  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Transcultural NursingTheoryDr. Madeleine Leininger


    Presented by:

    HAZEL T. UTUTALUM, R.N.,R.M.,.M.N.PhD, Nursing

    University of the Phi i!!inesM"ni "

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Beginnings Tr"ns#u tur" Nursing Theory

    %n &id '()*+s, or-ing ith &edsurgi#" !"tients she beg"n to re" i/e

    ho the #on#e!t of hu&"n #"re "si&!ort"nt in nursing.After 00%%, she or-ed "s " # ini#"s!e#i" ist in #hi d &ent" he" th in "#hi d guid"n#e #enter.1hi dren ere fro& #u tur" y diverseb"#-grounds due to i&&igr"tion

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Beginnings 23#ont4

    5eg"n to noti#e beh"vior" di6eren#es "nd7uestioned the #u tur" "s!e#ts of thesedi6eren#es in re "tion to #"re.

    8e"r#hed the -no n !sy#ho"n" yti# "nd&ent" he" th theories.Her #ontinued observ"tions, 7uestioning,"nd in-ing the #on#e!ts of hu&"n #"re "nd#u ture ed to her est"b ishing the theory of#u ture #"re 9 tr"ns#u tur" nursing.31"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L., **;4.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Transcultural Nursing

    Theory The u ti&"te go" of the theory is to !rovide #u tur"#ongruent nursing #"re !r"#ti#es. %f one fu ydis#overs #"re &e"nings, !"tterns, "nd !ro#ess, one#"n e

    Nursing #"re &ust be b"sed on -no edge bye

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    The Culture Care Theory

    (a.k.a.)defines nursing as a learned scientific andhumanistic profession that focuses on humancare phenomena and caring activities inorder to help, support, facilitate, or enablepatients to maintain or regain health inculturally meaningful ways, or to help themface handicaps or death.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    !ri"ary The"es andthe #unrise Model

    The #on#e!t of #u ture "sderived fro& "nthro!o ogy "ndthe #on#e!t of #"re "s derivedfro& nursing.a CONCEPTUAL MODEL ofnursing developed by LEININGERto depict the components of theCULTURAL CARE DIVERSITY AND UNIVERSALITY theory of nursing.

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    The #unrise Model

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    De%nitions Caring > "#tion or "#tivity to "rds !roviding #"re.Care > "ssist others ith re" or "nti#i!"ted needsto !ro&ote he" th 9 e ness.Culture > Le"rned, sh"red, 9 tr"ns&itted v" ues,

    be iefs, nor&s of " grou! th"t in?uen#es beh"vior. Cultural Care > "s!e#ts of #u ture th"t in?uen#eor en"b e " !erson to de" ith i ness or de"th.&ulture care di'ersity and uni'ersalityDiversity > di6eren#es in &e"nings, v" ues, or #"re of di6erentgrou!s of !eo! e.

    Universality > #o&&on #"re or si&i "rities "&ong #u tures. @3To&ey 9 A igood, **'4

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    De%nitions (cont) Nursing > e"rned !rofession ith " dis#i! inedfo#us on #"re !heno&enon. @ 0or dvie >!erson" vie of &e"ning of ife.Health > st"te of e being th"t is #u tur" yde=ned "nd v" ued by the #u ture. 3To&ey 9A igood, **'4.

    1u tur" Pers!e#tives:Emic- refers to "n insider+s vie s "nd -no edgeof the #u ture.

    Etic &e"ns the outsider+s vie !oints of the#u ture "nd re?e#ts &ore on the !rofession""ng es of nursing. 31"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L.,


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    De%nitions• Cultural and Social Structure Dimensions

    in# ude f"#tors re "ted to s!iritu" ity, so#i"stru#ture, !o iti#" #on#erns, e#ono&i#s,edu#"tion" !"tterns, te#hno ogy, #u tur"v" ues, "nd ethnohistory th"t in?uen#e #u tur"res!onses of !eo! e ithin " #u tur" #onte

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    De%nitions• Cultural Care Accomodation or Negotiation r efers

    to #re"tive nursing "#tions th"t he ! !eo! e of "!"rti#u "r #u ture "d"!t or negoti"te ith others in thehe" th#"re #o&&unity in "n e6ort to "tt"in the sh"redgo" of "n o!ti&" he" th out#o&e for !"tients of "design"ted #u ture.

    • E

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing



    Nursing > e"rned !rofession ith "dis#i! ined fo#us on #"re !heno&enon. !orldvie" > !erson" vie of &e"ningof ife. Health > st"te of e being th"t is#u tur" y de=ned "nd v" ued by the#u ture. 3To&ey 9 A igood, **'4.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Transcultural Theory

    &once ts Uses #u ture to underst"nd beh"vior.A #u tures "re not " i-e.

    1u ture in?uen#es " s!heres of ife.

    %t de=nes he" th, i ness, "nd the se"r#h for re ief fro&dise"se or distress.

    E"#h !erson vie ed "s uni7ue ith di6eren#es th"t "reres!e#ted.

    1u tur" 1o&!eten#e is i&!ort"nt in nursing.

    %t is " #o&bin"tion of #u tur" y #ongruent beh"viors,!r"#ti#e "ttitudes, 9 !o i#ies th"t " o nurses to or-e6e#tive y in #ross #u tur" situ"tions. @ 8"g"r, *' 4

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    #tate"ents Dr. Leininger #riti/es the &et"!"r"dig& #on#e!tsof nursing, !erson, he" th "nd environ&ent

    Nursing "s " dis#i! ine "nd " !rofession "nd the ter&Cnursing #"n not e

    The #on#e!t of Che" th is not distin#t to nursing "s &"nydis#i! ines use the ter&.

    %nste"d of Cenviron&ent Leininger uses the #on#e!tCenvironmental context” hi#h in# udes events ith&e"ningF "nd inter!ret"tionsF given to the& in !"rti#u "r!hysi#" , e#o ogi#" "nd so#io!o iti#" "nd or #u tur"settings. 38"g"r, *' 4

    A!"rt fro& #u ture "nd environ&ent" #onte

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Three (*) Modalities@Dr. Leininger does not use the ter& nursingintervention be#"use it #o&&uni#"tes the ide"s of#u tur" interferen#e "nd i&!osition !r"#ti#es. @ 8he

    prefers t he #"re &od" ities ter& be#"use it h"s "#onnot"tion of nurse "nd individu" or-ing togetherto i&! e&ent #"re. 31"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L., **;4.

    These &odes h"ve subst"ntive y in?uen#ed nurses+"bi ity to !rovide #u tur" y #ongruent nursing #"re "ndh"ve fostered the deve o!&ent of #u tur" y#o&!etent

    nurses. 31"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L., **;4. The three &odes &od" ities for guiding nursing #"re Gudg&ents, de#isions, or "#tions to !rovide"!!ro!ri"te, bene=#i" "nd &e"ningfu #"re:

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    +. &ultural !reser'ation

    or MaintenanceProfession" "#tions "nd de#isions th"the ! !eo! e of " !"rti#u "r #u ture to

    ret"in "nd or !reserve re ev"nt #"rev" ues so th"t they #"n &"int"in theire being, re#over fro& i ness, or f"#e

    h"ndi#"!s "nd or de"th. Nurse shou d

    be non Gudg&ent" "nd shou d not tethe& th"t their "y is rong.31"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L., **;4.

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    +++. &ultural &aree atterning estructurin

    gProfession" "#tions "nd de#isions th"t he !# ients reorder, #h"nge, or gre"t y &odify their

    ife "ys for ne , di6erent, "nd bene=#i" he" th#"re !"tterns hi e res!e#ting the # ient+s #u tur"v" ues "nd be iefs "nd sti !roviding &orebene=#i" or he" thier ife "ys th"n before the#h"nges ere est"b ished ith the # ients.

    The nurse #ou d sho the !"tient " di6erent

    &edi#ine "nd give the& infor&"tion #on#erningthe ne &edi#ine su#h "s it h"s he !ed her "ndothers to he" . E

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    Lin/ages et een the&once ts 1"re is the essen#e "nd #entr"fo#us of nursing

    1"ring is essenti" for he" th "nde being, he" ing, gro th,

    surviv" , "nd for f"#ing i ness orde"th.

    1u ture #"re is the bro"destho isti# !ers!e#tive to guide

    nursing #"re !r"#ti#es.Nursing+s #entr" !ur!ose is toserve hu&"n beings in he" th,i ness "nd if dying.

    There #"n be no #uring ithout thegiving "nd re#eiving of #"re.

    Every hu&"n #u ture h"s fo -re&edies, !rofession" -no edge"nd !rofession" #"re !r"#ti#esth"t v"ry.

    5ene=#i" he" thy, s"tisfying#u tur" y b"sed nursing #"reenh"n#es the e being of # ients.

    C1"re h"s the gre"test e!iste&i# "nd onto ogi# e

    1ons#ious y "ddresses the f"#t th"t #u ture "6e#ts nurse # iente

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    De'elo "entsDr. Leininger initi"ted the est"b ish&ent of the: @ 1o&&ittee onNursing "nd Anthro!o ogy @

    %n '(II, the %ntern"tion" Asso#i"tion for Hu&"n 1"ring "sfor&ed @ En#our"ges s#ho "r y e

  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    De'elo "ents (cont)

    Culture Care D !er" ty a#$ U# !er"al ty% A Theory o& Nur" #' A definitive source on the Theory of Culture Care Diversity andUniversality. E plains the theory!s philosophical base, tenets, purpose, and

    goal, and presents the ethnonursing "ualitative research method. #evenclassic research studies are presented to demonstrate the use of thetheory and methodology in achieving culturally congruent nursing care.Tables depict research findings on the cultural values of $% differentcultures. &eininger is professor emeritus of nursing and founder of theTranscultural 'ursing and (uman Care )esearch. This is a re*release of a

    boo+ previously published in -- by the 'ational &eague for 'ursing,#/' 0*112%2*3 -*2.Copyright 4 $005 /oo+ 'ews, nc., 6ortland, 7)6aperbac+8 5%$ pages6ublisher8 9ones : /artlett 6ublishers; st edition

    #/'8 02?%2 1$35

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  • 8/19/2019 Presentation Transcultural Nursing


    e erences 1"&eron, 1. 9 Lun", L. 3 **;4. LeiningerFs tr"ns#u tur" nursing. %nKit/!"tri#-, @ @ . . 9 0h" , A. L., 1on#e!tu" &ode s of nursing: An" ysis "nd "!! i#"tion 3!.'JJ4. U!!er 8"dd e River, N : Pe"rson Prenti#e H" . K orid" At "nti# University. 3 *'', M"r#h ';4.

    The M"de eine M. Leininger 1o e#tion on Hu&"n 1"ring "nd Tr"ns#u tur" Nursing, #ir#" '(;* .Retrieved fro& htt!: nursing.f" u! o"ds do#s ; J Leininger M AR1**I enDes#r.!df.8"g"r, P. L. 3 *' 4.

    M"de eine Leininger Theory, %n Tr"ns#u tur" nursing theory 9 &ode s: A!! i#"tion in nursing

    edu#"tion, !r"#ti#e, 9 "!! i#"tion 3!!.' 'O4. Ne or-, N : 8!ringer Pub ishing 1o&!"ny. To&ey9 A igood. 3 **'4.

    M"de eine LeiningerFs #u ture #"re: Diversity "nd univers" ity theory. Underst"nding the 0or- ofNurse Theorists, 3!. ()4. Retrieved fro& htt!: nursing.Gb!ub.#o& sit/&"n #h';!df.!df 0einer, .,M##onne , D. ., L"te ", ., 9 Ludi, E. 3 *' 4

    . 1u tur" "nd re igious #onsider"tions in !edi"tri# !" i"tive #"re. P" i"tive 8u!!ort 1"re. ''3'4:)J QJ. doi: '*.'*'J 8')JI(;';''**'* J. ouTube. 3 *' , "n. ;4.

    M"de eine Leininger %ntervie P"rt '. Retrieved fro& .youtube.#o& "t#h v ) To uthZS ouTube. 3 *' , "n. ;4. M"de eine Leininger %ntervie P"rt . Retrieved fro& htt!:

    .youtube.#o& "t#h v Q
