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Page 2: Press release kit v3 - Buddha Teas · “ While in Mauritius , in a supermarket, I came across the Buddah Teas stand with all the 7 Chakra teas beautifully displayed, it was certainly

Welcome To A New World Of Teas

Buddha Teas was created by John Boyd, a UK native now based in California, USA. John’s passion to create a tea that is not only healthy but also delicious led him to create this product, a tea focused on benefitting the consumer in a healthy manner with the use of only organically grown or wild harvested ingredients. This human centred approach to tea is something that aligned perfectly with South African distributor Karmen Fieldgate.

Bringing Buddha Teas To South Africa

The brainchild of Karmen Fieldgate and her company Pro Reliant Trade and Investments.

This is what Karmen had to say about her experience with Buddha Teas.

“ While in Mauritius , in a supermarket, I came across the Buddah Teas stand with all the 7 Chakra teas beautifully displayed, it was certainly eye catching - It looked colourful, pretty and interesting.”

Knowing the Chakras and their benefits when balanced, I bought one of each tea and brought them home to SA - I love the tea, the tastes are all superb and one definitely feels a difference after drinking the specific tea for each chakra - the tea is all organic and the teabags are unbleached - so chemical free - when I needed more teas I enquired at various health stores but none sold them so I contacted the Buddha Teas Company and I have brought them to SA - I am sure they are going to be enjoyed by SA as much as I enjoy them”

+27 (0) 824951481


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Table of contents








Extracting an “essence” of a stone may sound woo-woo to those unfamiliar with using such an inanimate object when intending mental, emotional, or physical healing.

In crafting our Chakra Tea line, our production team places the desired gemstone or crystal inside the container of dried herbs, where its essence is actually infused in the blend. In this way, while enjoying the benefits of the herbal infusion, you also take in the healing properties of the accompanying stone.

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The 7 Chakras and Each Tea

The Root Chakra

When your root chakra is in balance, you feel safe in the world, and free to trust in ways that allow you to take healthy risks, knowing that all will be well.

If you regularly suffer anxiety, fear, or perhaps bad dreams while you sleep, or if you are dealing with issues of the bladder, colon, or low back and feet, you might want to focus some healing attention on your root chakra. Rather than seeking safety in the outside world, it might be wise at this time to explore your inner world, with meditations that help you connect to a higher power, or other entityyou envision as God, Spirit, or simply Consciousness.

As our root chakra helps you stay in touch with energies of the earth, we feel it is important to offer teas that keep you in touch with our roots in nature.

Our Root Chakra Tea is made using 100% organically grown and harvested herbs, never mixed with any fillers or added flavorings. Our bleach-free tea bags keep our teas chemical-free, allowing you to enjoy every herb as it was meant to be experienced.


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The Sakral Chakra

The second chakra focuses on creativity, sensuality, and our connection with others. This expertly designed herbal blend is designed to assist you as you flow your way to sacral chakra health.

The 2nd chakra is named sacral chakra for a reason, as it is located in the lower abdominal region, and “inner pelvis,” as some describe. Ensuring the health of Svadhisthana should be a priority to those who might be feeling stuck in a cycle of low energy, depression, or even workaholic tendencies. Those with digestive, urinary and kidney issues, and low back trouble, as well as those who consistently find themselves in challenging relationships, or no relationships, should consider putting attention on healing this chakra.

However, for thousands of years, people have indeed utilized gemstones and crystals for this exact purpose. Whether practitioners place the stones on the subject’s body while conducting a session, or a person wears jewelry containing a particular stone, or even carries one or more in a pocket, using stones and crystals to facilitate wellbeing is definitely not new, and most assuredly not as esoteric as you might think.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

This invigorating, solar plexus blend, enlivened with the essence of citrine, provides a truly unique tea experience that facilitates those wishing to connect with their power center.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, or 3rd Chakra, is considered the place where the ego lives. When you’re confronted with injustices, either aimed at yourself or another, do you speak up with confidence and calm? Is your “gut” in good working order? (Both metaphorically, as well asphysically.) If you can’t answer yes to both of these questions, you might consider spending some time fortifying and balancing your 3rd Chakra.

When in harmony, this spot, located in the middle of the abdomen (think naval), uses its earned wisdom to transform judgment into respect, greed into compassion, and envy into generosity.


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The 4th Chakra

The 4th Chakra is a vital chakra to work with, and centers on all aspects of love. This tea is carefully crafted with herbs attuned to the 4th Chakra, and includes the essence of rose quartz.

The 4th Chakra, located in the heart center, specifically at the first through third thoracic vertebrae, is considered the place where emo-tional healing blooms. If lower chakras clear the way to attain human perfection, it is here in the area of the 4th chakra where the magic truly begins.

Although many people spend their childhoods seated heavily in their emotions, by the time puberty hits, we begin to close down. When we enter adulthood, most of us have lost our feelings of emotional safety in the world, and we can further hurt ourselves by not practicing vulnerability.

An exquisite blend of herbs has been crafted specifically to resonate with, and empower, the 4th chakra. Centered around the berries and leaves of hawthorn, this tea also features the soothing qualities of lavender, jasmine, and hyssop. Crafted together into one harmonious blend, 4th Chakra Tea may be just what you need to help replenish the energy of this cen-tral chakra, and rediscover thelove within yourself.

The 5th Chakra

Powerful throat-centered herbs, and the essence of aquamarine fortify our 5th Chakra Blend to assist those seeking to heal and balance issues dealing with communication, creativity, and self-expression.

Known as vishuddha, meaning “voice and truth,” this chakra is located in the throat, and is the center of our communication. This chakra focuses on assisting with giving voice to thoughts, and is key to developing and maintaining confidence in one’s ability to speak up, to speak one’s truth. When your 5th chakra is out of balance, communication may become difficult, and you may struggle to say what you mean, or to reveal your truth. When meditating to balance this chakra, think or speak out loud, I speak my truth; I heal myself.

As this chakra dwells in the throat, the herbs in this blend were selected to support voice and truth. This dynamic blend is centered on lico-rice root, marshmallow leaf and fennel seed, along with a number of other ingredients specially attuned to this chakra. A hint of orange peel and cinnamon provides a delightful balance, creating a robust and invigorating healing tea.


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Crown Chakra

This 7th chakra can be described as the crown of spiritual understanding. Located at the top of the chakra ladder, the ingredients within our Crown Chakra Tea have been carefully chosen for their resonance with the crown energy center.

Known as sahasrara, in the order of chakras, the crown chakra is the seventh and final one. The crown chakra is located at the top of the head, is represented by the blooming lotus, and, driven by consciousness, has the function of connecting us to that which is considered universal. Its location, as the name implies, is on top of the head, and just above, like a crown with golden rays emanating upwards. This 7th chakra, when balanced, allows you to tune directly into your highest self. A balanced crown chakra can lead to feelings of

completion, and a consistent sense of bliss. While sipping on this tea, try repeating within or out loud,I understand. If spiritual ecstasy is your goal, this is the tea to assist you on your journey.

This blend of herbs was crafted to support self and spiritual connection. Its three simple ingre-dients highlight rose petal, offering those who seek out this exquisite flavor a valuable tea to include in their tea collection. Balanced with-lavender, and a nice pinch of nutmeg, we can describe this tea as a delicate, floral brew to help you focus on yourlightness of being.

Third Eye Chakra

This chakra, located between the eyebrows, highlights insight, knowledge, and wisdom. Third Eye Chakra Tea is crafted from herbs intended to open the third eye energy center.

Known as ajna, the center of insight and intuition, the third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows, and, sometimes is described as being located behind the eyes, in the middle of the head. This chakra is the main point of intuition, focus, knowledge, and when attuned, can assist with comprehending the big picture. An imbalance of this chakra may lead to poor decision-making, self-doubt, and self-deception. When not balanced, this chakra will also likely cause sleep disturbances, as it is associated with the pineal gland, where sleep is regulated. If you desire cultivating mystical experiences, it is suggested that working with the third chakra can help take you there. A useful affirmation to concentrate on while meditating with this chakra is: I see.

With chakra teas it is helpful to have an affirmation while enjoying a cup. Sip and repeat, “I am clear.” Awaken your mind with this invigorating combination of herbs to support insight and intuition. Steep for 3-6 minutes. This full bodied tea produces an earth tone of pinewood. The aroma is warming, and best described aswoody with an undertone of mint. Spearmint uplifts and fills the first sip withcooling mint, followed by and hint of Jasmine Flower. Star Anise deepens the middle notes with a dulcet woodiness that exudes subtle sweetness. The finish has a very mild grassiness from Passion Flower and tapers off with a delicate bitterness of Eyebright.


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Chakra Teas Press Release 2018


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The 4 CBD Teas

Unimposing yet statement-making, our CBD Matcha Green Tea takes you on a silky journey through enlightened realms of pleasure. Sourced from Japan, Matcha’s place of origin, from the first sip you will settle into the moment with elevated calm. Crafted to include 5 mg of water-soluble CBD per cup, this luscious blend will carry you energetically throughout the day.

*Finally, our CBD Chamomile Blend Tea has been tested to reveal zero percent THC.

Organic CBD Chamomile Blend

Cultivated throughout the world, and used medicinally in ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, chamomile has earned global popularity for its calming effects. Paired with healing lemon balm, and a hint of lavender, we’ve added 5 mg water-soluble CBD to each tea bag. This CBD Chamomile Blend Tea might be the smoothest, most nurturing cup of tea you’ll ever enjoy.

*Finally, our CBD Chamomile Blend Tea has been tested to reveal zero percent THC.

Organic CBD Matcha Green Tea


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Organic CBD Turmeric & Ginger Tea

Used medicinally for thousands of years, turmeric is widely known as a powerful anti-in-flammatory and antioxidant, whose earthy notes settle the mind and calm the soul. When combined with spicy ginger, and assisted by black pepper, the healing po tential magnifies. Add 5 mg of water-soluble CBD, and the results are a stunning cup of ancient, yet modern delight.

*Finally, our CBD Chamomile Blend Tea has been tested to reveal zero percent THC.

Organic CBD Peppermint Tea

Smooth and pure, clean and invigorating, the flavor profile of our CBD Peppermint Tea will pleasantly surprise and delight. Traditionally known to aid digestion, peppermint also boasts the medicinal reputation to cool the body and reduce stress. Sound like a miracle? With 5 mg of water-soluble CBD added to the cup, we think you’ll say, yes!

*Finally, our CBD Chamomile Blend Tea has been tested to reveal zero percent THC.

When choosing a tea to drink that includes CBD, we have taken chemistry into consideration. Naturally, you don’t want the exquisite experience of enjoying a cup of Buddha Teas turned into a science project, but here’s the deal: not all CBD-infused teas are the same. The truth is, CBD oil-based teas can’t extract in hot water. Crafted using nanosized particles of water-soluble CBD, our innovative process ensures that the CBD we claim to include in our tea bags actually ends up in your tea. With water-soluble, bioavailable CBD, you can feel confident that the CBD extracts into the hot tea, which allows your body full delivery, providing it with the most benefits possible.


Water-Soluble vs. Oil Based CBD

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CBD Teas Press Release 2018


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The Crystals

Root Chakra Stone


You probably know that garnets are red, the colour representing the root chakra. What you may not be aware of is this gemstone’s reputation as the “commit-ment stone,” which encourages one to trust love, prac-tice honesty, and let go into the human need to intimately connect with another.

Sacral Chakra Stone Moonstone

Often associated with fertility and sensuality, moon-stone encourages us to go with the flow. This iridescent

gemstone, often white, but also orange, pink, and even gray, is known to offer both protection and healing,

helping to inspire a sense of calm, and relax erratic and irrational emotional responses.

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Solar Plexus Chakra Stone


Known to cultivate imagination and personal power, this luminescent, golden-yellow stone brings the subtle power of its transformative nature to the user’s intend-ed outcome. Keeping a small citrine gemstone in your pocket helps illuminate your natural tendency towards happiness and abundance.

4th Chakra Rose Quartz

A gentle and appealing pink stone, this crystal is called a stone of the heart, bearing an energy of compassion,

tenderness, and emotional healing.

5th Chakra


This brilliant gem, ranging in color from sea green to vibrant blue, is known as the stone of courage and inner peace. Its influence can help to liberate an anxious tongue and free the voice to speak clearly and with confidence.

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Third Eye Chakra


Most commonly depicted with the color purple, or blueish purple, the third eye chakra's aura has been seen as translucent, or blueish white. Some have even described this area as having the energy of moonlight.

Crown Chakra Amethyst

Typically, lavender represents the color for the crown chakra, though white is often considered as well.

Widely known in the world of crystals as one of the most beloved stones when seeking healing of any kind, the purple amethyst remains the perfect match for our

supreme Crown Chakra Tea.

Find out more by visiting

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+27 (0) 824951481


Press Release Kit | Buddha Teas South Africa | Designed by Focal Shift Communications