Download pptx - Perfect Being Imperfect


By WL Leong

Perfect being imperfect

A woman was invited to give a speech

about her

dearly departeddearly departed


“ I’m NOT going to sing praises for my husband…

“ Not today...

and neither I’m going to talk about how good he were...

Everybody wondered why would she say something like that...

Then she continued...

Talking about how he snored in those nights

And how he farted in bed that made himself woke up

and ask...

What was that?

“ I told him that it was the dog....

“ Go back to sleep, my dear…“ Go back to sleep, my dear…

All of you might find that it’s funny…

But towards the end of his life…

When his illness was at his worstWhen his illness was at his worst

These sounds became the indicator that

My David was still

“ I would do anything“ I would do anything

Just to hear those sound again at nightJust to hear those sound again at night

Then she said to her children…



One day, you too will find the perfect partner who is One day, you too will find the perfect partner who is

beautifully imperfect as your father… ”beautifully imperfect as your father… ”

In the end,

it's these small things that YOU remember,

the little imperfections

that make them…


for YOU

We are all perfect

being imperfect…

Acknowledgement / Credits

Presentation is for internal reference and educational purposes only

Most images are from,, etc.

Most slides and content are based on presentations from,, etc

All slides and images are available online under CC

I will credit the sources, if available.

I can’t guarantee all things are accurate like you find on the web
