Page 1: Physical Education Classes in my school


адрес: 400022, г.Волгоград, улица Лазоревая, 197, тел.: 67-07-79, 61-84-29

Всероссийский конкурс «Россия спортивная»

тема: «Physical Education Classes in my school»

подготовили ученики 7 «В» класса: Короткова Татьяна Фомиченко Сергей Телятник Никита

проверил: Соколова Ирина Вячеславовна учитель английского языка

Волгоград 2013

Page 2: Physical Education Classes in my school

Alexandra Ivanovna Solomatina is our PE teacher. She is very kind, helpful and clever. Her classes are very interesting and fun. Everybody likes playing

different sports games.

• She has worked in our school since 1985.

Alexandra Ivanovna‘s husband is a PE teacher too. His name is Viktor Vasilievich Solomatin.

They teach us in our school together.

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We take part in different competitions with another schools. Our school teams often win prizes and medals.

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Students from our school compete with students from another schools in «Zornitsa» every year.

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Alexandra Ivanovna hold extra classes outdoors. We regularly visit her outdoor classes.

Going to them has become an important part of many students ‘ lives. Our parents take part in such classes with great pleasure.

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These girls are students of Volgograd Social University and they want to work as PE teachers like Alexandra Ivanovna.

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We exercise to improve our fitness. It make us feel good. We have more energy, our health is improved and we feel less stressed. Studies have shown that regular exercise

also has many psychological benefits. It improves confidence and self-esteem.

•Alexandra Ivanovna always tells us that when we are fitter, we can think better.
