
Proposed Process and timeline to write NDP

Agree Scope of NDP and then for each issue/policy area Understand interaction with SDC Core Strategy and other

legislation where relevant Use other NDPs for reference and best practice Gather evidence to justify policy / proposals Draft NDP

Draft scope document circulated for agreement covering:

• Housing• Environment• Infrastructure and Transport• Employment and Business• Adjoining Areas

Go through area by area but have we identified all the relevant issues? Are there ones identified that are not seen as a priority? Need clear initial remit agreed by Steering Group

Priorities for new homes in terms of number, tenure and size? Need for and priority given to affordable housing for rental and

owner occupation? Potential sites for new housing and their constraints? Criteria for selecting sites and how far do we go to propose

preferred sites Phasing of new housing over the period to 2031? Policies around the development for unused farm buildings

and for brown field sites? Policies covering style, scale and materials for new housing?

What aspects of our environment do we value and is there currently sufficient protection?

Should there be further policies in the NDP aimed at strengthening their protection? Areas include– Key woodlands– Wildlife sites– Trees and hedgerows– Historic buildings– Views from the T-i-A church– Waterways– Footpaths

Are there aspects of the Tanworth village centre, which is a Conservation Area, that need tackling e.g. Traffic Management; The Green; Historic character etc.?

Proposals aimed at protecting and enhancing Earlswood lakes?

Capacity of utility and other services constrain the amount or location of new development?

Policies around provision of public services? Traffic management issues to be addressed? Provision of rail services to the Parish – Frequency of service

and facilities at stations? Proposals for improved bus services? Policies to promote and protect cycling?

Basis of the local economy and what do local employers and businesses want from the NDP?

Proposals that could help (or constrain) local employers/businesses as now?

Policies to promote or constrain potential business expansion?

What local amenities do businesses rely on and do we need proposals to amend in future?

What are the likely effects of possible developments in areas adjoining the Parish and are there any policies that the NDP could have that would mitigate those effects?

• Business expansion at Portway and Blythe Valley; • Housing developments at Dickens Heath and Cheswick

Green;• Development near Gorcott Hill; • A potential parkway railway station in the Parish

Policies and proposals must be consistent with SDC Core Strategy policies. For example

• Green Belt• Policies for Strategic Local villages• Areas of Special landscape value• Affordable housing• Biodiversity Can not develop NDP in pure isolation

Note: SDC Core Strategy may change following Inspector’s report

There are already many examples of good and bad NDPs agreed that we can use for structure and content:

• Chaddersley Corbett – Rural Community washed over by Green Belt (but rather lengthy)• Ascot and Sunningdale – Separate communities keen to maintain own identity and very comprehensive• Gnosall – Particularly strong on environmental issues• St Minver – Two parishes joining together to produce NDP• Adderbury – Rural community with significant expansion to larger surrounding conurbations

Useful examples that Working Groups can use to draft content, policy and proposals

To be robust and therefore adopted, policies and proposals must be sufficiently evidenced and verified:

• Community wide surveys• Other legislation• Infrastructure surveys / traffic counts• Census data• Use of examples of similar issues experienced by other Parishes e.g. Whitlocks End Railway station• Site specific face to face surveys• Issue specific public meetings• Site reviews

Examples of possible outcomes

• New development must be small in scale (Chaddesley )• Proposals for more car parking for the Co-op will be supported(Woodcote)• Proposals for sm. scale affordable housing on exception sites will be

supported(Woodcote) • 50% of new homes will be suitable for older people• The height of new residential buildings to be no more than two storeys high


Look to Working Groups to develop initial policies and proposals and draft

supporting evidence for consultation

Significant effort required to draft and evidence NDPNeed to consult on draft NDP around end of 2015 to submit to SDC early in 2016Further process and scrutiny likely to result in referendum mid to late 2016

Survey results obtained

Structure of plan agreed

1st Draft NDP

Finalise NDP for submission to SDC




Draft ToR Agreed

Key policy proposalsEvidence gathering and policy development


Agree strategy for consultation

Agreed NDP for Consultation

Jun-15 Sep-15 Jun-16