  • 8/19/2019 Postal and Electronic Communication


    Postal Service in Nepal

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    Meaning and Introduction

    Postal service has become the intrinsic part of our life. Our dail life is attached !ith it. "n

    individual and organization cannot thin# of completing personal$ clerical and administrativeactivities !ithout ta#ing the support of postal service. %t is the oldest institutional facilit in the

    field of communication provided b the government. The post office is diversifing its area of


    The post office is an institution !hich involves in carring and transferring letters$ documents$ parcels and mone relating to individuals and organizations from one place to another place

    inside or outside the countr. %t is a governmental institution. The postal service is considered as

    cheapest$ easiest$ popular$ convenient and reliable means of communication in spite of thedeveloped of other means of communication. %t is the process of lin#ing people and organizations

    of different places b carring and transferring letters$ documents$ parcels and mone. Postal

    service is the process of carring and transferring letters$ documents$ and parcels$ mone fromone place$ office and person to other places$ office and person inside or outside through the post


    Utility and Importance of Postal service

    Postal service is the cheapest$ easiest$ safest and easil accessible means of !ritten

    communication. %t is highl useful means of communication to transfer the message in rural

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    areas of the countr !here other means of communication are not !ell developed. The

    importance of postal service is given belo!&

    '. Importance to an individualPostal service is an important means of communication to an individual to communicate

     private information. " person needs to go to different places for different purposes li#e business$ (ob and stud. )e needs to exchange the private information !ith his famil

    members$ relatives$ and friends. *or exchanging the information from one person toanother person$ post office plas the role of mediator b providing postal services. %t

    helps to create a great affection bet!een the people of different places. %t helps to strength

     personal relation bet!een the persons. " post office also accepts small saving of anindividual through Postal +aving ,an#. %t provides the loan to the emploee of the post

    office !ithout securit.

    -. Importance to the business

    Postal service is an important means of communication to communicate business

    information. " businessman has to !rite a letter on different business activities li#einuir$ repl$ order and compliant. *or exchanging such business information bet!een

    the businessmen or offices$ post office plas the role of mediator b providing postalservices. The branch office needs to report the problems$ progress$ achievement and

    suggestions to its head office and the head office reuires to circulate different tpes of

    information to its branches. The post office helps for remitting mone from one place toanother place b providing financial service. %t plas an inevitable role for the promotion

    of industr$ trade and commerce in the countr.

    /. Importance to the organizationThe social organization is established to provide different tpes of social services to the

     people of the societ. %t also has to inform about its activities to its branches$ sub0 branches and members of different areas. The post office plas an important role b

     providing information about the activities of social organizations !ith its postal service.

    1. Importance to the governmentThe government establishes different tpes of offices in different places for providing

    services to the people of the countr. *or maintain uniformit in its services$ the

    government has to give !ritten instruction to its respective offices. Post offices pla therole of mediator for transferring !ritten messages from one government office to another

     b providing postal service. Post offices help to maintain uniformit in the service and

    help to increase efficienc in the !or# of government offices.

    Development of Postal service in Nepal

    2uring the reign of Prithvi Naraan +hah$ an institution !as developed called hula#$ the presentda post office. Thaple hula# !as the sstem developed to carr goods from one place to

    another. +imilarl$ 3agaze hula# !as developed to carr letters and various documents.

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    Postal service !as formall started in '4/- ,.+. during the reign of +urendra ,ir ,i#ram +hah

    2ev. Postal service got a permanent residence !ith the construction of )ula# 5har in '4/6 ,.+.$

    letters !ere distributed !ith seals on them. %n '4/7 ,.+$ the first postal stamps of Nepal !erereleased !ith cro!n 8+hree pech9 and crossed #hu#uri printed in them. +tamps of three different

    values !ere released !ith the same figures on each of them. Those stamps !ere one ana$ t!o

    anas and four anas each.

    Post offices not onl carr letters throughout the Nepal but also to various countries. The:niversal Postal :nion !as established to promote a strong tie among the member nations.

     Nepal also gets its membership in "s!in$ -;'/ ,.+. No!$ Nepal has the postal connection !ith

    various countries. :p to -;'< ,.+$ letters !ere sent to foreign countries from Nepal !ith %ndian+tamps. ,ut$ Nepal started to send letters to foreign countries !ith its o!n stamps since -;'6

    ,.+.$ ,aisha#h '. %n -;/enters !ith various -; countries %nternationalExpress =ail +ervice >enters had been established. %t also had started financial service. 7< post

    offices had started mone order sstem and '; post offices had got the facilit of postal saving ban#ing.

    There are < Regional 2irectorates$ ?; 2istrict Post Offices and 71- "rea Post Offices. "long

    !ith the increase in the number of post offices$ tpes of stamps also had been increased. Postage

    stamps ranging from

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    i. Extra 2epartment Post Office have been established in 7;; V2>s. 4< "rea Post Office

    has been established to provide the postal service in the countr.

    ii. %t drafted the legal provision to develop Postal +ervice as a capable institution in providing professional$ competitive and ualit service. Ninth five0ear plan also

    operated some programs of enriching some phsical infrastructure and enriched itsservice ualit and made mone order service effective.

    The tenth five0 ear plan has formulated follo!ing strategic and operating policies&

    i. Postal service !ill be operated as an autonomous department to develop postal service asa reliable$ effective and economicall prosperous. %nstitutions operated in the private

    sector that provide the services of this nature !ill be regulated and their operations such

    services !ill be promoted. E0 Post service !ill be initiated in the postal service sector.

    Methods of Sending letters

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    The post office has given a number of options to send letters from one place to another place.

    These options are #no!n as methods of sending letters. The follo!ing are the common methods

    of sending letters&

    1. Ordinar letter!

    The ma(orit of letters sent through post offices fall under this categor. %ndividuals and offices

    send letters in this form !hen the message or information is ordinar and simple i.e. !hen the

    message is not important or urgent or confidential. %t reuires postage stamps of Rs. -. The post

    offices do not #eep the record of such letters. No one !ill be made responsible for the loss or

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    damage of such letter. This is not a safe method of sending important$ urgent and confidential



    • "t is an economical method #hich re$uires a minimum cost of %ostage


    • "t is the most suitable method for the sim%le and ordinar message.

    • "t can be used e&en for sending long messages and texts.

    • "t is the sim%le method #hich can be used b an %erson ha&ing at least ideaof sending a letter through the %ost o'ce.


    "t is not suitable for urgent( im%ortant and &aluable message and information.

    • "t is not the safe method as the %ost o'ce does not ta)e an res%onsibilit forthe loss or damage of the letters and documents in transit.

    • "t does not assure the sender about the deli&er of the letter of the rightrecei&er.

    • "t is costlier for short message due to the re$uirement of se%arate %a%er anden&elo%e.

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    *. Registered letter!

    The letter !hich is recorded b the post office in its boo# is called registered letter. The post

    office records the name and address of the sender and receiver of the letter in its boo#. The post

    office records the name and address of the sender and the receiver of the letter in its boo#. %t

    issues a receipt to the sender as an evidence of the letter received and registered. The post office

    is responsible for the loss and damage of the letters. Registered letter is convenient and safe for

    important$ urgent and confidential matters. %t reuires more amount of postage stamps than an

    ordinar letter. =oreover$ the insurance of the letter enables the sender to ma#e a financial claim

    for the loss or damage of the letters$ documents$ and parcel.


    • "t is suitable for im%ortant( urgent and con+dential matters.

    • "t is the safest method of sending letter and documents.

    • "t assures the sender for the deli&er of the letter to the right recei&er due tothe %ro&ision of return recei%t.

    • "t assures the sender to get +nancial com%ensation for the loss or damage ofthe letter( document( and %arcel.


    • "t is not suitable for sim%le or ordinar matters.

    "t is the ex%ensi&e method of sending a letter #hich re$uires more amount of%ostage stam%.

    • "t does not assure the sender for timel deli&er of the letter.

    • "t re$uires %ro%er )no#ledge of the %rocess of registration( +lling in the returnrecei%t and ensuring the letter.

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    ,. -erogram!

    "n aerogram is a printed sheet of paper issued b the post office for

    !riting and sending a message. %t contains space for !riting the name and address of the sender$

    receiver and enough place for !riting the message. %t is bought from the post office at a nominal

    cost. %t is used for sending a simple$ short and ordinar message. %t is a cheaper method of

    sending the message !hich does not reuire an additional sheet of paper$ postage stamp$ and

    envelope. The post office does not allo! to #eep additional paper or document in the aerogram.


    • "t is sim%le and easier method of sending a message of the %ersonal aair.

    • "t is a chea%er method of sending a message #hich re$uires a nominal costfor an aerogram and %ostage stam%.

    • "t does not re$uire an additional sheet of %a%er and en&elo%e.

    • "t is suitable for sending relati&el short( sim%le and ordinar message.


    • "t is not suitable for im%ortant and con+dential matters.

    • "t cannot maintain the secrec of the matters as some of the messages in theaerogram are &isible to others.

    • "t cannot ma)e the %ost o'ce res%onsible for the loss or damage of themessage.

    • "t cannot be used for sending a long text of the message as the s%acea&ailable in an aerogram is limited.

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    /. 0ost ard!

    " postcard is a printed card of thic# paper issued b the post

    office to send a short message. %t contains space for !riting name and address of the sender$

    receiver and little space for !riting a short message. %t does not reuire an envelope. %t is uite an

    economical method of sending a short message li#e best !ishes$ congratulation messages$

    invitation$ and inuir.


    • "t is sim%le and easier method of sending a message.

    • "t is suitable for ex%ressing and sending best #ishes( congratulation(condolence( in&itation( and in$uir.

    • "t is a chea%er method #hich re$uires a nominal cost for the %ostcard and

    %ostage stam%.

    • "t does not re$uire the additional sheet of %a%er and en&elo%e.


    • "t is not suitable for im%ortant( urgent and con+dential message.

    • "t does not maintain the secrec of the message as the %ostcard tra&elsabsolutel bare.

    • "t cannot ma)e the %ost o'ce res%onsible for the loss or damage of themessage.

    • "t lea&es the user no rights to claim for the damage and loss of the message.

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    2. Ex%ress Mail Ser&ice 3EMS4!

    E=+ is the advanced and the latest postal service. E=+ is available in 17 ma(or to!ns and cities

    of the countr and -6 countries of the !orld. %t is the best deliver solution. %t is the generic

    name for high speed$ lo! cost and time bound guaranteed deliver service. %t is affordable$

    reliable$ speed$ customer focused and technolog based postal service. %t meets the gro!ing

    customer demand for delivering their time sensitivit documents and merchandise items !ith

    extra speed and !ithout an procedural delas.

    Electronic Communication service

    >ommunication is the process of exchanging information from one place to another place and

    from organization to another organization. %t helps for ma#ing better coordination and effective

    decision. %t can be made through spea#ing$ !riting or using smbols. The organization should

    use a suitable means of communication to pass a particular message. The follo!ing are the

    means of electronic communication that are generall used b person or organization&

    1. Fax: 5ax is an electronic sstem of telecommunication #hich uses atele%hone line to send the message from one %lace to another %lace. "t is oneof the %o%ular means of the communication de&ice b #hich text andgra%hics from source can be transmitted and recei&ed in the same format. "tis a $uite suitable means of communication for sending length messages toa distant %lace com%arati&el at a lo#er cost. No#adas( com%uter and theinternet can be used instead of a fax machine to transmit the necessarmessage from one %lace to another %lace.

    *. Electronic mail (e- Mail): -n e6 mail is( generall( a text message sentthrough the com%uter. "t is done #ith the hel% of tele%hone and internetser&ice %ro&ider. 7ut there are com%anies li)e and that %ro&ide free mail6 box to its clients. "t isthe chea%est and the fastest means of communication. 7ut it cannot al#asbe called the safest as the mail can be deleted b a %erson #e ne&er )no#.

    ,. Internet: "nternet has become a mar)et. Man %eo%le ha&e transactions ofmillions of dollars e&er da. E6 ommerce is onl %ossible through theinternet. This is a better means of communication of this modern age. "t is thelatest ad&anced technolog in the +eld of communication. The big #orld is

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    shrin)ing to a small house due to the internet facilit. "t hel%s to %romotetrade and industr. "t facilitates for buing and selling. "t facilitates in the +eldof education( health( trade( foreign trade( and defense. "t has changed thelifestle of the %eo%le and o%ened the door for additional em%lomento%%ortunit.

    ii. Aocal level postal service related (obs !ill be handed over to the local business or bodies.
