Page 1: Photo gallery @ · Reader submitted photos, clockwise from top left: Amanda Flint; Mary Simmons; Theresa Nash; Amanda Burke;

Reader submitted photos, clockwise from top left: Amanda Flint; Mary Simmons; Theresa Nash; Amanda Burke; Jason Penge; Fawn Warrington; Kimberly Hoover;

Staycia Sheerer; Cassandra Chiaravalle

BackCLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Aiden’s very first bus ride, had to blow us

kisses!; Summer with 3 daughters, need I say more? Truthfully, I told the girls to look glum; they were looking forward to getting back to school.; Really?; Priscilla’s, left, first day of first grade and Hailey’s, right, first day of kinder-garten!; Devon and Keirsten Penge as the school bus arives in Greenfield.;

Alexander’s, right, first day of fourth grade and Olivia’s first day of kindergar-ten!; Jacob, right, and Hannah; Thomas going into kindergarten, Joseph going

into first grade, Dylan going into second grade and baby brother, Robby, 17 months, with their kitty cat Si.; and my babies first day back! They’re

beginning fifth grade and kindergarten! Love them so much!

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