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Identifying Performance Identifying Performance Problems with SQL ProfilerProblems with SQL Profiler

Martin Bell SQL Server MVPMartin Bell SQL Server MVP

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SQL Profiler is the most important tool for SQL Profiler is the most important tool for diagnosing poorly performing SQL in a diagnosing poorly performing SQL in a systemsystem

SQL 2005 has improved SQL Profiler to SQL 2005 has improved SQL Profiler to make it even more usefulmake it even more useful

Combined with other tools you can build a Combined with other tools you can build a complete performance monitoring toolkitcomplete performance monitoring toolkit

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Perfmon CountersPerfmon Counters

New counters covers areas including CLR New counters covers areas including CLR information, Service Broker, Notification information, Service Broker, Notification ServicesServices

sys.dm_os_performance_counterssys.dm_os_performance_counters and and sys.sysperfinfosys.sysperfinfo

Import perfmon data into SQL ProfilerImport perfmon data into SQL Profiler

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Server DashboardServer Dashboard

Perfmon reports release with SP1Perfmon reports release with SP1 Performance at a glance, based on dynamic Performance at a glance, based on dynamic

viewsviews– sys.dm_os_performance_counterssys.dm_os_performance_counters– sys.dm_exec_query_statssys.dm_exec_query_stats

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Performance Dashboard Custom Performance Dashboard Custom ReportsReports

Download from Download from

Requires SP2Requires SP2 Common performance problems that the Common performance problems that the

dashboard reports may help to resolve dashboard reports may help to resolve include:include:- CPU bottlenecks (and what queries are consuming the most CPU)- CPU bottlenecks (and what queries are consuming the most CPU)- IO bottlenecks (and what queries are performing the most IO).- IO bottlenecks (and what queries are performing the most IO).- Index recommendations generated by the query optimizer (missing - Index recommendations generated by the query optimizer (missing indexes)indexes)- Blocking- Blocking- Latch contention- Latch contention

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SQL ProfilerSQL Profiler

Improved interface for creating a profileImproved interface for creating a profile Added filtering capabilityAdded filtering capability Deadlock GraphsDeadlock Graphs Showplan XMLShowplan XML Re-configure trace without loosing dataRe-configure trace without loosing data Include Perfmon DataInclude Perfmon Data

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Deadlock GraphsDeadlock Graphs

Better detection of deadlocksBetter detection of deadlocks No need for blocker scripts or other methodsNo need for blocker scripts or other methods Easily identify blocking problemsEasily identify blocking problems

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-- Script 1USE PUBS GO



SELECT * FROM AUTHORS WITH (UPDLOCK) -- Results Returned immediately

WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:03'

SELECT * FROM TITLES WITH (UPDLOCK) -- Results Returned immediately


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-- Script 2USE PUBS GO



SELECT * FROM TITLES WITH (UPDLOCK) -- Results Returned immediately

WAITFOR DELAY '000:00:03'

SELECT * FROM AUTHORS WITH (UPDLOCK) -- Results Not Returned Immediately


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Msg 1205, Level 13, State 51, Line 8

Transaction (Process ID 57) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

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Define Profiler TemplatesDefine Profiler Templates

Save your own templates if you frequently Save your own templates if you frequently require to profile certain events/columnsrequire to profile certain events/columns

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Changing Events without loosing Changing Events without loosing DataData

Unlike SQL 2000 you can pause the SQL Unlike SQL 2000 you can pause the SQL profile, change what is being logged and profile, change what is being logged and then resume the profile without loosing the then resume the profile without loosing the previous dataprevious data

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XML ShowplanXML Showplan

This will help to diagnose query problems, This will help to diagnose query problems, less need to cut/paste into Management less need to cut/paste into Management StudioStudio

Maintain old query plans and able to Maintain old query plans and able to compare current plans to older onescompare current plans to older ones

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Importing Perfmon DataImporting Perfmon Data

If you have collected perfmon counters while If you have collected perfmon counters while a trace is running they can be imported into a trace is running they can be imported into the SQL profilerthe SQL profiler

Better collect statement level informationBetter collect statement level information– sp:StatementStartsp:StatementStart– sp:StatementCompletesp:StatementComplete

Do not trace a high number of events for a Do not trace a high number of events for a long period or you may fill up the file system!long period or you may fill up the file system!

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Using SQL Profiler on database server can Using SQL Profiler on database server can take resourcestake resources

Uses temp directory to storage – make sure Uses temp directory to storage – make sure this is not on the system disc!this is not on the system disc!

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Server Side TracesServer Side Traces

Script from SQL ProfilerScript from SQL Profiler Schedule from SQL AgentSchedule from SQL Agent Specify a durationSpecify a duration Automate the collection and analysisAutomate the collection and analysis Output to a file on different spindles!Output to a file on different spindles!

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Running tracesRunning traces

Use fn_trace_setstatus for the given trace id Use fn_trace_setstatus for the given trace id to change the statusto change the status– 0 0 stops the tracestops the trace– 11 starts the tracestarts the trace– 22 closes the tracecloses the trace

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Show running tracesShow running traces

Use fn_trace_getinfo to return information on the Use fn_trace_getinfo to return information on the traces loaded and running. Property column:traces loaded and running. Property column:– 11 Trace options.Trace options.

2 – Trace file rolls over2 – Trace file rolls over 4 – Shutdown trace on error4 – Shutdown trace on error 8 – Produce a Blackbox trace8 – Produce a Blackbox trace

– 22 File nameFile name– 33 Max size Max size – 44 Stop time Stop time – 55 Current trace statusCurrent trace status

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If you wish to load your own traces into SQL Profiler has the option to save a loaded trace file as a trace table, or you can use the function fn_trace_gettable e.g.

SELECT IDENTITY(bigint, 1, 1) AS RowNumber, * INTO dbo.trc_20061206_1FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\trc_20061206_1.trc', default)

Loading your own tracesLoading your own traces

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Analysing the resultsAnalysing the results

Read80Trace (SQL Server 2000)Read80Trace (SQL Server 2000) Manual Loading and AnalysisManual Loading and Analysis ClearTrace utilityClearTrace utility

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Manual AnalysisManual Analysis

SELECT LEFT(CAST(TextData AS VARCHAR(8000)),25) AS SELECT LEFT(CAST(TextData AS VARCHAR(8000)),25) AS [Procedure],[Procedure],COUNT(*) AS [Number of Calls],COUNT(*) AS [Number of Calls],SUM([Duration]) AS [Total Duration],SUM([Duration]) AS [Total Duration],AVG([Duration]) AS [Average Duration],AVG([Duration]) AS [Average Duration],SUM([Reads]) AS [Total Reads],SUM([Reads]) AS [Total Reads],AVG([Reads]) AS [Average Reads],AVG([Reads]) AS [Average Reads],SUM([Writes]) AS [Total Write],SUM([Writes]) AS [Total Write],AVG([Writes]) AS [Average Write],AVG([Writes]) AS [Average Write],SUM([CPU]) AS [Total CPU],SUM([CPU]) AS [Total CPU],AVG([CPU]) AS [Average CPU]AVG([CPU]) AS [Average CPU]

FROM dbo.trc_200612031629FROM dbo.trc_200612031629GROUP BY LEFT(CAST(TextData AS VARCHAR(8000)),25)GROUP BY LEFT(CAST(TextData AS VARCHAR(8000)),25)ORDER BY SUM([Duration]) DESCORDER BY SUM([Duration]) DESC

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Procedure AnalysisProcedure AnalysisCREATE VIEW CREATE VIEW dbo.dbo.vw_vw_trc_200612031629trc_200612031629ASASSELECT SELECT LEFT(SUBSTRING(CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)),LEFT(SUBSTRING(CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)),

CHARINDEX('CHARINDEX('uspusp', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ),', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ),CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)), CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(' ',CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)), CHARINDEX(‘CHARINDEX(‘uspusp', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ) ) > 0 THEN', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ) ) > 0 THEN

CHARINDEX(' ',CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)), CHARINDEX(' ',CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)), CHARINDEX(CHARINDEX(‘usp‘usp', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ) )', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ) )- CHARINDEX(- CHARINDEX(‘usp‘usp', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) ) ', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)) )

ELSE LEN(CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000))) ENDELSE LEN(CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000))) END),60)),60) as [Procedure], as [Procedure],


FROM FROM dbo.trc_200612031629dbo.trc_200612031629WHERE WHERE CHARINDEX(CHARINDEX(‘usp‘usp', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)', CAST(textdata as VARCHAR(8000)))) ) > 0 > 0

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Procedure AnalysisProcedure Analysis

SELECT [Procedure],SELECT [Procedure],COUNT(*) AS [Number of Calls],COUNT(*) AS [Number of Calls],SUM([Duration]) AS [Total Duration],SUM([Duration]) AS [Total Duration],AVG([Duration]) AS [Average Duration],AVG([Duration]) AS [Average Duration],SUM([Reads]) AS [Total Reads],SUM([Reads]) AS [Total Reads],AVG([Reads]) AS [Average Reads],AVG([Reads]) AS [Average Reads],SUM([Writes]) AS [Total Write],SUM([Writes]) AS [Total Write],AVG([Writes]) AS [Average Write],AVG([Writes]) AS [Average Write],SUM([CPU]) AS [Total CPU],SUM([CPU]) AS [Total CPU],AVG([CPU]) AS [Average CPU]AVG([CPU]) AS [Average CPU]

FROM dbo.FROM dbo.vw_vw_trc_200612031629trc_200612031629GROUP BY [Procedure]GROUP BY [Procedure]ORDER BY SUM([Duration]) DESCORDER BY SUM([Duration]) DESC

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Cleaning DataCleaning Data

You may also want to clean up the data, this is usually easier if you are using stored procedure as you should not need to use sp_prepare

Andrew Zanevsky wrote an interesting article on Trace Scrubbing article from SQL Server Professional in SQL Server Professional magazine

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Written by SQL Server MVP - Bill GrazianoWritten by SQL Server MVP - Bill Graziano Download from: Download from:

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Replaying TracesReplaying Traces

This can be very useful if you do not have This can be very useful if you do not have the facilities to use a tool such as Visual the facilities to use a tool such as Visual Team Test or you only want to stress the Team Test or you only want to stress the database and not the GUIdatabase and not the GUI

Use standard Replay TemplateUse standard Replay Template Replay from file or table (but can not load Replay from file or table (but can not load

file using fn_trace_gettablefile using fn_trace_gettable Can manipulate trace data in table and Can manipulate trace data in table and

export itexport it

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Limitations of Replaying TracesLimitations of Replaying Traces

Not imitating users therefore stress is Not imitating users therefore stress is different to live systemdifferent to live system

May not replay correctly (see considerations May not replay correctly (see considerations for replay in Books Online)for replay in Books Online)

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Visual Studio Team SuiteVisual Studio Team Suite

Unit and Load test Web applicationsUnit and Load test Web applications Simulate multiple usersSimulate multiple users Programmable to cater for runtime different Programmable to cater for runtime different


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Microsoft FiddlerMicrosoft Fiddler

Debugging ProxyDebugging Proxy Save as Visual Studio WebTestSave as Visual Studio WebTest Download from www.fiddlertool.comDownload from

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Profiling for Better Performance by Kimberly Tripp, MSDN Profiling for Better Performance by Kimberly Tripp, MSDN webcast atwebcast at

MSDN Webcasts MSDN Webcasts Using Visual Studio 2005 to Perform Load Testing on a Using Visual Studio 2005 to Perform Load Testing on a

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Server  SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Server

Using SQL Server 2005 Profiler Brian KnightUsing SQL Server 2005 Profiler Brian Knight

SQL Server Manageability Team Blog

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Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Troubleshooting Performance Problems in SQL Server 2005 documentServer 2005 document

Jasper Smith MVP - 1 Hour Trace Jasper Smith MVP - 1 Hour Trace

Simon Sabine’s Taskpad Custom Report

Aaron Bertrand’s Show Blocking Custom Report

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