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Group MembersFahad Mir (13051516-028)

Waleed Hassan (13051516-009)Ibrar Shaid (13051516-077)Syed Zeeshan Haider (13051516-014)Amina (13051516-018)Maryam (13051516-012)


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Media and social responsibility

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What is media?Mass media consists of the various means by which information reaches large numbers of people, such as television, radio, movies, newspapers, and the Internet.

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Media and social responsibilitySociologists study that mass media has some

responsibility to aware the people. It is very important for any country to see how their mass media shapes their peoples values, beliefs, perceptions, and behavior.

Media draws its basic nutrients from the society to produce its contents to survive; media gets its audience from society. Society uses media for educating and informing its individual’s .Society uses media to bridge the communication gap between different social groups.

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InstitutionMedia as a social institution should work like

the voice of voiceless It should bridge the communication gap

between people of different sections of society.

It should play and active role in policy formulation and their execution. It should work like the watchdog

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Realities of Media as an Industry It has started serving advertisers interest more than the interest of common man. To satisfy the financial needs in a competitive market media has started promoting unethical contents.

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The Need of Line of ControlMedia freedom means freedom with responsibility. Misuse of

Freedom of press has started increasing and the watchdog has started becoming greedy for bones Paid news and other evils have gone widespread but are ignored .The word self regulation has started becoming a joke. Dominance of commercial exactions over social expectations has created an alarming situation.

Corrections should be promptly published with due prominence and regrets expressed in serious cases. Language employed in writing the news should be temperate .Comments or valuable judgments should not be motivated or guided by partisan feelings .Headlines containing allegations made in statements must identify the person making. Allegations .Headings must reflect and justify the matter under them Provocative and sensational headlines should be avoided.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanFor a country like Pakistan, it is all the more

importantMedia is important for any political system.

Its importance increases in a democratic political system. It is a relationship of interdependence between the media and democracy. Media flourishes in a democratic system. Once the media begins to function as an autonomous entity, it strengthens democratic and participatory processes and institutions. It has a direct stake in open, competitive democratic political order.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanIt also serves as an instrument of

socialization of people into societal values, norms, political orientations and historical perspectives.

One major criterion to determine the quality of democracy is the presence of free media that allows the flow of divergent socio-political and cultural ideas and discourses.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanIt has become increasingly important to

evaluate media’s performance with reference to the notion of social responsibility because its capacity to influence the society has increased tremendously over the last two decades. Modern communication technology has enabled the media to reach the large number of people quickly through multiple ways, giving it power to shape the disposition of the people and their choices. Further, the proliferation of media has made people more vulnerable to its news, views and entertainment.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanIn a country like Pakistan where the norms

and institutions of democracy are not well-established, media needs to play its role with a lot more caution. A democratic system in transition has a weak capacity for crisis management through political participation, dialogue and accommodation. Therefore, media has to be more restrained in analyzing and interpreting news and other information. Any unsubstantiated news and information devoid of editorial caution can be unsettling for nascent democracy.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanPakistan faces the threats of religious extremism, growing

violence and terrorism. These threats can make the state system dysfunctional and result in the breakdown of social harmony and stability. The media needs to play a positive role in stemming the tide of these trends in Pakistan. This places an additional responsibility on the media to make sure that its operations do not accentuate these negative trends. Each media group has to use its professional judgment and editorial control to ensure that news, views and other contents are helpful to defusing tensions and promoting religious and cultural tolerance and peaceful resolution of societal conflict. Violence and terrorism and those who engage in these activities should not be glorified. Pakistan’s print and electronic media should learn from the experience of the media in other conflict ridden societies.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanThe importance of media is going to increase

when Pakistan embarks on holding the national and provincial elections. The media should not act as an instrument of a political party during the elections. Rather, it should provide as much news as possible on the activities of all political parties and provide analysis of the election campaign and election manifestos of different political parties. It should also encourage people to exercise their right to vote. An active media can check the fairness of the electoral process and report irregularities, if any.

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Media and social responsibility in PakistanA number of print and electronic

media groups in Pakistan often find it difficult to maintain non-partisan professional orientations. They are carried away by the polarized political environment and cannot get out of a partisan political discourse. These trends reflect weak professional capacity.

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●Social responsibility of mediaUnder a Social-Responsible media system,

the role of the media is to serve the public, and in order to do so, should remain free of government interference. The idea of this theory is that the media has a moral obligation to provide adequate information for citizens to make informed decisions However; the different media can retain a liberal notion of healthy public disclosure. The media is also expected to represent the diversity of cultures they represent, and should have high standards for professionalism, truth, and accuracy.

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Countries that have a Social-Responsible media system include: France, Germany, and Japan.

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 With the revolution in Russia in

1917, and practice of Marxism, there appeared a very different

Approach to deal with media. The media was tied to overall communist ideas and defined in a very different way. The theory to control media possessed following features

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Closely tied to the communist ideology.The government is superior to the media

institutions. The media is supposed to be serious

The soviet theory does not favor free expression, but proposes a positive role for the media, the society and the world

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Social Responsibility TheoryThis theory keeps certain areas free for

the Press but at the same time puts lot of responsibility on media. As discussed in the beginning that the media is not just seen as an enterprise like others in the business sector of any society, but due to its unique nature, society expects a particular role which media must play in getting rid of social evils, educating people, criticizing government policies and exposing other wrong doings in a society. The sense of responsibility has been emphasized more in this theory as compared to any other.

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Media has certain obligations to society:It must show truth, accuracy,

objectivity, and balance The media should be free but self-

regulated (codes of conduct, and ethics)

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Media has certain obligations to society:The media is pluralistic: diversity of

society, various points of view, forum for ideas

 The media ownership is a public

trust. The journalist is accountable to his audience / readers.

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