Page 1: Preliminary findings of CIFOR study on REDD+ proponent challenges

Preliminary findings of CIFOR study onREDD+ proponent challenges

William D. SunderlinCIFOR COP 19/CMP 9 Event:  ‘Getting REDD+ off the ground: challenges and opportunities’

 Friday, 15 November 2013Column Hall, University of Warsaw


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Proponent challenges survey

• Respondents: 23 organizations involved in CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+

• December 2012-June 2013• Central question: What are the challenges

and opportunities in implementing of REDD+ in terms of attaining the 3Es & co-benefits?

• Objectives of study: Characterize initiatives (pressures,

interventions, etc.) Identify and rank challenges faced Document solutions envisioned

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Main sources of pressure on forests

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Implementation of interventions

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Question: “Among the interventions that have begun or are planned, which is potentially the most important for effectively reducing deforestation and

forest degradation at your site?”

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Ranking of 62 factors affecting implementation

• Method: Respondents assess degree of challenge posed by each factor (scale 1-5).

• Results:Tenure is the largest challengeRanking second: REDD+ economic policy and

disadvantageous economics of REDD+ Ranking in the top 20: technical & legal REDD+

policy; national forest & agricultural policy; governance capacity; international climate policy; national stakeholder engagement; illegal deforestation; insufficient funds

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Question: What are the national & international policy changes needed so that your project can fulfill its objectives?

• International:Almost wholesale focus on economics and fundingNeed for interim pre-compliance arrangements in run-up

to 2020 to make up for deficiencies of voluntary market• National:

Much wider thematic diversity: tenure; markets and funding; need for national plan, strategy and/or funding mechanism; jurisdictional approach

Wide differences in level and quality of cooperation with national and local government influences type of recommendations (i.e. low or high government involvement, degree of reliance on markets, etc.)

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Closing thoughts

• Disadvantageous policy and economic conditions inhibit movement to the essence of REDD+: performance-based incentives

• Some turning away from REDD+• Proponents have moved ahead anyway

largely through array of ICDP interventions• Remains to be seen if REDD+ can surmount

challenges, become fundamentally different from ICDP, and achieve what it set out to do six years ago

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For further information

Duchelle, A.E., Cromberg, M., Gebara, M.F., Guerra, R., Melo, T., Larson, A.M., Cronkleton, P., Borner, J., Sills, E., Wunder, S., Bauch, S., May, P., Selaya, G., Sunderlin, W.D. 2013. Linking forest tenure reform, environmental compliance, and incentives: lessons from REDD+ initiatives in the Brazilian Amazon . World Development

Resosudarmo, I.A.P., Atmadja, S., Ekaputri, A.D., Intarini, D.Y., Indriatmoko, Y. 2013. Does Tenure Security Lead to REDD+ Project Effectiveness?: Reflections from Five Emerging Sites in Indonesia . World Development.

Sunderlin, W.D., Larson, A.M., Duchelle, A.E., Resosudarmo, I. A. P., Huynh Thu Ba, Awono, A., Dokken, T. 2013.How are REDD+ proponents addressing tenure problems? Evidence from Brazil, Cameroon, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam . World Development.

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We thank our donors!

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