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COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

PR Final Project

Developing a Digital Press Room

Students will work in assigned groups of 2 (3 ifnecessary) to develop a digital media kit andpress room.

Press Rooms will include five (5) components:

1. A digital Media Kit

2. A Press Release (hard copy and digital)

3. List of publics (hard copy)

4. 3 news articles: print article, web article,magazine highlight, infographics, video orradio spots etc.

5. Creative Presentation

Page 2: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]


Each pair will choose to focus on:

• A non-profit

• Public figure -or-

• Corporation

Page 3: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Submitting Your Project

• All projects must be submitted in

class the same day as your

presentation in hard copy.

(Press Release, list of publics and

the media kit)

• Projects must also be emailed on

the same day to

[email protected]

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COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Component 1

Outline your Media Kit.

What will you need?

At MINIMUM each kit will include:

• Company History/Overview

• Company Mission and Vision

• Important Biographies

• Company logo and branded imagery

• Contact information

• Awards and Recognition

• Social Media

Page 5: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Component 2: Formatting The

Press Release

• Your Press Release MUST

announce something!

• Press Releases must conform to AP

style guidelines as Correct spelling,

grammar and punctuation is

important in all work. The Writing

Lab at St. Edward’s University may

also be used as a resource in this


Page 6: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

PR Paper Formatting

• Each release MUST be written in

Times New Roman, 12 pt font.

• You may double space.

• Do NOT massage margins. (1” only)

• NO folders.

• Please staple your release in the

upper left-hand corner

• Follow the proper formatting and

style for Press Releases as given in

Assignment 2

Page 7: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

For The Email…

• For the email submission, name your

file with your first initial, last name,

plus topic abbreviation (e.g.,


use a “#” in document title).

Please save the paper in “.doc”

format, not “.docx” – this will make

my life easier.

Page 8: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Component 3: Publics

Please list out ALL intended publics

and audiences. These need to be as

specific as possible and include a

rationale. (Meaning, why are these

your publics? REMEMBER THESE ARE


Page 9: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Component 4:

• Media Coverage

For this part of the project you will need

to create 3 news clips. These can be

anything from a radio spot, video,

infographic, blog, print news article,

photo slideshow etc.If you have any

questions or ideas, please come talk

with me to discuss.

Page 10: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Component 5: Creative


• Final presentations: Each will be to

15-20 minutes, depending on the

size of the project team. No reading

from papers will be allowed.

Students are expected to dress

appropriately. (This may or MAY

NOT mean business professional-

think creatively!) Each group

member is expected to contribute

and present equally.

Page 11: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Class Work Days

• 11.22

(we may have other work days)

Please bring your laptops and be

prepared to work in class.

Page 12: PRFinalProject

COMM 2337


ProjectClass 20

Fall 2011


[email protected]

Final Schedule


Groups 1,2


Groups 3,4,5,6


Groups 7,8,9,10,11