
Predefined MATLAB Functions

ELEC 206

Computer Applications for Electrical Engineers

Dr. Ron Hayne

206_M3 2

Elementary Math Functions

abs(x) sqrt(x) sign(x) round(x), fix(x) ceil(x), floor(x) rem(x,y) exp(x) log(x), log2(x), log10(x)

206_M3 3

Trigonometric Functions

Angle in radians (180 degrees = pi radians) sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) asin(x), acos(x), atan(x)

Angle in degrees sind(x), cosd(x), tand(x) asind(x), acosd(x), atand(x)

angle_deg = angle_rad*(180/pi);

angle_rad = angle_deg*(pi/180);

206_M3 4

Data Analysis Functions

Minimum and Maximum max(x), [a,b]=max(x), max(x,y) min(x), [a,b]=min(x), min(x,y)

Averages median(x), mean(x), std(x)

Sums and Products sum(x), prod(x) cumsum(x), cumprod(x)

206_M3 5

Data Analysis Functions

Sorting sort(x)

Size size(x), [a,b]=size(x) length(x)

206_M3 6

Random Numbers

Uniform Random Numbers rand('seed',n), rand(n), rand(m,n) Interval 0 to 1 Interval a to b

x = (b - a)*r + a;

Gaussian Random numbers randn('seed',n), randn(n), randn(m,n) Normal Distribution

Mean = 0, Standard Deviation = 1.0 Modified Distribution

Mean = b, Standard Deviation = a x = a*r + b;

206_M3 7

Problem Solving Applied

Weather Data Problem Statement

Using the data in the file Weather_Data.xls, find the total monthly precipitation, the total precipitation for the year, and the day on which it rained the most.

Input/Output Description

Total Monthly Precipitation

Total Precipitation

Weather_Data.xlsDay of Most Rain

206_M3 8

Problem Solving Applied

Hand Example12x31 Matrix

Rows = Months Columns = Days Hundreths of inches Invalid = -99999

tot_jan = 2.72 in tot_feb = 1.66 in tot_jan+feb = 4.38 inmax = Jan 3

0 0 272 0

61 103 0 2

2 0 17 27

260 1 0 0

47 0 0 0

0 0 30 42

0 0 0 0

0 45 0 0

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 14

1 163 5 0

0 0 0 0

206_M3 9

Problem Solving Applied

Algorithm Development Import spreadsheet into matrixChange -99999 values to 0 Interchange rows and columnsMonthly Totals (inches) = sum columns/100Yearly Total = sum Monthly TotalsFind max and location

206_M3 10

MATLAB Solution

206_M3 11

MATLAB Solution


% Example 3.3 - Weather Data

% Find the total precipitation for each month, and

% for the entire year, using a data file



wd(2,29)=0; % Change -99999 values to 0







206_M3 12

MATLAB Solution

% Use transpose operator to change rows to columns

wd = wd';

% Sum of each column is sum for each month

monthly_total = sum(wd)/100

% Find the annual total

yearly_total = sum(monthly_total)

% Find the annual maximum, and month

[maximum_precip,month] = max(max(wd));

% Find the annual maximum, and day

[maximum_precip,day] = max(max(wd'));

% Print max data

maximum_precip = maximim_precip/100



206_M3 14

Manipulating Matrices

Defining Matrices A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; (2x3) A = [1 2 3;

4 5 6]; B = [1 2 3] (1x3) B = [1 2 ...

3]; C = [A; B]

= [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 1 2 3]; (3x3)

206_M3 15

Manipulating Matrices

Changing Matrices D = [3 4 5]; D(2) = 8; D =

3 8 5 D(5) = 7; D =

3 8 5 0 7

206_M3 16

Manipulating Matrices

Defining Matrices with the Colon Operator E = 1:4 E =

1 2 3 4 F = 0.0:0.5:2.0 F =

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

206_M3 17

Manipulating Matrices

Extracting Data with the Colon Operator G = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 3 4 5; 4 5 6]; x = G(3, :) x =

3 4 5 y = G(:, 2:3) y =

2 3

3 4

4 5

5 6

206_M3 18

Manipulating Matrices

Extracting Data with the Colon Operator G = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 3 4 5; 4 5 6];


ans = 4 G(7)

ans = 4


ans =











206_M3 19

Computational Limitations

Double Range 10-308 to 10+308

Exponent Overflow y = 2e200; y^2

ans = Inf

Exponent Underflow x = 2e-200 x/y

ans = 0

Double Precision eps

ans = 2.2204e-016

Divide by Zero y/0

ans = Inf 0/0

ans = NaN

206_M3 20

Special Values and Functions

Special Values pi i j Inf NaN

Special Functions clock

Year Month Day Hour Minute Seconds date


206_M3 21


MATLAB Functions Math, Trig, Data Analysis, Random Numbers

Problem Solving Applied Manipulating Matrices Special Values and Functions End of Chapter Summary

MATLAB Summary Characters, Commands and Functions

Key Terms
