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Cameron Ramsay

Page 2: Power point game

How would you greet someone you have only just met?

Shout at them Punch them in the face

Hand shake Ignore them

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Body language has shown to be important in both job interviews and in everyday life. It has been said that with in the first three seconds of meeting someone you will determine if you like them or not.

The same can be said when you look at someone body language.

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Emotions Which one of these emotions is the correct one

to use in an informal email.

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Emotions are a great way to express feelings when emailing or texting as you can not see their actual emotions.

They are also a great way to explain thing over the text or the internet.

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What would you do with your hands in an interview?

Arms folded Hands in pockets

Hands on your legs Hand on the table

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People often quote that the best way to seal a deal is with a handshake. People can tell a lot by how you give a handshake i.e. how hard you squeeze and oh firm the hand shake actually is.

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How would you sit when in an interview.

Slouched Arms folded

Sitting upright looking engaged in what they are


Leaning to one side of the chair

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It is important that you sit properly when in an interview, because the worst thing you can do is make seem as if your not interested in it. Otherwise there would be no point in going in the first place.

It is also said that people judge you on how you sit, the same with when you give a hand shake and how you speak to someone.

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When sending an formal email how should you finish off the email?

Yours sincerely Up you arse

Blank Love from

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When sending an informal email what would you finish off with?

Cheers Regards

Arms folded Your name

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When talking to your interviewer what tone of voice should you use?

High pitched Low pitched

Normal tone of voice shouting

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Tone of voice is a key way when talking to someone, especially when meeting for the first time. Most people judge what someone is like by what kind of pitch they use. So it best the use a clean and confidant pitch so as to not seem nervous or shy.

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What should you do when you are late for an interview.

Apologise for being late. Walking in late and sit down, with out saying

your late.

Come in and shout “SORRY I AM LATE”.

Not come in, and hide in the toilets.

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When someone is late as much as it would annoy the person waiting its even worst, if someone doesn’t apologise after being late. All you have to say is “sorry I'm late”

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Which of these is positive language

“Are you alright?” “How can I help you”

“I hate you.” “Shut up”

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Positive language is language that is good and normally seems nice i.e. “hello” its normally meant in a good way and tends to be meant to show that your happy.

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Which of these are negative language?

Shut up Hello

I love you You are an idiot

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Negative language is the opposite of positive in when the person is normally angry or annoyed and use’s want to express them in this way.

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Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!Congratulation

your right!

Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!

Congratulation your right!

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