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Page 1: Power Words

Trump Memory - In creating a card, either a new one, or redrawing an old one, you memorize the image, so it is permanently imprinted in your own mind. That means you can attempt to contact an image without an actual card being present.

Trump Spying - There is another level of concentration where you can simply observe the operation of Trump. This allows you to overhear conversations as the Trump is being used. However, you must actually touch the specific trump. If you have Trump for only one of the participants in a Trump Contact, you will overhear only what that one person says, and will be unable to "hear" the other end of the conversation.

Trump Gate - The ability to create an open doorway from one place to any other. It requires the construction of a Trump Sketch (or card) for the destination point. It requires a tremendous amount of personal energy in order to be opened, and even more for the maintenance of the Trump Gate.

Trump Jamming - It's possible, with intense concentration, to jam any one, or any number, of Trumps. It requires the actual card of the subject of the jam. This can work one of two ways. The first can be done on several targets, just concentrate on all the cards and none of them will be able to receive calls. Another possibility is to concentrate on a single card and the victim will be blocked from sending or receiving Trump calls. If the vicims of this ploy simply give up, then there is no problem. However, should someone "push" the contact, the Trump Artist will be involved in a Psychic battle.

Trump Trap - The ability to capture others in trumps, or project them to other places against their wills. There are a wide range of possibilities, from Trump that work nearly automatically, so they are activated by the merest touch or glance, to Trump that, when activated, automatically transport the wielder to the place they depict. Trump Trap also allows the Trump Artist to create "disguised" Trump, where the image that appears on the card is not the true subject of the Trump.

Trump Enhancements Advanced

Advanced Trump Sensing - +10 points - this allows one to sense the left over trump energy that remains after someone has used a trump. That is if you are standing on a rock the rock will have fragments of the trump you used. With advanced trump imprint this image can be used to press it into a blank trump and see what is left. The higher the psyche of the individual using the trump or the more power pushed into it the better image that is left behind.

Stealth Trump - +10 points - this allows the creation of a trump that will be harder to detect and will leave less or no trump after image in the area for others to detect with advanced trump sensing.

Trump Redirecting - +15 points - this allows you to redirect someone trump call so that the energy that they use to call is directed into your defense from the call

Trump Charge Blast - +15 points - this allows you to direct the energy of the caller into a blast psychic that can be directed into a trap or as an attack at the caller

Identify trump card - +5 points - this allows you to recognize the trump card that you are called from. you can learn the 'signature' of the card itself. this allows for future advancement this some truly amazing abilities

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Affect other trumps cards - +10 points - this allows the artist to alter the trump cards of others in small ways. This will allow the artist to listen in on and 'see' through the card of another artist. With extreme concentration and practice they can temporarily turn off or redirect cards or items (includes constructs) made by others.

Advanced trump imprint - +10 points - can imprint trump powers onto existing picture that has no trump powers

Major trump healing - +10 points - allows the replacement of major amounts of energy, example several days worth of food or several night of sleep can be stored, also much like a 'healing' potion this will visibly heal some wounds

Trump surroundings altering - +5 points - alter or change background image into anything you want

Trump sending - +15 points - sends item or person back to last place they trumped from recently (individual has to have this to try and prevent being sent away)

Trump mail - +10 points - will send a message to the individual of on the card after the individual on the card get done being busy

Animated trump - +20 points - holds a tiny piece of the essence of the depicted individual that can answer and question the person trying to use that card, "what do you want? Is this an emergency?" this combined with trump mail can really save lots of time for the elder who the card is of.

Trump keys - +5 points - this allows for the creation of limited trump cards, for instance this will allow trumps that are only useable by those with the blood of amber or some other listed in advance limit.

Encrypted trumps - +5 points - each person has a matching trump that bears the encryption or they have to supply a key that will allow the message to de-encrypt.

Trump Lens - +20 points - The artist has learned how to look at the surrounding world through the unfiltered power of trump giving them a superior sight into shadow that rivals the Pattern and Logrus lens' abilities

Trump Cloak - +5 points - the ability to block the character's use of trump being noticed active by other with trump search.

Trump Deception - +5 points - the ability fake a psychic taint of another entity when contacting a person with a trump and appearing in their guise.

Trump Trap - Disguised Trumps, basics of other types of traps. Buying certain kind of trump trap version will also let you 'feel' the trapped nature without (hopefully) setting it off.

Faster Trumps - +5 points - this trap allows the creation of a trump that will transport the caller to a location before they have a chance to decide otherwise, NOTE this trump will also if the artist isn't careful transport them to the location too.

Trump Prisons - +5 points - this trap sends the caller to a 'prison' that can be in a trump barred shadow so that they can not use trump to leave. Note any other barred powers can be used at the player's discretion

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Trump gate loops - +15 points - this trap locks the individual into an un-open trump gate that goes from one card to the next without letting them break the automatic cycle

Called Traps - +20 points - this allows the placement or use of trump traps into the card that you have of yourself allow you to 'screen' the calls through the used card

Exalted trump - right now this is under construction and is only a rumor that it exist

Rejection less trump contact - +25 points - you can open into a 'held' contact and then be in contact when other contact is over

Trump of soul - +25 points - will hold the essence of the individual and it will be a tiny double for them this kind of card will also be able to hold the soul of that individual should their body be killed. This will allow the individual to have their body restored if any genetic material can be found to clone it from

Trump Shadow Altering - +25 points - the ability to alter the Ideal of something thus altering the shape of shadow.

Trump-based Necromancy - +25 points - Usually, when a subject dies, the Trump Image becomes useless because the subject has moved from a state far away from its Ideal Image, in effect taking on a new Ideal Image. A truely powerful Artist can use the old Image to track down the new Ideal Image, and communicate with the subject, or even (if s/he's feeling insane) try to restore it.

Trump-based 'ghosts' - +25 points - By accessing the Ideal Image of the subject of a Trump, the TA could theoretically bring into being a copy, effectively cloning the subject, instead of using the Trump as a conduit for opening Psychic contact. This should be very difficult and very, very dangerous. Using this ability to duplicate simple objects may be more acceptable/possible.

Power Words (10 Points)

Power words are a limited form of magic, used mostly in a defensive way. Power words are easy to cast, instantaneous in effect, but have no lasting effect. Because any Power Word involves channeling a burst of Psyche, they are always noticeable, never concealed.

Learning Power Words - Well, they don't have to take the form of Power "words," they could as easily be gestures, signs, whistles, finger snaps, or whatever the character likes.

Unlike other forms of Magic, which use the power of Shadow, Power Words are based on the power of the character who speaks them. Power Words aren't just words, they're actually a linkage, a magical connection, built into the body of the character who owns them.

Range, duration and the effects of Power Words are all restricted to the immediate time and place of the caster. The effects are somewhat uncertain since the raw power used does not take into account the variable of chaos and pattern influence in a particular place.

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Each character is limited to exactly five Power Words. It is possible to increase this number later, at character advancement time, at a cost of one point per additional Power Word. Once the five are selected, they may not be exchanged, switched about, or otherwise substituted. That's the five you start with, and that's the only five you're going to get.

And, while we're on the subject, Power Words are the only "Power" in Amber for which there is no significant advancement. With any other power an advanced version confers greater potency and greater understanding. Putting more points into Power Words just gives the character more Power Words.

The power words listed below are the ones that are well known. Players can use the "word" listed, or invent their own.

It's also possible to invent new Power Words. Bear in mind that, like all other Power Words, they must have an instantaneous effect. The new ones can be substitutes for the first five, or, at a cost of a point each, can be added on later. New Power Words must be approved by the Game Master.

Counteracting Power Words - A drawback to Power Words is that they are fairly simple and routine. If an opponent is prepared, it's possible to overcome them.

However, counteracting Power Words requires specific measures.

For example, the most common Power Word, Magic Negation, breaks up a spell in mid-casting, while the Sorcerer is invoking the Lynchpins of the spell. The Magic Negation Power Word wouldn't work against an instantaneous spell, one that is completely prepared, requiring no time-consuming lynchpins.

It's also possible for a Sorcerer to be prepared in advance for a Power Word, and to defend against it. The preparation would require that the Sorcerer would have had to come to the conflict prepared with a protective spell. Such a spell would only be good against the Power Words the Sorcerer knows. Since Power Words are unique to each character, a Sorcerer can't make any sort of general or "all-purpose" magical defense against Power Words.

For this reason characters with Power Words tend to be rather secretive. They only use them in genuine emergencies. That way they greatly reduce the chance of being observed, and of having their Power Words countered by others.

Making up new Power Words - So long as the restrictions are followed, players are allowed, or even encouraged, to make up their own Power Words. In general terms, Power Words have to be fast and easy. Fast, in that what they do should happen in a flash. Easy means they can't do anything complicated or that requires explaining or defining conditions. For example, most Sorcerer's spells are complex enough to require several parts or phases, something impossible with a Power Word.

Power Word Energy Drain - Since Power Words use the energy of the character, rather than magical energies, they tend to be rather draining. For most Amberites, most of the time, this is no particular problem. However, any character with less than Amber Endurance (Chaos or Human) will be tired by each use of a Power Word. A character of greater Endurance, while not usually troubled, should be wary of using Power Words while engaged in some other difficult task, like using the Jewel of Judgment, Walking the Pattern, or engaging in a Psychic Duel.

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Basic Power Word Enhancements

Basic Power Word Theory - 10 points - this allows the 'creation' of temporary power words. There can be no items made from them but each will be draining and can not be 'linked' or 'fused' by higher levels of Enhancements or Advancement

Advanced Power Words & Enhancements (+10 points)

This would give three 2 point Power Words and the ability to create Advanced power words (for 2 points each). Also this allows one to improve the power words one has now.

Advanced Power Words will use less personal energy and have a wider area of effect, still localized but up to about 5 feet increase or so.

Also can now be used with other powers if you have the Advanced Version of that Power. NOTE: Does work with Sorcery or Conjuration not requiring advanced versions. Can use linked sets to increase spells but this will slow does the spell by the length of the set. Can, and I suggest that you do, working on a set to add to spells that will generate some magic (Burst of Magic) so you could cast spells at regular strength in low magic spells.

Power Word Linking - (10 points) - allows one to link power words into a set that will increase the abilities of the words. Limits are up to 4 words can be linked together at one time. The only problem with this ability is that it still takes the length of time to say each individual word. So a set of two is twice as slow as a single word.

Example 1: Set of two, first word (Advanced Process Surge) enhances the second word (Advanced Magic Negation).

Example 2: Set of four, First word (Advanced Process Surge) enhances the second word (Advanced Process Surge) which enhances third word (Advanced Burst of Psyche) to assist in using the fourth word (Advanced Trump Disrupt).

Example 3: Set of two words and three actions, first word (Process Surge) enhances (Burst of Magic) to enhance the Spell: Lightning Bolt

Advanced Power Word Theory - 10 points - this allows the 'creation' of temporary power words of Advanced level. There can be no items made from them but each will be draining and can not be 'linked' or 'fused' by higher levels of Enhancements or Advancement.

Exalted Power Words & Enhancements (+10 points)

The gives two 4 points words and the ability to create 4 points power words (at a cost of 4 points per word). Exalted Words will have a limited local area of effect or be able to alter the local setting

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temporarily. Example: Exalted Magic Negation will now have a 15 second duration and affect a 25 foot area by itself.

Power Word Fusion - (10 points) - can now make sets of words or actions that are 10 in length and are timed as one word.

Again this will work with other powers now, but now you can work with the Basic version of them. Power Word Fusion can be used this way.

Example: Using Pattern and Sorcery. Set of four words and six actions, first word (Exalted Process Surge) enhances second word (Exalted Process Surge) enhances third word (Exalted Process Surge) enhances fourth word (Burst of Psyche) to use with Pattern to allow Sorcery Spell: Teleport.

Exalted Power Word Theory - 10 points - this allows the 'creation' of temporary power words of Exalted level. There can be no items made from them but each will be draining and can not be 'linked' or 'fused'.