Page 1: Pre production audience  research

Here I asked whether people where interested in thriller films. I wasn’t able to compare the answers as everyone who had answered this question said yes.

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This screenshot shows that some of the results are the same. For this question the highest options were Crime and Investigation which were 40%. The other options such as A Kidnap and Revenge were 20% as well as terrorism which was 0%. Since most of our respondents picked Crime and Investigation my group an I are likely to choose one of those options or both.

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As you can see the results shown are different compared to the last one you saw. The highest result was Suspense for this question which was 80%, this shows that people who answered this questionnaire are more keen on seeing suspense therefore building suspense will be our main focus. We can use the skills and tips that Hitchcock used for creating suspense. This result was followed by Mysterious and Surprising which was 60% and Scary which was 20%. It also shows that no one thinks that anticipation makes a thriller film therefore my group will not include this.

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On this question 60% of people said that they enjoy comedy thriller which does not relate to my group’s sub-genre which is psychological thriller. This shows that in order to attract the audience our genre needs to be emphasised by creating realistic characters with psychological problems, fool the audience with the settings and make dramatic twists to the storyline. Action thriller was 40% while psychological thriller and horror thriller was 20%. We may include the other sub-genres that people picked.

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For this question I asked people what they think makes a protagonist. Every one shared their opinions and had there own view on how a protagonist is portrayed. 40% said that a protagonist is brave and always against a problem/situation. This relates to our protagonist who is brave enough to kill people and is a situation of killing more without getting caught. 20% said that the protagonist is innocent and heroic which is also typical. No-one picked psychotic which is fair because, generally protagonists are not portrayed as psychotic.

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The questionnaire clearly shows 3 options that were chosen the most. First, a lot of people said that the antagonist being evil is typical of this character. Although in our opening sequence the antagonist is not yet discovered however we can give the audience hints. Next 40% said that the antagonist should be mysterious in this way we can make this character have a secret that the audience also know. 20% said the antagonist should be powerful.

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EvaluationFrom this qualitative research I have learnt that people have different ways of seeing thriller as a genre and the characters included. People who had completed the question all said that they were interested in thriller films. This has helped me to develop my ideas because in order to produce an interesting opening sequence we have to go by what the audience expect to see in the film and characters. Although the subgenre that the majority picked doesn’t relate to our sub genre, it would hopefully persuade them to watch our film.
