Page 1: Plasmodium spp. Mahamed Yassin, Zakariya Salah, Isse Ahmed

Plasmodium spp.

Mahamed Yassin, Zakariya Salah, Isse Ahmed

Page 2: Plasmodium spp. Mahamed Yassin, Zakariya Salah, Isse Ahmed


Domain- EukaryotaKindom- ChromalveolataSuperphylum- AlveolataPhylum- ApicomplexaClass- AconoidasidaOrder- HaemosporidaFamily- PlasmodiidaeGenus- PlasmodiumSpecies- falciparum

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Kingdom: ProtistaPhylum: ApicomplexaClass: AconoidasidaOrder: HaemosporidaFamily: PlasmodiidaeGenus: PlasmodiumSpecies: vivax, ovale, malariae

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Morphological Forms:

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Plasmodium falciparum

Plasmodium vivax

Plasmodium ovale

Plasmodium Malariae

•Tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America•Africa•South east Asia

•Central and south America•India•South east Asia

•Primarily in subsaharan Africa

•Tropical and subtropical areas of Central and South America•Africa•South east Asia

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HostsDefinitive host- Anopheles genus

Intermediate host- humans and other vertebrates such as birds and reptiles

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Life Cycle

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FeverChills NauseaHeadachesFatigueConfusioncomaAnemiaDEATH!!!

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ControlMosquito netsInsect repellentsSpraying insecticides Draining standing waterDrugs such as

Mefloquine Doxycycline

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Microscope examinationUrinalysisSaliva examinationLooking for clinical signs

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Treatment: P. falciparum

First line of antimalarial treatment (ACTs) artemether plus lumefantrin artesunate plus amodiaquine artesunate plus mefloquine artesunate plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine dihydroartemisinin plus piperaquine

For sever malaria best to due rapid clinical assement Adults: intravenous (IV) or Intramascular (IM) Children: IV or IM- artesunate

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Treatment: P. vivax & rest

Chlorinquine- treatment of choice for P. vavix

Primaquine- if chlorinquine is unseccessful

Vaccination- Although an antimalarial vaccine is urgently needed, infected individuals never develop a sterilizing (complete) immunity, making the prospects for such a vaccine dim.

it may be possible to develop a vaccine that would reduce the severity of malaria for children living in endemic areas.

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Public Health Concerns

Malaria kills more than a million people a year

Malaria death is equivalent to about 3,000 children dying This amounts for one child dying every 30 seconds

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