
Presidents Day!

Presidents Day!George WashingtonAbraham LincolnCoins Monuments1 point1 point1 point1 point2 points2 points2 points2 points5 points5 points5 points5 points10 points10 points10 points10 points

What is gold and ivory?Abraham Lincoln was the ____ President.Examples: First, second, third, fourth, etc.

Thomas Jefferson is on the ____.

This monument in Washington D.C. is very tall.It hurts your neck to look up when you stand next to it!

George Washingtons fake teeth were made of ___ and _____.

Abraham Lincoln helped to free these people.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt is on the _____.

The 50 flags around the Washington Monument represent the 50 ____.

George Washington bravely fought in this war.

Abraham Lincoln used to store papers in this article of clothing.

These two presidents are on a coin and a bill.

This monument for four presidents was carved into a mountain in South Dakota.It was very dangerous to make!

George Washington was the only President who didnt live in Washington D.C. because this building wasnt finished yet.

Abraham Lincoln was a _____ before he was President.

On the back of this coin you can use a magnifying glass to see the statue of a president inside a monument.

The Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Jefferson Memorial are all made out of this expensive material.

