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Page 1: PPL Annual Report 2011
Page 2: PPL Annual Report 2011

The staff, board, volunteers, and supporters of Project for Pride in Living (PPL) can look back with pride at all that was accomplished in 2011. A new strategic plan, adopted mid-year, set the agency on a course to:

• Improve the lives of our program participants

• Expand our impact

• Optimize the use of resources

• Promote excellence in how we operate

You’ll see evidence in this Annual Report of the influence those strategic directions have had on our work, influence that will grow in the future.

Merger-related work also shaped the year. New Foundations, an east side St. Paul nonprofit, became a program of PPL. Planning over the course of the year led to a decision to merge with Cabrini Partnership. Discussions began with Rebuild Resources, another St. Paul-based organization, to join together with PPL Industries and Furnish Office and Home to create a vital social enterprise employment program with reach across the Twin Cities.

As a result, PPL is growing, but not for the sake of growth. From a community perspective, important programs like New Foundations, Cabrini Partnership, and Rebuild Resources are preserved and enhanced in these volatile times, to the benefit of those served.

Last year, PPL stepped into a new role as an authorizer of charter schools under contract with the Minnesota Department of Education. As a result, our long-standing relationship with Partnership Academy continues. And on a selective basis, where we can add real value to the process of educating low-income students, we have begun work with additional charter schools, starting with two located in St. Paul neighborhoods where we are active.

2011 is the penultimate year to PPL’s 40th Anniversary, a milestone to celebrate, but certainly no time to rest given challenges facing the people and places we serve. Your support helps PPL create the high-impact work called for by our strategic plan and demonstrated on the pages which follow. Thank you—together we can continue to create life-changing results for thousands of people.

Mohamed AlabariTodd AldrichPat Aylward*

David Byfield**Stephen CaskeyLaura Crosby*Michael Ducar*

Emily DukeMeghan Elliott

J. ForrestLucy GeroldKelly Gieser

John Grieman*L.B. Guthrie*

Joe HendersonJohn Hetterick

Christine HobroughJim Howard*Kevin HowesEarl JohnstonJeanne Katz

Peter Kiedrowski*Sally Kolar

Karen KraemerJean Krause

Richard Martens*Kim Matheson*Damu McCoyNeeraj MehtaDorian Morris

William MuenzbergJonathan PalmerJerome PaquinBeth ParkhillPaul Parrish

Jeffrey PetersonRonald Poole*James Porter

John RasmussenLaurie Rice

Walter RockensteinRachel SampongRobin Savageau

Mary Jeanne ScottGlen Skovholt*

Rick SmithJack Thompson*Richard VoreisWesley Walker

Pamela WandzelScott Wilensky

Shay Wyley

*Retired in 2011 **Deceased


Steve Cramer

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PPL is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping low-income individuals and families develop the tools they need to achieve self-sufficiency through a broad range of programs and services.

We believe in empowering participants to be accountable and responsible for their own growth toward self-reliance. This reinforces our mission: PPL works with lower-income individuals and families to achieve greater self-sufficiency through housing, employment training, support services, and education. Since 1972, tens of thousands of people from throughout the Twin Cities metro area have built brighter, more stable futures and stronger communities as a result of PPL’s innovative, highly integrated approach.

HOUSING STABILITYPPL develops and sustains a wide variety of safe, quality affordable housing for low-income families and individuals through new construction, renovation, and management for ownership and rental. PPL owns and/or manages over 1,000 units of affordable rental housing, bringing peace of mind to people like Yassin. His story is on page 4.

FAMILY STABILITY Families and individuals in our housing are offered one-to-one services and community building activities onsite that are customized to their needs. These services helped Regina, as told on page 6, make a new direction for herself and her family.

ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT Whether getting people started on a career track or helping them take the next step up the career ladder, PPL’s employment, job training, and career advancement programs help individuals at every stage increase their opportunities for economic advancement. The computer skills that Anthony learned at PPL helped him get a job and position himself for career advancement. See page 8 for his story.

YOUTH ACHIEVEMENT To help break the cycle of poverty, PPL connects students of every age to resources and relationships that will help them succeed from early childhood through high school graduation. From PPL schools to our high quality, afterschool learning activities, youth like Judith, whose story is on page 10, are building a solid foundation for success in school and life.

PPL served nearly 14,000 people in 2011, the most in our history. Visit for more information, or schedule a tour by calling 612.455.5211.


Volunteers contributed 82,372 hours of service

to PPL last year.

Youth and children benefited from schools

and enrichment programs.

Received family stability services.

Received work readiness and job training.

Housing units owned or managed.

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At 3 a.m., Yassin’s wife tried to get him to come to sleep, but it was of no use. The family would be forced to vacate their apartment soon due to over occupancy, and the situation was too serious to let him rest.

Housing options were scarce for Yassin. Available apartments either weren’t big enough to allow his family of five to live there, or weren’t affordable for a family with their limited income. For a period of six months, Yassin spent his nights online researching and applying for local rental housing, only to be rejected time and again. Then came a call from PPL.

“I remember PPL called to say that our application had been approved,” Yassin remembers. “It was a gift from God.”

Yassin’s family has found a renewed energy since moving into PPL housing. They’ve been healthier, thanks to the higher quality of housing that PPL provides, and more active in the community. Yassin’s youngest of three has been a

regular at PPL’s youth programs and part of a local soccer team. Most profoundly, Yassin credits moving into PPL housing with helping him overcome the scars of his past.

Yassin grew up in Ethiopia. During the 1970s, a political revolution brought violence to his country and tragedies to his family. Yassin himself was imprisoned and beaten before he was able to move to the United States. He says that he has finally been able to deal with his long-term post-traumatic stress, due in part to the stability that PPL housing represents for him and his family.

“Moving in helped me relax,” Yassin explains. “I had relief in my heart, and in my mind. I felt acceptance for my family, and for myself, when I got that call.”

“Housing is very important,” Yassin says. “It changes everything.”

At 3 a.m., Yassin’s wife tried to get him to come to sleep, but it was of no use. The family would be forced to vacate their apartment soon due to over occupancy, and the situation was too serious to let him rest.

Housing options were scarce for Yassin. Available apartments either weren’t big enough to allow his family of five to live there, or weren’t affordable for a family with their limited income. For a period of six months, Yassin spent his nights online researching and applying for local rental housing, only to be rejected time and again. Then came a call from PPL.

“I remember PPL called to say that our application had been approved,” Yassin remembers. “It was a gift from God.”

Yassin’s family has found a renewed energy since moving into PPL housing. They’ve been healthier, thanks to the higher quality of housing that PPL provides, and more active in the community. Yassin’s youngest of three has been a

regular at PPL’s youth programs and part of a local soccer team. Most profoundly, Yassin credits moving into PPL housing with helping him overcome the scars of his past.

Yassin grew up in Ethiopia. During the 1970s, a political revolution brought violence to his country and tragedies to his family. Yassin himself was imprisoned and beaten before he was able to move to the United States. He says that he has finally been able to deal with his long-term post-traumatic stress, due in part to the stability that PPL housing represents for him and his family.

“Moving in helped me relax,” Yassin explains. “I had relief in my heart, and in my mind. I felt acceptance for my family, and for myself, when I got that call.”

“Housing is very important,” Yassin says. “It changes everything.”

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• The May 2011 tornado that rocked north Minneapolis caused damage to six PPL properties. Staff immediately secured buildings and helped more than 70 residents overcome safety and stability challenges. In addition, Macy’s donated nine beds for residents and PPL received a grant from Minnesota Helps—North Minneapolis Recovery Fund created by The Minneapolis Foundation and the Greater Twin Cities United Way.

• PPL responded to the foreclosure crisis, turning vacant, multi-unit buildings back into quality rental housing as part of the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program, in collaboration with Minnesota Housing and the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Multiple renovations began, and residents moved into the first rehabilitated building in April.

• Renovations of 10 PPL buildings in the Near North neighborhood of Minneapolis received a “Best in Real Estate” award from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal. The annual awards recognize outstanding real estate development projects that positively impact the Twin Cities area. PPL’s project won the “Multifamily Development or Redevelopment — Affordable” category. The Near North renovations made significant modern improvements and restored the original charm of the existing buildings, invigorating the neighborhood in the process.

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The numbers didn’t add up - five kids, one on the way, three suitcases, and zero plans – but Regina knew her family needed a fresh start. She’d suffered from abuse, depression, and alcoholism, and summoned the courage to change the direction of her life.

“I was tired of the life I was living,” Regina recalls. “I just ran. I didn’t know what was going to happen.”

After a few months in a shelter, the family found their way to PPL housing. The staff and services provided have helped the family gain a stability they didn’t have before.

“I’ve never been in a place where people that don’t know you care about you,” Regina explains. “Everyone is so caring and wants us to move forward.”

Since moving in, Regina has been hard at work achieving her personal goals using PPL’s integrated services. She finished her GED at the PPL Learning Center, completed local classes to be a certified nursing assistant, and is currently participating in PPL’s pharmacy technician employment training program. Regina’s classes have given her opportunities to learn alongside her children.

“My oldest daughter is learning fractions, just like I am as a pharmacy technician. My eight-year-old daughter is learning about atoms, which I am learning about too. It’s created an open relationship around learning, and it’s great to learn about things together.”

While she didn’t know what the future held for her then, today Regina sees her family’s life heading in a great direction.

“I see us stable, with me earning enough to get a home of our own one day. My kids are happier than I’ve ever seen them. They love to learn, and I see them being successful. I see a bright future, for all of us.”

The numbers didn’t add up - five kids, one on the way, three suitcases, and zero plans – but Regina knew her family needed a fresh start. She’d suffered from abuse, depression, and alcoholism, and summoned the courage to change the direction of her life.

“I was tired of the life I was living,” Regina recalls. “I just ran. I didn’t know what was going to happen.”

After a few months in a shelter, the family found their way to PPL housing. The staff and services provided have helped the family gain a stability they didn’t have before.

“I’ve never been in a place where people that don’t know you care about you,” Regina explains. “Everyone is so caring and wants us to move forward.”

Since moving in, Regina has been hard at work achieving her personal goals using PPL’s integrated services. She finished her GED at the PPL Learning Center, completed local classes to be a certified nursing assistant, and is currently participating in PPL’s pharmacy technician employment training program. Regina’s classes have given her opportunities to learn alongside her children.

“My oldest daughter is learning fractions, just like I am as a pharmacy technician. My eight-year-old daughter is learning about atoms, which I am learning about too. It’s created an open relationship around learning, and it’s great to learn about things together.”

While she didn’t know what the future held for her then, today Regina sees her family’s life heading in a great direction.

“I see us stable, with me earning enough to get a home of our own one day. My kids are happier than I’ve ever seen them. They love to learn, and I see them being successful. I see a bright future, for all of us.”

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• With “bringing strength to strength” as our motto, PPL merged with longtime partner New Foundations, a St. Paul-based supportive housing services provider, in April. This merger strengthened resources for 44 families and deepened PPL’s capacity to serve long-term homeless families across the Twin Cities.

• The New Foundations Program Gala in October welcomed over 200 guests and raised nearly $30,000 in program support.

• Recycling can be a challenge for multi-unit buildings, but resident leadership in St. Louis Park made it a goal and achieved it. A July celebration brought residents, city officials, and staff together to usher in recycling onsite and learn other ‘green living’ tips.

• PPL’s Self-Sufficiency Program began working with families at Collaborative Village, where long-term homeless families are provided with safe, stable housing and a wealth of onsite services. PPL provides direct services that are customized to meet each family’s needs, including financial literacy, life skills building, and work readiness, along with academic and enrichment activities for the over 75 children and youth that call Collaborative Village home.


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“No one will work as hard as you do. But if you don’t put in the work, this won’t work.”

Not long ago, Anthony would’ve scoffed at the instructor’s philosophy, but today, with a new attitude and changed perspective, he is putting in the work, reaping the benefits, and sharing the rewards with others.

The real work started for Anthony as he was living in a halfway house after his release from prison. He found the PPL Learning Center and devoted himself to improving his job possibilities. Anthony remembers coming in daily to work in the computer lab, improving his typing skills, learning popular computer programs, and creating a resume.

New resume in hand, Anthony’s work began to pay off. At a job fair, he landed a job with a local teleservices marketing firm, but found it could be much more.

“It was a gift to have a job,” Anthony realized, “but this can be a career.”

In a short period of time, Anthony’s efforts on the job led to increased responsibility, specialized training, and two promotions. He’s become a ‘go-to’ employee, completing new assignments with his newfound computer skills.

“I didn’t do anything with computers before PPL,” he admits. “Now I’m writing sales scripts in Microsoft Word, and preparing spreadsheets in Excel.”

While Anthony is enjoying personal success, he is determined to pass along the benefits to others. He’s been visiting PPL’s Re-Entry to Work, an employment training class for people with criminal histories, with hopes that his example can motivate others to embrace the philosophy of hard work. When Anthony was given the opportunity to make a donation to a local organization on behalf of his company, he thought of PPL.

“PPL was a stepping stone for me,” Anthony says. “I can’t donate or volunteer enough. I’ll never be able to give back what they gave me.”

“No one will work as hard as you do. But if you don’t put in the work, this won’t work.”

Not long ago, Anthony would’ve scoffed at the instructor’s philosophy, but today, with a new attitude and changed perspective, he is putting in the work, reaping the benefits, and sharing the rewards with others.

The real work started for Anthony as he was living in a halfway house after his release from prison. He found the PPL Learning Center and devoted himself to improving his job possibilities. Anthony remembers coming in daily to work in the computer lab, improving his typing skills, learning popular computer programs, and creating a resume.

New resume in hand, Anthony’s work began to pay off. At a job fair, he landed a job with a local teleservices marketing firm, but found it could be much more.

“It was a gift to have a job,” Anthony realized, “but this can be a career.”

In a short period of time, Anthony’s efforts on the job led to increased responsibility, specialized training, and two promotions. He’s become a ‘go-to’ employee, completing new assignments with his newfound computer skills.

“I didn’t do anything with computers before PPL,” he admits. “Now I’m writing sales scripts in Microsoft Word, and preparing spreadsheets in Excel.”

While Anthony is enjoying personal success, he is determined to pass along the benefits to others. He’s been visiting PPL’s Re-Entry to Work, an employment training class for people with criminal histories, with hopes that his example can motivate others to embrace the philosophy of hard work. When Anthony was given the opportunity to make a donation to a local organization on behalf of his company, he thought of PPL.

“PPL was a stepping stone for me,” Anthony says. “I can’t donate or volunteer enough. I’ll never be able to give back what they gave me.”

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• PPL’s Re-Entry to Work class began in 2011, serving individuals who were determined to overcome their criminal histories and move forward in their lives. Out of 24 individuals, 12 found employment and six have continued their educational goals through college classes, GED, and industry-based trainings such as automotive and construction certification programs.

• Ramping-up our sector-based training, PPL launched the Pharmacy Technician Certification Training in 2011. Developed in collaboration with Minneapolis Community and Technical College and employer partners, this training offers college credit, readies participants for a career pathway in healthcare, and prepares them for a national certification exam. In its inaugural year, 18 people graduated; we expect to serve 50 individuals in 2012.

• PPL has a long-standing reputation for providing high-quality services to Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) families through our Connections to Work program. Based on our reputation, Hennepin County expanded their contract with PPL in 2011 to include a new secondary MFIP program, ChangePoints. Last year, ChangePoints provided short-term, intensive case management services to 146 families facing significant barriers to meeting their MFIP goals.

• PPL hosted White House officials during a tour of the Twin Cities, showing them the impact of the federal stimulus. PPL programs leveraged stimulus funds to create 180 jobs, give job training to over 800 people, and help hundreds more receive needed services.

• U.S. Department of Labor officials toured PPL Industries to see its recycling services in action. Industries is a business partner in RENEW, a collaborative project between the City of Minneapolis and Ramsey County that builds capacity for environmentally-conscious ventures, and was funded through the federal stimulus.


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Judith adores animals. She had been looking forward to the class field trip to the Animal Humane Society for weeks, and the day had finally come. The class began a tour upon arrival, but one girl stayed behind, visibly upset from the teasing of other students.

While Judith could have continued on the long-awaited tour, she left to console her classmate. Displaying a compassion and maturity beyond her years, she has quietly led her classmates by example, both in and out of the classroom.

A student at Partnership Academy, a PPL-authorized K-5 charter school, Judith is also a participant at PPL Scholars, an afterschool program held on campus that offers students help with their homework and opportunities to increase their academic skills.

“I like the after-school program,” Judith says. “It helps me with my homework, and helps me learn how to read and improve my reading. They make things that involve math and reading fun.”

At PPL Scholars, Judith has taken ownership in her success in reading, choosing books that interest her and asking for help when she needs it. She is also known to ask tutors to read with her when she feels distracted, giving her the accountability to refocus on her work instead of counting the minutes until the program is over. It has led to improvements in her literacy skills and grown a confidence that has helped her address the challenges that come her way.

When she did not pass the state math test the first time she took it, Judith sought out teachers, other school staff, and tutors at Scholars for help. She worked hard in her math class and with additional materials to increase her knowledge.

By the end of the school year, Judith was both at grade level for math and passed the state test. Seeing firsthand how hard work pays off, she is ready for the next challenge that awaits her—middle school.

Judith adores animals. She had been looking forward to the class field trip to the Animal Humane Society for weeks, and the day had finally come. The class began a tour upon arrival, but one girl stayed behind, visibly upset from the teasing of other students.

While Judith could have continued on the long-awaited tour, she left to console her classmate. Displaying a compassion and maturity beyond her years, she has quietly led her classmates by example, both in and out of the classroom.

A student at Partnership Academy, a PPL-authorized K-5 charter school, Judith is also a participant at PPL Scholars, an afterschool program held on campus that offers students help with their homework and opportunities to increase their academic skills.

“I like the after-school program,” Judith says. “It helps me with my homework, and helps me learn how to read and improve my reading. They make things that involve math and reading fun.”

At PPL Scholars, Judith has taken ownership in her success in reading, choosing books that interest her and asking for help when she needs it. She is also known to ask tutors to read with her when she feels distracted, giving her the accountability to refocus on her work instead of counting the minutes until the program is over. It has led to improvements in her literacy skills and grown a confidence that has helped her address the challenges that come her way.

When she did not pass the state math test the first time she took it, Judith sought out teachers, other school staff, and tutors at Scholars for help. She worked hard in her math class and with additional materials to increase her knowledge.

By the end of the school year, Judith was both at grade level for math and passed the state test. Seeing firsthand how hard work pays off, she is ready for the next challenge that awaits her—middle school.

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• BRIDGEdotMN, a digital literacy project that works with some of PPL’s Youth Development Program participants, was launched. The project is a partnership between PPL and social venture group TECHdotMN, and in 2011 it provided 21 participants with computers, mobile broadband, and lessons on safe and productive uses of online time. Said one student: “My computer is a gateway for me to travel the world and learn about different people and cultures.”

• Students at MERC Alternative High School, 23 of whom successfully graduated at year’s end, took part in a Street Law class with first year students at William Mitchell College of Law. The students learned about social justice, democracy, and civil rights, and engaged in a mock trial that retired Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Edward Toussaint, Jr. presided over.

• Early Wonders Preschool students and staff were treated to a visit from teaching artists with the Children’s Theatre Company. The artists led the preschoolers in a dramatic play and storytelling workshop, encouraging them to tap into their senses and develop fun, creative ways of learning.


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*Consolidated financial statements include four entities:• Project for Pride in Living, Inc. (parent organization)• PPL Enterprises, an affiliated social enterprise

not-for-profit organization • Two real estate legal entities:

- PPL Properties, wholly owned single-purpose limited liability companies (LLCs)

- Limited Partnerships in which PPL has controlling interest

Statement of Activities and Changes in Net Assets

PPL, INC. CONSOLIDATED* REVENUES AND SUPPORT Contributions $ 3,605,571 $ 4,034,167 United Way 870,848 974,848 Government Grants 3,259,091 3,687,201 Sales -- 2,951,378 Rental Property Income -- 8,728,547 Program Fees 3,738,471 1,472,943 Interest and Other Income 510,802 1,208,246

TOTAL REVENUES AND SUPPORT $ 11,984,783 $ 23,057,330 EXPENSES Program and Services Affordable Housing $ 4,729,838 $ 17,660,710 PPL Enterprises -- 2,535,606 Support Services 3,631,190 3,527,754 Education 1,620,332 1,429,196 Volunteer & Special Services 249,462 249,462Supporting Activities General and Administrative 1,789,967 1,789,967 Fundraising 575,889 575,889

TOTAL EXPENSES $ 12,596,678 $ 27,768,584

CHANGE IN NET ASSETS $ (611,895) $ (4,711,254) NON-CASH DEPRECIATION AND ACCRUED INTEREST $ 79,217 $ 4,961,044




Consolidated* Statement of Financial Position

ASSETS Cash & Cash Equivalents $ 15,777,685 Cash Held in Escrow 859,549 Marketable Securities 240,598 Receivables 2,188,937 Inventory 106,681 Prepaid Expenses 259,745 Property Under Development 8,038,557 Other Assets 545,079

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $ 28,016,831 Property and Equipment 122,623,856 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (32,276,812)

Net Property and Equipment $ 90,347,044

TOTAL ASSETS $ 118,363,875 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Notes and Mortgages Receivable $ 70,110,111 Accounts Payable 365,094 Accrued Expenses 11,170,308 Escrows and Deposits 454,681 Deferred Revenues 1,011,357


NET ASSETS 35,252,324


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SUSTAINERS CLUB ($5,000 AND UP)Anonymous (3)1335 FoundationAbbott Northwestern Hospital FoundationTodd and Allyson AldrichAllianz of North AmericaAlly FinancialAmeriprise FinancialLucille AmisAthwin FoundationBank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.David Winton Bell FoundationJohn and Ruth Bergerson Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMarney* and Conley Brooks, Sr.Patrick and Aimee Butler Family FoundationBuuck Family FoundationCaliber FoundationThe Cargill FoundationCaridad CorporationCurtis L. Carlson Family FoundationCenterPoint Energy MinnegascoCharlson FoundationChildren’s Hospitals and Clinics of MinnesotaJoan and Ron CornwellJudy DaytonMichael and Deborah DucarJaye F. & Betty F. Dyer FoundationEnterprise Community Partners, Inc.F. R. Bigelow FoundationFamily Housing FundEvelyn FranklinFrey FoundationGeneral Mills FoundationKelly GieserGilligan FoundationGreater Twin Cities United WayJack and Sherry GuggisbergRuth Hanold*Hardenbergh FoundationLucy HartwellJames and Rosalyn HawleyHealthforce*MNHousing Partnership Network

James and Ann Howard Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationWill Hudson and Sara Stromberg-HudsonHugh J. Andersen FoundationJames B. Linsmayer FoundationJay and Iris KiedrowskiKopp Family FoundationLaker Software, Inc.Local Initiatives Support CorporationLocal Initiatives Support Corporation, Twin CitiesTom and Mari LoweLyman Lumber CompanyMardag FoundationMargaret Rivers FundBrian Mark Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMarquette Transportation FinanceMike and Kay McCarthyMcFarland Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationThe McKnight FoundationThe McNeely FoundationThe Minneapolis FoundationMinnesota Literacy CouncilThe Mortenson Family FoundationNorth Memorial Medical CenterOpen Your Heart to The Hungry & HomelessPentair FoundationThe Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of MinnesotaPlymouth Congregational Church in MinneapolisPohlad Family CharitiesMolly and Ronald Poole Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationElizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation, Inc.R.C. Lilly FoundationRBC Foundation - USARichard M. Schulze Family FoundationMegan RoachThe Saint Paul FoundationJoan and Arthur Schulze, Jr.Securian Foundation

Sheltering Arms FoundationSit Investment AssociatesThe Emil J. and Emily D. Slowinski Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationWarren and Mary Lynn StaleySundance Family FoundationTankenoff Families FoundationTarget FoundationTCF National Bank MinnesotaTECHdotMNThomson ReutersThrivent Financial BankThrivent Financial for Lutherans FoundationTravelers FoundationEmily Anne Staples Tuttle Fund of the Minnesota Community FoundationU.S. Bancorp FoundationU.S. BankValspar FoundationVermillion State BankWells Fargo Foundation MinnesotaWells Fargo Housing FoundationWells FoundationWestminster Presbyterian ChurchAngus and Margaret WurteleXcel Energy Foundation

RELATIONSHIP CLUB ($1,000 - $4,999) Anonymous (4)Abbott Northwestern HospitalAcme Tuckpointing and RestorationDarren and Jennifer AndersonJohn Andrus, IIIDeWalt and Margaret AnkenySally and Peter AnsonAssociated Insurance Agents, Inc.Prospect Creek Foundation, A Family Foundation of Martha and Bruce AtwaterMargaret BairdBaker FoundationAlfrieda and Christopher BaldwinBergren Family FoundationBig Bob’s FlooringKathleen and Thomas Boe

Julie Brekke and Jeffrey WaldenBremer Bank, N. A.John and Joan BrooksLynn and Charles BrownBurdick-Craddick Family FoundationJennie CarlsonKent CarlsonAlan and Ruth CarpEileen and David ChanenWilliam and Bobbi ChoppMichael Chutich and Susan GretzDouglas and Sands Coleman Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationSteve Cramer and Deborah Brisch-CramerLaura Crosby and Daniel EneboEdward and Sherry Ann DaytonErnie and Mary DornRon and Stacy EricksonReid and Ann MacDonald/ Faribault Foods, Inc.Kevin Filter and Rosemary KesslerFlannery ConstructionDaniel and Kathy FlicekThe Fredrikson & Byron FoundationFredrikson and Byron, PABenjamin and Rachel GeballeLucy Gerold and William Svrluga, Jr.Dan and Maria GilleeceCathy GilmoreGood Samaritan United Methodist ChurchGail GrahamJohn and Joan GriemanCatherine and Curt GunsburyL.B. and Pamela GuthrieVictor and Susan HallbergMary Hartmann and Billie WahlstromRobin HartwellRoger F. Heegaard Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMark HegmanJohn and Kathe HetterickZol and Kathleen HeymanChristine and David Hobrough

Mike and Christina Huck Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationJohn and Ruth HussSonja Hutchinson and Richard RohrerCarol Iwata and Valerie StoehrCheryl & Lowell Jacobsen Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationKris and Rob JohnsonEarl and Brenda JohnstonJack and Debby KatzmarkJane and Jim Kaufman Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationPat and Maggie KeatingJean Keffeler and David StanleyCharles and Emily KelleyBill and Pat KellyPeter and Mary KiedrowskiDennis and Athele KnutsonGregory and Coralyn KoschinskaKaren and Kenneth KraemerKraus Anderson CompanyRon KrietemeyerTom and Marie LaForceMatthew LasleyCraig and Susan LebakkenJeffrey LeeKatherine and Patrick LeightonJames LeinfelderBob and Chris LewisLillian Wright and C. Emil Berglund FoundationLindquist & Vennum, P.L.L.P.Brad and Jean LinvilleLowry HillKirk and Kathy MacKenzieNivin MacMillanMahoney, Ulbrich, Christiansen & RussMalt-O-Meal CompanyM&I FoundationMark MasonKim MathesonEdwin and Susan McCarthyWalter McCarthy and Clara Ueland McCarthyDamu McCoy and Nicole FranceMcGrann Shea Carnival Straughn & Lamb, CharteredLaird and Tina McLeanMesserli & Kramer Foundation

Bill and Lana MillerMinneapolis Rotary Club Foundation - City of LakesMarko and Robann MrkonichWilliam and Melinda MuenzbergPeter and Karla MyersNational Equity FundJane Newman and Amy LangeTodd and Martha Nicholson Fund of the Nicholson Family FoundationNorthWay Community TrustKathleen O’Brien and Jeffrey LoeschDennis and Janet OrkeLRE FoundationJerry PaquinPark Nicollet FoundationPaul and Kathy ParrishLisa PaulsonPrairie Bluff Living CommunityPratt Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationQuicksilver Express Courier of MinnesotaDavid and Ellen RaisbeckJohn RasmussenRBC Wealth ManagementLaurie Rice and Brad FrederiksenJohn and Catherine RiesRJ Ahmann CompanyThomas Rock and Melissa RaphanWalter and Jodell RockensteinMichael and Tamara RootDr. David A. and Kathleen Sweetman RothenbergerSALO, LLCJoshua and Susan SchneckTom and Karen SchoeweSebesta Blomberg & Associates, Inc.Harriet and Edson Spencer Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationSt. Mary of the Lake Church Neighbor to NeighborTara SullivanRicky SwansonTom and Jeanne SweenRichard and Marie VoreisW. C. Rasmussen-Northeast Bank Foundation

Watson-Forsberg CompanyWeis Builders, Inc.Thomas and Rita WelchWelter Charitable Gift FundWestern National Mutual Insurance CompanyWheelock Whitney and Kathleen BlatzScott WilenskyJohn and Renata Winsor Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationAlbert and Kathy WoodwardShay WyleyXcel Energy

INDEPENDENCE CLUB ($500 - $999)Anonymous (2)Leslie AngelATK Community Investment FoundationJohn and Patty BaileyBarr EngineeringKate and Roger BarrAllen and Lois BarronBDS Laundry ManagementKristin BeckmannDrs. Michael and Ellen Bendel-StenzelShayna Berkowitz and Phyllis WienerBethel Evangelical Lutheran ChurchNoah BlyStephen BubulPaul and Mariann BuddeJ. Donald BurnsKenneth and Crystal BurnsCammack PartnersJoanne CarlsonFritz and Annie ClevelandJohn and Sally ColeArthur Coury and Mary Judith HowieSage and John* Cowles, Jr.Russell Cowles, IIMrs. Thomas Crosby*Mary Lee DaytonDarlene DePassTom Doar, Jr.Paul and Mary DonovanJames Dorsey and Dee Gaeddert


Page 15: PPL Annual Report 2011

Richard DoyleJudith Driscoll Interim TrustMeghan and Sean ElliottEllis Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationJane EmisonStephen EngelStephen EttingerReciel FieldingFifth Quarter Enterprise, LLCLita FikeLiz and Jerry FinleyThe Charlotte Forsythe Fund, A Fund of Headwaters Foundation for JusticeLeah and William FrankeJerry and Marjorie FruinTeddy and Jim GesellFredarick and Suzanne GobelAnn and Tracy GodfreyPolly GroseH. William Lurton FoundationAlison and Mark HalleyJean and Jim HartmanDr. and Mrs. Robert HaselowThe Head FoundationChristopher HermanJeffrey HomJohn and Sally HovanecMeredith and Richard HowellOrlena IversenJeanne Katz and Aime DechaineSarah Kline-StensvoldDavid Koehser and Nancy DunniganKathleen LambRichard and Janet LanglaisKenneth D. and Barbara K. Larson Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationMary Lazaretti and Mark LenwayMichael LazarettiWilliam LiederHarriet LudwickMarie MantheyTara and Charles Maxwell, Jr.Barbara and Keith McCormickAndrew and Ann McGinnBill McGrannL. David MechSara MeyerOrlyn and Sharon MillerKaren MoenDick Nicholson/Coldwell Banker Burnet

Mark and Jackie Nolan Family Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationNorm Hall + AssociatesNorthern Lights Combined Federal CampaignLinda OdegardSherrill OmanDebra and Michael PalmquistBeth Parkhill and Bob CorrickJames and Donna PeterLucille PetermeierJeffrey and Michele PetersonPati Jo PofahlJames Porter and Elyse RabinowitzHugh Pruitt and Fariba SanikhatamJudith Reisman and Jane LevinPhilip and Kristine RoeRSP Architects, Ltd.Michelle SetherJulie Shannon and Jose Goyco de VeraLee Sheehy and Cathy LawrenceDavid ShirleyCristy and James SiedeGlen and Anna SkovholtJeffrey and Helene SlocumWilliam and Annette SmithSmith PartnersSharon SolfestRalph StrangisJames and Deanna StrattonScott Stroeing and Katie ObertonSteve and Ruth StudtAl and Barb TennessenLee and Linda ToddBeth TopolukRobert and Ann TrauschtRichard Van DoerenVoyager BankSheila WalkerErik WeisTroy WenckRichelle and Matt WendorfLori WilhelmChris Wilson and Millie AcamovicTerry and Susan WolkerstorferJerilynn Young and Darrick JensenBecky YustAlicia and Jon ZetahRebecca Zubick

DETERMINATION CLUB ($250 - $499)3M FoundationMary Adamski and Lance IhingerPaul and Judy AndersRuss and Barb AndrewsAspen Waste SystemsSusan BakerPatrick and Andrea BassettWendy and Pete BensonLea and David BergRoger BergersonL.G. and Rossana BewickJohn Billman*Michael and Meredith BooWilliam BreazileLorraine BreitenbucherHenry BromelkampJames and Edith BrotenCharles BrownSusan CampbellCarlson Printing CompanyLynn CaseyJohn and Mary ClarkDeneen ClarkeBarbara and Maurice ClippertonEdward and Joann ConlinJessica and Arne CookCooper Power SystemsJeanne CorwinCarol CramerAmy Crawford and Alice JohnsonEllie and Thomas Crosby, Jr.Carol and Ted CushmoreCarolyn and Tucker DahlThe Denny Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationAnita DinersteinRobert and Louisa DovloBlake DronenDavid Dudycha and Dorothy VawterEmily DukeTimothy and Jennifer DunleavyEmanuelson Podas, Inc.Bruce and Nicole EnsrudEricksen-Roed & AssociatesTom and Diane EricksonGladys EstoistaPat ForrestPaul and Deborah FransonDoug FreemanG2 GroupFred GambleJohn and Janet GendlerAlan and Lynn GoldbloomMary Gould

Sara GraffunderGary GreiterAnnette GriffinMark GubermanAmy GudmestadSally GuilletSteven and Janet GundersonDonald and Marion HallJane Dayton HallDonna HanberyJonathan and Jill HausmanJeff and Lucy HeegaardVicki and Roger HenryJohn and Diane HermanMark and Charlie’s Gay/Lesbian Fund for Moral Values of The Minneapolis FoundationDouglas and Kimberly HileDawn and David HillJoanne and Tom HitchAvis and Paul HoffmanElizabeth Holmberg and Robert DoppelhammerThomas J. Hooley Fund for Social Justice of The Saint Paul FoundationSteve and Penny HornigAndrew and Alison HumphreyMary and Warren IbeleJ & R Agency, Inc.Richard JohnsGary and Glen KingSusanna and Pat KlovenDavid Koenig and George CameronChris Kopka and Anna DvorakSarah Koschinska and Daniel SoderstromBlanche KyleRussell and Doris LangsethKaren and Glenn LarsonJulie and David LaSotaTim and Suzanne LauerKathy Lawless and John KeyesDon LeeJeannine Lee and C. Roger FinneyCindy and Lawrence LefaiveLiberty MutualLot Surveys Company, Inc.Pamela and Robert LundRandi LydersFrances and Bruce Lyon-DuginRene MadridRichard and Anne MaguireRichard and Carole MartensMike McElroy

Ann Marie McIntireTerry and Mary McNellisNeeraj and Erin MehtaLinda Messenger and Robert DistadMicrosoftMike and Linda Fiterman Family FoundationKevin Molin and Paul SellersStephen MooreJack and Chris MorrisonDavid Mura and Susan SencerJeffrey and Julie NaylorJim and Lorna NelsonDavid and Kathleen NewmanSteve and Sheryl NewmanRichard and Joan NiemiecElinor and William OgdenEric Oines and Salima KhakooJohn and Ann O’LearyChad and Jennifer OlsonDavid OlsonJane OverbyPadilla Speer BeardsleySally and Tom PattersonJuanita and Lars PekayDan PenniePeter PflaumStephen and Josephine PolingPremier BanksJulie RichmondKaren and Andrew RiebelLori and Andrew RileyJames RognasRyan Companies U.S., Inc.Dudley RyanTerry Sanftner and Julie Kinn-SanftnerGlen and Cynthia SchumannSteve SchwartzSecurity Control Systems IncRajni and Rajiv ShahShannon Siegfried Floe and Stephen FloeBonnie Skelton and Thomas FraserDaniel and Tracie SmithDeborah SmithRick and Jill SmithSolhem UptownJohn and Sharon SpiesJoel Spoonheim and Lani WillisNeal and Karen St. AnthonyDave and Joanie St. PeterHarlan and Marlene StoehrMaribel StoleeLee Strom

Ten Thousand VillagesThe Improve GroupGerry TholeKeith and Dorothy ThomsonParker and Albert Trostel Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationUnitedHealth GroupPaul Vander VortMary W. Vaughan Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationBob Whitlock and Peggy WeberJoseph and Darlene WeisSandra Wessman and Bill Reinwald*Rodney and Winifred WestJim and Mary WhiteIrene WilliamsElaine Wilson and Daniel BarnesRichard Wilson and Kolean PitnerAlfred Zdrazil

ENTHUSIASM CLUB ($1 - $249) Anonymous (9)Paula and Esam AalAndriana AbariotesJanelle AbbottLois AbbottSharri AdamsPaul AdelmannRobert Aderhold and Audrey KingstromGene and Marge AksamitMohamed AlabariMeredith AldenRola AlkatoutElaine Allen and Bryan KingsriterBill AlvordAmerican Association of University WomenAmy AndersonJoyce AndersonKari AndersonKatherine AndersonMarlene AndersonRay and Carolyn AndersonGwen AngelCindy AngerhoferAmy AnlaufGeorgette ArioLee AshmorePaul AslanianTrevor Axner

Ibrahim Ayeh and Fadumo AyePat J. AylwardBen Bache-WiigMary Kay BaileySusan Baldwin and Paul SvingenTom Barker*Barna, Guzy & Steffen, LtdDirk BarrettRobert and Beverly BarrettDoug & Rosemary BarryMegan BartellGeorge and Leora BarthelPhil and Donna BauerTeresa BechtoldJohn BedorJames BehnkeBill BehrenbrinkerRobert BellerScott BenjaminSharon Benmaman and John AllenJoni and Patrick BennettJim and Marsha BenshoofLauren BensonCarol and Michael BerdeStephen BereskaLuVerne and Donna BergAmy BergeronJohn and Patti BerglundThomas BergstromDiane BerthelMichael and Ruth BettendorfAnn Betz and Robert RichmanRoger BetzBernard BickmanWilliam and Marilyn BierdenLee and Kathy BingerJohn and Shibani BissonLea and Peter Bittner-EddyEvelyn BjerkWilliam BlackburnSally Blecha and Scott KeelyAnn and Timothy BlideJoanne BlissHenry BlissenbachEmily and Frederick BlodgettCynthia and Thomas BloomBlue Cross and Blue Shield of MinnesotaLeonard BocheEric Bond and Diana HopkinsCassie and Kelly BoothJames BordenCathy BorerEugene and Jane BorochoffPauline BossClara Boyum

2011 DONORS • 15

Page 16: PPL Annual Report 2011

Karen BoyumWilliam and Margaret BrackenReverend John F. BrandesLaura BrantPatti BraseRachel BrekkeKathleen BrennanJane BrennyTed and Joan BrinkmanMaria BrittleShannon BroderickEric BrookWillie BrooksGen BrophyPatty BrophyJames and Carol BroucekWalter BroughtonJudith and Richard BrownleeMargaret and Thomas BruceBruce Nelson Plumbing and HeatingJoann and Louis BuieKristeen BullwinkleAdolph and Rose BurckhardtZachary and Kelley BurnettWilliam BurtGary and Elaine ButlerDavid Byfield*Otto ByhreTherese Cain and Sharon DohertyDelroy Calhoun and Beki SaitoAlexander Calingaert and Suzanne CandellMaria CampoKathleen Capra and Brenda DouvilleEileen Capshaw Tydlacka and Charles TydlackaPerry and Doris CaranicasMary Lou CarpenterAnne and Dr. Thomas CarrierBeverly CarusoStephen and Heidi CaskeyCedar Cultural CenterGail CederbergMary CeriseTom and Helen CesareSusan Cheney and David ArbeitMichele and Kenneth Chin-PurcellLaura ChristensenMike and Lis ChristensonAnn and Richard ChristiansenAngela ChristyMargaret Chutich and Penny Wheeler

Susan and Robert CipolleMegan ClappBecky ClarkSusan ClaudeRoger and Gretchen ClemenceRob and Mary ColbertRalph and Ruth ColbyCarol CollotonLorraine and Bear ConawayRick ConkeyDaniel ConlonKatie Connolly and Devin RiceLottie ConradiLaura and Benjamin CooperPeter and Gloria CooperJeanne and David CornishLenore CostelloJeff and Liz CouchmanJohn and Peggy CouchmanMargaret CousineauRich and Jacqueline CowlesJay and Page CowlesJeanne and Peter CrainKate and Bill CullenJ. Christopher Cuneo and Linda ThompsonRaymond and Donna CunninghamWilliam and Mary CunninghamMurphy CurranEvelyn CzaiaLaurie and David DahlGreg DahlagerSteve and Patricia DaleKate DalyDaniel Danielson and Deborah ZanishPaul and Cheryl DanielsonDarielle DannenMichael and Michele DargerJohn and Ida DaviesMerrill DavisPhil DavisTom DavisJennifer de FiebreJanine DecosterAdele DellaTorre and Spencer KuboSteve and Carol DennisCamillo and Lois DesantisMary DewNatalio DiazJan and Earl DickAaron DickinsonMike DicksonKevin Dildy*Catherine and David Dillon

Joseph and Eugenia Dixon, Jr.Karen DohertyJames DokkenLillian Dolan ZiffRosemary DolataMary and Donald DonaldsonJoseph DonnerJoni DonohueJim and Yvonne DorseyElizabeth DostalDavid and Mary DotySheril Doughman and Joe LarsonPatrick and Susan DowneyMike DoyleLois and Ed DrottKelly and Samuel DrummerShelly and Chris DuBoisMary and Greg DuerrJo Ellen Duncanson and Chip FosterFrank and Patricia DutkeMarilyn EberleinEunice EckerlyDelmar EhrichPeter Eisenberg and Mary CajacobSheryllyn and David EkbergTod and Persis ElkinsBob and Marilee ElliottKaren ElliottMary and Duane ElofsonDebra EmeryRalph and Cheryl EndresSusan and Darroll EngelmannClem EngenBrad and Kay EnglundMarilyn EricksonPeter and Cecelia EricksonGeorgiann and Joe ErrigoGertrude EsterosWendy EversonSteve FaberChristie Farrell and Stephen CookSalah and Suzanne FattahDavid and Rita FeehanElleni FellowsMark FeltonRick FenskeMichael FerraroFidelity Group, LLCTony FikeCatherine Finch and Sarah GoullaudAnne Marie FischerRichard and Patricia FishelAndy and Susan Fiskness

Beverly FitzgeraldEd Flahavan and Sue O’LearyGerry Flannery and Jean HenjumBeth FlorenceVirginia FlygareJoyce Flynn and Dennis McCabeJacie FogelbergJay FoleyMari ForbushBenjamin Ford and Judith NewtonGraham and Susan FordKen and Barbara FordRay and Gloria FordJ. Forrest and Employee Strategies, Inc.Deanna Foster and Constance AbbottYvonne and Tom FosterJim Fournier and Karen ZeleznakSigne FrankShirley FranklinElaine FrankowskiDonald and Arvonne FraserDennis and Barbara Ann FrederickGloria FreemanSherry FreemanAaron FriedkinMichael and Susan FriedmanDeborah and Thomas FrishbergVenessa FuentesEmily FuersteMichael GabrelcikJane GalbraithScott and Charlotte GalbraithJon and Christine GallowayMargot and Francis GaltAngela GarciaEloy GarciaLeah and Chris GardnerSuzanne Garfield and John WhiteheadSara GarryVincent and Kathleen GarrySteve and Becky GartnerMelissa and Jeff GassJudith GavinBeau GeerDan GeerJennifer GentryGeorge C. Fantauzza and AssociatesJeannette George and Mark SchoenbaumDan and Patricia GerhanThomas and Susan Gerhard

Jeff and Karla GessellLawrence and Lois GibsonDarlene GieserHunt GildnerBarbara GilliandPat GleasonJodi GoldbergMarge GoldbergRosalie and Milton GoldsteinAllen Gooch and Mary RyerseTim and Molly GoodyearDonna GorskiGrace University Lutheran ChurchDavid and Anne GrahamKathryn GreenSusan GreerKevin and Jan GregersonRosanne Gregoire and Robert DelmasSteve GriakFr. Patrick GriffinGroveland AA GroupJulie Gugin and John HallJames and June GuldanJohn Gulla and Andrea GodboutDeanna and Mike GullifordJames and Becky GundersonCarol HaackDavid and Ingela HaalandLorie HaddadPatricia HaertelKristen HagemanSusan Hagstrum and Robert BruininksRonald and Susan HaimChip Halbach and Pat LarsonKay HalversonJeff and Joan HamielRonna Hammer and Roman Soto FeliuDebra HancockMike HanselDorothy HansenLloyd HansenAlexa HansonKent and Judy HarbisonTim and Kathleen HardingDavid and Carmen HarrisJoanne Hart and Alice NopolaGary HartmannKathleen HartmannRuby HassJudy HawkinsonInna HaysCarol Heath

Anne and Peter Heegaard Family Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationWilliam Hefner and Julie RohovitGerald and Amy HeinenBradley and Ann HeltemesKate HendershottJoe and Jill HendersonKathy and John HendricksLisa HendricksMatthew and Shelly HendricksMary Ellen HennenHennepin Avenue United Methodist ChurchSydnee HenningPeter and Sally HerfurthMarguerite Hessian-Gatz and Robert GatzJ.L. and B.T. HetlandJanet HeyJoan HiginbothamOtis and Dawn HilbertDean HildebrandtTom HildrethBarbara HillScott HinzStephen Hinze and Margaret DonohueThomas and Nancy HodnefieldDave and Susan HoelMargaret HoffShana HofferJohn HofstedeDawn HofstrandTom and Patty HolloranTina HomstadHoneywell International Foundation, Inc.John and Anne HortonAudra HovickRoger Howley and Rosemary FrazelShawn HricakJane and William HuefnerJulie HughesTina and Kenneth HughesLucy HulmeTracee Hummel and Tracy KingCarin HuntEd HunterPeter Hunter-HansonMildred HuttenmaierJean Huwe and Leo CottonPaul and Beth HyserImperial Court of MinnesotaING Americas

Harry IretonKen IsaacsonSteve and Amy IsaacsonJanet IsserlisIWJ Charitable FoundationJames and Marjorie JacobsenAlex and Laura JacobsonJeanette and David JacobyMatt and Christine JakubowskiDeborah JamesDiana JamesMark and Emily JansenRodney JasmerNed and Angela JenksHelen and Thomas JirakAlyson JohnsonAnn JohnsonAnne JohnsonBonnie and Thomas JohnsonDuane and Barbara JohnsonGary JohnsonJenny and Matthew JohnsonLinnea JohnsonLisa and Thad JohnsonRichard and Mary JohnsonRosetta Jo JohnsonSteve and Nancy JohnsonThomas and Victoria JohnsonJT and Julie JohnstonKaren JonesNancy JonesMichael Jordan and Brenda PowellMary JordethDebra JosephsonLaura and Bob KadwellPhyllis KahnBob KaiserGerald and Pat KaneMatthew Kane and Elizabeth ConwayArlen and Yvonne KangasShirley and Arnold KaplanJulie and Donald KarskyJohn and Barb KattnerBarbara and Charles KatzPhyllis KeatingMary KeefeConstance KellerEdmund KelleyJennifer KelleyLinda KempKathy KennedyTim and Leslie KennedyFrank and Bobbie KenneyJoe KenyonPolly and Bill Keppel


Page 17: PPL Annual Report 2011

Paula KeseleyGlory KibbelSandy KiernatMary Kierstead and Edward SwainPamela KildahlGregory and Jaine KingWoodward KingmanAndrea KircherHelen Kivnick and Gary GardnerKathryn KlattElisabeth KlineMary KlineKaren Kloser and Eric SchiffmanCarrie KlunGiles and Mary KobilkaNicholas KochDavid KoehlerBruce and Gretchen KoehnPaul and Nancy KoepckeKaren KoeppKenneth Kohnstamm and Naomi PermanJohn KohringMary KokernotSally and Peter KolarChristopher KornmannSherry and Lonnie KosterMarc and Dimitria KotsonasLynn and Jacie KrafveDeirdre and Wes KramerJean KrauseMichael KrauseJane and Tim KretzmannRodney KreuserChris KriegTheresa KrierRyan Kronzer and Patricia FitzgeraldLindsay KruhSally KrusellStephen KuMaureen and Michael WalshMick KukielkaFaith KumonDennis La PalmePaul and Barbara LaederachLinda and Ronald LaneMonica and Curtis LangeSheri LangevinCarol LansingRichard LareauMary LarsenCatherine and Allen LarsonMargaret and Roger LaSotaCheryl Laurent and John Sokalski

Lance LaVineBenjamin and Ruth LeadholmRoger and Donna LeakAshley LearyDorothy LeathersDavid and Elizabeth LeeDavid and Sue LeeJim and Linda LeeKristal LeebrickSarah Lehman and Matt ThomasKyle and Heather LengWilliam LeonardJoelle and Erik LesterMark and Mickey LevingerJohn LevyMatthew LewisJerome and Mary LiefertDorothy LiljaThomas and Linda LincolnKaty LindbladTerrance Linskey and Elizabeth CareyKen and Jean LinwickElene LoecherElisabeth Loeffler and David LedsingerJody LondoWilliam and Yvonne LongRobin and Curt LorangJoy LossingMary Lou LoudLorrie LouderSuzy LovestrandRobert and Mary LucasKim Lucken and Scott FreiermuthMelinda LudwiczakThomas and Karen LundgrenJohn and Barbara LynskeyJeff and Margaret MaasRhys MacPherson and Li-Hua SungMacy’s FoundationRichard MadiganMarilyn MaguireRhoda and Don MainsMike and Danielle ManhardDeane and Nancy ManolisCarla and T.S. MarchioGeorge and Florence MarksMary MarsdenMargot MarshMegan MarsnikBarbara MartiElsie and Ray MartinJohn MasonJames Mastroianna

Paul MaurerMary Maurice and Sandra SedoDan and Amy MayerTanya McCalebElizabeth McCambridgeLaura McCartenMr. & Mrs. Donald McCarthyJames and Raeann McCormickJoe and M. Kathryn McCullochJeff and Jacqueline McCulloughRosemarie and Paul McDonaldPaula McEversAndrea and Brian McGeeRose McGeeKathleen McGinleyCatherine and Timothy McGlinchBarbara and John McGowan, Jr.Sally and William HuthCatherine McIntireCheryl McKinleyMalcolm and Wendy McLeanMark and Laura McLellanMary McNaneyPaul C. Mellblom and Peter FarstadDonna and Robert MerchantSuzanne and Paul MetzgerM. MichaelsonMaureen MichalskiWilliam Midness and Lydia TookerMidwest Environmental Consulting, LLCSusan Miler and David DoiJames and Laura MilesJim and Catherine MileyDavid MillerElizabeth MillerMelanie MillsSteve and Lucy MinnPeg MitchellKaren MoeLisa MoeGreg Moltumyr*Sara and Bruce MonickGino MonicoRosanne and Michael MontenLindsay MoodyRon and Lucy MoodyGeraldine MooersMr. and Mrs. Jack MoranDaniel and Martha MoriartyLarry and Mary Alice MorkAnthony Morley and Ruth Anne OlsonGail MorrisMary Morris

George and Alice MoskalikNgang Mou-BayongGeorge Moudry and Sharon Berner MoudryBarbara and Michael MuellerDeborah MuellerOlletha MuhammadVirginia and Bernard MulcahyPatricia Mullen and Beverly MillerDiane and Gerald MundtAbiib MusseMargaret and Kenneth MyhrePatricia and John MyserDonald and Karen NatwickAnn and Stuart NelsonBarton NelsonGary NelsonJanet and J. Thomas NelsonJennifer NelsonKenneth NelsonMarybeth NelsonTerry and Robert NelsonSaraLynn Newberger and Barbie LevineLuella and Eugene NewstromLibby NickelLeigh and Jess NiebuhrNoel NixJohn NolanWilliam and Delores NordScott NovakLynnae NyeKendall and Jay NygardMichael Nystuen and Natalie ValentinoToni ObertoThomas ObiadazieEdward and Kathleen OgrinStephen O’HaraSharon OinesSamuel OlbeksonFrederick and Sharon OlsonLarry and Billee OlsonMary Ellen OlsonJackie OlsonJames and Lungile OolmanTonja OrrJohn and Bonnie OslundDouglas and Suzanne Owens-PikeMark and Joan OyaasChristine and Justin PageDebra and Gregory PageJoseph and Mary PalenJonathan and Emily PalmerAnnette Pantel

Debra and Richard ParkerSteve and Lois ParkerJoan ParsonsCraig and Kelly PasserettiBrian and Maggie PastarrTheodore PatrinMary PattersonPaul PattonDaniel and Lois PearsonCarla PedersenSusan PerkinsGeorge PerpichPaul and Rae PesekJohn and Sharon PetersonMarie PetersonJohn and Joan PetroffJohn and Nancy PeytonEmily PfeiferRichard and Margaret PfohlPihlstrom Family Fund of the Catholic Community FoundationJessie PintorJeff and Emily PiperPiper Jaffray Companies, Inc.Kelly PlaceTim and Peggy PlantTina PlattNora PlesofskyPat PloumenRene PlumartCourtney PojaSally PolkKathleen PopeBonnie PorteJames Philip PrattSheila PrattWanda and Robert PrattJacqueline and Aaron PreusseMargaret PriceRon and Kimberly PriceNic PuzakJohn and Anne QuincyJay and Heidi QuistPatty Radford HendersonBetty and Bruce RaganRapson ArchitectsLinda RaschJane RauenhorstDoris RauschMartha and David RaymondConrad and Teresa RazidloPaul and Laura RebholzLawrence RedmondJo Ann ReeRobert ReesDaniel Reese

Judy ReiberSandy ReichertWalt and Pat ReidWilliam and Joanne ReilingKarl ReinhardEthel ReinharzTom and Sherri ReinwaldDeborah Renshaw and Gothriel LaFleurCharles and Sharon RescorlaLisa ReynoldsRebecca and Alden Rice TetlieRenee RichieDamien RiehlJohn RisdallAida and Kurt RobertsIngrid and Hugh RobertsDiane Robinson HuntProfessor Julia W. RobinsonKathleen RoepkePamela RogersCharlene RoiseNancy Rolfe-BaileyCandice Rosalez and Steven DavisPeter RosenblattMichele RothsteinVirginia RovainenKelly RoweJeff and Jean RoyDelores RozmanJames and Andrea RubensteinCathy and Mike RudeSusan RunholtAnne Russell and Merrell PetersJustin RutarDoug and Lorene RutherfordMartin and Sylvia SaboRachel SampongHarvey and Janis SarlesJodi SarlesWilliam SarvelaSatCom Marketing, LLCLinda and John SatoriusKent and Ande SaundersJeanne Schacht and Terrence GockmanTom and Lynn SchaeferPatricia Schaffer and David WeissbrodtMary SchertlerBob SchieselJames SchloemerBetty SchlotthauerPhil and Mary Margaret SchmidtBeth SchmiegJeff and Ardella Schoeneck

John SchonbergBoyd and Karen SchreiberJohn SchuermanDave and Mary SchultzJillene SchusterSteve SchwankeCynthia and Ward SchwieJan ScofieldMary Jeanne ScottPat and Tom ScottRobert and Belle ScottSusan SearlJanet and Gerald SedgewickGail SeeMichelle and D. Christopher SeetsStephen Seidel and Deborah KeenanGeorge and Geraldine SellPaula Sell and Timothy SielaffRichard and Karen SellersJoe Selvaggio and Rose EscanenKathy SelvaggioSam SelvaggioMary and Robert ShafferChristopher Shaheen and Patricia ConroyStephen and Susan ShakmanDavid and Norma ShannonHugh and Mollie SherryRowzat ShipchandlerGinette ShortMary and John SiegfriedMarjorie Sigel and Dick Van DeusenJudith and Dale SimonsonThomas SimonsonHarpreet SinghGinger SiscoRonald and Teresa SitGary SkarePatrick SkellyKarla SkovholtJohn SlettenMary SmallTheresa SmidtSteele and Dawn SmileyHarlan and Margaret SmithLilliann SmithMatt and Maggie SmithSusannah Smith and Matt SobekWheeler SmithNils and Alyssa SnyderLeif and Jeanne SolbergJim SolemGail and Peter SorensenLisa and Brent Sorenson

2011 DONORS • 17

Page 18: PPL Annual Report 2011

Matthew and Sarah SoucekJoe and Karyn SpaethAnna SpartzLaura SpartzKate SpeedCathy SpicolaNeighborhood Writing AllianceDavid SpoorMichelle and Scott SprecherCurtis SquiresStanley SrnecSt. Frances Cabrini ChurchD. Jeanne StaffordMichael and Pamela StalpesBranislav and Margret StankovskyHolly and Steve StapelMichael SteadmanJim SteinerLinnea StensonCyndi and Frank StepkaMr. and Mrs. Philip Stone, Jr.Bob StrachotaJeffrey Strand and Kim JeppesenMary StrattonKatie StreitzCharles and Peggy StriefJames and Esther StromMarcia StrombergRichard and Vivian StuckRobert and Mary SuperAnnetta SuttonKathy SvandaCraig and Janet SwanDon and Wildie SwansonJohn and Michaeleen SwansonPaul SwansonSusan Swanson and Thomas HysellPaul and Karine Swensen MoeRobert and Virginia SwensonElizabeth SwickleyBonnie Swierzbin and Tom McGeeAlbert and Diane SwintekBarb SykoraTarget CorporationDeborah Taylor and Robert SchemberJack and Mary TaylorMike and Jo Ann TaylorJanice TazelaarJeanne TeigenMark and Amanda TempelBruce and Judith TennebaumNancy TennessenEllen Thayer

Jason and Michelle ThomasSean and Kristin ThomasRichard and Paula ThomasgardChristen Thompson and Christopher DallDebra and Mike ThompsonJack Thompson and Brian ThompsonJay ThompsonPat Thompson and Mark SimonsonKatie TopinkaLee and Lois TourtelotteTown Crier PromotionsJoyce Traynor and Kenneth PeskarMonica TrentJane and Paul TschidaDee TvedtBob and Peg TylerUBS Financial ServicesUrban FarmingBill VanderwallBarbara VannGary and Judy VarsRey VelascoMichael Vespasiano and Dana HazelLorraine VierkandtAmanda VitvitskyRuthanne Hedstrom VosRoxanne VotawDavid WagnerMichael and Janet WagnerChristine WalagWesley WalkerJerome Wallace and Patricia StolpmanJonathan WallaceKevin WalshPamela WandzelDavid and Sharon WardJean WardDavid and Nancy WarnerLinda WarningShelly WarnkeJeff and Sarah WashburneTom WasmoenDavid and Ruth WaterburyErnest and Margaret WattsGordon WeberA. Dewayne and Theo WeeJoel WefelJulie WeidemannAlan WeinsteinLuke and Janet WeisbergSteve Weitz

Joseph and Jo Kelly WelchTerry WelchKatherine and Stephen Wellington, Jr.Arlene West and Kevin BevisDouglas and Anne WestbyPaul and Sally WestermeyerCraig WestgateJohn and Joy WetzelPatricia WheelockBrian WhinneryJohn WhiteWilliam and Shirley WhitlockKatherine WhittingtonDan WidsethClaudia Wielgorecki and Thomas FisherDavid WiesterChris Wiger and Nancy Pellowski WigerDave WilcoxMarcia WildaBetsy WilliamsGenevieve Williams-MurphMaureen WilliamsonAl and Mary WilligElizabeth Wilson and Ross JacksonLink WilsonRoy and Judy WolffDebbie WymanMary Beth YarrowJulie YeagerRodney YuskaRon and Lynn ZamanskyEric ZanderBrian ZeigerKaren Zieg MeckNancy Zingale and William FlaniganElizabeth ZurekDeb Zvosec and Steve Smith

IN KINDAnonymous2 Gingers Whiskey Company, LLC3M IT United Way Team 201145th Parallel Spirits, LLCA & M Business Interior ServicesA Fresh Look, Inc.Acorn DirectActiveion Cleaning SolutionsAeritae Consulting Group Ltd.All Furniture ServiceAll Hours Cleaning ServiceAlliant TechSystems

Allianz of North AmericaAlzheimer’s Association of MinnesotaAmeriprise FinancialDeborah AndersonMark and Connie AndrewArthur Shuster, Inc.Sheena BarrieBlackbird CafeBraun IntertecRobin BromsBruce Kading Interior DesignPhilip Campbell and Stephanie SteelCapitol FurnitureCara Irish PubsCarlson Companies, Inc.Jim CarneyCatsoneChildren’s Hospitals and Clinics of MinnesotaChinook BookChurch of ScientologyCity ChiropracticClose Landscape ArchitectureContext Law FirmCub FoodsCurry SalesDCM ServicesDoctor SamDonaldson CompanyThearie DownsElaine EscherbackermEtc. GroupExpress ScriptsFamily HandymanFederal Reserve BankLita FikeMilo Fine and Susan SperlAaron FontaincFood PerspectivesForthrightFriends of Fredrikson and Byron, PASara GarryGeneral MillsGirl Scout Troop #14207Mike GottschalkGrantz SewingThe Guthrie TheaterHalf Price BooksGill HarjinderDonna HarringtonJonathan and Jill HausmanHealth Billing Systems, Inc.HealthPartnersHell’s Kitchen, Inc.

Henson & EfronHighland BankChristine and David HobroughHome Service PublishingHoneywell CorporationMichael and Christina HuckWill Hudson and Sara Stromberg-HudsonIntereumInterior ResourceIverson Law OfficeJNBAJeremy and Maureen JohnstonJorgenson Building Enterprises, LLCJorgenson ConstructionJeanne Katz and Aime DechaineKidsFirstKimley-Horn & AssociatesCarol KlitzNicholas KochKaren and Kenneth KraemerLindsay KruhSara KuetherLarkin Hoffman Daly & Lindgren, Ltd.Larry LarsonLarson-King LLPLawson SoftwareLindquist & Vennum, P.L.L.P.Lyman Lumber CompanyFrances and Bruce Lyon-DuginMacy’sMahoney, Ulbrich, Christiansen & RussMall of AmericaMark Dayton for a Better MinnesotaMarquette Financial CompaniesMark MasonJudy McCrayMedtronicDeb MehrMerJentMetro TransitMeyer, Scherer & Rockcastle, Ltd.MeyersMinneapolis Clinic of NeurologyMinneapolis FowlervilleMinnesota Real Estate JournalMinnesota State Colleges & UniversitiesThe Mosaic CompanyMosaic on a StickMosquito, Inc.Nametag International

National Office ProductsJennifer NelsonJane Newman and Amy LangeOlson Financial Group, Inc.One on One Bicycle StudioOpen Your Heart to The Hungry & HomelessOppegard VendingOutside and Inn FurnishingsPainting by Jerry WindPanera BreadZachary and Amy PapenhausenParameters, LtdPatinaPDRI, Inc.Peace CoffeePenny George Institute for Health & HealingBill PetersBeth PolozkerGeorgia PomroyW.B. PomroyPoppy Togs and ClogsJeff PosterPrudential FinancialRBC Wealth ManagementKathryn RealeScott ReedCynthia RoseraRyan Companies U.S., Inc.Richard SalitermanSalon JunalloKelly SchwenSCOREShamrock PropertiesShuster PurchasingMichael SmithSpencer & AssociatesConan and Monica StantonDavid StarbergChuck StatlerJacque StrattonSteve and Ruth StudtTarget CorporationThe Image AuthorThe Macro GroupThe WorksRichard ThompsonThrivent Financial BankThrivent Financial for LutheransThrivent Financial for Lutherans FoundationTiliaTitle 1TST MediaTunheim PartnersUnitedHealth Group

Universal DirectUniversal MusicUniversity of Minnesota, Office of the PresidentValspar FoundationWells Fargo Foundation MinnesotaWells Fargo Home MortgageWells Fargo Housing FoundationWhitney ManagementWork Effects, Inc.Kris YonJenny Zanner and Tim Rowe

GOVERNMENT GRANTS & CONTRACTSCity of MinneapolisCity of Saint PaulDakota CountyHennepin CountyMinnesota HousingUS Department of Housing & Urban Development


Page 19: PPL Annual Report 2011

IN HONORAl Porte and Joe SelvaggioAnn BetzBill PatersonCarol ConnollyCelebration of Carol Connolly’s birthday

Cheryl Crosby

Chris WilsonDr. Paul EricksonEarl Craig and Harry DavisEd FlahavanHolly WolfsonIn appreciation of your collaborative work in north MinneapolisJames and Deanna StrattonJay SommersJeanette ClarkJessica HarapanJoe Selvaggio

Joe Selvaggio and Mary SelvaggioJulie Huck, Jim Gilsenan, Maya and MaxJustin House

Kelly GieserKen Ford

Laura SpartzLeslie Angel

Leslie Angel’s 25 years at PPL!Lita Fike

Lucy Voller and Victoria PenaMary and Bill BrewerMary Hartmann, for all the wonderful work she does for families she loves with her abundant compassion

Mary Lita Fike

Maurice ClippertonMeg and Mike Turk

DONORBonnie PorteRoger BetzPat and Susanna KlovenMaureen and Michael WalshAnonymous, Pauline Boss, Margot and Francis Galt, George PerpichSusan Hagstrum and Robert BruininksBill and Lana MillerRobert ReesEunice EckerlyRon KrietemeyerAlan WeinsteinLuke and Janet Weisberg

Mary StrattonKaren ElliottJohn and Mary ClarkCarla and T.S. MarchioRoger and Gretchen Clemence, Diane Robinson HuntKathy Selvaggio

Signe Frank

Bonnie Swierzbin and Tom McGeeCarin HuntBenjamin Ford and Judith NewtonAnna SpartzEric Bond and Diana Hopkins, Tom and Karen SchoeweSusan Baldwin and Paul SvingenDeanna Foster and Constance AbbottDee TvedtMargaret and Thomas BruceEric Brook, Kathleen Capra and Brenda Douville, Ronna Hammer and Roman Soto Feliu, Cheryl McKinley, James and Andrea RubensteinTherese Cain and Sharon L. DohertyElaine Wilson and Daniel BarnesJulie Shannon and Jose Goyco de Vera

IN HONOR OF (CONTINUED)Megan SutherlandMike Chutich and Susan Gretz

Mike Huck

My cousin, Christopher PlattMy parents, Pat and Cheryl KennedyNancy HannaOur Wedding GuestsPam WandzelParents - James and Deanna StrattonRichard MartensSara Olson - ABE TeacherScott Novak, unsung hero!

Steve CramerSue PerkinsSusan BaldwinSusan Gretz

The good work of Julie Brekke The good work of Jon HausmanThe marriage of Elizabeth Walsh and Jefferson Sooza RamenThe work of the Minneapolis NRP 2001-2011Tiwahe Giving Circle of New FoundationsToni ObertoWill and Sara (Stromberg) Hudson’s wedding

DONOR (CONTINUED)Lauren BensonMargaret Chutich and Penny WheelerLois and Ed Drott, Signe Frank, Christina HuckTina PlattCraig and Kelly Passeretti

Mary MorrisScott Stroeing and Katie ObertonJames Dorsey and Dee GaeddertMary Stratton

William BlackburnCarolyn and Tucker DahlJack Thompson and Brian ThompsonLorrie LouderAnne Russell and Merrell PetersCathy BorerMargaret Chutich and Penny WheelerAl and Mary WilligAl and Mary WilligNancy Zingale and William FlaniganJeffrey Strand and Kim Jeppesen

Kelly and Samuel Drummer

Lowry HillAnonymous, Kelly Gieser, James and Becky Gunderson, Scott Hinz, Jeanette and David Jacoby, Lisa and Thad Johnson, Debra Josephson, Julie and Donald Karsky, Phyllis Keating, Dennis La Palme, Linda and Ronald Lane, Elene Loecher, Barbara and Michael Mueller, Craig and Kelly Passeretti, Theodore Patrin, Jay and Heidi Quist, Lisa Reynolds, Susan Searl, Michelle and Scott Sprecher, Cyndi and Frank Stepka, Marcia Stromberg, Lorraine Vierkandt

2011 DONORS • 19

IN MEMORYAnn Louise Johnson

Anton FlygareBeverly LufiBill Mills

Bruce Cronmiller, Appleton, WIClare DoyleDavid Byfield

Felix WhiteFred WuestHal Adams

Henry SeeJackJames and Lynn PlattJames J. PatteJim DinersteinJohn HartwellJon CornwellLenard JonesMark LindbladOur Parents

Steve BeranTerry ThompsonWilliam BaldwinWilliam F. Reinwald

William Mueller, Sr.

DONORWilliam and Yvonne Long, Annette PantelVirginia FlygareDelores RozmanLenore Costello, Margaret and Roger LaSota, Walter and Jodell RockensteinRobert ReesRichard DoyleGene and Marge Aksamit, Mary and Warren IbeleJohn WhiteRichard and Patricia FishelRobert Beller, Lorraine and Bear Conaway, Melissa and Jeff Gass, Janet Isserlis, Mike and Danielle Manhard, Anthony Morley and Ruth Anne Olson, Neighborhood Writing AllianceGail SeeJudy HawkinsonJudith and Dale SimonsonRichard DoyleBenjamin and Rachel GeballeJack and Mary TaylorKate and Bill CullenKaren JonesKaty LindbladJoyce Traynor and Kenneth PeskarMary McNaneyShelly WarnkeSherry FreemanTom and Sherri Reinwald, Robert and Virginia SwensonMary and Duane Elofson

Page 20: PPL Annual Report 2011

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Project for Pride in Living1035 East Franklin AvenueMinneapolis, MN 55404

Phone: 612.455.5100 • Fax: 612.455.5101E-mail: [email protected] •


PPL meets the Charities Review Council’s standards, is a Greater Twin Cities United Way funded agency, and is the fortunate recipient of the AmeriCorps Program.
