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Page 1: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)



Pengaruh pH Terhadap Aktivitas Enzim

Reagen :

Larutan Enzym (pankreatin atau amilase?) 1‰ (w/v)→ 1 gram enzim

Aquadest ad 1000 ml

Ambil labu ukur 1 L, timbang enzim 1 g masukkan labu ukur, lalu tambah

aquadest sampai 500 ml, campur (mix), tambah aquadest sampai dekat garis,

mix, lalu tetesi dengan aqadest sampai garis 1 L

NaCl 0.9 % (w/v) → 0,9 gram NaCl, aquadest ad 100 ml

Larutan Substrat (amylum 1%) → 1 gram amilum, aquadest ad 100 ml

(bukan 125 ml)

Penyangga pH: 4; 5; 6.5; 8; 103333

KI - KIO3 :

1. KI 5 gram

2. KIO3 0.375 gram aquadest netral ad 1 liter

3. NaOH 1 M → 2 ml

HCl 0.05 M → 4,15 ml add 1 liter aquadest (HCL 37%)

HgCl 2% (w/v) → 2 gram HgCl2, aqua ad 100 ml


1. pH 4 & pH 5

Acetate Buffer    (sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer)  pH 4-5.6

Sodium acetate             0.2M = 27.2 gm/1

CH3COONa.3H2O       (MW - 136.09)

Acetic acid                    0.2M

CH3COOH        (MW = 60)

Add sodium acetate to acetic acid to give desired pH. Dilute with ddH20 (aquabidestilata = double distilled water) to desired molarity

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Di Lab biokimia

Na Acetat 0.2 M → 0.2 x BM CH3COONa ( 82.04) = 16,408 gram,

aquadest ad 1L

32,816 g / 2liter

Kalau BM 136,09 (CH3COONa.3H2O ) maka Na asetat 27,2 g

Asam Asetat 0,2 M → BM = 60,05 ; 1 liter = 1,05 kg

= 60 x 0,2 x 1000 = 11,438 ml

1050 g

pH 4 = 17 ml Na Asetat + 83 ml As.Asetat 0,2 M atau

= 170 bag Na Asetat + 830 bag As.Asetat → 1 liter

Aturlah dengan penambahan sedikit asam asetat atau Na asetat kalau

pH kurang pas

pH 5 = 68 ml Na asetat + 32 ml asam asetat 0,2 M

atau di lab biokimia 7 bag Na Asetat + 3 bag As.Asetat

= 700 bag Na Asetat + 300 bag As.Asetat → 1 liter

2. pH 8 & 10

Borate Buffer                  pH 7.4-9.2

Borax (sodium tetraborate)                                  0.2M = 76.2 gm/ml

Na2B407.120H20                        (MW = 381.37)

Boric acid                      0.2M = 12.37 gm/1

H3BO>3                         (MW = 61.83)

Add boric acid to borax solution until desired pH is reached. 

Dilute to desired molarity with ddH20

Di Lab. Biokimia agak beda Hitungan?

Reagen A : 12,4048 g as.borat (boric acid) + 14,912 g KCl → 1 liter

Reagen B : NaOH 0,2 N → 8,002 g, aquadest ad 1 liter

pH 8 = 500ml A + 3,97 ml B, aqua ad 200 ml

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= 250 A + 19,85 B → 1 liter

pH 10 = 50 ml A+ 43,9 ml B add aqua 200 ml

= 250 A + 219 ml B → 1 liter

3. pH 6,8


Buffer Na fosfat: x ml 0,2 M NaOH dimasukkan ke 50 ml 0,2 M Na H2PO4

Buffer K fosfat: x ml 0,2 M KOH dimasukkan ke 50 ml 0,2 M KH2PO4

x ml 3,5 5,8 9,1 13 18 24 30 35 40

pH 5,8 6,0 6,2 6,4 6,6 6,8 7,0 7,2 7,4

x ml 43 45 47

pH 7,6 7,8 8,0

Lalu encerkan (tambah aquadest) sampai garis 100 ml buffer 0,2M

Di Lab. Biokimia: Buffer 0,1M

Reagen A berisi KH2PO4 0,2 M → 27,232 g, aqua ad 1 liter (Lihat dulu BM

KH2PO4 pada botol)

NaOH 0,2 M

pH 6,8 = 50 ml A + 23,65 ml NaOH , aqua ad 200 ml (berarti buffer 0,1M)

= 250 ml A + 118,25 ml NaOH , aquadest add 1 liter

Atau pH 6,5 = 6 gr KH2PO4 + 2 gr Na2HPO4 → 1 liter (Hitungan?)


- Siapkan 30 buah rak@5 tabung, 1 vol pipet 1 ml , erlenmeyer

- Cek pH tiap penyangga

- Siapkan buret @ reagen + beaker glass

- Siapkan cuvet & nyalakan spektrofotometnya

- Tiap akan praktek, lakukan percobaan terlebih dahulu sehari sebelumnya

Standardization buffers

pH=7.00 :Add 29.1 ml of 0.1 molar NaOH to 50 ml 0.1 molar potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Alternatively :Dissolve 1.20g of sodium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.885g of disidium hydrogen phosphate in 1 liter volume distilled water.

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Make up the following solutions(1) 0.1M disodium hydrogen phosphate (14.2g / l)

(2) 0.1M HCl(3) 0.1M NaOH

Mix in the following proportions to get the required ph

ph vol. of phosphate vol. of 0.1M HCl vol. of 0.1M NaOH

7 756.0 mls 244 mls  

8 955.1 mls 44.9 mls  

9 955.0 mls 45.0 mls  

10 966.4 mls   33.6

11 965.3 mls   34.7

Working buffer: 0.1M 100 ml

Mix X ml of 0.2M dibasic sodium phosphate with Y ml monobasic sodium phosphate.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH20

pH (25 C)                                     X ml                                                                                   Y ml


5.8                           4.0                                          46.0

6.0                          6.15                                        43.75

6.2                          9.25                                        40.75

6.4                        13.25                                        36.75

6.6                         18.75                                        31.25

6.8                         24.5                                          25.5

7.0                         30.5                                          19.5

7.2                         36.0                                          14.0

7.4                         40.5                                            9.5

7.6                         43.5                                            6.5

7.8                         45.75                                          4.25

8.0                         47.35                                          2.65

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- Reagen yang digunakan sama seperti Praktikum I, tapi hanya menggunakan

buffer pH 6,5

- Siapkan es batu, penangas air



- Reagen yang digunakan sama seperti Praktikum I

- HgCl2 1%

- Mengggunakan buffer pH 6,5




Ureum 1 % (w/v) (buat 3x) → usahakan baru

PP 1 %

- 1 gr PP, alkohol 95% ad 100 ml

PP 2% (w/v)


- Bila pakai kedelai, 2% dilarutkan dalam NaCl 0,9 %

HgCl2 2%


Larutan penyangga phospat pH 6,8

Natrium Suksinat 0,05 N

Cara buat: 1 gral = 2 grek ( 1 mmol = 1 meq)

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BM = 198,13

0,05 x BM = 4,95325 gr, aquadest ad 1 liter


Methylene Blue ( 1: 20.000) = w/v → 0.05 gr / 1000 ml


Daging ayam dicincang dimasukkan 3 tabung, @ ± 1 gram

C. Enzim Schardinger → bahan susu (baru)

Reagen Methylene Blue Formaldehide

25 mg methylene blue dilarutkan dlm 195 ml air dan 5 ml formaldehid 40%



BENZIDIN 4% (w/v) DAN 1 ml H2O2 3%

4,33 ml as.cuka glasial dimasukkan erlenmeyer + ( 0,5 gr Benzidin

(dibuat baru) + aquadest kira-kira 20ml) + dipanasi 50o C

→ apabila diencerkan sehingga volume 100 ml (pindah ke labu ukur

100 ml, bilas erlenmeyer dengan aquadest , masukkan labu ukur

tersebut, sampai volume larutan 100 ml, berarti kadarnya menjadi 4%

H2O2 3% (w/w)

Lihat botol kadar berapa? (w/w = 30%?) , lalu encerkan (10X?)


- Siapkan 3 penangas air → 37o C, 2 mendidih

- Kertas saring

- BENZIDIN 4% DAN H2O2 3% → simpan dalam refrigerator

- Susu harus baru

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R. Pettenkofer

- H2SO4 pekat

- empedu encer (10x) [2 ml] cincin ungu

- sukrosa 10% (baru) [ 1 tts]

R. Hay

- Aquadest

- Empedu encer mengendap

- Bubuk belerang

R. Gmellin

- Empedu pekat

- HNO3 pekat

R. Joles

- Urina [5 ml]

- Thymol 5% dlm alkohol [ 15 tts]

- FeCl3 0,3 % dlm HCl 37% [5 ml ]

- Chloroform [ 1 ml ]

1. Vitamin A (tabung harus kering)

- Minyak ikan [ 1 tts ] kulkas

- Chloroform kering [ 5-6 tts ] → chloroform + Na sulfatanhidrid

- As. Cuka anhydrida [ 1-2 tts ]

- Antimonium Trichlorida (SbCl3) dlm chloroform kering yg baru & jenuh

[ 20 tts ]

2. Vitamin B

- B1 [ 1ml ]

- Alkohol 80 % [ 1 ml ]

- NaOH 40% [ 0,6 ml ]

- Lar. K3Fe(CN)6) [ 3 tts ]

- Alkohol pekat [ 5 ml ]

Bolak balik beberapa kali spy homogen, lihat hasilnya di bawa UV (biru)

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3. Vit B2

- Alkohol 80% [ 5 ml ]

- Susu sapi [ 2 ml ]

Homogenkan lalu dilihat di bawah sinar UV (hijau)

4. Vit C (titrasi dg Dip)

- TCA 10%

- DIP (suasana basa→ biru, asam→ merah muda)

Pembuatan Dip;

- 130 mg 2,6 DIP + 500 ml air mendidih lalu setelah dingin + 150 mg

NaHCO3, simpan dalam gelap

- Digunakan vit. C 50 mg dalam 1 liter aquadest

- Lakukan titrasi, 5 ml vit C + 2 ml TCA 10 % lalu titrasi dengan DIP

- Perhitungan :

5 x 50 mg = 0.25mg ~ a titrasi


1 ml DIP ~ 0.25

A titrasi


- untuk B1& B2 2 ml susu + 5 ml alkohol 80% → kocok→ sentrifuge→

saring bagi 2

- B1 → suspensi + 0.6 ml NaOH 40 % + 3 tetes K3Fe (CN)6 2%

- B2 → suspensi dilihat di sinar UV

- Siapkan sinar UV

- Sentrifuge

- Tutup tabung

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PP 1 ‰ → pelarut alkohol 95%

Litmus 2 ‰ → pelarut aquadest

Merah Congo → 0,5 gr merah congo dlm 90 ml air + 10 ml alkohol 95%


NaOH 10%

CuSO4 1%

As. Cuka (as. Asetat) 5%

HNO3 5%

AgNO3 1%

HCl 2% & 5%

BaCl2 2%

HgCl2 2%

H2SO4 5%

KI 2%

Amylum 1% dibuat baru

FeCl3 2%

HNO3 pekat

Am. Molibdate 2%

Am. Oxalat jenuh


- 5 gr iodium/ iodine/iodida ( I2 ) aquadest 100 ml

- 10 gr KI

Fehling A

- 34,65 gr CuSo4 dlm 500ml aquadest

Fehling B

- 125 gr KOH + KNa Tartrat ad 500 ml aquadest


- Siapkan 30 buah rak@17 tabung, erlenmeyer, corong, kapas gulung, kasa

- Meletakkan reagen2 pada meja + @1 pipet pasteur

- Amilum & aquadest dituang di buret

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- Memanaskan air untuk px. phospat

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MM / MR 2% → baru

- 2% dalam alkohol 50%

PP 1%

MP / phenol red 1 %


NaOH 10% → 300 ml

As. Cuka 6% → 500 ml

Aceton ( panaskan dalam air mendidih)

Fehling A & B


I. 3 gr CuSO4 5H2O (dilarutkan dulu dlm 500ml aquadest)

II. 9 gr KNa Tartrat 4H2O

III. 24 gr NaOH (dilarutkan dulu dlm 100 ml aquadest)

IV. 5 gr KI → ditambahkan terakhir supaya tidak tereduksi → add 1 l


- Hg : HNO3 pekat = 1 : 2

- HNO3 = 150 ml

Hg = 70 gram

Hopkins Cole → buat 200 ml

- 40 gr Mg powder (Na amalgam) + as. Oxalat jenuh → dibiarkan

semua gas keluar → disaring → diencerkan 2-3x ( dilakukan di kamar

asam & bawahx dikasih es)

HNO3 pekat

NaOH 40%

Am. Molibdate 2%


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- Siapkan cawan porselin

- Pengukur berat jenis

- Kertas saring

- Corong

- Penangas air

- Xantoprotein → HNO3 pekat + NaOH 40%

- PO4 → Am. Molibdate + HNO3 pekat

- Pipet pasteur

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NaOH 0,1 N ditritasi dg As. Oxalat 0,1 N dg PP

PP 1 ‰

Formalin ( pengenceran 3x)

Gelatin 4%

- Masukkan gelatin sedikit demi sedikit ke aquadest (air panas)

- Dibuat pH 8 dg menambah NaOH 40% tetes demi tetes

Pancreatin 4%


- 30 kelompok buat gelatin 1 l → 42 gr, pancreatin 200 ml → 8 gram

- AAM 20 kelompok, gelatin 500 ml → 20 gr, pancreatin 150 ml → 6 gram

- Waterbath 37o C

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K. oxalat 10%

Na. citrat jenuh

Na. fluorida 10%

CaCl2 2%

CaCl2 bubuk


A. Pencegahan Pembekuan Darah

Pembekuan darah dapat dicegah dg mengikat ion C++ dg berbagai

reagen. Sediakan 4 tabung ( A, B, C, D ) dan masukkan:

- A. Larutan K. Oxalat 10% 2 tetes

- B. Larutan Na. Citrat jenuh 1 tetes

- C. Larutan Na. fluorida 10% 2 tetes

- D. Tidak diberi apa2

Putar2 tabung A,B,C supaya dindingnya basah + @ tabung 5 tetes darah

→ Homogenkan → diamkan 5 menit → amati ada bekuan/tidak.

Untuk membuktikan bahwa pembekuan dicegah karena ion C++ terikat,

maka + CaCl2 bubuk pada tabung yang tidak menunjukkan pembekuan

terjadi pembekuan

B. Pembekuan Darah

Dalam 3 tabung reaksi A, B, C + @ 1 ml darah oxalat, lalu:

- Tabung A + 2 tetes serum

- Tabung B + 2 tetes lar. CaCl2 2%

- Tabung C tidak diberi apa-apa

Inkubasi 3 tabung pada 37oC, 10 menit → goyang untuk mengetahui

pada tabung mana terjadi pembekuan. Hanya pada tabung Ctidak terjadi


Tabung A terjadi pembekuan karena serum mengandung trhombin yang

dapat merubah fibrinogen menjadi fibrin tanpa memerlukan C++

Tabung B terjadi bekuan darah karena adanya ion2 Ca yang

memungkinkan terbentuknya trombin dari protrombin oleh trombokinase.

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Stock glucose standard 1000mg

- 10 gram dextrose a.p. anhydour, larutkan dalambenzene acid pekat,

add 1 liter

TCA 5%

- 5 ml TCA dalam 100 ml aquadest

Orto toluidin 8,6 % → buat baru

- 8,6 ml Orto toluidin + add 100ml asam aetic glasial

- Simpan dalam botol coklat dalam refrigerator


Sample Standard Blanko

TCA 2,0 ml 2,0 ml -

Whole blood 0,2 ml - -

Standarg glucose - 0,2ml -

Lalu centrifuge

Filtrat 1,0 ml - -

Standard - 1,0 ml -

TCA - - 1,0 ml

O. toluidin 4 ml 4 ml 4 ml

Campur, lalu dipanaskan 80o C pada waterbath, dinginkan. Lalu baca pada

spektrofotometer λ = 625 nm


Cara pembuatan reagen lihat Hawk (buku lama) atau lihat di internet percobaan apa,

cara nya dan cara pembuatan reagennya. Janga lupa cek botolnya baik isi maupun

kadarnya , rumus dan lainlain

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Dari internet

Acetic acid 1 N =6% ,

BM = 60,028 g

Sediaan ada yang:

Acetic acid glacial = 17,4 N = 99,7%

kalau buat 6% caranya V1X N1 = V2 XN2

6X 99,7 ml = 99,7 X 6 ml

Jadi ambil 6 ml acetic acid glasial, aqua ad 99,7 ml

(pengenceran = 99,7/6X) atau 16,6X

Kalau 1N berarti 1ml glasial acetic acid, aquadest ad 17,4 ml

Atau 1/17,4 X 99,7 % = 5,07%

Acetic acid 36% (w/w)

Di botol dari pabrik?

Acetic acid 99,8% 2,268 kg? berarti =2263,464 : 60,054 = 37,690 mol

Volume botol tersebut 2 L? (cek dulu) 37,690: 2 = 18,85M

1M atau 1 N acetic acid = 99,7% X1/18,85 = 5,305%

Page 17: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)

1. [PDF]

Microsoft Word - Practical Buffer Prep

90k - Adobe PDF - View as htmlacid and acetate. And lastly, what does the sodium have to do with the buffer? Well, ... hydroxide and hydrochloric acid. Your object will be to prepare at 4401 L3 Buffer Prep.pdf

2. PASCO : Chemistry : Quantities and Reactions : Buffers

... (hydrochloric acid) and of a strong base (sodium hydroxide) on ... 0.1 M acetic acid (CH3CO2H) 1.0 M hydrochloric acid (HCl) 0.1 M sodium acetate (CH3CO2Na) - Cached

3. "A" Standard Solutions: Suppliers of PH Buffers like Acetate Buffer ...

... (Contains: Sodium Acetate, Sodium Chloride, Hydrochloric Acid and Acetone) ... Contains: Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Iodide (Contains No Azide's) A-162 A.htm - 68k - Cached

4. EXP 18E: Acid /Base Buffers

... of adding sodium acetate to an acetic acid solution, the most ... buffer solution by adding an excess amount of acetic acid to a sodium hydroxide solution. - Cached

5. EXP 22C,E: Salt Hydrolysis and Buffer Solutions

Instead of adding sodium acetate to an acetic acid solution (the most direct way ... acid and sodium hydroxide solutions used in making the buffer; compare this - Cached

6. [PPT]

Activity Coefficient..>

475k - Microsoft Powerpoint - View as html... (sodium hydroxide) 0.10M HCl (hydrochloric acid) ... a = 0.025M acetic acid. s = 0.025M sodium acetate. Buffer pH Titrations. 1. Calibrate pH meter Coefficients and Buffer Capacity Tit...

7. CHEM 215 L Preparation of a Buffer

a. Make a pH = 3.00 buffer using citric acid and sodium hydroxide. b. Make a pH = 5.00 buffer using sodium acetate and hydrochloric acid. - Cached

CHEM 215 L Preparation of a Buffer (Revised 11/2004)


Supplemental Reading:

Page 18: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)

Read Chapter 10 and 11 in Quantitative Analysis by Harris (6<sup>th edition) for more details on

buffer preparation.

See Appendix G, Harris for various K<sub>a Values.

Manual for pH meter : (see link  on CHEM 215 Webpage)



Buffers are solutions which contain reasonable amounts of a weak conjugate acid -base

pair.   A buffer solution has the ability to resist large changes in pH, because when

H<sub>3</sub>O+ (aq) or OH- (aq) is added to the solution is converted to the conjugate

form of the weak conjugate acid-base pairs by one of the following equations:

H<sub>3</sub>O+ (aq)  +  A- (aq) D HA (aq) +  H<sub>2</sub>O (l)

OH- (aq)  +  HA (aq) D</span><b><span style="font-size: 11pt;">A- (aq)  + 

H<sub>2</sub>O (l)

The pH of a buffer can be calculated by the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation:

pH = pKa + log


n<sub>B = moles (or mmoles) of the conjugate base

n<sub>A = moles (or mmoles) of the conjugate acid

pKa = -log (Ka)  for the Ka of the conjugate acid

The buffer may be prepared (direct method) by mixing the appropriate moles of

conjugate acid (n<sub>A) with the appropriate number of moles of conjugate base

(n<sub>B).   If the conjugate acid and base are not both available, then the buffer may be

prepared (indirect method) by partial conversion of the conjugate acid to the conjugate

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base (or vice versa) using a strong acid or base as appropriate.  Note:  Dilution of the

buffer will cause slight changes in pH because of changes in ionic strength.  The buffer

capacity depends on the actual moles of conjugate acid and base that are present. 


Students will calculate and prepare buffers at a specific pH�s.  Students will apply theoretical knowledge of the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and activity coefficients to buffer preparation and to pH calculations.



(Prepare any three of the following.)  Show your calculations to the instructor before

proceding.  Calculate the number of grams of solid and mL of 1.0 M NaOH or 1.0 M HCl

needed to prepare your buffer.

a.  Make a pH = 3.00 buffer using citric acid and sodium hydroxide.

b. Make a pH = 5.00 buffer using sodium acetate and hydrochloric acid.

c. Make a pH = 6.50 buffer using sodium citrate and hydrochloric acid.

d. Make a pH = 9.00 buffer using ammonium chloride and sodium hydroxide.


1. Prepare each buffer to be 0.050 M in the conjugate acid, and 100 mL total

volume.  (Dilute to volume with deionized water.)  If both of your reagents are available

as a solid, you should calculate the mass of each reagent you are going to mix.  If only

one reagent is available as a solid, you will have to add 1.00 M NaOH or HCl to create its

conjugate form in solution.  Show your calculation of the mass of reagent(s) and, if

necessary, the volume of strong acid or base you will mix to create your buffer.  Show

your calculations to the lab instructor before you proceed.


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2. Calibrate your pH meter then measure the pH of your solution with a the pH

meter, and record the pH in your notebook.  How close did you come to your target pH? 

Can you think of some reasons why the actual pH of your buffer may differ from the

theoretical pH?


3. Challenge- Calculate the ionic strength of your solution.  See if you can

estimate the �true� pH of your solution using Equation 10-18 (page 190) of the Harris



4. The final step in buffer preparation is to bring the solution to the desired pH by

the addition of strong acid or base.  Transfer your buffer to a 250 mL beaker and add

enough 1.0 M NaOH or HCl from a buret, with magnetic stirring, to bring the pH to the

target.  The new volume of your buffer is the original 100 mL plus the volume of acid or

base you just added.  Calculate the new theoretical pH by calculating the new weak base

to conjugate acid ratio and using the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.  To get the new

ratio, you will need to calculate the moles of strong acid or base you have just added. 

Compare the new actual and theoretical pH.





Available Reagents:

1.0 M NaOH (aq), 1.0 M HCl (aq),

Page 21: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)

Citric Acid Monohydrate (H<sub>3</sub>Cit � H<sub>2</sub>O) , 210.14 g/mole

Sodium Acetate Trihydrate (NaC<sub>2</sub>H<sub>3</sub>O<sub>2 �

3H<sub>2</sub>O), 136.08 g/mole

Sodium Citrate Dihydrate (Na<sub>3</sub>Cit � 2H<sub>2</sub>O), 294.10 g/mole

Ammonium Chloride (NH<sub>4</sub>Cl), 53.49 g/mole

See your textbook for various pKa�s. (Appendix G)


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Formulations of Commonly Used Buffers and Media:

    These are the formulations of buffers we have successfully used over the years. If they are not the same as other formulations the differences are probably not significant.

Citric Saline: To make 500ml of 10X solution    50g KCl    22g Sodium CitrateDissolve in distilled water and bring to 500ml. Sterilize by autoclaving.

    Dilute to 1X with sterile distilled water and use to remove adherent cells from tissue culture dishes. To do this aspirate off culture media and replace with 1X solution. Let cells sit in the incubator at 37°C, and then monitor cells with microscope, generally they are no longer adherent after as little as 5 minutes. Collect cells by centrifugation, replace citrate saline with regular culture media and replate cells. Cheap and Efficient!

Mounting Media for Immunofluorescence Microscopy:To make 50mls of add 40g glycerol to 5mls of 10X PBS and make up to 50mls volume. To stain for DNA add Hoechst 33258 dye to a final concentration of 2.5mM. But if you put the Hoechst dye into your media, be very careful, since this dye is a DNA intercalating agent which may well be carcinogenic.

Phosphate Buffered Saline: To make 1L of 10X solution    2g KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, a.k.a. potassium phosphate monobasic    14.1g Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4 Anhydrous sodium phosphate, a.k.a. sodium phosphate dibasic.    2g KCl Potassium Chloride    80g NaCl Sodium ChloridepH to 7.4 with 5N NaOH. (be careful, concentrated NaOH, perhaps surprisingly given that every lab has some around, is quite dangerous. It can blind you if it gets in your eyes!)

    1X PBS is 1.47mM KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4, 10mM Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4, 2.7mM KCl, 137mM NaCl pH=7.4. It is a more or less physiological buffer which living mammalian cells can tolerate at least for a short time. It is frequently used to wash cells prior to protein extraction or immunostaining. It is also useful for antibody incubations in immunocytochemical staining of cells in tissue culture and sections. One caveat is that phosphatase based detection systems are inhibited by high concentrations of phosphate, the phosphatase reaction product, so you need to do a wash in some sort of

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phosphate free buffer before you use these. For antibody staining and washing you can also add 0.1% Tween 20 (Polyoxyethylene 20-sorbitol monolaurate) or 0.1% Triton X-100 non-ionic detergents to reduce background staining.

Tris Buffered EDTA (TBE):To make 1L of 10X solution107.8g Tris base~55g Boric acid7.44g EDTAadd less than total amount of Boric acid, dissolve this and the Tris in 800 ml of distilled water and make pH to 8.3 by adding more boric acid. Finally make to 1L final volume.This is the standard buffer for running DNA in agarose gels.

Tris Buffered Saline: To make 1L of 10X solution    12.1g Tris base    87.66g NaClpH with concentrated HCl (be careful!) to 7.5

    1X TBS is 10 mM Tris/HCl, 150 mM NaCl, pH=7.5. We use TBS routinely for ELISA, immunoblots etc. Can also add 0.1% Tween 20 or 0.1% Triton X-100 non-ionic detergents to final concentration of 0.1% reduce background.

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Phosphate buffered saline

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Phosphate buffered saline (abbreviated PBS) is a buffer solution commonly used in biological research. It is a salty solution containing sodium chloride, sodium phosphate , and (in some formulations) potassium chloride and potassium phosphate. The buffer helps to maintain a constant pH. The osmolarity and ion concentrations of the solution usually match those of the human body (isotonic).

Contents 1 Applications 2 Preparation 3 References

4 External links

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[edit] Applications

PBS has many uses because it is isotonic and non-toxic to cells. It can be used to dilute substances. It is used to rinse containers containing cells. PBS can be used as a diluent in methods to dry biomolecules, as water molecules within it will be structured around the substance (protein, for example) to be 'dried' and immobilized to a solid surface[citation needed]. The thin film of water that binds to the substance prevents denaturation or other conformational changes. Carbonate buffers may be used for the same purpose but with less effectiveness[citation needed]. PBS can be used to take a reference spectrum when measuring the protein adsorption in ellipsometry[citation needed].

Additives can be used to add function. For example, PBS with EDTA is also used to disengage attached and clumped cells. Divalent metals such as zinc, however, cannot be added as this will result in precipitation. For these types of applications, Good's buffers are recommended.

[edit] Preparation

There are many different ways to prepare PBS. Some formulations do not contain potassium, while others contain calcium or magnesium[1]. One of the most common preparations is described below.

The simplest way to prepare a PBS solution is to use PBS buffer tablets. They are formulated to give a ready to use PBS solution upon dissolution in a specified quantity of distilled water. They are available in the standard volumes: 100, 200, 500 and 1000 ml [2].

A 10 liter stock of 10x PBS can be prepared by dissolving 800 g NaCl, 20 g KCl, 144 g Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4 and 24 g KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4 in 8 L of distilled water, and topping up to 10 L. The pH is ~6.8, but when diluted to 1x PBS it should change to 7.4. When making buffer solutions, it is good practice to always measure the pH directly using a pH meter. If necessary, pH can be adjusted using hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide. On dilution, the resultant 1x PBS should have a final concentration of 137 mM NaCl, 2.7 mM KCl, 10 mM Sodium Phosphate dibasic, 2 mM Potassium Phosphate monobasic and a pH of 7.4.

Another preparation is described in Molecular Cloning by Sambrook, Fritsch and Maniatis, Apendix B.12[3] as follows:

For 1 litre of 1x Phosphate-buffered saline (1x PBS buffer) use:..

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- Dissolve in 800 ml of distilled H<sub>2</sub>O:- 8 g of NaCl- 0.2 g of KCl- 1.44 g of Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4- 0.24 g of KH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4- Adjust the pH to 7.4 with HCl or NaOH- Add H<sub>2</sub>O to 1 liter.

Dispense the solution into aliquots and sterilize them by autoclaving (20 min, 121°C, liquid cycle). Store at room temperature.

[edit] References

1. ̂ Dulbecco, R. et al. (1954): Plaque formation and isolation of pure lines with poliomyelitis viruses. In: J. Exp. Med. vol. 99 (2), pp. 167-182. PMID 13130792

2. ̂ Medicago AB, (2003) Phosphate buffered saline pH 7.4 specification sheet

3. ̂ Sambrook, Fritsch, and Maniatis (1989) Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, 2nd ed., Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, volume 3, appendix B.12

2.2.1 Definition of a Buffer

A buffer is a solution containing substances which have the ability to minimise changes in pH when an acid or base is added to it 1.

A buffer typically consists of a solution which contains a weak acid HA mixed with the salt of that acid & a strong base eg NaA. The principle is that the salt provides a reservoir of A- to replenish [A-] when A- is removed by reaction with H+.

The Major Body Buffer Systems

Site Buffer System Comment

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ISF Bicarbonate For metabolic acids

Phosphate Not important because concentration too low

Protein Not important because concentration too low

Blood Bicarbonate Important for metabolic acids

Haemoglobin Important for carbon dioxide

Plasma protein Minor buffer

Phosphate Concentration too low

ICF Proteins Important buffer

Phosphates Important buffer

Urine Phosphate Responsible for most of 'Titratable Acidity'

Ammonia Important - formation of NH<sub>4+

Bone Ca carbonate In prolonged metabolic acidosis

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The quality of fixation is influenced by pH and the type of ions present.

The choice of buffer is based on:

1.     the buffering capacity in the desired pH range with the ability to maintain constant pH during fixation.

2.     the side effects which vary with the tissue type:

a.     suitable osmolarity so that cells and organelles neither swell nor shrink during fixation.

b.     suitable ionic concentration so that materials are neither extracted nor precipitated during fixation.

c.     the toxicity of the buffer.

Criteria of a good buffer :

1.     pKa: usually between 6 and 8 desired for biological specimens.

2.     Maximum solubility in water and minimum solubility in all other solvents.

3.     Reduced ion effects.

4.     Dissociation of buffer least influenced by buffer concentration, temperature and ionic composition.

5.     Resistance to oxidation (stable).

6.     Inexpensive and easy to prepare.

7.     No reaction with fixation.

Common Buffers

I.        Phosphate Buffer (Sorenson's buffer) pH 5.8-8

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1.     Most physiological of common buffers.  Mimics certain components of extracellular fluids.

2.     Non-toxic to cells.

3.     pH changes little with temperature.

4.     Stable for several weeks at 4 C. 


1.     Precipitates more likely to occur during fixation.  Tends to form precipitates in presence of calcium ions.  Precipitates uranyl acetate and tends to react with lead salts.

2.     Becomes slowly contaminated with micro-organisms

Preparation of Buffer

Stock solutions:

0.2M dibasic sodium phosphate 1 liter

Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4*2H<sub>2</sub>0               (MW = 178.05)                          35.61 gm


Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4*7H<sub>2</sub>0               (MW = 268.07)                          53.65 gm


Na<sub>2</sub>HPO<sub>4*12H<sub>2</sub>0             (MW = 358.14)                          71.64 gm


+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter


0.2M monobasic sodium phosphate 1 litter

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NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4*H<sub>2</sub>0                 (MW = 138.01)                          27.6  gm


NaH<sub>2</sub>PO<sub>4*2H<sub>2</sub>0               (MW = 156.03)                          31.21 gm

+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter


Working buffer: 0.1M 100 ml

Mix X ml of 0.2M dibasic sodium phosphate with Y ml monobasic sodium phosphate.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 or dilute 1:1 with fixative.

pH (25 C)                                                                                                           X ml                                                                                   Y ml


5.8                                                                  4.0                                          46.0

6.0                                                                  6.15                                        43.75

6.2                                                                  9.25                                        40.75

6.4                                                                13.25                                        36.75

6.6                                                                18.75                                        31.25

6.8                                                                24.5                                          25.5

7.0                                                                30.5                                          19.5

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7.2                                                                36.0                                          14.0

7.4                                                                40.5                                            9.5

7.6                                                                43.5                                            6.5

7.8                                                                45.75                                          4.25

8.0                                                                47.35                                          2.65


Osmolarity is adjusted by varying the molarity of phosphates or by the addition of sucrose, glucose or sodium chloride.


At pH 7.2:


0.10M = 226 mOs (milliosmoles)

0.05M = 118 mOs

0.075 = 180 mOs

0.15M = 350 mOs

II.       Cacodylate Buffer (arsenate buffer) pH 5-7.4 


1.     Easy to prepare.

2.     Stable during storage for long periods of time.

3.     Does not support growth of microorganisms.

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4.     Precipitates usually do not occur.  Precipitates do not occur at low concentrations of calcium.


1.     Toxic. Contains arsenic.

2.     Unpleasant smell.

Preparation of Buffer :

Stock solutions:

0.2M sodium cacodylate  1 liter

Na(CH<sub>3)2</sub>As0<sub>2*3H<sub>2</sub>0                       (MW = 195.92)                          42.8 gm

+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                                    1 liter

0.2M HC1

Conc. HC1 (36-38%)                                                                              10 ml

ddH<sub>2</sub>0                                                                                                    603 ml


Working buffer :  0.1M                        100 ml 

Adjust 50 ml of 0.2M sodium cacodylate to desired pH with 0.2M HC1.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 or dilute 1:1 with fixative.


pH                                                                                                               0.2M HC1 (ml)


6.4                                                         18.3

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6.6                                                         13.3

6.8                                                          9.3

7.0                                                          6.3

7.2                                                          4.2

7.4                                                          2.7

Buffer may also be made with cacodylic acid.

Stock solutions:

0.2M cacodylic acid  1 liter

(CH<sub>3)2</sub>AsO<sub>2</sub>H        (MW = 138.0)                            27.6 gm

+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter

0.2M NaOH         100 ml

NaOH                                       (MW = 40)                                 0.8 gm

+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        100 ml


Working buffer :  0.1M 

Adjust 50 ml of 0.2M cacodylic acid to desired pH with 0.2M NaOH.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2 or dilute 1:1 with fixative.


III. Veronal-acetate Buffer                                     (Michaelis buffer)


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Useful for block staining with uranyl acetate since precipitates do not form.


1.     Reacts with aldehydes.

2.     Poor buffer at physiological pH.

3.     Supports growth of micro-organisms.

4.     Contains barbiturate.


Preparation of Buffer :


Stock solution:  0.28M                                   100 ml


Sodium veronal (barbitone sodium)


C<sub>8</sub>H<sub>11</sub>0<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub>Na                   (MW = 206.18)                          2.89 gm


Sodium acetate (anhydrous)

CH<sub>3</sub>C00Na                     (MW = 82.03)                            1.15 gm


Sodium acetate (hydrated)

CH<sub>3</sub>C00Na*3H<sub>2</sub>0             (MW = 136.09)                          1.90 gm


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+ ddH<sub>2</sub>H<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                     100 ml


Solution is stable and may be stored for some months at 4 C.


Working buffer :


Veronal acetate stock solution                                                    5 ml

ddH<sub>2</sub>0                                                                                        15 ml


Add 0.1 HC1 gradually to desired pH.


Solution cannot be stored.

Supports growth of bacteria and molds even at 4 C.

Crystallizes in absence of osmium tetroxide.



IV.      Collidine Buffer                              pH 7.25-7.74




1.     Maximum buffering capacity about 7.4.


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2.     Stable indefinitely at room temperature.


3.     Useful for fixation of large tissue blocks. Aids penetration of fixative due to extractive effects (see disadvantage 1).




1.     Not suitable as buffer during primary fixation with osmium tetroxide due to considerable extraction of tissue components.


2.     Use leads to lysis of cytoplasmic matrix and extensive membrane destruction when used with paraformaldehyde fixatives.


3.     Use gives poorer results with glutaraldehyde than those obtained with phosphate or cacodylate buffer.


Preparation of Buffer :


Stock solution:                      0.4M                 100 ml


Pure s-collidine                                                                                      5.34 gm

2,4,6(CH<sub>3)3(C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>5</sub>N)                      (MW = 121.18)


+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                                    100 ml

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Working buffer :                      0.2M                 100 ml


Adjust 50 ml of s-collidine stock solution to desired pH with 1N HC1.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2</sub>0.


pH                                                                                                                             1N HC1 (ml)


7.25                                                             22

7.33                                                             20

7.41                                                             18

7.5                                                               16

7.59                                                             14

7.67                                                             12

7.74                                                             10


V.      Tris buffer




1.     Good buffering capacity at higher pH required for some tissues and some cytochemical procedures.


2.     "More or less" physiologically inert.

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1.     pH changes with temperature.  Must be measured at desired temperature.


2.     pH must be measured with certain type of electrode.


Preparation of Buffer :


A.    Tris Buffer                       pH 7.1-8.9


Stock solution               0.2M                 1 liter


Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane                                              24.2 gm

   H<sub>2</sub>NC(CH<sub>2</sub>0H)3                         (MW = 121.13)


+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter


Working buffer :  0.1M                             100 ml


Adjust pH of 50 ml of stock solution with 0.1M NaOH.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2</sub>0.


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B.    Tris-maleate Buffer                      pH 5.8-8.2


Stock solution:  0.2M                             liter


Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane                                              24.2 gm


Maleic acid                                                                                23.2 gm

  HO<sub>2</sub>CCH:CHCO<sub>2</sub>H                    (MW = 116.07)


+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter


Trizima-maleate                         (MW = 237.2)                            47.4 gm

+ ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                        1 liter


Working buffer :  0.2M                             100 ml


Adjust 50 ml of stock solution to desired pH with 0.1M NaOH.  Dilute to 100 ml with ddH<sub>2</sub>0.


VI.      Special Buffers Used for Cytochemical Reactions .


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A.    Acetate Buffer                 (sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer)  pH 4-5.6


Sodium acetate             0.2M = 27.2 gm/1

  CH<sub>3</sub>CO<sub>2</sub>Na*3H<sub>2</sub>0                       (MW - 136.09)


Acetic acid                    0.2M

  CH<sub>3</sub>COOH                   (MW = 60)


Add sodium acetate to acetic acid to give desired pH. Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.


B.    Borate Buffer                  pH 7.4-9.2


Borax (sodium tetraborate)                                  0.2M = 76.2 gm/ml

  Na<sub>2</sub>B<sub>4</sub>0<sub>7*120H<sub>2</sub>0                        (MW = 381.37)


Boric acid                      0.2M = 12.37 gm/1

  H<sub>3</sub>BO<sub>3                         (MW = 61.83)


Add boric acid to borax solution until desired pH is reached.  Dilute to desired molarity with ddH<sub>2</sub>0.


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C.    Citrate Buffer (sodium citrate-citric acid buffer) pH 3-6.2


Sodium citrate                           0.2M = 58.8 gm/1

  Na<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>5</sub>0<sub>7*H<sub>2</sub>0                          (MW = 294.12)


Citric acid                                  0.2M = 42.02 gm/1

 C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>8</sub>0<sub>7*H<sub>2</sub>0                                (MW = 210.14)


Mix citric acid and sodium citrate to give desired pH.  Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.


D.    Dimethylglutarate Buffer                           pH 3.2-7.6


Dimethylglutaric acid                              0.1M = 16.02 gm/1

  C<sub>7</sub>H<sub>12</sub>0<sub>4 (MW = 160.2)


Add 0.2N NaOH to give desired pH.  Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.


E.    Succinate Buffer                         pH 3.8-6


Succinic acid                 0.2M = 23/62 g/1

  C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>6</sub>0<sub>2             (MW = 118.09)

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Add 0.2M NaOH to desired pH.  Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.


F.    Maleate Buffer (sodium hydrogen maleate buffer)  pH 5.2-6.8


Stock solution: 0.2M 1 liter


  Maleic acid (MW = 121.14)                                                       23.2 gm

  + ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to make                                                                      1 liter


Adjust pH with 0.1M Na0H. Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.


G.    Imidazole Buffer   pH 6.2-7.8


Imidazole                      0.2M = 13.62/1

  C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>4</sub>N<sub>2                        (MW = 68.08)


Adjust 0.2N HC1 to imidazole solution until desired pH is reached.  Dilute to desired molarity with ddH<sub>2</sub>0.


H.    AMPd Buffer                   pH 7.8-9.7

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2-amino-methyl-1,3-propanediol                                                   0.2M = 21.03 gm/1

   C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>11</sub>NO<sub>2                                (MW = 105.14)


Add 0.2M HC1 until desired pH is reached. Dilute with ddH<sub>2</sub>0 to desired molarity.

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Preparation of pH buffer solutionsThe different names for phosphate salts. Standardization buffers pH 4 and pH 7. Ph range of

some buffer systems. Making up buffer solutions by adding an adjuster solution (acid or base) to a known volume and concentration of a primary salt solution. Potassium hydrogen phosphate,

potassium dihydrogen phosphate, disodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium hydrogen phthalate, sodium acetate,sodium tetraborate, tris aminomethane.

Related link:Analysis Buffers For EDTA titrationsFor Fluoride (TISAB)For Determination of Fe.

On this page: Click the links below to jump to the relevant info:

The preparation of pH buffer solutions acetate buffers phosphate buffers

solid mixture buffers


Phosphate salts are known by several names and the correct phosphate must be used to prepare buffer solutions.

One phosphate cannot be substituted for another phosphate. Check formula of salt to be certain.

Formula Name of salt Other names

KH2PO4potassium dihydrogen


potassium dihydrogen orthophosphatemonobasic potassium phosphatemonopotassium phosphateacid potassium phosphatepotassium biphosphate

K2HPO4potassium hydrogen


dipotassium hydrogen orthophosphatedipotassium hydrogen phosphatedibasic potassium phosphatedipotassium phosphate

K3PO4 potassium phosphatetribasic potassium phosphatetripotassium phosphate

Standardization buffersFor pH=7.00 :Add 29.1 ml of 0.1 molar NaOH to 50 ml 0.1 molar potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

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Alternatively :Dissolve 1.20g of sodium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.885g of disidium hydrogen phosphate in 1 liter volume distilled water.

For pH= 4.00 :Add 0.1 ml of 0.1 molar NaOH to 50 ml of 0.1 molar potassium hydrogen phthalate .

Alternatively : Dissolve 8.954g of disodium hydrogen phosphste.12 H2O and 3.4023g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate in 1 liter volume distilled water.

Range of common buffer systems ¹

Buffering systemUseful buffering pH

range @ 25°C

Hydrochloric acid/ Potassium chloride 1.0 - 2.2

Glycine/ Hydrochloric acid 2.2 - 3.6

Potassium hydrogen phthalate/ Hydrochloric acid 2.2 - 4.0

Citric acid/ Sodium citrate 3.0 - 6.2

Sodium acetate/ Acetic acid 3.7 - 5.6

Potassium hydrogen phtaalate/ Sodium hydroxide 4.1 - 5.9

Disodium hydrogen phthalate / Sodium dihydrogen orthophospate

5.8 - 8.0

Dipotassium hydrogen phthalate / Potassium dihydrogen orthophospate

5.8 - 8.0

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Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate / sodium hydroxide

5.8 - 8.00

Barbitone sodium / Hydrochloric acid 6.8 - 9.6

Tris (hydroxylmethyl) aminomethane / Hydrochloric acid

7.0 - 9.00

Sodium tetraborate/ Hydrochloric acid 8.1 - 9.2

Glycine/ Sodium hydroxide 8.6 - 10.6

Sodium carbonate/ Sodium hydrogen carbonate 9.2 - 10.8

Sodium tetraborate/ Sodium hydroxide 9.3 - 10.7

Sodium bicarbonate / Sodium hydroxide 9.60 - 11.0

Sodium hydrogen orthophosphate / Sodium hydroxide

11.0 - 11.9

Potassium chloride/ Sodium hydroxide 12.0 - 13.0

Preparing a Buffer Solution ²

This page gives tabulated info on the preparation of buffers by mixing adjusters with a known volume of the primary salt solution.

BUFFERS 1.00 - 9.00

Buffer A :pH 1.0 - 2.2

Buffer B : pH 2.2 - 4.00

Buffer C : pH 4.10 - 5.90

Buffer D : pH 5.8 - 8.00

Buffer E : pH 7.0 - 9.00

50 ml 0.2 M KCl + mls of 0.2 M HCl

100 ml 0.1 M potassium hydrogen phthalate + mls of 0.1 M HCl.

100 ml 0.1 M potassium hydrogen phthalate + mls of 0.1 M NaOH

. 100 ml 0.1 M KH2PO4 + mls of 0.1 M NaOH.

100 ml 0.1 M tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane + mls of 0.1 M HCl.

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pH mls of 0.2M HCl added

pH mls of 0.1M HCl added

pH mls of 0.1M NaOH added

pH mls of 0.1M NaOH added

pH mls of 0.1 M HCl added

1.00 134.0 2.20 99.0 4.10 2.6 5.80 7.2 7.00 93.2

1.10 105.6 2.30 91.6 4.20 6.0 5.90 9.2 7.10 91.4

1.20 85.0 2.40 84.4 4.30 9.4 6.00 11.2 7.20 89.4

1.30 67.2 2.50 77.6 4.40 13.2 6.10 13.6 7.30 86.8

1.40 53.2 2.60 70.8 4.50 17.4 6.20 16.2 7.40 84.0

1.50 41.4 2.70 64.2 4.60 22.2 6.30 19.4 7.50 80.6

1.60 32.4 2.80 57.8 4.70 27.2 6.40 23.2 7.60 77.0

1.70 26.0 2.90 51.4 4.80 33.0 6.50 27.8 7.70 73.2

1.80 20.4 3.00 44.6 4.90 38.8 6.60 32.8 7.80 69.0

1.90 16.2 3.10 37.6 5.00 45.2 6.70 38.6 7.90 64.0

2.00 13.0 3.20 31.4 5.10 51.0 6.80 44.8 8.00 58.4

2.10 10.2 3.30 25.8 5.20 57.6 6.90 51.8 8.l0 52.4

2.20 7.8 3.40 20.8 5.30 63.2 7.00 58.2 8.20 45.8

3.50 16.4 5.40 68.2 7.10 64.2 8.30 39.8

3.60 12.6 5.50 73.2 7.20 69.4 8.40 34.4

3.70 9.0 5.60 77.6 7.30 74.0 8.50 29.4

3.80 5.8 5.70 81.2 7.40 78.2 8.60 24.4

3.90 2.8 5.80 84.6 7.50 82.2 8.70 20.6

4.00 0.2 5.90 87.4 7.60 85.6 8.80 17.0

7.70 88.4 8.90 14.0

7.80 90.6 9.00 11.4

7.90 92.2

8.00 93.4

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BUFFERS 08 - 13

Buffer F: pH 8.0 - 9.10

Buffer G : pH 9.2 - 10.80

Buffer H : pH 9.60 - 11.00

Buffer I : pH 10.90 - 12.00

Buffer J : pH 12.00 - 13.00

100 mL 0.025 M Na2B4O7.10H2O (borax) + mls of 0.1 M HCl.

100 mL 0.025 M Na2B4O7.10H2O (borax) + mls of 0.1 M NaOH.

100 mL 0.05 M NaHCO3 + mls of 0.1 M NaOH.

100 mL 0.05 M Na2HPO4 + mls of 0.1 M NaOH.

50 mL 0.2 M KCl + volume indicated (in mL) 0.2 M NaOH.

pH mls of 0.1M HCl added

pH mls of 0.1M NaOH added

pH mls of 0.1M NaOH added

pH mls of 0.1M NaOH added

pH mls of 0.2M NaOH added

8.00 41.0 9.20 1.8 9.60 10.0 10.90 6.6 12.00 12.0

8.10 39.4 9.30 7.2 9.70 12.4 11.00 8.2 12.10 16.0

8.20 37.6 9.40 12.4 9.80 15.2 11.10 10.2 12.20 20.4

8.30 35.4 9.50 17.6 9.90 18.2 11.20 12.6 12.30 25.6

8.40 33.2 9.60 22.2 10.00 21.4 11.30 15.2 12.40 32.4

8.50 30.4 9.70 26.2 10.10 24.4 11.40 18.2 12.50 40.8

8.60 27.0 9.80 30.0 10.20 27.6 11.50 22.2 12.60 51.2

8.70 23.2 9.90 33.4 10.30 30.4 11.60 27.0 12.70 64.4

8.80 19.2 10.00 36.6 10.40 33.0 11.70 32.4 12.80 82.4

8.90 14.2 10.10 39.0 10.50 35.6 11.80 38.8 12.90 106.0

9.00 9.2 10.20 41.0 10.60 38.2 11.90 46.0 13.00 132.0

9.10 4.0 10.30 42.6 10.70 40.4 12.00 53.8

10.40 44.2 10.80 42.4

10.50 45.4 10.90 44.0

10.60 46.6 11.00 45.4

10.70 47.6

10.80 48.5

Acetate buffer solutions pH 3 - 6 ³

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Make up the following solutions(1) 0.1M acetic acid

(2) 0.1M sodium acetate (tri-hydrate) (13.6g / l)Mix in the following proportions to get the required ph

phvol. of 0.1Macetic acid

vol. of 0.1Msodium acetate

3 982.3 mls 17.7 mls

4 847.0 mls 153.0 mls

5 357.0 mls 643.0 mls

6 52.2 mls947.8 mls

Phosphate buffer solutions ph 7 - 11

Make up the following solutions(1) 0.1M disodium hydrogen phosphate (14.2g / l)

(2) 0.1M HCl(3) 0.1M NaOH

Mix in the following proportions to get the required ph

ph vol. of phosphate vol. of 0.1M HCl vol. of 0.1M NaOH

7 756.0 mls 244 mls  

8 955.1 mls 44.9 mls  

9 955.0 mls 45.0 mls  

10 966.4 mls   33.6

11 965.3 mls   34.7

Addition of acid or base to a salt pH 3 - 11

Here, the primary salt is a solid and is weighed out in grams. A measured amount of 0.1M HCl or NaOH is added,

then made up to 1 liter to give the relevant buffer solution 4.

pHSalt mixture

Dilute each mixture to 1 liter solution with distilled water

3 10.21g potassium hydrogen phthalate and 223ml of 0.10M HCl

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4 10.21g potassium hydrogen phthalate and 1ml of 0.10M HCl

5 10.21g potassium hydrogen phthalate and 226ml of 0.10M NaOH

6 6.81g potassium dihydrogen phOsphate and 56ml of 0.10M NaOH

7 6.81g potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 291ml of 0.10M NaOH

8 6.81g potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 467ml of 0.10M NaOH

9 4.77g sodium tetraborate and 46ml of 0.10M HCl

10 4.77g sodium tetraborate and 183ml of 0.10M NaOH

11 2.10g sodium bicarbonate and 227ml of 0.10M NaOH

1. The Physical and Theoretical Laboratory, Oxford University.2. "Electrolyte solutions" Robinson, R. A., and Stokes, R. H., 2nd ed., rev. London, Butterworths, 1968.3. "Practical chemistry" J. Lambert and T.A. Muir, 3rd. Ed. Heineman, London.4. pdf file, (Canadian Teachers Federation).

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Versi hanya teksBerikut adalah frasa penelusuran yang disorot: amylase  



The following reagents are used in the Microbiological Analyses Section of this Volume and are referenced in that Section. The listing is alphabetical.

Brilliant green solution

Brilliant green dye, sterile: 0.1 gDistilled water, sterile: 100 ml

On day of use, add 20 ml I2-KI solution and 10 ml brilliant green solution to 1 litre base. Re-suspend precipitate by gentle agitation and aseptically dispense 10 ml portions into 20 x 150 or 16 x 150 mm sterile test tubes. Do not heat medium after addition of I2-KI and dye solutions.

Bromcresol Purple Dye Solution (0.2%)

Bromcresol purple dye: 0.2 gSterile distilled water: 100 ml

Butterfield's Phosphate-Buffered Dilution Water

KH2PO4: 34 gDistilled water: 500 ml

Adjust pH to 7.2 with 1 N NaOH. Bring volume to 1 liter with distilled water. Sterilize 15 min at 121°. Store in refrigerator.

Dilution blanks

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Take 1.25 ml of above stock solution and bring volume to 1 litre with distilled water. Dispense into bottles to 90 or 99 ± 1 ml. Sterilize 15 min at 121°.

Cellulase Solution

Dissolve 1 g cellulase in 99 ml sterile distilled water. Filter sterilize through a 0.45 μm filter. Cellulase solution may be stored at 2-5° for 2 weeks.

Chlorine Solution (200 ppm)

Commercial bleach (5.25% sodium hypochlorite): 8 mlDistilled water containing 1 g sodium dodecyl sulphate: 992 ml

Dissolve 1 g sodium dodecyl sulfate in 992 ml distilled water. Add 8 ml commercial bleach and mix well. Make immediately before use.

Ethanol Solution (70%)

Ethanol (95%): 700 mlDistilled water: add to final volume of 950 ml

Formalinized Physiological Saline Solution

Formaldehyde solution (36-38%): 6 mlNaCl: 8.5 gDistilled water: 1 litre

Dissolve 8.5 g NaCl in 1 liter distilled water. Autoclave 15 min at 121°. Cool to room temperature. Add 6 ml formaldehyde solution. Do not autoclave after addition of formaldehyde.

Hydrochloride Solution (1 N)

HCl (concentrated): 89 mlDistilled water to make 1 litre

Kovac's Reagent

p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde: 5 gAmyl alcohol (normal only): 75 mlHCl (concentrated): 25 ml

Dissolve p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in normal amyl alcohol. Slowly add HC1. Store at 4°. To test for indole, add 0.2-0.3 ml reagent to 5 ml of 24 h bacteria culture in tryptone broth. Dark red colour in surface layer is positive test for indole. For enteropathogenic E. coli, also test at 72 h if negative at 24 h.

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Lysostaphin Solution

Dissolve 2.5 mg of lysostaphin in 0.02M phosphate-saline buffer containing 1 % NaCl.

Methyl Red Indicator

Methyl red: 0.1 gEthanol (95%): 300 mlDistilled water to make 500 ml

Nonfat dry milk

Nonfat dry milk: 100gDistilled water: 1 litre

For Salmonella:

Suspend 100 g dehydrated nonfat dry milk in 1 liter distilled water. Swirl until dissolved. Autoclave 15 min at 121°.


Papain: 5 gDistilled water: 1 litre

Add papain to sterile, distilled water and swirl to dissolve completely. Dispense 100 ml portion into bottles.

Physiological Saline Solution Sterile (0.85%)

NaCl: 8.5 gDistilled water: 1 litre

Dissolve 8.5 g NaCl in water. Autoclave 15 min at 121°. Cool to room temperature.

Potassium Hydroxide Solution (40%)

KOH: 40 gDistilled water to make 100 ml

Sodium Hydroxide Solution (1 N)

NaOH: 40 gDistilled water to make 1 litre

Voges-Proskauer (VP) Test Reagents

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Solution 1

alpha-Naphthol: 5 gAlcohol (absolute): 100 ml

Solution 2

Potassium hydroxide: 40 gDistilled water to make 100 ml

Voges-Proskauer (VP) test. At room temperature, transfer 1 ml of 48 h culture to test tube and add 0.6 ml solution 1 and 0.2 ml solution 2. Shake after adding each solution. To intensify and speed reaction, add a few creatine crystals to mixture. Read results 4 h after adding reagents. Development of eosin pink colour is a positive.


Buffer Test Solutions

Buffer TS (pH 2)

Combine 11.90 ml of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid and 88.10 ml of 0.2 M potassium chloride, and dilute to 200 ml with water.

Buffer TS (pH 5)

Add 51.5 ml of 0.2 M disodium hydrogen phosphate to 48.5 ml of 0.1 M citric acid.

Buffer TS (pH 5.45)

Dissolve 1.8360 g of citric acid and 3.198 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate in carbon dioxide-free water to make 200 ml.

Buffer TS (pH 6.5)

Combine 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 15.2 ml of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide, and dilute to 200 ml with water.

Buffer acetate TS (pH 5.0)

Add 4.6 g of anhydrous sodium acetate to 11.6 ml of 2 M acetic acid and dilute to 200 ml with water. Adjust the pH to 5.0 ±0.1 with glacial acetic acid or 10% sodium hydroxide solution.

Barbital buffer solution (pH 7.6)

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Dissolve 4.3 g of barbital sodium in 200 ml of water, adjust the pH to 7.6 with dilute hydrochloric acid, and filter.

Citric acid buffer solution

Dissolve 21 g of citric acid in water to make 1,000 ml (Solution A). Dissolve 28.4 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate in water to make 1,000 ml (Solution B). Combine 11 volumes of Solution A and 389 volumes of Solution B.

Formic acid buffer solution (pH 2.5)

Add 18 ml of water to 0.8 ml of formic acid, adjust the pH to 2.5 with strong ammonia TS, and dilute to 200 ml with water.

Phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.0)

Combine 50 ml of 0.2 M potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 29.54 ml of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide, and dilute to 200 ml with water.

Phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.3-7.4) (0.02M)

Stock solution 1:

Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous: 28.4 gNaCl: 85 gDistilled water: 1 litre

Stock solution 2:

Sodium phosphate monobasic monohydrate: 27.6 gNaCl: 85 gDistilled water: 1 litre

Make 1:10 dilutions of each stock solution. For example:

Stock solution 1 50 ml Stock solution 2 10 ml

Distilled water 450 ml Distilled water 90 ml

Approximate pH 8.2 Approximate pH 5.6

Using a pH meter, titer diluted solution1 to pH 7.3-7.4 by adding about 65 ml of solution 2. Use the resulting 0.02 M phosphate saline buffer solution in the lysostaphin susceptibility test on S. aureus.

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Note: Do not titer 0.2 Mphosphate buffer to pH 7.3-7.4 and then dilute to 0.02 Mstrength. This results in a drop in pH of approximately 0.25. Addition of 0.85% salt after pH adjustment also results in a drop of approximately 0.2.

Phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.5)

Dissolve 53.7 g of disodium hydrogen phosphate in water to make 1,000 ml (Solution A). Dissolve 20.4 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate in water to make 1,000 ml (Solution B). Combine 21 volumes of Solution A and 4 volumes of Solution B, and adjust the pH to 7.5 with either Solution A or Solution B.

Standard Buffer Solutions

Reagent Solutions

Previously dry the crystalline reagents (except for boric acid), at 110° to 120°, and use water that has been previously boiled and cooled to prepare the solutions. Store the prepared reagent solutions in chemically resistant glass or polyethylene bottles, and use within 3 months. Discard if moulding is evident.

Boric acid/potassium chloride, 0.2 M

Dissolve 12.366 g of boric acid (H3BO3) and 14.911 g of potassium chloride (KC1) in water to make 1,000 ml.

Hydrochloric acid, 0.2 M

Dilute 19 ml of hydrochloric acid with water to make 1,000 ml and standardize the solution as follows: dissolve about 0.3 g, accurately weighed, of primary standard anhydrous sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), previously dried at about 270° for 1 h in 100 ml of water. Titrate with the hydrochloric acid using 2 drops of methyl red TS. When the solution becomes faintly pink, boil to expel carbon dioxide, cool, and continue the titration until the faint pink colour is no longer affected by continued boiling. Each 10.60 mg of Na2CO3 is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid.

Potassium chloride, 0.2 M

Dissolve 14.911 g of potassium chloride (KC1) in water to make 1,000 ml.

Potassium hydrogen phthalate, 0.2 M

Dissolve 40.844 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate [KHC6H4(COO)2] in water to make 1,000 ml.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, 0.2 M

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Dissolve 27.218 g of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) in water to make 1,000 ml.

Sodium hydroxide, 0.2 M

Dissolve about 9 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in about 950 ml of water, and add a freshly prepared saturated solution of barium hydroxide until no more precipitate forms. Shake the mixture thoroughly, and allow it to stand overnight in a stoppered bottle. Decant or filter the solution, and standardize the clear liquid as follows: Dissolve about 1 g, accurately weighed, of primary standard potassium hydrogen phthalate [KHC6H4(COO)2], previously dried at 105° for 3 h in 75 ml of carbon dioxide-free water, and titrate with the sodium hydroxide solution to a permanent pink colour using 2 drops of phenolphthalein TS, as indicator. Each 40.84 mg of KHC6H4(COO)2 is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.2 M sodium hydroxide.

Composition of Standard Buffer Solutions

To prepare a standard buffer solution having a pH within the range 1.2 to 10.0, combine the appropriate solutions, prepared above, as shown in the following table, and dilute with water to make 200 ml. The standard pH values given in this table are considered to be reproducible to within ± 0.02 of the pH unit specified at 25°.

Hydrochloric Acid Buffer

Acid Phthalate Buffer

Neutralized Phthalate


Phosphate Buffer

Alkaline Borate Buffer

To 50.0 ml of 0.2 M KCl add the specified ml of 0.2MHC1

To 50.0 ml of 0.2 M KHC6H4-(COO)2 add the specified ml of 0.2MHC1

To 50.0 ml of 0.2 M KHC6H4 -(COO)2 add the specified ml of 0.2 M NaOH

To 50.0 ml of 0.2 M KH2PO4 add the specified ml of 0.2 M NaOH

To 50.0 ml of 0.2 M H3BO3KCl add the specified ml of 0.2 M NaOH

pH ml pH ml pH ml pH ml pH ml

1.2 85.0 2.2 49.5 4.2 3.0 5.8 3.6 8.0 3.9

1.3 67.2 2.4 42.2 4.4 6.6 6.0 5.6 8.2 6.0

1.4 53.2 2.6 35.4 4.6 11.1 6.2 8.1 8.4 8.6

1.5 41.4 2.8 28.9 4.8 16.5 6.4 11.6 8.6 11.8

1.6 32.4 3.0 22.3 5.0 22.6 6.6 16.4 8.8 15.8

1.7 26.0 3.2 15.7 5.2 28.8 6.8 22.4 9.0 20.8

1.8 20.4 3.4 10.4 5.4 34.1 7.0 29.1 9.2 26.4

1.9 16.2 3.6 6.3 5.6 38.8 7.2 34.7 9.4 32.1

2.0 13.0 3.8 2.9 5.8 42.3 7.4 39.1 9.6 36.9

2.1 10.2 4.0 0.1 7.6 42.4 9.8 40.6

2.2 7.8 7.8 44.5 10.0 43.7

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8.0 46.1


Ammonium Standard Solution

Dissolve 296.0 mg of ammonium chloride, NH4C1, in sufficient water to make 100 ml. Transfer 10.0 ml of this solution into a 1,000-ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume with water. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of NH+


Barium Standard Solution

Dissolve 177.9 mg of barium chloride, BaCl2.2H20, in water in a 1,000-ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume with water, and mix. Each ml of this solution contains 0.1 mg of Ba.

Barium Chloride Standard Solution

Dissolve 4.3 g of barium chloride in sufficient water to make 1,000 ml. Perform gravimetric analysis on the solution, and calculate the quantity of sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) corresponding to 1 ml of the solution. Each ml of this solution corresponds to about 2.5 mg of Na2SO4.

Chromium Standard Solution

To 0.934 g of potassium chromate, add 1 drop of 10% sodium hydroxide solution and water to 1,000 ml. To a 1.0 ml portion of the solution, add 1 drop of 10% sodium hydroxide solution and water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.25 μg of Cr.

Condensed Formaldehyde Standard Solution

Dilute 8.1 g of formalin (containing 37% of HCHO) with water to 1,000 ml. To a 10.0 ml portion of the solution, add water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.03 mg of HCHO. Prepare freshly before use.

Dithizone Standard Solution

Dissolve 10 mg of dithizone in 1,000 ml of chloroform. Store in a stoppered bottle lead free and in a cold place.

Formaldehyde Standard Solution

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Dilute 2.7 g of formalin (containing 37% of HCHO) with water to 1,000 ml. To a 10 ml portion of the solution, add water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of HCHO. Prepare the solution fresh.

Iron Standard Solution

Dissolve 8.63 g of ferric ammonium sulfate in 20 ml of dilute nitric acid, and add water to 1,000 ml. To 10 ml of the solution add 20 ml of dilute nitric acid and water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of Fe. Store in a dark bottle.

Lead Standard Solution

Dissolve 159.8 mg of lead nitrate in 10 ml of dilute nitric acid, and add water to 1,000 ml. Prepare and store this solution in lead-free glassware. Dilute 10 ml of the solution with water to 100 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of Pb. Prepare the solution fresh.

Lead Standard Solution for Dithizone test

To 10 ml of lead standard solution, add 1% nitric acid to 100 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 1 μg of Pb. Prepare the solution fresh.

Magnesium Standard Solution

Dissolve 50.0 mg magnesium metal, Mg, in 1 ml of hydrochloric acid in a 1,000-ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume with water, and mix. Each ml of this solution contains 0.05 mg Mg.

Mercury Standard Solution

Dissolve 0.135 g of mercuric chloride in 10 ml of dilute nitric acid and sufficient water to make 1,000 ml. Dilute 10 ml of the solution with 10 ml of dilute nitric acid and water to make 1,000 ml. Dilute the second solution in same manner. Each ml of this final solution contains 0.1 μg of Hg in 1 ml. Prepare the solution fresh.

Methanol Standard Solution

To 5 ml of 0.1% methanol, add 2,5 ml of ethyl alcohol not containing methanol, and add water to 50 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.1 mg of CH3OH.

Nitrate Standard Solution

Dissolve 1.63 g of potassium nitrate in water to make 1,000 ml. To a 10 ml portion of the solution, add water to 100 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.1 mg of NO3.

Phosphate Standard Solution

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Dissolve 143.3 mg of monobasic potassium phosphate, KH2PO4, in water in a 100 ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume with water, and mix. Transfer 10.0 ml of this solution into a 1,000-ml volumetric flask, dilute to volume with water, and mix. Each ml of this solution contains 10 μg phosphate.

Potassium Phosphate, Monobasic, Standard Solution

Dissolve 4.394 g of potassium phosphate monobasic in sufficient water to make 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 1 mg of phosphate.

Selenium Standard Solution

Add 10 ml of dilute sulfuric acid (1 in 2) to 1 g of selenium. Heat to dissolve, and evaporate to dryness on a water bath. Dissolve the residue in sufficient water to make 1,000 ml. To a 10

ml portion of the solution, add water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of Se.

Thiamine Hydrochloride Standard Solution

Dissolve 0.1 g of vitamin B1 hydrochloride reference standard previously dried at 105° for 2 h, in water to make 1,000 ml. To a 10 ml portion of the solution, add water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 1 μg of vitamin B1 hydrochloride reference standard.

Zinc Standard Solution

Dissolve 4.4 g of zinc sulfate in water to make 1,000 ml. To a 10 ml portion of the solution, add water to 1,000 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 0.01 mg of Zn.


Potassium Hydroxide TS

A 6.5% w/v solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in water (approximately N).

Potassium Hydroxide TS, Ethanolic

Place a few g (5 to 10) of potassium hydroxide in a 2-litre flask, add 1 to 1.5 L of 95% ethanol and boil on a water bath under reflux condenser from 30 to 60 min. Distil and collect the ethanol. Dissolve 40 g of potassium hydroxide, low in carbonate, in 1,000 ml of the distilled ethanol keeping the temperature below 15.5° while the alkali is being dissolved. This solution should remain clear.

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Potassium Iodate TS

A 0.71% w/v solution of potassium iodate in water. Preserve in the dark.

Potassium Iodide TS

A 16.5% w/v solution of potassium iodide (KI) in water (approximately N). Store in a light-resistant container.

Potassium Permanganate TS

A 1.0% w/v solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4) in water

paperThe juice will be used to run two sub sample determinations of starch on each clone. Starch will be measured using the rapid SPRI iodometric method with minor modifications. Juice (3 ml) will be transferred to two test tubes and placed in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes to completely solubilize the starch. After boiling, the juice will be cooled on ice. After cooling, 2N acetic acid (1.2 ml), 10 % KI (0.25 ml) and KIO3 (2.5 ml) will be added in that order

1. Individual Chemicals and Products List (formerly the Master ... Jenis Berkas: PDF/Adobe AcrobatBAN 360MG (ALPHA AMYLASE). 9157. BAND-ADE SAWING FLUID ...... HYDROCHLORIC ACID,YTTRIUM SALT,KI,KIO3, +. 11338. HYDROCINNAMIC ACID - Mirip

2. Full text of "Practical physiological chemistry: A Book Designed ...  - [ Terjemahkan laman ini ] Experiments on Enzymes' 1. amylases 1. Demonstration of Salivary Amylase. 4 — To 25 cc of a 1 per cent starch paste in a small beaker, add 5 drops of saliva ... - Mirip

A buffer solution resists changes in pH when acids or bases are added or when dilution occurs. ...

Page 61: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)

The accuracy of Sigma-Aldrich analytical buffer solutionsis ensured by careful choice of the buffer substances, the useof deionized water with extremely low conductivity andsubsequent calibration of the pH value with standard buffersolutions to DIN 19266.


Promotion only available with the Promotion Code T03 until 31<sup>st August 2009 (European Customers only)

Product No. DescriptionAdd to Cart

31044-1L Buffer solution pH 1.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid / potassium chloride       31045-1L Buffer solution pH 2.0 (20°C) citric acid / hydrochloric acid / sodium chloride       31046-1L Buffer solution pH 3.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride       31103-1L Acetate buffer solution pH 4.65 sodium acetate / acetic acid       33544-1L Buffer solution pH 5.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide       33545-1L Buffer solution pH 6.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide       33547-1L Buffer solution pH 8.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid       33552-1L Buffer solution pH 13.0 (20°C) glycine / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride       33582-1L Ammonia buffer solution for complexometry, ammonium chloride / ammonia, pH 10       33643-1L Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride       33643-100ML

Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride      


Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride      

33643-5L-VP Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride       33643-10L-VP

Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride      

33646-1LBuffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) potassium dihydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate



Buffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) potassium dihydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate



Buffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) potassium dihydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate


33646-5L-VPBuffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) potassium dihydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate



Buffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) potassium dihydrogen phosphate / disodium hydrogen phosphate


33648-1L Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid       33648-100ML

Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid      

Page 62: PRAKTIKUM I revisi2(2)


Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid      

33648-5L-VP Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid       33648-10L-VP

Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax / hydrochloric acid      

33649-1L-R Buffer pH 10.00 borax / sodium hydroxide solution       33649-100ML-R

Buffer pH 10.00 borax / sodium hydroxide solution      


Buffer pH 10.00 borax / sodium hydroxide solution      

33650-1L-RBuffer solution pH 11.0 (20°C) boric acid / sodium hydroxide solution / potassium chloride



Buffer solution pH 11.0 (20°C) boric acid / sodium hydroxide solution / potassium chloride



Buffer solution pH 11.0 (20°C) boric acid / sodium hydroxide solution / potassium chloride


33651-1L Buffer solution pH 12.0 (20°C) di-sodium hydrogen phosphate / sodium hydroxide       33651-100ML

Buffer solution pH 12.0 (20°C) di-sodium hydrogen phosphate / sodium hydroxide solution


82563-1L Buffer solution pH 1.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.13 M, potassium chloride ~0.050 M       82563-50ML Buffer solution pH 1.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.13 M, potassium chloride ~0.050 M      

82564-1LBuffer solution pH 2.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.0082 M, citric acid ~0.03 M, sodium chloride ~0.061 M


82564-50MLBuffer solution pH 2.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.0082 M, citric acid ~0.03 M, sodium chloride ~0.061 M


82565-1LBuffer solution pH 3.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.040 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.021 M, sodium chloride ~0.060 M


82565-50MLBuffer solution pH 3.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.040 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.021 M, sodium chloride ~0.060 M


82566-1LBuffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.056 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.068 M, sodium chloride ~0.044 M, sodium azide ~0.05 %


82566-50MLBuffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.056 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.068 M, sodium chloride ~0.044 M, sodium azide ~0.05 %


82567-1L Buffer solution pH 5.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.096 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.20 M       82567-50ML Buffer solution pH 5.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.096 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.20 M       82568-1L Buffer solution pH 6.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.060 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.16 M       82568-50ML Buffer solution pH 6.0 (20°C) citric acid ~0.060 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.16 M      

82571-1LBuffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) sodium hydroxide solution ~0.029 M, potassium dihydrogen phosphate ~0.050 M


82571-50MLBuffer solution pH 7.0 (20°C) sodium hydroxide solution ~0.029 M, potassium dihydrogen phosphate ~0.050 M


82573-1L Buffer solution pH 8.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.021 M, borax ~0.013 M       82573-50ML Buffer solution pH 8.0 (20°C) hydrochloric acid ~0.021 M, borax ~0.013 M       82574-1L Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax ~0.013 M, hydrochloric acid ~0.0046 M       82574-50ML Buffer solution pH 9.0 (20°C) borax ~0.013 M, hydrochloric acid ~0.0046 M       82575-1L Buffer solution pH 10.0 (20°C) sodium hydroxide ~0.018 M, borax ~0.013 M       82575-50ML Buffer solution pH 10.0 (20°C) sodium hydroxide ~0.018 M, borax ~0.013 M      

82576-1LBuffer solution pH 11.0 (20°C) glycine ~0.051 M, sodium hydroxide ~0.049 M, sodium chloride ~0.051 M


82638-1L Buffer solution according to Soerensen pH 6.5       Back to Top

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Buffer Solutions, pH 1 - 4


Product #


36050Acetate buffer solution pH 4.65 sodium acetate / acetic acid, solution ready for use

31103Acetate buffer solution pH 4.65 sodium acetate / acetic acid, solution ready for use

33581Acetate buffer solution pH 4.6 for complexometry, sodium acetate / acetic acid, solution ready for use

82563Buffer solution pH 1.0 (20 °C) potassium chloride ~0.050 M, hydrochloric acid ~0.13 M

31044Buffer solution pH 1.0 (20 °C) hydrochloric acid / potassium chloride, solution ready for use

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82564Buffer solution pH 2.0 (20 °C) hydrochloric acid ~0.0082 M, citric acid ~0.03 M, sodium chloride ~0.061 M

456098Buffer solution pH 2.0 (20°C)

33541Buffer solution pH 2.0 (20 °C) citric acid / hydrochloric acid / sodium chloride, solution ready for use, with fungicide

31045Buffer solution pH 2.0 (20 °C) citric acid / hydrochloric acid / sodium chloride, solution ready for use, with fungicide

82565Buffer solution pH 3.0 (20 °C) sodium hydroxide ~0.021 M, citric acid ~0.040 M, sodium chloride ~0.060 M

33542Buffer solution pH 3.0 (20 °C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride solution, solution ready for use, with fungicide

31046Buffer solution pH 3.0 (20 °C) citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride solution, solution ready for use, with fungicide

82566Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20°C) sodium azide ~0.05 %, sodium hydroxide ~0.068 M, citric acid ~0.056 M, sodium chloride ~0.044 M

33643Buffer solution pH 4.0 (20 °C) with fungicide, citric acid / sodium hydroxide / sodium chloride solution, solution ready for use



CONTOH : BUFFER 0.2 M Na- SITRAT / HCl pH 4.5 (0.2 M sodium citrate/HCl buffer pH 4.5)

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Dikutip D.L.Bartel Internet Feb05



106.5 g dibasic sodium phosphate (anhydrous) 34.5 g monobasic sodium phosphate ( anhydrous)

Add the above to 1800 mL distilled water. Bring the final volume to 2 L. When the salts have gone into solution, adjust the pH with sodium hydroxide to between 7.2 - 7.4 This stock is kept at room temperature and is good for several weeks.

5M NaCl

292.2 g NaCl

Add the above to 800 mL distilled water. Bring final volume to 1 L. Let stir thouroughly until salt has completely dissolved. This stock is kept at room temperature and is good for several weeks.

0,1 M PBS (working soluion for immuno)

200 mL 0.5M PB stock final PB concentration 0.1 M 30 mL 5M NaCl stock final NaCl concentration 150 mM 770 mL distilled water

1 L PBS for immnuno washes