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SymptomsPlacentia previa refers to implantation of the placenta over the cervical os in advance of the fetal presenting part. It complicates in 200 pregnancies, and accounts for 20% of all cases of antepartum hemorrhageOther causes of antepartum hemorrhage include placental abruption (see chapter 47), vasa previa(see chapter 67), early labor, and genital tract lesions (cervical polyps or erosions)CAUSESWhen a woman presents with antepartum hemorrhage, pelvic examination should be avoided until placenta previa is excluded on ultrasound.Other causes of antepartum hemorrhage include placental abruption (see chapter 47), vasa previa(see chapter 67), early labor, and genital tract lesions (cervical polyps or erosions).

CAUSESMANAGEMENT IN THE SETTING OF PLACENTA PREVIAThe goal of antepartum management in the setting of placenta previa is to maximize fetal maturation while minimizing risk to mother and fetus. Nonreassuring fetal testing (fetal distress) and excessive maternal hemorrhage are contraindications to expectant management, and may necessitate immediate cesarean irrespective of gestational age. Outpatient management may be an option for women with a single small bleed if they can comply with restrictions on activity and maintain proximity to a hospital. Placenta previa may resolve with time, thereby permitting vaginal delivery.

Vaginal delivery is rarely appropriate in the setting of placenta previa, but may be indicated in the setting of intrauterine fetal demise, fetal malformation(s) incompatible with life, advanced labor with engagement of the fetal head and minimal vaginal bleeding, or an indicated delivery with a previable fetus