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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Pricing Strategies

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Fatores na fixação de PreçoFatores na fixação de Preço

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Market Structure

Perfect Competition

Monopolistic Competition




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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Perfect Competition

Many buyers and sellers Buyers and sellers are price takers Product is homogeneous Perfect mobility of resources Economic agents have perfect knowledge Example: Stock Market

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Single seller and many buyers No close substitutes for product Significant barriers to resource mobility

Control of an essential input Patents or copyrights Economies of scale: Natural monopoly Government franchise: Post office

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Few sellers and many buyers Product may be homogeneous or

differentiated Barriers to resource mobility Example: Automobile manufacturers

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Monopolistic Competition

Many sellers and buyers Differentiated product Perfect mobility of resources Example: Fast-food outlets

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Market Structure ,Pricing decisions

Market structure and pricing decisions are closely


The degree to which the firm gets to choose price is

determined in large part by market structure

There are two extreme cases: perfect competition

and monopoly

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Perfect Competition

Conditions necessary:

Large numbers of buyers and sellers

Homogeneous product

Free entry and exit

Perfect information

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Perfect Competition

Demand curve for any given firm is horizontal. Price is set by market at Pe

Firm can sell as much or as little as desired at market price, but nothing if they raise P.





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Conditions necessary Single seller of product No close substitutes Significant barriers to entry

There are few examples of perfect competition and pure monopoly.

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Pricing in Perfect Competition

Do not choose price. Choose output quantity. What will be our profit (loss) from our output

decision? Should we produce now? (SR) Should we stay in the industry? (LR)

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Costs at different levels of production

Cost per unit at different levels of production

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Pricing in a Monopoly

Profit maximization will be achieved by setting price so that MC=MR.

It is not reached by setting price as “high as possible.”

Like any firm, the monopolist is constrained by their demand curve.

One cannot choose both P and Q.

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Price Discrimination

Selling the same good to different people at different prices

Conditions necessary: Identifiable customer groups with differing price

elasticities Maintain separation of groups--prevent resale.

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Types of Price Discrimination First degree

Identify and charge each customer what they are willing to pay

Limit: D = MR, no consumer surplus. Second degree

Quantity discounts. Volume purchases are given lower prices. Need to measure goods and services bought by consumers.

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Types of Price Discrimination

Third degreeSegment markets in some way. Charge

all in the segment the same prices. Treat each segment as a separate

market– then do MR=MC in each

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Oligopoly Strategies

Common theme - Rivalrous behavior Pricing - limit pricing - set prices low as signal

to possible entrants or other competitors your willingness and ability to defend your market share.

Must have credibility.Trading SR profit for more profits later

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Oligopoly Strategies

Use the legal / regulatory systems

File patent application

File regulatory challenge

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Oligopoly Strategies

Capacity and production

Announce capacity expansion

Revise/modify products - more

difficult to copy Advertising

Raise cost of entry for others

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Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition Most industries are one or the other

Oligopoly: many heavy manufacturing Autos, steel, chemicals, pharmaceuticals

Monopolistic Competition Service companies, retail stores, large

corporations (McDonald’s, Wendy’s)

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Pricing Strategies

Profit maximizing rule: Set production at level where MR = MC

Non - Maximizing pricing rules there are a variety of these

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Pricing Strategy

How does a company decide what price to charge for its products and services?

What is “the price” anyway? doesn’t price vary across situations and over time?

Some firms have to decide what to charge different customers and in different situations

They must decide whether discounts are to be offered, to whom, when, and for what reason

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Why is Pricing Important?

In a company with average economics*, 1% increase in volume = 3.3% increase in

profit 1% increase in price = 11.1% increase in

profit Improvements in price typically have 3-4

times the effect on profit as proportionate increases in volume.

*Based on average of 2,463 companies

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Price vs. Nonprice Competition

In price competitionprice competition,, a seller regularly offers products priced as low as possible and accompanied by a minimum of services

In non price competitionnon price competition, a seller has stable prices and stresses other aspects of marketing

With value pricingvalue pricing, firms strive for more benefits at lower costs to consumer

With relationship pricing,relationship pricing, customers have incentives to be loyal-- get price incentive if you do more business with one firm

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Nonprice Competition

Some firms feel price is the main competitive tool, that customers always want low prices

Other firms are looking for ways to add value, thereby being able to avoid low prices

Sometimes prices have to be changed in response to competitive actions

Many firms would prefer to engage in non non price competitionprice competition by building brand equity and relationships with customers

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Steps for Determining Prices

Establish Pricing Objectives Increase sales

volume? Prestigious image? Increase market


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Steps for Determining PricesStudy CostsStudy Costs

Can you make a profit?

Can you reduce costs without affecting quality or image?

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Steps for Determining Prices

Estimate Demand What do customers

expect to pay? Prices usually are directly

related to demand.

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Steps for Determining PricesDecide on a

Pricing Strategy Price higher than the

competition because your product is superior

Price lower, then raise it once your product is accepted

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Steps for Determining Prices

Set PriceMonitor and evaluate its effectiveness

as conditions in the market change

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Product and Pricing Strategies

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Other Pricing StrategiesOther Pricing Strategies





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Price Adjustment StrategiesPrice Adjustment Strategies

Discount PricingDiscount Pricing


Dynamic PricingDynamic Pricing

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Pricing Strategies

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Penetration Pricing

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Penetration Pricing

Price set to ‘penetrate the market’

‘Low’ price to secure high volumes

Typical in mass market products – chocolate bars, food stuffs, household goods, etc.

Suitable for products with long anticipated life cycles May be useful if launching into a new market

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Market Skimming

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Market Skimming High price, Low volumes

Skim the profit from the market

Suitable for products that have short life cycles or which will face competition at some point in the future (e.g. after a patent runs out)

Examples include: Playstation, jewellery, digital technology, new DVDs, etc.

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Value Pricing

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Value Pricing

Price set in accordance with customer perceptions about the value of the product / service

Examples include status products/exclusive products

Companies may be able to set prices according to perceived value.

Title: BMW At The Frankfurt Auto Show. Copyright: Getty Images, available from Education Image Gallery

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Loss Leader

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Loss Leader

Goods/services deliberately sold below cost to encourage sales elsewhere

Purchases of other items more than covers ‘loss’ on item sold

e.g. ‘Free’ mobile phone when u fill petrol of Rs 500 at Reliance petrol pump.

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Psychological Pricing

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Psychological Pricing

Used to play on consumer perceptions

Classic example - $9.99 instead of $10.00!

Odd-even: $5.95, $.79, $699 OR $12, $50

Multiple Unit-3 for !1.00 better than $.34 each

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Psychological Pricing

Odd-Even PricingOdd numbers convey a bargain

image -- $.79, $9.99, $699

Even numbers convey a quality image -- $10, $50, $100

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Psychological Pricing

Prestige Pricing – sets a higher than

average price to suggest status

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Psychological Pricing

Multiple-Unit Pricing – 3 for $.99Suggests a bargain and helps

increase sales volume.Better than selling the same items

at $.33 each.

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Psychological Pricing

Everyday Low Prices (EDLP) – set on a consistent basis

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Going Rate (Price Leadership)

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Going Rate (Price Leadership)

In case of price leader, rivals have difficulty in competing on price – too high and they lose market share, too low and the price leader would match price and force smaller rival out of market

May follow pricing leads of rivals especially where those rivals have a clear dominance of market share

Where competition is limited, ‘going rate’ pricing may be applicable – banks, petrol, supermarkets, electrical goods – find very similar prices in all outlets

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Tender Pricing

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Tender Pricing

Many contracts awarded on a tender basis

Firm (or firms) submit their price for carrying out the work

Purchaser then chooses which represents best value

Most government contractsA European consortium led by Airbus recently won a contract to supply refuelling services to the RAF – priced at £13 billion!

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Price Discrimination

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Luiz Afonso dos Santos Senna - PhD

Price Discrimination

Charging a different price for the same good/service in different markets

Requires different price elasticity of demand in each market

Air/rail First class Business class Economy class

Prices for rail travel differ for the same journey at different times of the day

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Discounts and Allowances

Cash Discounts – offered to buyers to encourage them to pay their bills quickly.2/10, net 30

Quantity Discounts – offered for placing large orders

Trade Discounts – the way manufacturers quote prices to wholesalers and retailers.

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Promotional Pricing -- Used with sales promotion Loss Leader Pricing – offering very

popular items for sale at below-cost prices

Special-EventBack-to-school specialsDollar daysAnniversary sales

Rebates and Coupons

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Discounts and Allowances

Seasonal Discount – offered outside the customary buying season

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Discounts and Allowances

Allowances – go directly to the buyer. Customers are offered a price reduction if they sell back an old model of the product they are purchasing

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Destroyer Pricing/Predatory Pricing

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Destroyer/Predatory Pricing

Deliberate price cutting or offer of ‘free gifts/products’ to force rivals (normally smaller and weaker) out of business or prevent new entrants

Anti-competitive and illegal if it can be proved

Typical of oligopoly with collusionMicrosoft – have been accused of predatory

pricing strategies in offering ‘free’ software as part of their operating system – Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player - forcing competitors like Netscape and Real Player out of the market

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Predatory Pricing

The practice of charging a

very low price for a product

with the intent of driving

competitors out of business or

out of a market.

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Absorption/Full Cost Pricing

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Absorption/Full Cost Pricing

Full Cost Pricing – attempting to set price to cover both fixed and variable costs

Absorption Cost Pricing – Price set to ‘absorb’ some of the fixed costs of production

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Marginal Cost Pricing

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Marginal Cost Pricing

Marginal cost – the cost of producing ONE extra or ONE fewer item of production

MC pricing – allows flexibility Particularly relevant in transport where fixed costs may be

relatively high

Allows variable pricing structure – e.g. on a flight from London to New York – providing the cost of the extra passenger is covered, the price could be varied, a good deal to attract customers and fill the aircraft.

Get one extra student and get fees discount.

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Target Pricing

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Target Pricing

Setting price to ‘target’ a specified profit level Estimates of the cost and potential revenue at

different prices, and thus the break-even have to be made, to determine the mark-up

Mark-up = Profit/Cost x 100

This strategy is used by many clothes retailers where they can add upto 60% mark-up on the basic cost of the clothes. So even with a 50% sales offer they still make a profit!
