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Big Love: A Biography of Lama Yeshe - Part 2

Chenrezig Institute

is affiliated with the


The Foundation for the

Preservation of the

Mahayana Tradition is a

worldwide organisation

of over 150 centres

founded by Lama Yeshe

& Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

Chenrezig Inst i tute i s ful l y

audi ted , not - for -prof i t and

mainly run by volunteers .

We rely ent i re ly on the

support of members ,

fr iends , benefactors and

bequests . Fac i l i ty Fees and

donat ions are needed to

keep the Centre running .

33 Johnsons Rd

Eudlo QLD 4554

Ph: 07 5453 2108

[email protected]

In this issue:

Big Love 1

News 2-4

Programme Details 5-15

Advanced Programme 16

Calendars 17-19

Keep up to date with the latest news on Facebook - go to and become a fan

The Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive (LYWA) are delighted to announce a late 2013 publication date for ‘Big Love’, the official, authorized biography of our precious founder, Lama Thubten Yeshe.

The Australian author, Adele Hulse, started writing this book more than twenty years ago in 1991, having been personally requested to do so long before by Lama Yeshe himself. She travelled the world interviewing all the friends, acquaintances, colleagues and students of Lama Yeshe she could find, and visiting many of the places Lama went to, including his home village in Tibet. Hundreds of interviews later, even after much editing, it’s still going to be huge - probably two volumes of around 600 pages each with many glorious photos from the over 30,000 that have been collected from Lama’s students all over the world.

LYWA have been working on the book since 2008 and have posted excerpts and a selection of images along the way; check out the Big Love Blog and the LYWA photo gallery.

The ‘Elders’ of Chenrezig Institute, many of whom actually had the incredible good fortune to meet Lama Yeshe, are helping to co-ordinate the fund-raising for Big Love in Australia and New Zealand with the goal of contributing AUD$33,000 to this once in a lifetime project.

We expect this monumental work to cost more than three times the Australian and New Zealand target to create and print, and are now actively fundraising. To date (mid November) well over $8,000 has already been raised - a quarter of our goal!

There are three levels of sponsorship – but ALL donations big or small are most welcome.

$5.000: receive a statue of Lama Yeshe containing some of Lama’s consecrated ashes plus a set of the published books

$1.500: receive a stupa containing some of Lama’s consecrated ashes plus a set of the published books

$250: receive a set of the published books

To contribute please make your donation through the Chenrezig Institute website (please be sure to select your donation tag with BigLove or email [email protected] for more information.

Please dedicate your donation to the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche and the fulfillment of all their Dharma aspirations.

“It’s hard to explain to anyone who never met Lama Yeshe how amazing and powerful he was. Every-one who came into his presence was completely overwhelmed by his loving energy, we saw it over and over again… with our parents, our friends, politicians… Without Lama our centre and all the FPMT activities would simply not have come into existence. All the happiness that has been brought to count-less beings through this – this is all due to his immeasurable kindness and wisdom! -Kathy Vichta

Summer 2012/2013: December, January, February

Big Love: A Biography of Lama Yeshe - Part 2

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P a g e 2 Art Projects Update S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

Our new art studio and workshop facility is nearing completion. Over the past months we have done a lot of the fitting out, we now have a partial power supply, water connected and hope to be fully functioning by the end of the year. Many thanks go out to all of those people who so kindly offered an amazing range of furniture and fittings; we have a kitchen, gas cooktop, fridge, lounge, fans desk lights, outdoor tables and chairs, storage units, shelving, air-con units, many tools and even carpet. Big thanks go out to Sandy, David and Joy, Pam and Meg, Heather and Greg, Sybil and Mal for their contribution and to Colin, Todd and Otto for their help.

Our next big task is to complete the electrical work inside the shed, a recent donation of $1000 was made towards this so we are off to a good start.

We are currently building more storage shelves in anticipation for the Enlightenment project moving in so we are setting-up all of the necessary facilities and equipment for starting work as soon as this takes place.

We could still use more work-tables, chairs, desk lights, electrical fittings, fans (all types), a large water tank, storage units and shelving.

Entrance Gate

There have been long delays on this project as a result of so much energy going into the art studio but we are now back on track. The main posts, lotus petals and other decorations have been completed and Geshe Jamyang’s brother Jampa-la is back completing the two Snow Lions that will sit either side of the gate.

Next phase will be building the roof which we hope to start shortly. Money offered in the past has been used so we are currently running on empty. We probably need around $1500 to complete all of the work and a little extra as an offering to Jampa-la for sculpting the lions. Donations to help complete this long-awaited project (like 30 years) can be made at the office and we plan to set up a donation box near the office to help things along.

There will be side road for high vehicles so if there are any sign writers out there please get in touch.

It has been a very inspiring year for CI and much has been achieved; all of us involved with the Garden of Enlightenment, the art studio, and entrance gate projects rejoice in your generosity and on-going support. Sincere thanks, Garrey Foulkes

Home Mani Retreat

This year the home retreat began on November 6th and will continue through until Saka Dawa in May 2013. If you would like to participate in this retreat please email [email protected]. A short practice is emailed to the participant so you can join the retreat at any time.

It is not necessary for all participants to pledge a mantra count per month, however in doing so one

creates a very positive mental imprint and a firm resolution to participate

What happens to these recited manis? Beside the enormous benefit to you, the manis are offered to Rinpoche who in turn offers them to His Holiness the Dalai Lama with a dedication for the long life and good health of all our precious Dharma teachers, the accomplishment of all their Dharma wishes becoming immediately fulfilled, with a particular emphasis on world peace for our planet.

Home Mani Retreat

Are You Ready for a Radical Transformation? Tonglen or ‘taking and sending’ is a powerful meditation practice that directly opposes the normal habitual tendencies of the mind. In this practice, we visualize taking on the suffering of others on the in-breath, and giving happiness and success to all sentient beings on the out-breath. It is an incredibly effective method of reducing selfish attachment, and generating compassion for others.

"In Tonglen practice, instead of running from pain and discomfort, we acknowledge them and own them fully. Instead of dwelling on our own problems, we put ourselves in other people's shoes and appreciate our shared humanity. Then the barriers start to dissolve, our hearts and minds begin to open." Pema Chodron

Join us Wednesday evenings from 16th January to learn about this amazing practice and begin to transform your daily life.

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 Beyond Religion P a g e 3

Disturbing images of intolerance and violence have spread around the world recently. Violence has also taken place in our own country - reminding us that we are not immune - that our own society can also behave with extreme prejudice and anger. But equally all societies have the capacity for tolerance, restraint and kindness – the basis of ethical behaviour - and every human being has the desire to have a happy and peaceful life in such a society.

What exactly are ‘ethics’? Philosophers have been pondering this for millennia. Here are a couple of dictionary definitions - ‘a set of principles of right conduct’, and ‘motivation based on ideas of right and wrong’

In the past, religious belief often provided the ethical basis for society – but religion is playing a smaller and smaller part in life today. His Holiness the Dalai Lama recognises that a majority of people across the world reject organised religion. When asked about his own religious belief he has replied – ‘my religion is simple, my religion is kindness’ and that – very simply - is the theme of an outstanding book published earlier this year – Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World. In other words - ethics grounded in our common humanity. ’We are born free of religion but we are not born free of the need for compassion’ His Holiness says. The book is divided into two parts – the first investigates the qualities we need to develop, the second includes practical approaches for ‘ethical mindfulness’ – counteracting destructive emotions and cultivating positive virtues.

When His Holiness visits Australia next year the theme for his teaching will be ‘Beyond Religion: The Benefits of Living Ethically’. If you are fortunate enough to be attending the teachings this is the perfect book to read as a preparation – if not, read it anyway!

This is not the first time that His Holiness has addressed this topic. Way back in 1999 he wrote Ancient Wisdom, Modern World: Ethics for the New Millennium – proposing that ethics be based on universal rather than religious principles. A lot has happened in the world since then. A couple of years ago Towards the True Kinship of Faiths was published – discussing how the all great religions have compassion at their heart .The Dalai Lama shows how all nations, cultures and individuals can find opportunities to connect. Another inspirational book!

But we must not forget our own Lama Yeshe’s views. Way back in the eighties he said ‘In Buddhism we have an incredible arrangement, universal education from the beginning at birth up to death. Give up religion, give up Buddhism. Go beyond Buddhism.’ In other words universal ethics. Much later in 2007 Sixteen Guidelines for Life was published by Essential Education, an initiative of the Foundation for Developing Compassion and Wisdom. If you would like to read a simple guide to ethics this an excellent starting point All may be found in the Library at Chenrezig. We look forward to helping you find what you need.

Hilary Librarian

Buying your books in digital format or from international online stores?

Lots of us are now buying eBooks or getting our books from Amazon. All products bought through Amazon via our website will help to support the centre. Win-win!


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P a g e 4 Holiday Gift Shopping? S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

Chenrezig Institute runs predominately on the kindness of donations, benefactors, and the support of our members. By becoming a member of Chenrezig Institute you become an integral part of our community and contribute to the continuation of the Dharma in numerous ways:

Supporting the spiritual programme at Chenrezig Institute

(Geshe Lobsang Jamyang, interpreter, attendants, the Gompa, texts. and the ongoing expenses of the spiritual programme)

Supporting the Pujas of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Kyabje

Zopa Rinpoche, Geshe Tashi Tsering, and Geshe Lobsang Jamyang

By becoming a 1000 Arms of Chenrezig member you receive: One weekend course per year (two for Family memberships) Two nights motel accommodation per year International FPMT magazine, Mandala FPMT Basic Friendship membership Chenrezig Institute newsletter emailed or snail-mailed 10% discount on all courses Invitation to annual Arms Members' afternoon tea with Geshe-la

and the Sangha Prayers for the long lives and health of Arms members and their

families (twice monthly Guru Puja) Chenrezig Institute library membership Wisdom Archive books, new copies of free distribution books

(when available)


Yes, please sign me as a 1000 Arms of Chenrezig Member

Single $185 per year (or 4 quarterly payments of $46.25)

Family $245 per year (or 4 quarterly payments of $61.25)

Concession $120 per year (or 4 quarterly payments of $30.00)



Method of Payment


Credit Card # Exp. date





Email Address

However many members a Centre has, that many people are making this incredible contribution to the world - Lama Zopa Rinpoche

Make cheques payable to ‘Chenrezig Institute’ and send with this form to PO Box 41, Eudlo QLD 4554. Commitments are ongoing unless you cancel your membership.

I am interested in including Chenrezig Institute in my will, as a benefactor of my life insurance, or in my retirement plans. Please contact me to discuss.

You can join online at




Method of Payment


Credit Card # Exp. date


Do you require a receipt? Yes/No

I would like to donate the following amounts to:


$ Perpetual Education Trust Fund


Garden of Enlightenment



Sangha Food Fund $

Statue maintenance/gold-leafing

General Donation

Puja dedication for:








Email Address

We sincerely thank you for your contribution

Make cheques payable to ‘Chenrezig Institute’ and send to PO Box 41, Eudlo QLD 4554

“When we have inner peace, we can be at peace with those around us. When our community is in a state of peace, it

can share that peace with neighbouring communities and so on. When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not

only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to de­velop inner happiness and peace. ”

-His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

We have a great selection of gifts for your Dharma friends and all your other friends as well, so why not spend your dollars where it’s a win-win?

5% of all income from the purchase of Dharma goods goes straight to the Library and another 5%, goes to sponsoring course facility fees, and ALL profit from the shop helps to run the centre. - so shopping is very beneficial!!

Some suggestions: silver jewellery, elegant tea-sets or mugs with lids, mandala colouring books, music CDs, 2013 date books & calendars, cushion covers, brocades, crystal hangings, strings of bells, Japanese & Tibetan incense, lotus tea-lights, colourful ladies wallets & purses, children?s books, jigsaws, and many, many more gift items.

Before hitting the malls come and have a good look, or we can also mail any items to you. We really appreciate your support!

We have loads of new stock so even regular visitors will find different items to choose from.

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Weekly Programme

Regular Monthly Events

General programme events are by donation and bookings are not necessary. Your kind support enables us to continue these classes.

S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 General Programme P a g e 5

DZAMBHALA PUJA Sunday 2nd Dec 6pm Sunday 6th Jan 6pm Sunday 3rd Feb 6pm


PRECEPT DAYS Thursday 13th Dec 4:15am Friday 28th Dec (at home)

Friday 11th Jan 4:30am Saturday 26th Jan 4:45am (at home)

Sunday 10th February 5am Monday 11th – Sunday 24th February

(at home) Monday 25th February 5.15am

Dharma Dates from the Tibetan Astrological Calendar

GURU PUJA Saturday 8th Dec 6pm

Saturday 22nd Dec 6pm Monday 7th Jan 6pm Monday 21st Jan 6pm Tuesday 5th Feb 6pm

Wednesday 20th Feb 6pm

TARA PUJA Thursday 20th Dec 6pm Saturday 19th Jan 6pm Monday 18th Feb 6pm

MEDICINE BUDDHA PUJA Thursday 20th Dec 8am Saturday 19th Jan 8am Monday 25th Feb 8am

NO PRAYER FLAGS It is inauspicious for prayer

flags to be hung on the following dates:

December 2nd, 16th, 29th January 9th, 12th, 24th

February 5th, 20th


Losar: Feb 11 Days of Miracles: Feb-12-25


Lama Yeshe: Feb 11

Monday Closed

Tuesday Essence of Buddhism with Lozang Drolma (in Maroochydore) from 15th January onwards.


Wednesday Karma with Tony Beaumont until Dec 19th 10:30am-12noon

Shantideva’s Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life with Geshe Jamyang from Jan 16th, 2013


Meditation/Discussion with CI monks and nuns 6:30pm-7:30pm

Meditation/ Discussion (in Maroochydore) until December 19th and from January 16th onwards.


Thursday Guided Meditation with CI Sangha 1:15pm-1:45pm

General Teaching with Tony Beaumont 7pm-8:30pm

Resting in the Nature of Mind with Geshe Jamyang From Jan 17th


Friday Taste of Tibetan Buddhism with CI Sangha 1:30pm - 2:45pm

1st Wednesday Question and Answer session with Geshe Jamyang restarting in February


1st Friday Chenrezig Sadhana 6:30pm-7:30pm

1st Sunday Open Day/First Sundays Events (see programme pages for more detail)


Dzambhala Puja 6pm-7:30pm

Last Thursday Question and Answer session with Geshe Jamyang restarting in February


Last Sunday Vajrayogini Practice Day 9am-3:30pm

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 P a g e 6

December 2012

Yes, You Can Meditate! with Lozang Jhampa

Meditation is a tool for learning about our mind and how we relate to the world. It also benefits us on a physical level, helping to reduce stress and anxiety, and increase happiness. This one-day course teaches basic Buddhist meditation techniques. However, it doesn’t assume you are Buddhist or want to be – the course is open to students from any background, and the practices will benefit anyone who uses them.

The course covers the purpose and benefits of meditation, posture, and common obstacles. The sessions include instruction, discussion and practice. If you have ever wanted to learn to meditate, this is a great opportunity!

Saturday 1st December 9am - 4:30pm. Facility fee $49. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Booking essential!

Venerable Jhampa is the Manager of the Losang Dragpa Monastery and attends the Buddhist Studies Programme, an extensive 5 year programme at Chenrezig Institute.

Open Days are filled with opportunities to explore what Chenrezig Institute has to offer. Bring the whole family for a relaxing day out! Start with a tour of the centre, stay on for Dharma Club, Tibetan mo-mos (delicious dumplings), or drop into the Gompa to listen to Lozang Jhampa who will give a short talk about Buddhist beliefs and practices.

Join us for a delicious vegetarian or vegan lunch in the Big Love Café, enjoy some music on the Prayer Wheel Lawns, or browse in our extensive Library. The Tibetan Community of Queensland will join us to add some cultural flavour and raise awareness of the issues currently facing Tibetans in Tibet.

Round off the day with a peaceful guided meditation and a leisurely tour of the beautiful Garden of Enlightenment. And don’t forget to visit the shop - we have a huge range of new gift options for your holiday shopping!

9:30am - 10:15am Guided tour of the centre 10:15am - 12noon Dharma Club for Kids 10:30am - 12noon Talk on Tibetan Buddhism 12noon - 1pm Lunch in Lama Yeshe’s Big Love Café 12:30pm - 1:30pm Mo-mos and music on the Prayer Wheel Lawn 1:30pm - 2:30pm Guided Meditation in the Gompa 2:30pm – 3:30pm Tour of the Garden of Enlightenment

Sunday 2nd December. All open day activities are offered by the centre without charge. Everybody welcome! Lunch in the Big Love Café is $9.90 per person. Please book by 10am, gluten/ dairy free option is available.

About the four-arm Chenrezig sadhana

"Every person whose heart is moved by love and compassion, who deeply and sincerely acts for the benefit of others without concern for fame, profit, social position, or recognition, expresses the activity of Chenrezig" - Bokar Rinpoche Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of compassion, is one of the most beloved figures in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. He represents the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in their tireless work for the benefit of all beings. Reciting the Chenrezig sadhana is a popular and effective way of cultivating loving-kindness and compassion. It is an extraordinarily beautiful meditation, is easy to learn, and is highly recommended for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. It takes place at 6pm on the first Friday of every month and lasts about 45 minutes.

Open Day with the Queensland Tibetan Community - Sunday 2nd December

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December 2012 P a g e 7

Jointly hosted by Chenrezig Institute and the Australian Tibetan Medicine Association (ATMA), this three-day workshop delivers an in-depth introduction to, and training in, the external therapy of Ku nye massage in Tibetan Medicine. It includes instruction in herb and oil preparations used, as well as massage techniques applied.

The workshop forms the fifth and sixth units of an in-depth Traditional Tibetan Medicine study programme, but can be studied in isolation by anyone interested in Tibetan massage therapy.

Friday 14th December 9am - Sunday 16th 4:30pm. Course fee $360 ($300 concession). For further details, please contact: [email protected] or see the ATMA website. Accommodation and meals available separately - please book directly with Chenrezig Institute.

Just as every object is accompanied by a shadow, so every intentional activity is accompanied by a positive or negative result. This is the simple law of karma. It indicates that we are ultimately responsible for our happiness or unhappiness - both in the present and in the future.

But how exactly does karma work? Can we alter the results of our actions, or prevent ourselves from experiencing the full effects of past negative actions? In this weekend course, we learn about the nature of karma and how we can go about purifying mistaken actions done in the past. Discover effective tools to accumulate the causes of happiness, break the habit of creating negative outcomes, and take control of your future!

Saturday 15th December 9am—Sunday 16th 4:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings Essential!

During his lifetime, the Buddha gave thousands of teachings. The key to beginning to understand them is knowing the order in which they should be studied. Consequently, a clear and logical arrangement of the teachings called the lam-rim chenmo, or graduated path to enlightenment, forms the heart of Tibetan Buddhism.

This course provides a fundamental grounding in Buddhist studies. It presents the progressive, step-like structure of the lam-rim, its three scopes, where you fit in at your present stage of spiritual development, what you need to do next, and how to get from there to enlightenment! It is suitable for everyone, and anyone is welcome to attend.

Saturday 8th December 9am – Sunday 9th 3:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings essential!

Australian-born Venerable Tony Beaumont trained and worked as a psychiatric nurse. Ordained for almost 20 years, Tony has studied at Lama Tsong Khapa Institute in Italy and Nalanda Monastery in France, and taught at FPMT centres around the world. Tony is currently the resident teacher at Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamsala India.

Discovering Buddhism: Presenting the Path with Tony Beaumont

This day is the celebration of the enlightenment of the great Lama Tsongkhapa (1357 – 1419), the founder of the Gelug school and author of the lam-rim chenmo. The day serves to remind us of the great kindness of Lama Tsongkhapa, and encourages us to engage in Guru devotion through pure practice and conduct.

4:30pm Everyone is invited to help set up the offerings 6pm Guru Puja with offerings to Lama Tsongkhapa

Lama Tsongkhapa Day - Saturday 8th December

Tibetan Medicine Lecture Series with Dr. Ani Nyidon

Purifying Negative Karma

Monday Dec 10—International Day of Solidarity for the Tibetan people, check email updates and/or facebook closer to the day for confirmation of scheduled activities

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 P a g e 8

December 2012 Wind and Water: The Wonderful World of Feng Shui

with Jampa Ludrup

Have you ever wondered why some rooms feel warm and welcoming, while others feel sterile and uninviting? Or noticed that you sleep better in some houses, or when your bed points a certain way? The secrets behind these differences can be found in the ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui - the art of creating harmony within our surroundings.

In these two one-day workshops, Venerable Jampa explains the principles of Feng Shui. He reveals how it can benefit you and your loved ones, bring you increased health, prosperity and happiness! Join us for a fascinating insight into this ancient art!

Jampa is an Australian-born Buddhist monk who has been studying and practicing Feng Shui for more than 15 years. He is the author of ‘Feng Shui: Seeing is Believing’, the presenter of a documentary series on Feng Shui, and a popular international consultant.

PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS: Jampa is available for personal consultations at your home or workplace while he is on the Sunshine Coast. To book, contact [email protected]

This one-day course explains the most important points of the Form School of Feng Shui. It is suitable for complete beginners and provides information on the right way to choose and landscape your home. You will also get advice on the correct way to design and set up the interior. This course can be done on its own or with the one-day Essentials of Compass School Feng Shui course.

Saturday 15th December 9am - 4:30pm at Peregian Beach Community House. Facility fee $75. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Bookings Essential!

On this course you will discover your good and bad personal directions - one of the most important things you will ever learn! You will also explore the guidelines for placing the right elements in the optimal position in your home or workplace building to bring about the best possible results for health, money, relationships, and more.

Although it is suitable for anyone, complete beginners will find the course Essential Form School Feng Shui course beneficial. Bring a good quality compass and a copy of your floorplan.

Sunday 16th December 9am - 4:30pm at Peregian Beach Community House. Facility fee $75. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Bookings Essential!

At Peregian Beach Community House: Essential Compass School Feng Shui with Jampa Ludrup

FREE Introductory Talk at Chenrezig Institute: Friday December 14th 6pm

At Peregian Beach Community House: Essential Form School Feng Shui with Jampa Ludrup

Feng Shui is the art of balancing environmental energy in your living and working space to make life better. For a gentle introduction to this ancient art deployed by many successful individuals and businesses, join

Jampa for this introductory talk. Friday 14th December 6pm. No need to book.

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P a g e 9 S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

December 2012 - January 2013

Need to escape the rush of the festive season? Join us for a peaceful day of writing out the Sanghata sutra in gold ink. Not only is this a deeply relaxing and satisfying way to spend the day, it is said that merely copying any part of the sutra creates an indescribable amount of merit. Everyone is very welcome! Please let us know if you will be joining us to ensure we supply enough gold pens and free chai.

Saturday 22nd December from 9am. No charge. Please remember to book if you will be joining us for lunch in the Big Love cafe. Lunch is $9.90 per person.

If you have Sunday morning or afternoon free, or both, join us for some great movies :

10:30am FREE Screening of Unmistaken Child 1:30pm FREE Screening of The Cup

Sunday 23rd December from 9am. No charge. Please remember to book if you will be joining us for lunch in the Big Love cafe. Lunch is $9.90 per person. Gluten/dairy free options available.

A Buddhist Christmas: Sanghata Sutra Writing Saturday Dec 22nd

Movie “Marathon” Sunday Dec 23rd

Art of Enlightenment with Ray Furminger

In this class Ray teaches us the meaning of Buddhist iconography and how to draw a range of Tibetan Buddhist figures using traditional techniques. Students are encouraged to work on their own compositions, and are given advice and support. Although all students are welcome, the course is primarily aimed at returning students. Beginners may be interested in first attending the related course A Start in Buddhist Art.

Saturday 22nd December 9am - 4:30pm. Facility fee $49. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings Essential!

During this retreat we have the opportunity to purify negative karma by engaging in the practices of Vajrasattva; the Buddha of purification. The objective in purifying negativities is ultimately to decrease our mental and physical suffering, and therefore, to expand our good qualities and become happier.

This retreat is suitable for beginners and experienced practitioners alike, and for observers of any faith. There are no special prerequisites to attend this retreat, though a basic understanding of karma is helpful. Some may find the retreat challenging, but the setting is gentle. Learn to make the practice effective and use it as the quickest way to transform your mind.

Wednesday 26th December 5:30pm - Monday 31st December 9am. Facility fee $150 - 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Meals and accommodation discounted 10% for those attending the full retreat. Bookings essential!

Vajrasattva Retreat with Lozang Pema

Kopan Downunder is an annual tradition at Chenrezig Institute. It is a lam-rim retreat that combines teachings, discussions, and meditation. Students receive instructions on how to make every day meaningful through mind transformation on the path to enlightenment. This is an ideal retreat for beginners as well as experienced practitioners because it is a review of all Buddha’s teachings that lead to complete liberation.

Wednesday 2nd January 2013 7pm - Sunday 13th January 12:30pm. Facility fee: $330 -10% discount for FPMT members & concession card holders). Meals and accommodation discounted 10% for those attending the full retreat. Bookings essential!

Kopan Downunder with Geshe Lobsang Jamyang and Tenzin Tsepal

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January 2013

Tonglen or ‘taking and sending’ is a powerful meditation practice that directly opposes the normal habitual tendencies of the mind. In this practice, we visualize taking on the suffering of others on the in-breath, and giving happiness and success to all sentient beings on the out-breath. It is an incredibly effective method of reducing selfish attachment, and generating compassion for others.

"In Tonglen practice, instead of running from pain and discomfort, we acknowledge them and own them fully. Instead of dwelling on our own problems, we put ourselves in other people's shoes and appreciate our shared humanity. Then the barriers start to dissolve, our hearts and minds begin to open." Pema Chodron

Join us every Wednesday night to learn about this amazing meditation practice and begin to transform your daily life.

Wednesday evenings 6:30pm - 7:30pm from 16th January - 13th February. No charge and no need to book, but remember to book in for supper if you fancy soup and toast before class.

WEDNESDAYS from Jan 16th to Feb 13th Radical Transformation with Lozang Jhampa

Meditation can develop mindfulness, loving-kindness, tranquillity, and insight. A regular meditation practice enables us to get our lives moving in rich, full and meaningful ways. Join us for a guided meditation and discussion on Wednesday evenings in Maroochydore. These sessions are a great opportunity to develop an understanding of the principles of Tibetan Buddhist meditation, and establish a time each week to spend on your own inner development.

Whether you want to better control your stress and high blood pressure, enjoy increased mindfulness and awareness, or merely take time to learn and practice, these sessions will help you be happier, healthier and more relaxed!

Wednesday evenings 6pm – 7pm from January 16th onwards at Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochydore. No need to book, entry by donation. All welcome!

In Maroochydore: WEDNESDAYS from Jan 16th Meditation/ Discussion with Lindsay Pratt

In Maroochydore: TUESDAYS from Jan 15th to Feb 5th Essence of Buddhism: Karma with Lozang Drolma

The Essence of Buddhism provides an overview of Buddhist thought and philosophy through the perspectives offered by Tibetan Buddhism.

Focusing on practical application, we are provided with insight on topics like awareness, compassion, and karma

In this 4-week Essence of Buddhism unit: Karma, we come to understand the simple fact that all of our actions have inevitable consequences - is a powerful way to change how we view our lives. Venerable Drolma explains how we create the causes of both our happiness and our problems. You do not need to have attended any previous units of Essence of Buddhism - each module is a stand-alone course. Join in at any time - all welcome!

Tuesday evenings 6pm-7:30pm from 15th January to 5th February at Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochydore. No need to book. $10 per session.

Drolma was ordained in 2005 and is a graduate of Chenrezig Institute’s 5-year Buddhist Studies Programme.

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 January 2013 P a g e 1 1

The Buddha said that healing essentially comes from the mind. Therefore it’s important for us to understand the nature of the mind, and how it is pure, separate from the faults that cause mental and physical illness and suffering.

In this course we look at how mental habits like selfishness, anger, and guilt are temporary and can be removed. We learn to cultivate positive attitudes like compassion, self-acceptance, and forgiveness, which are the real inner medicines that heal our minds and the causes of our problems. The course covers methods and meditations outlined by Lama Zopa Rinpoche, in the book Ultimate Healing. Join us to learn the keys to inner well-being and happiness!

Saturday 19th January 9am - Sunday 20th January 4:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Booking essential!

One of the goals of the annual Tibetan Camp is to make the program affordable for any Tibetan family living in Australia. To help cover the expenses of insurance, food, craft supplies, offerings to teachers, we welcome any financial assistance. We know that the Tibetan families join us in thanking you for your support.

We need help to sponsor at least 30 participants (i.e. raising $9,069). Many of the Tibetan families in Australia live in challenging economic conditions; poor English and lack of formal education can mean job opportunities are limited for some, but they have a great desire to learn, to take part in their new communities, whilst maintaining their rich cultural heritage which is not able to be preserved in Tibet.

Purpose of the Camp:

Foster an atmosphere where Tibetan children learn about their heritage and flourish under the protection of community elders

Instill awareness of, and respect for Tibetan values and culture while integrating into Australian society - especially important for ethnic-Tibetan children who may never see their homeland

Education will focus on how to maintain traditional values while integrating into Australian society, so that the whole Tibetan way of life is not lost. Dharma, history, geography, art, dance, cooking etc.

If you can help us to host Tibetan families for this camp, go to the website to make a donation.

Tibetan Summer Camp - Sunday 20th Jan to Friday 25th

Vipassanā means to see things as they really are - it is clear insight into the nature of our minds, and ultimately, into the nature of reality itself. Experiencing such insight relies on developing an extraordinary level of mindfulness, as well as the ability to abide peacefully with whatever thoughts or sensations arise.

In this weekend retreat, we will be led through practices that cultivate mindfulness and clarity by one of Chenrezig Institute’s most senior and accomplished teachers - Thubten Yeshe. TY will show us how create the conditions necessary for the arising of insight, and how to use these practices to achieve freedom and lasting happiness.

The retreat will be conducted in complete silence and will involve long periods of sitting meditation. It is highly recommended for intermediate and advanced practitioners!

Friday 25th January 7pm - Monday 28th January 4:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Booking essential!

A Mahayana Vipassanā Retreat with TY (Thubten Yeshe)

Healing in Tibetan Buddhism with Tenzin Tsepal

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P a g e 1 3 S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3


Dharma Club – Sunday 3rd February

Dharma Club aims to teach children the universal values of kindness, compassion, as well as how to be happy. Incorporating Buddhist principles and using play, craft, and other activities, we hope to open children's minds to exploration of values such as humility, respect, and responsibility.

From 10:15am to 12noon. No charge. Children 5 and over welcome! All children must be accompanied.

In the Tibetan tradition, paintings and statues are not just pieces of art – they are tools that act as a support for visualisations and meditation practices.

In this class Ray teaches us the meaning of Buddhist iconography and how to draw a range of Tibetan Buddhist figures using traditional techniques. Students are encouraged to work on their own compositions, and are given advice and support.

Although all students are welcome, the course is primarily aimed at returning students. Beginners may be interested in first attending the related course A Start in Buddhist Art.

Saturday 26th January 9am - 4:30pm. Facility fee $49. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings Essential!

Ray studied Buddhist art for many years under master artist Andy Weber. He now lives and works at Chenrezig Institute, where he is the resident artist.

Waking Up to Reality: Gelug Mahamudra with Glen Svensson

Mahamudra refers to a system of meditating on the nature of the mind, and represents the culmination of all the teachings and practices of Tibetan Buddhism. It leads to the direct realisation of the differences between our incorrect assumptions and objective reality, therefore bringing our minds into harmony with the world, and ending our suffering.

This weekend course offers practical methods of cultivating calm-abiding (shamata), and insight into the relationship between mind and reality (vipassana). These act as foundations for Mahamudra practice, and help overcome obstacles such as excessive worry, anxiety and disturbing thought.

Saturday 2nd February 9am - Sunday 3rd 4:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Booking essential!

Glen is an Australian-born graduate from the seven-year Masters Program in Advanced Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra at the Lama Tsong Khapa Institute in Italy in 2004, and has taught extensively at Dharma Centres in Australia and in India.

Art of Enlightenment with Ray Furminger

About Vajrayogini Practice Days

Vajrayogini Practice takes place on the last Sunday of every month in the Community Room. ONLY if you have the appropriate initiation, you can join in for the morning session from 9:30am –12noon. For those who have also completed an approach retreat with fire puja, there is a self-initiation session after lunch..

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P a g e 1 4 February 2013 S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

On Losar, Tibetans mark the day with solemn activities if they have lost loved ones in the previous year. Given the unprecedented number of self-immolations in Tibet in the last 12 months, it seems the most appropriate thing we can do to mark Losar and the anniversary of Lama Yeshe’s death is with a day of solemn practice remembering those who have died and making dedications for a more peaceful outcome in the coming year.

1.30pm –4.30pm Prayers in the Gompa 4:30pm - 5pm Hanging Prayer Flags for the new year 6:30pm - 7:30pm Candlelight vigil on the Prayer Wheel lawn

Just as we rely on a knowledgeable guide to lead us through unfamiliar terrain, so too must we rely on a spiritual mentor to show us the way to liberation. Whether or not we reach our destination depends on their knowledge and expertise, and on the extent of our faith in them. If we trust our teacher, we follow their guidance and persevere through any difficulties.

For these reasons, it is taught that the quickest way to achieve success on the path is to practice Guru Devotion - seeing your teacher as possessing all the perfections of all the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas.

In this sponsored weekend course, Geshe Jamyang outlines the practice of Ganden Lha Gyama, or Lama Tsong Khapa Guru Yoga, and explains why it is one of the most effective practices. This is an essential teaching for all serious students of Tibetan Buddhism!

Although this course is open to everyone, it is recommended that students have some background and knowledge of Buddhism in the Tibetan tradition.

Saturday 9th February 9am - Sunday 10th February 4:30pm. No Facility fee!! Accommodation and meals available separately. Places limited - book early to avoid disappointment!

Geshe Jamyang was born in Tibet in 1966 and took ordination at the age of 16. Following 22 years of study he attained the highest degree in Buddhist philosophy, Geshe Lharampa. He came to Chenrezig Institute in 2005.

The Union of All Perfections: Practicing Guru Devotion SPONSORED COURSE: with Geshe Lobsang Jamyang and Tenzin Tsepal

In Maroochydore: TUESDAYS from Feb 12th to Mar 5th Essence of Buddhism: Meditation with Lozang Drolma

Meditation encompasses a variety of techniques that aim to develop mindfulness, loving-kindness, tranquillity, and insight. It is an essential component of the Buddhist path to mental well-being and lasting happiness. In this four-week course you can learn the different types of meditation techniques, the definition and purpose of meditation, how to sit properly, how to set up a meditation session, and how to recognise and deal with obstacles to your meditation.

You do not need to have attended any previous units of Essence of Buddhism - each module is a stand-alone course. Join in at any time - all welcome!

Tuesday evenings 6pm-7:30pm from 12th February to 5th March at Millwell Road Community Centre, Maroochydore. No need to book. $10 per session.

Losar/Lama Yeshe Day - Monday 11th February Day of Prayers and Candlelight Vigil

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 February 2013 P a g e 1 5

This retreat reflects on the teachings and instruction from the Presenting the Path module of the Discovering Buddhism programme. It continues our exploration of the lam-rim, the graduated path to enlightenment, and provides an opportunity to meditate on some of the key points.

The retreat also gives us a chance to ask questions about the teachings and participate in group discussions. It is an excellent opportunity to clear away any doubts you may have, or for those studying at home or online to enjoy group practice and meditation. Everyone is welcome to attend this retreat weekend, even if you didn’t attend the classes.

Saturday 16th February 9am - Sunday 17th February 3:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings essential!

Venerable Tsepal was ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2001 and is a graduate of the Buddhist Studies Programme. Tsepal has been Chenrezig Institute’s primary Western Teacher for over 7 years.

Discovering Buddhism Retreat: Presenting the Path with Tenzin Tsepal

A Start in Buddhist Art with Ray Furminger

In the Tibetan tradition, paintings and statues are not just pieces of art – they are tools that act as a support for visualisations and meditation practices. All aspects of the artistic discipline directly reflect the Buddhist path to enlightenment. In this course, Ray teaches us the traditional foundational techniques of this art form, beginning with drawing the face of the historical Buddha, Buddha Shakyamuni.

This introductory class is aimed at complete beginners, no prior art experience is necessary! Returning students are also welcome to attend, and will instead focus on drawing the body of the Buddha. Materials (please bring along): A3 Cartridge Paper, HB Pencil and Sharpener, Eraser, 30cm or longer ruler.

Saturday 23rd February 9am-4:30pm. Facility fee $49. 10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders, accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings Essential!

Practical Parenting: Mindfulness in Action with Lozang Tsultrim (Carla Pearse)

Do you sometimes get stressed, angry and upset when dealing with your children? Do you find yourself yelling all the time? Or worse - have you become the nagging, ineffective parent you never wanted to be...?

Parenting poses so many challenges, especially in our hectic, confusing modern world. Dealing with our own mental processes is tough enough, but being responsible for the physical and mental well-being of others brings additional complexity. Without effective tools to deal with these pressures, we easily succumb to destructive emotions that lead to disharmony and unhappiness.

But it is possible to handle the challenges of a busy life with clarity, effectiveness, and a relaxed, positive attitude. Managing the mind is the solution. Scientific studies show that mindfulness boosts individual health, personal happiness and family harmony. This workshop will teach you the practicalities and techniques of mindfulness training, and will show how to use mindfulness to relate to your children in the most effective, compassionate and intelligent ways.

On Saturday evening you’re welcome to join us for a premiere screening of “Your True Nature”, a short film by Osel specifically for children and young adults about developing compassion.

Saturday 23rd February 9am—Sunday 24th February 4:30pm. Facility fee $99. 10% discount for FPMT members/ concessions. Accommodation and meals available separately. Bookings essential!

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S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 P a g e 1 6 Advanced Programme News

By the time you read this the advanced study group will have completed the first three modules of the extensive teaching on the Middle Way View – teachings on Chandrakirti’s precious Supplement to the Middle Way and the commentary to this text by Lama Tsongkhapa, Illumination of the Thought.

This small dedicated group meet four days a week for teachings, tutorials, discussions, meditations, and long hours of study to grasp the profound meaning of these complex teachings. Geshe Jamyang clearly enjoys the topic and rejoices in the efforts of the students.

There will be four modules in 2013 – two prior to the visit of His Holiness to Australia in June and two after Geshe Jamyang returns from his annual holiday.

Please do keep in touch if you are planning to attend since we have to be a little flexible and fit our schedule around a visit to Brisbane by Khen Rinpoche, Geshe Tashi Tsering, and possible teachings from Kyabje Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

It is still possible for extra students to join the classes (for one or more modules) but of course they would not be eligible for certification (having missed previous teachings). Unless they have received extensive teachings before and have good experience of the Middle Way View, such students would be asked to attend as casual students observing only, i.e not asking questions or taking part in the classroom discussions etc unless specifically encouraged to do so. This is so that the progress of the core group who have been fully attending since the beginning is not held up by newer students.

2013 Madhyamaka Proposed Schedule

Unit 1 - 4th February - 22nd March (7 weeks) Facility fee $420 (10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders) Sangha – no charge.

Unit 2 - 15th April - 30th May (7 weeks) Facility fee $420 (10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders) Sangha – no charge.

Unit 3 - 12th August - 20th September (6 weeks) Facility fee $360 (10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders) Sangha – no charge.

Unit 4 - 7th October - 15th November (6 weeks) Facility fee $360 (10% discount for FPMT members and concession card holders) Sangha – no charge.

Facility fees for the Madhyamaka modules are worked out at $60 per week. The usual discounts apply and students may also use Dharma Dollars (work for courses credits) to cover up to 50% of these fees.

The centre offers the teachings free of charge to all sangha and also offers discounted accommodation and food prices to all full-time students. Please contact reception at the centre ([email protected]) for information about this.

All materials (audio files of teachings and tutorials), transcripts, review questions and tests (with answers) are all collated carefully and offered as homestudy materials for those interested in studying this subject but unable to attend at the centre. Contact the course coordinator ([email protected]) with queries about these materials and about the course itself and whether it is suitable for you.

A Student Handbook for the program is available to download, or you can pick up a copy from Reception, and an FAQ for Madhyamaka students is available online as well

About Vajrayogini Self-initiation

Vajrayogini Self-initiation takes place on the last Sunday of every month in the Community Room . If you have the appropriate initiation, you can join in for the morning session from 9:30am –12noon. For those who have done the retreat and fire puja, there is a self-initiation session after lunch.

For further details, and to let us know if you will be joining in, please contact us.

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Opening Times Reception/Shop Café

Mon-Tues Closed 7am - 6:30pm*

Wed-Fri 9:30am - 2pm 7am - 6:30pm

Sat 8:30am - 4pm 7am - 6:30pm

Sun 9.30am - 4pm 7am - 6:30pm

*The café is open on Mondays and Tuesdays for registered guests, residents, & Masters students.

The Gompa is open 6am – 9pm everyday

P a g e 1 7 S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

Café Mealtimes

Breakfast 7am - 8am Lunch 12 noon (please book by 10am) Supper 5.30pm - 6.30pm

Coffee, cakes, and snacks available at other times

Accommodation Prices Stay six nights and get the seventh free!

Motel Single $35 Share $25per person Sangha House Single $47 Share $30per person Retreat hut (share bath) Single $50 Share $30per person Retreat hut (en suite) Single $60 Share $35per person Dormitory $19per person

Spiritual Director : Lama Thubten Zopa Rinpoche

Primary Teacher Geshe Lobsang Jamyang

Translator Yaki Platt

Western Teacher Tenzin Tsepal

Program Coordinator Michael Gardner

AP Coordinators Kathy Vichta

Lhundrup Tendron

Dharma Club Ros Thomsen

Jan Clark

AP Tutor Lozang Tsewang

Gompa Manager Lozang Tsondru

Audio Technician Lozang Tsondru

Librarian Hilary Tilton

Director Maureen Walshe

Membership Admin Judy Bowey

Maureen Walshe

Volunteer Coordinator Lozang Tsultrim

Maintenance Graham Harrold

Finance Officer Jenny Whisson

In-house Publications Maureen Walshe

Shop Manager Dechen Gerrard

Positions Vacant Centre Services Manager

IT Technician

Cooks (Jeff) Wayne Sparks

Robert Gillow Solomon Thallon

Pierre Fluck

Weekend Barista Susanna Nagasima

Housekeeper Hassam

GoE Caretaker Otto Hase

Newsletter Editor Maureen Walshe Michael Gardner

Management Committee Lozang Tsultrim - Chair

Rosie Muller - Secretary, Yaki Platt, Christine Jones - Treasurer,

Ani Yangchen, Maureen Walshe, Peter Shepherd

Manager of Monks’ Community Lozang Jhampa

Manager of Nuns’ Community Lozang Lhagsam

Garden of Enlightenment Garrey Foulkes

Reception Lozang Khadro

Amanda Morrall Jo Lander

Who’s Who

Not receiving our fortnightly email updates? Many web-based email services (eg Hotmail, Yahoo! etc) send bulk email messages automatically to

your spam/junk folder. Please add [email protected] to your address book/contacts list and the domain to your safe list. That should solve the problem.

Keep up with us on Facebook or Twitter We’ve been experimenting with ways to keep in touch with members and students. We’ve just

moved to a new Facebook profile page, so if you are a Facebook user, look for our new profile: It’s loaded with photos from current events and we’ll keep it

up to date with news of upcoming events. On Twitter we are #ChenrezigFPMT.

Integrate our calendar with yours An interactive Google Calendar is on the Newsletter and Calendar page of the CI website - click on

the Google logo at the bottom of the calendar to integrate our events with your calendar.

Library Hours

Wed 12noon - 2:30pm

Thurs 1pm - 3:30pm

Fri 10am - 12noon 1pm - 3:30pm

Sat 1pm - 3:30pm

Sun 1pm - 3:30pm

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Retreat Concludes 9am

= Full Moon = New Moon

1 Yes, You Can

Meditate with

Lozang Jhampa 9am - 4:30pm

2 Open Day

9:30am - 3:30pm (Full details in the


6pm Dzambhala Puja




General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 10:30am - 12noon


Discussion 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm


Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 7pm - 8:30pm


Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm

Chenrezig Sadhana 6pm - 7pm






Presenting the Path


Tony Beaumont Commences 9am

6pm Guru Puja




Presenting the Path


Tony Beaumont Concludes 3:30pm


Solidarity Day

for Tibetan



General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 10:30am - 12noon


Discussion 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm

13 Precepts 4:15am

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 7pm - 8:30pm


Tibetan Medicine

Lecture Series with

Dr. Ani Nyidon Commences


Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm

Wind and Water:

The Wonderful

World of Feng Shui

with Jampa Ludrup 6pm - 8pm

15 Tibetan Medicine

Lecture Series with

Dr. Ani Nyidon Continues

Purifying Negative

Karma Commences 9am

Peregian Beach

Essential Form

School Feng Shui

with Jampa Ludrup 9am - 4:30pm

16 Tibetan Medicine

Lecture Series with

Dr. Ani Nyidon Concludes 4:30pm

Purifying Negative

Karma Concludes 4:30pm

Peregian Beach

Essential Compass

School Feng Shui

with Jampa Ludrup 9am - 4:30pm




General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 10:30am - 12noon


Discussion 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm


8am Medicine

Buddha Puja

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

5pm Tara Puja

General Teaching

with Tony Beaumont 7pm - 8:30pm


Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm


Art of

Enlightenment with

Ray Furminger 9am - 4:30pm

A Buddhist Xmas:

Sanghata Sutra

Writing 9am - 3pm

6pm Guru Puja


A Buddhist Xmas:

Movie Day

Unmistaken Child 10:30am - 12noon

The Cup 1:30pm - 3pm





Retreat Commences




Retreat Continues



Retreat Continues



Retreat Continues



Retreat Continues


(07)5453 2108 [email protected]

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Retreat Commences 7pm



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Meditation Day

6pm Dzambhala Puja



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm

6pm Guru Puja



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Meditation Day

11 Precepts 4:30am


Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Continues

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at

10:30am and 3pm



Downunder Concludes 12pm

Geshe Jamyang

teaches at


Refuge Ceremony

At 2pm



In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Karma 6pm - 7:30pm


General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

General Teaching

with Lozang Jhampa 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm


Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm


Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm

19 8am Medicine

Buddha Puja

Healing in Tibetan

Buddhism with

Tenzin Tsepal Commences 9am

6pm Tara Puja


Healing in Tibetan

Buddhism with

Tenzin Tsepal Concludes 4:30pm

Tibetan Summer

Camp Commences


Tibetan Summer

Camp Continues

6pm Guru Puja


Tibetan Summer

Camp Continues

In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Karma 6pm - 7:30pm


Tibetan Summer

Camp Continues

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

General Teaching with Lozang Jhampa 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm


Tibetan Summer

Camp Continues

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm


Tibetan Summer

Camp Concludes

Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm


Vipassana with TY

(Thubten Yeshe) Commences 7pm



Vipassana with TY

(Thubten Yeshe) Continues

Art of

Enlightenment with

Ray Furminger 9am - 4:30pm



Vipassana with TY

(Thubten Yeshe) Continues

Vajrayogini Practice

Day 9:30am - 3pm



Vipassana with TY

(Thubten Yeshe) Concludes 4:30pm


In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Karma 6pm - 7:30pm

30 General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

General Teaching

with Lozang Jhampa 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore


Discussion 6pm - 7pm


Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm

= Full Moon = New Moon


(07)5453 2108 [email protected]

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1 Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm

Chenrezig Sadhana 6pm - 7pm

2 Waking Up to

Reality with

Glen Svensson Commences 9am

3 Waking Up to

Reality with

Glen Svensson Concludes 4:30pm

Dharma Club 10:15am - 12pm

6pm Dzambhala Puja


MP Unit 4


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

6pm Guru Puja

In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Karma 6pm - 7:30pm


General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

General Teaching

with Lozang Jhampa 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore

Meditation/Discussion 6pm - 7pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm


The Union of All

Perfections with

Geshe Jamyang Commences 9am

10 Precepts 5am

The Union of All

Perfections with

Geshe Jamyang Concludes 4:30pm


Lama Yeshe Day

MP Continues

MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

Prayers for Tibet 1:30pm - 4:30pm

Candlelight Vigil 6pm - 7pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Meditation 6pm - 7:30pm


General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

General Teaching

with Lozang Jhampa 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore

Meditation/Discussion 6pm - 7pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm


DB Retreat

Presenting the

Path with

Tenzin Tsepal Commences 9am


DB Retreat

Presenting the

Path with

Tenzin Tsepal Concludes 3:30pm


MP Continues

MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

6pm Tara Puja


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Meditation 6pm - 7:30pm


General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

6pm Guru Puja

In Maroochydore

Meditation/Discussion 6pm - 7pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Taste of Tibetan

Buddhism 1:30pm - 2:45pm


Practical Parenting:

Mindfulness in

Action with

Lozang Tsultrim Commences 9am

A Start in Buddhist

Art with

Ray Furminger 9am - 4:30pm

Movie Night:

Being Your True

Nature 6:30pm - 7:30pm


Practical Parenting:

Mindfulness in

Action with

Lozang Tsultrim Concludes 4:30pm

Vajrayogini Practice

Day 9:30am - 3pm

25B Day of Miracles Precepts 5:15am

8am Medicine

Buddha Puja

9am Stupa Making

MP Continues

MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

6pm Shakyamuni

Buddha Puja


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

In Maroochydore

Essence of Buddhism:

Meditation 6pm - 7:30pm


General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 10:30am - 12noon

Meditation/Discussion 6:30pm - 7:30pm

In Maroochydore

Meditation/Discussion 6pm - 7pm


MP Teaching with

Geshe Jamyang 10am - 11:30am

Guided Meditation 1:15pm - 1:45pm

General Teaching

with Geshe Jamyang 7pm - 8:30pm

= Full Moon = New Moon


(07)5453 2108 [email protected]

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Classifieds: Take out an ad like these in our newsletter. Cost: $50 per issue or $180 per year (4 issues) Ph: (07) 5453 2108 or email [email protected]



A rare opportunity to do all of the above. Due to circumstances and commitments for my

son's ongoing growth and development I am wondering if there is a student out there

who might be interested in doing a house-swap with me. I am looking for a 2 or 3

bedroom house on the Sunshine Coast between Coolum and Tewantin. My house at

Chenrezig is also 3 bedroom, with carport, rainwater (for cooking, drinking etc.) and

dam water (for toilet flushing and washing machine,) large verandahs, and great view

into rainforest gully with daily visits from king parrots, doves, scrub turkeys,

goannas, and the occasional carpet snake. I would be considering for a period of at least

one year, but if mutually suitable then longer.

Please, only students genuinely interested in the opportunity for deepening and

consolidating their connection and refuge to the Teachings.

Call Colin on 0404 312 834.