Page 1: PepsiCo What NGOs won’t say and what PR practitioners don · 4 PepsiCo Confidential A little about me ... CSR through PR creating brand


What NGOs won’t say and what PR practitioners don’t know

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PR Trends in Middle East •  ……………are in the top 10 most “connected” populations

•  From 2013 to 2016, internet penetration of which countries rose most dramatically

•  88% of the population of the ………… have internet access. (World Bank)

•  What is the top used social media platform across 10 Arab countries?

•  “66% of smartphone users use their smartphones to access YouTube”.(Xcel Media)

•  If you don’t get out and tell your story, someone else will and you won’t like the way they tell it –

•  Average person talks 250 vvord/min but we can listen up to

•  Teenagers in A class societies are likely to send how many messages /day most conversation happen online instead of face to face    

UAE & Saudi Arabia Egypt and Lebanon. (Egypt: 22% to 59%)



Harold Burson Burson Marstellar



500 /min

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Trends in CSR

•  CSR has changed tremendously. CSR is not “just writing cheques” or “team volunteer day”

•  2016 is the year businesses will finally integrate CSR at the strategy level.

•  Transparency is key.

•  Non-profits and companies will use ‘big data’ for social good

•  Social justice is growing among brands.

•  Toms’ One for One Model

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A little about me

•  Master's degree - CSR professional development

•  Past work - World Bank, Vodafone, and Etisalat before joining PepsiCo

•  What I do now - Corporate image, CSR, and brand PR(FOR LIVING) •  Life Coach ,NLP practitioner,trainer CSR consultant ( FOR GIVING)

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What NGOs won’t tell you

•  Huge disconnect between what corporations want from NGOs and what NGOs think of corporations

•  What NGOs won’t say: •  Corporations are cut-throat

•  Need to give NGOs more flexibility in terms of deliverables

•  Corporates are too focused on money

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What PR practitioners don’t know

•  90% of customers trust peer-to-peer recommendations. Only 14% trust advertisement. (SocialNomics)

•  In a recent study it was reported that 81% of PR professionals feel they can no longer do their jobs without social media. (ING)

•  A word-of-mouth recommendation is the primary factor behind 20-50% of all purchasing decisions. (Millward Brown)

•  In an average month 1.28 Billion users are active on Facebook (Meltwater)

•  Influencers marketing delivers 11 x ROI over all other forms of digital media (Edelman)

•  53% of people on Twitter recommend products in their tweets. (SocialNomics)

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Create a BUZZ through PR

The Future of PR is now Infographic: * Makes content more understandable * Target relevant bloggers, social influencers and websites

Employee Advocacy-Internal: , Employees are better trusted than brands- using employees as brand ambassadors Over 90% of social users are influenced by their families and friends (drum up) Ex: IBM/ Nestle Near Competition

Creating an element of surprise: External Activations that include an element of surprise and creating short documentaries that shows what took place(ex: Airlines Stunts/ Tropicana’s bright idea)

CSR through PR creating brand

awareness: Connecting your audience through a cause Example: TOMS Barefoot campaign #withoutshoes)

Tell your Brand’s Story-Storytelling Human brain is hardwired to remember stories not to recall facts or data, the best stories goes with the 4 P’s 1.  People 2.  Places 3.  Process 4.  Products

Social Influencers: According to a McKinsey Study, marketing-inspired word-of-mouth generates more than twice the sales of paid advertising. Ex: •  Michelle Phan (L'Oréal

Ambassador) •  Daniel Wellington

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Recipe for success

•  As a company or NGO: •  Always define your purpose

•  Integrate CSR into your operations in a meaningful way

•  Plan for long term •  Be credible

•  Be transparent

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  معظمنا ال يستمع بقصد الفهم و لكن يستمع بقصد الرد فقط•• Steven Covey

  أأوو االلددوورراانن “ببففنن ييههتتمم االلذذيي االلأأععمماالل ممججاالل أأننههاا ععلليي إإللييههاا ييننظظرر االلععااممةة"االلععللااققااتت “• ططررييقق ععنن االلااتتصصاالل ففييهه ييتتززااييدد ععااللمم ففيي ننععييشش االلاانن ووننححنن”. االلسسررييععةة االلححررككةة ككممننظظممةة أأننتت ككننتت ففااذذاا٬، االلااججتتممااععييةة االلااتتصصااللااتت ووسساائئلل ووااننتتششاارر االلذذككييةة االلههووااتتفف

ببااللححددييثث ااخخرر ششخخصص ييققوومم ووسسووفف ققصصتتكك تتخخببرر أأوو ننففسسكك ععنن تتتتككللمم للاا ففيي ووننسستتثثممرر ممللتتززمميينن اانن للااببدد ووااللااتتصصااللااتت االلإإععللاامم ففيي ككخخببررااء ووننححنن. ععننكك

االلتتيي االلممؤؤسسسسةة أأوو االلششررككةة ااممككااننييااتت تتععككسس ححققييققييةة ققصصصص ففيي االلححددييثث٬، ففإإنن تتججااررببنناا خخللاالل ححووللنناا.ووممنن ممنن االلننااسس ععنندد صصدديي للههاا ييككوونن ببططررييققةة ننممثثللههاا

ععممللييااتت ككلل ففيي ووممتتددااخخللهه ممتتككااممللةة تتككوونن أأنن تتححتتااجج أأوو ييججبب االلععااممةةااللععللااققااتت ججممههوورركك ككاانن ااذذاا االلننههااييةة ووففيي. ووججذذااببةة ووأأصصللييةة ممببتتككررةة ببططررييققةة االلششررككةة ففإإنن ههنناا ووممنن٬، ففععللاا ممششككللةة للددييكك اانن ييععننيي ففههذذاا ممششككللةة للددييكك أأنن ييععتتققدد

. ممؤؤسسسسةة أأوو ششررككةة اايي سسممععةة للأأننققااذذ االلووححييددةة االلااددااةة ههيي االلععااممةةااللععللااققااتت

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“Public relations is viewed as a business that is concerned with the art of “the spin”. However, in an increasingly connected world filled with smartphones and the proliferation of social media, if you as an organization don't tell your story, someone else will. As communications experts, we must be committed and invested in the telling an authentic story that reflects the possibilities of the organizations we represent, in a way that resonates with the people around us. In our experience, public relations needs to be integrated into every company’s operations in a creative, original and engaging way. After all, if the public thinks you have a problem, then you really do have a problem. Ultimately PR is your only tool to salvage your reputation.”

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