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Portuguese Instruments



Adufe is a portuguese musical instrument. It is a quadrangular tambourine. Inside there are seeds or small jingles to enhance the sound. The Adufe is hung by the thumbs of both hands and the right index finger, therefore leaving the other fingers free to drum the instrument.It was introduced by the Arabs in the Iberian Peninsula between the eighth and the twelfth centuries. Nowadays, it is mainly concentrated in the center-east of Portugal.Its square shape, which makes it more difficult to maintain the skin stretched, raises questions about the symbolic nature of the instrument.


The cavaquinho is an instrument which is traditional from the North of Portugal, Minho. This instrument was later introduced in Bragas culture by the Biscainhos family and from there it was taken to Cape Verde, Mozambique, Brazil, etc. Cavaquinho has a sound characteristic from Braga.

Portuguese Guitar

The Portuguese guitar is a musical instrument full of symbolism because of its long union with Fado.The origins of the Portuguese guitar come from the Middle Ages. This has evolved over the time.For the construction of any Portuguese guitar, imported woods are used since the Middle Ages, because the guitar must be made of rosewood, maple or mahogany. The top is made of Pine Flanders wood.The Portuguese guitar is a chordophone whose harmonic box is pear shaped. It consists of six pairs of strings and has had several tunings, but the one which really became famous was the tuning of Fado.

Braguesa Guitar

The braguesas usual stringing has five sequences of double metal cords.
In the past, the construction industry of the braguesa guitar was centralized in Guimares and Braga since the Seventeenth century. Nowadays, this specialized activity mainly survives in the surroundings of Braga and Oporto, that supplies the remaining geographical regions of Portugal. The favourite woods are the Flanders pine wood to outline the front cover and the walnut for the bottom. The scale is commonly made of black wood or dyed wood.

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