
1. Pitch Presentation Pixel Productions By Harry, Sabrina, Charlotte and Tom 2. Opening Sequence - Synopsis For our final opening sequence idea, we chose to go with a simple yet captivating opening. It starts with an establishing shot of a house that is in a suburban area, proceeding to show a door that is slightly ajar. Then there are different shots that take the audience through a family house with blood stains and broken pictures scattered round the scene. After establishing the setting which is a murder scene, it will then show a lady in tears waiting outside for the police to come. We will use a very low saturated filter to cause a higher sense of mystery and tension for the audience to experience. Although the colours will be bland, we will try to emphasize the colour red to give a strong sense of murder and danger in the scene. A wife who kills her young son after the death of her husband who was at war in Iraq. The loss of her husband caused her to be in depression. She is trying to claim that a man who she was cheating on her husband with was the murderer. The twist at the end is that the husband is not dead and she gets murdered by the husband after finding out that the child has been killed. We chose this idea because it links to our genres, conventions and themes. It also has a sense of mystery within the opening sequence. 3. Key genre - Romantic Thriller We have chosen a romantic thriller because our audience research results have concluded a hybrid between Thriller and Romantic comedy. This is what we wanted to find from our audience survey, this is because within a romantic thriller movie or opening sequence it usually consists of a couple in love or in marriage, fighting and arguing which then turns into a mystery and ends with a cliff-hanger. However usually within a thriller movie it usually consists of the protagonist fighting against the antagonist during a chain of bad events. The aim of the protagonist is to restore justice, whilst the antagonist is there to destroy it. The Protagonist is usually a strong male who is there to seek out how to restore peace. On the other hand the antagonist usually beholds a hidden identity which is later revealed in the plot. 4. Key conventions Tension Music-Music and sound is essential in thriller movies to help create tension for the audience to experience a sense of danger, it helps building up a climax when a scary scene is about to happen. The most common sounds used in a thriller are slow and eerie music pieces which cause tension. Changes within angle in a shot- Changes within angle shots would be used within our opening sequence this is because it conveys how we want the audience to see that within thriller movies not everything is done smoothly, by having different angle shots it will get them thinking of what this opening sequence could be about. Black and White shots/Shadows -Mise en Scene is used in a variety of ways in a thriller movie. Firstly, black and white scenes and shots are mainly used; this is to strengthen these shadows to create a sense of suspicion. However costume and make up are used in a naturalistic way to make the opening sequence more believable and realistic. Low key lighting- Low key lighting is used to create shadows, to build up tension within different parts of the opening sequence, this will leave keep the audience paying more attention to what would be happening therefore making it seem very mystery-esque. Quick Cuts - Quick cuts are also mainly been used within thriller films this is due to causing tension for the audience and leaving them with no sense of idea to what could be happening within those scenes. 5. Character Narrative/Character or both? Only one character will be shown in the opening sequence, and we will not reveal much about her. We will represent her as the stereotypical Mum, we will not reveal that she is bipolar or psychotic, yet we will imply it through the use of sound and Mis-En-Scene. Although her appearance will be stereotypical, her mental state of mind will be counter- typical, she will not be a kind character that the audience will particularly like or warm too. 6. Audience The majority of people who answered were females between the age of 17 and 27. Most people wanted to see Horror and Romance, however we have gone with the Romantic Thriller Genre. Meaning we should aim our romantic thriller towards teens and young adults. Most people related to not having plans on a Saturday night as the situation they are most likely to experience. The results show that people do not mind about seeing a particular gender for the main character, furthermore 55% of people do not mind seeing a stereotypical or counter typical character. The opening sequence is preferred to be both narrative and character. The use of mystery-esque music and sounds help to build the tension of the opening sequence. People wanted to see it set in an urban/suburban area, which is good as we live in London allowing us to film and shoot our opening sequence in a diverse and varied set of locations. We were surprised at how popular the choice for Romance and Horror was, however, we are pleased with the results that are through. This has influenced our production because rather than doing a Romantic or Horror film, we decided to use Thriller and mix that with Romantic to create an interesting and clever genre. We chose Romantic Thriller as a genre because it is interesting and the openings are often simplistic yet effective. 7. Visual Style - Mis-en-scene Costume- black skinny jeans, navy baggy jumper and bare foot. Make up- natural and smudged mascara to show she has been crying and thinking about the past. Lighting- natural, sunlight coming through the house. These will be used to show a sense of daylight thriller and make the audience feel uneasy to what could be happening. Setting/Location- Harrys house, to show how she is feeling lost and depressed therefore she is hurt and needs to stay home to put herself in the right mind set. Props- Army picture frame and fake blood, to show a sense of tension to why this has happened and what could be happening next, therefore giving the audience a sense of eeriness about the situation and what the character could be doing. 8. Visual Style - Camera Shots Close-up- To establish that the murder took place in a family household, this will give the 9. Visual Style - Editing Slow motion- This will be used to give a stronger sense of mystery and eeriness. We will add a dark and washed out filter that emphasizes the colour red to create a bloody looking atmosphere. Fade/Dissolve fade- As well as a fade in between scenes to slowly cause tension and make the audience feel a sense of confusion as to what could happen next. 10. USP (Unique Selling Point) To differ from other Romantic Thrillers we are using our own unique visual styles and conventions to establish this, by showing the audience a sense of confusion yet understanding of what our opening scene is about. The audience will like our opening sequence because we will be giving them a sense of tension and making them feel as if they are within the scene. We will make sure this turns out to be much different from any other romantic thrillers that have been released.