Page 1: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Fashion column by Riley lawson | beauty column by saRa lindsay | hair column by Joy amistad


10 QUestions witHKim Wempe

booK ClUbmarion mutala

ConsideR a CRUiseCatHe oFFet

As specialists in cruise travel we have heard it all! Let’s review some of the cruise myths and provide some basic information to ensure you pick the vacation that is right for you - which may just be a cruise after all.

There are cruise options to fit just about anyone’s vacation desires. With so many options available you are definitely wiser to use the services of a travel professional as they can often find you better pricing and options than are not available online. The options available on the Internet are huge and unless you really know what to look for – it is overwhelming with over 26 million hits on the search for “Caribbean Cruise” on one search engine alone.

IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE – Like all other vacations – cruise lines and prices vary greatly but overall cruising is a great value when you consider that one price includes accommodations, din-ing, entertainment and the opportunity to experience multiple destinations with only unpacking your suit case once onboard! Some lines offer more inclusions including shore excursions, drink packages and even airfare. The wide variety of options makes a travel consultant extremely valuable in booking a cruise package to suit your needs.

I MIGHT GET SICK - This can happen, but, fortunately not to many people. The good news is that most ships are now equipped with stabilizer systems which greatly reduce motion.

There are plenty of health aids available including oral medica-tions, the patch, pressure bracelets, herbal remedies, acupunc-ture, etc. Choosing the right itinerary, ship and stateroom can also help to minimize motion sickness.

EVERYTHING IS ON A SCHEDULE – There is a lot of flexibility for onboard activities. One thing that is not though is boarding times! You miss the ship, you are on your own. Other than that, most cruise lines offer flexible dining times and venues, lots of entertainment options and plenty of alternatives for activi-ties. Many cruise lines now offer longer port stays, even some overnight stays.

I DON’T HAVE A THING TO WEAR - Unless you want an excuse to go shopping you likely have everything you need in your closet! Although most cruises do have formal nights – if you don’t want to put on a suit or a party dress you can take advantage of room service, the buffet or one of the other op-tions and stay in your casual clothes. Some cruise lines have disposed of formal nights and instead are “country club casual” through the whole itinerary.

I MIGHT BE BORED - Cruising is as active of a vacation as you want it to be but you have to be on the right cruise line and the right itinerary to suit YOU. There are exceptional opportuni-ties for family travel, romance, relaxation, adventure, exotic des-tinations, music, cooking and sports – all onboard your floating resort. What could be better?


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Vol. 3 - ISSUE 1 - JANUARy 2014

MarinaHildebrandbeautiful designsfor a beautiful life

Page 2: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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Page 3: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Regina 824 Fleury St. 306-781-8007

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Page 4: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

FeaturesVol. 3 - Issue 1 - January 2014

cover storymarina Hildebrand8 book club

marion mutala15

10 Questions WithKim wempe16


Page 5: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Copyright 2013: PINK Magazine for Saskatchewan Women is a Compass Advertising Ltd. publication, published monthly and distributed free on stands across Saskatchewan. All rights reserved by Compass Advertising Ltd. Reproduction in any form of any material in PINK Magazine is strictly prohibited without written consent. Any requests for duplication of any content should be sent to Compass Advertising Ltd.. Compass Advertising Ltd. makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all of the information and ads that we publish. However, mistakes can happen and Compass Advertising Ltd., along with any affiliates, cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from any errors or omissions other than the cost of the ad. Compass Advertising Ltd. reserves the right to refuse ads if deemed inappropriate.

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In this Issue18 HealtHy ReCiPes

For the new year!

20 snowbiRd beaUty

Beauty column by Sara Lindsay

21 new yeaR, new tRends

Fashion column by Riley Lawson

22 tRy a new sHoRt HaiR style

Hair column by Joy Amistad

24 desiGn matteRs

By Gary Weisbrodt

27 Real estate 101

By CharMaine Luscombe

28 Festival Goes beyond tHe blUes

The Saskatoon Blues Festival

30 a new PlaCe to Call Home

Travel column by Dale Strawford

33 ConsideR a CRUise

By Cathe Offet

34 moms & mUnCHKins

By Cheryl Kirkness


Page 6: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014


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Happy New Year!

Welcome to the first issue of

2014! I am thrilled to return

this year as Pink’s Guest Edi-

tor. The New Year brings with it

such a renewed sense of spirit

and inspiration.

What I love most about my role

at Pink is getting knee deep

into the stories of so many fas-

cinating and inspirational Sas-

katchewan women, young and

old, from all walks of life. I feel

especially grateful for this op-


Gratitude. It’s one of two of my New Year’s resolutions. My goal for 2014 is to

take the time to acknowledge, feel and hand out large doses of it. Days slip

by so quickly and living in the present moment, taking stock of what’s really

important, often gets missed. So, this year I resolve to better appreciate and

share the gifts that daily life brings, which are plentiful.

My second resolution is one I think many of you will relate with and I encourage

you to add it to your resolution list. I am going to learn to say ‘no’ more. Say it

with me now – ‘I am going to learn to say no more’. Together, let’s acknowl-

edge that we cannot always take on everything even if we want to. And, to

ensure we stay the best healthy and happy version of ourself, let’s decide to

choose our commitments more wisely. Trust me; you will be grateful if you do.

Did you make any resolutions for the New Year? We would love to hear them!

Best wishes for a wonderful year ahead and good luck with whatever you have

resolved to achieve in 2014!

Jenn Smith Nelson

note from ourGuest editor


Page 7: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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Page 8: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Marina HildebrandBeautiful Designsfor a Beautiful Lifeby Jessica ReimeR


Page 9: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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When you’re working to achieve your financial objectives, you will encounter obstacles. Some of these can be anticipated — for example, you won’t be able to invest as much as you want for retirement because you have to pay for your mortgage. Other challenges can’t be easily anticipated, but you can still plan for them — and you should.

Obviously, the word “unexpected,” by definition, implies an unlimited number of possibilities. However, at different stages of your life, you may want to watch for some “expected” unexpected developments. For example, during your working years, be prepared for the following:

Emergency Expenses - If you needed a major car or home repair, could you handle it? What about a temporary job loss? These events are costly — especially if you are forced to dip into your long-term investments to pay for them. To help guard against these threats, try to build an emergency fund containing six to 12 months’ worth of living expenses, held in a liquid, low-risk account.

Investment Risk And Market Volatility - Extreme price swings are unpredictable, and they can affect your investment success. To defend yourself against fluctuations in the market, build a diversified portfolio containing quality investments. While diversification, by itself, can’t protect against loss or guarantee profits, it can help reduce the effect of volatility on your portfolio. And here’s one more thing you can do to cope with the ups and downs of investing: Maintain a long-term perspective. By doing so, you won’t be tempted to overreact to short-term downturns.

Long-Term Disability - One-third of all people between the ages of 30 and 64 will become disabled at some point, according to the Health Insurance Association of America. Disabilities can be economically devastating. As part of your benefits package, your employer may offer some disability insurance, but you may need to supplement it with private coverage.

Premature Death - None of us can really predict our longevity. If something happens to you, would your family be able to stay in your home? Could your children still attend college? To protect these goals, you need adequate life insurance.

As you approach retirement, and during your retirement years, you may want to focus on these challenges:

Living Longer Than Expected - You probably don’t think that “living longer than expected” is necessarily a bad thing. However, a longer-than-anticipated life span also carries with it the risk of outliving your money. Consequently, you may want to consider investment solutions that can provide you with an income stream that you can’t outlive. Also, you’ll need to be careful about how much you withdraw each year from your various retirement and investment accounts.

Need For Long-Term Care - If you had to stay a few years in a nursing home, the cost could mount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. These expenses could jeopardize your financial security, so you’ll need to protect yourself. You could “self-insure,” but as that would be extremely costly, you may want to “transfer the risk” to an insurance company. A financial professional can help explain your choices.

None of us can foresee all the events in our lives. But in your role as an investor, you can at least take positive steps to prepare for the unexpected — and those steps should lead you in the right direction as you move toward your important goals.

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Author Hazrat Inavat Khan made famous the following ex-

pression: “Some people look for a beautiful place, others

make a place beautiful.” Marina Hildebrand, interior designer

and owner of Marina Hildebrand (MH) Design, has aligned

her passion and career by making beautiful places. Her com-

pany motto (‘Structure, Design and Beautiful Things’) is just

as much a testament to her brand as it is to her personal


“Beauty is my antidote to the mundane,” says the former

Manitoba resident who now calls Regina home. “When you

surround yourself with things you love in a space you love to

be in, you go out into the world with an improved perspec-


Hildebrand captures the essence of this statement in her

comprehensive and committed approach to design. As

owner of Regina’s only full-service interior design company,

Hildebrand is invigorated by the interpersonal nature of her

business and enjoys working with her clients from concept

and working drawings, through to installation and finishing

touches. She employs a multisensory approach to deliver on

her commitment to provide spaces specially tailored to her

clients’ aesthetics and personalities. She takes care to spare

no detail.

“I strive to achieve a concept that suits my client’s vision and

their budget,” she explains, also crediting the hard work of

her assistant, Alicia. “We take the time to listen not just to

what is said, but also to those things that aren’t said. Sas-

katchewanians are hearty people that work hard for their

money. I respect that and am grateful for the opportunity to

share with them my passion for design.”

Hildebrand further sets herself apart from her competitors by

offering visual representations of clients’ conceptual designs

through SketchUp, a 3D modeling software. SketchUp en-

ables clients to take a virtual tour of their proposed space;

this allows them to understand the layout and get a sense of

the space before committing to design particulars.

“With SketchUp, we capture everything right down to your

kitchen coffee maker,” she says. “I want my clients to be sure

of the product they are receiving and feel confident in moving

forward with a great design.”

Hildebrand’s ability to listen and create professional and ap-

pealing spaces has not gone unnoticed. She is the recipi-

ent of numerous design awards and is well-known and re-

spected in the design community. When asked about her

experiences as a design professional in Saskatchewan, she


Page 10: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

described her interactions with professional colleagues, proj-

ect team members, her clients and the community as posi-

tive and rewarding.

“The residents of Saskatchewan are so friendly and really

embrace the services of design professionals,” she says.

“People clearly understand the value of a strong foundation

in planning and the impact this has on achieving or even ex-

ceeding their desired outcome.”

Like many creative professionals, Hildebrand identified her

passion and eye for design at a young age. While at the time

she felt shy and awkward about her “abstract approach” to

how she looked at the world, in hindsight her early creative

process makes a lot of sense.

“Ever since I can remember, I have been fascinated by my

surroundings,” says Hildebrand. “From the texture of the

barn boards to the study of line, horizon and colour, I have

always been engaged with my environment.”

As a child immersed in issues of ‘Architectural Digest’ or por-

ing over the house plans section in the Saturday edition of

the ‘Winnipeg Free Press,’ she recognized her interests were

dissimilar to those of her peers.

“I always felt different because I was more interested in de-

sign magazines than ‘Young Miss’ magazines. Looking back

though, I see how that difference serves me today.”

In order to better understand the intricacies of interior design,

Hildebrand completed a Bachelor of Interior Design (BID)

through the University of Manitoba’s Faculty of Architecture

in Winnipeg, MB. Additionally, she obtained National Council

for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) certification, a presti-

gious marker of her competency and qualification to practice

interior design.

Her formal education led her to work on various hospitality,

retail and commercial design projects and even to co-host

HGTV’s ‘Kitchen Crimes’ – a residential kitchen inspection

““beauty is my antidote to the mundane, when you surround yourself with things you love in a space you love to be in, you go out into the world with

an improved perspective.”


Page 11: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

and makeover production – in 2005. One thing is for certain:

Hildebrand brings with her a wealth of experience, drive and


“I learned quickly that creativity and fear don’t go well togeth-

er,” says Hildebrand. “My experiences growing up taught me

how to believe in myself and pursue my passions, even when

I felt uncomfortable or unsure.”

Hildebrand took a significant risk in 2008 when she resigned

from her corporate design position in order to pursue a long-

time dream of launching an independent residential design


“I didn’t want to be 80 years old and think to myself how I

wished I’d gone into business,” says Hildebrand, who admits

she was unnerved by the United States marketplace collapse

mere months after leaving the corporate industry. “A former

client of mine consoled me by saying, ‘Well kiddo, you can

always go out and get a job.’ That stuck with me and helped

me to recognize that the time was right to take the next step.”

Entering an understandably hesitant market, Hildebrand

continued to develop her client list and build her classic ap-

proach to design. In 2010 she was asked to team up with

Munro Homes Ltd., a prominent Regina home builder, to

manage the company’s interior design requirements, con-

sult with clients and design their annual show home. While

her primary and most beloved projects are private residential

commissions, she enjoys show home design as a fun and

unique way to exhibit her creative spirit.

“I feel most joyful and inspired when I work residentially,” ex-

presses Hildebrand. “[Residential design] is a perfect fit for

me and resonates with who I am. Growing up I always knew

I wanted to help others and now I’m able to contribute to the

way my clients live, work and play.”

Hildebrand values the flexibility and freedoms afforded to her

as a business owner. As a committed family woman, she is

able to attend to the needs of her aging parents by working

remotely when required, all the while maintaining a strong

connection to her clients and business.

Photo by Pete Lawrence


Page 12: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

“Even though some of the day-to-day business operations

aren’t inspiring, they are still necessary,” Hildebrand con-

cedes. “I feel privileged to be a business owner and still have

the opportunity to express my creative side every day.”

Hildebrand’s partner Tom owns Tubello Stoneworks, a Re-

gina-based granite company, and the two are avid travelers.

Whether for business or for pleasure, the couple approaches

each trip with an open eye and an open mind.

“I am forever curious and looking to learn from everyone,”

she says, acknowledging the valuable lessons she learns

from Tom’s unique approach to and thoughts about design.

“Whenever and wherever we travel, I embrace the many ideas

I see and experience. Oftentimes while traveling I struggle to

understand how these exposures will be incorporated into

my design process, but I know and trust that my experiences

positively impact the work I do.”

Hildebrand’s openness to new ideas and points of view is

fundamental to both her integrated design philosophy and

belief in the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration. She

believes that beauty is possible on any budget and thrives in

challenging, collaborative environments.

“Each individual contributes something different to the [de-

sign] team and we are supportive of and value each other,”

says Hildebrand, who works in concert with structural en-

gineers and other tradespeople to bring a design vision to

life. “Ultimately, our shared goal is to create a beautiful, fluid

space that resonates with the client.”

Hildebrand’s passion for classic, straightforward design ex-

tends to her own home, which she describes as a space

bathed in natural light and one that takes into account the

relationship between the natural and built environments.

Photo by Vienna Di Ruscio


Page 13: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

“I love my home. It soothes my soul and is one of my favourite

places to be,” she says. “When I’m in traffic and notice an

irritable driver, I can’t help but assume that they don’t have

a space they love to come home to. I want to create spaces

for my clients where they experience feelings of love and con-


With a strong housing market anticipated for 2014, Hildeb-

rand finds herself scheduling start-up projects months in ad-

vance. From young clients investing in their first homes to

established families looking to renovate or build, she is de-

lighted by a steady flow of interest in well-planned, thoughtful

design. Hildebrand identified increasing demand for outdoor

living spaces and upscale “man caves” as popular design

trends for 2014. Hildebrand has experienced an influx of cli-

ents that are interested in setting up high-end outdoor kitch-

ens with pizza ovens and installing weather-proofed television

set-ups in their backyards. Many clients are also interested in

working on their golf swing year round and invest in indoor

golf simulators and lounges to hang out with their friends in

the comfort of their own homes.

“We are definitely optimistic in Saskatchewan,” she says. “As

a reflection of that optimism, I predict the use of vibrant co-

lours and patterns and homes that integrate natural materials

and personal, meaningful pieces to create spaces that are

homey and welcoming.”

One design element held close to Hildebrand’s heart is the

integration of original art into the home. Although by trade

her business has more to do with structure and less with

décor, she is an advocate for incorporating art pieces that

evoke an emotional connection with the client. Hildebrand

works closely with the staff at Assiniboia Art Gallery (http://, a local gallery featuring a broad range

of contemporary and traditional Canadian art.

“Most of us are tapped for time and yet still feel the need

for creative expression,” she states, adding that the gallery

features an impressive array of Saskatchewan artists. “While

it might feel intimidating at first to purchase an original art

piece, I explain to my clients that they can ‘test drive’ a piece

by taking it home and seeing if it fits with the design we’ve


Hildebrand advises prospective and current interior design

students to strive for authenticity and integrity, both in terms

of the materials they select and their design processes. She

challenges young hopefuls to stay on top of their “home-

work” by reading design publications, traveling or studying a

particular designer’s technique.

“Explore, learn, be curious and – above all – trust in the pro-

cess,” she says. “I’ve learned to listen to that whisper. When

something resonates with you, you may not always know

why but you have to honour what it asks of you and possess

the courage to share it.”

To contact Hildebrand about commissioning a residential de-

sign or to learn more about her brand, please visit her web-

site at

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Page 14: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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Page 15: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

BOOK CLUBBaBa’s BaBushka: a Magical ukrainian WeddingBy Marion Mutala

It is only fitting that the third book in my trilogy should be a wedding book. Ukrainians love to have three day weddings.My third book,Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Wedding is here. Will it be the last one? Now, that would be telling.

Wedding bells are ringing in the past! The wind brings Natalia a babushka just like the ones her baba used to wear, taking the young girl on a magical journey to an autumn long ago to discover the wedding traditions of her Ukrainian heritage.

And love is definitely in the air! Even if you do not believe in Christmas or Easter from my two previous books you could believe in marriage and love.

So to recap, in my first historical fiction, children’s book, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas, Natalia, the little girl goes back in time to Ukraine at the turn of the 20th century and meets another little girl, who turns out to be her baba. Na-talia learns the very precious and varied traditions of Ukrainian Christmas. Book two, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian

Easter, Natalia learns the Ukrainian Easter traditions. With book three, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Wedding, the tril-ogy is complete.

The number three is a very special number to Ukrainian people because of the Trinity and all three books capture the love in-herent in my Ukrainian culture and family traditions. My grand-parents, Tessie Woznakowski and Stefan Dubyk, emigrated to Canada in 1912, married and moved to Hafford, Saskatch-ewan. It was their story that inspired me to write these books, and pictures of my family members are included in the illustra-tions. My late mother, Sophie Mutala, was used as the model for the picture of baba in the story based on actual pictures of her wearing her babushka and my picture is used for the little girl, Natalia.

So check them out and enjoy book number three: Baba’s Ba-bushka: A Magical Ukrainian Wedding or perhaps book num-ber one, a national best seller, a bestselling children’s book at McNally (2010,2011), and winner of Anna Pidruchney award, Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas (third print-ing) or Baba’s Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter (Nomi-nated for a Sask Book Award, 2013). These three books really are perfect Christmas, Easter or Wedding presents or great ad-ditions to your library.

All three books are available at McNally, Indigo, Coles, and or from your nickels worth publishing or check out my website at

Marion Mutala has a master’s degree in educational admin-istration and taught for 30 years. With a mad passion for the arts, she loves to write, folkdance, sing, play guitar, garden, travel and read. Marion’s teaching and life experiences help her develop unique stories and songs and her poetry has appeared in print as well.



Page 16: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

to be away from family and friends and the prairies but you have to be where you have to be and for me, it’s a log cabin in the woods outside Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

8 Did you ever dream of doing something totally dif-ferent?

Yes, for sure. Teacher, cop, nurse, touring vocal coach, booking agent, carpenter, interior decorator, I’ve thought about them all. The list goes on and on; long drives make for long contemplations.

9 What advice would you offer a woman considering in career as a singer?

Learn to be a flexible, adaptable, multitasking, “I can handle anything” kind of woman and you’re good to go. Always be as prepared as you can be and then if it doesn’t work out, you know you did the best you could, and the rest, like most of life, is out of your control. Learn to be okay with that fact. If you’re ok with that, then hit the road.

10 How do you relax & relieve stress?

Good question! Ha ha! I’m still working on that. Actu-ally, spending time with friends and family when my head completely forgets about work is really good for me. Also, I love, love, love movies. Movies are a total escape for me ... I get lost in them. The movie theatres make a lot of money off me! I also clean to relieve stress ... a lot. I don’t think about anything when I’m cleaning; my head is just silent. My house and car are always clean so that’s a bonus.

1 In the fall of 2013 you completed a country wide tour to promote the release of your newest CD Co-

alition; was that as successful as you hoped?

I always find that a hard question. ‘Successful’ is based on so many different factors. The tour was up and down and good and bad; I guess if you take what you learned from the ‘ups’ and the ‘downs’, then it’s successful in my mind. It’s all about growth… growth as a musician and as a person. If I measure it that way, then yes it was success-ful. Every tour and every album is a journey. This is the one I’m on now.

2 What’s the biggest misconception about your job/career?

That it’s somehow easy and a really chill way of life or that it’s always fun. It’s extremely hard and it’s not always the time of my life. Its absolute multitasking with deadlines, stress and working all the time. It’s planning the next five years of your life month by month, tour by tour. You don’t go home and then your work is done when you walk through the door. It’s with you every second. It is absolutely amazing to be able to do what I love but there are a lot of sacrifices that come with that. Being away from family and friends is one of the hardest things to deal with, as well as financial stress. It’s an ever changing industry that constantly keeps you on your toes. I went to school for music, not business; I should have probably done a double major and taken busi-ness as well. However, this industry is not something you can go to school for and then know what you’re doing. It’s making mistakes every single day and picking yourself back up and learning from them.

3 How do you typically spend your day?

When I’m home, I wake up and have a nice break-fast and morning with my partner Warren. Then he goes to work and I go to work on my laptop in the office. I never thought I could do a desk job but I have one. Then in the evenings when my partner gets home, I try to shut off the internet and phone and have a calm evening. When I’m home from tour, it’s important to be present and take the time you need to chill and be with loved ones. That would be an ideal day though, when I don’t have an interview or a Skype call or a deadline, and everyone working on different time zones. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen that way.

4 What about your schedule when on tour?

When I’m on tour, every day is a new day to prepare for a new show in a new city. So it’s waking up, packing, driving, eating, driving, eating, driving, unpacking, sound check, set up the cd table, eat, play, pack, drive, eat, drive, sleep. If you get any time to sit in a cafe and explore the internet, enjoy a nice supper with a glass of wine or to take a morning run, then that is a good tour day.

5 Is there something you can tell me that not every-one knows about you?

I’m really strong, but I’m really soft. I have a big front and I can use it when I need to but for those who know me, I am really sensitive and I feel everything in a big way. Also, loyalty and respect are two things I value most in a person.

6 Do you think the new Saskatchewan prosperity will affect your future in a positive manner?

I think it will for sure. In fact, I recently experienced a good example of this. Saskatoon was my best show on my whole cross Canada tour! The venue was amazing (Village Guitar! Go to a show there!), and it sold out. The vibe was unreal and I sold a ton of CD’s. The music coming out of the prairies lately is remarkable, too. There are some really, really strong musicians and groups on the rise. It opens up new tour avenues in the prairies which is a huge market for me. I’m in Saskatchewan four times a year visiting fam-ily and touring and I’ve already felt the effects of the “new Saskatchewan”.

7 Can you describe a defining moment in your life?

Moving to the east coast was a defining moment. It changed the direction of my life in a big way and it was completely unexpected. It’s still, and always will be, hard

???? 10 Questions

with Kim Wempe by Lee Parent



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Page 17: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

to be away from family and friends and the prairies but you have to be where you have to be and for me, it’s a log cabin in the woods outside Antigonish, Nova Scotia.

8 Did you ever dream of doing something totally dif-ferent?

Yes, for sure. Teacher, cop, nurse, touring vocal coach, booking agent, carpenter, interior decorator, I’ve thought about them all. The list goes on and on; long drives make for long contemplations.

9 What advice would you offer a woman considering in career as a singer?

Learn to be a flexible, adaptable, multitasking, “I can handle anything” kind of woman and you’re good to go. Always be as prepared as you can be and then if it doesn’t work out, you know you did the best you could, and the rest, like most of life, is out of your control. Learn to be okay with that fact. If you’re ok with that, then hit the road.

10 How do you relax & relieve stress?

Good question! Ha ha! I’m still working on that. Actu-ally, spending time with friends and family when my head completely forgets about work is really good for me. Also, I love, love, love movies. Movies are a total escape for me ... I get lost in them. The movie theatres make a lot of money off me! I also clean to relieve stress ... a lot. I don’t think about anything when I’m cleaning; my head is just silent. My house and car are always clean so that’s a bonus.

1 In the fall of 2013 you completed a country wide tour to promote the release of your newest CD Co-

alition; was that as successful as you hoped?

I always find that a hard question. ‘Successful’ is based on so many different factors. The tour was up and down and good and bad; I guess if you take what you learned from the ‘ups’ and the ‘downs’, then it’s successful in my mind. It’s all about growth… growth as a musician and as a person. If I measure it that way, then yes it was success-ful. Every tour and every album is a journey. This is the one I’m on now.

2 What’s the biggest misconception about your job/career?

That it’s somehow easy and a really chill way of life or that it’s always fun. It’s extremely hard and it’s not always the time of my life. Its absolute multitasking with deadlines, stress and working all the time. It’s planning the next five years of your life month by month, tour by tour. You don’t go home and then your work is done when you walk through the door. It’s with you every second. It is absolutely amazing to be able to do what I love but there are a lot of sacrifices that come with that. Being away from family and friends is one of the hardest things to deal with, as well as financial stress. It’s an ever changing industry that constantly keeps you on your toes. I went to school for music, not business; I should have probably done a double major and taken busi-ness as well. However, this industry is not something you can go to school for and then know what you’re doing. It’s making mistakes every single day and picking yourself back up and learning from them.

3 How do you typically spend your day?

When I’m home, I wake up and have a nice break-fast and morning with my partner Warren. Then he goes to work and I go to work on my laptop in the office. I never thought I could do a desk job but I have one. Then in the evenings when my partner gets home, I try to shut off the internet and phone and have a calm evening. When I’m home from tour, it’s important to be present and take the time you need to chill and be with loved ones. That would be an ideal day though, when I don’t have an interview or a Skype call or a deadline, and everyone working on different time zones. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen that way.

4 What about your schedule when on tour?

When I’m on tour, every day is a new day to prepare for a new show in a new city. So it’s waking up, packing, driving, eating, driving, eating, driving, unpacking, sound check, set up the cd table, eat, play, pack, drive, eat, drive, sleep. If you get any time to sit in a cafe and explore the internet, enjoy a nice supper with a glass of wine or to take a morning run, then that is a good tour day.

5 Is there something you can tell me that not every-one knows about you?

I’m really strong, but I’m really soft. I have a big front and I can use it when I need to but for those who know me, I am really sensitive and I feel everything in a big way. Also, loyalty and respect are two things I value most in a person.

6 Do you think the new Saskatchewan prosperity will affect your future in a positive manner?

I think it will for sure. In fact, I recently experienced a good example of this. Saskatoon was my best show on my whole cross Canada tour! The venue was amazing (Village Guitar! Go to a show there!), and it sold out. The vibe was unreal and I sold a ton of CD’s. The music coming out of the prairies lately is remarkable, too. There are some really, really strong musicians and groups on the rise. It opens up new tour avenues in the prairies which is a huge market for me. I’m in Saskatchewan four times a year visiting fam-ily and touring and I’ve already felt the effects of the “new Saskatchewan”.

7 Can you describe a defining moment in your life?

Moving to the east coast was a defining moment. It changed the direction of my life in a big way and it was completely unexpected. It’s still, and always will be, hard

???? 10 Questions

with Kim Wempe by Lee Parent



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Page 18: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Makes 10 Servings

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

3/4 cup uncooked quinoa

1 1/2 cups vegetable broth

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup frozen corn kernels

2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro


1. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and saute until lightly browned.

2. Mix quinoa into the saucepan and cover with vegetable broth. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes.

3. Stir frozen corn into the saucepan, and continue to simmer about 5 minutes until heated through. Mix in the black beans and cilantro.

Makes 6 Servings

6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup dijon mustard

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon dried parsley


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Sprinkle chicken breasts with salt and pepper to taste, and place in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. In a small bowl, combine the honey, mustard, basil, paprika, and parsley. Mix well. Pour 1/2 of this mixture over the chicken, and brush to cover.

3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and brush with the remaining 1/2 of the honey mustard mixture. Bake for an additional 10 to 15 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear. Let cool 10 minutes before serving.

Makes 4 Servings

4 sweet potatoes, cut into large French fries

2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper

1 pinch salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

2. Toss the cut sweet potato fries with Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, salt, pepper, and olive oil. Arrange fries on a baking sheet in a single layer.

3. Bake for 30 minutes, turning once, or until fries are crispy on the outside.

Makes 12 Muffins

2 cups whole wheat flour

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/2 cups mashed bananas

4 egg whites

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup fresh blueberries


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 12 cup muffin pan.

2. In a large bowl, mix the whole wheat flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, and baking soda. In a separate bowl, mix the bananas, egg whites, and vanilla extract.

3. Mix the banana mixture into the flour mixture until smooth. Fold in the blueberries. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin pan.

4. Bake 16 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean.

Quinoa and Black Beans

Baked Honey Mustard cHicken

sweet Potato Fries

Makes 2 Servings

1 banana, cut in chunks

1 cup grapes

1 apple, peeled and cored

1 (6 ounce) tub vanilla yogurt

1 1/2 cups fresh spinach leaves


1. Place the banana, grapes, apple, yogurt, and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth, stopping frequently to push down anything stuck to the sides. Pour into glasses and serve.

Groovy Green sMootHie

Banana BlueBerry MuFFins

Makes 4 Crepes

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

2 egg whites

1/2 cup skim milk

1 pinch salt

1 tablespoon canola oil

1/2 cup mixed frozen berries, thawed and drained

1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar for dusting

1/4 cup light whipped topping


1. Whisk together the wheat flour, egg whites, milk, salt, and oil in a large bowl until smooth.

2. Lightly coat a skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the skillet. Tilt the pan in a circular motion to allow the batter to spread to the edges. Cook until the bottom is light brown, about 2 minutes. Flip the crepe and place 2 tablespoons of the mixed berries in the center of the crepe; cook another 2 minutes. Fold the crepe in half and remove with a spatula to a serving plate. Dust with confectioners’ sugar, add whipped topping and serve.

eGG-wHite crePes

Start 2014 off the right way with these nutritious recipes!HealtHy reciPes For tHe new year!


Page 19: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Makes 10 Servings

1 teaspoon olive oil

1 onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped

3/4 cup uncooked quinoa

1 1/2 cups vegetable broth

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Salt and pepper to taste

1 cup frozen corn kernels

2 (15 ounce) cans black beans, rinsed and drained

1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro


1. Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Stir in the onion and garlic, and saute until lightly browned.

2. Mix quinoa into the saucepan and cover with vegetable broth. Season with cumin, cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20 minutes.

3. Stir frozen corn into the saucepan, and continue to simmer about 5 minutes until heated through. Mix in the black beans and cilantro.

Makes 6 Servings

6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves

Salt and pepper to taste

1/2 cup honey

1/2 cup dijon mustard

1 teaspoon dried basil

1 teaspoon paprika

1/2 teaspoon dried parsley


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Sprinkle chicken breasts with salt and pepper to taste, and place in a lightly greased 9x13 inch baking dish. In a small bowl, combine the honey, mustard, basil, paprika, and parsley. Mix well. Pour 1/2 of this mixture over the chicken, and brush to cover.

3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Turn chicken pieces over and brush with the remaining 1/2 of the honey mustard mixture. Bake for an additional 10 to 15 minutes, or until chicken is no longer pink and juices run clear. Let cool 10 minutes before serving.

Makes 4 Servings

4 sweet potatoes, cut into large French fries

2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper

1 pinch salt and pepper to taste

2 tablespoons olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C).

2. Toss the cut sweet potato fries with Italian seasoning, lemon pepper, salt, pepper, and olive oil. Arrange fries on a baking sheet in a single layer.

3. Bake for 30 minutes, turning once, or until fries are crispy on the outside.

Makes 12 Muffins

2 cups whole wheat flour

1/3 cup brown sugar

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 1/2 cups mashed bananas

4 egg whites

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup fresh blueberries


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 12 cup muffin pan.

2. In a large bowl, mix the whole wheat flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, and baking soda. In a separate bowl, mix the bananas, egg whites, and vanilla extract.

3. Mix the banana mixture into the flour mixture until smooth. Fold in the blueberries. Spoon the batter into the prepared muffin pan.

4. Bake 16 minutes in the preheated oven, or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean.

Quinoa and Black Beans

Baked Honey Mustard cHicken

sweet Potato Fries

Makes 2 Servings

1 banana, cut in chunks

1 cup grapes

1 apple, peeled and cored

1 (6 ounce) tub vanilla yogurt

1 1/2 cups fresh spinach leaves


1. Place the banana, grapes, apple, yogurt, and spinach into a blender. Cover, and blend until smooth, stopping frequently to push down anything stuck to the sides. Pour into glasses and serve.

Groovy Green sMootHie

Banana BlueBerry MuFFins

Makes 4 Crepes

1/2 cup whole wheat flour

2 egg whites

1/2 cup skim milk

1 pinch salt

1 tablespoon canola oil

1/2 cup mixed frozen berries, thawed and drained

1 tablespoon confectioners’ sugar for dusting

1/4 cup light whipped topping


1. Whisk together the wheat flour, egg whites, milk, salt, and oil in a large bowl until smooth.

2. Lightly coat a skillet with cooking spray and place over medium heat. Pour 1/4 cup of the batter into the skillet. Tilt the pan in a circular motion to allow the batter to spread to the edges. Cook until the bottom is light brown, about 2 minutes. Flip the crepe and place 2 tablespoons of the mixed berries in the center of the crepe; cook another 2 minutes. Fold the crepe in half and remove with a spatula to a serving plate. Dust with confectioners’ sugar, add whipped topping and serve.

eGG-wHite crePes

Start 2014 off the right way with these nutritious recipes!HealtHy reciPes For tHe new year!


Page 20: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Snowbird beauty

About the artist...Originally from Canada, and having spent many years of her career in the United Kingdom, Sara Lindsay is a professional makeup artist, with training from some of London’s top fashion academies. Having had the opportunity to work with some of Britain’s top artists, Sara brings an edge to her hometown of Regina. Sara’s professional experience includes runway work, editorial spreads, compelling commercial campaigns, weddings and special event clients. London Fashion Week and The London Clothes Show are just some of the highlights of her career. Sara was named Canadian Makeup Artist of the Year at The Mirror Awards 2011 and most recently was named a finalist for 2012.Sara’s successful freelance career, which complimented her time as a regional associate with MAC COSMETICS UK, gave her valuable experience in working closely with clientele to consult and direct their transformation to the extraordinary. In a consultative style, Sara works to achieve a look that is uniquely your own.

The holidays have come and gone for another year and as we welcome 2014, people are now turning their attention to sunny getaways. If you are planning to take a vacation this winter where the weather is hot and where there may be salt water and chlorine treated pools, there are a few things you might want to consider for your hair, makeup and body.

It’s important to protect your hair from salt and chlorine, espe-cially if it is colour treated as it can leave it damaged. Chlorine and salt can strip your hair and leave it dry and brittle. Chlo-rine can also leave a green tint to blonde hair, especially if it’s porous. A lot of sun exposure can also have damaging effects on the hair.

ObviousIy, I recommend wearing a high SPF sunscreen on your face and body and you can also get further protection for your face by wearing a foundation with an SPF in it.

Always use a foundation with some luminosity to it. Most hot spots are humid and wearing a matte finish can look unnatural and won’t tend to work well in those climates anyway. Skin looks brighter, fresher and more natural with a bit of a glow to it. Keep the nose, forehead and chin shine-free with a light weight powder but leave the rest of the face powder free. Use

a liquid body shimmer to highlight your arms, legs, collarbones and cheekbones for glowing skin during the evening or on the beach.

Protect your lips well with a good SPF and make sure to keep them slathered with a moisture rich hydrating balm.

Lastly, consider packing a set of travel makeup brushes with you. Toiletries seem to take up so much space so minimize wherever you can. Keep this in mind for hair care, skincare, etc., as most brands offer a travel size option.

I’ve pictured a few great products that can come in very handy while travelling. If you are off on a trip this winter, take every-thing you need to protect your hair, skin and body. Be safe and have a fabulous time in the warmth!

For more in depth information, I offer private makeup lessons at my studio.

Sara Lindsay Makeup Studio is located at 3420 Hill Avenue in Regina. Hair Director Melissa Mark offers full Aveda hair services in studio to complement all makeup services. [email protected] (306) 347-7829

By Sara Lindsay

(Products listed from Left to Right) -Protective Hair Veil (Water Resistant UV Defence Mist) -After Sun Hair Masque (Restores Sun Exposed Hair) -Hair & Body Cleanser (Removes Chlorine, Salt & Build-Up)

-Inglot Face & Body Illuminator -Ellis Faas Skin Veil Foundation with SPF 15

-Professional Travel Makeup Brush Collection -Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm For Lips


Page 21: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

[email protected] |w w w . r i l e y l a w s o n . c o m

by Riley lAWson

New Year, New TreNds: The 2014 ForecasT

each year in the fall Pantone announces it’s color of

the year to come. emerald was the color for 2013 and

i was not thrilled. i did grow to love green more as

the year progressed but i am very excited for 2014’s

fab color: Radiant orchid.

There are many ways to incorporate trends both in

styling with the colors of the seasons – and at every

age. Read about how below!

lips, eyes, nailsThe great part about trends is that they often leak into many other

areas aside from clothing, so if you don’t love the seasonal color on

you, you have options. i love colored lips! i’ve said it before, and it still

continues to be one of my favorite ways to change my look. Why

not have fabulously orchid lips to compliment your black attire? This

works well with other makeup like eye shadow or nail polish.

AccessoriesThis is one of the easiest and most cost

efficient way to make trends work for

you. snag a purse, some shoes, a scarf,

jewelry or a belt for a pop of color! The

price is typically low on these items and

that makes them easily replaceable from

season to season.

Wardrobeif you’re daring enough then go all the way into the trend and wear

orchid from head to toe! or pick and choose specific items to

purchase in this gorgeous tone. orchid looks great with navy, black,

cream, grey and lighter tones in the purple family. This is a cute way

to add color in your office apparel - wear a blouse in this rich hue

under your blazer.


Page 22: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Try A New Short Hair Style And Feel Good Doing It

Joy Amistad is a passionate hairstylist who originated in Vancouver and has continued to develop her talent by further training not only in Vancouver, but as well as Las Vegas, New York, Orlando, Miami and is now residing in Saskatoon. Her extended training has furthered her knowledge in precision cuts, hair colours and up styling. Hair is a fashion industry that is continually changing and growing; she truly values the importance of continually upgrading and enhancing her skills. She doesn’t believe hair dressing is just a job, it’s her passion. Joy is a stylist at Visions Salon and Spa in Saskatoon.

If you’re in the mood for a new hairstyle and a fabulous short ‘do is on your mind, don’t just sweep it away into the trash. Instead, consider donating your hair to a worthy charitable cause. Many patients lose their hair due to cancer treatments. When a person loses their hair, they often lose some self-esteem too. Hair is very personal, it is part of you. That’s why donating your hair to create a natural looking wig for a person in need is such a great idea.

During her battle with cancer, Farrah Fawcett said that the hardest part of chemotherapy was losing her hair. This is what opted Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank to grow her hair long and healthy so she could specifically donate it to the cause.

Donating hair for cancer patients is extremely rewarding. You will feel good knowing that your short hairstyle has helped out someone who really needs it.

Guidelines for Hair Donations:

• Haircanbevirginorcolored(dependingonthe organization).

• Hairlengthacceptedis8inchesplus(dependingonthe organization).

• Hairthatissweptoffofthefloorisnotusablebecauseofthe variety of different lengths.

• Ifshavingyourhead,firstdividehairintomultipleponytailsto cut off.

• Dreadlockscannotbeused.

• Layeredhairisacceptableifthelongestlayeris10inches.

• Layeredhairmaybedividedintomultipleponytails.

If your local hair salon doesn’t have a hair donation program, you can still donate by sending your hair yourself through themailtoPanteneBeautifulLengthsorAChild’sVoiceFoundation.

Pantene Beautiful Lengthsc/oArchwayMarketingServicesP. O. Box 4342110KiplingAvenueEtobicokeStationB,ONM9W5L4

A Child’s Voice FoundationAngelHairforKids3034PalstanRoad,Suite301Mississauga,ONL4Y2Z6



Page 23: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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Page 24: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014


DETAILSMATTERSoon to be published book “Cottage Kitchen Design” a home design series.Join Gary’s Design & Details Matter blog at:

Windows and Walls

Shutters Make A Statement Of QualityShutters were a vital piece in kitchens from a former

time. Inside shutters set off a cottage style kitchen. Open them to let all the light in or close them for com-plete privacy.

Shutters used on the inside of your kitchen are one form of interior window treatment that are rapidly gaining popularity for a diverse number of reasons. Shutters have challenged the number one window cov-ering place, competing with blinds and shades.

Shutters are able to give any style and interior design palette high praise. With their clean and crisp lines they forgo the saggy, wrinkled, aged look that without intention comes with years of use of drapes or blinds.Shutters Can be Custom Made

Uneven or beyond large windows profit a tidy amount due to easy to source custom made interior shutters. Your arched windows, circular windows, and large sliding glass doors can all be custom fit with shut-ters. Shutters are also made in a wide variety of materi-als and colours making it possible for you to choose a suitable match for your cottage kitchen.Shutters are Easy to Maintain

Cleaning and upkeep of your shutters is an easy task. A quick wipe with a lint free damp cloth picks up dirt, dust and grime. There is no need for you to take them down to clean as is the case with other window coverings.Shutters Improve Energy Efficiency

Homeowners are now starting to think about and put into play any means they can to reduce utility bills.

The hanging of shutters is a dollar saving means that pays itself off many times over on windows exposed to many hours of sunlight. Tight fitting insulating shutters used on windows or glass doors aid in the war against rising utility costs.Shutters are Silent When Windows are Open

For windows and glass doors that are often opened to allow in a breeze, shutters are for the most part noise-free. Normal winds won’t clank and bang shut-ters the way blinds or shades do. They don’t flap in the wind like drapes and they can be adjusted to a precise setting to control the light, privacy and fresh air for your room.Timeless Sheers

Nothing is greater than sheer window treatments for transforming ordinary sunlight into stunning room ambience. Your curtains can be fun and flirty. Or, you can choose very simple and timeless sheers. Sheer window treatments portray a first sense of be-ing very charming and light weight at the same time. A simple box pleat curtain, sheers, or just a simple gathered valance is all your cottage kitchen needs. Basic in form is the key element to window treatments with a cottage decorating style. Off white fibres hav-ing a colour quality of the unbleached and not dyed state are popular in cottage decorating. Colours and textures are always welcome as a choice. No other window treatment lends a lighter feel than sheers. Sheers complete your window with elegance.

Sheer window treatments have always been popu-lar among home owners and fashionably elegant interior designs. You will like them because sheers provide a measure of privacy without trading off light and structure.

Use sheer curtain panels together with panel curtains or pinch pleated drapes to add more detail. This looks elegant and refined while allowing a lot of light. Used alone sheer window curtains are your perfect choice when you want to create a very warm and relaxing ef-fect and at the same time allow natural light in through your windows.

Not decorated or elaborate white sheer fabric re-mains one of the most commonly used materials. You always have other choices like other plain colours and woven patterns. Light and pastel colours are picked first for smaller rooms. Experiment with bold and darker hues if the room is larger with high windows. I suggest making the colours and patterns you choose in tune with your main room theme.

Sheer valances, sheer panels, sheer priscilla window curtains and sheer scarf curtains are other great backup treatments. Sheers are best kept away from cooking and wash up areas. Sheer valances are available in simple plain colours as well as woven patterns.

Next Issue

Window Covering Types continued


G A R Y J A C O B W E I S B R O D TGary is responsible for the design and building of your housing dreams at gj-Constructs House of Design. Gary’s thirty years of working with owners, Architects, Engineers, contractors, TD Bank, BLM Architects and the Regina Health Re-gion provides you with a unique blend of skills and know-how for the deliv-ery of your ideas. He’s a Design Builder which means working with you from design until the keys are turned over.

An end to end no fuss no worry service.

[email protected]

Design & Details Matter BLOG

See the new series on how to avoid design mistakes.

PINK Spread gjConstructs House Design.indd 22-23 12/31/2013 12:35 PM


Page 25: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014


DETAILSMATTERSoon to be published book “Cottage Kitchen Design” a home design series.Join Gary’s Design & Details Matter blog at:

Windows and Walls

Shutters Make A Statement Of QualityShutters were a vital piece in kitchens from a former

time. Inside shutters set off a cottage style kitchen. Open them to let all the light in or close them for com-plete privacy.

Shutters used on the inside of your kitchen are one form of interior window treatment that are rapidly gaining popularity for a diverse number of reasons. Shutters have challenged the number one window cov-ering place, competing with blinds and shades.

Shutters are able to give any style and interior design palette high praise. With their clean and crisp lines they forgo the saggy, wrinkled, aged look that without intention comes with years of use of drapes or blinds.Shutters Can be Custom Made

Uneven or beyond large windows profit a tidy amount due to easy to source custom made interior shutters. Your arched windows, circular windows, and large sliding glass doors can all be custom fit with shut-ters. Shutters are also made in a wide variety of materi-als and colours making it possible for you to choose a suitable match for your cottage kitchen.Shutters are Easy to Maintain

Cleaning and upkeep of your shutters is an easy task. A quick wipe with a lint free damp cloth picks up dirt, dust and grime. There is no need for you to take them down to clean as is the case with other window coverings.Shutters Improve Energy Efficiency

Homeowners are now starting to think about and put into play any means they can to reduce utility bills.

The hanging of shutters is a dollar saving means that pays itself off many times over on windows exposed to many hours of sunlight. Tight fitting insulating shutters used on windows or glass doors aid in the war against rising utility costs.Shutters are Silent When Windows are Open

For windows and glass doors that are often opened to allow in a breeze, shutters are for the most part noise-free. Normal winds won’t clank and bang shut-ters the way blinds or shades do. They don’t flap in the wind like drapes and they can be adjusted to a precise setting to control the light, privacy and fresh air for your room.Timeless Sheers

Nothing is greater than sheer window treatments for transforming ordinary sunlight into stunning room ambience. Your curtains can be fun and flirty. Or, you can choose very simple and timeless sheers. Sheer window treatments portray a first sense of be-ing very charming and light weight at the same time. A simple box pleat curtain, sheers, or just a simple gathered valance is all your cottage kitchen needs. Basic in form is the key element to window treatments with a cottage decorating style. Off white fibres hav-ing a colour quality of the unbleached and not dyed state are popular in cottage decorating. Colours and textures are always welcome as a choice. No other window treatment lends a lighter feel than sheers. Sheers complete your window with elegance.

Sheer window treatments have always been popu-lar among home owners and fashionably elegant interior designs. You will like them because sheers provide a measure of privacy without trading off light and structure.

Use sheer curtain panels together with panel curtains or pinch pleated drapes to add more detail. This looks elegant and refined while allowing a lot of light. Used alone sheer window curtains are your perfect choice when you want to create a very warm and relaxing ef-fect and at the same time allow natural light in through your windows.

Not decorated or elaborate white sheer fabric re-mains one of the most commonly used materials. You always have other choices like other plain colours and woven patterns. Light and pastel colours are picked first for smaller rooms. Experiment with bold and darker hues if the room is larger with high windows. I suggest making the colours and patterns you choose in tune with your main room theme.

Sheer valances, sheer panels, sheer priscilla window curtains and sheer scarf curtains are other great backup treatments. Sheers are best kept away from cooking and wash up areas. Sheer valances are available in simple plain colours as well as woven patterns.

Next Issue

Window Covering Types continued


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Page 26: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014
Page 27: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

New Year’s Resolutions: Decluttering Your Home Tis the New Year… 2014! Hoping you had a wonderful holiday season! I have always loved the holiday season; there is some-thing magical about lights and music that make me cheery…even in 40 below weather! What about you?

There is something else though that the holiday cheer brings up - decorating, storage, clutter and more loot to find space for in the house. Where to store decorations? What to do with the new toys the children received? The Christ-mas balls are the size of basketballs now!

I always used to have my kids go through their toys before Christmas and we’d make a trip to the shelters to donate and make room for the new ones. Well, my kids are now 20, 17 and 16 and somehow we haven’t done this for a few seasons, so we’ve got clutter! We would also go through winter clothes and outgrown items. It seems like I’m always challenged for time to do these things now.

I always wished I was one of those organized, show home type people but somehow, the good Lord missed giving me that gene in the genetic mix! Someone used to say to me ‘With every bag coming in, a bag must go out’! It is great advice and makes complete sense, but I struggle. I love decorat-ing, shopping and giving but just can’t seem to do it on my own.

I’m sure I’m not alone here and by the way, my grandma did go through the Dirty Thirties… therefore, I’m justified in my “SAV-ING” tactics aren’t’ I? Someone may visit that fits those size 10 ski pants and rubber boots…. maybe grandchildren one day? I know I’m not alone; there are others of you that struggle as well… right?

Why is it though when I get asked for advice as a Real Estate Professional I’m great at walking through someone’s house and preparing it to list? I have great clients who take my advice and

have garage sales, put items in storage and simplify in order to sell the house. I really have an eye but when it comes to the emotional attachments I lack being able to do this for myself.

I’m ready to hire someone to help me. What about you? I am writ ing this in December of 2013 to publish in January and I

think in the new year (you see I haven’t fully com-mitted… as it is scary) I have to make some changes and declutter, organize and give, give, give… keeping in line with the spirit of the sea-son.

Can I encourage you to do the same? There are many professionals that can help with decorat-ing, designing, decluttering and organizing. I’m going to look into it for myself and simplify. Those size 10 rubber boots can go! Woohoo!

Life changes and sometimes the universe deliv-ers us something we are not ready for or expect-ing. Some of you may have lost loved ones, gone through life circumstances or were alone over the holidays. I too, am going through my own life changes and it’s difficult, but let’s look at the stars twinkling and give gratitude for what we can and be

grateful for the year 2013, even if we’ve had chal-lenges to grow from!

Let’s embrace 2014!! We can start volunteering! The hospitals, children’s wards, the food bank, the shelters, whatever your pas-sion to help is. We can make a difference! Wishing you the best in 2014 with your New Year’s resolutions and goal setting. If making a move is in your future this year, please give me a call, I’d be happy to help you.

Happy New Year! Remember… live your dreams!

By CharMaine Luscombe, B.A, B.EdBroker, Commercial, Farm, Residential Agent

Homelife Prairie Realty

Tel. (306) 535 3948

[email protected]



Page 28: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Coming up on its 12th year, the Saskatoon Blues Festival is stronger than ever. If you were lucky enough to have attended last year, you will recall the memorable and vibrant perfor-mances of 2013 Juno nominee’s Shakura S’Aida and Steve Strongman, the exuberant and electric Marcia Ball, or the up close and personal acoustic sets of legends, Steve James and ‘Blind Boy’ Paxton. This multi-faceted festival offers up some of the best local, national and international Blues talent playing the circuits today making it a must attend.

However, there is so much more than the incredible caliber of the weekend performances. For weeks prior to the festi-val, Blues music can be enjoyed at various Saskatoon clubs, bars and coffee shops. Leading up to and during the festival, volunteers and musicians can be found spreading the gospel of the Blues - offering insight on styles, education and history of why from its humble roots up to today, Blues matter. The outreach offers the chance for numerous Saskatoon commu-nities to benefit.

Outreach programming is extended to senior living facili-ties where over 400 individuals get the opportunity to have an artist visit them in their residence. And the same goes for schools, targeting the younger audiences who wouldn’t have

the chance to take in the week-end performances. In fact, the notable ‘Blues in the Schools’ (BITS) program utilizes festival musicians to impart their knowl-edge on the history, art form, movement and relevance of Blues. Workshops, swap meets, concert series and cabarets make up the rest of the very full-bodied Saskatoon Blues Festival.

The BITS program has run for 10 years and is a very impor-tant component of the festival. Last year alone, 19 schools and approximately 3,700 students participated in the pro-gram. Volunteer and Blues Society Member, Linda McFaul expressed the program’s ongoing value “as a vehicle to get students interested in the blues, and a valuable education on racism and music history.”

For the past five years, volunteering with the Saskatoon Blues Festival in a number of different capacities including as a board member, McFaul is back again leading the charge resurrect-ing the Blues Camp after the program took a brief hiatus.

Along with its return comes a powerful theme for this year’s camp – ‘There ain’t no bullies in Blues’.

Like the BITS program, the Blues Camp, sponsored by Ca-meco Corp., will offer youth, ages 12-17 the opportunity to learn about the Blues and its history while also getting to par-ticipate with a festival performance. The chance to learn vo-cals, bass, percussion, guitars and more, bring excited youth of varying ages together to take part in the camp that runs just before the festival from February 18-21.

“It is incredible to see how these kids gel and how cohesive the groups became,” said McFaul speaking of past Blues Camps. “I really just wanted to see it happen again.”

McFaul explained how Blues is a great platform for tackling this topic. “Blues music originated out of oppression,” said McFaul. “It’s a natural fit. The camp also has the ability for youth to work on their social skills and through the Blues, ex-press their emotions.”

“These kids really come together at the camp and even though they are from different backgrounds and are different ages, they all really get along. This [program] gives us the chance to be involved in some small way in talking about bullying.“

And again like the BITS program, which traditionally brings actual Blues musicians into the schools, youth who attend the Blues Camp also receive mentorship from musicians. Musicians see it as an opportunity to give back making this a win-win partnership between mentors and mentees. This year, Nick Longpre and Brandon Ziola, members from popu-lar Saskatoon trio, Apollo Cruz will be taking part and leading

the camp along with Saskatoon’s very own Canadian Idol top 5 finalist (2005), Josh Palmer.

“It’s a neat marriage of these different levels of artists, they have all been mentored from someone and now have a chance to be together,” stated McFaul.

McFaul’s passion for the program is clear and it was with that intent she sought to see it reintroduced this year. “The chance to work with kids – I get such a warm heart – seeing them light up. See them blossom and their confidence grow throughout the week. I have a lot of admiration for these mu-sicians,” shared McFaul.

Youth are invited to the program through notices sent out to the schools and for those interested in applying; more infor-mation can be found on the website: The program costs $100 and can accommodate up to 20 campers.

So keep your eyes peeled for the 2014 Blues Camp attend-ee’s appearance at the festival this year. Dates of the 2014 Saskatoon Blues Festival, presented by Cherry Insurance are February 24 - March 2. To the delight of Blues fans, like last year, this year’s headlining performances are impressive and include the following acts:

Omar and the Howlers (, Suzie Vin-nick (, Carolyn Wonderland (, The Twisters ( Silver Screen Scoundrels (, Tommy Castro and the Painkillers (

Part of this event’s ongoing success has to do with how well it is set up. The two main venues used for performances are within walking distance of one another making it easy for mu-sic goers to go back and forth in order to take the smooth sounds of each space.

And though there has a been a venue change from last year, the same vibrant weekend cabarets and up close and per-sonal acoustic performances will be found at the PotashCorp Electric Blues Cabaret at O’Brians Event Centre and Acoustic Stage at Park Town hotel.

The scene at the Park Town hotel is acoustic blues sets complemented by an offering of lounge style couches and an intimate atmosphere. Performers in this arena will often pause during songs to share stories to a very willing (and quiet) audience.

If dancing is your thing you will most definitely want to head on over to the alternate space at O’Brians Event Centre where the electric blues cabaret will be rocking. It offers a gi-ant dance floor that begs its audience sitting at table rounds to get up and move. You can expect a lot of energy, bigger bands and larger sound.

New to the Blues scene? Make sure to get your tickets and check it out! The great news is that it is a very welcoming genre and one that can be easily appreciated. Blues music is really for anyone and everyone. Smooth sounds, relatable stories, heartfelt, emotional singing and feeling of connectivity to the artists make the experience of this festival so enjoyable.

More details can be found by visiting:

Festival Goes Beyond the Blues

The Saskatoon Blues FestivalBy Jenn Smith Nelson

2013 Headliner Steve Strongman

2013 Performer Shakura S’Aida


Page 29: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Coming up on its 12th year, the Saskatoon Blues Festival is stronger than ever. If you were lucky enough to have attended last year, you will recall the memorable and vibrant perfor-mances of 2013 Juno nominee’s Shakura S’Aida and Steve Strongman, the exuberant and electric Marcia Ball, or the up close and personal acoustic sets of legends, Steve James and ‘Blind Boy’ Paxton. This multi-faceted festival offers up some of the best local, national and international Blues talent playing the circuits today making it a must attend.

However, there is so much more than the incredible caliber of the weekend performances. For weeks prior to the festi-val, Blues music can be enjoyed at various Saskatoon clubs, bars and coffee shops. Leading up to and during the festival, volunteers and musicians can be found spreading the gospel of the Blues - offering insight on styles, education and history of why from its humble roots up to today, Blues matter. The outreach offers the chance for numerous Saskatoon commu-nities to benefit.

Outreach programming is extended to senior living facili-ties where over 400 individuals get the opportunity to have an artist visit them in their residence. And the same goes for schools, targeting the younger audiences who wouldn’t have

the chance to take in the week-end performances. In fact, the notable ‘Blues in the Schools’ (BITS) program utilizes festival musicians to impart their knowl-edge on the history, art form, movement and relevance of Blues. Workshops, swap meets, concert series and cabarets make up the rest of the very full-bodied Saskatoon Blues Festival.

The BITS program has run for 10 years and is a very impor-tant component of the festival. Last year alone, 19 schools and approximately 3,700 students participated in the pro-gram. Volunteer and Blues Society Member, Linda McFaul expressed the program’s ongoing value “as a vehicle to get students interested in the blues, and a valuable education on racism and music history.”

For the past five years, volunteering with the Saskatoon Blues Festival in a number of different capacities including as a board member, McFaul is back again leading the charge resurrect-ing the Blues Camp after the program took a brief hiatus.

Along with its return comes a powerful theme for this year’s camp – ‘There ain’t no bullies in Blues’.

Like the BITS program, the Blues Camp, sponsored by Ca-meco Corp., will offer youth, ages 12-17 the opportunity to learn about the Blues and its history while also getting to par-ticipate with a festival performance. The chance to learn vo-cals, bass, percussion, guitars and more, bring excited youth of varying ages together to take part in the camp that runs just before the festival from February 18-21.

“It is incredible to see how these kids gel and how cohesive the groups became,” said McFaul speaking of past Blues Camps. “I really just wanted to see it happen again.”

McFaul explained how Blues is a great platform for tackling this topic. “Blues music originated out of oppression,” said McFaul. “It’s a natural fit. The camp also has the ability for youth to work on their social skills and through the Blues, ex-press their emotions.”

“These kids really come together at the camp and even though they are from different backgrounds and are different ages, they all really get along. This [program] gives us the chance to be involved in some small way in talking about bullying.“

And again like the BITS program, which traditionally brings actual Blues musicians into the schools, youth who attend the Blues Camp also receive mentorship from musicians. Musicians see it as an opportunity to give back making this a win-win partnership between mentors and mentees. This year, Nick Longpre and Brandon Ziola, members from popu-lar Saskatoon trio, Apollo Cruz will be taking part and leading

the camp along with Saskatoon’s very own Canadian Idol top 5 finalist (2005), Josh Palmer.

“It’s a neat marriage of these different levels of artists, they have all been mentored from someone and now have a chance to be together,” stated McFaul.

McFaul’s passion for the program is clear and it was with that intent she sought to see it reintroduced this year. “The chance to work with kids – I get such a warm heart – seeing them light up. See them blossom and their confidence grow throughout the week. I have a lot of admiration for these mu-sicians,” shared McFaul.

Youth are invited to the program through notices sent out to the schools and for those interested in applying; more infor-mation can be found on the website: The program costs $100 and can accommodate up to 20 campers.

So keep your eyes peeled for the 2014 Blues Camp attend-ee’s appearance at the festival this year. Dates of the 2014 Saskatoon Blues Festival, presented by Cherry Insurance are February 24 - March 2. To the delight of Blues fans, like last year, this year’s headlining performances are impressive and include the following acts:

Omar and the Howlers (, Suzie Vin-nick (, Carolyn Wonderland (, The Twisters ( Silver Screen Scoundrels (, Tommy Castro and the Painkillers (

Part of this event’s ongoing success has to do with how well it is set up. The two main venues used for performances are within walking distance of one another making it easy for mu-sic goers to go back and forth in order to take the smooth sounds of each space.

And though there has a been a venue change from last year, the same vibrant weekend cabarets and up close and per-sonal acoustic performances will be found at the PotashCorp Electric Blues Cabaret at O’Brians Event Centre and Acoustic Stage at Park Town hotel.

The scene at the Park Town hotel is acoustic blues sets complemented by an offering of lounge style couches and an intimate atmosphere. Performers in this arena will often pause during songs to share stories to a very willing (and quiet) audience.

If dancing is your thing you will most definitely want to head on over to the alternate space at O’Brians Event Centre where the electric blues cabaret will be rocking. It offers a gi-ant dance floor that begs its audience sitting at table rounds to get up and move. You can expect a lot of energy, bigger bands and larger sound.

New to the Blues scene? Make sure to get your tickets and check it out! The great news is that it is a very welcoming genre and one that can be easily appreciated. Blues music is really for anyone and everyone. Smooth sounds, relatable stories, heartfelt, emotional singing and feeling of connectivity to the artists make the experience of this festival so enjoyable.

More details can be found by visiting:

Festival Goes Beyond the Blues

The Saskatoon Blues FestivalBy Jenn Smith Nelson

2013 Headliner Steve Strongman

2013 Performer Shakura S’Aida

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Page 30: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Romantic notions about living in a foreign land – who hasn’t had them? Like many things dreaming about it only gets you so far. You need to make it happen. Karlene and Rick Panko recently turned dreams into reality and left the Saskatchewan prairie for Australia, where they now call Yamba home.

Q. When did the idea first spark in your mind that living in a foreign land was something that you were going to seriously pursue?

Both Rick and I always asked the question several times each year whenever we had to endure frigid dog walks, dig the car out of the snowbank or travel through a blizzard to go anywhere. Our dream to live in a warm climate evolved from a temporary escape to something long term. I always wanted international work ex-perience and Rick loves adventure so we actually drew up and signed a formal contract to help us stick to our goal. We wanted to save enough money for us to survive a year without work in case we weren’t able to get jobs.

Q. How did the dream become real for you?

I recall a family gathering with everyone around for the holidays. I suddenly came to the realization that I would be missing many of these events that I love so much. Being with family defines the holidays and I don’t think it will ever be the same without them. Late in the planning stages, we decided to make things more

permanent. It wasn’t going to be a year; it would be at least five years. We wanted to give ourselves a chance to acclimatize, meet people, fit in and start a life there in order to determine if we really could live overseas forever.

Q. What made Australia the right choice for you?

I travelled Australia extensively about 10 years ago and abso-lutely loved the country. I felt at home when I was there, oddly enough. Australia is everything we wanted in a home. It is never cold, surrounded by beaches and we would not have to learn a new language. People are incredibly friendly just like in Canada and the quality of life is very similar to Canada.

Q. Australia is a big country, not unlike Canada, how did you find your new home?

We decided early on that we would not settle far from the sea. Having grown up in a land locked province, the ocean was al-ways incredibly beautiful to us. We always longed to be close to it, to spend our free time there. We decided that Yamba on the east coast of Australia was our ideal location, a small town with a relaxed personality and not too much hustle and bustle. We live about two blocks from the beach and can hear the ocean through the windows at night. We can see the stars, we can breathe the sea breeze, and we finally feel like life makes sense.

Q. What were the biggest adjustments you made once you got settled and into a routine?

Absolutely everything is just different enough than what we knew to have to learn it over again! When we arrived, I found that we started to communicate better. We worked together to search for places to live, a new car and job applications. We only had each other to rely on (and to talk to really!) so we had to trust each other. We made a lot of sacrifices to come here. We live a modest life and neither of us is keen to have the best of the best and that is why I think this worked for us.

Q. What advice can you give people who are thinking about re-locating to a new country? We may never do it ourselves but we need to feel it’s possible.

I still look at Rick and ask him “Can you believe we live here?” It took us almost three years to prepare to move here and it was extremely expensive and complicated. There were a few mo-ments when I wondered if we were doing the right thing but we persevered. It sounds so cliché but you have to follow your heart! Do a pros and cons list. What could you live without to make this happen? How long could you live without seeing the people that you love? These are important questions you should ask yourself before you decide to move. Moving overseas has been the most challenging and most rewarding journey of my entire life. Looking back on it, I would make the same decision a thousand times over again.

Q. One of the biggest misconceptions about living in a new coun-try is people think life is going to be like a vacation. Is it close?

Life will always be life. You have to work to survive! I live where people vacation so it feels like I should be on vacation all the time. I constantly see people on their holidays while I am driving to work and think of how much I wish I didn’t have to be somewhere. My desire to escape the place I live is gone but things are still pretty fresh for us. Perhaps that desire will come back once we are ac-customed to our surroundings and need a little adventure again. If you are the kind of person who likes to travel, I don’t think moving to a new place will find you feeling satisfied with life. Travelling is so much about seeing and experiencing new things. Moving to a new country is more about feeling comfortable where you are and making the things you enjoy in life possible the entire year round.

Q. The world is a big place but technology has the ability to make things small. How do you keep connected to your family and friends with so much distance now between you?

We have found that Skype and FaceTime have closed the dis-tance between our family and us. We communicate with people more now than we ever did in Swift Current. I think just knowing that you can’t just go home anytime you like encourages you to keep in touch.

Q. As we sit in the cold and you enjoy the warmth of the Austra-lian sun do you ever foresee a return to Saskatchewan in your future? Do you miss the cold, even just a little bit?

No … and no, that reminds me its sunny, blue sky and 27 de-grees outside. It’s time to go to the beach!

By Dale StrawfordA NeW PLACe TO CALL HOMe


Page 31: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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Romantic notions about living in a foreign land – who hasn’t had them? Like many things dreaming about it only gets you so far. You need to make it happen. Karlene and Rick Panko recently turned dreams into reality and left the Saskatchewan prairie for Australia, where they now call Yamba home.

Q. When did the idea first spark in your mind that living in a foreign land was something that you were going to seriously pursue?

Both Rick and I always asked the question several times each year whenever we had to endure frigid dog walks, dig the car out of the snowbank or travel through a blizzard to go anywhere. Our dream to live in a warm climate evolved from a temporary escape to something long term. I always wanted international work ex-perience and Rick loves adventure so we actually drew up and signed a formal contract to help us stick to our goal. We wanted to save enough money for us to survive a year without work in case we weren’t able to get jobs.

Q. How did the dream become real for you?

I recall a family gathering with everyone around for the holidays. I suddenly came to the realization that I would be missing many of these events that I love so much. Being with family defines the holidays and I don’t think it will ever be the same without them. Late in the planning stages, we decided to make things more

permanent. It wasn’t going to be a year; it would be at least five years. We wanted to give ourselves a chance to acclimatize, meet people, fit in and start a life there in order to determine if we really could live overseas forever.

Q. What made Australia the right choice for you?

I travelled Australia extensively about 10 years ago and abso-lutely loved the country. I felt at home when I was there, oddly enough. Australia is everything we wanted in a home. It is never cold, surrounded by beaches and we would not have to learn a new language. People are incredibly friendly just like in Canada and the quality of life is very similar to Canada.

Q. Australia is a big country, not unlike Canada, how did you find your new home?

We decided early on that we would not settle far from the sea. Having grown up in a land locked province, the ocean was al-ways incredibly beautiful to us. We always longed to be close to it, to spend our free time there. We decided that Yamba on the east coast of Australia was our ideal location, a small town with a relaxed personality and not too much hustle and bustle. We live about two blocks from the beach and can hear the ocean through the windows at night. We can see the stars, we can breathe the sea breeze, and we finally feel like life makes sense.

Q. What were the biggest adjustments you made once you got settled and into a routine?

Absolutely everything is just different enough than what we knew to have to learn it over again! When we arrived, I found that we started to communicate better. We worked together to search for places to live, a new car and job applications. We only had each other to rely on (and to talk to really!) so we had to trust each other. We made a lot of sacrifices to come here. We live a modest life and neither of us is keen to have the best of the best and that is why I think this worked for us.

Q. What advice can you give people who are thinking about re-locating to a new country? We may never do it ourselves but we need to feel it’s possible.

I still look at Rick and ask him “Can you believe we live here?” It took us almost three years to prepare to move here and it was extremely expensive and complicated. There were a few mo-ments when I wondered if we were doing the right thing but we persevered. It sounds so cliché but you have to follow your heart! Do a pros and cons list. What could you live without to make this happen? How long could you live without seeing the people that you love? These are important questions you should ask yourself before you decide to move. Moving overseas has been the most challenging and most rewarding journey of my entire life. Looking back on it, I would make the same decision a thousand times over again.

Q. One of the biggest misconceptions about living in a new coun-try is people think life is going to be like a vacation. Is it close?

Life will always be life. You have to work to survive! I live where people vacation so it feels like I should be on vacation all the time. I constantly see people on their holidays while I am driving to work and think of how much I wish I didn’t have to be somewhere. My desire to escape the place I live is gone but things are still pretty fresh for us. Perhaps that desire will come back once we are ac-customed to our surroundings and need a little adventure again. If you are the kind of person who likes to travel, I don’t think moving to a new place will find you feeling satisfied with life. Travelling is so much about seeing and experiencing new things. Moving to a new country is more about feeling comfortable where you are and making the things you enjoy in life possible the entire year round.

Q. The world is a big place but technology has the ability to make things small. How do you keep connected to your family and friends with so much distance now between you?

We have found that Skype and FaceTime have closed the dis-tance between our family and us. We communicate with people more now than we ever did in Swift Current. I think just knowing that you can’t just go home anytime you like encourages you to keep in touch.

Q. As we sit in the cold and you enjoy the warmth of the Austra-lian sun do you ever foresee a return to Saskatchewan in your future? Do you miss the cold, even just a little bit?

No … and no, that reminds me its sunny, blue sky and 27 de-grees outside. It’s time to go to the beach!

By Dale StrawfordA NeW PLACe TO CALL HOMe


Page 32: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

As specialists in cruise travel we have heard it all! Let’s review some of the cruise myths and provide some basic information to ensure you pick the vacation that is right for you - which may just be a cruise after all.

There are cruise options to fit just about anyone’s vacation desires. With so many options available you are definitely wiser to use the services of a travel professional as they can often find you better pricing and options than are not available online. The options available on the Internet are huge and unless you really know what to look for – it is overwhelming with over 26 million hits on the search for “Caribbean Cruise” on one search engine alone.

IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE – Like all other vacations – cruise lines and prices vary greatly but overall cruising is a great value when you consider that one price includes accommodations, din-ing, entertainment and the opportunity to experience multiple destinations with only unpacking your suit case once onboard! Some lines offer more inclusions including shore excursions, drink packages and even airfare. The wide variety of options makes a travel consultant extremely valuable in booking a cruise package to suit your needs.

I MIGHT GET SICK - This can happen, but, fortunately not to many people. The good news is that most ships are now equipped with stabilizer systems which greatly reduce motion.

There are plenty of health aids available including oral medica-tions, the patch, pressure bracelets, herbal remedies, acupunc-ture, etc. Choosing the right itinerary, ship and stateroom can also help to minimize motion sickness.

EVERYTHING IS ON A SCHEDULE – There is a lot of flexibility for onboard activities. One thing that is not though is boarding times! You miss the ship, you are on your own. Other than that, most cruise lines offer flexible dining times and venues, lots of entertainment options and plenty of alternatives for activi-ties. Many cruise lines now offer longer port stays, even some overnight stays.

I DON’T HAVE A THING TO WEAR - Unless you want an excuse to go shopping you likely have everything you need in your closet! Although most cruises do have formal nights – if you don’t want to put on a suit or a party dress you can take advantage of room service, the buffet or one of the other op-tions and stay in your casual clothes. Some cruise lines have disposed of formal nights and instead are “country club casual” through the whole itinerary.

I MIGHT BE BORED - Cruising is as active of a vacation as you want it to be but you have to be on the right cruise line and the right itinerary to suit YOU. There are exceptional opportuni-ties for family travel, romance, relaxation, adventure, exotic des-tinations, music, cooking and sports – all onboard your floating resort. What could be better?


REGINA 4053 Albert St.

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Toll Free: 1-877-551-3272

SASKATOON 103-3126 Clarence Ave. S.

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Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


Flights Hotels Car Rentals

Travel Insurance

Coach & Rail Tours

Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


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REGINA 4053 Albert St.

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SASKATOON 103-3126 Clarence Ave. S.

Tel: 1-306-652-7447 Toll Free: 1-877-446-7447

Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


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Page 33: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

As specialists in cruise travel we have heard it all! Let’s review some of the cruise myths and provide some basic information to ensure you pick the vacation that is right for you - which may just be a cruise after all.

There are cruise options to fit just about anyone’s vacation desires. With so many options available you are definitely wiser to use the services of a travel professional as they can often find you better pricing and options than are not available online. The options available on the Internet are huge and unless you really know what to look for – it is overwhelming with over 26 million hits on the search for “Caribbean Cruise” on one search engine alone.

IT IS TOO EXPENSIVE – Like all other vacations – cruise lines and prices vary greatly but overall cruising is a great value when you consider that one price includes accommodations, din-ing, entertainment and the opportunity to experience multiple destinations with only unpacking your suit case once onboard! Some lines offer more inclusions including shore excursions, drink packages and even airfare. The wide variety of options makes a travel consultant extremely valuable in booking a cruise package to suit your needs.

I MIGHT GET SICK - This can happen, but, fortunately not to many people. The good news is that most ships are now equipped with stabilizer systems which greatly reduce motion.

There are plenty of health aids available including oral medica-tions, the patch, pressure bracelets, herbal remedies, acupunc-ture, etc. Choosing the right itinerary, ship and stateroom can also help to minimize motion sickness.

EVERYTHING IS ON A SCHEDULE – There is a lot of flexibility for onboard activities. One thing that is not though is boarding times! You miss the ship, you are on your own. Other than that, most cruise lines offer flexible dining times and venues, lots of entertainment options and plenty of alternatives for activi-ties. Many cruise lines now offer longer port stays, even some overnight stays.

I DON’T HAVE A THING TO WEAR - Unless you want an excuse to go shopping you likely have everything you need in your closet! Although most cruises do have formal nights – if you don’t want to put on a suit or a party dress you can take advantage of room service, the buffet or one of the other op-tions and stay in your casual clothes. Some cruise lines have disposed of formal nights and instead are “country club casual” through the whole itinerary.

I MIGHT BE BORED - Cruising is as active of a vacation as you want it to be but you have to be on the right cruise line and the right itinerary to suit YOU. There are exceptional opportuni-ties for family travel, romance, relaxation, adventure, exotic des-tinations, music, cooking and sports – all onboard your floating resort. What could be better?


REGINA 4053 Albert St.

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Toll Free: 1-877-551-3272

SASKATOON 103-3126 Clarence Ave. S.

Tel: 1-306-652-7447 Toll Free: 1-877-446-7447

Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


Flights Hotels Car Rentals

Travel Insurance

Coach & Rail Tours

Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


Flights Hotels Car Rentals

Travel Insurance

Coach & Rail Tours

Expedia CruiseShipCenters4053 Albert St., Regina, SK, S4S 3R6

Tel: (306) 586 2890 Cell: (306) 535 7649


Flights Hotels Car Rentals

Travel Insurance

Coach & Rail Tours


Page 34: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

Book Scavenger HuntHappy New Year! For the first family fun article of 2014, I decided to try something a little different. Free printable games are one of the most popular areas on my Moms & Munchkins site so I de-cided to put together a fun little game here for you to enjoy with your family.

This Book Scavenger Hunt is really easy to play and kids of all

ages can participate. Most of us have a lot of children’s books at home (hopefully not collecting dust on the shelf!) and this game will require a little bit of digging inside your child’s favourite books. For each item on the Book Scavenger Hunt list, have your child find a page in a book that has that item. For example, the first item to search for is “something that would make a perfect gift for a friend” so your child could choose a page of a book with some-thing like a doll on it. If your child is old enough to print, you can have them print their answer on the blank space provided. You can ask them to explain their answers too - I’m sure they’d come up with some hilarious explanations. Another example would be a page with a picture of a beach on it for the “a fun vacation spot” line. Make sense? Okay! Let’s jump right into the game! by Cheryl Kirkness


Something that would make a perfect gift for a friend

A fun vacation spot

A hobby you’d like to learn

Something that looks like a toy you have at home

A game you’d like to learn

A character that looks like someone you know in real life

A pet that you think would be fun to have

A song you think you could memorize

A character that taught you an important lesson

A character that you think should star in a movie

“ WE MUST prESErvE ThE gEM WE havE in ThE UnivErSiTY of rEgina’S CollEgE avEnUE CaMpUS.”– DR. Jack Boan, Professor emeritus, eCoNomiCs, uNiVersitY of reGiNA

over 100 years ago, the University of Regina opened its doors at the college avenue campus, then known as Regina college. For decades, through growth and during struggle, the campus provided a place for students to learn, grow and thrive. now it’s time to restore and revitalize this historic campus for the future benefit of our students and the community. as part of Building Knowledge – The College Avenue Campus Renewal Project, the college Building, the conservatory and Darke Hall will be fully restored and adaptively reused as a fundamental part of the University of Regina.

This revitalized campus will be known as the University of Regina Leadership and outreach centre (Loc) and will offer a multitude of tangible benefits to the entire community. Students of all ages and stages of life will continue to populate the sustainably refurbished and easily accessible college Building, conservatory and Darke Hall.

Help renew the University of Regina’s college avenue campus. Visit or call (306) 585-4024 to learn more.


Page 35: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

“ WE MUST prESErvE ThE gEM WE havE in ThE UnivErSiTY of rEgina’S CollEgE avEnUE CaMpUS.”– DR. Jack Boan, Professor emeritus, eCoNomiCs, uNiVersitY of reGiNA

over 100 years ago, the University of Regina opened its doors at the college avenue campus, then known as Regina college. For decades, through growth and during struggle, the campus provided a place for students to learn, grow and thrive. now it’s time to restore and revitalize this historic campus for the future benefit of our students and the community. as part of Building Knowledge – The College Avenue Campus Renewal Project, the college Building, the conservatory and Darke Hall will be fully restored and adaptively reused as a fundamental part of the University of Regina.

This revitalized campus will be known as the University of Regina Leadership and outreach centre (Loc) and will offer a multitude of tangible benefits to the entire community. Students of all ages and stages of life will continue to populate the sustainably refurbished and easily accessible college Building, conservatory and Darke Hall.

Help renew the University of Regina’s college avenue campus. Visit or call (306) 585-4024 to learn more.

Page 36: PINK Magazine - Vol. 3 January 2014

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