Page 1: Police in figures 2007 ([ 警方統計數字 2007 ])

We Serve with Pride and Care

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caring organisation ~Dt'~Horw~<o.l>ctr.1$oo.I~

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@OSH ~e) AWARD 2006 U i liia rt•.:ll:Jl ttsaera:a•• ="-_.....,_

2002 2006 2007 ~ @fi ( i ~ 12fl 31 8 ) PERSONNEL (as at 31 Dec)

I $1 A I Establishment

'IHiJ~~J;.tJ: Superintendents and above 445 419 411 'f\'1i~ Inspectors 2 303 2 142 2 139 fJJ~W.Jjf,A.J:l Junior police officers 25 6-41--2- 4 81-,3--2-5_0_01-~X~~~~.A.~a=-c~iv..; 5632 4892 4847

•n~ Auxiliary 4 500 4 500 4 500

1f ~A I Strength

~~~Jjlti;.(J: Superintendents and above 433 401 422 ff~~ Inspectors 2 259 2 101 2 138 _fJ:J~~=-W_.Jjf=-,A...;..~-'-Ju_n_io_r~p_ol_ic_e_o_ffi_1c_er_s _____ ~ 250_53 __ 2_4_4_1_9 _ _ 24_ 77_9_ Xel.A.~ Civilian staff 5 442 4 767 4 709 ~~ Auxiliary 4 400 3 886 3 826

tiJ .if M i£;tt lfi (1, 1 t·IH!Hi ~ Ji: ITT- l Annual expenditure (1) (HK$ Million)

12,120 10,864 10,872


11 J\l ll Overall crime

ll~$ (%) Detection rate (%)

4lf+~~.A.i:illnr.09mmu~~1t* Overall crime per 100 000 population

i jJ ~ $ Violent crime

ll~$ (%)Detection rate(%) 4it + ~ i; ,A. i:i lit1): li9 ;i ;IJ ml~ It$ Violent crime per 100 000 population

fj:J:)J Robbery #i il I• }JIJ :$! • By selected type;IJ Robbery with genuine firearms ¥.fftfl!!-ll't~fi'1;b (1!!r5ili-ll't) Robbery with arms (including stun guns) ~~IHr.t-¥~~ l!Ur1;1J Robbery with pistol-like objects Jltfj-1;1,J~ Bank robbery ~tifi I ~h*11~ Goldsmith I watch shop robbery

75 877

42.7 1 125.1 *

14 140

52.3 209.7.

3 493

4 2


34 6


44.6 1 183.1

14 847

62.8 216.5

1 574




80 796

45.6 1 166.6

14 934

65.5 215.6

1 216

0 2


8 7

(1) 2002, 2006.l>t2007if'.1Jtlt'¥!\2001t02, 2005t06.l>t2006t07M~if:J1t{!<Jlt'f'. • Figures for 2002, 2006 and 2007 refer to the financial years of 2001/02, 2005/06 and 2006/07 respectively.

* •ntl:* Revised figure

2002 2006 2007 #~ CRIMES

~I Theft 32 025 37 089 36 762 ~!It fl Ii }JIJ )} Ii By selected type

1ntff- Snatching.._ ____________ 1 08..;..8 __ 679'----'-5..;..11 __

tl\il Pickpocketing 859 996 1 198

JUfi lUll Shop theft 8 122 9 154 8 693

~III Missing motor vehicles 2 412 1 774 1 398

•rJtliliJ71 Miscellaneous thefts 14 751 20 625 21 621 -----~~ Homicide 69 35 18

~ ~ Rape 95 96 107

~F :jft Indecent assault 991 1 195 1 390 ---

fl A & I m IUT 6 845 8 091 8 018 Wounding and serious assault

¥11 * Blackmail 557 459 407 --- ---fftl $~ii Criminal intimidation 845 1 687 1 960

jl~ Burglary 8 211 5 315 4 512 ---~__;;------------~

fftl ~OJHt Criminal damage 6 192 6 736 7 151

ltt i11= Deception 4 656 4 758 4 745

I 1UHH!l fi 2 243 2 122 2 769 Serious narcotics offences

llj if/i ( 2 l NARCOTICS ( 2 l

i:.Jfil$i\'li (f:li) Major drug seizure (kg)

ifi}#f~ Heroin ::/i:Ja Cannabis *~llHtlR (1*) Methamphetamine (Ice) Kff Ketamine iif-F~ Cocaine ;i&:\t.Ul'i (.tll\'t) Ecstasy-type (no. of tablets)

105.6 52.2 * 41.8 666.3 198. 7 * 558.1 71.6 6.7 * 57.3 89.9 1 006.1 * 98._6_ 8.3 14.9 * 200.3

48 840 104 296 * 59 714

(2) 1t*il!A1i!ft:~!fifliilP.Ji'ffHlfl9llUl1 • =:oo-tif:li*.it61iilllff!k* ' 1'1'f\'f~Rl1t.S.@Til!f:l'f • These figures include seizures by the Customs & Excise Department. Figures for 2007 are provisional, pending confirmation by the Government Laboratory.

* ~nrt1:'¥ Revised figure

2002 2006 ~ fil 111 it tili A f& PERSONS ARRESTED FOR CRIMES


'iii flt A If; l}t Total arrests 39 665 42 228 42 940 #i ~ IHdl }'}]:$!Ji By age group

10-15 ~ (3 l Aged10-15 ( 3 ) 5335 4510 4644 16 - 20 ~ Aged 16 - 20 6 02-7--4 974 5 023 21htJi.XJ;.tJ: Aged 21 or above 28 303 32 744 33 273

HHll~~Will£lttflJ~ffl'J<JA• (10 - 17 ~) ( 3 l 3 345 2 774 2 736 Persons discharged under the Superintendents' Discretion Scheme (aged 10 -17) ( 3 l


ti~(!/) A fl Number of persons checked #i I }JIH} • By type

11!'~5t7tii!l Identity card check

11£f¥tl:lf Stop and search

ill!:l:Ulf!a Road block

1 878 028 2 050 672 2 284 021

346 725 318 257 378 694

1 311 703 1 559 149 1 729 901

219 600 173 266 175 426


~iUBl' &tt (7'iE) Total number of accidents (case) #i .I m fU£ :$!Ji By severity

15 576 14 849 15 315

J&tilr Fatal 162 135 153 ------------------ ---mm Serious injury 3 118 2 315 2 376

~ iUHl'flr!t (A) Total number of casualties (person) #i .I i ft B[ )t Ji By severity

20 600

iXtilr Fatal 171 144 160

:11HI Serious injury 3 426 2 508 2 533

*-iftJ Slight injury 17 003 16 221 16 932

(3) lli=oo.=:&F-t.R - Bi!!; . Jlll!J'~ff(J<J :~HH:ifttlb-t~!IHl'~+i;it . :{£Jlt l'lii1i , fl:l!ll.A.l\t :liH1l-1:3.Hlililt • jfij.fNM~1ll~~ttllJ~nfl9Alt:IH1l-t~+-tlilt • As from 1 July 2003, the minimum age of criminal liability has been raised from 7 to 10. Before that date, persons arrested refer to 7-15 and persons discharged under the Police Superintendents' Discretion Scheme refer to 7-17.

w ilP.tHiJ Al tlJ Jl& Published by the Hong Kong Police Force

2002 2006 2007 3C i!l Jii! W!J ~ ~ TRAFFIC PROSECUTIONS

~ill ii ~ft~ &t I Total traffic prosecutions

fl!l~ Summonses

972 321 1 141 059 1 258 096

65 533 55 286 65 363 :fj;Jtlll (@ffilfi{t':ll'6 .!!'iffl~) 3 893 3 852 3 961 Arrests (including drink driving cases) >E tl'i fol*" 1!f ~ U~HI! itt 19lJ mm) 512 627 631 669 704 860 Fixed penalty tickets (parking offences) ~tl'ifol*" i!i'~ (fi$irt19l1$lft) 390 268 450 252 483 912 Fixed penalty tickets (moving offences)

~ill fJIJ ~ Summary of traffic prosecutions

~ !UI Ji }JIJ :$!Ji By selected type

li'li-ft:~~ Drink driving 1 262

re;~~~ (§ni?IJ&.ff .A.?Er ) ( 4 ) Dangerous driving (including causing death) ( 4 )


:;J'1],.c,,~.5'.1! Careless driving 18 710

1 341 1 417

308 353

15 507 16 958

MBtm~ Speeding 198 891 216 198 216 945

~ll:£Eftlll!lli¥m'-~1i5:\1il!Jfll'ili.!fdl11t~ / mmlllt-ftB ( 5 > Using handheld mobile phone I telecf mmunications equipment while vehicle is in motion 5 )

rr .A.Mlfil3Cli!BliH~lJ$J'Jt Pedestrian offences

3 818

15 856

27 968 34 671

15 225 19 828

i ft tt i.


~~~1i~~m~~n~m~~~li<.Jm~~~ Total allegations endorsed by Independent Police Complaints Council OOM£WnM~~~1i5:\~~li<.JW~ Allegations dealt with by informal resolution

~~~~ - W~Ji.X~~*~ffii&~~~li<Jm~ Allegations not investigated because of curtailment, withdrawal or not pursuable

~~ifiiiVIB'Ht(J f,J~ Allegations fully investigated (~~ ifii~~ffii~:!l!ll'lll!!l~ffli<Jtli~) (Allegations fully investigated with substantiated results)

~~ifii~~~m~~ml!!l•~l'J<J~$ Substantiated rate for fully investigated allegations

6 277.

1 667.

2 552.

2 058 * (268) *

13.0% *

3 540 *


1 736 *

1 065 * (104)

9.8% *

4 343


2 233

1 183 (106)


(4) rfii:~jlg~ J ~=oooif:-t>l - B.iE~1:~ · :Miln]'Mt r*~:tU!l!J • ' Dangerous driving' was enacted on 1 July2000, replacing 'Reckless driving ' simultaneously.

(5) rtil!ltEJgtJ!lllj!;J..'f.1\l'::IJ~@!Jfll'UbilU8 J ht r w11ati:•tt~i;J..'f.tU~-lit!.1TlllUIUltilii J 7H'A~ ~ooo~-t~- B&~oo-~-t>l - B.iE~~~· ' Using handheld mobile phone while vehicle is in motion' and 'Using handheld telecommunications equipment while vehicle is in motion' were enacted on 1 July 2000 and 1 July 2001 respectively.

(6) .@f;(jfilt~llt~ilt~~ht!\ J!.: • All figures are as at end of the year. * tUfti:~ Revised figure

2001 :g ilH'Hlt fll JJ£ iP Hl.J n ~ tt if <

7 >



tij + l -13 AD lit n Ill! m la~$ It$ Overall crime per 100 000 population

1 087. 1 137 ~:IJO~ Singapore 704 843 :ll!Jlt Tokyo 2 587 2 238 lffif:J New York 3 288 2 675 E~ Paris 13 675 11 938 f~f( London 14 810 13 091 $~$ Toronto 7 713 * 7 421 *


1 183 745

2 160 2 517 11 849 12 400 7 413

$: l ~ A D l}t (JiJ 1i¥ I~ It$ Murder per 100 000 population

Ji'tlMiiJl1lfiifdiI Hong Kong SAR 1.0 0.6. __ ~0.6_ J.1!ll}JLSlng.a...Qore 0.8 0.5 0.4 -*-..JI. Tokyo 1.1 1.0 1.1 lffif:J New York 8.1 6.6 7.3 E~ Paris 4.9 5.3 5.7 i fl: London 2.7 2.2 2.2 $ f!M> Toronto 2.4 * 3.0 2.5

+ i

$: $It$ Robbery per 100 000 population

~'ili'=-tl!:=·"-1i¥'""'Jll"-lh"""-'""~""'~=·· ""H""on""g'""'K""o°"'n"""g-=S"-A"-"R'--______ 4 7 .2 • 24.6-'----2=3""'.0'---~:bo~ Singapore 15.2 27.3 22.4 Jli:Jlt Tokyo 7.9 5.8 5.3 lffif:J New York 351.9 * 304.6 287.9 -----E~ Paris 795.0 797.8 797.3 ~f( London 750.0 602.7 611.0 $~$ Toronto 192.5 209.7 * 216.6

+ l-13ADlitn(!/)IT1jJ

f!j l ~A D (JIJ ~a ;i It$ Burglary per 100 000 population

!j§:m1i¥'Jlllrr~~ Hong Kong SAR 128.6 * 80.6 77.5 ~:bu~ Singapore 23.4 33. 7 25.0 *1lt Tok~_o ______________ 269.1 153_.4 __ 1_3_7_.8_

lffit.f.J New York 393.4 286=.0--'2=7..c..1'-'.1-E.~ Paris 1 512.1 811.9 786.5 f~~ London 1 625.1 1 376.9 1 295.4 $ffi6$ Toronto 621.3 • 560.2 * 567.8

+ lit.

(7) 4H~rfi(J<Jfilll>ilt1!'.::1Jn;J,tf!lll>?T~:!L.ft~lfll , jfijlill~lllflUlli~ , 1if1lll~rfi(J(J~J11Jil);if!llh~ , ~Jltftil1JtwtfJ:fillUt'¥ • The classifications and counting rules of crimes may differ across cities and within cities over lime. Comparison of the figures has to be interpreted with caution.

* ~ilrfilt* Revised figure
