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Medicolegal Aspects of Clinical Forensic MedicineJoko Prasetio112012259 FK UKRIDASherly Kulaleen112012285FK UKRIDAAde Christiani Wattimena112012306FK UKRIDASuhendri112012307FK UKRIDAJasreena Kaur Sandal112013165FK UKRIDADosen Penguji: dr. Arif R. Sadad, Sp.F, SH, Msi Med, DHMResiden Pembimbing : dr. Julia Ike Haryanto Introduction KUHAP 133(1)

Penyidik dalam menangani kasus LUKA, KERACUNAN, atau MATI, yang diduga karena tindak pidana, dapat meminta bantuan DOKTER AHLI KEHAKIMAN, DOKTER atau ahli lainnya.Pasal 224 KUHP

Barang siapa yang dipanggil menurut undang-undang untuk menjadi saksi, ahli atau juru bahasa, dengan sengaja tidak melakukan kewajiban yang menurut undang-undang ia harus melakukannya:Dalam perkara pidana dihukum dengan hukuman penjara selama-lamanya sembilan bulan.Dalam perkara lain dihukum dengan hukuman penjara selama-lamanya enam bulan.PROBLEMSWHAT IS MEANT BY CLINICAL FORENSICS ?THE ROLE OF CLINICAL FORENSICS IN LAW?WHAT IS A MEDICAL RECORD ?WHAT IS A VISUM ET REPERTUM ?Clinical Forensic MedicineClinical forensic medicine is a part of forensic medicine which involves the assesment and interpretation of forensic examination in an individual involved in some form of alleged criminal action (live victim), medicolegal aspects, and its psychopathologies.In other words clinical forensics discusses the role of the integration of medicine and law

According to PERMENKES No.269/MENKES/PER/III/2008 different data should be input for the Medical records of the Inpatient,Outpatient and Emergency cases.Outpatient-Patient Identity-Time and Date-Patient History-Physical Examinations and Workup-Diagnosis-Treatment Plan-Treatment and Theraphy-Other treatments towards patient-For odontology cases (odontogram)-Informed ConsentInpatient-Patient Identity-Time and Date-Patient History-Physical Examinations and Workup-Diagnosis-Treatment Plan-Treatment and Theraphy-Informed Consent-Clinical observation and treatment respond records-Discharged Summary (Resume)-Name and signature of the doctor/dentist/healthcare provider-Other treatments given by other healthcare providers -For odontology cases (odontogram)Emergency Cases-Patient Identity-Patient condition upon arrival-Identity of the person who sent the patient-Date and Time -Patient History-Physical Examinations and Workup-Diagnosis-Treatment and Theraphy-Discharged Summary (when leaving ER) and treatment plan-Name and signature of the doctor/dentist/healthcare provider-Transportation mode used for patient transfer (to other health centers)-Other treatments given by other healthcare providersMedical RecordsDefinition

Undang undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 29 tahun 2004 tentang praktek kedokteran pasal 46 ayat (1)

Permenkes RI No.269/Menkes/Per/III/2008Permenkes RI No. 749A/Menkes/Per/XII/1989 Basic Laws of Medical RecordsUndang undang Republik Indonesia No. 29 tahun 2004 tentang praktek kedokteran pasal 46 Permenkes No.269 tahun 2008 pasal 5SK PB IDINo. 315/PB/A.4/88 dalam butir 3A medical record should be made rightaway or at most 48 hours after the discharge /death of the patient. The Use and Benefits of Medical Records Permenkes No.269 Tahun 2008As an evaluation guide for the treatment and health care of patient thoroughout admission.As evidence for law enforcement process,medical/dentist discipline,enforcement of medical/dentistry ethics As the basic budgeting of the healthcare billsAs a material for health statisticsAn important material for research and educationBenefits of Medical Record

ALFREDA-Administrative valueL- Legal valueF-Financial valueR-Research ValueED-Education ValueVisum et Repertum?KUHAP pasal 184 one of the 5 legal evidence

Written statement made by physicians based on a formal request from investigators on the objects that are examined,on both the victim alive or dead or suspected human body parts by using as much knowledge and based on the oath taken,in the interest of justice.Parts of Visum et Repertum

DifferenceMedical Record Visum et Report Purpose Patient health progressEnforcement of justice PrivacyPatient are entitled to knowOnly investigator and courtPublishing of privacyPatient permission needed (+)Patient permission not needed(-)Object status PatientEvidence

Medical Record VeRConclusion