
Policemen of the World? US as a World Power Historians Disagree: 1.In the late-nineteenth century, was the United States essentially isolationist, essentially expansionist, or a combination of both? 2.You make the call.. You make the Call Isolationist? Or Expansionist? How did we get Hawaii? US businessmen controlled the politics of Hawaii 1887-US forced treaty to construct Pearl Harbor Queen Liliuokalani proposes new constitution allowing more control of government to native Hawaiians Revolution against Queen organized by US ambassador USS Boston appears in harbor Hawaii cont. Queen under house arrest Provisional government headed by Sanford Dole Ambassador wants US to recognize Provisional Govt. President Cleveland says no New President McKinley says yes Hawaii annexed 1898 You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Spanish American War Cuban Revolution Yellow Journalism USS Maine Invasion of Cuba Invasion of Philippines A splendid little war You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Puerto Rico 1901US supreme court find that Constitution does not apply to people in acquired territories. Some in Puerto Rico want independence, some dont Some want statehood, some dont Today, Puerto Rico is still a territory of the USA You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Occupied CUBA After Spanish American war, the Platt Amendment ( US insists that Cuba add it to their Constitution) 1.Cuba cant make treaties that permit foreign power to control its territory 2.US reserves right to intervene 3.US can buy or lease land for naval and coal stations You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else??? Philippine-American War 1899 Philippine rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo declares Philippines an independent nation US soldiers still control island. Rebels revolt. 3 years of fighting. US suppresses rebellion and sets up a government. War cost more than us paid for Philippines in Treaty of Paris. William Taft is governor of Philippines You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? China US doesnt want another Philippine like war, or any other Asian colonies but China would be a great market for US products. Other countries struggle for control of Chinas ports. US issues Open Door notes sent to G. Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia. Proposes open access to Chinas ports, elimination of special privileges for any nation and the maintenance of Chinas independence You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Russo-Japanese War Russia and Japan both want Korea Japan winning, but economically drained Ask T. Roosevelt to mediate conflict He does and wins the 1906 Nobel Peace prize. You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Panama Canal US and Britain agree to share rights to a canal as early as Hay-Pauncefote Treaty with G.Britain gives US right to build and control canal through Central America Panama US supports a Panamanian revolution against Colombia when Colombia wont negotiate for the canal 12 Warships of US present when Panama declares independence Treaty for Panamas independence gives US a 10 mile wide canal zone You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine Big Stick Diplomacy Monroe Doctrine-Europe should stay out of affairs in this hemisphere Roosevelt Corollary- Disorder in Latin America might force the United States to exercise of an international police power in order to protect economic interests. You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? And then come President Wilson President Only President with a doctorate Missionary diplomacy The US has a moral obligation to not recognize any regime that is oppressive, undemocratic or hostile to our interests You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Mexican revolution 1911 Rebellion in Mexico-Francisco Madero General Victoriano Huerta takes over and executes Madero Wilson refuses to recognize Huertas government Example of Missionary Diplomacy 1914 Mexican officials arrest Americans. US marines occupy Veracruz You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? More Mexico Zapata and Pancho Villa revolt after Wilson recognizes the Carranza government Pancho Villas followers raid New Mexico and kill 17 Americans US troops sent to Mexico to capture Villa with permission of Mexican govt. 15,000 troops try for 1 year Then Wilson calls in National Guard and 150,000 guard the border And More Mexico Mexicans mad at US occupation. Wilson doesnt care. Until 1917 when we face entering WWI Pancho Villa never caught by Americans. Surrenders to Mexican govt. 1920 US in WWI Long Term Causes in Europe 1. Nationalism- my country above all e.g. France ticked at German for Alsace and Lorraine in 1871 e.g. Russia-protector of the Slavs More Long Term Causes 2. Imperialism- my colonies E.g. British control east side of Africa And France controls northwest, so Germany wants some And still more Long Term Causes Militarism My Army is bigger than yours E.g Germanys standing army strongest in the world E.g Britains navy strongest in the world Competition ensues How could there be more long term causes? 4. System of Alliances: Triple Entente (Allies) France, Great Britain, Russia And Russia has a treaty with Serbia Triple Alliance (Central Powers) Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Assassination of Austria- Hungarys Heir 1. Franz Ferdinand visits territory of Bosnia (the Powerkeg) and is shot and killed by members of the Black Hand (Serbian rebels) 2. Austria declares war on Serbia. Alliances kick in and War begins. You make the Call! Isolationist? Or Expansionist? Or something else? Lusitania and Unrestricted Sub Warfare May 7, 1915 U-boat sinks British liner 1198 killed, 128 Americans Germans say it was carrying ammo. US Protests July 1915 British liner Arabic sunk- 2 Americans. Wilson Protests. March 1916 Germany sinks unarmed French ship Sussex. US threatens to break off relations. 1916 Election He kept us out of war Zimmermann Note Intercepted note from Germany to Mexico Note proposes Germany/Mexico alliance if US joins war and promises return of lost territory of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico Senate passes resolution on April 4, House on April 6 th 1917 Wilson declares we will make the world safe for democracy Your assignment Write an essay -3 paragraphs answering this question. Was the US isolationist or expansionist or something else from 1898 to 1918?