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  • 8/14/2019 pharma 10


    ON1VERI1Y Of JORDA.NFaculty OF Medicine

    c: _' ,J \'\ j ,,-v

    LECTURE NO: 10

  • 8/14/2019 pharma 10


  • 8/14/2019 pharma 10


    Crnparing Type A and Type H"..}lam lesI, Penicillin2 Tbiazides3,ChIo muine4 Chloro enlun.., Pl'OIJ"" ""gill he allertlc tn ,,'nit dnlp more Ih;m oth=Dj H'Slor" of lhe diK:lsC lh,,,', why IH' , I ' t J ~ ! ,l$l, ')'< 1 l < ~ """,,,I ,he p;lIlcm', m ~ J i c J Ihi

  • 8/14/2019 pharma 10


    1. P'Ufr- AnticarK:er a.Gmlts lIS I have ment,oned some anticancer drugs might be m;ponsiblefor the fOllI\1tioD ofsome secondary ClllIctT!- Digoxin: one ofthe \le$t drugs used to tre,at I,Xl1II:t:Stivc h c ~ t t lilllure, howe"er it is, ~ I O X ; C wnh I I . ' ~ MITOW m.:ll'gin of safet}', so if}'Qu dO\lble the lIoK' the palK'l1t1lllly 51Iffcr some ScriollS s'de effects- .'".ntimim>bial druS many peopkl are allergic to IlIese dmp. that's why you ha''e toknow the medical history of tile paticm s.., if pallent" allerg,c to pemc,l1m)'Oushould oot give him any kind ofpmidllin or cephalQsp

  • 8/14/2019 pharma 10


    -ChoIeStC1'amine: U.led to lower the cholesterolle,'cJ m lhe body It binds 10 bo1h:Digoxin (for c o n g e ~ l ; v e hean failure) and WlIrfllrin (lIII anticoogul;mt).. Antacids. Thc GJ tract PH i, very impon:mt for the ionizalioninonioniT.ation, 10If "Ou ore l a k i n ~ l i l ly Iilllaci
