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… a country to discover…

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- Portugal, is a country located in southwestern Europe;

- Portugal is situated in the west of the Iberian Peninsula;

- Has a total area of 92,090 km ²;of Europe.

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- Is bordered on the north and east by Spain and the south and west by the Atlantic Ocean;

- Includes a mainland and two autonomous regions: the Azores and Madeira;

- Portugal is the westernmost nation of Europe;

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- Portugal was continuously occupied since pre-historic times by many nations, Romans, Barbarians, Arabs and others;

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- Portugal was formed during the Christian reconquest;

- In 1139 was established the Kingdom of Portugal, whose independence was recognized in 1143;

- In 1249 the borders were stabilized, that´s why, Portugal is the oldest European nation-state;

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- After many battles with Spain, and with muslims, we achieved our independence,

- Our first King was Dom Afonso Henriques;

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- The Portuguese were the pioneers in shipping, establishing the first colonial empire, in Africa, Asia and South America;

- We were a world economic power, political and military during the 15th an 16th century;

During the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the Portuguese were the pioneers in the shipping, establishing the first colonial empire, with possessions in Africa, Asia and South America, becoming a world economic power, political and military

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- After a Republican stroke in 1910, the republic was proclaimed putting an end to monarchy.

- The unstable First Republic was

followed by a military dictatorship;

- Oliveira Salazar gave birth to the Estado Novo, a dictatorship that lasted 40 years;

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- Due to the discomfort in the country by the major casualties in the colonial war, a revolution occurred on April 25 1974;

- The revolution, gave birth to a parliamentary democracy, that resulted in the independence of all overseas colonies, Mozambique and Angola;

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- Portugal is a developed country with a Human Development Index very high. -It is among the 20 countries with the best quality of life.-Portugal is a member of the the European Union since 1986;-Is a founding member of the Eurozone, the European Union and also a member state of the Schengen area;

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This is our flag…

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“A Portuguesa”

…this is our national anthem...

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…this is us in the planet earth…


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Portugal is divided into 18 districts and 2 autonomous regions, Azores and Madeira ...

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Our school is situated in the district of Lisboa…

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…the district of Lisbon is divided into 16 Municipal Counties…

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…our countie is…OEIRAS

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Our group of schools, the Agrupamento de Escolas Carnaxide-Portela, is composed of three schools, the Kindergarten Amélia Vieira Luís...

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… the headquarters of our group of schools, E. B. I. c/ J. I. Sophia de Mello Breuner...

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Our school, E. B. 1 c/ J. I. Amélia Vieira Luís, is one of the three schools that make up our group of schools.

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Our school have 2 classes from the kindergarten, 50 students, and 7 classes, 150 students, from the 1st grade to the 4th grade

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