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By Angie Quilla

Career Project I

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About Me…..

• Lifestyle Choices-Independence and Achievement

A big part of my life is being independent and not having to lean on others for support. Its not pride, but knowing that you can live on your own not needing the support of anyone else. Relying on somebody can lead to them controlling what you do in life. Achievement is also a very important life choice to me. Having a job in which I know I have accomplished something important that can help people is an amazing feeling.

• Learning Style- Visual learner Being a visual learner means that I am more comfortable learning by seeing it being accomplished in front of me. This isn't saying that seeing is the only way I can learn but just that it’s easier and faster.

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About Me…..

• Work Values-Integrity Being surrounded by people not only that you trust but that are loyal and trust worth is healthy. I would enjoy being in a job in which I feel I'm around mature adults. • Unique Qualities- Fast learner

Many people don’t believe me when I tell them this but absolutely love to learn. I am fond of the idea that there are so many things someone can accumulate into there brains. But this must also be because I am very competitive, hens the reason why I do track and field. This quality is what makes it harder for me to decide what career I want to have in the future because I can do any job because I will learn it fast and put all I have into it. Math, Science, Language and History I enjoy doing all those subjects.

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Environmental Economist• What They Do-An environmental Economist studies the affect the environment will have towards the economy. From projects to policy, theses economists will scrutinize the current or potential use of resources and will advise the public, governments and business leaders on the resulting environmental effects.

• Why This Career is For Me-This career would involve working outside and a nice amount of traveling. I would enjoy working outside because I wouldn’t feel as if I was stuck inside all day. I am also fond of the environment and would like to inform people that the environment isn't just the place where we live and that we should take care of but that it also affects the economy and other organisms on the planet. Two work values are independence and achievement that really relate to me.

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Pharmacist • What They Do-A pharmacist is an important medical worker who aids physicians, dentists and veterinarians by dispensing appropriate medications to patients. Some pharmacists may also specialize in pharmaceutical research, or in marketing and sales of particular medications for a company. Many in this field work in drug, department or retail store settings, and many more work in hospital settings. They are specialists in their knowledge of medications, and must always be furthering their education in this area since new medications are developed all the time.

• Why This Career is for Me-I would like this job because it involves more socializing which is also a quality of job I’m looking for. I wanted a job that involved medicine but wasn’t a doctor because that would involved to many years of school and I wanted to settle down quick. Pharmacy involves only 5 years of school with some annual

medicine conference because there are always new medicine.

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Physical Therapist

• What Do They Do-A Physical Therapist job involves helping patientsrecover from an injury of a physical disability thatthat impacts there mobility. This is on of the most one-to-one careers there is. This job doesn't just involve helping the patient walk or move again but help them mentally. Two work values are relationship and achievement.

• Why this Career is for Me-I always wanted a job in which I would love going to everyday, and this might be one of them. Waking up in the morning and knowing your going to help someone is and amazing feeling. Once you have helped your patient recover of to a state in which they feel better you know you have achieved one of the hardest tasks in the world. The relationship that grows with a patient is very hart warming and makes the job even more enjoyable.

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Water Resource Specialist• What Do They Do-Conduct, or oversee the conduct of, investigations on matters such as water storage, wastewater discharge, pollutants, permits, or other compliance and regulatory issues. Develop plans to protect watershed health or rehabilitate watersheds. Develop strategies for watershed operations to meet water supply and conservation goals or to ensure regulatory compliance with clean water laws or regulations.

• Why This Career is for Me-Like I said before, I am fond of jobs where I know I have achieved something that will help people. If we didn’t have water resource specialist there would be much more people without water. This career would involve much traveling which is another factor I'm looking for in myfuture job. The work values for this career are achievement and working conditions. Two values that are veryImportant to me.

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Film Director • What Do They Do-

A film's director is involved in every basic stage of its production. Being a director requires the ability to visualize how a script will be acted out, and the perseverance to see a long-term project through to the end. It’s an incredibly demanding job and one that requires creative vision, strong leadership and the ability to be a consummate storyteller. As such, the director must visualize and define the style and structure of the film and then bring this vision to reality. A director’s main duties include casting, editing scripts and composing, selecting and editing shots. Directors must also be aware of the constraints of budget and schedule. Ultimately, directors are responsible for the artistic and commercial success or failure of a film or television show (continue).

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Film Director (cont.)

• What Do They Do- Aside from possessing creative vision, directors must also understand the entire filmmaking process, which includes technical know-how. Attention to detail, the ability to remain calm and rational under pressure and be a strong leader as well as a team player are key skills for this job. Since there is so much responsibility involved with the job of being a director, it requires the ability to know when and what to delegate to others. Many times that’s where the assistant director comes in.

• Why is This Career for Me-I have always had this career in the back of my mind. I am tremendously fond of movies and how they are made. The feelingthat you get after seeing a great movies I an amazing emotion. I am an imaginative and creative person witch are the Characteristics needed in a film director. The only reason why I think this career might not be my first choose is because I like being the best in what I do and I believe that I wont be the best director. The most known and recognized director is Steven Spielberg and if I ever choose to become a Director I would want to be as known and appreciated as he is.

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Aerospace Engineer

• What Do they Do- An aeronautical engineer oversees the research and development of different types of aircraft. He or she works with advanced computer software to design new crafts, create detailed schematics, and conduct simulated test runs. The engineer also supervises workers as they build prototypes and models, ensuring that all elements are constructed exactly to specifications. Aeronautical engineers work in many different settings, including military agencies, government air and space programs, and private aircraft manufacturing plants.

• Why is This Career For Me- I have always loved to build things when I was younger, from building to cars to plains. I was thinking about having a civil engineer as one of my first chooses but I feel that becoming and aerospace engineer would be much more of an obstacle. I do want a job where I have to think and solve hard problems. This job also involves creativity and lab work which are two things I would love to do.

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Top Three Careers

Environmental EconomistWhy?Because I love the environment andwould want to let people know that its not only where we live but it affects our economy also.

Aerospace EngineerWhy?I enjoy building new things and seeing them impact

the world in a good way. I would love to see a satellite or something of that sort fly to space and know that a part of me it out there.

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Top Three Careers (cont.)

Film DirectorWhy?Because I love movies. Movies have been something that me and my father always discussed about, its something that brings us together. I would love to have a career where I remember my childhood. If I don’t end up being a film director I would enjoy another job that

involves movies, like a film critic, graphic designer, audio, or film editor or even make up for actors.