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Planning and Preparation

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Fonts And NamesThere is a variety of different names that I have thought of to potentially by my magazinesName. They all have a semantic field or some connotation with music, some also consistof colloquial language commonly used in the contemporary Hip Hop generation e.g. “Big Meech” a term usually associated with the top drug dealer but in the music genre some use it to promote their power and money.

I have chosen 4 of my favourite titles and then I will create a survey to enable people to vote on which one they think is the most affective and attracts my target audience. These 5 logos/titles are of;

All of these have a semantic field with the Hip Hop genre for example;Base relates to the musical feature “bass” also base can relate to a military headquarters in Which links to the stereotypes of my genre as the artists lyrics and appearance is often militant

Promoting guns and death as well as money, women and cars.

Industry relates solely to the music industry also it promotes the idea that the Hip Hop genre runs the music industry.

I think that BASE is the most effective in terms of appearance and attracting my target audience.

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In my magazine front cover, contents and double page spreadI will be linking the colours from the main photo to other things suchAs article titles, logo, and layout. The photo will determine the style of the magazine.

I want my magazine to have its own idiosyncratic style so it is moreAppealing to my target audience as it has its own “house” style andAdds originality.

The colours may also have semantic link with the articles or theme andLayout of the page. For example “red” may link to a death of an artistOr some sort of gang orientated semantics as it has a connotation of;Death, blood (bloodset gang), love, blood, stop etc.

Some colours would look good to have a bold and almost have “neon” appearance to make It look like a night club scene as this commonly links with music.

Colour Schemes

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Stereotypical Costumes

I am looking at different costumes and appearances that Hip Hop artists createusing different things such as props like chains, money, cars etc. As well as piecesof clothing such as hoods, hats, designer makes such as; Gucci, Prada etc.

A lot of artists also have their own idiosyncratic style. I will try and create my ownwith my model but using typical conventions of the Hip Hop genre e.g chain, hat etc.

All of the different props, costume and facial expressions can help the artist (model)To perceived in different ways. I am going to get my model to follow the typical Conventions and stereotypes of the Hip Hop genre in terms of costume and facialExpression.

Baseball bat, new era hat, gucci belt, chain, (head to the side pulling chain)Bullet proof jacket, watch, gun etc.

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Headlines and Articles

The headlines and articles will link to the image of character. For example if the photoIs my model in a bullet proof jacket the article can be;“BULLETPROOF”- SHOOTING AT ARTISTS CONCERT. Or NEW ARTIST- SHOOTING UPTHE MUSIC SCENE.

Or if he has lot of gold/platinum on it could simply be;“NEW ARTIST REACHES PLATINUM”

As I have commented on previously, I want a lot of things in my magazine to link togethere.g. colour, layout, image, articles, headlines etc. This is so that it gives me my ownIdiosyncratic style to the magazine.

All of the headlines/article will be mostly music orientated as in themes with a lexisSemantic field with the music genre such as;money, cars, girls.Shooting, violence.Enjoyment, passion.Potential, talent etc.

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There are typical conventions that many magazines follow in terms of layoutOf front covers and contents.

Front covers usually consist of one main picture of the key feature/artist,One main article and then with side articles and other features plotted around it.It also has a large logo of the magazine that stands just over the main pictureOr just behind the main picture. It also has other features such as barcodes,Price, date, issue number, websites if available and small writing showing whatsInside.

Generic conventions

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Practical-dates, prices, barcodesIn XXL magazine, one of the leading him hop magazines.The date and price is all included just where the barcode Is. This may because they don’t want to waste spaceOr ruin the professional, sleek layout

In many magazine front covers the date is not presented,Some times not even the price. This may represent thatThe music doesn’t get old so it doesn’t matter what dateIt was made. Also the price is not shown, maybe because The articles, unique layout, and photography is used toEntice the consumer to buy it forgetting about the price.In my magazine I will show the date in a small area, butThe price will not been shown.
