.

"Comrade AdamsOshiomhole stands head andshould above other candidates. Noamount of tribal sentimentsmust becloud the progress that wesee today in Edo State, Therefore,the people of Edo South Senatorialdistrict must ignore yesterday'smen and pseudo-democrats whoare looking for any availableopening to assuage their pursuitof vain glory."

Authors urge Edo voters to shun tribal sentiments

Authors, under the aegis ofCommittee of ConcernedAuthors for Oshiomhole

(COCAO) has urged the peopleof Edo State to shun tribalsentiments when voting in theJuly 14 governorship electionin the state.

The authors in a statementsigned by their President, Mr.Igbotako Nowinta' said they hadresolved to pitch their tent with

Officer in the state, Mr EjikeAlaribe, said he was waiting tobe briefed. "Somethingactually happened but I amwaiting to be briefed to be ableto speak with facts and figuresto you so that the public is notmisinformed.''

The congresses were held inall the council wards of the stateon Saturday. (NAN)

From Lawal Sadiq Sanusi,Kaduna

A member representingKaugama constituency inthe Jigawa state House of

Assembly, Alhaji Shehu Liman,has expended about N500, 000to train 100 youths in variousskills.

The lawmaker said his aimwas to complement the GovernorSule Lamido led administration

in providing job opportunities tothe teaming youth in the state.

Liman said this was in linewith his determination toimprove the economy of thepeople through empowermentprogramme to be self reliant.

He added that the cardinal isto alleviate poverty among thepeople especially those in therural area.

The lawmaker explained

that "this effort coincide with themanifesto of the ruling PeopleDemocratic Party (PDP) and ourable leader Alhaji Sule Lamidowho established the ministry ofeconomic empowerment and togive the dividend of democracyto my people

He maintained that creationof job opportunities andempowerment for the peoplewill also contribute to the

reduction of thuggery in thestate.

Liman idicated that hedecided to engage the services ofNational Directorate ofEmployment (NDE) as partnersin minimizing or eveneradicating the level ofunemployment and povertyamong our people throughcreation of job opportunities forour youth.

From Ahmed Abubakar, Dutse

By Osaigbovo Iguobaro, Benin

The Senate President Sen.David Mark has assuredthe people of Otukpo that

he would try his best possible toensure the creation of Apa state.

The Senate President whoexpressed satisfaction with theconduct of last weekend's Peoples'Democratic Party, PDP, wardcongress in his home town,Otukpo, also urged his people toremain loyal to the party.

Mark, who participated inthe congress in his ward,observed the orderly andmatured manner members ofthe party conductedthemselves.

The Senate Presidentequally assured the people thathe would continue to attract thedividends of democracy to thepeople.

Markassures oncreation ofApa stateFrom Uche Nnorom, Makurdi

Page 38: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Court of Appeal dismissessuit against Gov. AhmedThe Court of Appeal, Ilorin

Division, yesterdaydismissed a suit

challenging the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP)primary election in Kwara in

2011 that produced Gov.Abdulfatah Ahmed as thecandidate of the party.

The court ruled that theappeal was 'unmeritorious' anddismissed it for want of legality.

Chief Samuel Adedayo, afactional Chairman of PDP, hadasked the court to set aside the

judgment of the Federal HighCourt, Ilorin, that declared itsparallel congress andcandidate, Mr BashirBolarinwa, illegal.

He said that the party'sstate executive, under hisleadership, was authentic andthat the primary election it

The House of RepresentativesCommittee on Foreign Affairshas summoned the Minister of

Foreign Affairs, Mr. Gbenga Ashiru,before its Committee on ForeignAffairs to clarify issues surroundingthe recent deportation of 125Nigerians by South Adfrica'sauthorities.

The Chairman of the Committee,Rep Nnenna Elendu-Ukeje, said thelawmakers were disturbed by thediplomatic row brewing betweenNigeria and other African countries.

She said the committee wasworried by the series of negativeattacks on Nigerians and itsembassies, especially in Africa.

Elendu-Ukeje said the recentdeportation of 125 Nigerians by SouthAfrica was the height of insult andindignation Nigerians would besubjected to in the continent.

According to her, some monthsago, the Nigerian High Commissionwas attacked in South Africa for nojust reason and wondered why suchaction should be happening toNigeria.

Elendu-Ukeje also recalled therecent detention of some Nigeriansin Togo by the Togolese authoritieswithout explanation to the NigerianGovernment.

``We are indeed worried aboutall these indignation and scornNigerians are subjected to all over theworld, especially by sister Africannations, which calls for a review ofour relationship with these countries.

``So, we have invited theminister of Foreign Affairs to ameeting on Tuesday (Tomorrow) tocome and explain to us ourrelationship with these countries andwhy Nigerians are being subjectedto ridicule all over the world,'' she said.

Elendu-Ukeje said it was hightime the country put its act togetherand take its rightful position in Africa,which could only be done withNigeria redefining its relationshipwith some African countries.

``The outcome of the meetingwill shape our next line of action as aparliament in our foreign policydirection and relationship with thesecountries. We cannot allow theseinsults on our citizens and country tocontinue unabated,'' she said.

Repssummonminister overdeportationof Nigerians

improve and make the electoralprocess more credible.

The INEC Chairman advisedthem to make discipline andintegrity as their watchwords.'There are still enormoustremendous challenges ahead of us.

According to him, "we haveraised the bar, yes there is room forimprovement, in fact whateverindices you use to compare theelections we have conducted in April

and since April, I think, there areclear indicators that we have beenimproving but the challenges areenormous.

``I keep saying that withregards to electoral matters in thiscountry we have left things to be sobad for so long that it will require alot of efforts to be able to get out ofthe woods.''

Jega called for collectivecontributions to ensure that the

INEC chairman swears in 5 new RECs,urges them to be fair, non-partisan

INEC Chairman, Prof. AttahiruJega, yesterday in Abuja swore-in five newly appointed Resident

Electoral Commissioners (RECs),with a charge on them to ensurefairness and greater discipline in thedischarge of their responsibilities.

Jega also warned the new RECsagainst partisanship in order to

conducted be upheld.Justice Ignatius Agube,

leading two others,unanimously resolved twoissues raised for determinationagainst the appellant. He saidthat the respondentssubstantially complied with thePDP constitution and that ``the

Newly Appointed Resident Electoral Commissioners, taking oath Office before the INEC Chairman,Professor Attahiru Jega, during their swearing, yesterday, in Abuja. Photo: Mahmud Isa

article of the party gives norecognition to the appellants.

"The issues of whether theappellants are the authenticexecutive members of the partyand compliance to the 2010Electoral Law as amended areresolved against theappellants," he said.

The judge observed that theprimary election conducted bythe appellants was notsupervised by the party'sNational Secretariat asstipulated by the partyconstitution.

"The appellant's congresswas not supervised by theparty's national secretariat asstipulated in their constitution.The appellants also agreed atthe lower court to haveparticipated in the congressorganised by the respondents.

``The appeal is, however,unmeritorious and should bedismissed in its entirety," thecourt declared.

Mr. Bola Gold, Counsel tothe respondents, described thejudgment as just and a victoryfor democracy.

"The judgement is a victoryfor democracy and attestationthat Nigeria's judiciary signifiesjustice in all ramifications," hesaid.

Ibrahim Kareem, Counsel tothe appellants, said he wouldbrief his client to know the nextstep to take.

Umar Mohammed with Agencyreports

April general election, which wasadjudged a success by manyNigerians and internationalobservers, was improved upon.

He told the RECs to keep an opendoor policy as well as maintaindignified relationships with theirhost communities and not beoutrageously dependentparticularly on state governments.

He then charged them to dowhat is doable, but should neverever compromise in terms of theprocesses and in terms of the legalframe work.

Responding on behalf of hiscolleagues, Mr Austine Okojie fromEdo State assured of theirdetermination to discharge theirduties legally and with loyalty tothe commission.

He said the RECs wouldacknowledge the attitude ofNigerians in not demonstrating thespirit of fair play during elections.

Okojie, who was reappointed,had served in various statesincluding Benue, Imo, Enugu,Bayelsa, Rivers and Abia. Othersinclude Prof. Jacob Jatau, MessrsBaba Yusuf, Segun Agbaje, andNasir Ayilara. The newly sworn inRECs are yet to be deployed to theirnew places of assignments.

Umar Mohammed with Agencyreports

Minister of Interior,Comrade Abba Moro, atthe weekend expressed

disappointment over the conductof the PDP congress in his hometown, Okpokwu local governmentareas.

Comrade Moro in an interviewwith newsmen regretted thedisappearance of electoralmaterials meant for the conduct ofward congresses and charged theleadership of the party in the stateto fish out and bring to bookperpetrators of such evil act.

The minister however,observed that the exercise was

peaceful and orderly in other partsof Benue South district, assuringparty members who weredisfranchised that theabnormalities noticed in somewards would be corrected even ashe urged them to remain loyaland calm.

Peoples Daily's investigationshowed that enthusiastic partymembers who turned out in theirthousands to elect their partyofficials went home disappointedas they were outrightly denied theopportunity to do so becausehoodlums snatched electoralmaterials meant for the exerciseto unknown destination.

In Ichama ward 1and 2, the

Interior minister frowns at poor conduct of congressstate PDP Chairman who hailsfrom the area allegedly refused torelease the materials for theelection whereas in Ingle/Okpaile,results of the election were said tobe ready early but the electoralpanel on the instruction of superiorpowers left without collecting theresult which was subsequentlydeposited at Okpoga police station.

Some of the council wardswhere voting could not hold due todiversion of materials include,Eke, Ojigo, Okpoga North, as wellas Ichama 1 and 2.

The congress was however,said to be successful in Ogbokolo,Amejo, Okonobo, Okpaile/Ingleand Okpoga central wards.

By Lawrence Olaoye

From Uche Nnorom, Makurdi

Page 39: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


Member of the House ofR e p r e s e n t a t i v e srepresenting Lavun/

Edati/Mokwa federal constituencyof Niger state, Hon. MohammedSani Idris Kutigi, has congratulatedGovernor Muazu Babangida Aliyuon his recent victory at the SupremeCourt.

Speaking to select members ofthe media in Abuja recently, he

Rep congratulates Niger governor on court verdict

No WardCongress inJigawa, saysPDP chieftain

described the victory as "a well-deserved one."

He called on all stakeholders inthe state to join hands with thegovernor as he continues to positionthe state on its march towardsbecoming one of the top threedeveloped states in Nigeria by theyear 2020.

Commenting on the justconcluded state congress of the PeopleDemocratic Party (PDP) in the state,the lawmaker commended all the

The People DemocraticParty (PDP) yesterdaycongratulated the former

President Olusegun Obasanjowho attained the age of 75years.

The party in a release madeavailable to newsmen by itsNational Publicity Secretary,

Professor Rufa'I Ahmed Alkalidescribed the former Presidentas a man of destiny having hadthe opportunity to lead thecountry on two occasions.

The party wrote "No doubt,Seventy-Five years in the life ofany man is significant. For ChiefObasanjo, a man who for thebetter part of the last Seventy-Five years demonstrated

By Lawrence Olaoye uncommon leadership in serviceto Nigeria, Africa and the World,the significance of these years offearless patriotism beckons on thepsyche of all Nigerians and that ofthose that wish her well.

"For a man whom destiny hastwice enthroned to lead the nationat challenging times and twice, leftno guesses as to his commitmentand competence; leaving legacies

PDP celebrates Obasanjo at 75

Worried that localg o v e r n m e n tadministration in the

entire South Eastern States havenot been run in compliance withthe constitutional prescription ofdemocracy since 1999, HumanRights Writers Association ofNigeria (HURIWA) hasupbraided the South Eastgovernors for underminingdemocracy and the Rule of lawat the grass root level.

HURIWA, a developmentoriented and democracy inclinednon-Governmental bodyparticularly criticized the Abiastate governor Mr. TheodoreOrji, for unilaterally andarbitrarily sacking local councilexecutives last week followingsporadic protests by the ordinarycitizens in Aba during a pre-funeral event for the lateStatesman-Dim Chukwuemeka

Odumegwu-Ojukwu. Itdescribed the action of the AbiaState Governor as a serious rapeof the democratic tenets of freespeech and called it an illegaland unconstitutional conduct.

In a statement jointlyendorsed by the NationalCoordinator, ComradeEmmanuel Onwubiko and theNational Media Director, Miss.Zainab Yusuf, the Rights groupfurther supported the reportedmove by the National Assemblyto amend relevant sections of theConstitution of Nigeria tospecifically compel the periodicconduct of democratic electionsat the local council areas of theCountry.

HURIWA said it would bebeneficial to the rapidadvancement of democracy ifthe relevant sections of theconstitution are amended to

HURIWA lambasts South/East govs over muzzling of LGAsstrengthen the operational andfinancial independence ofelectoral bodies at the statelevel to extricate them from thesuffocating dominance andcontrol of the state governorsand allow for free, fair andpeaceful elections at the grassroot.

It further called for thecreation of an independentcommission to monitoroperations of local governmentand maintain theconstitutional independence ofthe Local Government areacouncils and save them frominterference from either thestate or federal political leaders.

The association stated "Weare shocked that the localgovernment administration inNigeria over the past decade hassuffered spectacular oppressionin the hands of state governors

stakeholders for closing ranks in theinterest of stability of the party andthe state.

"I commend the Chief Servant ofNiger state, party elders and theentire stakeholders from ward tostate levels for their maturity andsense of commitment. Politics isalways about give and take," he said.

On the recent National Bureauof Statistics (NBS) poverty indexreport data which placed the state asthe least in terms of poverty rate, he

who have transformedthemselves into political tin-godsand have made it a point of dutyto always appoint their stoogesto run the local governmentareas like 'Colonial Districtofficers' at the whims andcaprices of the appointingauthority".

It cited section 7(1) of theconstitution of 1999 as amendedwhereby the law recommendsthat the system of localgovernment by democraticallyelected councils is sacrosancteven as it tasked the NationalAssembly to amend the relevantsections of the constitution tomake it an impeachable offencefor state governments that failto respect the law specifyingdemocratic administratorselected by the electorate at thevarious local governmentcouncils in Nigeria.

R-L: Speaker of House of Representatives, Hon Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, Emir of Kazaure, Alhaji Najib Adamu, and Jigawa stateGovernor, Alhaji Sule Lamido, during the speaker's visit to Kazaure, recently in Jigawa state.

said it was an indication of goodgovernance in the state, calling onNigerlites to close ranks irrespectiveof differences in political affiliationsfor the good of the state.

He also threw his weight behindthe clamour for fiscal autonomy forthe local governments, saying itwas long overdue.

He said such autonomy wasrequired at that level of governmentfor there to be development at thegrassroots levels.

A youth group, South WestYouth Vanguard for Justice,has thrown its weight behind one

of the contenders of the PeoplesDemocratic Party (PDP)'s chairmancontenders, Alhaji Gambo Lawan.

Addressing newsmen in Abuja atthe weekend in Abuja, NationalCoordinator of the group, Mr. Akeredolu-Ale Akinkugbe urged PDP leadership toput into practice what it has preachedand campaigned in recently years.

He said Alhaji Gambo, 53, a formerNational Chairman of the defunctGrassroots Democratic Movement wasthe youngest of the entire stock ofcontestants for the PDP chairman and,given his antecedents in politics andbusiness, represent the reform the partyhas preached in recent times.

He said "Sentiment aside, some of usin the South West Youth for JusticeVanguard have worked closely withAlhaji Gambo Lawan. He is a man whoknows his onions and a goal getter. Hisleadership qualities and experienceswould no doubt make him the bestcandidate for the chairmanshipposition. I have no doubt in my mindthat he will be the rallying point thatthe party so much need at this time of itshistory."

Akeredolu-Ale added "with all senseof responsibility, we members of theSouth West Youth Vanguard for Justicebelieve in the ability of the man, AlhajiGambo to pilot the affairs of the nationalexecutive of the PDP. He is a man to betrusted and we hereby urge them tovote for him come 24th of March."

Group drumssupport for Gamboas PDP chairmanBy Lawrence Olaoye

that will outlive him, the nationowes a lot to his conscience, foresightand undiluted belief in the unityand oneness of our dear nation.From every stretch of imagination,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo is agreat Nigerian, AfricanStatesman and a world citizenwhose immense globalcontributions will be indeliblyetched in history."

Deputy Chairman of thePeoples Democratic Party(PDP) Jigawa Chapter, Alhaji

Sani Ahmed, has said that there wereno congress elections at the state's 287polling wards of the 27 localGovernments in Jigawa.

Speaking yesterday to Peoples Dailyat the state PDP headquarters, the partychieftain said the congress wascharacterized with a general consensusof the entire candidates fielded by thepolitical party in their wards.

Danzomo said the consensus wastargeted at minimizing enmity andconfusion that usually arose duringsuch elections adding that the state PDPas a family deemed it right to allow fortalks and negotiations amongstcandidates with a view to allow for theconsensus.

The PDP chieftain added "We in thePDP are doing our politicking as familymembers are trying our best tominimize rancor and disharmony thatusually usurp the coexistence of apeople".

On his part the Chairman CongressCommittee Alhaji Ado Datti said theJigawa state PDP congress was the mostorganised and peaceful ever in the entirenation.

According to him, ''apart from thefact that there was a general idea ofconsensus agreements, however no onequeried or petitioned the activity as ithappened in some states of thefederation."

From Ahmed Abubakar, Dutse

From Iliyasu Garba, Minna

Page 40: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


T he Nigeria Football Federation will holdthe much-awaited CAF ‘B’ CoachingLicense course between from 11-24, 2012,

according to the NFF’s Director of Technical,Dr. Emmanuel Ikpeme.

Speaking in Abuja, Ikpeme said theprogramme, which comes five months afterthe much-applauded CAF ‘C’ License course,will involve 80 Nigerian coaches.

“We are happy to announce that theConfederation of African Football has given usthe go-ahead to hold the CAF B License Course,which our coaches have been so eagerlyawaiting. We are already putting finishingtouches to our preparation to have theprogramme and all those who passed the CAFC License programme are duly qualified.

“Also, we have reached out to all those whowill be serving as instructors for theprogramme, and I can tell you that everythingis on course”, stated Ikpeme.

A total of 60 coaches will be taking part in thetwo-week course for the CAF B Licenseprogramme, while 20 coaches will partake inthe one-week CAF B Equivalent for seniortrainers.

Nigeria’s FIFA Technical Advisor, ChiefAdegboye Onigbinde and former NFFTechnical Director, Dr Kashimawo Laloko areamong the instructors for the course.

Among the Nigerian coaches expected toparticipate in the course are Austine Eguavoen,Stanley Eguma, Ben Iroha and several othernational and some premier leaguecounterparts.

Vitali Klitschko

The WBC heavyweight champion, Vitali Klitschko said inDüsseldorf said on Saturday that he would defend his titleagainst David Haye, who quickly accepted to return to ring to face

Klitschko senior.“I can announce that my next fight will be with David Haye,” Klitschko

told 50 000 spectators at the Esprit Arena immediately after his brotherWladimir had knocked out Jean-Marc Mormeck to retain his WBO, WBA,IBF and IBO titles.

Haye, who retired in October last year, had been wanting to fightKlitschko after losing his WBA belt to Wladimir last July.

He was also involved in a post-fight brawl with Dereck Chisora after theformer Commonwealth champion had lost to Vitali on February 19.

Haye, who is still wanted by German police for questioning, said onTwitter: “Vitali has finally agreed to fight me … He told me I will be hisnext fight. Let’s get ready to rumble.”

Fights between the Klitschko brothers and Haye have been called offtwice. If the fight does take place, it could be 40-year-old Vitali’s last. Heannouncing before beating Chisora that he would fight “a couples of timesmore” before retiring.

Haye, who turned heavyweight in 2008 after a cruiserweight careerthat started in 2002, could face problems fighting in Germany, where theUkrainian brothers are based.

He left the country after the brawl with Chisora, who was brieflydetained and questioned by police. The 31-year-old Haye, who has won 25fights and lost two, said he fled Germany because of death threats hereceived from Chisora.

T he Paralympics Committee of Nigeria(PCN) has commended the Para-Powerteam for its successful outing at the just-

concluded 4th Faza World Paralympics Powerlifting Championship which held in the UnitedArab Emirates.

The committee’s secretary, Frank Thorpe,told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) onMonday in Lagos that he was proud of the teamfor its brilliant performance at thechampionship.

He stated that the Para- Power lifters won totalof 6 gold, 8 silver and 2 bronze medals, whichplaced Nigeria second on the medal tablebehind Egypt,

The athletes were Yakubu Adesokun (48kg),Nnajioforl (60kg), Ether Onyema (48kg),Nwokorie lvory (44kg), Olufemi Ayo Folashade(75kg) and Grace Anozie who competed in the82.5kg + class accounted for the 6 gold medals.

According to him, Nigeria also set two newworld records in the 48kg weight category and82.5+ kg classes, saying that Adesokun lifted177kg in the 48kg weight division. “This recorderased the former record of 175kg and set a newworld record in the sport, an evidence that theathlete is progressing in his performance,” headded.

Grace Anozie set the second record in the82.5kg + when she lifted 168kg to erase theformer record, this stood at 167kg which shealso set last year.

He disclosed that with the result, 20 NigerianPara-Powerlifters had qualified for the London2012 Paralympics Para-Powerlifting events,adding that it was a pleasing development.

The PCN secretary, however, urged thesuccessful athletes not to relent in training butto be more committed as the Olympic Gamebattle was not yet over.

T he technical crew of the Golden Eaglets led byHead Coach, Manu Garba yesterday formallylodged their against what they termed ‘shabby

treatment’ with the leadership of the Nigeria FootballFederation board.

Coaches Garba, Nduka Ugbade, Emmanuel Amuneke,Emeka Amadi and other officials met with the presidentof the board in a meeting where they were said to havecomplaint bitterly against being lodged at theuncompleted FIFA Goal Project hostel, their unpaidsalaries as well as other logistics which would facilitatetheir work.

Peoples Daily Sports recalls that some members of thetechnical crew had publicly complaint about the “hugedisparity” between their salaries and that of the head coachand had threatened to back out of their contract.

Only last week, they were said to have threatenedagain to down tools in protest against unequaltreatement. Specifically, the coaches of the Eaglets weredispleased that unlike the home-based Super Eagles andtheir crew who were lodged at Bolton White, they were

made to stay in an uncompleted accommodation.According to them, this accommodation is not only

demeaning but demonstrates a lack of regard to theteam and coaches. “We are also national coaches andplayers too, so why the disparity?,” queried an official ofthe team.

But yesterday, after meeting with Maigari, they wereadvised to focus on their primary assignment as the footballfederation was working hard to make available necessarylogistics including proper lodgment for the team.

“I’m very happy that Nigerians were happy over yourappointments as coaches of the Golden Eaglets and youare all employed based on merit,” Maigari told hisAugust visitors. “You have been carefully selectedbecause we want a fresh start for our football and thegood thing is that almost all of you passed through thisstage before you eventually played for the Super Eagles,”Maigari charges.

He was to caution them later against unnecessarilygoing public with minor issues which should been sortedout with the football federation rather stirring publicsentiment that could merely distract them from theirwork.

Vitali announces fight against Haye

Golden Eaglets’coaches confront MaigariBy Patrick Andrew

NFF holds CAF ‘B’license coaching course

PCN scribe applaudsPara-Powerlifters for asuccessful outing

Nigeria's gold medal winner, Obioma Agatha Okoli

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Rangers International FCof Enugu says it isplanning to consolidate on

its lead in the premier league witha strong showing against NigerTornadoes in Minna on Saturday.

The club’s coach, Okey Emodi,told newsmen after a 1-0 victoryover Lobi Stars of Makurdi in Enuguon Sunday, that the players wouldnot disappoint their fans.

He said the team needed thesupport of the fans to put up astrong showing at the away matchagainst Niger Tornadoes.

Rangers still maintain the topspot on the league table with 22points, having won six matches,drawn four and lost one.

Emodi explained that the teamdid not perform well against LobiStars as expected, but promised to

correct the mistakes before thenext match.

He said he was impressed thattwo players from the team,Chikeluba Ofoedu and Emeka Eze,had been called to the U-17national team and commended theNigeria Football Association forpicking them.

“Of course, two of them havebeen called to the national team,Chikeluba and Emeka. It is a goodomen as far as we are concerned.They are going there to representus and we hope that they willbehave well when they get there.”

The technical adviser, whocould not guarantee a victory overNiger Tornadoes, assured the fansthat Rangers would do well in thematch with their support.

Also speaking, Ofoedu said he

was happy that he had beenselected for the kindergartennational team.

Ofoedu, who has scored five goalsso far in the league, said he wasstill a new player and promised tostrive to retain the club at the topposition.

He said he would continueplaying for the club even thoughhe had been called for nationalassignment. “I am going to thenational team does not mean thatI will stop playing in my club side.The arrangement is that when wehave a match, they will release meto come and play the match, afterthe match, I will go back again.”

Ofoedu scored the lone goal in the21st minutes after beating Lobidefender Bunde Moses from theright flank.

A swimming coach,Adebayo Adeola said inLagos yesterday that

children could be taught

swimming from the time theybecame two years old.

Adeola told the News Agencyof Nigeria (NAN) that with ripe

age and right investments, thebenefits would show within 12years.

The coach, a former

swimming coach at theUniversity of Lagos, noted thatchildren had the psychologicalattraction to water, which henoted always made them towant to play with water.

“If you take a child forteaching in two years and youteach that child effectively, bythe time that child is 12 years,he or she will become at least, astate champion.”

Adeola told NAN that a childcould be said to be performingwell if he was recording between25 seconds and 30 secondstiming over 50 meters freestyleand 30 seconds to 35 secondsover 50 meters backstroke,breaststroke and butterflystyles.

The coach, who authored abook: “Fundamentals ofSwimming”, in 2010 notedthat swimming was science,stressing that coaches neededboth physical and psychologicalexperience to train swimmers.

“Physical coaching is whatwe go to the swimming pool: doyour hand like this; do your leglike this; name it. When itcomes to the other aspect, it ispsychological, to psyche up anindividual to be able to say okaythis man, all along he is beencoming first, I am going to beathim, I am going him to get himout of the race.”

The coach also noted thatpoor administration,inadequate facilities and badcoaching were factorsmilitating against thedevelopment of the sport.

He observed that if thesewere tackled, swimming wouldtake its rightful position andnoted that the country couldregain its lost glory inswimming if talents wereidentified from nursery andprimary schools and given theright training.

Coach says 2 years, right age to begin swimming

Rangers FC promise strongshowing to consolidate lead

Nigerian swimmers

Kelechi Emetole, theChief Coach of ElKanemi Warriors FC, of

Maiduguri, says the club is oncourse to gain promotion tothe elite premier league.

Emetole spoke on Saturdayafter his team beat RanchBees of Kaduna 3-0 at the ElKanemi Sports Centre,Maiduguri, in a Pro-leaguematch.

“Like I said before, I camehere to pick up the challengeto take El kanemi where theyrightly belong. You can seethat we are on course; wehave 10 points from fivematches which is not a badresult. If we continue like thiswe will attain our goal,” hesaid.

Emetole said that the teamdrew 1-1 in its first matchagainst JUTH FC of Jos, inJos, and walked-over FRSCFC of Abuja in the secondmatch. “We beat the 36 LionsFC of Kogi 3-1 in the thirdmatch and lost 0-1 in thefourth match.”

He said that the 3-1 victoryover the Ranch Bees ofKaduna would serve as amorale booster for the teambefore their next match. Thecoach said that he wouldresign if at the end of theseason the club failed to gainpromotion to the elitepremier league.

“I am repeating it again thatmy stay here will be of no useif I cannot bring them to thePremier League,’’ he said.

The former coach ofHeartland FC was optimisticthat the club would triumphat the end of the season goingby the enormous support itwas getting from themanagement.

Emetole blamed hisinability to win the CAFChampions League whilehandling Heartland to poormotivation by themanagement.

“I lost the Champions’League because themanagement was notcommitted; the players wenton strike due to non-payment of theirentitlements. At the final, theplayers lost commitment andzeal. I appealed to them butsome stubborn ones were notconvinced; at the end we lost,the rest is history now,” hesaid.

El kanemi Warriors, aformer FA ChallengeChampions, have beenstruggling in the pro leaguesince they were relegatednine years ago.

El Kanemion courseforpromotion,says CoachEmeteole

Nigeria’s CAF ChampionsLeague flag bearers,Dolphins of Port

Harcourt have by their firstround success drawn formersemi-finalists, Coton Sport ofYaounde, Cameroon.

Dolphins qualified for thenext round with a 6-0 goalsaggregate having won the firstleg 3-0 in Malabo, EquatorialGuinea two weeks ago and themanager, Stanley Egumabelieves the round of 32 wouldbe tougher than the first round.

However, Eguma, saysDolphins are bracing up for thetougher challenges against theCoton Sport and any otheropponents that would cometheir way in the Confederationof African Football (CAF)Champions League.

The former National U-23assistant coach made thecomments following his team’sdefeat of Sony de Ela Nguema

of Equatorial Guinea 3-0 onSunday in the return legmatch in Port Harcourt. Theyhad fortnight earlier won bythe same margin on the road.

Eguma said his team wouldwork hard to meet thechallenges in thechampionship.

“I think, this is thebeginning, I will say. It is notyet over. We have scaled thefirst round and we believe thatthis competition, the secondround may be tougher becausethe higher it goes, the hotter itbecomes.

“And I believe that CottonSport, of Cameroon who issupposed to be our nextopponents, they have a lot ofexperience in the continent.

“And, it will be an advantageto them but, I think, Dolphinshave come to stay and we willdo all within our possible meansto see that we overrun them

and move to the next stage ofthe tournament.”

Isiaka Olawale scored thefirst goal for Dolphins in thesecond minute when heconnected a pull-out from theleft flank by Ifeanyi Egwim.

Egwim nodded in the secondgoal for Dolphins in the 35thminute, while ex-Flying EaglesStar, Jeleel Ajagun scored thethird goal in the 67th minute.

Sony de Ela Nguema ManagerYelato Yao said the outcome ofthe match was a proof thatNigeria had a good league.

He said Dolphins currentlyoccupy the second position onthe Nigerian league table andthe way they played was acredit to the domestic league.

Yao, an Ivorian, said theleague in Equatorial Guineawas suspended because of theNations Cup in January, co-hosted by the country andGabon and had not resumed.

CAF Champions League

Dolphins to face Coton Sport,as Eguma foresees tougher ties

Dolphins’ Isiaka Olawale

Stanley Eguma

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A Filipino promoter says he is filing acomplaint to the Mexican BoxingCommission against an agent who sent

the wrong boxer to fight IBF internationalfeatherweight champion Rey Bautista.

ALA Promotions President MichaelAldeguer said yesterday his organizationintends to sue the Mexican agent, HugoCorrea. Bautista was expected to fight Genaro“Poblanito” Garcia, who has a 38-8 record.Instead, a heavier boxer with a poorer recordcalled Genaro“Panterita” Garcia turned up.

The fight went ahead but ALA saidbeforehand that tickets would be refunded.Garcia was knocked out in the second round.

Director of Technical at theNigeria Football Federation,Dr. Emmanuel Ikpeme

yesterday dismissed insinuations thatthe FIFA Technical Centre, otherwiseknown as the Goal Project, where thetechnical crews of the U-17 nationalteam, Golden Eaglets, are beinglodged is sub-standard.

“It is sheer falsehood to claim thatthe Goal Project is sub-standard.

There is nothing sub-standard aboutthe playing turf or the accommodationwhere the players and officials arestaying.

“The place hosted the screeningprogramme of the U-17 women team(Flamingoes) and the screeningprogramme of the U-20 women team(Falconets). There is absolutelynothing wrong with the place”, saidIkpeme.

He was reacting to a nationalnewspaper reported yesterday thatmembers of the technical crew hadissued one week ultimatum to the NFFto accommodate in a better lodgmentor risk their resignation.

Though Ikpeme did not confirm ordeny receiving complaint from thetechnical crew, he said, “The playersand officials are being kept at the GoalProject because they are only

undergoing a screening programmefor the players at the moment. Thiswill last until March 18. When theyreturn to camp, it will be a differentball game.

“The Flamingoes and Falconetsstayed there for screening, and nowthe two teams have moved to SerobLegacy Hotel. Once the U-17 teamfinishes its screening, it will also moveout to a hotel,” assured Ikpeme.

Former Chelsea boss Luiz FelipeScolari claims it will be “hell” forwhoever succeeds Andre Villas-

Boas as manager of the Blues.Scolari, now manager of Brazilian

side Palmeiras, is not surprised thePortuguese was sacked so soon into hisreign at Stamford Bridge because hethinks Chelsea are different to otherEnglish clubs.

“England has clubs like Arsenal,where Arsene Wenger has been forseveral years, yet has won only two orthree championships. But Chelsea’sculture is very different, but this moveis strange although it’s not so strange to Roman Abramovich, Chelsea owner

me because of what I went throughthere,” Scolari told reporters.

The former World Cup winner alsofeels the 34-year-old failed to adequatelyreplace players that needed ousting fromthe team even during his time with theclub but is confident Villas-Boas will goon to succeed elsewhere.

“Some things are known, like therelations with the chairman, who hasthe relationship with some playersbefore the coach. Villas-Boas was achampion and he will continue to be.He needed to replace at least seven oreight players, even since I was there,but he failed,” Scolari said.

The Nigerian TourismDevelopment Corporation saysit has begun massive

mobilisation of a minimum of 1 millionNigerians to rally support for TeamNigeria ahead of the SummerOlympics in London.

Also, the NTDC has revealed that itwas working assiduously to provideneeded logistic supports includingbanners, fliers, handbills as well as araffle draw in an effort to gingernational consciousness for TeamNigeria contingent.

According to the Director Generalof the corporation, Otunba OlusegunRunsewe, such massive mobilisationcampaign and logistics support couldonly be compared with what usuallyobtains in the United States ofAmerica.

The DG said the promotionalmaterials are meant to sensitizeadding that winners of the raffle draw

Dr. Patrick Ekeji, DG NSC

Otunba Olusegun Runsewe, DG, NTDC

An Abuja-based Nigeria NationwideLeague club, Supreme Court FC ofAbuja, have vowed to play their

way back to the Nigeria National league,(NNL) by the end of this season.

The coach of the supreme court FC,Hadu Ilallah, who said in Abuja after hisclub walked over Jimeta FC of Taraba,asserted the club’s readiness to work togain to the professional league.

Ilallah said the management of the clubwas not taking anything for granted as ithas motivated the players and chargedthem to reciprocate their effort byachieving the dream of the sponsors of theteam. He said that the players and officialsof the club have been paid all theiroutstanding allowances and salaries aswell made provision for match bonuses asituation.

“We will go a long way to motivate theplayers to do better this season. We are alsolooking for a comfortable camp where theplayers would be together so that they canbe focused every match and work to endthe season at the top of the table,” he said.

“If you take good care of your players,give all the necessary encouragementsand support no doubt such players wouldalways do better. So we have done thatalready to our players, they have beenmotivated so they cannot joke withanything they are doing now,” heconcluded.

FIFA wants to abolish internationalexhibition games in February andAugust in a move that will

appease European clubs. This meansthat it will cut the annual number ofinternational matches from the current12 to nine.

FIFA has announced a proposed

calendar of exhibitions from 2015-18,although no specific dates were listedfor such games.

The suggested calendar calls for nationalteams to play two exhibitions each March,September, October and November, plusJune in odd-numbered years.

Clubs are obliged to release their

players for calendar matches. Theyhave lobbied FIFA to abolish the one-game only exhibition dates.

FIFA’s executive committee mustapprove the calendar at a March 29-30meeting and will discuss the proposalsat the scheduled meeting.

In the meantime it drew up the main

Scolari predicts ‘hell’ for Villas-Boas successor at Chelsea

Agent sends wrongboxer to fight featherweight champ

FIFA Goal Project hostel not substandard, says Ikpeme

NTDC to mobilise 1mNigerians, providesmaterials for TeamNigeriaBy Miriam Humbe

Supreme Courtset professionalleague targetBy Albert Akota

FIFA may abolish February, August exhibitionspoints to be submitted to that meeting.

Those include releasing players totheir countries on the Monday ahead ofthe nine double dates across a two-yearcycle for a total 18 matches in thatperiod plus one double date for non-European nations during Euro 2016albeit without recourse to specific dates.

would be granted the privilege ofvisiting any of the seven wonderfultourist centres in Nigeria and wouldhave such tour captured in a DVD.

Further, Runsewe said the inclusionof the tour of attractive centre is meantto promotion awareness of the joysderivable from visiting such places aswell as boosts tourism in the country.

“It will re-awaken sports tourismconsciousness of Nigerians home andabroad,” he said.

It will be recalled that the NTDC hadearlier endorsed the submission of thecommittee on the project “Niaja 7Wonders” headed by Mr. Ikechi Ukopromising immense promotion of the7 most enthralling sites in Nigeria asvoted for by Nigerians.

Commenting on the mobilizationaspect of the Olympics preparation,Mr. Uko pointed out that the essenceof the project 7 wonders of Nigeria ismeant to create economic benefits,increased aesthetic value andpromote sports tourism and Nigeriaas tourism destinations to bothNigerians and foreigners alike.

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W o m e n ’ sPentathlon– Chernova

vs EnnisJessica Ennis is the reigning

World Indoor champion andTatyana Chernova the Worldchampion in the Heptathlonafter unseating the Briton inDaegu last summer.

On paper the pair are fairlyclose in the five-eventer: Ennistallied a 4937-point careerbest when taking the Worldtitle in Doha two years agowhile the Russian, the bronzemedallist two years ago, bringsa 4855 best. This one maycome down to the finalhomestretch of the final event.

Men’s 60m Hurdles -Robles vs Liu Xiang

As the most recent Olympicchampions and World recordholders in the 110m Hurdles,Cuban Dayron Robles and LiuXiang of China are without adoubt two of the greatest highhurdlers in history.

In Istanbul, Robles willdefend his title from Doha butwill have to fend off a resurgentLiu Xiang who, at 7.41, hasbeen considerably faster thisseason and clearly illustratinghe’s on target to reclaim theWorld Indoor title he won in 2008.

Women’s Shot Put – Adams vs OstapchukOne of the fiercest rivalries in the sport will write its next

chapter in Istanbul when defending champion NadzeyaOstapchuk of Belarus and New Zealander Valerie Adams squareoff in the Shot Put.

While Adams, the 2008 Olympic champion, has often gottenthe upper hand when the two have clashed over the past fiveseasons, Ostapchuk snatched the title in Doha and Adams willbe eager to take it back. On paper, the two arrive virtually even:Ostapchuk leads the world with 20.70m while Adams hasreached 20.67 outdoors in Sydney.

Men’s 3000m - Lagat vs FarahHe may be 37, but that shouldn’t keep anyone from betting

against Bernard Lagat’s quest for a second successive and thirdoverall World Indoor 3000m title. Here the multiple U.S. recordholder and brilliant tactician will face Briton Mo Farah who beathim to the line for the 5000m World title in Daegu last summer.

Meanwhile, they’ll both have to watch out for the Kenyan 1-2punch provided by Augustine Choge and Edwin Soi, who’ll arriveas the season’s only sub-7:30 runners.

Mary Onyali in action

Mary Onyali-Omagbemi, a 1987All Africa Games

200-metre champion, hasurged the country’s track andfield athletes to aim high asthey step up their preparationfor the 2012 London OlympicGames.

Onyali-Omagbemi told theNews Agency of Nigeria (NAN)yesterday in Lagos ontelephone, that they shouldwork hard on their areas ofweakness in their trainingsessions for better performanceat the Olympics.

She added that preparationsfor a global sports fiesta of themagnitude of the OlympicGames should havecommenced immediatelyafter the 2008 BeijingOlympic Games, and not leftuntil the very last minute.

“Four years was enoughtime for the athletes,federation and the NationalSports Commission (NSC) to doa thorough job on athletesseeking to represent thecountry in a majorcompetition.

“For the country to record asuccessful outing at theOlympics, preparation oughtto have commenced rightaway, by so doing, there willbe adequate time to fine-tuneour preparations,” she said.

Onyali-Omagbemi, whowon a bronze medal in the4x100 relay event of the 1992Barcelona Olympic Games,commended the appointment

of Innocent Egbunike as thehead coach of the AthleticsFederation of Nigeria (AFN).

The former track queenstressed that Egbunike’sappointment would boost thecountry’s chances of doing well,through an improved trainingregimen for the country’s trackand field team to the Games.

“It is high time we use ourindigenous products to groom

and sustain the talents of ourathletes, a full bloodedNigerian, talented, exposedand internationallyrecognised trainer,” the former200m champion said.

Onyali-Omagbemi told NANthat the newly appointed coachwould be able to analyse eachathlete and prescribe peculiartraining techniques for them,for better performance.

Bernard LagatMo Farah

IAAF World IndoorChampionships: Exciting head toheads expected in Istanbul 2012

With just fourdays to go,excitement is inthe air asathletics bluffslook forward tokeencompetitionsamong the topstars. Ofinterest is thelively head toheadconfrontationexpected fromquite a few ofthe stars.Here, a few ofsuch head toheads duel arehighlighted.

Men’s Shot Put - Storl vs ‘The OldGuard’?

In Daegu last summer, David Storl producedone of the biggest surprises of the WorldChampionships when at just 21 he upset theshot putting establishment by claiming theglobal title.

In Istanbul, at least part of that Old Guard will be

looking to strike back. Among them will be ReeseHoffa of the U.S., a former World Indoor championand two-time silver medallist, and 2008 Olympicchampion Tomasz Majewski of Poland.

Hoffa will arrive as the world leader at 21.87m,more than 40cm better than Storl’s best of theseason. But such statistics meant nothing inDaegu last summer.

Jessica Ennis Tatyana Chernova

London Olympics: Mary Onyali-Omagbemitasks NSC, LOC on athletes on preparation

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UEFA Champions League

Milan still have hard work to do if they are toreach the Champions League quarterfinalsdespite the luxury of a 4-0 advantage going

into tonight’s last 16 second leg at Arsenal, coachMassimiliano Allegri said.

“Tomorrow (today) may seem like an easy game,but only in appearance,” Allegri told a news conferencein Italy before flying to London with his team. “Inreality it is not. We must have great concentration,we must not underestimate the game.”

Allegri said Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who scored thefourth goal against Arsenal in the San Siro last monthand bagged a hat-trick in a 4-0 win over Palermo onSaturday, was playing as well as any striker inEurope.

Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger would be unlikelyto swap Robin van Persie for anyone, includingIbrahimovic, after the Dutchman’s 31 goals in allcompetitions this season.

Wenger said there is no chance that he could restthe striker against Milan, despite the odds beingstacked heavily against Arsenal overturning the first-leg deficit.

“I would not be very credible to tell you we want toscore five goals and then leave Robin van Persie out,”Wenger said at a news conference yesterday.

Tomas Rosicky and Mikel Arteta are both doubtfulfor Tuesday’s clash, as is Yossi Benayoun.

Milan have included midfielders Alberto Aquilaniand Urby Emanuelson in their squad with MassimoAmbrosini suspended.

Maxi Lopez, Alessandro Nesta, Alexandre Pato andAntonio Cassano are all still out.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Vyacheslav Malafeyev

Benfica sorely need victory over Zenit St Petersburg intheir Champions League last-16 second leg at the Luzstadium tonight to end a poor run of form that started

three weeks ago in the first leg in Russia.Before their 3-2 defeat in chilly St Petersburg, the Lisbon

club were five points clear of Porto at the top of the PortuguesePremier League and full of confidence. Now, they are secondin the league, trail Porto by three points and long for a winto knock out Zenit.

Since Roman Shirokov’s last-gasp goal gave the RussianChampions the upper hand, Benfica have failed to win alltheir league matches, recording one draw and two losses.The most devastating defeat was at home to arch rivalsPorto last Friday.

Benfica lost the Classico 3-2, let down by an unusuallyfragile back four and by keeper Artur who, highly praisedfor his steady performances this season, was caught in no-man’s land as Porto scored the 87th-minute winner.

An added concern for Jesus is the likely absence ofArgentine centre back Ezequiel Garay due to a knee injury.Still, the Eagles will take encouragement from theperformance of striker Oscar Cardozo, the club’s top scorerin the league and Champions League.

Despite his unstylish approach to the game, the no-nonsense, lanky Paraguayan scored a brace against Portoand applied his famous left foot and sharp sense ofopportunity to good effect.

Zenit have welcomed back influential goalkeeperVyacheslav Malafeyev, who has fully recovered from a calfinjury, and defender Domenico Criscito, who missed thefirst leg in St Petersburg because of food poisoning. Both theexperienced Malafeyev, who turned 33 on Sunday, andItaly international Criscito played in Saturday’s top-of-the-table Russian league match against second-placed CSKAMoscow, which ended in a 2-2 draw to maintain Zenit’s six-point lead over their rivals.

Zenit coach Luciano Spalletti has lashed out at CSKA forturning down his request to play their match a day earlierso that Zenit could better prepare for tonight’s clash withBenfica. “Two years ago CSKA were in a similar situationand we had no problem with playing our match earlierbecause we all felt like being Russians and wanted to help aRussian club to do well in European competition,” Spallettitold local media.

“Now certain people feel like they are less Russians thanwe were then,” the Italian added. “I just don’t understandthat.”

Zenit’s Portugal midfielder Danny is out after havingsurgery to repair torn knee ligaments last month, whileforward Andrei Arshavin, who was loaned by Arsenal lastmonth, is ineligible for the Champions League having playedfor the London club in the competition earlier in the season.

AC Milan’s progress to the Champions Leaguequarterfinals at the expense of Arsenal looks aformality but the other two ties are nailbiters with

Zenit St Petersburg and Olympique Lyon defending one-goal leads away from home.

AC Milan - still chasing a Serie A, Italian Cup andChampions League treble - take a 4-0 first-leg advantage tothe Emirates hoping to end their run of three successiveround-of-16 eliminations against Premier League opposition.

Milan and Zenit are the only teams in action this weekwho currently top their respective domestic leagues.

Only three teams have ever overturned four-goal deficitsin European competition and Arsenal coach Arsene Wengereffectively conceded the tie after the first leg at San Siro. IfMilan were to net once in north London, Arsenal wouldneed six and the Italian champions’ record of at least onegoal in every Champions League game this season suggeststhey will get on the scoresheet.

However, one statistic which Massimiliano Allegri’s sidewill not want to be reminded of is the fact they lost 4-0 atDeportivo La Coruna in a 2004 quarterfinal having been4-1 up from the first leg.

Arsenal’s probable demise would leave Chelsea needingto overturn a 3-1 deficit at home to Napoli the followingweek to keep alive the English Premier League’s interest inthe competition. A Leverkusen exit would also leave theBundesliga in danger of being unrepresented in thequarterfinals as Bayern Munich, the only other Germansurvivors, trail 1-0 to FC Basle in a tie which will be completedon March 13.

The odds are piled up against Leverkusen for tomorrow’svisit to the Nou Camp with Barcelona unbeaten in their last13 outings in the competition since their 2-1 defeat at Arsenalat the same stage last year. Pep Guardiola’s side areundefeated in their last 16 Champions League matchesagainst Bundesliga opposition. Benfica’s South Americanblend was one of the highlights of the group stage but theEagles have suddenly undergone a loss of form since their 3-2 defeat in freezing St Petersburg three weeks ago.

A five-point lead at the top of the Portuguese League hasbecome a three-point deficit behind rivals Porto after a drawand two defeats in their last three league games. Success inLisbon tonight would send Benfica into the last eight foronly the third time since the Champions League replacedthe European Cup in 1992/93 and keep them on course fora first semifinal appearance since 1990.

Benfica fielded eight South Americans in the starting line-up at Zenit and not a single Portuguese player. APOEL canclaim to be the competition’s most Portuguese team withfour - and only two Cypriots - starting the first leg at Lyon.

APOEL qualified for the knockout stages at the expense ofPorto and Shakhtar Donestk but might have to pull offanother first to oust Lyon as they have never won aChampions League match by a two-goal margin.

Arsenal hope formiracles againstAC Milan

Benfica look to endslump against Zenit

Milan will not easeup against Arsenal

Roman Shirokov

Robin van Pierse


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Albert Esiri, the Captain ofAshbert Raiders II ofLagos has rued his team’s

6-5 loss to Ironclad-Mandarin

Albert Esiri, the Captain of Ashbert Raiders II

in the finals of the ongoingMTN Lagos International PoloTournament in Lagos.

Esiri told the News Agency of

Nigeria (NAN) moments afterthe finals in Lagos that theIronclad Mandarins proved adifficult nut to crack in theclosely fought encounter.

‘It was quite unfortunatethat we could not win thecompetition, in spite of our allour effort. Our best was notenough to overwhelm ouropponents’,” the captain of theAsbert Raiders II team said.

NAN reports that the LagosLow Cup finals of the MTN-sponsored tournament, wasone of the categories beingcontested for by teams in thecompetition, which saw theemergence of Ironclad-Mandarins as champions.

Meanwhile, the captain ofthe victorious Ironclad-Mandarin team, BowaleJolaoso, told NAN he was veryhappy with the outcomeagainst their hard-fightingopponents, “who were nopushovers”.

Lagos polo clubs emerge winnersof DANSA, Lagos Low Cups

T he International OlympicCommittee (IOC) says sixNational Olympic

Committees (NOCs) have submittedapplications for Candidate Cities tohost the third Summer YouthOlympic Games (YOG).

In a press statement issuedyesterday, the IOC listed the NOCsas those of Argentina, Colombia,Great Britain, Mexico, TheNetherlands and Poland. It would

be recalled that the third SummerYOG is billed to hold in 2018.

The IOC said the NOCssubmitted the bids on behalf ofthe cities of Buenos Aires(Argentina), Medellín(Colombia), Glasgow (GreatBritain), Guadalajara (Mexico),Rotterdam (Netherlands) andPoznan (Poland).

“We are delighted with thehigh level of interest shown in

hosting the third Summer YouthOlympic Games in 2018.

“It is a shining endorsement ofjust how successful theinaugural summer (Singapore2010) and winter (Innsbruck2012) editions were.

“This also reflects how thepopularity, excitement andawareness surrounding the YOGcontinue to build at animpressive pace,” the statement

Nigerian golfer, ChristianGodfrey

Maurice Cooreman

quoted IOC President JacquesRogge to have observed.

The next deadline for the bidprocess is March 15, 2012 whenthe NOCs, Bid Committees andYOG Candidate Cities mustsubmit the signed 2018 YOGCandidature Procedure.

The election of the host city ofthe third Summer YouthOlympic Games in 2018 is duefor July 2013.

Maurice Cooreman, theChief Coach of WarriWolves FC, says poor

officiating by matchofficials still constituted a

major hinderance to thedevelopment of the NigerianPremier League competition.

Cooreman, who made theassertion at the Obafemi AwolowoStadium, Ibadan urged both theNigeria Premier League (NPL)and Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) to urgently tackle the issue.

He said this was necessary toredeem the image of the leagueand to enhance the development

of the game.“The only big problem in the

NPL is the referees. When wedon’t have good refereesofficiating matches, thennothing meaningful will beachieved,” Cooreman said.

The Warri Wolves coachwhose team drew 1-1 with hostsShooting Stars (3SC) of Ibadanon Saturday in a 2011/2012Nigerian Premier League week12 match advised the NPL tosanction bad referees.

He said this would help torestore the confidence andinterest of football fans in the

league.Supporters of 3SC had nearly

gone on rampage after the matchto protest alleged bad officiatingby the match officials.

The fans who besieged the exitgate of the stadium’s mainbowlalleged that two clear penaltykicks were denied their club bythe centre referee.

3SC were able to secure a drawin the match after Kabiru Alausaequalised through a penalty kickin the game’s 71st minute.Warri Wolves had taken a thirdminute lead through IkeThankGod.

Bad officiating, bane of NigeriaPremier League, says Cooreman

6 NOCs apply to host 3rd Summer Youth Olympic Games

Sam Emehelu, a consultantto the Nigerian GolfFederation (NGF), has said

that the implementation of thefederation’s developmentalprogrammes would produceworld-class players like TigerWoods and Ernie Els.

Emehelu said yesterday inLagos that the major problembeing faced by the federationwas funding. “The sponsorshave a perception that thereisn’t much to benefit from thisenvironment and investing inthe sport will not yieldreturns,” he said.

According to him, attentionneeds to be placed ondeveloping the sport and seemore Nigerians play asprofessionals and not just at theamateur level. “Professionalgolf needs to be promoted in thecountry,” he said.

Emehelu said that the body’sstrategy was to develop thegame at every level.

“We can produce world classgolfers earlier than we think ifproper and adequate facilitiesare put in place. From myperspective, I would say golf inNigeria is going in the rightdirection,” the golf consultantsaid.

Emehelu urged the NGF tocreate mini golf courses or golfranges in different places andmade them easily accessible tothe populace.

18th NSF: Anambra directs associations to conduct trials

Jolaoso attributed his team’svictory to discipline and teamwork. “Before the match, I toldmy men that all we needed wasto play as a team and the restwould be a success story. Ithank God we were able toemerge winners at the end ofthe game,” he said.

Jibrin Ali, the captain ofDecline & Fall, winners of theDANSA category of thetournament, said after their 8-6 triumph over Energy PoloClub of Lagos, that his team’svictory came through sheerdetermination.

“I am happy we won theDANSA Cup, we weredetermined to win the cup,glory be to God for crowningour effort,” Ali said.

The Lagos Open Cup andMajekodunmi Cup categories ofthe competition are scheduledto hold from March 7 to March11 at the Lagos Polo Club, Ikoyivenue of the tourney.

T o step up its preparation forthe 18th National SportsFestival (NSF), the

Anambra State Ministry ofSports has directed itsassociations to conduct trials intheir various sports.

The Director of Sports(Operations), Chidiogo Mbanefo,told the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) yesterday in Onitsha,Anambra, that the trials wereto prepare the athletes for thezonal elimination series.

The festival will be hosted by

the Lagos State Governmentfrom Nov. 27 to Dec. 10.

The director said theassociations had been givenbetween March and the first weekof April to conclude their trials.

He added that athletes selectedfrom the trials would feature ininter-state competitions tofurther prepare them for thezonal trials.

“The ministry has madeadequate budget for our athletesto attend various competitionswhich will give them leverage

to prepare better for theforthcoming festival in Lagos,’’Mbanefo said.

He said the best athletes wouldbe discovered if they wereexposed, adding that exposureusually built-up confidence insportsmen at competitions.

Mbanefo assured the citizensthat the state would performbetter than in previous festivals,adding that the sportsassociations were correctingtheir lapses at the last festival inPort Harcourt.

Nigeria canproduceworld classgolfers,consultantdeclares

Page 47: Peoples Daily Newspaper, Tuesday March 6, 2012


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FIFA says SAduped byfixers beforeWorld Cup

South Africa were dupedinto allowing an Asianmatch fixing syndicate to

provide them with referees fora series of warm-up gamesbefore they hosted the 2010World Cup, FIFA security chiefChris Eaton said yesterday.

The outcome of friendlyinternationals againstThailand, Colombia, Bulgariaand Guatemala in the weeksleading up to the tournamentare all in question after FIFAfound the match officials hadbeen provided by a Singapore-based company, fronting formatch fixers.

Eaton said the SouthAfrican Football Associationhad taken up an offer fromWilson Perumal, who has sincebeen convicted in Finland onmatch fixing charges, to use hiscompany for the procurementof referees for the games.

"It is clear that the convictedcriminal and football match-fixer, Wilson Raj Perumal, wasinvolved in convincing Safa toagree to a company thenmanaged by him (Football4U)to select, fund and appointreferees to certain internationalmatches played in 2010, whichare now under investigation,"Eaton said in a statementreleased on his behalf by theSouth Africans yesterday.

It follows a four-day trip byFIFA's outgoing securitydirector to Johannesburg tointerview those involved andinvestigate any potentialduplicity.

Eaton suggested the SouthAfricans were duped ratherthan complicit in any deceit.

"It should also be said that todate there is no information,suggestion or evidence that anyplayer or team, including thenational South Africa team,was in any way complicit withany attempt to manipulate amatch outcome," he said.

South Africa usually invitesmatch officials fromneighbouring countries tohandle home friendly matchesbut agreed to Perumal's offerthat he fly in officials fromKenya, Niger and Togo for thefour matches.

JAMB should defy Boko HaramThe News Agency of Nigeria

yesterday reported theRegistrar of JAMB, Professor

Dibu Ojerinde, saying that it willcancel the Unified TertiaryMatriculation Examination(UTME) in volatile states ofNorthern Nigeria if the BokoHaram attack on primary andsecondary schools in Borno Statecontinues. “The Board will be leftwith no option”, he said, “than totell candidates to go elsewhere towrite the exams if schools whichserve as centres will be attacked.”

The report appearscontradictory, making me believethat NAN did not get its facts right.Consider another statement itreported from the Registrar:

“When we reviewed thesituation in volatile states, forinstance Borno, we realized thatsome of the schools are beingbombed but our investigationsshowed that only primary schoolsare affected and not secondaryschools.”

By this statement, to myunderstanding, the Registrar didnot rule out JAMB holdingexaminations in those states. Afterall, UTME examinations are heldin secondary schools. Primaryschools hardly have the largespace facilities that JAMB needs.

I am not accusing NAN ofcrying wolf where there is none;after all, it is a reputable newsagency on which our mediahouses depend as a veritablesource of news on a wide range ofdomestic affairs. I only think theRegistrar should be clearlyunderstood on this importantsubject matter that will affect thefuture of hundreds of thousands ofour children.

Despite the contradiction inthe report, I still felt it is worthmaking a short comment on thematter.

I understand the concern ofJAMB. As any prudent agencywould aver, it does not want itsindiscretion to result in the deathof Nigerian children and staff ofthe Board. The Registrar deservesour commendation for thisforesight.

In the event that theunexpected happens and attackssecondary schools in the next twoweeks before the exams, I still feelthat JAMB should not contemplatecanceling the examination but goahead to plan its execution andtaking the necessary precautions.The UTME examination is tooimportant to be brushed aside forthe scare of an anticipated attackby Boko Haram. Canceling theexamination will cause so muchpain and complications in thelearning career of the candidates

and compound the admissionexercise of higher institutions towhich the affected states arecatchment areas.

JAMB should go ahead with itsplan due to two reasons.

One, I am inclined to believethat Boko Haram will not attackthese centres when theexaminations are holding. To befair to Boko Haram, the sect hasalways maintained that it does nottarget civilians but security andlaw enforcement personnel. It hasrepeated this time withoutnumber. And if we can remember,its leader announced in his secondvideo broadcast on Youtube thatthe group will start attacking‘boko’ schools after an allegedattack by JTF of a Qur’anic schoolin Maiduguri, an allegation thatJTF quick to refute.

So far, Boko Haram has

attacked four primary schools. Butin all the attacks, no life was lostbecause the group refrained fromcarrying out the attacks duringschools hours when it will lead todeaths and casualties to the civilianpupils and staff. With this record,it is clear that Boko Haram istargeting infrastructure, not thepupils, of the primary schools.Doing otherwise will contradict itsclaim that it is “working for theinterest of the ummah”, as itsleader Shekau would put it. JAMBexaminations, therefore, are veryunlikely targets of Boko Haram.Relax your mind, my ProfessorOjerinde!

Two, if I am proved wrong andBoko Haram attacks secondaryschools during schools hours –something I still believe is not intandem with its modus operandi– JAMB should still go ahead withthe examinations but makeadequate security arrangementsfor their safe conduct. A numberof measures would be necessary.

First and foremost, JAMBshould liaise with the JTF and thestate government to study thesituation and look into thenecessary measures for safeconduct of the examinations.Fortunately, the examination,unlike NYSC, is not protracted; ittakes only few hours. The militaryand other agencies can mobilize asubstantial number of personnelto each centre.

To ensure that the centres arenot blown off a night or so beforethe examinations, law

enforcement personnel need to beposted there early enough. Thenon the day of the examination, theschools or the neighbourhoodswhere the centres are locatedshould be adequately manned. Infact, the entire state could beplaced under curfew thatSaturday for the period theexaminations are conducted.These measures are necessaryespecially for town like Biu, Bama,Uba, Gwoza, etc.

If it proves to be too difficult orrisky to hold the examination atthe various centres in Maiduguritown, there is still a better optionthan to “tell candidates to goelsewhere to write the exams.” Theauthorities should think of poolingthe centres into one for candidateswithin Maiduguri town. TheUniversity of Maiduguri would bea suitable site. It has manytheatres and lecture halls that canaccommodate the candidates. Theuniversity community shouldmake do with the inconvenienceof few hours to enable itsprospective candidates sit for thematriculation examination.

I think a combination ofstatewide curfew and shifting theexamination to the university forcandidates in the capital, which isthe epricentre of Boko Haramattacks, will be the best.

If all the above fails and JAMBinsists that the fear of Boko Haramis the beginning of wisdom, andonly after having obtained a redcard from JTF, then I wouldsuggest that candidates fromBorno state should be given awaiver by JAMB such that theycan be admitted on the basis of post-UME tests in the institutions theyapplied for in addition to theirfulfillment of WAEC/NECOrequirements. Skipping JAMBitself would not matter muchsince in most universities passingthe post-UME test is as important,if not more important, thanpassing JAMB.

Finally, I call on Borno stategovernment to take this issueseriously. Its candidates andindeed the state cannot afford tomiss UTME examinations. BokoHaram may be here next yearalso. Does that mean that myKanuri brothers will continue tomiss UTME and universtyadmissions indefinitely? So insteadof running away from theproblem, it must be handled now.The government must dowhatever it takes to ensure thatJAMB is convinced on the securityof its centres in the state. It mustnot sit back and see the twelveyears it invested in its candidateswashed away by the fear of a BokoHaram attack.

JAMB Registrar, Dibu Ojerinde

“I call on Borno state government to takethis issue seriously. Its candidates andindeed the state cannot afford to miss

UTME examinations. Boko Haram may behere next year also. Does that mean that myKanuri brothers will continue to miss UTMEand universty admissions indefinitely? So

instead of running away from the problem, itmust be handled now

[email protected]

By Aliyu U. Tilde