
Welcome to SMCCINew Members for First Quarter 2015


��$*V�3OXPEHUV� & Renovators



��&KDQ�DQG�.KDQ� Consultancy











































M((7 O8R B2$5' OF ',5(&7256BRINGING SMCCI TO NEW HEIGHTS: The newly elected members of SMCCI's Board of Directors for the term of 2015-2017, with the President, Mr Zahidi Abdul Rahman (sixth from left)





For advertising enquiries, feedback and suggestions, please forward to



%,=�92,&(�(',725,$/�%2$5' Designers






6SHDUKHDGLQJ 60&&,·s�+DODl Initiatives








MMBC 2015




Mr Malek Mattar


“Saya adalah generasi muda dan saya tidak melalui apa yang generasi perintis lalui – jerih payah bersama mendiang Encik Lee Kuan Yew. Apa yang menyentuh hati ialah

apabila kita memahami tujuan di sebalik dasar-dasar mendiang. PenubuhanDana Pembinaan Masjid, contohnya, membantu masyarakat Islam membina masjid di setiap kawasan perumahan. Ini amat mengkagumkan. Kita rakyat muda Singapura menikmati mutu kehidupan yang “first-class” hasil titik peluh dan visinya.Mendiang Encik Lee tiada duanya. Saya harap masa depan Singapura akan sentiasa cerah.”

Cik LYNN SIREGAR Pengarah Weddingku Gallery dan TudungkuCollection

“Mendiang Encik Lee Kuan Yew telah menetapkan taraf yang tinggi untuk Singapura. Pendekatannya tegas dan pragmatik dalam mentadbir

negara. Dengan taraf kewibawaan yang tinggi ini, para peniaga Singapura mendapati lebih mudah untuk mendapatkan kepercayaan rakan-rakan mereka, terutama di negara-negara jiran.”

Encik MUNEER MOHAMED Pengarah Urusan Chan & Khan Consultancy

“Sebagai seorang usahawan, banyak yang boleh saya pelajari dari kehidupan dan cara mendiang Encik Lee membina sebuah negara yang maju. Beliau berjaya membentuk sebuah

kabinet yang dianggotai pemimpin-pemimpin yang berwibawa. Beliau juga telah mempersiapkan kita untuk menghadapi masa depan dengan lebih yakin. Selain itu, mendiang berjaya mengharumkan nama Singapura di arena antarabangsa. Kita boleh mengambil iktibar dan mempelajari cara-cara mendiang Encik Lee berfikir, memimpin dan menangani isu-isu semasa.”

Encik NASRULEDY HAKIM Direktor Magnum Studios

“Pengusaha dan masyarakat peniaga Melayu berkembang hasil peluang-peluang perniagaan yang wujud di rantau ini dan di lain-lain bahagian dunia. Kita kecil, namun dengan contoh-contoh yang ditunjukkan oleh mendiang Encik Lee Kuan Yew, kita telah membuktikan bahawa kita adalah cili padi dunia – kecil tetapi pedas. Kita telah kehilangan seorang pemimpin yang agung. Namun, ingatan terhadap Encik Lee sebagai Bapa Singapura moden akan kekal bersama kita buat selama-lamanya.’’

Penghargaan Buat

Pulau pandan jauh ke tengahGunung daik bercabang tiga Hancur badan dikandung tanah Budi yang baik dikenang juga

LEE KUAN YEW1923–2015

Kecil-kecil Cili Padi Dunia

– Presiden DPPMS, Encik Zahidi Abdul Rahman

– 2 – – 3 –

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Better Satisfaction With iPad

Automation ‘I am’ Investing in Technology

“As an entrepreneur, I believe when problems arise, we have to think out of the box, be prepared and solve them. I cannot disappoint my customers” he said. Automation was the answer that sprang into Kino’s mind. In fact, automation has helped him to save cost and solve his manpower issues. However, the process was not a simple one and was both strenuous and costly. An estimated amount of $300,000 was spent on acquiring equipment which now play a vital part in

r Mohamed Nor Bin Ismail aka Kino, 45 years, started brainstorming when he heard that NEA might be

putting a stop to void deck cooking, As CEO of Amani Group Pte Ltd, Amani Services Pte Ltd, Amani Weddings Pte Ltd and Amani Food Industries Pte Ltd, Kino realized that he had to act fast.

Amani’s business. These include Combi ovens, a potato peeler, a vegetable cutter, a robocook blender, a vacuum pack machine, a blast freezer and an agigator (machine that stir while cooking). With automation, the following are are now possible :��,Q�OHVV�WKDQ���

PLQXWH��SHHO���NJ�RI�RQLRQ���,Q���PLQXWHV��VOLFH���NJ�RI�RQLRQV����,Q����PLQXWHV��FRRN�������SFV�RI�chicken for ayam masak merah with RQO\���VWDII���3UHYLRXVO\��LW�WDNHV�

about 4 hours to FRRN������SFV�RI�chicken.��,Q���KRXUV��FRRN�EUL\DQL�IRU������guests. Despite the productive aspect of automation, Mr Kino faced apprehension from some customers. “Some clients were hesitant when they knew that we cooked using automation tools. We had to explain and educate them on the ‘how’ and ‘why’. So far, many have understood and we are doing well,” he said.

Mr Kino’s enthusiasm and determination shows in his work. “It took me me months to do the R & D work. I exhausted many avenues; the internet, learnt from in the field, asked professional chefs and consulted officers from Food Innovation Resource Centre. One important aspect of my research was the prevention of bacteria growth. With the use of temperature guns, we took food temperature every hour and samples were sent to the lab,” he added. Mr Kino is now looking at expanding his business from catering to manufacturing and supplying food. “We started to sell our ‘Heat, masak merah and rendang. We are in the midst of R & D for sotong masak hitam, sambal sotong kering, sambal udang and daging briyani,” he said. This year marks another milestone for Amani’s weddings as Amani Services was invited to participate for the award of the ´(PHUJLQJ�(QWHUSULVH�$ZDUG�����µ�by Business Times and OCBC Bank.

e was travelling in Amsterdam when he felt inspired by the

sights, sceneries and culture there. “It gave me the idea to incorporate the bicycle/cycling scene, coffee and their cuisine, as well as the strong emphasis on service from the heart in my own cafe. I want to add colour to our local halal cuisine,” said Mr Muhamad Jamuri Busori, ��� the owner of 'I am...', a popular cafe at North Bridge Road. The cafe, which opened in August ������LV�QRZ�D�popular spot, especialy among the young. To further improve productivity Mr Muhamad has invested in technology. Currently, a point of sales (POS) system with iPad ordering function is

Mdm Kadeer Beevi

Serving customers more efficiently

Amaniunder development. Mr Jamuri believes this innovation will create a more sustainable system in the long run. This is important as the F&B service sector constantly faces manpower crunch. The cafe is able to do this by

taking advantage of government assistance schemes such as 'ICV' and 'PIC' grants. The schemes assist businesses to incorporate new technologies and solutions. "We are also trying to keep up with the demand. Our youngsters as well as the overall population of Singapore are

becoming tech-savvy. They are more comfortable with modern technology, " said Mr Muhamad. The cafe management expects to

LQYHVW�DERXW���������RQ�WKH�implementation and are confident that they will save much more than the amount spent. More innovations are planned to enhance payroll system and human resource manage-ment of the cafe.

discount from now till

end of June

end of June

MEMBER PRIVILEGEFlash your membership card to enjoy discount from now till

with minimumpurchase of $20

10%‘Heat, Thaw, Served Food’ with minimum purchase of$50

The Way for

aking orders using iPad touch connected to a Point of Sale

(POS) system. The iPad have pictures instead of words, making it easier for people to see what they can have. Mdm Kadeer Beevi D/O Mohamed Ayoob, 57, beams with confidence as she relates improvements that are to be made to her business, Saffron’s Careteria. Currently, waiters need to take orders manually and key in the order via a central terminal.Mdm Kadeer started as a freelance caterer about ���\HDUV�DJR���6KH�GLG�HYHU\WKLQJ�back then; marketing, cooking, serving and marketing, cooking, serving and cleaning. As her business grew, she started

employing workers. Her business has provided her family well. Besides the iPad ordering

system, customers are able to scan a QR code on their table onto their smart phone. The QR code will download an application which comprises the menu. Customers can

make their choices without having to wait for the waiter. They have to be within the vicinity to be able to make orders. The application supports both android and iPhone. With capacity of 65 tables, the restaurant needs to be creative and innovative to ensure customers are served timely. When the new system is fully implemented by -XQH�������WKH�FRPSDQ\�H[SHFWV�WR�save waiting time and ensure better customer satisfaction. The application and hardware infrastructure will cost about $60,000 before grants.






membership card to enjoy

discount from now till

end ofJune



Interestedto start on automation

journey for your company? Call 6293 3822 or e-mail

[email protected] FREE one-on-one

business advisory.



for Members’Supporting Each Other

For Exhibitors

3 Reasons to be part

of Singapore’s First Halal

Culinary Food Adventure

65,000 Coming & Counting

Brand Presence & ShowcaseAs an exhibitor, you enjoy a smorgasbord of platforms to engage current and potential customers, such as product

launches, promotions, workshops, announcements of alliances, sampling and sponsorship opportunities.

Don’t miss the highlight of ‘The Halal Food Trail’ that is led by our food celebrities around the booths.

So What Are You Waiting For?�"��/"��3�&)��)"�1,��!3&0"��+!�%")-��/&+$�6,2/�&+1"+!"!�0%,4� ,+ "-1�1,�/"�)&16ǽ��%"��,/)!���)�)�,2/*"1�,,!��5-,�&0���',2/+"6�,#�$�01/,+,*& �!&0 ,3"/6�Ȕ�



Leverage on our strong SPH stable of news and

lifestyle publications, online, radio and outdoor

advertising platforms, and you will be assured of

great publicity and brand awareness at World Halal

Gourmet Expo 2015.

Embark on your own Halal Food

experience with your booth build!

The sky is the limit, with absolutely

no restrictions whatsoever on

creativity and daring.

Block a Raw Space between 12 to 46

sqm or set up quickly and easily

with a ready-made Shell Scheme

of 12 sqm. Create that outdoor

barbecue, replicate a restaurant

or bar, or operate an open kitchen

to distribute free smells to an

appreciative public!

Flexible Raw

Space & Shell

Scheme Packages

�/$�+&0"/ǿ �,Ȓ�/$�+&0"/ǿ

Great Media Value

Raw Space(min. 12 m²) includes:

ș�12 m²�,#�+"4�+""!)"�-2+ %"!� �/-"1

Standard Shell Scheme (12 m² ) includes:

ș�12 m²�,#�+"4�+""!)"�-2+ %"!� �/-"1ș�1 x��,2+1"/�Ȓ�ǖ*�ț�Ȝ�5�Ǖǽǚ*�ț�Ȝ�5�ǕǽǜǛ*�ț�Ȝș�2 x�,)!&+$��%�&/0ș�1 x���01"-�-"/���0("1ș�2 x�ǙǕ��),2/"0 "+1��2�"0ș�1 x�ǖǘ��*-ȡǗǘǕ��0&+$)"Ȓ-%�0"�-,4"/-,&+1

$3,600(before GST)

$4,500(before GST)

,/�*,/"�!"1�&)0Ǿ� �))��țǛǚȜ�ǛǘǖǞ�ǙǕǗǕ�,/�țǛǚȜ�ǛǘǖǞ�ǙǕǗǖǽ���&0&1�,2/�4"�0&1"��1�444ǽ4,/)!%�)�)$,2/*"1ǽ ,*

Set to welcome over 65,000 visitors from Singapore and the region, the World Halal Gourmet Expo will

feature an impressive show concept that will attract food enthusiasts, gourmands and ademographic

segment with strong disposable finances.

Expect a wide participation from culinary gurus and an array of food and beverage brands, products and

services at this food theme park. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of this inaugural event to create

strong brand awareness, generate sales leads, widen your customer outreach and be positioned with key

industry players!


SPH Publications : � ��',/��"40-�-"/0��+!���$�zine0

Radio Advertisements : � S����n&,+��,/(0ȉ�/�!io�01�ti,+0�

� �F��ǖǕǕǽǘǾ��F��Ǟǖǽǘ�&���S��ǞǗ

Outdoors Media : � ����&���'o/��%o--&n$��i01/&ct0

Cable Television : � �omm"/ i�l��lit7�in�3�/io20��%�nnel0

ȥ�+#,/*�1&,+� ,//" 1��1�1&*"�,#�-/&+1

Quick Information�,/)!���)�)�,2/*"1��5-,�ǗǕǖǚ��1"ǿ�ǖǙ�Ȓ�ǖǛ��2$201�ǗǕǖǚ�&*"ǿ�ǖǖ�*�Ȓ�Ǟ-*�"+2"ǿ��&+$�-,/"��5-,���))�Ǜ�

MCCI and Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS) had a

get-to-know dinner session on 12 March 2015 at Landmark Restaurant. Following the discussion, MIS has kindly agreed to sponsor a

venue for Protégé Kita. Marketing courses will be customized to cater to specific industries. The first course will be for the wellness industry from SMCCI spa cluster. SMCCI and MIS will support each other by disseminating information to all members for events that will mutually benefit members.

Get to Know Dinner


y January 2015, 430 Taiwanese manufacturers have obtained halal

certification for their products from the Taiwan Halal Integrity Development Association (THIDA) and the Taipei Mosque. Most of them have already been exporting and have laid a good foundation for Taiwan to be considered as a surging provider in the global halal market. 18 of these companies participated at the Taiwan Halal Trade Mission held at Orchard Hotel on 6 April 2015. This event was aupported by SMCCI.Their showcased products ranged from confectionery to instant drinks, frozen processed foods, cosmetics and health products. Members interested to connect with Taiwan can contact SMCCI secretariat at 6297 9296.



Set to cooperate: Representatives from SMCCI and MIS at the get-to-know dinner

SMCCI’s Deputy President Mr Malek Mattar (right) with a Taiwanese businessman

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From left to right: Mr Zaki Abdul Aziz, representative from Hj Hashim Enterprise, Mr Haja Maideen, representative from Jamal Kazura Aromatics, Mdm Mahiran Abdul Rahman from Hjh Maimunah Restaurant, Mdm Samsiah Suliman from Jumain Sataysfaction and Mr Syed Hassan Aljunied from Aljunied Brothers. SMCCI special Recognition Awardee: Mr Mustaq Ahmad from Mustafa Centre.

We You!Hear

F&B Cluster Manufacturing

Background of issueAgri-food and Veterinary Authority Singapore (AVA) blanket cover for import of meat products from Indonesia prevents food manufacturing companies to

consider reducing cost by outsourcing production offshore.

Action takenPEP approached AVA and these are their answers.��0HDW�IURP�,QGRQHVLD���0HPEHUV�can approach AVA to discuss further on this matter if they are interested to import.��0HDW�IURP�0DOD\VLD���$9$�completed country level approval for Malaysia. Each Malaysian establishment has to submit an application to AVA for accreditation if they need one.

Wellness Cluster, SpaBackground of issue 1Spa owners have difficulty

completing CASETrust and Police Licensing Regulatory Department (PLRD) requirements. Case Trust issues were highighted as costly, time consuming and not beneficial for operations.

Action takenPEP arranged for CASETrust and SMCCI to come together to discus matters on 4 May.

��&$6(7UXVW�ZLOO�ZRUN�ZLWK�:HOOQHVV�Cluster to have a common template and frawework so spa owners do not need to engage external consultants.��&$6(7UXVW�$VVLVWDQW�'LUHFWRU��0U�Lee Lup Poon PBM explained that category 1 license is exempted for ladies-only spa. Mdm Zubaeda of Citra Ayu falls into this category but was rejected by PLRD. She appealed but was still unsuccessful. Mr Lee offerred to attend SMCCI meeting with PLRD as support for Wellness Cluster.

��0V�)DGLODK�$EGXO�0DMLG��chairperson of Wellness Cluster, highlighted that the performance bond was expensive. However Mr Lee felt that the industry is not matured enough for CASETrust to lower their guard.

Background of issue 2Foreign manpower policy adds to the contraints faced by spa owners. The constraints are lack of locals who want to do the job, high training costs due to specialized skills and high staff turnover.

Action takenPEP Secretariat has engaged MOM and understands MOM's stance as follows:- Spa and Wellnes Cluster should try to employ 'S' and employment pass workers from Indonesia and Malaysia. If rejected, appeal can be made under the reason of providing training and transfer of knowledge.

Wedding Cluster

Background of issue 1Central Kitchen is very costly, limited in supply and there is lack of option for shared facilities.

Action takenSpring has responded to say that there are potential kitchens of a

smaller square area that may be considered to fit needs. Members interested to rent these premises can come forward for assistance.

Background of issue 2Manpower crunch due to lack of locals who want to do the job, training costs due to specialized skills and high staff turnover. Action takenAwaiting PEP action and recommendation.

Background of issueGebiz was higlighted as not being credible and only used to satisfy the requirements of 3 quote requirements. Awaiting PEP action and recommendation.

SMCCI Recognition Awardees

I t will be easier to deal with government agencies now. SMCCI has set up the channel for members to voice out their concerns and get

required response from the right agencies. This was a direct result of the meeting, where industry concerns raised to MTI were immediately channeled to the Pro-Enteprise Panel (PEP). SMCCI will work together with PEP to look for solutions to issues that are barriers to business. SMCCI members can raise their concerns at [email protected]. SMCCI met up with representative of The Pro-Enterprise Panel (PEP) on 20 March 2015 at its premise. PEP is a public-private partnership set up in 2000 to help businesses overcome rules and regulations that hinder them unnecessarily. The PEP is chaired by the Head of Civil Service with mainly business leaders as members, and supported by a network of senior public officers. As a business-centric Panel, the PEP focuses on real problems that businesses face and strives to provide effective and practical solutions in a timely manner.


Mr Chee Hong Tat, Second Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Trade and Industry (seated second from left) together with representatives from SPRING and SMCCI after their meeting on 20 March 2015

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Ambassador Ong Keng YongExecutive Vice-Chairman, S Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

Mohamed Salleh MaricanChairman/CEO/Founder at Second Chance Properties Ltd Topic: Scaling the Heights of Business Success

Shanti ShamdasaniDirector Government & Policy Affairs for ASEAN, Johnson & Johnson Group of Companies Topic: The ASEAN Economic Community: Evolving Scenarios for Southeast Asian Businesses

Rushdi SiddiquiCEO, Zilzar Topic: Technology as a Tool for Globalising Businesses

Moderator Mirza BaigHead FX Research, Asia Pacific, BNP Paribas

Shamir RahimFounder and CEO, Sypher LabsTopic:The Challengeof Globalising a Start-Up

Lim Tian Wee Executive Director, Gryphon Tea Company Topic: From Mass Market to Gourmet: Rebranding Tea in Asia

Moderator Prantik MazumdarManaging Partner, Happy Marketer

Wempy Dyocta KotoCEO, Wardour and OxfordTopic: Indonesia as a New Hub for Business

Ismail ShariffVice President, Human Resources, Asia Pacific, salesforce.comTopic: Cross-Cultural Management in a Global Business

Azman JaafarPartner Corporate, RHT Law Taylor Wessing,Topic: Legal Aspects of Expanding Globally

Mirza BaigHead FX Research, Asia Pacific, BNP Paribas


MMBC Speakers

everal local Malay-Muslim entrepreneurs have already taken

steps that will see them benefiting from the formation of Asean Economic Community (AEC). One such company is Duta Freight, which has a satellite office in Batam. Established in 1998, the company’s main office in Singapore has 30 full time staff, while in Batam, it employs 700 staff. However the cost to run an office in Singapore is

his year marks the birth of the Asean Economic Community

(AEC) which aims to integrate the region’s diverse economies with 600 million people and a combined gross domestic product of $2.4 trillion. It will see the establishment of a single market, making the region highly competitive and more fully integrated with the global economy. The Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SMCCI) is organising its fourth Malay Muslim Business Conference (MMBC) with the theme “Business without Borders: Riding the Tide of Change.” It will be held on 28 May 2015 at Raffles City Convention Centre.

The conference will focus on three key areas that are critical to understanding entrepreneurship and the opportunities and challenges for small and medium enterprises in Singapore. Guest-of-Honour is Minister of State, Ministry of Trade and Industry and Mayor, North East District, Mr Teo Ser Luck, will tspeak about The Challenge of Entrepreneurship in a Globalized World. Time will be allocated for participants to engage with a dialogue with Mr Teo. The keynote address will be given by Ambassador Ong Keng Yong, Executive Vice-Chairman, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) and Former Asean

Secretary General. Mr Ong will discuss the topic Trekking Unchartered Waters: The Asean Economic Community and Businesses. Participants of the conference will have the opportunity to network during coffee break and lunch. There will also be booths outside the conference hall, put up by local businessmen to showcase their products and services. MMBC is an annual event that aims to provide a platform for Malay Muslim business leaders in the Southeast Asian region to convene and gain insights from industry leaders on current business climates, trends, opportunities and challenges.

twice as much as that in Batam. Half of the company’s revenue comes from overseas. The company believes in

investing in technology that help to reduce manpower cost. Another company is Airmark Aviation, a logistics company, established in 1973. It has satellite offices in Indoneisa, Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines and Vietnam. Due to the small market in Singapore, 60% to 70% of Airmark’s revenue comes from outside Singapore. In recent years, Airmark started providing IT equipment for its communications sector. It has also

collaboratedwith regional-based MNCs to expand overseas. Enercon Asia Pte Ltd, a power generation company, has grown and set up offices in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines and Malaysia over the last 20 years. About 90% of Enercon’s revenue originates from overseas. It incorporates technology by customizing its designs from scratch. One other company is Tuscani Tapware that specializes in kitchenware wholesale. Over 11 years, it has expanded both regionally and internationally.It capitalizes on technology for its product R&D.

Ready to Enjoy The Benefits

“I serve because I believe that through collaboration,

the community becomes ONE. I’m a part of

#dewankita. Are you?”Mariam Moni is the Senior Executive for Special Projects. She joined SMCCI in October 2014, and is the project lead for MMBC 2015. She is a mother of three children, and bakes as a hobby.

ChallengesPreparing for New



– 10 – – 11 –

ModeratorMr Umar Abdullah Mahmud MunshiFounding Director, Ethis Pte Ltd,

Camelia Tan Sri Ya’acob Entrepreneur, Training Facilitator, Word-of Mouth & Networking Specialist / Consultant

ModeratorZhulkarnain Abdul RahimPartnerRodyk & Davidson LLP

Details & tickets areavailable at

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Getting the Youth into Business

Making SMCCI Indispensable

Enhancing the Image of SMCCI

New Board Members and

Their Mission

Application closes on

30th June 2015

Act NOW!

Email us at [email protected](with subject heading -I AM YOUR PROTÉGÉ!)

to find out how you can keep that smile on your face going!

... business ideas which keep you restless in the day and sleepless at night? Have you ever thought what it would be like if you can explore those burning ideas? What if you are able to discuss your ideas with successful entrepre-neurs and business mentors?Now, imagine you have $30,000 cash to bring that ideas from paper to reality. SMCCI Youth Entrepreneurs Network (YEN) would like you to be part of this possibility by being part of Protégé Kita. Our youthentrepreneurial project aims; ��WR�DWWract and encourage aspiring entrepreneurs to be part of the business community��LQVWLO�Freative thinking and entrepreneurial spirit among the youth community��SURYLGH�D�SODWIRUP�WR�WDS�RQmentors’ experiences and skill sets

This carefully crafted program, which participants can look forwardto, includes ��RXU�WDLORUHG�%XVLQHVV����program to equip all participantswith essential businessknowledge��RXU�VSHFLDO�0HHW�WKH�0HQWRUVSeries workshops to allowparticipants to learn fromsuccessful business owners whowill share their experiences andbusiness journey��RXU�fortnightly TeamChallenges to allow participantsto tackle challenges and presenttheir solutions to the judges.

Transforming Mindset

Stand to WIN top prize


– 13 –– 13 –– 12 –

s a newly elected board member of SMCCI, Mr Syed

Muhammad Abu Bakar Al Jailani has a task to focus on youth outreach. This is a perfect fit for him and he looks forward to playing this role effectively. "I hope more youth will be given the opportunity to be in business, where they can learn about the real business. I want to help them to realise that business is not that

tough, after all," he added. Mr Syed Muhammad, 37, is the Executive Director of The Green Apple Project (S) Pte. Ltd (TGAP). The company aims to empower youth to see the bigger picture in life. The company's programs are focused on Social Intelligence to help them realize the need to be successful in life. “I am used to living in a harsh environment and this enables me to better relate with the youth today,'' he said. As Principal Inspirator of TGAP, Mr Syed Muhammad believes that most youth would feel the pinch of life since they practically have no idea what they really want to do when they grow up. He has authored a book entitled "You can only be Better”, a compi-ODWLRQ�RI����LQYDOXDEOH�OLIH�OHVVRQV�formulated and taught by him in his lectures and self-help programs.

Mr Syed Muhammad: More youth should begiven the opportunity to be in business.





Mr Umar hopes to enhance SMCCI's image to make it the go-to business organization for the community.

r Umar Mahmud Munshi has a mission. As a new board

member, he wants to enhance the image of SMCCI and help to expand its membership. "I hope to enhance SMCCI's image to make it the go-to business organization for the community and help to establish strong and productive ties with other organiza-tions in this region,'' he said. "I also hope to contribute to the growth of the organization, expand its outreach and also its member-ship base,'' he added. Mr Umar, 32, is the Managing Director of Ethis Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) and Founding Partner, PT Ethis Indo Asia (Indonesia). He is also the Director of Amanah Asset Management and co-founder of

Club Ethis, the world's first Sharias-Compliant Real Estate & SME Crowdfunding Platform. An entrepreneur since the DJH�RI�����KH�KDV�ZLGH�H[SHUL-ence in Islamic Finance. He is focused on developing marketing concepts and innovations in new and emerging market niches.

“I would like to work on creating more awareness about SMCCI, especially among our youth.” - Mr Ridjal

Mr Zulkarnine leadsa dynamic team withdiverse backgroundand culture.

MCCI should be recognised as an indispensable organisation for

anyone who wants to embark on their entrepreneurial journey and who wants to grow their businesses further. Mr Muhammad Ridjal Noor Mohamed strongly believes in this and he hopes to contribute towards creating more value for new and existing members to be part of SMCCI. “I hope to integrate our outreach to the community and help to grow

our pool of entrepreneurs. I would like to work on creating more awareness about SMCCI, especially among our youths, '' he said. Mr Ridjal, 35, is the Managing Director of Pte Ltd., an eight-year-old printing company that serves more than 2,000 local and international customers. He is now a member of the SMCCI Public Relations Committee, spearheading initiatives to ‘Marketing Members to the Market’.

ransforming the business conditions and mindset of

Malay business leaders in Singapore. This is one of the missions of Mr Zulkarnine Hafiz as a newly elected board member of SMCCI. The 46-year-old entrepreneur is the Director of Mamanda Pte Ltd, Fig & Olive Cafe Pte Ltd, Beta Bakerie Pte Ltd and Sri Mamanda Bangsawan Pte Ltd. "I like to be involved in arranging and conducting seminars, workshops, meetings and exchange programs dealing with transforming the business conditions and mindset of Malay business leaders in Singapore," he said. Mr Zulkarnine has more than 20 years of experience in marketing, management, consulting, academia and entrepreneurship. His goals are to assist individuals and organizations to develop and grow to their fullest potential. "I strive to achieve these goals not only in my professional capacity, but also through my social and community service engagements,'' he said. Mr Zulkarnine's entrepreneurial and leadership track record is underscored by his ability to transform his F&B business group. He leads a dynamic team with a diverse background and culture.

cash to realize your business idea

To find out you can benefit fromthis program!




MCCI is looking out for members keen on expanding their business internationally,

either with their first office overseas, or to expand their current global presence. Interested members can participate in a roundtable discussion with key IE Singapore representatives in June. IE Singapore, together with SMCCI, is dedicated to assist


three-day trade mission to Kuala Lumpur organised by the

Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SMCCI) recently help to strengthen friendship and create more opportunities for business people from both sides of the Causeway. Twenty five businessmen and women took part in the visit, from 31st March to 2nd April, which was headed by SMCCI President, Mr Zahidi A. Rahman. Through networking sessions, they made contacts with their counterparts, and some were even able to discuss possible business tie-ups in the future. The group also took the opportunity to do follow up networking sessions with members of Batam Pos Entrepreneur School who were in Kuala Lumpur to attend MIHAS Trade Fair and World Halal Summit. They had met earlier in a business matching seminar in Batam in early March.

A tight schedule awaited them as soon as they arrived at the Malaysian capital by a coach.The first item on their itinerary was a meeting with Dewan Perniagaan Melayu Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (DPMMKL). In the discussions that followed, the SMCCI members took the opportunity to learn more about

running a business in Malaysia and seek business collaboration.Ms Rilla Melati from Mini Monsters Ltd successfully made a business connection with one of DPMMKL members, MDC Publishers Sdn Bhd. They agreed to create new book titles for future publishing collaboration.

Inspiring Session in the

Creating Opportunities


Strengthening Friendship,

Growing Your Business Overseas With

re great ideas needed to start great companies?

Not necessarily so. Indeed, many successful companies today began with just simple ideas. This was one of the wisdom shared in a recent investment seminar organised by Bizmedia Publishing and supported by SMCCI. Known as Ethical Investment & Entrepreneurship Summit (EIES) 2015, it was held on 10 April at Orchard Gateway@Emerald and attended by 80 participants, including professionals and SME owners. The EIES seeks to provide shariah investors and business owners with the knowledge, inspiration and avenues to manage and grow personal funds. The lineup of speakers included Mr Ismail Gaffor, the CEO of Propnex; Mr Mohd Nor, the CEO of Amani Weddings and Mr Umar Munshi, Director of Ethis Pte Ltd. Foreign speakers included Dato’ Fadzli Yusof, the founding Chief Executive Officer of Malaysia’s pioneer takaful, and Mr Wan Zamri Wan Ismail,

the CEO of Syarikat Takaful Indonesia. Mr Ismail shared with participants the true meaning of entrepreneurship. He explored four myths that inhibit the individuals from making the plunge into entrepreneurship. They are:��������*UHDW�LGHDV�DUH�QHHGHG�WR�VWDUW�great companies��������9LVLRQDU\�FRPSDQLHV�UHTXLUH�JUHDW�and charismatic visionary leaders��������6XFFHVVIXO�FRPSDQLHV�H[LVW�WR�maximize profits first and foremost��������+LJKO\�VXFFHVVIXO�FRPSDQLHV�PDNH�their best moves by brilliant and complex strategic planning Many participants described the sharing and networking session as inspiring. "The event was great, it was networking, knowledge and opportunity in one roof. The speakers were inspiring, and I hope to be able to contribute and work with the contacts made today," said Mr Nizamuddin Bin Anwarudin, owner of Dheen & Company.

From left Mr Ismail Gaffor, Mr Umar Munshi and Mr Nizamuddin at EIES.

market-ready businesses in their expansion. The Budget 2015 has brought about enhancements to current schemes, including the Market Readiness Scheme and, for the first time, support for marketing & e-commerce efforts. To find out more or to participate, email [email protected]

Fruitful three days visit to Kuala Lumpur

IE Singapore



Continue to page 17

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Networking dinner with Batam POS Entrepreneur School:

M A L A Y S I A N T R A D E M I S S I O NFrom page 15

Mr Mazelan Jamian (middle) and Mr Abdullah (in white) at their booth.

wo other SMCCI members, Mr Maszelan Jamian, 52 years old,

CEO of MRN Marketing & Services Pte Ltd and Mr Abdul Rashid Abdullah, 53 years old, General Manager of Precious Health Products purchased booth space at a DPMMKL members gathering session to showcase their products and services.

Networking with DPMMKL

– 17 –

ay two of the visit, saw them visiting MIHAS 2015 Exhibition held in KLCC.

They were introduced to Halal food products manufactures from around the globe. DEWI members took the opportunity to identify food distributors and seek ideas for food packaging examples.One of the valuable lessons learnt during the event was the importance of branding and packaging. It was an eye opener for them to see traditional kuihs marketed glob ally with

the help of good brand positioning and eye catching packaging.SMCCI delegates were then invited to witness the opening ceremony for World Halal Summit 2015, officiated by the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. The final day of the visit was the most colourful as the delegates attended a creative and dynamic networking session with members of Rootwommers, which was founded by Puan Camelia Tan Sri Yaacob.

Rootwommers Session




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6WUDLWV�7UDGLQJ�&RPSDQ\�3YW�/WG�Chennai, India



in Construction


Coffee Talk Business Walk

eed help to improve your productivity in

the construction industry? SMCCI members can now turn to the Construction Productivity and Capability Fund (CPCF) to improve their productivity and strengthen their capability.

The $250 million fund was introduced by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) as part of it efforts to help the construction industry improve productivity and

strengthen its capability. Mr Mohamad Abdul Akbar (above), Managing Director of Nan Guan Construction Pte Ltd., welcomes the fund as part of the holistic approach to beef up the building industry."This grant will assist companies with manpower issues and promote technology adoption. The apprenticeship and scholarship is a

good way to entice newcomers to the industry,” said Mr Akbar who is also Vice President I of SMCCI. The Fund comprises incentive schemes that focus on workforce development, technology adoption

and capability development for Singapore’s building industry.

Reference Source:


he second floor of Hjh Maimunah Restaurant at Jalan

Pisang was bursting with activities. It was loud and intense as SMCCI members and would-be-members engaged in a speed networking session. Held on 25 March 2015, the unexpected turnout of about 60 participants made it a huge success. Hosted by Ms Yusilawaty Yatiman, the Executive Director of SMCCI, the event was fast, efficient and productive.

"This is like a speed dating session; with a different element which is to match business, " Ms Yusilawaty explained with a smile. A bell rang to mark the start of the session. At intervals, participants shuffled

seats or changed tables based on instructions from the host. Some of the discussions were so intense that many 'did not hear’ the bell when it rang a few times. Mr Abu Bakar Md Din, 54 years old, Principal Consultant of 'Bio Dew Management International (BDMI)' shared some pointers. "In networking sessions, time is essence. Each participant should come prepared with a 15 seconds marketing speech on their business. That makes the introduction

effective and memorable." On the 29th of April 2015, antoher CTBW networking session entitled "Business Mixer Session" was held at the 'Singapore Human Resource Institute' (SHRI). The event was sponsored by Singtel. More than 50 people attended this session which was hosted by Mr Siraj Salman, manager of membership services of SMCCI. Participants were divided into groups and given time to get to know each other and discuss a topic which was randomly picked from a 'fishbowl'. "It was interesting to know of the courses available at SHRI. I find the co-operation between SMCCI and SHRI beneficial for members", said Mr Fahmy Jalani, 38 years, CEO of Ibu Sina Technology. He was one of the participants that made full use of the contacts at the CTBW. "I contacted all of them via email and will follow up with a phone call. They will definitely need technology in their business one of these days," he said.

TLoud and intense: Participants engaging in a lively discussion

Showcase Your

howcase your culinary skills and share the richness of halal food.

You can do so by being part of the first ever Halal Gourmet Expo to be held here from 14 to 16 August at the Singapore Expo Hall 6B. More than 65,000 local and overseas visitors, including those from this region, are expected in the expo. SPHERE Exhibits Pte Ltd, Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Singapore Halal Culinary Federation are the joint organisers of this event. Visitors will have ample opportunities to interact with well-known chefs such as Siti Mastura, Dato Fazley Yaacob and Violet Oon, who will be present during the expo.

They can pick up tips on cooking and baking from these experts. There will also be Six Stations of Excitement – each focusing

on different aspects of food and food making – that will add colour to the expo. They are World Halal Street Food, The Watering Holes, In the Kitchen, Spice Corner, Country Pavilions and The Cook Out. The Country Pavilions will feature halal cuisines from Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Middle East, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Greece and South America. And at the World Halal Street Food, there will be kiosks featuring a myriad of delectable halal street food from around the world.our In addition, several competitions will be held during the event, including a unique live competition that pits chefs against one another in the food services industry. In conjunction with the expo, a Halal Gourmet Conference will also be held. The conference will especially benefit newcomers to the

industry, as they will have a better understanding of the rapidly expanding halal food market. Especially for SMCCI members, you can book and create your booth at the Expo. You can block a raw space between 12 Sqm to 46 Sqm or set up a ready-made Shell Scheme of 12

Dato Fazley Yaacob

SMCCI members can book and create their own booth at the Expo or create outdoor barbeque, replicate a restaurant or operate an open kitchen


Sqm. You may also create that outdoor barbeque, replicate a restaurant or bar, or operate an open kitchen to distribute free smells to an appreciative public.

Don’t miss this golden opportunity.

For more details, call 6319 4020 or 6319 4021. Or visit our website at


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Mr Akbar
