Page 1: Pitch Deck Structure - Key Investor Interests

Going after a big problem with an easy solution: Pitch Deck Presentation Structure & Key Investor Interests

Slide #1: Market Size

How BIG is the market? What’s the total addressable market (TAM)?

● Bigger market = bigger opportunity

● No one wants to miss a big market opportunity

● Relate it to something relevant to them (How is this relevant to what I understand?)

Slide #2: The Problem You Are Solving

Where is the opportunity?

● How severe is the problem you are solving?

● More severe problem = more valuable solution

Slide #3: Your Solution to the Problem

How elegant is your solution?

● How will you solve this problem well?

● Solution is meaningless without a big problem

Slide #4: The Product

How does the product work?

● How does the product actually function?

● What are the mechanics? Walk them through the process.

Slide #5: Revenue Model

How will you price the product?

● Make it super simple

● Explain how the solution will turn into cash money

Page 2: Pitch Deck Structure - Key Investor Interests

Slide #6: Business Process

How will the company function?

● What are the operating parts of the business?

● Are there any key challenges?

● What could go wrong?

● Does this entrepreneur know what he is doing?

Slide #7: Growth

How will this company grow?

● How does this become the next Facebook / Microsoft / Groupon / Cash4Gold?

● What is the specific path to growth? Demonstrate it.

Slide #8: Protection

How will you differentiate yourself?

● Do you have any protection against competition?

● What special privileges do you have?

Slide #9: Competition

Who is your competition?

● Who should you be worried about?

● What are the strengths and weaknesses that you are going to exploit?

Slide #10: Momentum / Traction

Why should the investor care about this opportunity?

● Why is this a market I should care about?

● What are you doing to gain momentum in this space?

Page 3: Pitch Deck Structure - Key Investor Interests

Slide #11: Use of Proceeds

How will you use my money if I invest?

● Where is my money going to go?

● What is the biggest cost? How will you address that and make it smaller?

● When will you need money again?

Slide #12: Pro-Forma Projections

What kind of growth are you expecting?

● How big will this be in the next 4 years?

● What will drive that growth?

Slide #13: Team

Who is behind the wheel?

● Are the people doing this credible?

● Have they done this before?

● Are the surrounded by smart people?

● Do I trust them?

Slide #14 : Exit

What’s the strategy for a profitable exit?

● How am I going to this into a big pay day?

● Three outcomes:

● Sell it (M&A)


● Profit (not interesting to most investors)