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Records of an ancient Martian magnetic ¢eldin ALH84001

Benjamin P. Weiss a;�, Hojatollah Vali b, Franz J. Baudenbacher c,Joseph L. Kirschvink a, Sarah T. Stewart a, David L. Shuster a

a Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, 170-25, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USAb Electron Microscopy Centre, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences,

McGill University, 3640 University Street, Montreal, QC Canada H3A 2B2c Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, 6301 Stevenson Center, Nashville, TN 37235, USA

Received 12 February 2002; received in revised form 16 April 2002; accepted 16 May 2002


Although Mars does not presently appear to have a global dynamo magnetic field, strong crustal fields haverecently been detected by the Mars Global Surveyor above surfaces formed V3 or more Ga. We present magneticand textural studies of Martian meteorite ALH84001 demonstrating that 4 Ga carbonates containing magnetite andpyrrhotite carry a stable natural remanent magnetization. Because 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology demonstrates thatmost ALH84001 carbonates have probably been well below the Curie point of magnetite since near the time of theirformation [Weiss et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (2002) this issue], their magnetization originated at 3.9^4.1 Ga onMars. This magnetization is at least 500 million years (Myr) older than that known in any other planetary rock, andits strong intensity suggests that Mars had generated a geodynamo and global magnetic field within 450^650 Myr ofits formation. The intensity of this field was roughly within an order of magnitude of that at the surface of thepresent-day Earth, sufficient for magnetotaxis by the bacteria whose magnetofossils have been reported in ALH84001and possibly for the production of the strong crustal anomalies. Chromite in ALH84001 may retain even olderrecords of Martian magnetic fields, possibly extending back to near the time of planetary formation. @ 2002 ElsevierScience B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mars; paleomagnetism; dynamos; magnetic methods; Martian meteorites; atmosphere; ALH84001

1. Introduction

The age of the crustal magnetization on Marshas been interpreted to be either older [2] or sub-stantially younger [3] than several large,V3.0^4.2Ga impact basins. At least 11 Martian meteoriteshave remanent magnetizations [4^10] that origi-nated sometime after the rocks formed at 1300^180 Ma. Another Martian meteorite, ALH84001,

0012-821X / 02 / $ ^ see front matter @ 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 0 1 2 - 8 2 1 X ( 0 2 ) 0 0 7 2 8 - 8

* Corresponding author. Tel. : +1-626-395-6187;Fax: +1-626-568-0935.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B.P. Weiss),

[email protected] (H. Vali),[email protected] (F.J. Baudenbacher),[email protected] (J.L. Kirschvink),[email protected] (S.T. Stewart), [email protected](D.L. Shuster).

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is an orthopyroxene cumulate which crystallizedat 4.5 Ga [11] and contains V1% zoned carbon-ate. These carbonates contain magnetite and iron-sul¢de [20] and have Rb/Sr and Pb/Pb ages of3.90K 0.04 Ga and 4.04K 0.1 Ga, respectively[12] (although the Rb/Sr data have recently beenquestioned [13]). ALH84001 also possesses astable magnetization that predates its ejectionfrom Mars 15 million years ago (Ma) [4,14,15].Because it is the oldest known Martian rock,ALH84001 may contain unique records of theearliest period of Martian magnetism and evolu-tion [16].Kirschvink et al. [14] argued that iron sul¢de

within the orthopyroxene of ALH84001 carries astable magnetization, but were unable to demon-strate that the meteorite’s carbonates are magne-tized. Based on a paleomagnetic conglomerate teston two adjacent ALH84001 orthopyroxenitegrains, they suggested that the meteorite hasbeen cooler than 110‡C since before the formationof the fracture surface separating the grains. Theyassumed this fracture was part of the internalcrushed zone created during the ‘D1’ shock event[17]. However, subsequent studies (see Section 5)have identi¢ed £ow textures and vesicles in feld-spathic glass that intrudes and disrupts carbon-ates, suggesting that one or more high-tempera-ture shock events (with peak pressures of s 45GPa and temperatures s 1400‡C) a¡ected at leastpart of the meteorite after the D1 event [17^19].Because no carbonates were identi¢ed on the frac-ture surface separating Kirschvink et al.’s twograins, this fracture need not have formed duringD1 but instead could date to any time between 4.0Ga and 15 Ma. Thus, their thermal constraintmay not apply to before the time of carbonateformation, but instead extend back to a more re-cent but unknown time. More detailed magneticstudies by Weiss et al. [15] have shown that thetransfer of ALH84001 from Mars to their labora-tory, including the impact at 15 Ma that ejected itfrom the Martian surface and its passage throughthe Earth’s atmosphere, did not heat the interiorof the meteorite above V40‡C for even short pe-riods of time (6 10 min). It is unknown howmuch further back in time beyond 15 Ma this40‡C thermal constraint applies.

2. Samples and methods

We analyzed two unoriented and two orientedsubsamples of ALH84001 for this study. ALH-84001,232e (Figs. 1^3) is a 1 mm thick slicefrom the interior of the meteorite previouslystudied by Weiss et al. [15]. Slice 232e was cutfrom subsample ALH84001,232 with a diamond-impregnated wire saw and mounted on a glassslide with cyanoacrylic cement [15]. An unor-iented subsample of ALH84001,236 was used forhigh resolution transmission electron microscopy(TEM) imaging (Fig. 4). TEM data on 594 indi-vidual ALH84001 magnetite crystals used for ourblocking temperature calculations (Fig. 5) weremeasured by Thomas-Keprta et al. after extrac-tion from another unoriented subsample [20].Our anhysteretic remanent acquisition studies(Fig. 6) were conducted on a second unorientedpyroxenite grain from ALH84001,236 weighingV20 mg and containing zoned carbonate. Fi-nally, subsample 227b (Figs. 7^9) is an oriented30 Wm thin section taken from near the meteor-ite’s fusion crust. The thin section was set withcyanoacrylic cement at room temperature sothat its natural remanent magnetization (NRM)was preserved. ALH84001,232e and 227b werealso both analyzed with backscatter scanning elec-tron microscopy (SEM) (Figs. 1, 2 and 8).Field emission gun transmission electron mi-

croscopy (FEG-TEM) data were taken from anultrathin section prepared from a zoned carbonatein 232e (identi¢ed in [15]), taken from just belowthe tip of the bottommost arrow in Fig. 1a using amicro sampling device on a Hitachi FB-2000Afocus ion beam system (Fig. 2). This system al-lows non-destructive preparation of an ultrathinsection in situ with a precision of 1 Wm withoutexposing the sample to water, epoxy resin, or oth-er contaminants. The bright ¢eld (Fig. 3a,e), com-positional (Fig. 3b^d), and selected area electrondi¡raction (Fig. 3e, inset) data were acquired onthis section with a Hitachi HF 2200 cold ¢eldemission analytical TEM, using an accelerationvoltage of 200 kV and a camera length of 80cm. The patterns of single crystal and polycrystal-line magnesite present in the section were used asan internal standard. The lattice plane spacings, d,

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were calculated using the formula d= VL/r, whereV is the wavelength of the electron beam at 200kV, L is the camera length and r is the distance ofa given pattern to the center of the primary beam(see Table 1). As the center of the primary beamcannot be accurately determined, the value of r ismeasured from the distance between two radiallysymmetrical patterns divided by 2. The di¡ractionpattern was taken from a selected area on a lowmagni¢cation image (10 000U).To conduct the anhysteretic remanent magnet-

ism (ARM) acquisition test, we demagnetized thesamples using a sinusoidally oscillating alternating¢eld (AF) whose amplitude decayed from 100 mTto zero. We then gave the sample an ARM bysubjecting it to a 0.2 mT DC bias ¢eld superim-posed on the same AF. The intensity of magnet-

Fig. 1. Compositional and magnetic maps of a portion of1 mm thick slice ALH84001,232e, centered on the carbonatefound 100 Wm below the surface by Weiss et al. [15]. (a)Backscattered SEM image showing orthopyroxene, zonedcarbonate (with dark Mg-carbonate rim bounded by twobright bands of magnetite and pyrrhotite), feldspathic glass,and fractures (dark black lines). The compositions of thesephases were con¢rmed by X-ray spot analyses taken at thelocations marked by red circles. A cross-section of the car-bonate was later extracted for FEG-TEM analyses (Fig. 3)from the boundary between the Mg-carbonate and innerband of magnetite and pyrrhotite, just below the tip of thebottom arrow (Fig. 2). (b) Ultrahigh resolution scanningSQUID Microscope (UHRSSM) image centered on same lo-cation as a, showing the intensity of the eastward (out-of-the-page) component of the magnetic ¢eld as observed V200Wm above the sample. The sample had been heated to 360‡Cin a zero ¢eld (6 10 nT) prior to UHRSSM imaging. TheSEM image in a was taken from roughly the locationmarked by the black box at the center. North is to the rightand Top is toward the top of the page, as demonstrated bythe compass registered to the Johnson Space Center curatori-al orientation system. Red (blue) regions correspond to east-wardly (westwardly) oriented ¢elds. Scale bars are 20 Wm (a)and 500 Wm (b), and the color bar is in nT.

Fig. 2. Backscattered SEM image of carbonate from ALH-84001,232e (at location just below bottommost arrow in Fig.1a) after an ultrathin section was prepared for FEG-TEManalysis (Fig. 3). A micro sampling device on a Hitachi FB-2000A focus ion beam (FIB) system progressively milled intothe sample, producing an ultrathin section 20 Wm wide by20 Wm long by 80 nm thick. The ultrathin section was ini-tially prepared by cutting a wedge of thickness 5 Wm bycombined step and trench milling. The wedge was transferredand mounted on a compatible FIB/TEM holder using a me-chanical probe. To reach the desired thickness and locationof the ultrathin section, the wedge was then gradually ion-milled by transferring the specimen back and forth betweenthe FIB and the TEM. A scanning mode in both FIB andTEM was used to monitor this procedure. This system al-lows non-destructive preparation of an ultrathin section insitu with a precision of 1 Wm without exposing the sample towater, epoxy resin or other contaminants. The scale bar is20 Wm.

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ization of the sample was measured, and then thegrain was given a new ARM with a larger DCbias ¢eld and its magnetization remeasured (Fig.5). This process was repeated until reaching a bias¢eld of 2 mT. Control ARM acquisition testswere measured using the same protocol on MV-1magnetotactic bacteria and chiton teeth. All of theabove magnetic measurements were made with a2G1 Superconducting Rock Magnetometer in aclass 1000 magnetically shielded (6 100 nT) cleanlaboratory at Caltech.Images of sample magnetic ¢elds were obtained

with the ultra high resolution scanning SQUIDmicroscope (UHRSSM) [21,22], a DC-SQUIDmagnetometer with a DC-¢eld sensitivity ofV75 pT that maps the perpendicular componentof the magnetic ¢eld of samples with better than250 Wm spatial resolution. SQUID microscopeswith somewhat lower sensitivity and spatial reso-lution have been used in a variety of previouspaleomagnetic studies [15,23^26]. The UHRSSMmeasurements were made in a magneticallyshielded environment at Vanderbilt University(ambient ¢eld 6 10 nT).

3. The magnetized minerals in ALH84001

To determine the mineralogy of the magneticphases in ALH84001, we conducted SEM (Figs.1a and 2) and FEG-TEM analyses (Figs. 2 and 3and Table 1) of the Fe-rich rim of a carbonate inALH84001,232e. These data demonstrate thepresence of magnetite (Fe3O4) and pyrrhotite(Fe13xS for x6 0.13) in the carbonate rims.FEG-TEM compositional maps of Fe, S, Mg(Fig. 3a^d), O, Mn, K, Al and Ca (not shown)taken from the same location resolve individualcrystals of pyrrhotite and magnetite in the singledomain (SD) to superparamagnetic (SP) sizerange. Our SEM and FEG-TEM imaging (Figs.1a and 2) show that a typical zoned carbonate iscomposed ofV1 wt% pyrrhotite and magnetite ina mass ratio of V0.3^0.5. This mineralogy is alsoindicated by our high resolution TEM data fromanother carbonate in ALH84001,236 (Fig. 4). Ourrock magnetic analyses on three V15 mgALH84001 pyroxenite grains containing carbon-

Fig. 3. Field emission gun transmission electron microscopy(FEG-TEM) data from the ¢ne-grained particles presentwithin the rim of the carbonate from ALH84001,232e identi-¢ed by Weiss et al. [15]. As depicted in Fig. 2, a vertical sliceof thickness V80 nm was prepared perpendicular to the im-age plane in Fig. 1. (a) High resolution bright ¢eld imageshowing individual magnetite and pyrrhotite crystals em-bedded in Mg^Ca^Fe-carbonate (right) adjacent to Mg-car-bonate rim (left). (b^d) High resolution (1 nm) X-ray compo-sitional maps of same region as a showing abundance of Fe(b), S (c), and Mg (d). A comparison of b and c with our Omaps taken from the same location (not shown) demon-strates that many individual crystals simultaneously containeither Fe and S or Fe and O, demonstrating the presence ofiron sul¢des and iron oxides. (e) Higher magni¢cation bright¢eld image taken from top of a, with superimposed selectedarea electron di¡raction pattern measured at the locationmarked by x. The lattice plane spacings corresponding to thepattern are diagnostic of pyrrhotite (4.73, 2.61, and 2.06 AW ),magnetite (4.84 and 2.53 AW ), and Mg-carbonate (2.75 and2.11 AW ). For a complete list of observed lattice plane spac-ings, intensities and their corresponding Miller indices, seeTable 1. Each frame in a^d has a width of 7 Wm, and framee has a width of 5 Wm.

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ates [14,15] again demonstrate that the meteoritecontains magnetic crystals ranging from SP toPSD in size. Thomas-Keprta et al. [20] foundthat 594 individual magnetite crystals extractedfrom the carbonate are nearly stoichiometric (Ti,Al, and Cr6 0.1%) and in the SD (V70% ofgrains) to SP (V30% of grains) size range. Lowtemperature cycling [15] indicates that ALH84001magnetites have a composition Fe33x TixO4 withx6 0.01. Magnetite of this composition has a Cu-rie point of close to 580‡C [27]. Thermal demag-netization of ALH84001,232e [15] demonstratesthat the meteorite has blocking temperaturesfrom less than 3263‡C to well in excess of200‡C. Our data presented below (Fig. 1b) furtherextend this range by demonstrating that the mete-orite remains strongly magnetized after zero-¢eldheating to s 360‡C. A comparison of the size andshape distribution measured by Thomas-Keprta etal. [20] with our Ne¤el theory calculations of thetemperature dependence of the SP^SD boundarycon¢rms that the ALH84001 magnetites haveblocking temperatures up to 580‡C (Fig. 5). Theseobservations demonstrate that, despite sugges-

tions to the contrary [9], stoichiometric magnetiteshould dominate the remanent magnetism of car-bonates in ALH84001 (with pyrrhotite only sig-ni¢cantly contributing to the low blocking tem-perature fraction).The tight packing of the magnetite and pyrrho-

tite in the carbonates (Fig. 3) suggests that thesecrystals should be magnetostatically interacting.We examined this possibility using an ARM ac-quisition test on a subsample of ALH84001,236(see Section 2). The linearity and shallow slope ofthe meteorite’s ARM acquisition curve (Fig. 6)gives strong evidence of magnetostatic interac-tions. Additional evidence for these interactionscomes from the fact that both this grain andALH84001,190 (the latter studied by Kirschvinket al. [14]) have isothermal remanent magnetism(IRM) acquisition and AF demagnetization ofIRM curves that intersect at about 35% of thesaturation IRM. The presence of these interac-tions indicates that it might be di⁄cult to usestandard techniques [28,29] to precisely measurethe paleointensity of the ¢eld that magnetizedALH84001.

Fig. 4. High resolution TEM images of the Fe-rich rim of a zoned carbonate from ALH84001. (a) Low magni¢cation imageshowing iron sul¢de (arrow) and iron oxide. (b) High resolution image of the edge of the sul¢de and an adjacent oxide showingthe lattice fringes of 0.48 nm and 0.57 nm, diagnostic of pyrrhotite (Fe13xS for x6 0.13) and magnetite (Fe3O4), respectively.Greigite, whose lattice also has a 0.48 nm spacing, is unstable under the electron beam and so cannot explain these data (e.g.,Taylor, A.P., Magnetotactic Bacteria and Their Biominerals, Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Queensland, 2001).

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4. SQUID microscopy

We have used the UHRSSM to map the verti-cal component of the remanent magnetic ¢elds ofALH84001,227b,1 (Figs. 7 and 8) and a carbonate[15] from ALH84001,232e (Fig. 1). In order toexamine the thermal stability of the magnetizationin the meteorite, 232e was progressively thermallydemagnetized at temperatures up to 360‡C in azero ¢eld (6 10 nT) prior to ¢nal imaging withthe UHRSSM (Fig. 1b). A comparison of theUHRSSM data with the electron microscopyand X-ray spot analyses shows that nearly all ofthe magnetic ¢elds above the interior of thesesamples are directly associated with zoned car-bonate, identi¢ed in both 227b (Fig. 8c^f,h,k^m)and 232e (Figs. 1 and 3), and a few irregularunzoned carbonate patches, as identi¢ed in 227b(Fig. 8c,d). The latter carbonates are more calcicthan the zoned carbonates and do not show adistinct, Fe-rich and Mg-rich rim (similar un-zoned carbonates were recently identi¢ed by Eileret al. [30] as the likely products of shock-meltingof zoned carbonate). Several chromite grains alsoexhibit a weak magnetization (Fig. 8a,b,e,f,j). The1 mm thick fusion crust on the exterior of themeteorite (Fig. 8b,d,g) was produced during pas-sage through the Earth’s atmosphere duringwhich it was strongly magnetized by the Earth’s¢eld (Fig. 8a,c). As has been previously observed

Fig. 5. The blocking temperature of magnetite calculated asa function of crystal size and shape and compared to thenatural size distribution of inorganic (top) and fossil-like(bottom) magnetite in ALH84001 carbonate. Each greencurve represents the SD^SP boundary for various tempera-tures as a function of crystal length and crystal length-to-width ratio. We assume a parallelepiped grain shape (as hasbeen observed for ALH84001 magnetite [20]) and an un-blocking time of 100 s. We calculated these curves followingthe methods of Butler and Banerjee [65] as modi¢ed by DiazRicci and Kirschvink [66]. The blue curve in each diagramrepresents the single domain^multidomain boundary. Thecurves have been overlaid onto the actual distribution ofmagnetite in ALH84001 carbonate, as measured by Thomas-Keprta et al. [20]. The diagrams demonstrate that ALH84001carbonates contain magnetite with blocking temperatures upto its Curie point of 580‡C.

Fig. 6. Anhysteretic remanent magnetism (ARM) acquisitionexperiments on a V20 mg pyroxenite grain with zoned car-bonate taken from ALH84001,236. The plot depicts the an-hysteretic magnetic moment (normalized to the isothermalsaturation magnetic moment) of three samples for a givenDC bias ¢eld (see Section 2): ALH84001,236 (heavy blackline), non-interacting MV-1 bacterial magnetosomes (topgray line), and highly interacting chiton tooth magnetite(bottom gray line).

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[15], this remagnetized zone extends no furtherthan V1 mm into the interior of the meteorite.A comparison of UHRSSM images of the carbon-ate in 232e taken before heating [15] and af-ter thermal demagnetization at temperatures of360‡C (Fig. 1b) con¢rms our expectation thatthe carbonate has magnetic blocking temperaturesfrom room temperature to well beyond 360‡C.Other than the magnetite, pyrrhotite, fusion crust,and chromite, we did not identify any other fer-romagnetic grains in the 227b thin section; noother magnetic features in the UHRSSM mapcan be associated with other minerals, and noother ferromagnetic minerals have ever beenfound in the meteorite.Most of the magnetization associated with the

carbonates is stable and remanent. Langevintheory [27] demonstrates that a typical ALH-84001 carbonate (with a radius of V50 Wm andcontaining V108 SP and SD grains of magnetiteand pyrrhotite) immersed in a 10 nT laboratory¢eld will produce an induced magnetic ¢eld of6 0.1 nT at the height of the UHRSSM pickupcoil. Because the UHRSSM measures ¢elds ofV100 nT above single carbonates like that in

Figs. 1b and 8e, their magnetization cannot beinduced but must be a remanence. Furthermore,magnetite’s Pullaiah diagram [27] suggests thatALH84001 magnetites with 10 min blocking tem-peratures Vs 150‡C would not acquire viscousremanence during residence on the Martian sur-face (assuming 6350‡C for 4 Gyr), transferthrough space to Earth (assuming 6 0‡C for15 Myr), and residence in Antarctica (assuming6 0‡C for 11 kyr) and America (6 20‡C for 17yr).To con¢rm that the carbonates, chromite, and

fusion crust are actually the source of the mag-netic ¢eld observed with the UHRSSM, we per-formed inversions to obtain the magnetizationdistribution that best reproduces (in a leastsquares sense) the ¢elds above 227b. Althoughthere is in general no unique magnetization distri-bution that can be associated with measurementsof a given magnetic ¢eld pattern outside a mag-netized region, such an inversion can be madesolvable by assuming that the sample’s magnet-ization is in the form of a grid of N evenly spaceddipoles con¢ned to a plane within the sample.This two-dimensional ‘equivalent source’ method

Table 1Mineralogy identi¢ed by selected area electron di¡raction analysis (SAED) on an ultrathin section of ALH84001 carbonate

SAED d-spacing Mineral name Reference d-spacing Miller indices(AW ) (AW ) (hkl)

4.84 Magnetite 4.852 (111)4.73 Pyrrhotite 4.7 (113)2.75 Magnesite 2.742 (104)2.61 Pyrrhotite 2.633 (224) (404)2.53 Magnetite 2.532 (311)2.42 Magnetite 2.424 (222)2.11 Magnesite 2.102 (113)2.06 Pyrrhotite 2.054 (228)1.96 Magnesite 1.939 (022)1.71 Magnesite 1.7 (116) (018)1.61 Magnetite 1.616 (511)1.36 Magnesite 1.354 (119)1.26 Magnetite 1.266 (622)1.06 Magnesite 1.051 (226)0.88 Magnetite 0.88 (931)0.80 Magnetite 0.808 (1022)

Shown is a list of the d-spacings (¢rst column) and their corresponding mineral name (second column) for the di¡raction patternsobserved in the SAED image (Fig. 3e, inset) obtained from the ultrathin section prepared from the Fe-rich area inALH84001,232e (Fig. 2). The X-ray reference d-spacings obtained from the powder di¡raction ¢le database and their associatedMiller indices (hkl) are listed in the third and fourth columns, respectively.

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provides a good approximation for retrieving themagnetization of the 30 Wm thin section 227b,whose magnetic ¢eld was measured at a heightV4 times its thickness. The method, commonlyemployed to invert aeromagnetic and satellitemagnetic ¢eld data sets for crustal magnetizations(e.g., [31]), involves determining the size of thethree vector components of the moment of eachof the dipoles in the grid. The positions of the Ndipoles were ¢xed while their individual momentsand directions were allowed to vary, so that 3Nparameters were solved for. Our inversions wereimplemented in MATLAB on a Sun Ultra 10workstation. The UHRSSM data taken over sev-eral di¡erent regions of 227b were taken as sub-sets and an inversion was performed individuallyon each subset. An example of one such inversionis presented in Fig. 9. For each of the data sub-sets, we performed the equivalent source schemetwice, once using conjugate gradient analysis (asparse matrix method which takes advantage ofthe rapid decay of dipole magnetic ¢elds with dis-tance) [32], and then again using singular valuedecomposition [33]. Both approaches solve for

the smallest possible normed magnetization con-sistent with the ¢eld data, and both yielded sim-ilar magnetization solutions.The inversions (e.g., Fig. 9) con¢rm that car-

bonates, chromite, and fusion crust are the sourceof magnetic ¢elds observed above our samples.The inversions (Fig. 9) also demonstrate that re-gions of the 227b thin section rich in carbonate-bearing magnetite and pyrrhotite (e.g., Fig. 8h,m)have magnetizations of V0.1^1.6 A/m. Given thefractional abundance of carbonate in these re-gions, this would suggest that the carbonateshave magnetizations of a few A/m.A small patch of carbonate in 227b has been

disaggregated and transported by melted feld-spathic glass (Fig. 8f,l,m), during which its mag-netization direction (Fig. 8e) appears to have ro-tated with respect to that of carbonates elsewherein the thin section (Fig. 8c). This change in direc-tion probably resulted from thermal remagnetiza-tion of the carbonate due to heating within thehot glass, although it may have also been partlythe result of physical rotation of the carbonate. Aless likely possibility is that the carbonates formed

Fig. 7. The complete UHRSSM scan of ALH84001,227b,1 showing westward (out-of-the-page) component of the magnetic ¢eldV130 Wm above the sample. The boxed regions correspond to the various parts of 227b imaged in Fig. 8. The border of thethin section has been outlined with a dotted line on the UHRSSM scan. The compass is registered to the Johnson Space Centercuratorial orientation system.

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over a period of time during which the absoluteorientation of the local magnetic ¢eld changed. Itis clear from our magnetization inversions (e.g.,Fig. 9) that carbonates, although locally magne-tized in a single direction (as in the case of thepatch of carbonate at the bottom of Fig. 8c), are

as a whole magnetized in at least three di¡erentdirections: compare orientations of dipoles asso-ciated with carbonates in Figs. 1b and 8c,e.Chromite grains are volumetrically more abun-

dant than carbonate in 227b by at least an orderof magnitude, but only in some cases have a de-

Fig. 8. Magnetic and compositional maps of selected portions of 30 Wm thin section ALH84001,227b,1. For the complete mag-netic map, see Fig. 7. (a) UHRSSM image showing westward (out-of-the-page) component of the magnetic ¢eld V130 Wm abovethe sample. The compass is registered to the Johnson Space Center curatorial orientation system. (b) Backscattered SEM imageof same ¢eld as (a) showing orthopyroxene (light gray), feldspathic glass (dark gray), chromite (white grains, including thosemarked by blue arrows), and fusion crust discontinuously lining the top of the sample. The V0.1 mm thick fusion crust wasstrongly magnetized during the meteorite’s passage through the Earth’s atmosphere. (c,d) UHRSSM and SEM images of a di¡er-ent portion of the same thin section with zoned carbonate containing magnetite and pyrrhotite (black arrows) and unzoned car-bonate (white arrow). Strongly magnetized fusion crust lines the top of the sample, with a notch in the middle. A least squaresmagnetization inversion for the UHRSSM data enclosed by dashed box in c is presented in Fig. 9. (e,f) UHRSSM and SEM im-ages of a di¡erent portion of the same thin section with magnetized chromite (blue arrow) and zoned carbonate (black arrow)containing magnetite and pyrrhotite. (g^m) Higher magni¢cation SEM images of selected portions of b, d, and f: fusion crust(g); two lightly fractured, subhedral magnetized chromites (j) ; unfractured feldspathic glass surrounded by fractured orthopyrox-ene (i) that is adjacent to a patch of magnetized carbonate in a granular band of orthopyroxene (h,k); heavily fractured zonedcarbonate that has been disaggregated and transported by feldspathic glass (l,m). Carbonate is dispersed throughout most of theglass visible in l. Magnetized chromites are labeled with blue arrows in a,b,e,f. Scale bars are 500 Wm (a^f), 100 Wm (h^j), 20 Wm(g,l), and 3 Wm (k,m).

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tectable magnetic signature (Fig. 8a,b,e,f,j).Although stoichiometric chromite (FeCr2O4) isparamagnetic at room temperature, Mg- and Al-rich chromites similar to those in ALH84001(which have a mean composition of roughlyFe1:05Cr1:31Al0:35Mg0:20Ti0:06O4:0) [34] have beenfound to have Curie points above 300‡C [35,36].Furthermore, no exsolution lamellae have everbeen identi¢ed in the ALH84001 chromites (de-spite searches for them [37]), suggesting that themagnetization in the chromites may be intrinsic tothese phases rather than originating from inti-mately exsolved magnetite. The anomalies associ-ated with the chromites in ALH84001 are approx-imately dipolar, with orientations in at least twoand possibly three di¡erent directions. There areat least three westwardly magnetized chromites inFig. 8a and an eastwardly one in Fig. 8e, whilethe second and third labeled chromites from leftin Fig. 8a could be unidirectionally magnetized ina third direction. Thus, much of the spatial het-erogeneity of magnetization observed previously[4,14,15] is the signature of carbonate and chro-mite magnetized in multiple directions.

5. Thermal constraints on the carbonate

There is considerable debate about whether car-bonates in ALH84001 were heated during or aftertheir formation at 4 Ga [17,30,38^41]. This is crit-ical because determining the age of the magnet-ization in the carbonates requires knowing the lasttime they were heated above the Curie point ofmagnetite (580‡C at a pressure of 1 bar). Evenbrief (I1 s) excursions above the Curie pointwould be su⁄cient to completely remagnetizethe meteorite.One of the most likely processes that heated

the meteorite is shock resulting from impacts onthe Martian surface. As discussed in Section 1,ALH84001 has clearly been a¡ected by multipleshock events [17^19]. However, despite their highpeak temperatures, these shocks did not necessar-ily remagnetize the meteorite. This is because thepressure dependence of magnetite’s Curie pointhas never been measured for high pressure shocks.In fact, if the very steep rise of the Curie point

with pressure (20‡C GPa31) that has been mea-sured at hydrostatic pressures up to 0.6 GPa [42]continues to hold true at higher shock pressures,this would suggest that the peak temperaturesproduced during shocks might not completely re-magnetize rocks. In that case, only shocks withpost-shock temperatures exceeding the Curiepoint would be capable of remagnetizing rocks.A second caveat is that it is probable that like

most shocked rocks, ALH84001 has been hetero-geneously deformed and heated by the shockevents it has experienced (see Section 6). Giventhat at least one and possibly multiple shocks oc-curred after formation of the carbonates (see be-low), this means that some carbonates probablyhave been signi¢cantly heated one or more timeswhile others may have experienced fewer or evenno heating events. For the purposes of dating themagnetization in the carbonates, we will considerboth possibilities : carbonates that may have beenheated and those not heated since they formed.

Fig. 9. Magnetization inversion of UHRSSM data from a se-lected portion of ALH84001,227b,1 (dashed boxed region ofFig. 8c), obtained with an equivalent source scheme solvedby conjugate gradient analysis. A grid of N=144 regularlyspaced dipoles was used, and the total number of UHRSSMmeasurements in the boxed region was 576. (a) Contour plotof magnetization (A/m). (b) Contour plot of inclination ofmagnetization, where 0‡ is oriented directly upwards and 90‡is in the plane of the thin section. Another equivalent sourceinversion solved by singular value decomposition gave nearlyidentical results. The contour lines in a are 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8,1.0, 1.2, 1.4, and 1.6 A/m, with brighter regions having larg-er values. The contour lines in b are 20‡, 40‡, 60‡, 80‡, 100‡,120‡, and 140‡, with brighter regions having larger values.The scale bars are 500 Wm. Because in these inversions wedid not take into account the ¢nite size of the UHRSSM’spickup coil (which has a diameter of 250 Wm=2.5 pixels),the actual size of the strongly magnetized region in the cen-ter-bottom of a should be a few pixels smaller in both thehorizontal and vertical directions.

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Petrographic studies [17] have identi¢ed onemajor shock event that occurred after the forma-tion of the carbonates. This is con¢rmed by ourSEM and X-ray spot analysis data on the carbon-ate in slice 232e (Fig. 1a) and 227b (Fig.8d,f,h,i,k), which demonstrate that like manyALH84001 carbonates, it is adjacent to anhedralfeldspathic glass. This glass, which has been ob-served elsewhere in the meteorite [17^19] andlacks even short-range order [17,43], does not re-tain the shape of a relict feldspar crystal, is un-fractured (unlike its immediate surroundings), ¢llsirregular cracks and voids in the pyroxene, andeven occasionally intrudes and disaggregates car-bonate (see Fig. 8f,l,m and [18]). All of these ob-servations indicate that the glass in our samplesand throughout ALH84001 was melted and mo-bilized one or more times (the last such event waslabeled ‘D3’ by Treiman [17]). Because micro-faults in the 232e carbonate do not extend intothe adjacent glass (Fig. 1a) and the glass occasion-ally intrudes 227b carbonate (Fig. 8l,m), it ap-pears that at least some of the glass melted afterthe carbonates formed. Because the glass was hotenough to £ow during this event, the intrudedcarbonate and any nearby material probably ex-perienced a shock with peak pressures of 40^60GPa [17,44] and post-shock temperatures of 400^1000‡C [44,45]. These post-shock temperaturesshould have remagnetized most of the magnetiteand pyrrhotite adjacent to the melted glass.On the other hand, several geochemical studies

of oxygen isotope and cation gradients in ALH-84001 indicate that other, unfractured carbonateshave not been signi¢cantly heated since theyformed at 4 Ga [38,46]. Textural studies havedocumented rare patches of feldspar in ALH-84001 that retain the outline of a feldspar crystal[17,47], have relic twins or cleavage [17], and/orare crystalline [47]. The geochemical data could bereconciled with the evidence for a high temper-ature glass £ow event if the meteorite cooledquickly following that event. Both the geochemi-cal and textural data also permit a late shockevent that heterogeneously a¡ected the rock, leav-ing isolated regions unheated and undeformed.Shock heterogeneity [48,49], in concert with brec-ciation and associated rotation of carbonates,

would also help to explain why the carbonateminerals are locally (on a scale of several mmand less) magnetized in the same direction (Fig.8c) but are as a whole (on a scale of cm or more)magnetized in multiple directions (compare Figs.1b and 8c,e).To resolve these issues, we have used data from

40Ar/39Ar dating of ALH84001 feldspathic glassto place an upper limit on the temperatures itand nearby carbonates have experienced duringthe last 4 Gyr. Several di¡erent laboratorieshave shown that the meteorite’s 40Ar/39Ar chro-nometer was last reset sometime between 3.9 and4.3 Ga [50,51]. Unfortunately, these dates are sta-tistically indistinguishable from the Rb/Sr and Pb/Pb ages of the carbonates (3.90K 0.04 Ga and4.04K 0.1 Ga, respectively) [12], and so do notby themselves specify whether the carbonatesformed before or after the 40Ar/39Ar chronometerwas reset. Using thermochronological modeling ofseveral limiting thermal histories of the meteorite,we have demonstrated in a companion manuscript[1] that most of ALH84001 feldspathic glass hasnot been heated Vs 350^500‡C and shocked topeak pressuresVs 1 GPa since the glass was lastmelted. This indicates that most of ALH84001,including carbonate associated with the glass,has not been above these temperatures since3.9^4.1 Ga.

6. The age of the magnetization in ALH84001

Any magnetite and pyrrhotite in carbonatesheated during the last glass-melting event shouldtherefore retain thermoremanent magnetizationsthat originated during that event. The magnetiza-tion of such carbonates must then have been ac-quired at 3.9^4.1 Ga (using the youngest possible40Ar/39Ar date [51] as a lower limit on the age ofthe magnetization and the oldest date on the car-bonates [12] as an upper limit). Because the shockat 4 Ga produced very high and long-lived post-shock temperatures (see above and [1]), any phasetransitions that occurred during the shock itselfare unlikely to have left metastable or otherwisenonthermal remanent magnetization (e.g., [9,52])in the carbonates.

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Any carbonates not heated during the lastglass-melting event would retain nearly all of theirmagnetization acquired at the time of their for-mation at V3.9^4.1 Ga. The latter carbonatescould have a depositional, crystallization, or ther-moremanent magnetization. That pyrrhotite andmagnetite in ALH84001 carbonate have probablynot been shocked Vs 1 GPa since 4 Ga [1] dem-onstrates that they have not since been subject toshock-induced magnetization changes and phasetransitions (occurring at pressures of s 1 GPaand s 1.6 GPa for magnetite and pyrrhotite, re-spectively [9,52]) which might otherwise alter theirprimary 4 Ga remanence. In summary, our resultspermit some carbonates to have been a¡ected bylocalized heating since their formation. However,in most cases any such localized heating musthave occurred very soon after their formation.Our data show that most of the carbonates in

ALH84001 should retain magnetizations they ac-quired at 3.9^4.1 Ga on Mars. Depending ontheir Curie points and rock magnetic properties,chromites located near feldspathic glass could re-tain a magnetization at least this old. Becausechromites are believed to be primary igneous min-erals in ALH84001, some of their magnetizationcould in fact be as old as the meteorite’s crystal-lization age, 4.5 Gyr. On the other hand, the mag-netization in the chromites may not have beenacquired in a magnetic ¢eld (if the magnetizationis simply the result of zero-¢eld alignment alongan easy axis) or else it could have been acquired ina ¢eld more recently (if the chromites have lowCurie points and/or easily acquire viscous rema-nence). The fact that chromites are magnetized indi¡erent directions is consistent with zero-¢eldremanence, but also with a scenario in whichthe chromites have experienced a range of thermalhistories and/or have been rotated during one ormore brecciation event since their formation. Inthe latter scenario, various grains may havereached temperatures exceeding their magneticblocking temperatures at di¡erent times between4.5 and 4.0 Ga, during which the relative orienta-tion of the local magnetic ¢eld changed.Such a heterogeneous thermal and deforma-

tional history is supported by textural observa-tions that chromites within cataclastic granular

bands of orthopyroxene (which contain many car-bonates and so must predate 4 Ga) have beenseverely deformed into elongate anhedral stringers(e.g., chromite adjacent to carbonates at bottomof Fig. 8d), while chromites located outside thesegranular bands are rarely subhedral and less frac-tured (Fig. 8b,f). Additional evidence that somechromite may have escaped late heating comesfrom the identi¢cation of two regions in ALH-84001 with 40Ar/39Ar laser probe ages of 4.4 Ga[50]. Determining the exact age and origin of themagnetization in the chromites will require a de-tailed analysis of their magnetic properties com-bined with low blocking temperature geochro-nometers capable of placing thermal constraintsdirectly on individual chromite grains.

7. Implications for the timing of the Martiandynamo

The magnetization in ALH84001 carbonates isthe oldest ever identi¢ed in any planetary rockand the only well-dated remanence in a Martiansample. It is at least 400 Myr older than the oldestmagnetization identi¢ed in an Earth rock [53]. Wehave shown (Section 3) that a typical ALH84001zoned carbonate is composed of V1 wt% pyrrho-tite and magnetite in a mass ratio of V0.3^0.5,and these are SD (V70%) and SP (V30%) in size[20]. Thus, the carbonates in ALH84001 shouldhave a saturation IRM of V103 A/m. Since ourmagnetization inversion demonstrates that thecarbonates have NRMs of a few A/m (e.g., Fig.9) we estimate that the ratio of their NRM totheir IRM is V0.1^1%. This estimate roughlyagrees with the NRM to IRM ratios of V3%directly measured for each of three bulk grainstaken from the interior of ALH84001 [14] (themagnetization of such grains is likely to be dom-inated by any interior carbonates). A thermore-manent magnetization acquired by single domainmagnetite grains in a ¢eld of 50 WT will generallybe a few percent of IRM, while detrital remanenceproduced in the same ¢eld will beV0.1% of IRM[54,55]. Thus, the NRM to IRM ratios ofALH84001 samples are consistent with an originas a thermoremanent (detrital remanent) magnet-

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ism in a ¢eld roughly 0.1^1 times (1^10 times)that at the surface of the present-day Earth. Thesevalues may be lower limits given the heteroge-neous orientation of the magnetization in the me-teorite (Figs. 7 and 8), and should be reproducedwith more robust paleointensity experiments likethat of Thellier-Thellier [28]. This magnetizing¢eld would be adequate for magnetotaxis by thebacteria whose magnetofossils have been reportedin ALH84001 [20], and may have been capable ofproducing the intensity of the magnetic anomalies[2] on the Martian surface.Such a ¢eld is unlikely to have been that of the

Sun, the solar wind, or other planets, whose totalintensity is not thought to have been much largerthan the present value (several nT) at Mars’ cur-rent orbit 4 Ga [27]. Fields generated or ampli¢edby impact-produced plasma [56,57] have neverbeen conclusively demonstrated to occur in nature[58]. A simpler explanation is that ALH84001 wasmagnetized by either a Martian geodynamo or bylocal crustal remanent ¢elds like those in the Mar-tian southern hemisphere [2]. Since a Martiangeodynamo ¢eld presumably produced the crustalmagnetizations, our data imply that Mars had amagnetic ¢eld generated by an active geodynamoby at least 4 Ga. It is not clear if the dynamo stillremained active at 4 Ga. This agrees with but ismuch more precise than the crater count ages(3.0^4.5 Ga, and most probably s 3.7 Ga) [59]inferred for the surfaces associated with the Mar-tian crustal magnetizations. Our data do not sup-port recent suggestions [3] that the Martian dyna-mo originated substantially after the formation ofthe large impact basins. Instead, our results areconsistent with thermal evolution models of Marsthat predict a convecting core and geodynamoextending from 4.55 Ga (or possibly delayed byseveral hundred Myr) to sometime after 4 Ga [60^64]. Because we are unable to determine whetherthe Martian dynamo was still active at 4 Ga, ourresults do not directly constrain the age of Hellasor other unmagnetized impact basins situatedwithin the crustal magnetic anomalies. Giventhat chromites in the meteorite could retain amagnetic remanence that predates that of the car-bonates, ALH84001 may contain records of Mar-

tian ¢elds older than 4 Ga, possibly even datingback to near the time of planetary formation.

8. Summary

In the present manuscript we have demon-strated the following:

1. Magnetite and pyrrhotite within carbonatescarry much of the magnetization in the interiorof ALH84001.

2. The carbonates were magnetized prior toV3.9Ga.

3. The intensity of their magnetization gives evi-dence that a Martian dynamo was active at orprior to V3.9 Ga.

4. The magnetization intensity implies a magnetic¢eld on Mars of intensity within an order ofmagnitude of that at the surface of the present-day Earth.

5. Chromite in ALH84001 also retains a magnet-ization of unknown origin, stability, and age.


We thank V. Courtillot, D.J. Stevenson, M.Purucker, M.T. Zuber, and L. Hedges for encour-agement and thoughtful advice, D. Mann of HighMountain Petrographics for producing unheatedthin sections, T. Kamino of Hitachi Japan forassistance with the FIB and FEG-TEM, K. Tho-mas-Keprta for providing data for Fig. 5, and T.Puig for valuable logistical help. Financial sup-port for B.P.W. and J.L.K. was provided by theNASA Exobiology program and the NASA As-trobiology Institute. Financial support to H.V.was provided by National Science and Engineer-ing Research Council of Canada (NSERC).[AC]


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