



The tripods use in the photoshoot, primarily allowed me to take sharper photos. It also contributed to the precision of my photos and helped me achieve both high and low angles.

Studio Lighting

I used studio lighting that was available in the studio. The lighting allowed my photos to come out a lot more clearer than it would if I would have shot them without the lighting, as artificial lighting can make photos have a yellow tone to them.

Nikon D3000

Models arriving to the shoot

Taking the photos

As the studio is a generally dark place, we featured two white canvases behind the model to act as a white wall. The only problem was the gap in-between but when it comes to editing and manipulating my photos this will not be featured. The model had two costume changes and I showed her the pictures I wanted to take and the looks and poses I wanted to achieve. The shots I took primarily consisted of mid shots/medium close ups and close ups. However, I did take some full body shots

Potential Shots sheet and taking the images.
