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KINGS in the 1 st S aviour of

The 1 st V oice of The ‘ T reasury of t he L ight’

YEW The Guard of the Veil of The Great Light

(Melchisedec) The Receiver of Light The 2 Great Guides

The great Sabaoth, the Good

Region of those who’ve received the 1 st Mystery of the FIRST MYSTERY

The 1st Saviour

1st TREE upto the 5 th have emanated out of their purified & utterly pure light:

Yew (The overseer of the Light)

The Guard of the region of those of the ‘Right’ Melchisedec, (the great receiver of the Light)

The 2 (great) Guides

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The 1 st T REE has emanated

out of his pure light:

Yew (The overseer of the Light)

The 2 nd T REE has emanated:

The Guard of the region of those of the ‘Right’

The 3 rd T REE & The 4 th T REE of The Treasury of the Light

have emanatedout of their purified and utterly pure light:

The 2 Guides

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The 5 th T REE has emanated:


YEW ( The overseer of the Light ) has emanated:

Sabaoth, the Good (The Lord Jesus says: “whom I have called my Father)

These SIXin the region of the RIGHT

Yew (The overseer of the Light)

The Guard of the region of those of the ‘Right’ Melchisedec, (the great receiver of the Light)

The 2 (great) Guides Sabaoth, the Good

The 5 Trees(The Lord Jesus says: “These six then by command of the First Mystery the last Helper

hath caused to be in the region of those of the right, for the economy of the Ingathering of the upper light out of the Aeons of the rulers and out of the worlds and all races in them, - of every one of whom I will tell you the employment over which he hath been set in the expansion of the universe. Because, therefore, of the importance

of the employment over which they have been set, they will be fellow-kings in the 1st Saviour of the 1st Voice of The Treasury of the Light, who will be

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in the region of the souls of those who have received the 1st Mystery of the FIRST MYSTERY.”)

The great Guide of the MIDST (“ The great Guide of the Midst, whom the rulers of the Aeons are wont to

call The Great Yew after the name of the great ruler who is in their region.” )

&The V irgin of L ight & his 12 Ministers

(“ …from whom ye have received your shape and from whom ye have received the power.” )

[the great Guide of the Midst & the Virgin of Light & his 12

ministers] (“they all will be kings with the 1 st S aviour of

the 1 st V oice in the region of the souls of those who will receive the 1 st Mystery of the FIRST MYSTERY in the Inheritances of the


The ‘ 7 V irgins of the L ight’ are in the

‘ M idst’ “And the 15, he of the ‘ 7 V irgins of the L ight’ who are in the

M idst, they will expand themselves in the regions of the ‘ 12 S aviours’, and the rest of the angels of the M idst, every one of

them according to his glory, will rule with me in the I nheritances of

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the L ight. And I shall rule over them all in the I nheritances of the

L ight.”

But this shall not take place till the consummation of the Aeon

“All this then which I have said unto you, will not take place at this time, but it will take place at the consummation of the aeon, that is at the ascension of the universe; that is at the dissolution of the

universe and at the total ascension of the numbering of the perfect

souls of the Inheritances of the Light.”

“Before the consummation, therefore, this which I have said unto you, will not take place, but every one will be in his own region,

into which he hath been set from the beginning, until the numbering of the ingathering of the perfect souls is completed.”

“The 7 V oices and the 5 T rees and the 3 A mens and the T win- S aviour and the 9 G uards and the 12 S aviours and those of the

region of the R ight and those of the region of the M idst , every one will abide in the region of which they have been set, until the

numbering of the perfect souls of the Inheritances of the Light shall be raised up all together.”

“And also all the rulers who have repented, they also will abide in the region into which they have been set, until the numbering of

the souls of the light shall be raised up all together.”

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Of the ascension of the souls of the perfect“[The souls] will all come, every one at the time when he will

receive the mysteries; and all the rulers who have repented, will

pass through and come into the region of the Midst. And those of

the Midst will baptize them”

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Of the rank of the souls of the perfectMatthew {19:29} And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. {19:30} But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.

“In a word, all the souls of men who shall receive the mysteries of the Light, will precede all the rulers who have repented, and they will precede all those of the region

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of the Midst and those of the whole region of the Right, and they will precede those of the whole region of the Treasury of the Light.

In a word, they will precede all those of the region [of the Treasury], and they will precede all those of the regions of the First Commandment, and they will pass into the interior of them all and

go into the Inheritance of the Light up to the region of their mystery; and every one abideth in the region up to which he hath

received mysteries. And those of the region of the Midst and of the Right and those of the whole region of the Treasury, every one abideth in the region of the order into which he hath been set

from the beginning on, until the universe shall be raised up.

And every one of them accomplisheth his economy to which he hath been set, in respect of the ingathering of the souls who have

received the mysteries, in respect of this economy, so that they may seal all the souls who will receive the mysteries and who will pass through their interior towards the Inheritance of the Light.”

The last Helper surroundeth the Treasury of the Light “…and if I lead you into the region of that last Helper and ye see the glory in which he is, then will the region of the Inheritance of the Light count for you only for the size of a city of the world, because of the greatness in which the last Helper is, and because of the great light in which he is.”

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Regions according to rank,greatest to the least

The region of the Height of Justice The region of the Inheritance of the Light

The region of the Treasury of the Light

The region of the Right

The regions of the Midst The 13th Aeon The regions of the 12th Aeon

That the regions beyond the Helpers are indescribable

“And thereafter I will discourse with you also concerning the glory of the Helper who is above the little Helper. But I shall not be able

to discourse with you concerning the regions of those who are above all Helpers; for their existeth no type in this world, to

describe them, for their existeth in this world no likeness which is like unto them, that I may compare them therewith, nor greatness nor light which is like unto them, not only in this world, but they

also have no likeness with those of the Height of Justice from their region upwards. On this account, therefore, their existeth in fact

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no manner of describing them in this world because of the great glory of those of the Height and because of the great

immeasurable greatness. On this account, therefore, there existeth no manner to describe it in this world.”

The HelpersOf the 2 nd H elper

Jesus answered and said unto Mary in the midst of the disciples:

“Amen, Amen, I say unto you the 2 nd Helper is distant from the 1 st Helper in great immeasurable distance in regard to the height above and the depth below and the length and the breadth. For he is exceedingly distant from him (the 1st Helper) in great immeasurable distance through the angels and all the archangels and through the gods and all the invisibles.

And he is very considerably greater than the latter (the 1st Helper) in an incalculable measure through the angels and archangels and through the gods and all the invisibles. And he shineth more than the latter in an utterly immeasurable measure, there being no measure for the light in which he is, and no measure for him through angels and archangels and through the gods and all the invisibles, as I have already said unto at another time.”

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Of the 3 rd H elper, 4 th H elper, and 5 th H elper “In like manner also the 3rd Helper and 4th and 5th Helper, -- one is greater than the other . . . and shineth more than the latter and is

distant from him in a great immeasurable distance through the angels and archangels and the gods and all the invisibles, as I have already said unto you at another time. And I will tell unto you also

the type of every one [of them] at their expansion.

Of those who receive the mystery of the last Helper

And Jesus answered and said unto Mary in the midst of the disciples: “They who have received the mystery of the Light, if they

come out of the body of the matter of the rulers, then will every one be in his order according to the mystery which he hath


Those who have received the higher mysteries will abide in the higher order, those who have received the lower mysteries will

abide in the lower orders. In a word, up to what region every one hath received mysteries, there will he abide in his order in the Inheritance of the Light. For which cause I have said unto you

aforetime: “Where your heart is, there will your treasure be,’ – that is up to what region every one hath received mysteries, there

shall he be.”

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John questioneth Jesus And John answered and said unto Jesus: “My Lord, will then every

one abide in the region up to which he hath received the mysteries, and hath he no power to go into other orders which are

above him; and hath he no power to go into other orders which are below him?”

And Jesus answered and said unto John: “Finely indeed do ye question on all with precision and certainty. But now, therefore,

John, hearken that I may discourse with thee. Every one who hath received mysteries of the Light will abide in the region up to which every one hath received mysteries, and he hath not the power to

go into the height into the orders, which are above him.

Of the 1 st C ommandment “So that he who hath received mysteries in the 1 st Commandment , hath the power to go into the orders which are below him, that is

into all the orders of the 3 rd Space ; but he hath not the power to go into the height to the orders which are above him…

Of the 1 st S pace And he who shall receive the mysteries of the 1 st Mystery , which is the 24 th Mystery from without and the head of the 1 st Space which is without, -- he hath the power to go into all the orders which are

without him; but he hath not the power to go into the regions which are above him or to pass through them.

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Of the 2 nd S pace “And of those who have received the mysteries in the order of the

24 mysteries, every one will go into the region in which he hath received mysteries, and he will have the power to pass through all the orders and spaces which are without him; but he hath not the power to go into the higher orders which are above him or to pass

through them.”

Of the 3 rd S pace “And he who hath received mysteries in the orders of the 1 st

Mystery which is in the 3 rd Space , hath the power to go into all the lower orders which are below him and to pass through all; but on

the other hand he hath not the power to go into the regions which are above him or to pass through them.

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